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: Programming, not Prompting Language Models
Shangyin Tan
It’s never been easier to prototype
impressive AI demos.
Turning monolithic LMs into reliable AI
systems remains challenging.
Turning monolithic LMs into reliable AI
systems remains challenging.
The DSPy paradigm -
Let’s program—not prompt—LMs.
Connect declarative modules into a computation graph, and compile it into a chain of optimized
prompts (or LM finetunes) automatically. How?
1. Hand-written Prompts Signatures: question -> answer long_document -> summary
2. Prompting Techniques and Chains Modules: dspy.ChainOfThought dspy.ReAct
3. Manual Prompt Engineering
a. Optimizers (given a metric you want to maximize)
b. Assertions (similar to assertions in programming language)
Let’s get concrete: Question Answering with HotPotQA
Question: How many storeys are in the castle David Gregory inherited?
Passages: (1) St. Gregory Hotel is a 9-floor boutique hotel… (2) Kinnairdy Castle
is tower house with five storeys…
Answer: Kinnairdy Castle has five storeys.
Let’s build three programs for this task. Program 1.
CoT = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")
How many storeys are in the castle
David Gregory inherited?
Answer: Castle Gregory has three storeys.
Chain of Thought (Reasoning); Answer
Let’s build another program for this task. Program 2.
class RAG(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self, num_passages=3):
self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=num_passages)
self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
passages = self.retrieve(question).passages
return self.generate_answer(context=passages, question=question)
<finds relevant passages>
St. Gregory Hotel is a 9-floor
boutique hotel…
St. Gregory Hotel has nine storeys.
How many storeys are in the castle
David Gregory inherited?
Let’s build a solid Program 3 for this task.
class MultiHop(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3):
self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query")
self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop)
self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
context = []
for _ in range(2):
query = self.generate_query(context=context, question=question).query
context += self.retrieve(query).passages
return self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question)
What castle did David
Gregory inherit?
David Gregory… inherited the
Kinnairdy Castle in 1664.
How many storeys are
in Kinnairdy Castle?
Kinnairdy Castle is tower
house with five storeys…
Kinnairdy Castle has five storeys.
How many storeys are in the castle
David Gregory inherited?
What does the DSPy Compiler do?
A Few
(labeled and/or unlabeled)
DSPy Program
DSPy Compiler
(a specific optimizer)
improved_dspy_program = optimizer.compile(dspy_program, few_examples)
class MultiHop(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3):
self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query")
self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop)
self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
context = []
for _ in range(2):
query = self.generate_query(context, question).query
context += self.retrieve(query).passages
return self.generate_answer(context, question)
Let’s compile our multi-hop program.
Basket of optimizers (and growing!)
fewshot_program = dspy.LabeledFewShot(k=8).compile(program, trainset=trainset)
teleprompter = dspy.BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch(metric=gsm8k_accuracy)
bootstrapped_program = teleprompter.compile(program, trainset=trainset)
ensemble = dspy.Ensemble(reduce_fn=dspy.majority).compile(bootstrapped_program.programs[:7])
bootstrappedx2_program = teleprompter.compile(program, teacher=bootstrapped_program, trainset=trainset)
GSM8K - grade school math dataset
20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching
for food. If they fly from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50
miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London,
60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have
traveled in the two seasons.
Answer: 20 * (50 + 60) = 2200 miles
class SimpleMathSolver(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
return self.prog(question=question)
simple_math_solver = SimpleMathSolver()
First DSPy program
Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`.
Follow the following format.
Question: ${question}
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ...
Answer: ${answer}
Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly
from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from
lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled
in the two seasons.
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to produce the answer. We know that the
birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney and then 60 miles from lake Disney to
lake London. To find the combined distance, we simply add the two distances
Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is
50 miles + 60 miles = 110 miles.
Two problems:
1. Reasoning does not include all the information needed
2. Answer in complicated sentences, not a single number
LMs are not following what we expect.
And, there's no way to even specify the constraints except manual
prompt tuning.
Goal: Enable DSPy programmers to define constraints on LM behavior.
Can we make a robust, extensible programming construct?
