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MED264: Principles of Biomedical Informatics
Michael Hogarth, MD, FACP
Professor, Internal Medicine
Professor and Vice Chair, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
PI, California Electronic Death Registration System (CA-EDRS)
The birth of “public health”
• Dr. Chadwick
– Secretary for the British Poor-Law
– Demonstrated the value and need for
information that could be obtained
from a vital records process.
• 1836 – the birth of modern “vital
– following a cholera epidemic of 1831
– the UK enacted a registration law
creating a central register office with
responsibility for records and
statistics of births, marriages, and
deaths in England and Wales
The UK Public Health Act of 1848
• Sir Edwin Chadwick published a
widely read and important report
on sanitation and disease
– felt that disease was the main cause
of poverty, hence preventing
disease would reduce poverty.
• Chadwick led the creation of the
Public Health Act of 1848
– created a General Health Board to
oversee sanitation
• Included mechanism for local
boards of health to be created
with an appointed medical officer
– established several an important
precedent for government to
oversee sanitation as a way of
reducing the burden of disease
Snow and the Theory of Disease
London Cholera Outbreak 1854 Snow’s map of cases
Dr. John Snow (1813-1858)
Vital Records and Public Health
• William Farr, in 1838, became
the first medical statistician in
the General Register Office for
England and Wales
• instrumental in using statistics
to study the health of
• Set up a system for routinely
recording causes of death
• Used this data (vital statistics)
to compare mortality rates
across different occupations
• Instrumental in the creation of
ICD – international
classification of disease
Data, Statistics, and Improving the Public’s Health
• Florence Nightingale (1820-
• The first “public health
• Believed statistics could lead
to improvements in health
care practices
• Developed the “Model
Hospital Statistical Form” to
collect and generate data to
perform statistics and identify
areas for improvement
• Founded a the first formal
nursing training program
(Nightingale School for
Nurses, King’s College,
U.S. Vital Statistics Reporting - 1890
Public Health and Improving Population Health
• Improved Sanitation
– Sewage treatment
– Potable water
• Vaccination
– Small pox, polio, diphtheria,
whooping cough, tetanus,
influenza, measles, mumps,
– Pneumonia, haemophilus
influenza, herpes zoster,
• Surveillance
– Monitoring
– Serologic and Microbiologic
• Providing safety net care
– County health programs
The Value of Public Health
The Role of Data in Public Health
• Data acquisition and analysis are fundamental
to public health practice
• Public health data to public health practice is
akin to vital signs in individual patient practice
Collecting Data Example – California
Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Informing Policy Makers and the Public
Opening up data 
California Open Data – Sept 2014
Este Geraghty, MD, MPH,MS,GISP
The Role of Informatics in Public Health
• Health data is critical to public health practice
• Information management, information science,
and information technology are key functions in
public health
– Data collection systems
– Information representation
• coding, data elements, metadata
– Data management
• storage, archiving
– Computer security for digital data
• policies, security procedures
Public Health one of the first use computers
• 1938 – Illinois Dept. of Public
Health acquires an IBM
tabulation system for vital
statistics (Lumpkin. Public Health
Informatics and Information Systems. 2002)
• 1951 – US Census Bureau used
the first computer (ENIAC) to
tabulate the census
IBM 285
Common Informatics Activities
• Public health informatics planning and policy
– Strategic planning – to align with org
– Policy development – privacy, legal, ethics
• Information Management infrastructure
– Analytics platform (SPSS, SAS)
– Data Set acquisition, curating, distribution
• Information Technology Infrastructure
– Geographic Information Systems
• To support professional GIS analysts
• Provide infrastructure for information dissemination
– Information technology services coordination
• Public health application development, support – ELR, eVitalRecords, IIS
• Web site management
• Coordinating the installation/operation of other public health systems
• Managing/coordinating electronic medical record systems for clinical care
HI-TECH and Public Health
1. Meaningful Use public
health “menu options”
– Electronic laboratory
– Immunization information
2. State Health Information
Exchange (HIE)
– Universal adoption of HIE
within the state prior to 2015
– Grant program administered
by HHS and funded by ARRA
MPH 210
Core Public Health Information Systems
• Vital Records Systems
• Immunization Registries
• Disease Surveillance Systems
• Electronic Laboratory Reporting Systems
• Disease Registries (cancer, etc..)
• Health Information Exchanges (HIE)
• Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
Example: Vital Record Systems
Vital Records Systems
• Vital “Statistics”
– “statistics” = ‘data about the state’
– originated from:
•need to track populations and their status (health)
•need to officially record lineage and thus ownership and
• “Vital Records” systems are managed in public
health and typically consist of:
– birth certificates
– death certificates
– marriage certificates
US Vital Statistics System
• 1632: Virginia - first state to legally require registration of
vital events (birth, death, marriage)
• 1902: US Bureau of the Census authorized to obtain
annual copies of records filed in the vital statistics offices
of states having adequate death registration systems
• 1915: National birth registration collection authorized
• 1933: All states reporting both birth and death events
NCHS Data Files
NCHS National Death Index File
Available to investigators solely for
statistical purposes in medical and
health research.
Not accessible to organizations or the
general public for legal,
administrative, or genealogy
Standard Birth and Death Certificates
• These are ‘model’ certificates offered to states
in order that there is uniformity in data
collection making it easier to aggregate at the
federal level
• Last revision - 2003
Natality Data and Public Health
• Natality Files
– Teen childbearing
– Non-marital childbearing
– Pre-term birth
– Low birthweight
– Cesarean delivery
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Number of births
Birth rate
Number of births and birth rates for teenagers
aged 15-19 years: United States, 1960-2000
Death Files and Public Health
• Death Statistics Files
– Cause-of-death trends
– Leading causes of death
– Life expectancy
– socio-economic factors
– Demographic variation
Problems with Vital Statistics Today
• Federal government issued reports on
national birth and mortality statistics lag 12-15
• A significant amount of the information
reported is also collected as part of medical
care (the medical record) – but the certificate
and medical record are often contradictory
and not equivalent!
• Registration is mostly a manual process even
Electronic Birth Registration March 2011
Electronic Death Registration in the US Today
Death Registration in California Today
• In 2005, California
implemented an electronic
death registration system
• Today, 99.8% of all deaths
are registered electronically
• The system contains death
certificate data for over 2.1
million deaths since 2005.
