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Postgres-XC: Write-Scalable
    PostgreSQL Cluster

              Mason Sharp

           August 7th, 2012

  CC License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Content Attribution
• Koichi Suzuki
• Michael Paquier
• Ashutosh Bapat
• Pavan Deolasee
• Mason Sharp
• ...?

Aug 7, 2012                         2
Who am I
    ●   Mason Sharp
    ●   Co-organizer of NYC PUG
    ●   Co-founder of StormDB
    ●   Previously worked at EnterpriseDB
    ●   Original architect of Stado (GridSQL)
    ●   One of the original architects of Postgres-XC

Aug 7, 2012                     Postgres-XC             3
PostgreSQL User Groups

        San Francisco                   New York
         616 Members                    502 Members

                                          Los Angeles
                        2000? Members

Aug 7, 2012             Postgres-XC                      4
NYC PUG Meetup Membership

Aug 7, 2012         Postgres-XC       5
NYC PUG Speakers
    ●   Recent speakers include
         ●    Bruce Momjian
         ●    Greg Smith
         ●    Greg Stark
         ●    Joe Conway
         ●    Joachim Wieland

Aug 7, 2012                     Postgres-XC   6
NYC PUG Speakers
                We want you!

Aug 7, 2012          Postgres-XC   7
Postges-XC Talk
●   Background
●   Postgres-XC Introduction & Usage
●   Postgres-XC Components
●   Postgres-XC Details


Aug 7, 2012      Postgres-XC   9
Data Tier Scaling
    ●   Up versus Out
         ●    More memory, more cores
    ●   Read-only Replicated Slaves
    ●   Caching
         ●    Memcached
    ●   Sharding
    ●   NoSQL
    ●   NewSQL

Aug 7, 2012                     Postgres-XC   10
XC Origins

        Koichi Suzuki, NTT Data            Mason Sharp

Aug 7, 2012                       Postgres-XC            11
PostgreSQL-Related Clustering
    ●   pgpool-II
         ●    Read replicated slaves
    ●   PL/Proxy
         ●    Used by Skype, meetme (myYearbook)
         ●    All access is over a stored function
    ●   Postgres-R, PostgresForest
    ●   Stado (GridSQL)
         ●    Parallel Query             Can we make it write scalable?
         ●    Not write-scalable

Aug 7, 2012                         Postgres-XC                           12
Postgres-XC Introduction

Aug 7, 2012            Postgres-XC       13
    ●   PostgreSQL-based database cluster
         ●    Same API to Apps as PostgreSQL
               –   Same drivers
         ●    Currently based upon PG 9.1. Soon: 9.2.
    ●   Symmetric Multi-headed Cluster
         ●    No master, no slave
               –   Not just PostgreSQL replication.
               –   Application can read/write to any coordinator server
         ●    Consistent database view to all the transactions
               –   Complete ACID property to all the transactions in the cluster
    ●   Scales both for Write and Read

Aug 7, 2012                              Postgres-XC                               14
Postgres-XC Cluster
                            Application can connect to any server to have the same database view and service

      PG- XC Server            PG- XC Server               PG- XC Server                                         PG- XC Server

              Coordinator                Coordinator               Coordinator            ・・・
                                                                                           ・・                            Coordinator

               Data Node                 Data Node                 Data Node             Add PG- XC servers as           Data Node

                                                    Communication among PG- XC servers

                                      Global Transaction

Aug 7, 2012                                                  Postgres-XC                                                               15
Read/Write Scalability
              DBT-1 throughput scalability

Aug 7, 2012                       Postgres-XC   16
Aug 7, 2012       Postgres-XC   17
Is XC right for you?
    ●   I need write scalability
    ●   I like ACID
    ●   I like SQL
    ●   I don't want to rewrite my existing SQL
    ●   I want to leverage the PostgreSQL community
        for all of their contrib modules

Aug 7, 2012                 Postgres-XC           18
Why XC may not be right for you
    ●   I need MPP parallel query capability
         ● Parallel Query in XC Limited
         ● Try Stado:

    ●   I need a solution with built-in HA
    ●   I need massive scale and have loose
        consistency requirements
    ●   I would rather use a NoSQL solution so I can
        put it on my resume