Including Assertions in DSPy
dspy.Assert - DSPy must either pass the assertion or raise an Exception
dspy.Suggest - DSPy should try to pass the assertion, but permit the code to continue otherwise
dspy.Suggest(constraint: bool, instruction_message: str)
Introducing DSPy Assertions — to guide LM behavior in DSPy programs.
DSPy Assertions
Assertion-driven backtracking
Self-refine LMs by providing feedback and past
erroneous response
Example selection and bootstrapping
Provide better demonstrations for in-context learning
def extract_number(question):
"""extract numbers from a question"""
def has_numbers(rationale, numbers):
"""whether rationale has all the numbers, if not, return the missing number"""
class SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
pred = self.prog(question=question)
rationale_has_numbers, missing_number = has_numbers(pred.rationale, extract_number(question))
dspy.Suggest(rationale_has_numbers, f"Your Reasoning should contain {missing_number}.")
dspy.Suggest(len(pred.answer) < 10, "Your Answer should be a number.")
return pred
simple_math_solver_suggest = SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest().activate_assertions()
DSPy program with Assertions
Assertion-driven backtracking
Self-refine LMs by providing feedback and past
erroneous response
Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`.
Follow the following format.
Question: ${question}
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ...
Answer: ${answer}
Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly
from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from
lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled
in the two seasons.
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to produce the answer. We know that the
birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney and then 60 miles from lake Disney to
lake London. To find the combined distance, we simply add the two distances
Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is
50 miles + 60 miles = 110 miles.
def extract_number(question):
"""extract numbers from a question"""
def has_numbers(rationale, numbers):
"""whether rationale has all the numbers, if not, return the missing number"""
class SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
pred = self.prog(question=question)
rationale_has_numbers, missing_number = has_numbers(pred.rationale, extract_number(question))
dspy.Suggest(rationale_has_numbers, f"Your Reasoning should contain {missing_number}.")
dspy.Suggest(len(pred.answer) < 10, "Your Answer should be a number.")
return pred
simple_math_solver_suggest = SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest().activate_assertions()
Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`.
Follow the following format.
Question: ${question}
Previous Reasoning: past Reasoning with errors
Instructions: Some instructions you must satisfy
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ...
Answer: ${answer}
Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim
to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London,
60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons.
Previous Reasoning: produce the answer. We know that the birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney and then
60 miles from lake Disney to lake London. To find the combined distance, we simply add the two distances together.
Instructions: Your Reasoning should contain 20.
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to calculate the combined distance all of the birds have
traveled in the two seasons. In the first season, 20 birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney,
which totals to 20 birds * 50 miles = 1000 miles. In the second season, they fly 60 miles from lake
Disney to lake London, which totals to 20 birds * 60 miles = 1200 miles. Therefore, the combined
distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 1000 miles + 1200 miles = 2200 miles.
Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 2200 miles.
def extract_number(question):
"""extract numbers from a question"""
def has_numbers(rationale, numbers):
"""whether rationale has all the numbers, if not, return the missing number"""
class SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
pred = self.prog(question=question)
rationale_has_numbers, missing_number = has_numbers(pred.rationale, extract_number(question))
dspy.Suggest(rationale_has_numbers, f"Your Reasoning should contain {missing_number}.")
dspy.Suggest(len(pred.answer) < 10, "Your Answer should be a number.")
return pred
simple_math_solver_suggest = SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest().activate_assertions()
Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`.
Follow the following format.
Question: ${question}
Previous Reasoning: past Reasoning with errors
Instructions: Some instructions you must satisfy
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ...
Answer: ${answer}
Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim
to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London,
60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons.
Previous Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 2200 miles.
Instructions: Your Answer should be a number.
Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to produce the answer. We know that in the first season,
20 birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney, totaling 20 birds * 50 miles = 1000 miles. In the
second season, they fly 60 miles from lake Disney to lake London, totaling 20 birds * 60 miles =
1200 miles. Therefore, the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is
1000 miles + 1200 miles = 2200 miles.