Example: Immunization Registry
Immunization Information Systems
• What are they?
– Confidential, population-based, computerized
information systems that attempt to collect
vaccination data about all residents within a
geographic area
• Advantages of IIS:
– Significantly reduces paperwork and staff time for
schools, doctors, public health
– Assists in reminding parents of needed immunizations
– Allows public health to monitor immunizations
Example: State Cancer Registry
SEER -– Cancer Registry Data
• Surveillance Epidemiology and End
Results (SEER)
• Since 1973, an national cancer
registry run by the National Cancer
• Collects and publishes cancer
incidence and survival data
• Derives data from a set of local
cancer registries covering 26% of the
• NCI staff work with the North
American Association of Central
Cancer Registries (NAACCR) to
develop guidelines on the data to be
National Health Information Network
• NHIN should “be a decentralized architecture built
using the Internet linked by uniform communications
and a software framework of open standards and
• 2005: ONC awards contracts to develop prototype
• 2006: Executive order requires federal agencies
dealing with health information to adhere to national
interoperability standards
• 2008: ONC announced NHIN CONNECT with 20
federal agencies being interconnected on “the NHIN”
NHIN → HealtheWay
What is GIS?
“Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) are
computer based systems
for the integration and
analysis of geographic
Cromley and McLafferty. GIS and Public Health.
2002. Guilford Press
Key Functions of a GIS System
• Ability to store or compute and display spatial
relationships between objects on a digital map
• Ability to store attributes of those objects
• Ability to analyze spatial and attribute data in
addition to managing and retrieving data
• Ability to integrate spatial data from different
Goodchild, MF. GIS and geographic research. In J. Picles (Ed.), Ground truth: The Social
Implications of geographic information systems (pp31-50). New York. Guilford Press. 1995
GIS Layers
• GIS systems typically
store information about
the world in layers
• Each layer has additional
geospatial objects
• One can add/remove
layers in a GIS system
• As layers are added, a
picture of the real world
GIS Data and Image Basics
• Ways GIS systems represent geospatial objects
– Vector Data
• geometric approximations of objects on the earth
• Objects are described by their type, and their geometric
• The GIS system uses this information to ‘draw’ the objects
with correct proportions and geographic orientation
– Raster Data
• Data is stored in as individual pixels, which individually carry
color and position information
• Provides more of a ‘real world’ view – looks like a satellite
Vector Data
• Vector data provides a way of representing
real world features in terms of their geometry
– “a sketch” of the real feature
• Vector data includes geospatial attributes that
describe the feature
• The geometry
– Made up of one or more vertices
– A vertex describes a position in space using an x,y
coordinate system
Types of Vector Geospatial Objects
• Vector point
– Consists of a single vertex
– A single point on the map
• Polyline
– Consists of two or more vertices with the first and last
vertices not being the same
• Polygon
– Four or more vertices are present
– Last vertex is the same as the first (closed the loop)
Vector Object Types
T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Vector Layers
Vector map with road Road layer only
T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Adding data attributes to vector objects
• Vector object data comes in two types:
– (1) geospatial data about the object
– (2) additional data related to the object
• This is the “secret sauce” of GIS – it is a
geospatial *database*
– Allows for a broad variety of analyses regarding
geospatial objects and attribute data such as disease
conditions, etc..
– Allows for map-based visualization of disease patterns
or other information
Combining geospatial and disease data
Other data related
to the object
T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Geospatial Objects and their Data
Raster Data
• Raster data is used when
information is contiguous
across an area and is not
easily divided into vector
• Raster data set is
composed of rows and
columns of pixels, with
the value in the pixel
representing some
characteristic (snow level,
temperature, depth, etc..)
T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Sacramento Area Raster image:
created with Google Earth
Raster Data
• Provides for analysis
that cannot be done
easily with vector data
– Water flow over land to
calculate watersheds
– Identification of areas
where plants are
growing poorly
– Areas of deforestation
– Areas under risk of
What is surveillance?
“the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and
interpretation of outcome-specific data for use
in planning, implementation, and evaluation of
public health practice”
Thacker SB, Berkelman RL. Public health surveillance system in the United States. Epidemiol Rev. 1988; 10:164-190
Disease Surveillance – the basics
• Disease surveillance is a critical function in public
• Several types of surveillance systems
– Sentinel surveillance systems
•Collect/analyze data from a select group of institutions
– Household surveys
•Population based, monitoring of a disease/condition
– Laboratory-based surveillance
•Reporting the genetic variability of an agent
– Integrated disease surveillance and response
•Use data from health facilities, labs, etc...
•Monitor communicable diseases
National Notifiable Disease Surveillance
System: A History
• 1878: Congress authorizes the US Marine Hospital
Service to collect morbidity reports on cholera,
smallpox, plague, and yellow fever from US consuls
• 1893: Expanded to include data from states for this
list of “notifiable diseases”
• 1912: state and public health service begin reporting
– 5 diseases by telegraph
– 10 diseases by letter
CDC Notifiable Diseases
CDC Surveillance Systems and Programs
• CDC has over 30 surveillance programs and systems
• Here are some examples
– 121 cities mortality reporting system
– Active Bacterial Core Surveillance
– Border Infectious Disease Surveillance Project
– Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (Foodnet)
– Waterborne-Disease Outbreak Surveillance System
– Public Health Laboratory Information System (PHLIS)
Categorizing Surveillance Systems
• Rapid (Early) Recognition Disease Surveillance
– Surveillance for a disease that demands early detection and fast
countermeasures to avoid high mortality“
– Premium placed on early detection – tapping data streams for a pattern that we
believe means disease *outbreak* (the signal)
– Typically need immediate input from multiple disparate data sources that are
associated with behavior or actions typically occurring because of the outbreak
– Informatics impact: Access to absenteeism data, over-the-counter medications
for “the cold”, clinical encounter types, patient ‘complaints’ (symptoms –
syndromic surveillance).
• Exposure/Disease Monitoring Surveillance System
– Surveillance for a disease that results from prolonged exposure to causal factors
– Premium placed on understanding the association of a causal factor with the
– Typically need long term longitudinal data for causal factors
– Example: Cancer Registries
– Informatics impact: Access to longitudinal data (clinical encounters, cumulative
CT radiation dose, etc..)