Aug 7, 2012                Postgres-XC                 19
Postgres-XC Components

Aug 7, 2012            Postgres-XC     20
Aug 7, 2012   Postgres-XC   21
Coordinator Overview
    Based on PostgreSQL 9.1 (9.2 soon)
    Accepts connections from clients
    Parses and plans requests
    Interacts with Global Transaction Manager
    Uses pooler for Data Node connections
    Sends down XIDs and snapshots to Data
    Collects results and returns to client
    Uses two phase commit if necessary

Data Node Overview
    Based on PostgreSQL 9.1 (9.2 soon)
    Where user created data is actually
    Coordinators (not clients) connects to
    Data Nodes
    Accepts XID and snapshots from
    The rest is fairly similar to vanilla

Global Transaction Manager

     GTM                     Cluster nodes

  Sequence values

Aug 7, 2012          Postgres-XC             24
   ●   Coordinator
        ●     Visible to apps                                   Postgres-XC core, based upon
                                                                vanilla PostgreSQL
        ●     SQL analysis, planning, execution
        ●     Connection pooling                                Share same binary
   ●   Datanode (or simply “NODE”)                              May want to colocate
        ●     Actual database store
        ●     Local SQL execution
   ●   GTM (Global Transaction Manager)
        ●     Provides consistent database view to transactions
               –   GXID (Global Transaction ID)
               –   Snapshot (List of active transactions)                       Different binaries
               –   Other global values such as SEQUENCE
   ●   GTM Proxy, integrates server-local transaction requirement for performance

Aug 7, 2012                                       Postgres-XC                                        25
Data Distribution

              Distribution Strategies

Aug 7, 2012           Postgres-XC       26
Distributing the data
 ●   Replicated table
      ●   Each row in the table is replicated to the datanodes
      ●   Statement based replication
 ●   Distributed table
      ●   Each row of the table is stored on one datanode,
          decided by one of following strategies
              –   Hash
              –   Round Robin
              –   Modulo
              –   Range and user defined function (future)

Aug 7, 2012                          Postgres-XC             27
Table Distribution and Replication

 ●   Each table can be distributed or replicated
      ●   Strategy based on usage
              –   Transaction tables → Distributed
              –   Static lookup tables → Replicate
              –   Distribute parent-children together
      ●   Join pushdown when possible
      ●   Where clause pushdown
      ●   Simple parallel aggregates

Aug 7, 2012                           Postgres-XC       28
Defining Tables
 ●   Table Distribution/Replication
            HASH(col) | MODULO(col) | ROUND

Aug 7, 2012              Postgres-XC           29
Replicated Tables

                   write write write

                                                             val   val2          val   val2   val   val2
      val   val2        val   val2     val   val2
                                                             1     2             1     2      1     2
      1     2           1     2        1     2
                                                             2     10            2     10     2     10
      2     10          2     10       2     10
                                                             3     4             3     4      3     4
      3     4           3     4        3     4

Aug 7, 2012                                         Postgres-XC                                            30
Distributed Tables
                              Write                                               Read


                                                                             read read read

      val     val2           val   val2   val   val2            val   val2                    val   val2
                                                                                 val   val2

      1       2              11    21     10    20
                                                                1     2          11    21     10    20

      2       10             21    101    20    100             2     10                      20    100
                                                                                 21    101
      3       4              31    41     30    40              3     4          31    41     30    40

Aug 7, 2012                                            Postgres-XC                                         31
Join Pushdown
              Hash/Module              Round Robin               Replicated

Hash/Modulo   Inner join with       NO                           Inner join if replicated
distributed   equality condition on                              table's distribution list
              the distribution                                   is superset of
              column with same                                   distributed table's
              data type and same                                 distribution list
              distribution strategy
Round Robin   No                    No                            Inner join if replicated
                                                                  table's distribution list
                                                                  is superset of
                                                                  distributed table's
                                                                  distribution list
Replicated    Inner join if replicated Inner join if replicated All kinds of joins
              table's distribution list table's distribution list
              is superset of            is superset of
              distributed table's       distributed table's
              distribution list         distribution list
Aug 7, 2012                      Postgres-XC                                             32
 ●   XC does not support Global constraints – i.e.
     constraints across datanodes
 ●   Constraints within a datanode are supported
 Distribution strategy     Unique, primary key           Foreign key constraints