Answer: 2200 miles
optimizer = BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch(
gsm8k_metric, max_bootstrapped_demos=3, max_labeled_demos=6, num_candidate_programs=6)
compiled_prog = optimizer.compile(student=simple_math_solver)
compiled_prog_suggest = optimizer.compile(student=simple_math_solver_suggest)
Example selection and bootstrapping
Provide better demonstrations for in-context learning
1. Demonstrations need to pass DSPy assertions, too.
2. Demonstrations can also contain traces with errors and fixes.
3. Optimizer is "assertion-aware" - it also calculates how many assertion failure in
addition to "metric"
Simple CoT CoT w Assertions Compiled CoT Compiled w Assertion
61.7 74.3 83.7 84.0
*Compiled w Assertion does not outperform Compiled on this task. Our
observations are: the harder assertions are, the better they are at
improving in-context learning demonstrations.
How could we use LM Assertions here?
HumanEval - code generation
class NaiveCodeGenerator(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("prompt -> code")
def forward(self, prompt):
pred = self.prog(prompt=prompt)
return pred
First DSPy program
suggest(check_tests(code, test), f"The
generated code failed the test {test}")
Code Generation Pipeline w. Suggestions
Code Generation Pipeline
Prompt: . . .
Past Code: <previous attempt w/ errors> . . .
Instruction: The generated code failed the test
<test>, please fix it. . .
class NaiveCodeGenerator(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("prompt -> code")
self.generate_test = dspy.ChainOfThought("prompt -> test")
def forward(self, prompt):
pred = self.prog(prompt=prompt)
tests = self.generate_test(prompt=prompt)
result, test, error = check_tests(pred, tests)
dspy.Suggest( result == "passed",
f"The generated code failed the test {test}, please fix {error}.",
backtrack_module = self.prog )
return pred
DSPy program with Assertions
Naive Program Generator Program Generator w Assertions
70.7 75.6
*Issues with self-consistency:
1. Both tests and code went wrong in the same way
2. Generated tests are wrong, thus not giving useful feedback
Twitter: @Shangyint
Multi-Hop Question Answering with HotPotQA with Suggestions
class MultiHop(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3):
self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query")
self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop)
self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
context = []
queries = [question]
for _ in range(2):
query = self.generate_query(context=context, question=question).query
dspy.Suggest(len(query) < 100,
"Query should be less than 100 characters")
dspy.Suggest(is_query_distinct(query, queries),
f"Query should be distinct from {queries}")
queries += query
context += self.retrieve(query).passages
return self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question)
The queries should
be different from
previous ones
The query should be
Multi-Hop Question Answering with HotPotQA with Suggestions
class MultiHop(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3):
self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query")
self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop)
self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer")
def forward(self, question):
context = []
queries = [question]
for _ in range(2):
query = self.generate_query(context=context, question=question).query
dspy.Suggest(len(query) < 100,
"Query should be less than 100 characters")
dspy.Suggest(is_query_distinct(query, queries),
f"Query should be distinct from {queries}")
queries += query
context += self.retrieve(query).passages
return self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question)
Context: …
Question: …
Past_Query: {previous attempt w/ errors}
Instructions: Query should be distinct from …
backtrack and regenerate query with new prompt
update prompt with feedback
Fail ❌
Context + Previous Queries
✓ suggest(len(query) < 100, "Query should be less than 100 chars")
✗ suggest(is_query_distinct(query, prev_queries), f"Query should be
distinct from {prev_queries}")
Context: . . .
Question: . . .
Past Query: <previous attempt w/ errors> . . .
Instruction: Query should be distinct from . . .
Multi-hop QA Pipeline

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Programming Foundation Models with DSPy - Meetup Slides

  • 1. : Programming, not Prompting Language Models Shangyin Tan
  • 2. It’s never been easier to prototype impressive AI demos.