Early Recognition Surveillance
• Goals: Reduce the number of cases of a
disease by
– Rapid administration of prophylaxis: administering
the most effective prophylaxis (if it exists) to the
right people in the quickest way possible
– Enable “social distancing” to reduce the spread of
the disease
• Systems typically built to tap multiple types of
information, including chief complaints in the
ED (“syndromic surveillance)
Why is Early Recognition surveillance
so important?
• We live in a time of rapid
travel between large
urban areas – perfect
conditions for a killer
communicable disease
• 2009 H1N1 Influenza A
pandemic had a mortality
rate of only 0.01% (1 in
10,000) yet it killed
14,000 worldwide in a
few months...
61 million infected
The big threat....a viral pandemic
• 1918 Influenza pandemic
– 20% fatality rate
– 50 million died (3% of the
world population of 1.86
• Avian flu (H5N1)
– H5N1 has a 60% fatality rate
(three times that of 1918 virus)
– So, 3x3%=9% of 7 billion 
630 million deaths
– Wild type Avian Flu, so far, has
not demonstrated the ability to
have airborne spread, but......
• Dec 2011 - Dr. Fouchier of
Erasmus Medical Center
modified H5N1 (avian flu) such
that it gained the ability to latch
onto cells in the respiratory
passage ways (making it
H5N1 - electron micrograph
1918 pandemic victim
Public Health Information Systems and Data Standards in Public Health Informatics
Public Health Information Systems and Data Standards in Public Health Informatics
Key Aspects of “Early Recognition”
• Defining “Signals”
– Are we talking about the same thing?
– Are we defining it the same way?
• Signal Detection
– “how do I set thresholds?”
• Signal Characterization
– “so what should we do?”
Mirhaji. Public health meets translational informatics: A desiderata. JALA 2009;14:157-70
Examples of Early Recognition Surveillance
• Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality Surveillance
– 122 cities, vital statistics offices report total number of death
certificates received and the number for which pneumonia or
influenza was listed as the underlying cause or a contributing cause to
the death
• ILINet
– 3,000 healthcare providers (The US Influenza Sentinel Provider
Surveillance Network) across all 50 states, DC, territories reporting
Influenza Like Illness cases from over 30 million patient visits annually
• Foodnet
– Surveillance on campylobacter, cryptosporidium, cyclospora, Listeria,
Salmonella, Toxin producing E-Coli, Shigella, Vibrio Cholera, Yersinia
diagnosed by laboratory testing of samples from patients
121 Cities Mortality Reporting System
• Reports from vital records
offices for jurisdictions that
have one of the 121 cities
• In place for 40+ years
Sentinel Provider Network (ILINet)
• Interested providers (hospitals,
doctors, nurse practitioners) and
enroll them into the CDC sentinel
provider network
• Goal - one reporting sentinel provider
for every 250,000 residents
• Smaller states – minimum of 10
sentinel providers
• Sentinel Provider
– Any specialty (nursing homes, prisons do not
– ILI Case Definition: fever >100F and cough or
sore throat
– Data collection: summary data each week,
total patients, age groups
– Collection of respiratory specimens sent to
state lab
• 12 million patients visits per year
The CDC’s FluView
• A weekly influenza surveillance
• Consolidates 5 sources of
– rate of influenza positive
specimens (US virologic
surveillance system)
– proportion of deaths attributed to
influenza (P&I 122 cities rep)
– pediatric deaths from influenza
– Proportion of outpatient visits for
influenza-like illness (from ILINet’s
Sentinel Network providers)
– State map showing geographic
spread of Influenza
• Not very automated.... Requires
manual collection and
submission of data
Syndromic Surveillance
• “the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis,
interpretation, and application of real-time (or
near real time) indicators for diseases and
outbreaks that allow for their detection before
public health authorities would otherwise note
• Emphasizes
– Timeliness of inbound data (real-time)
– Automated analysis
– Visualization tools
Lee, LM editor. Principles and Practice of Public Health Surveillance, 3rd Ed. Oxford Press. 2010
Data Sources and “Syndromic
Surveillance” systems
Yan, Chen, Zeng. Syndromic surveillance systems: Public health and biodefense.
Ann Rev Inf Science and Technology. Vol 32. 2008
Challenges with ED Encounter Data
• If data is coded
– Code mismatch
• The use of different coding systems, or different versions of the same
coding system across the various source sites
• If data is not coded (common)
– Misspellings: 10-20% of common words are misspelled in
hospital records
– Abbreviations: 20% of all words in chief complaints were
nonstandard abbreviations or acronyms
– Negatives: “no fever present” can be a challenge to process
correctly (NegEx – an open source negation detection module
for clinical natural language processing)
– Extraneous characters: often cause challenges for natural
language processing systems in detecting word boundaries and
the “part of speech” for the word or phrase (verb, noun, etc..)