 Replicated                Supported                      Supported if the referenced
                                                          table is also replicated on
                                                          the same nodes
 Hash/Modulo distributed   Supported if primary OR        Supported if the referenced
                           unique key is distribution key table is replicated on same
                                                          nodes OR it's distributed by
                                                          primary key in the same
                                                          manner and same nodes
 Round Robin               Not supported                  Supported if the referenced
                                                          table is replicated on same

Aug 7, 2012                         Postgres-XC                                      33

Aug 7, 2012   Postgres-XC   34
Transaction Management

          Why MVCC is Important for Consistency
               Global Transaction Manger

Aug 7, 2012              Postgres-XC              35
Multi-version Concurrency Control
          (MVCC) (quick overview)
 ●   Readers do not block writers
 ●   Writers do not block readers
 ●   Transaction Ids (XIDs)
      ●   Every transaction gets an ID
 ●   Snapshots contain a list of running XIDs

Aug 7, 2012                   Postgres-XC       36
Multi-version Concurrency Control
          (MVCC) (quickly discussed)
T1 Begin...
T2            Begin; INSERT...; Commit
T3                Begin...
T4                                          Begin; SELECT

 ●   T4's snapshot contains T1 and T3
      ●   T2 already committed
      ●   It can see T2's commits, but not T1's nor T3's

Aug 7, 2012                   Postgres-XC                   37
Multi-version Concurrency Control
          (MVCC) on 2 Independent Nodes
T1 Begin...
T2            Begin; INSERT..;   Commit;
T3               Begin...
T4                          Begin; SELECT

 ●   Node 1: T2 Commit, T4 SELECT
 ●   Node 2: T4 SELECT, T2 Commit
 ●   T4's SELECT statement returns inconsistent data
      ●   Includes data from Node1, but not Node2.
      ●   C in ACID Fails

Aug 7, 2012                             Postgres-XC    38
Global Transaction Manager
   ●   Provides Global Transaction Consistency

     GTM                        Cluster nodes

  Sequence values

Aug 7, 2012             Postgres-XC              39
Transaction Management
●   2PC is used to guarantee transactional consistency
    across nodes
    ●   When there are more than one nodes involved OR
    ●   When there are explicit 2PC transactions
●   Only those nodes where write activity has happened,
    participate in 2PC
●   In PostgreSQL 2PC can not be applied if temporary
    tables are involved. Same restriction applies in
●    When single coordinator command needs multiple
     datanode commands, we encase those in transaction
Aug 7, 2012               Postgres-XC                  40
Postgres-XC Considerations

Aug 7, 2012              Postgres-XC       41
Can GTM be a Performance Bottleneck?
 • Depending on implementation
                  – Current Implementation              Coordinators

                      GTM Threads                       Coordinator Backend
  Snapshot Data

                                        Domain Socket

                                                                                                        Applicable up to

                                                                 Client Library


                   Lock                                                                                five PG-XC

                                                                                                       servers (DBT-1)

                     Create Terminate

                  GTM Main Thread

                  – Large snapshot size and number
                  – Too many interaction between GTM and Coordinators

July 12th, 2012                                                                                                    42
Can GTM be a Performance Bottleneck?
Proxy Implementation                                                                                    Coordinators


                                     GTM Worker Threads                                                        GTM Proxy Thread                                         Coordinator Backend
        Snapshot Data

                                          GTM Snapshot Handler

                                                                        GTM Server Scanner

                                                                                                                       Server Protocol Handler



                                                                                                                                                                                Client Library





                                       Create Terminate                                                        Create                             Connection
                                                                                                              Terminate                          Assignment

                                     GTM Main Thread                                                               Proxy Main Thread

•Request/Response grouping
•Single representative snapshot applied to multiple transactions

July 12th, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                       43
Can GTM be a SPOF?
• Implement GTM Standby

                         Checkpoint next starting
                        point (GXID and Sequence)

           GTM Master                                   GTM Standby

                                                    Standby can failover the
                                                    master without referring to
                                                    GTM master information.

