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Petabyte scale on
commodity infrastructure
           Owen O’Malley
        Eric Baldeschwieler
             Yahoo Inc!
Hadoop: Why?

        • Need to process huge datasets on large
          clusters of computers
        • In large clusters, nodes fail every day
              – Failure is expected, rather than exceptional.
              – The number of nodes in a cluster is not constant.
        • Very expensive to build reliability into
          each application.
        • Need common infrastructure
              – Efficient, reliable, easy to use

Yahoo! Inc.
Hadoop: How?

        • Commodity Hardware Cluster
        • Distributed File System
              – Modeled on GFS
        • Distributed Processing
              – Using Map/Reduce metaphor
        • Open Source, Java
              – Apache Lucene subproject
Yahoo! Inc.
Commodity Hardware Cluster

        •     Typically in 2 level architecture
              –   Nodes are commodity PCs
              –   30-40 nodes/rack
              –   Uplink from rack is 3-4 gigabit
              –   Rack-internal is 1 gigabit

Yahoo! Inc.
Distributed File System

        • Single namespace for entire cluster
              – Managed by a single namenode.
              – Files are write-once.
              – Optimized for streaming reads of large files.
        • Files are broken in to large blocks.
              – Typically 128 MB
              – Replicated to several datanodes, for reliability
        • Client talks to both namenode and datanodes
              – Data is not sent through the namenode.
              – Throughput of file system scales nearly linearly with the
                number of nodes.

Yahoo! Inc.
Block Placement

        • Default is 3 replicas, but settable
        • Blocks are placed:
              –   On same node
              –   On different rack
              –   On same rack
              –   Others placed randomly
        • Clients read from closest replica
        • If the replication for a block drops below
          target, it is automatically rereplicated.

Yahoo! Inc.
Data Correctness

        • Data is checked with CRC32
        • File Creation
              – Client computes checksum per 512 byte
              – DataNode stores the checksum
        • File access
              – Client retrieves the data and checksum
                from DataNode
              – If Validation fails, Client tries other replicas

Yahoo! Inc.
Distributed Processing

        • User submits Map/Reduce job to JobTracker
        • System:
              – Splits job into lots of tasks
              – Monitors tasks
              – Kills and restarts if they fail/hang/disappear
        • User can track progress of job via web ui
        • Pluggable file systems for input/output
              – Local file system for testing, debugging, etc…
              – KFS and S3 also have bindings…

Yahoo! Inc.
Hadoop Map-Reduce

        •     Implementation of the Map-Reduce programming model
               – Framework for distributed processing of large data sets
                    • Data handled as collections of key-value pairs
               – Pluggable user code runs in generic framework
        •     Very common design pattern in data processing
               – Demonstrated by a unix pipeline example:
                 cat * | grep | sort           | unique -c | cat > file
                 input | map | shuffle | reduce            | output
               – Natural for:
                    • Log processing
                    • Web search indexing
                    • Ad-hoc queries
               – Minimizes trips to disk and disk seeks
        •     Several interfaces:
               – Java, C++, text filter

Yahoo! Inc.
Map/Reduce Optimizations

        • Overlap of maps, shuffle, and sort
        • Mapper locality
              – Schedule mappers close to the data.
        • Combiner
              –   Mappers may generate duplicate keys
              –   Side-effect free reducer run on mapper node
              –   Minimize data size before transfer
              –   Reducer is still run
        • Speculative execution
              – Some nodes may be slower
              – Run duplicate task on another node

Yahoo! Inc.
Running on Amazon EC2/S3

        • Amazon sells cluster services
              – EC2: $0.10/cpu hour
              – S3: $0.20/gigabyte month
        • Hadoop supports:
              – EC2: cluster management scripts included
              – S3: file system implementation included
        • Tested on 400 node cluster
        • Combination used by several startups

Yahoo! Inc.
Hadoop On Demand

        • Traditionally Hadoop runs with dedicated
        • Hadoop On Demand works with a batch
          system to allocate and provision nodes
              – Bindings for Condor and Torque/Maui
        • Allows more dynamic allocation of

Yahoo! Inc.
Yahoo’s Hadoop Clusters

      •       We have ~10,000 machines running Hadoop
      •       Our largest cluster is currently 2000 nodes
      •       1 petabyte of user data (compressed, unreplicated)
      •       We run roughly 10,000 research jobs / week

Yahoo! Inc.
Scaling Hadoop

                               •   Sort benchmark
                                   – Sorting random data
                                   – Scaled to 10GB/node
                               •   We’ve improved both
                                   scalability and
                                   performance over time
                               •   Making improvements
                                   in frameworks helps a

Yahoo! Inc.
Coming Attractions

        • Block rebalancing
        • Clean up of HDFS client write protocol
              – Heading toward file append support
        •     Rack-awareness for Map/Reduce
        •     Redesign of RPC timeout handling
        •     Support for versioning in Jute/Record IO
        •     Support for users, groups, and permissions
        •     Improved utilization
              – Your feedback solicited

Yahoo! Inc.
Upcoming Tools

        •     Pig
              – A scripting language/interpreter that makes it easy to define
                complex jobs that require multiple map/reduce jobs.
              – Currently in Apache Incubator.
        •     Zookeeper
              –     Highly available directory service
              –     Support master election and configuration
              –     Filesystem interface
              –     Consensus building between servers
              –     Posting to SourceForge soon
        •     HBase
              – BigTable-inspired distributed object store, sorted by primary key
              – Storage in HDFS files
              – Hadoop community project

Yahoo! Inc.