Hauentstein, et al. In Disease Surveillance: A Public Health Informatics Approach. Edited by Lombardo J, Buckeridge DL. Wiley
Publishers. 2007
BioSense 1.0
• National lab test orders
and results
• DoD and VA sentinel
clinical data
• Clinical lab orders
• Advice nurse call line
• Lab Response
Network (Biowatch)
• Over-the-counter drug
Biosense 2.0
Biosense 2.0
Scope of PHIN
5 public health functional areas
1. Detection and monitoring
2. Data analysis
3. Knowledge management
4. Alerting
5. Response
9 IT functions
To support these 5 public health functions, the CDC
has developed specifications for nine IT functions:
1. Automated exchange of data between public
health partners
2. Use of electronic clinical data for event detection
3. Manual data entry for event detection and
4. Specimen and lab result information management
and exchange
5. Management of possible case, contacts, and
threat data
6. Analysis and visualization
7. Directories of public health and clinical personnel
8. Public health information dissemination and
9. IT security and critical infrastructure protection
PHIN Reportable Condition Messages
PHIN Reportable: Tb Notification
Immunizations HL7 Messages
CDC Implementation Guide Message Types Involved
• VXU – unsolicited request
immunization record
• VXQ – unsolicited
immunization record update
• QBP – Query by parameter
• RSP – Respond to QBP
• ADT – Admit, Discharge,
Transfer message
• ACK – Acknowledgement
Standardizing Lists of Vaccines and Manufacturers
Standard vaccine codes (CVX) Standard manufacturer codes (MVX)
Example Immunization Information System HL-7
MSH|^~&||GA0000||VAERS PROCESSOR|20010331605||ORU^RO1|20010422GA03|T|2.3.1|||AL|
PID|||1234^^^^SR~1234-12^^^^LR~00725^^^^MR||Doe^John^Fitzgerald^JR^^^L||20001007|M||2106-3^White^HL70005|123 Peachtree St^APT
3B^Atlanta^GA^30210^^M^^GA067||(678) 555-1212^^PRN|
NK1|1|Jones^Jane^Lee^^RN|VAB^Vaccine administered by (Name)^HL70063|
NK1|2|Jones^Jane^Lee^^RN|FVP^Form completed by (Name)-Vaccine provider^HL70063|101 Main Street^^Atlanta^GA^38765^^O^^GA121||(404) 554-9097^^WPN|
ORC|CN|||||||||||1234567^Welby^Marcus^J^Jr^Dr.^MD^L|||||||||Peachtree Clinic|101 Main Street^^Atlanta^GA^38765^^O^^GA121|(404) 554-
9097^^WPN|101 Main Street^^Atlanta^GA^38765^^O^^GA121|
OBR|1|||^CDC VAERS-1 (FDA) Report|||20010316|
OBX|1|NM|21612-7^Reported Patient Age^LN||05|mo^month^ANSI|
OBX|1|TS|30947-6^Date form completed^LN||20010316|
OBX|2|FT|30948-4^Vaccination adverse events and treatment, if any^LN|1|fever of 106F, with vomiting, seizures, persistent crying lasting over 3 hours, loss of
OBX|3|CE|30949-2^Vaccination adverse event outcome^LN|1|E^required emergency room/doctor visit^NIP005|
OBX|4|CE|30949-2^Vaccination adverse event outcome^LN|1|H^required hospitalization^NIP005|
OBX|5|NM|30950-0^Number of days hospitalized due to vaccination adverse event^LN|1|02|d^day^ANSI|
OBX|6|CE|30951-8^Patient recovered^LN||Y^Yes^ HL70239|
OBX|7|TS|30952-6^Date of vaccination^LN||20010216|
OBX|8|TS|30953-4^Adverse event onset date and time^LN||200102180900|
OBX|9|FT|30954-2^Relevant diagnostic tests/lab data^LN||Electrolytes, CBC, Blood culture|
OBR|2|||30955-9^All vaccines given on date listed in #10^LN|
OBX|1|CE30955-9&30956-7^Vaccine type^LN|1|08^HepB-Adolescent/pediatric^CVX|
OBX|3|ST|30955-9&30959-1^Lot number^LN|1|MRK12345|
OBX|4|CE|30955-9&30958-3^ Route^LN|1|IM^Intramuscular ^HL70162|
OBX|5|CE|30955-9&31034-2^Site^LN|1|LA^Left arm^ HL70163|
OBX|6|NM|30955-9&30960-9^Number of previous doses^LN|1|01I
OBX|7|CE|CE|30955-9&30956-7^Vaccine type^LN|2|50^DTaP-Hib^CVX|
OBX|8|CE|30955-9&30957-5^ Manufacturer^LN|2|WAL^Wyeth_Ayerst^MVX|
OBX|9|ST|30955-9&30959-1^Lot number^LN|2|W46932777|
OBX|10|CE|30955-9&30958-3^ Route^LN|2|IM^Intramuscular^HL70162|
Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR)
Death Certificates - ICD
• Causes of Death are coded using the International
Classification of Disease, 10th edition (ICD-10)
• ACME – Automated Classification of Medical Entities
– Developed to improve consistency
– Developed with experienced nosologists
– SuperMICAR: a software system that automates the
classification and allows the use of literal text from the
death certificate
• Used today to expedite the coding of causes of death on certificate
information submitted by states to the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS).
• A one-stop shop for obtaining vocabularies
related to public health
• Main purpose is to distribute value sets
developed by the CDC for use in v2.x and CDA
messages in public health
• 592 value sets supporting 60 HL7 and CDA
message implementation guides
• Value sets are function specific and derived from
a number of vocabularies (LOINC, SNOMED, CPT,
ICD, etc..)
VADS Microorganism Value Set
What’s next?
ICD-11 by 2017
(18months after US implements ICD-10)
ICD 11
• Foundation = ICD Concepts
• Linearization=A specific list for a
particular Purpose (primary care,
cause of death, etc...)

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Public Health Information Systems and Data Standards in Public Health Informatics

  • 1. PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DATA STANDARDS IN PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATICS MED264: Principles of Biomedical Informatics Michael Hogarth, MD, FACP Professor, Internal Medicine Professor and Vice Chair, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine PI, California Electronic Death Registration System (CA-EDRS)
  • 3. The birth of “public health” • Dr. Chadwick – Secretary for the British Poor-Law commission – Demonstrated the value and need for information that could be obtained from a vital records process. • 1836 – the birth of modern “vital records” – following a cholera epidemic of 1831 – the UK enacted a registration law creating a central register office with responsibility for records and statistics of births, marriages, and deaths in England and Wales
  • 4. The UK Public Health Act of 1848 • Sir Edwin Chadwick published a widely read and important report on sanitation and disease – felt that disease was the main cause of poverty, hence preventing disease would reduce poverty. • Chadwick led the creation of the Public Health Act of 1848 – created a General Health Board to oversee sanitation • Included mechanism for local boards of health to be created with an appointed medical officer – established several an important precedent for government to oversee sanitation as a way of reducing the burden of disease
  • 5. Snow and the Theory of Disease London Cholera Outbreak 1854 Snow’s map of cases Dr. John Snow (1813-1858)
  • 6. Vital Records and Public Health • William Farr, in 1838, became the first medical statistician in the General Register Office for England and Wales • instrumental in using statistics to study the health of populations • Set up a system for routinely recording causes of death • Used this data (vital statistics) to compare mortality rates across different occupations • Instrumental in the creation of ICD – international classification of disease
  • 7. Data, Statistics, and Improving the Public’s Health • Florence Nightingale (1820- 1910) • The first “public health informaticist” • Believed statistics could lead to improvements in health care practices • Developed the “Model Hospital Statistical Form” to collect and generate data to perform statistics and identify areas for improvement • Founded a the first formal nursing training program (Nightingale School for Nurses, King’s College, London)
  • 8. U.S. Vital Statistics Reporting - 1890
  • 9. Public Health and Improving Population Health • Improved Sanitation – Sewage treatment – Potable water • Vaccination – Small pox, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella – Pneumonia, haemophilus influenza, herpes zoster, hepatitis • Surveillance – Monitoring – Serologic and Microbiologic testing • Providing safety net care – County health programs
  • 10. The Value of Public Health
  • 11. The Role of Data in Public Health • Data acquisition and analysis are fundamental to public health practice • Public health data to public health practice is akin to vital signs in individual patient practice
  • 12. Collecting Data Example – California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
  • 13. Informing Policy Makers and the Public
  • 14. Opening up data 
  • 15. California Open Data – Sept 2014 Este Geraghty, MD, MPH,MS,GISP
  • 16. The Role of Informatics in Public Health • Health data is critical to public health practice • Information management, information science, and information technology are key functions in public health – Data collection systems – Information representation • coding, data elements, metadata – Data management • storage, archiving – Computer security for digital data • policies, security procedures