July 12th, 2012                                                                   44
Parallel Query
 ●   OK for simple queries
     ●   Also when all joins can be pushed down
              –   Star schema with replicated dimensions
 ●   Even aggregates
     ●   SELECT SUM(col1) FROM tab1
 ●   If cross-node join needed performs poorly
     ●   Data on one node needs to join with another
     ●   Ships all data to coordinator for joining

Aug 7, 2012                          Postgres-XC           45
High Availability
 ●   GTM-standby provides basic HA
 ●   No native HA for nodes
      ●   Use HA middleware such as Pacemaker
 ●   Each data node should be configured with
     synchronous replication

Aug 7, 2012                Postgres-XC          46

              Settings and options

Aug 7, 2012          Postgres-XC     47
Present Status
 ●   Project/Developer site
 ●   Version 1.0 available
      ●   Base PostgreSQL version: 9.1
      ●   Soon, PostgreSQL 9.2!
              –   Group commit: even more write scalability
              –   “Index-only Scans”
 ●   Get Involved
      ●   Even as just a tester
Aug 7, 2012                          Postgres-XC              48
Easy way of trying it out?
      ●   Not Postgres-XC, but similar
      ●   Nothing to install, cloud hosted
      ●   Free beta

Aug 7, 2012                   Postgres-XC    49
Thank You

              Twitter: mason_db

Aug 7, 2012        Postgres-XC    50

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Postgres-XC Write Scalable PostgreSQL Cluster