  • 3. Turning monolithic LMs into reliable AI systems remains challenging. 3
  • 4. Turning monolithic LMs into reliable AI systems remains challenging. 4
  • 5. The DSPy paradigm - Let’s program—not prompt—LMs. Connect declarative modules into a computation graph, and compile it into a chain of optimized prompts (or LM finetunes) automatically. How? 1. Hand-written Prompts Signatures: question -> answer long_document -> summary 2. Prompting Techniques and Chains Modules: dspy.ChainOfThought dspy.ReAct 3. Manual Prompt Engineering a. Optimizers (given a metric you want to maximize) b. Assertions (similar to assertions in programming language)
  • 6. Let’s get concrete: Question Answering with HotPotQA Question: How many storeys are in the castle David Gregory inherited? Passages: (1) St. Gregory Hotel is a 9-floor boutique hotel… (2) Kinnairdy Castle is tower house with five storeys… Answer: Kinnairdy Castle has five storeys.
  • 7. Let’s build three programs for this task. Program 1. CoT = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer") How many storeys are in the castle David Gregory inherited? Answer: Castle Gregory has three storeys. CoT CoT Question Chain of Thought (Reasoning); Answer
  • 8. Let’s build another program for this task. Program 2. class RAG(dspy.Module): def __init__(self, num_passages=3): self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=num_passages) self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer") def forward(self, question): passages = self.retrieve(question).passages return self.generate_answer(context=passages, question=question) Retriever <finds relevant passages> Answer LM Question Retriever St. Gregory Hotel is a 9-floor boutique hotel… St. Gregory Hotel has nine storeys. LM How many storeys are in the castle David Gregory inherited?
  • 9. Let’s build a solid Program 3 for this task. class MultiHop(dspy.Module): def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3): self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query") self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop) self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer") def forward(self, question): context = [] for _ in range(2): query = self.generate_query(context=context, question=question).query context += self.retrieve(query).passages return self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question) LM What castle did David Gregory inherit? Retriever David Gregory… inherited the Kinnairdy Castle in 1664. LM How many storeys are in Kinnairdy Castle? Retriever Kinnairdy Castle is tower house with five storeys… LM Kinnairdy Castle has five storeys. How many storeys are in the castle David Gregory inherited?
  • 10. What does the DSPy Compiler do? A Few Examples (labeled and/or unlabeled) Improved DSPy Program DSPy Program DSPy Compiler (a specific optimizer) improved_dspy_program = optimizer.compile(dspy_program, few_examples)
  • 11. class MultiHop(dspy.Module): def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3): self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query") self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop) self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer") def forward(self, question): context = [] for _ in range(2): query = self.generate_query(context, question).query context += self.retrieve(query).passages return self.generate_answer(context, question) Let’s compile our multi-hop program.
  • 12. Basket of optimizers (and growing!) fewshot_program = dspy.LabeledFewShot(k=8).compile(program, trainset=trainset) teleprompter = dspy.BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch(metric=gsm8k_accuracy) bootstrapped_program = teleprompter.compile(program, trainset=trainset) ensemble = dspy.Ensemble(reduce_fn=dspy.majority).compile(bootstrapped_program.programs[:7]) bootstrappedx2_program = teleprompter.compile(program, teacher=bootstrapped_program, trainset=trainset)
  • 13. GSM8K - grade school math dataset 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons. Answer: 20 * (50 + 60) = 2200 miles
  • 14. class SimpleMathSolver(dspy.Module): def __init__(self): self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer") def forward(self, question): return self.prog(question=question) simple_math_solver = SimpleMathSolver() First DSPy program
  • 15. Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`. --- Follow the following format. Question: ${question} Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ... Answer: ${answer} --- Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons. Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to produce the answer. We know that the birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney and then 60 miles from lake Disney to lake London. To find the combined distance, we simply add the two distances together. Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 50 miles + 60 miles = 110 miles.
  • 16. Two problems: 1. Reasoning does not include all the information needed 2. Answer in complicated sentences, not a single number LMs are not following what we expect. And, there's no way to even specify the constraints except manual prompt tuning.
  • 17. Goal: Enable DSPy programmers to define constraints on LM behavior. Can we make a robust, extensible programming construct?