        •     Hadoop is an Open Source project!
        •     Please contribute your xtrace hooks
        •     Feedback on performance bottleneck welcome
        •     Developer tooling for easing debugging and
              performance diagnosing are very welcome.
              – IBM has contributed an Eclipse plugin.
        • Interested your thoughts in management and
        • Block placement in HDFS for reliability

Yahoo! Inc.
Thank You

        • Questions?
        • For more information:
              – Blog on
              – Hadoop website:

Yahoo! Inc.

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Petabyte scale on commodity infrastructure

  • 1. Petabyte scale on commodity infrastructure Owen O’Malley Eric Baldeschwieler Yahoo Inc! {owen,eric14}
  • 2. Hadoop: Why? • Need to process huge datasets on large clusters of computers • In large clusters, nodes fail every day – Failure is expected, rather than exceptional. – The number of nodes in a cluster is not constant. • Very expensive to build reliability into each application. • Need common infrastructure – Efficient, reliable, easy to use Yahoo! Inc.
  • 3. Hadoop: How? • Commodity Hardware Cluster • Distributed File System – Modeled on GFS • Distributed Processing Framework – Using Map/Reduce metaphor • Open Source, Java – Apache Lucene subproject Yahoo! Inc.
  • 4. Commodity Hardware Cluster • Typically in 2 level architecture – Nodes are commodity PCs – 30-40 nodes/rack – Uplink from rack is 3-4 gigabit – Rack-internal is 1 gigabit Yahoo! Inc.
  • 5. Distributed File System • Single namespace for entire cluster – Managed by a single namenode. – Files are write-once. – Optimized for streaming reads of large files. • Files are broken in to large blocks. – Typically 128 MB – Replicated to several datanodes, for reliability • Client talks to both namenode and datanodes – Data is not sent through the namenode. – Throughput of file system scales nearly linearly with the number of nodes. Yahoo! Inc.
  • 6. Block Placement • Default is 3 replicas, but settable • Blocks are placed: – On same node – On different rack – On same rack – Others placed randomly • Clients read from closest replica • If the replication for a block drops below target, it is automatically rereplicated. Yahoo! Inc.
  • 7. Data Correctness • Data is checked with CRC32 • File Creation – Client computes checksum per 512 byte – DataNode stores the checksum • File access – Client retrieves the data and checksum from DataNode – If Validation fails, Client tries other replicas Yahoo! Inc.
  • 8. Distributed Processing • User submits Map/Reduce job to JobTracker • System: – Splits job into lots of tasks – Monitors tasks – Kills and restarts if they fail/hang/disappear • User can track progress of job via web ui • Pluggable file systems for input/output – Local file system for testing, debugging, etc… – KFS and S3 also have bindings… Yahoo! Inc.
  • 9. Hadoop Map-Reduce • Implementation of the Map-Reduce programming model – Framework for distributed processing of large data sets • Data handled as collections of key-value pairs – Pluggable user code runs in generic framework • Very common design pattern in data processing – Demonstrated by a unix pipeline example: cat * | grep | sort | unique -c | cat > file input | map | shuffle | reduce | output – Natural for: • Log processing • Web search indexing • Ad-hoc queries – Minimizes trips to disk and disk seeks • Several interfaces: – Java, C++, text filter Yahoo! Inc.
  • 10. Map/Reduce Optimizations • Overlap of maps, shuffle, and sort • Mapper locality – Schedule mappers close to the data. • Combiner – Mappers may generate duplicate keys – Side-effect free reducer run on mapper node – Minimize data size before transfer – Reducer is still run • Speculative execution – Some nodes may be slower – Run duplicate task on another node Yahoo! Inc.
  • 11. Running on Amazon EC2/S3 • Amazon sells cluster services – EC2: $0.10/cpu hour – S3: $0.20/gigabyte month • Hadoop supports: – EC2: cluster management scripts included – S3: file system implementation included • Tested on 400 node cluster • Combination used by several startups Yahoo! Inc.
  • 12. Hadoop On Demand • Traditionally Hadoop runs with dedicated servers • Hadoop On Demand works with a batch system to allocate and provision nodes dynamically – Bindings for Condor and Torque/Maui • Allows more dynamic allocation of resources Yahoo! Inc.
  • 13. Yahoo’s Hadoop Clusters • We have ~10,000 machines running Hadoop • Our largest cluster is currently 2000 nodes • 1 petabyte of user data (compressed, unreplicated) • We run roughly 10,000 research jobs / week Yahoo! Inc.
  • 14. Scaling Hadoop • Sort benchmark – Sorting random data – Scaled to 10GB/node • We’ve improved both scalability and performance over time • Making improvements in frameworks helps a lot. Yahoo! Inc.
  • 15. Coming Attractions • Block rebalancing • Clean up of HDFS client write protocol – Heading toward file append support • Rack-awareness for Map/Reduce • Redesign of RPC timeout handling • Support for versioning in Jute/Record IO • Support for users, groups, and permissions • Improved utilization – Your feedback solicited Yahoo! Inc.
  • 16. Upcoming Tools • Pig – A scripting language/interpreter that makes it easy to define complex jobs that require multiple map/reduce jobs. – Currently in Apache Incubator. • Zookeeper – Highly available directory service – Support master election and configuration – Filesystem interface – Consensus building between servers – Posting to SourceForge soon • HBase – BigTable-inspired distributed object store, sorted by primary key – Storage in HDFS files – Hadoop community project Yahoo! Inc.
  • 17. Collaboration • Hadoop is an Open Source project! • Please contribute your xtrace hooks • Feedback on performance bottleneck welcome • Developer tooling for easing debugging and performance diagnosing are very welcome. – IBM has contributed an Eclipse plugin. • Interested your thoughts in management and virtualization • Block placement in HDFS for reliability Yahoo! Inc.
  • 18. Thank You • Questions? • For more information: – Blog on ��� Hadoop website: Yahoo! Inc.