  • 18. Public Health one of the first use computers • 1938 – Illinois Dept. of Public Health acquires an IBM tabulation system for vital statistics (Lumpkin. Public Health Informatics and Information Systems. 2002) • 1951 – US Census Bureau used the first computer (ENIAC) to tabulate the census IBM 285 Tabulator (1936)
  • 19. Common Informatics Activities • Public health informatics planning and policy – Strategic planning – to align with org – Policy development – privacy, legal, ethics • Information Management infrastructure – Analytics platform (SPSS, SAS) – Data Set acquisition, curating, distribution • Information Technology Infrastructure – Geographic Information Systems • To support professional GIS analysts • Provide infrastructure for information dissemination – Information technology services coordination • Public health application development, support – ELR, eVitalRecords, IIS • Web site management • Coordinating the installation/operation of other public health systems (STEVE, EVVE, NEDSS) • Managing/coordinating electronic medical record systems for clinical care
  • 20. HI-TECH and Public Health 1. Meaningful Use public health “menu options” – Electronic laboratory reporting – Immunization information systems 2. State Health Information Exchange (HIE) – Universal adoption of HIE within the state prior to 2015 – Grant program administered by HHS and funded by ARRA
  • 22. Core Public Health Information Systems • Vital Records Systems • Immunization Registries • Disease Surveillance Systems • Electronic Laboratory Reporting Systems • Disease Registries (cancer, etc..) • Health Information Exchanges (HIE) • Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
  • 23. Example: Vital Record Systems
  • 24. Vital Records Systems • Vital “Statistics” – “statistics” = ‘data about the state’ – originated from: •need to track populations and their status (health) •need to officially record lineage and thus ownership and entitlements • “Vital Records” systems are managed in public health and typically consist of: – birth certificates – death certificates – marriage certificates
  • 25. US Vital Statistics System • 1632: Virginia - first state to legally require registration of vital events (birth, death, marriage) • 1902: US Bureau of the Census authorized to obtain annual copies of records filed in the vital statistics offices of states having adequate death registration systems • 1915: National birth registration collection authorized • 1933: All states reporting both birth and death events
  • 27. NCHS National Death Index File Available to investigators solely for statistical purposes in medical and health research. Not accessible to organizations or the general public for legal, administrative, or genealogy purposes.
  • 28. Standard Birth and Death Certificates • These are ‘model’ certificates offered to states in order that there is uniformity in data collection making it easier to aggregate at the federal level • Last revision - 2003
  • 29. Natality Data and Public Health • Natality Files – Teen childbearing – Non-marital childbearing – Pre-term birth – Low birthweight – Cesarean delivery 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 0 20 40 60 80 100 Birthrateper1,000women aged15-19 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Numberofbirths(inthousands) Number of births Birth rate Number of births and birth rates for teenagers aged 15-19 years: United States, 1960-2000 e_revisions.htm
  • 30. Death Files and Public Health • Death Statistics Files – Cause-of-death trends – Leading causes of death – Life expectancy – socio-economic factors – Demographic variation e_revisions.htm
  • 31. Problems with Vital Statistics Today • Federal government issued reports on national birth and mortality statistics lag 12-15 months • A significant amount of the information reported is also collected as part of medical care (the medical record) – but the certificate and medical record are often contradictory and not equivalent! • Registration is mostly a manual process even today.
  • 32. Electronic Birth Registration March 2011
  • 33. Electronic Death Registration in the US Today
  • 34. Death Registration in California Today • In 2005, California implemented an electronic death registration system • Today, 99.8% of all deaths are registered electronically in CA-EDRS • The system contains death certificate data for over 2.1 million deaths since 2005.
  • 36. Immunization Information Systems • What are they? – Confidential, population-based, computerized information systems that attempt to collect vaccination data about all residents within a geographic area • Advantages of IIS: – Significantly reduces paperwork and staff time for schools, doctors, public health – Assists in reminding parents of needed immunizations – Allows public health to monitor immunizations
  • 37. Example: State Cancer Registry
  • 38. SEER -– Cancer Registry Data • Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) • Since 1973, an national cancer registry run by the National Cancer Institute • Collects and publishes cancer incidence and survival data • Derives data from a set of local cancer registries covering 26% of the population • NCI staff work with the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) to develop guidelines on the data to be collected
  • 39. National Health Information Network • NHIN should “be a decentralized architecture built using the Internet linked by uniform communications and a software framework of open standards and policies” • 2005: ONC awards contracts to develop prototype architectures • 2006: Executive order requires federal agencies dealing with health information to adhere to national interoperability standards • 2008: ONC announced NHIN CONNECT with 20 federal agencies being interconnected on “the NHIN”
  • 42. What is GIS? “Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer based systems for the integration and analysis of geographic data” Cromley and McLafferty. GIS and Public Health. 2002. Guilford Press
  • 43. Key Functions of a GIS System • Ability to store or compute and display spatial relationships between objects on a digital map • Ability to store attributes of those objects • Ability to analyze spatial and attribute data in addition to managing and retrieving data • Ability to integrate spatial data from different resources Goodchild, MF. GIS and geographic research. In J. Picles (Ed.), Ground truth: The Social Implications of geographic information systems (pp31-50). New York. Guilford Press. 1995
  • 44. GIS Layers • GIS systems typically store information about the world in layers • Each layer has additional geospatial objects • One can add/remove layers in a GIS system • As layers are added, a picture of the real world emerges
  • 45. GIS Data and Image Basics • Ways GIS systems represent geospatial objects – Vector Data • geometric approximations of objects on the earth • Objects are described by their type, and their geometric shape • The GIS system uses this information to ‘draw’ the objects with correct proportions and geographic orientation – Raster Data • Data is stored in as individual pixels, which individually carry color and position information • Provides more of a ‘real world’ view – looks like a satellite photograph
  • 46. Vector Data • Vector data provides a way of representing real world features in terms of their geometry – “a sketch” of the real feature • Vector data includes geospatial attributes that describe the feature • The geometry – Made up of one or more vertices – A vertex describes a position in space using an x,y coordinate system
  • 47. Types of Vector Geospatial Objects • Vector point – Consists of a single vertex – A single point on the map • Polyline – Consists of two or more vertices with the first and last vertices not being the same • Polygon – Four or more vertices are present – Last vertex is the same as the first (closed the loop)
  • 48. Vector Object Types T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
  • 49. Vector Layers Vector map with road Road layer only T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
  • 50. Adding data attributes to vector objects • Vector object data comes in two types: – (1) geospatial data about the object – (2) additional data related to the object • This is the “secret sauce” of GIS – it is a geospatial *database* – Allows for a broad variety of analyses regarding geospatial objects and attribute data such as disease conditions, etc.. – Allows for map-based visualization of disease patterns or other information
  • 51. Combining geospatial and disease data Geospatial data Other data related to the object T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa.