  • 18. Including Assertions in DSPy dspy.Assert - DSPy must either pass the assertion or raise an Exception dspy.Suggest - DSPy should try to pass the assertion, but permit the code to continue otherwise dspy.Suggest(constraint: bool, instruction_message: str)
  • 19. Introducing DSPy Assertions — to guide LM behavior in DSPy programs. DSPy Assertions Assertion-driven backtracking Self-refine LMs by providing feedback and past erroneous response Example selection and bootstrapping Provide better demonstrations for in-context learning
  • 20. def extract_number(question): """extract numbers from a question""" def has_numbers(rationale, numbers): """whether rationale has all the numbers, if not, return the missing number""" class SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest(dspy.Module): def __init__(self): self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer") def forward(self, question): pred = self.prog(question=question) rationale_has_numbers, missing_number = has_numbers(pred.rationale, extract_number(question)) dspy.Suggest(rationale_has_numbers, f"Your Reasoning should contain {missing_number}.") dspy.Suggest(len(pred.answer) < 10, "Your Answer should be a number.") return pred simple_math_solver_suggest = SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest().activate_assertions() DSPy program with Assertions Assertion-driven backtracking Self-refine LMs by providing feedback and past erroneous response
  • 21. Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`. --- Follow the following format. Question: ${question} Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ... Answer: ${answer} --- Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons. Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to produce the answer. We know that the birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney and then 60 miles from lake Disney to lake London. To find the combined distance, we simply add the two distances together. Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 50 miles + 60 miles = 110 miles.
  • 22. def extract_number(question): """extract numbers from a question""" def has_numbers(rationale, numbers): """whether rationale has all the numbers, if not, return the missing number""" class SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest(dspy.Module): def __init__(self): self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer") def forward(self, question): pred = self.prog(question=question) rationale_has_numbers, missing_number = has_numbers(pred.rationale, extract_number(question)) dspy.Suggest(rationale_has_numbers, f"Your Reasoning should contain {missing_number}.") dspy.Suggest(len(pred.answer) < 10, "Your Answer should be a number.") return pred simple_math_solver_suggest = SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest().activate_assertions()
  • 23. Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`. --- Follow the following format. Question: ${question} Previous Reasoning: past Reasoning with errors Instructions: Some instructions you must satisfy Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ... Answer: ${answer} --- Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons. Previous Reasoning: produce the answer. We know that the birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney and then 60 miles from lake Disney to lake London. To find the combined distance, we simply add the two distances together. Instructions: Your Reasoning should contain 20. Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons. In the first season, 20 birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney, which totals to 20 birds * 50 miles = 1000 miles. In the second season, they fly 60 miles from lake Disney to lake London, which totals to 20 birds * 60 miles = 1200 miles. Therefore, the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 1000 miles + 1200 miles = 2200 miles. Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 2200 miles.
  • 24. def extract_number(question): """extract numbers from a question""" def has_numbers(rationale, numbers): """whether rationale has all the numbers, if not, return the missing number""" class SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest(dspy.Module): def __init__(self): self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer") def forward(self, question): pred = self.prog(question=question) rationale_has_numbers, missing_number = has_numbers(pred.rationale, extract_number(question)) dspy.Suggest(rationale_has_numbers, f"Your Reasoning should contain {missing_number}.") dspy.Suggest(len(pred.answer) < 10, "Your Answer should be a number.") return pred simple_math_solver_suggest = SimpleMathSolverWithSuggest().activate_assertions()
  • 25. Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`. --- Follow the following format. Question: ${question} Previous Reasoning: past Reasoning with errors Instructions: Some instructions you must satisfy Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ... Answer: ${answer} --- Question: 20 birds migrate on a seasonal basis from one lake to another, searching for food. If they fly from lake Jim to lake Disney in one season, which is 50 miles apart, then the next season they fly from lake Disney to lake London, 60 miles apart, calculate the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons. Previous Answer: The combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 2200 miles. Instructions: Your Answer should be a number. Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to produce the answer. We know that in the first season, 20 birds fly 50 miles from lake Jim to lake Disney, totaling 20 birds * 50 miles = 1000 miles. In the second season, they fly 60 miles from lake Disney to lake London, totaling 20 birds * 60 miles = 1200 miles. Therefore, the combined distance all of the birds have traveled in the two seasons is 1000 miles + 1200 miles = 2200 miles. Answer: 2200 miles
  • 26. optimizer = BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch( gsm8k_metric, max_bootstrapped_demos=3, max_labeled_demos=6, num_candidate_programs=6) compiled_prog = optimizer.compile(student=simple_math_solver) compiled_prog_suggest = optimizer.compile(student=simple_math_solver_suggest) Example selection and bootstrapping Provide better demonstrations for in-context learning 1. Demonstrations need to pass DSPy assertions, too. 2. Demonstrations can also contain traces with errors and fixes. 3. Optimizer is "assertion-aware" - it also calculates how many assertion failure in addition to "metric"
  • 27. Results Simple CoT CoT w Assertions Compiled CoT Compiled w Assertion 61.7 74.3 83.7 84.0 *Compiled w Assertion does not outperform Compiled on this task. Our observations are: the harder assertions are, the better they are at improving in-context learning demonstrations.