  • 1. Postgres-XC: Write-Scalable PostgreSQL Cluster Mason Sharp August 7th, 2012 CC License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • 2. Content Attribution • Koichi Suzuki • Michael Paquier • Ashutosh Bapat • Pavan Deolasee • Mason Sharp • ...? Aug 7, 2012 2
  • 3. Who am I ● Mason Sharp ● Co-organizer of NYC PUG ● Co-founder of StormDB ● Previously worked at EnterpriseDB ● Original architect of Stado (GridSQL) ● One of the original architects of Postgres-XC Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 3
  • 4. PostgreSQL User Groups San Francisco New York 616 Members 502 Members New: Philadelphia Los Angeles Tokyo 2000? Members Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 4
  • 5. NYC PUG Meetup Membership Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 5
  • 6. NYC PUG Speakers ● Recent speakers include ● Bruce Momjian ● Greg Smith ● Greg Stark ● Joe Conway ● Joachim Wieland Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 6
  • 7. NYC PUG Speakers We want you! Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 7
  • 8. Postges-XC Talk ● Background ● Postgres-XC Introduction & Usage ● Postgres-XC Components ● Postgres-XC Details 8
  • 9. Background Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 9
  • 10. Data Tier Scaling ● Up versus Out ● More memory, more cores ● Read-only Replicated Slaves ● Caching ● Memcached ● Sharding ● NoSQL ● NewSQL Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 10
  • 11. XC Origins Koichi Suzuki, NTT Data Mason Sharp Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 11
  • 12. PostgreSQL-Related Clustering Projects ● pgpool-II ● Read replicated slaves ● PL/Proxy ● Used by Skype, meetme (myYearbook) ● All access is over a stored function ● Postgres-R, PostgresForest ● Stado (GridSQL) ● Parallel Query Can we make it write scalable? ● Not write-scalable Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 12
  • 13. Postgres-XC Introduction Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 13
  • 14. Overview ● PostgreSQL-based database cluster ● Same API to Apps as PostgreSQL – Same drivers ● Currently based upon PG 9.1. Soon: 9.2. ● Symmetric Multi-headed Cluster ● No master, no slave – Not just PostgreSQL replication. – Application can read/write to any coordinator server ● Consistent database view to all the transactions – Complete ACID property to all the transactions in the cluster ● Scales both for Write and Read Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 14
  • 15. Postgres-XC Cluster Application can connect to any server to have the same database view and service . PG- XC Server PG- XC Server PG- XC Server PG- XC Server Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator ・・・ ・・ Coordinator Data Node Data Node Data Node Add PG- XC servers as Data Node needed Communication among PG- XC servers Global Transaction Manager GTM Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 15
  • 16. Read/Write Scalability DBT-1 throughput scalability Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 16
  • 17. I Consistency Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 17
  • 18. Is XC right for you? ● I need write scalability ● I like ACID ● I like SQL ● I don't want to rewrite my existing SQL applications ● I want to leverage the PostgreSQL community for all of their contrib modules Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 18
  • 19. Why XC may not be right for you ● I need MPP parallel query capability ● Parallel Query in XC Limited ● Try Stado: ● I need a solution with built-in HA ● I need massive scale and have loose consistency requirements ● I would rather use a NoSQL solution so I can put it on my resume Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 19
  • 20. Postgres-XC Components Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 20
  • 21. Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 21
  • 22. Coordinator Overview ● Based on PostgreSQL 9.1 (9.2 soon) ● Accepts connections from clients ● Parses and plans requests ● Interacts with Global Transaction Manager ● Uses pooler for Data Node connections ● Sends down XIDs and snapshots to Data Nodes ● Collects results and returns to client ● Uses two phase commit if necessary 22
  • 23. Data Node Overview ● Based on PostgreSQL 9.1 (9.2 soon) ● Where user created data is actually stored ● Coordinators (not clients) connects to Data Nodes ● Accepts XID and snapshots from Coordinator ● The rest is fairly similar to vanilla PostgreSQL 23
  • 24. Global Transaction Manager GTM Cluster nodes XID Snapshot Timestamp Sequence values Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 24
  • 25. Summary ● Coordinator ● Visible to apps Postgres-XC core, based upon vanilla PostgreSQL ● SQL analysis, planning, execution ● Connection pooling Share same binary ● Datanode (or simply “NODE”) May want to colocate ● Actual database store ● Local SQL execution ● GTM (Global Transaction Manager) ● Provides consistent database view to transactions – GXID (Global Transaction ID) – Snapshot (List of active transactions) Different binaries – Other global values such as SEQUENCE ● GTM Proxy, integrates server-local transaction requirement for performance Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 25
  • 26. Data Distribution Distribution Strategies Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 26
  • 27. Distributing the data ● Replicated table ● Each row in the table is replicated to the datanodes ● Statement based replication ● Distributed table ● Each row of the table is stored on one datanode, decided by one of following strategies – Hash – Round Robin – Modulo – Range and user defined function (future) Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 27
  • 28. Table Distribution and Replication ● Each table can be distributed or replicated ● Strategy based on usage – Transaction tables → Distributed – Static lookup tables → Replicate – Distribute parent-children together ● Join pushdown when possible ● Where clause pushdown ● Simple parallel aggregates Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 28
  • 29. Defining Tables ● Table Distribution/Replication ● CREATE TABLE tab (…) DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(col) | MODULO(col) | ROUND ROBIN | REPLICATION Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 29