  • 53. Raster Data • Raster data is used when information is contiguous across an area and is not easily divided into vector features • Raster data set is composed of rows and columns of pixels, with the value in the pixel representing some characteristic (snow level, temperature, depth, etc..) T. Sutton, O. Dassau, M. Sutton. A Gentle Introduction to GIS. Dept of Land Affairs. Eastern Cape, South Africa. Sacramento Area Raster image: created with Google Earth
  • 54. Raster Data • Provides for analysis that cannot be done easily with vector data – Water flow over land to calculate watersheds – Identification of areas where plants are growing poorly – Areas of deforestation – Areas under risk of flooding
  • 56. What is surveillance? “the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of outcome-specific data for use in planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice” Thacker SB, Berkelman RL. Public health surveillance system in the United States. Epidemiol Rev. 1988; 10:164-190
  • 57. Disease Surveillance – the basics • Disease surveillance is a critical function in public health • Several types of surveillance systems – Sentinel surveillance systems •Collect/analyze data from a select group of institutions – Household surveys •Population based, monitoring of a disease/condition – Laboratory-based surveillance •Reporting the genetic variability of an agent – Integrated disease surveillance and response •Use data from health facilities, labs, etc... •Monitor communicable diseases
  • 58. National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System: A History • 1878: Congress authorizes the US Marine Hospital Service to collect morbidity reports on cholera, smallpox, plague, and yellow fever from US consuls overseas. • 1893: Expanded to include data from states for this list of “notifiable diseases” • 1912: state and public health service begin reporting – 5 diseases by telegraph – 10 diseases by letter
  • 60. CDC Surveillance Systems and Programs • CDC has over 30 surveillance programs and systems • Here are some examples – 121 cities mortality reporting system – Active Bacterial Core Surveillance – Border Infectious Disease Surveillance Project – Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (Foodnet) – Waterborne-Disease Outbreak Surveillance System – Public Health Laboratory Information System (PHLIS)
  • 61. Categorizing Surveillance Systems • Rapid (Early) Recognition Disease Surveillance – Surveillance for a disease that demands early detection and fast countermeasures to avoid high mortality“ – Premium placed on early detection – tapping data streams for a pattern that we believe means disease *outbreak* (the signal) – Typically need immediate input from multiple disparate data sources that are associated with behavior or actions typically occurring because of the outbreak – Informatics impact: Access to absenteeism data, over-the-counter medications for “the cold”, clinical encounter types, patient ‘complaints’ (symptoms – syndromic surveillance). • Exposure/Disease Monitoring Surveillance System – Surveillance for a disease that results from prolonged exposure to causal factors – Premium placed on understanding the association of a causal factor with the disease – Typically need long term longitudinal data for causal factors – Example: Cancer Registries – Informatics impact: Access to longitudinal data (clinical encounters, cumulative CT radiation dose, etc..)
  • 62. Early Recognition Surveillance • Goals: Reduce the number of cases of a disease by – Rapid administration of prophylaxis: administering the most effective prophylaxis (if it exists) to the right people in the quickest way possible – Enable “social distancing” to reduce the spread of the disease • Systems typically built to tap multiple types of information, including chief complaints in the ED (“syndromic surveillance)
  • 63. Why is Early Recognition surveillance so important? • We live in a time of rapid travel between large urban areas – perfect conditions for a killer communicable disease • 2009 H1N1 Influenza A pandemic had a mortality rate of only 0.01% (1 in 10,000) yet it killed 14,000 worldwide in a few months... 61 million infected
  • 64. The big threat....a viral pandemic • 1918 Influenza pandemic – 20% fatality rate – 50 million died (3% of the world population of 1.86 billion) • Avian flu (H5N1) – H5N1 has a 60% fatality rate (three times that of 1918 virus) – So, 3x3%=9% of 7 billion  630 million deaths worldwide.... – Wild type Avian Flu, so far, has not demonstrated the ability to have airborne spread, but...... • Dec 2011 - Dr. Fouchier of Erasmus Medical Center modified H5N1 (avian flu) such that it gained the ability to latch onto cells in the respiratory passage ways (making it airborne). File:Colorized_transmission_e lectron_micrograph_of_Avian _influenza_A_H5N1_viruses.j pg H5N1 - electron micrograph 1918 pandemic victim
  • 67. Key Aspects of “Early Recognition” • Defining “Signals” – Are we talking about the same thing? – Are we defining it the same way? • Signal Detection – “how do I set thresholds?” • Signal Characterization – “so what should we do?” Mirhaji. Public health meets translational informatics: A desiderata. JALA 2009;14:157-70
  • 68. Examples of Early Recognition Surveillance • Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality Surveillance – 122 cities, vital statistics offices report total number of death certificates received and the number for which pneumonia or influenza was listed as the underlying cause or a contributing cause to the death • ILINet – 3,000 healthcare providers (The US Influenza Sentinel Provider Surveillance Network) across all 50 states, DC, territories reporting Influenza Like Illness cases from over 30 million patient visits annually • Foodnet – Surveillance on campylobacter, cryptosporidium, cyclospora, Listeria, Salmonella, Toxin producing E-Coli, Shigella, Vibrio Cholera, Yersinia diagnosed by laboratory testing of samples from patients
  • 69. 121 Cities Mortality Reporting System • Reports from vital records offices for jurisdictions that have one of the 121 cities • In place for 40+ years
  • 70. Sentinel Provider Network (ILINet) • Interested providers (hospitals, doctors, nurse practitioners) and enroll them into the CDC sentinel provider network • Goal - one reporting sentinel provider for every 250,000 residents • Smaller states – minimum of 10 sentinel providers • Sentinel Provider – Any specialty (nursing homes, prisons do not participate) – ILI Case Definition: fever >100F and cough or sore throat – Data collection: summary data each week, total patients, age groups – Collection of respiratory specimens sent to state lab • 12 million patients visits per year