  • 28. How could we use LM Assertions here? HumanEval - code generation
  • 29. class NaiveCodeGenerator(dspy.Module): def __init__(self): self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("prompt -> code") def forward(self, prompt): pred = self.prog(prompt=prompt) return pred First DSPy program
  • 30. 🤖Code Generator Prompt 🤖Test Generator suggest(check_tests(code, test), f"The generated code failed the test {test}") Code Code Generation Pipeline w. Suggestions Test Code 🤖Code Generator Prompt Code Code Generation Pipeline Code UPDATED PROMPT WITH FEEDBACK Prompt: . . . Past Code: <previous attempt w/ errors> . . . Instruction: The generated code failed the test <test>, please fix it. . .
  • 31. class NaiveCodeGenerator(dspy.Module): def __init__(self): self.prog = dspy.ChainOfThought("prompt -> code") self.generate_test = dspy.ChainOfThought("prompt -> test") def forward(self, prompt): pred = self.prog(prompt=prompt) tests = self.generate_test(prompt=prompt) result, test, error = check_tests(pred, tests) dspy.Suggest( result == "passed", f"The generated code failed the test {test}, please fix {error}.", backtrack_module = self.prog ) return pred DSPy program with Assertions
  • 32. Results Naive Program Generator Program Generator w Assertions 70.7 75.6 *Issues with self-consistency: 1. Both tests and code went wrong in the same way 2. Generated tests are wrong, thus not giving useful feedback
  • 34. Multi-Hop Question Answering with HotPotQA with Suggestions class MultiHop(dspy.Module): def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3): self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query") self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop) self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer") def forward(self, question): context = [] queries = [question] for _ in range(2): query = self.generate_query(context=context, question=question).query dspy.Suggest(len(query) < 100, "Query should be less than 100 characters") dspy.Suggest(is_query_distinct(query, queries), f"Query should be distinct from {queries}") queries += query context += self.retrieve(query).passages return self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question) The queries should be different from previous ones The query should be concise
  • 35. Multi-Hop Question Answering with HotPotQA with Suggestions class MultiHop(dspy.Module): def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3): self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> query") self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop) self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context, question -> answer") def forward(self, question): context = [] queries = [question] for _ in range(2): query = self.generate_query(context=context, question=question).query dspy.Suggest(len(query) < 100, "Query should be less than 100 characters") dspy.Suggest(is_query_distinct(query, queries), f"Query should be distinct from {queries}") queries += query context += self.retrieve(query).passages return self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question) Context: … Question: … Past_Query: {previous attempt w/ errors} Instructions: Query should be distinct from … backtrack and regenerate query with new prompt update prompt with feedback Fail ❌
  • 36. Context 🤖Query Generator Retriever Question 🤖Answer Generator Answer Query Context + Previous Queries ✓ suggest(len(query) < 100, "Query should be less than 100 chars") ✗ suggest(is_query_distinct(query, prev_queries), f"Query should be distinct from {prev_queries}") UPDATED PROMPT WITH FEEDBACK Context: . . . Question: . . . Past Query: <previous attempt w/ errors> . . . Instruction: Query should be distinct from . . . Multi-hop QA Pipeline