  • 30. Replicated Tables Reads Writes read write write write val val2 val val2 val val2 val val2 val val2 val val2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 30
  • 31. Distributed Tables Write Read Combiner write read read read val val2 val val2 val val2 val val2 val val2 val val2 1 2 11 21 10 20 1 2 11 21 10 20 2 10 21 101 20 100 2 10 20 100 21 101 3 4 31 41 30 40 3 4 31 41 30 40 Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 31
  • 32. Join Pushdown Hash/Module Round Robin Replicated distributed Hash/Modulo Inner join with NO Inner join if replicated distributed equality condition on table's distribution list the distribution is superset of column with same distributed table's data type and same distribution list distribution strategy Round Robin No No Inner join if replicated table's distribution list is superset of distributed table's distribution list Replicated Inner join if replicated Inner join if replicated All kinds of joins table's distribution list table's distribution list is superset of is superset of distributed table's distributed table's distribution list distribution list Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 32
  • 33. Constraints ● XC does not support Global constraints – i.e. constraints across datanodes ● Constraints within a datanode are supported Distribution strategy Unique, primary key Foreign key constraints constraints Replicated Supported Supported if the referenced table is also replicated on the same nodes Hash/Modulo distributed Supported if primary OR Supported if the referenced unique key is distribution key table is replicated on same nodes OR it's distributed by primary key in the same manner and same nodes Round Robin Not supported Supported if the referenced table is replicated on same nodes Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 33
  • 34. Demo Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 34
  • 35. Transaction Management Why MVCC is Important for Consistency Global Transaction Manger Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 35
  • 36. Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) (quick overview) ● Readers do not block writers ● Writers do not block readers ● Transaction Ids (XIDs) ● Every transaction gets an ID ● Snapshots contain a list of running XIDs Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 36
  • 37. Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) (quickly discussed) Example: T1 Begin... T2 Begin; INSERT...; Commit T3 Begin... T4 Begin; SELECT ● T4's snapshot contains T1 and T3 ● T2 already committed ● It can see T2's commits, but not T1's nor T3's Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 37
  • 38. Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) on 2 Independent Nodes Example: T1 Begin... T2 Begin; INSERT..; Commit; T3 Begin... T4 Begin; SELECT ● Node 1: T2 Commit, T4 SELECT ● Node 2: T4 SELECT, T2 Commit ● T4's SELECT statement returns inconsistent data ● Includes data from Node1, but not Node2. ● C in ACID Fails Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 38
  • 39. Global Transaction Manager (GTM) ● Provides Global Transaction Consistency GTM Cluster nodes XID Snapshot Timestamp Sequence values Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 39
  • 40. Transaction Management ● 2PC is used to guarantee transactional consistency across nodes ● When there are more than one nodes involved OR ● When there are explicit 2PC transactions ● Only those nodes where write activity has happened, participate in 2PC ● In PostgreSQL 2PC can not be applied if temporary tables are involved. Same restriction applies in Postgres-XC ● When single coordinator command needs multiple datanode commands, we encase those in transaction block Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 40
  • 41. Postgres-XC Considerations Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 41
  • 42. Can GTM be a Performance Bottleneck? • Depending on implementation – Current Implementation Coordinators GTM GTM Threads Coordinator Backend Snapshot Data Domain Socket Applicable up to Client Library Coordinator Internet Lock five PG-XC Call servers (DBT-1) Create Terminate GTM Main Thread – Large snapshot size and number – Too many interaction between GTM and Coordinators July 12th, 2012 42
  • 43. Can GTM be a Performance Bottleneck? Proxy Implementation Coordinators GTM GTM Worker Threads GTM Proxy Thread Coordinator Backend Snapshot Data GTM Snapshot Handler GTM Server Scanner Server Protocol Handler Command Backend Handler Client Library Internet Coordinator Domain Socket Domain Socket Call Unix Lock Call Response Backend Handler Create Terminate Create Connection Terminate Assignment GTM Main Thread Proxy Main Thread Connection •Request/Response grouping •Single representative snapshot applied to multiple transactions July 12th, 2012 43
  • 44. Can GTM be a SPOF? • Implement GTM Standby Checkpoint next starting point (GXID and Sequence) GTM Master GTM Standby Standby can failover the master without referring to GTM master information. July 12th, 2012 44
  • 45. Parallel Query ● OK for simple queries ● Also when all joins can be pushed down – Star schema with replicated dimensions ● Even aggregates ● SELECT SUM(col1) FROM tab1 ● If cross-node join needed performs poorly ● Data on one node needs to join with another ● Ships all data to coordinator for joining Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 45
  • 46. High Availability ● GTM-standby provides basic HA ● No native HA for nodes ● Use HA middleware such as Pacemaker ● Each data node should be configured with synchronous replication Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 46
  • 47. Status Settings and options Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 47
  • 48. Present Status ● Project/Developer site ● ● ● Version 1.0 available ● Base PostgreSQL version: 9.1 ● Soon, PostgreSQL 9.2! – Group commit: even more write scalability – “Index-only Scans” ● Get Involved ● Even as just a tester Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 48
  • 49. Easy way of trying it out? ● ● Not Postgres-XC, but similar ● Nothing to install, cloud hosted ● Free beta Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 49
  • 50. Thank You Twitter: mason_db Aug 7, 2012 Postgres-XC 50