  • 71. The CDC’s FluView • A weekly influenza surveillance report • Consolidates 5 sources of information – rate of influenza positive specimens (US virologic surveillance system) – proportion of deaths attributed to influenza (P&I 122 cities rep) – pediatric deaths from influenza – Proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (from ILINet’s Sentinel Network providers) – State map showing geographic spread of Influenza • Not very automated.... Requires manual collection and submission of data
  • 73. Syndromic Surveillance • “the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and application of real-time (or near real time) indicators for diseases and outbreaks that allow for their detection before public health authorities would otherwise note them.” • Emphasizes – Timeliness of inbound data (real-time) – Automated analysis – Visualization tools Lee, LM editor. Principles and Practice of Public Health Surveillance, 3rd Ed. Oxford Press. 2010
  • 74. Data Sources and “Syndromic Surveillance” systems Yan, Chen, Zeng. Syndromic surveillance systems: Public health and biodefense. Ann Rev Inf Science and Technology. Vol 32. 2008
  • 75. Challenges with ED Encounter Data • If data is coded – Code mismatch • The use of different coding systems, or different versions of the same coding system across the various source sites • If data is not coded (common) – Misspellings: 10-20% of common words are misspelled in hospital records – Abbreviations: 20% of all words in chief complaints were nonstandard abbreviations or acronyms – Negatives: “no fever present” can be a challenge to process correctly (NegEx – an open source negation detection module for clinical natural language processing) – Extraneous characters: often cause challenges for natural language processing systems in detecting word boundaries and the “part of speech” for the word or phrase (verb, noun, etc..) Hauentstein, et al. In Disease Surveillance: A Public Health Informatics Approach. Edited by Lombardo J, Buckeridge DL. Wiley Publishers. 2007
  • 76. BioSense 1.0 • National lab test orders and results • DoD and VA sentinel clinical data • Clinical lab orders • Advice nurse call line types • Lab Response Network (Biowatch) • Over-the-counter drug sales
  • 81. PHIN
  • 82. Scope of PHIN 5 public health functional areas 1. Detection and monitoring 2. Data analysis 3. Knowledge management 4. Alerting 5. Response 9 IT functions To support these 5 public health functions, the CDC has developed specifications for nine IT functions: 1. Automated exchange of data between public health partners 2. Use of electronic clinical data for event detection 3. Manual data entry for event detection and management 4. Specimen and lab result information management and exchange 5. Management of possible case, contacts, and threat data 6. Analysis and visualization 7. Directories of public health and clinical personnel 8. Public health information dissemination and alerting 9. IT security and critical infrastructure protection
  • 84. PHIN Reportable: Tb Notification
  • 85. Immunizations HL7 Messages CDC Implementation Guide Message Types Involved • VXU – unsolicited request immunization record • VXQ – unsolicited immunization record update • QBP – Query by parameter • RSP – Respond to QBP • ADT – Admit, Discharge, Transfer message • ACK – Acknowledgement message
  • 86. Standardizing Lists of Vaccines and Manufacturers Standard vaccine codes (CVX) Standard manufacturer codes (MVX)
  • 87. Example Immunization Information System HL-7 Message MSH|^~&||GA0000||VAERS PROCESSOR|20010331605||ORU^RO1|20010422GA03|T|2.3.1|||AL| PID|||1234^^^^SR~1234-12^^^^LR~00725^^^^MR||Doe^John^Fitzgerald^JR^^^L||20001007|M||2106-3^White^HL70005|123 Peachtree St^APT 3B^Atlanta^GA^30210^^M^^GA067||(678) 555-1212^^PRN| NK1|1|Jones^Jane^Lee^^RN|VAB^Vaccine administered by (Name)^HL70063| NK1|2|Jones^Jane^Lee^^RN|FVP^Form completed by (Name)-Vaccine provider^HL70063|101 Main Street^^Atlanta^GA^38765^^O^^GA121||(404) 554-9097^^WPN| ORC|CN|||||||||||1234567^Welby^Marcus^J^Jr^Dr.^MD^L|||||||||Peachtree Clinic|101 Main Street^^Atlanta^GA^38765^^O^^GA121|(404) 554- 9097^^WPN|101 Main Street^^Atlanta^GA^38765^^O^^GA121| OBR|1|||^CDC VAERS-1 (FDA) Report|||20010316| OBX|1|NM|21612-7^Reported Patient Age^LN||05|mo^month^ANSI| OBX|1|TS|30947-6^Date form completed^LN||20010316| OBX|2|FT|30948-4^Vaccination adverse events and treatment, if any^LN|1|fever of 106F, with vomiting, seizures, persistent crying lasting over 3 hours, loss of appetite| OBX|3|CE|30949-2^Vaccination adverse event outcome^LN|1|E^required emergency room/doctor visit^NIP005| OBX|4|CE|30949-2^Vaccination adverse event outcome^LN|1|H^required hospitalization^NIP005| OBX|5|NM|30950-0^Number of days hospitalized due to vaccination adverse event^LN|1|02|d^day^ANSI| OBX|6|CE|30951-8^Patient recovered^LN||Y^Yes^ HL70239| OBX|7|TS|30952-6^Date of vaccination^LN||20010216| OBX|8|TS|30953-4^Adverse event onset date and time^LN||200102180900| OBX|9|FT|30954-2^Relevant diagnostic tests/lab data^LN||Electrolytes, CBC, Blood culture| OBR|2|||30955-9^All vaccines given on date listed in #10^LN| OBX|1|CE30955-9&30956-7^Vaccine type^LN|1|08^HepB-Adolescent/pediatric^CVX| OBX|2|CE|30955-9&30957-5^Manufacturer^LN|1|MSD^Merck^MVX| OBX|3|ST|30955-9&30959-1^Lot number^LN|1|MRK12345| OBX|4|CE|30955-9&30958-3^ Route^LN|1|IM^Intramuscular ^HL70162| OBX|5|CE|30955-9&31034-2^Site^LN|1|LA^Left arm^ HL70163| OBX|6|NM|30955-9&30960-9^Number of previous doses^LN|1|01I OBX|7|CE|CE|30955-9&30956-7^Vaccine type^LN|2|50^DTaP-Hib^CVX| OBX|8|CE|30955-9&30957-5^ Manufacturer^LN|2|WAL^Wyeth_Ayerst^MVX| OBX|9|ST|30955-9&30959-1^Lot number^LN|2|W46932777| OBX|10|CE|30955-9&30958-3^ Route^LN|2|IM^Intramuscular^HL70162|
  • 90. Death Certificates - ICD • Causes of Death are coded using the International Classification of Disease, 10th edition (ICD-10) • ACME – Automated Classification of Medical Entities – Developed to improve consistency – Developed with experienced nosologists – SuperMICAR: a software system that automates the classification and allows the use of literal text from the death certificate • Used today to expedite the coding of causes of death on certificate information submitted by states to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
  • 91. PHIN - VADS • A one-stop shop for obtaining vocabularies related to public health • Main purpose is to distribute value sets developed by the CDC for use in v2.x and CDA messages in public health • 592 value sets supporting 60 HL7 and CDA message implementation guides • Value sets are function specific and derived from a number of vocabularies (LOINC, SNOMED, CPT, ICD, etc..)
  • 94. ICD-11 by 2017 (18months after US implements ICD-10)
  • 95. ICD 11 • Foundation = ICD Concepts • Linearization=A specific list for a particular Purpose (primary care, cause of death, etc...)

Editor's Notes

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  14. Another commonly encountered system in public health today is the immunization registry. Immunization Information Systems, or IIS, are population-based, secure, confidential, computerized data about the immunization status of all residents within an area. The advantage of an IIS is significant reduction in paperwork as well as staff time across a broad spectrum of information partners in public health, including schools, doctors, and the public health department. An IIS can also assist in reminding parents of upcoming needed immunizations.
  15. 38
  16. 39
  17. 40
  18. In this session, we will cover an overview of geographic information systems and their use in public health
  19. 57
  20. 58
  21. 59
  22. 60
  23. 69
  24. 70
  25. 76
  26. 77
  27. 78
  28. Now we will focus on healthcare data exchange standards as used in public health.
  29. In response to the need for a more robust and comprehensive public health informatics infrastructure, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) devised the public health information network, or PHIN. PHIN has three strategic goals: 1. Lead the development of policies, standards, and services for nationwide public health information exchange 2. Support public health needs in national information technology initiatives 3. Enable key public health information exchange
  30. PHIN focuses on workflows and transactions that are key in enabling five functions in public health. These include: (1) detection and monitoring, (2) data analysis, (3) knowledge management, (4) alerting and communication, and (5) Response To support these functions, PHIN outlines a number of information technology functions. These include: Automated exchange of data between public health entities Leveraging clinical information system data for event detection Specimen and laboratory result information management and exchange Management of cases, contacts, and other threat data Analysis and visualization of the data, particularly super-imposed on geographic information Directories of public health and clinical personnel Public health reporting and alerting systems Protection of data through IT security and robust critical infrastructure
  31. This is an example of a PHIN standard that supports the communication of reportable cases between states and the CDC. The PHIN Condition Reporting specifications uses the HL7 v2.5 standard as a mechanism for packaging the required information for submission to the CDC. It employs an ORU^R01 message, which is commonly used by filler systems such as laboratory information systems or radiology information systems to transfer information to a central electronic health record systems.
  32. In this diagram, you can see an example PHIN reportable condition messaging that uses the HL7 standard. In this case, it is reporting answers to a number of questions, each question represented as an orderable test, and each answer being put into an OBX segment, much like one might do with a laboratory test result.
  33. IIS systems can employ a PHIN Immunization Message standard to support communication between IIS systems and EHR systems. A number of H-7 message types are involved including VXU, VXQ, QBP, RSP and the standard ADT and ACK messages.
  34. Much like other systems in healthcare, immunization registries benefit significantly from having well-structured and coded data. To ensure this, HL-7 has standardized the content related to immunization. in this case, it involves the vaccine codes (CVX), as well as the manufacturer codes (MVX) The CDC publishes allowable codes sets for these.
  35. Now we will look at the use of coding and classification systems specifically in public health today
  36. As we have seen, The most common coding system encountered in public health is the International Classification of Disease (ICD), which has been used for over 150 years to report summary causes of death from death certificates. The process of converting the multi-statement causes of death section into a single summary cause is called “nosology”. For many years this was done manually, and in many cases a substantial number of death certificate causes of death are still classified manually. However, since the early 1970’s, the NCHS has attempted to help with the classification by providing software systems that automated parts of this process. The most recent component of the Automated Classification of Medical Entities (ACME) system is tthe SuperMICAR system. SuperMICAR automates the classification of literal text from the death certificate into ICD-10 codes. It can handle over 75% of the cases automatically. The rest are done manually by a nosologist, who also reviews all of the assignments. For this reason, the official national statistics on causes of death are typically delayed 1-3 years.
  37. Vocabulary standards are a key component of the PHIN infrastructure. For this reason, the CDC has developed and implemented a comprehensive infrastructure for managing code sets required in PHIN. This systems is known as VADS – the Vocabulary Access and Distribution System The CDC has developed a list of 592 value sets that support 60 HL7 and CDA message implementations used in PHIN. The values sets derive their codes from a number of coding systems, including LOINC, SNOMED CT, CPT, ICD and others. PHIN VADS provides a means for managing these value sets and for local and state entities to automatically keep updated on the latest versions.
  38. This shows the VADS value set of codes and descriptions for Microorganisms used in electronic laboratory reporting messages. The CDC publishes these through the Vocabulary Server infrastructure they have developed.