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1The open ecosystem of big data
ODPi is now open for business:
here's what it means
2The open ecosystem of big data
February 17, 2015
3The open ecosystem of big data
September 25, 2015
ODPi, the open ecosystem of big data
• A shared industry effort to advance the state of Apache
Hadoop® and Big Data technologies for the enterprise
• Accelerating the delivery of business outcomes through
Big Data solutions by driving interoperability on an
enterprise-ready core platform
• Diverse and balanced representation of the big data
ecosystem in an open governance model that delivers one
member, one vote equality
• Bringing real-world experience to align enterprise
demands with the developer community
Solutions for Enterprise built on:
• ODPi Core specification
• ODPi reference implementation
• ODPi validation testsuite
A Simple Beginning For The ODPi Core
• The ODPi Core is starting with a small but
critical set of projects
• Enables a rapid start and an industry
driven definition
Map Reduce
✓ Specification for compatibility
✓ Reference implementation
✓ Deployable via Ambari
✓ VM sandbox for simple experimentation
✓ Future certification and validation suites
ODPi Core Initial Projects
Developer community as of today
• Raja Aluri, Hortonworks
• Ben Barnett, zData
• Dan Baskette, Pivotal
• Ledion Bitincka, Splunk
• Konstantin Boudnik, WANdisco
• Daesu Chung, Xiilab
• Sudipto Shankar Dasgupta, InfoSys
• Raj Desai, IBM
• Greg Doumergue, Squid Solutions
• Andrea Gallo, Linaro
• Robert Geiger, Ampool
• Scott Gray, IBM
• James Hodge, Splunk
• Steve Jones, Capgemini
• Masayoshi Kurita, Toshiba
• Benjamin Markham, Xiilab
• Shinichiro Mochizuki, Toshiba
• Chris Ottinger, Telstra
• Ayush Parashar, UNIFi
• Louis Rabiet, Squid Solutions
• Mate Radalj, InfoSys
• Brian Rickman, Teradata
• Rajit Saha, VMware
• Roman Shaposhnik, Pivotal
• Sanjay Sharma, Teradata
• Smiti Sharma, EMC
• Miki Shingo, NEC
• Jagane Sundar, WANdisco
• David Smith, CenturyLink
• Martin Stadtler, Linaro
• Pramod Taneja, Capgemini
• James Tanner, SAS
• Thomas Weise, Data Torrent
• Steve Winkler, GE
• Allen Wittenauer, Altiscale
• Maksim Yankovskiy, Zettaset
Roles and responsibilities
• Contributors: participate
in ODPi work via mailing
lists and pull requests
• ODPi Maintainers:
committers on ODPi
• The Technical Steering
Council (TSC): 7 elders
responsible for evolution
of ODPi Core
• The Release Team: drives
ODPi releases
ODPi Core Evolution
1) Community prioritizes
desired ASF Projects to
include in the Core
2) One member /
one vote approval
3) Release Team & TSC
detail ODPi Core release
specification and tests
4) TSC and Developer
Community create ODPi
Core Release
Management and Operations Support
• Linux Foundation is
providing management and
operations support for ODPi
• Open Source capabilities
around Business Operations,
Marketing, and IP and Legal
The Right Ingredients For Success
• Diverse and opinionated ecosystem of members driving the process
– True momentum and one member / one vote equality
• Commercial products based on a common OSS Core
– Delivering investment to solve for enterprise requirements
• ODPi delivers shared infrastructure and open governance
– Accelerating new releases and participation
• Planned certification programs to avoid splintering the code
– A roadmap beyond one-size-fits-all certification
– Solving for future customer challenges today
Learn More About ODPi
• Visit
• Review our technical progress
• Become a member and have a
have a direct voice into the
future of big data
ODPi - enabling Big Data
solutions to flourish atop a
common core platform
The open ecosystem of big data.
Apache, Apache Hadoop, Apache Ambari, and Hadoop are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States
and/or other countries. The ASF is not affiliated with ODPi and does not sponsor or
endorse ODPi.

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ODPi is Now Open for Business: Here's What it Means

  • 1. 1The open ecosystem of big data ODPi is now open for business: here's what it means
  • 2. 2The open ecosystem of big data February 17, 2015
  • 3. 3The open ecosystem of big data September 25, 2015
  • 4. 4 ODPi, the open ecosystem of big data • A shared industry effort to advance the state of Apache Hadoop® and Big Data technologies for the enterprise • Accelerating the delivery of business outcomes through Big Data solutions by driving interoperability on an enterprise-ready core platform • Diverse and balanced representation of the big data ecosystem in an open governance model that delivers one member, one vote equality • Bringing real-world experience to align enterprise demands with the developer community
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7 Solutions for Enterprise built on: • ODPi Core specification • ODPi reference implementation • ODPi validation testsuite
  • 8. 8 A Simple Beginning For The ODPi Core • The ODPi Core is starting with a small but critical set of projects • Enables a rapid start and an industry driven definition HDFS YARN Map Reduce Ambari ✓ Specification for compatibility ✓ Reference implementation ✓ Deployable via Ambari ✓ VM sandbox for simple experimentation ✓ Future certification and validation suites ODPi Core Initial Projects Visit
  • 9. 9 Developer community as of today • Raja Aluri, Hortonworks • Ben Barnett, zData • Dan Baskette, Pivotal • Ledion Bitincka, Splunk • Konstantin Boudnik, WANdisco • Daesu Chung, Xiilab • Sudipto Shankar Dasgupta, InfoSys • Raj Desai, IBM • Greg Doumergue, Squid Solutions • Andrea Gallo, Linaro • Robert Geiger, Ampool • Scott Gray, IBM • James Hodge, Splunk • Steve Jones, Capgemini • Masayoshi Kurita, Toshiba • Benjamin Markham, Xiilab • Shinichiro Mochizuki, Toshiba • Chris Ottinger, Telstra Visit • Ayush Parashar, UNIFi • Louis Rabiet, Squid Solutions • Mate Radalj, InfoSys • Brian Rickman, Teradata • Rajit Saha, VMware • Roman Shaposhnik, Pivotal • Sanjay Sharma, Teradata • Smiti Sharma, EMC • Miki Shingo, NEC • Jagane Sundar, WANdisco • David Smith, CenturyLink • Martin Stadtler, Linaro • Pramod Taneja, Capgemini • James Tanner, SAS • Thomas Weise, Data Torrent • Steve Winkler, GE • Allen Wittenauer, Altiscale • Maksim Yankovskiy, Zettaset
  • 10. 10 Roles and responsibilities • Contributors: participate in ODPi work via mailing lists and pull requests • ODPi Maintainers: committers on ODPi projects • The Technical Steering Council (TSC): 7 elders responsible for evolution of ODPi Core • The Release Team: drives ODPi releases
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 ODPi Core Evolution 1) Community prioritizes desired ASF Projects to include in the Core 2) One member / one vote approval 3) Release Team & TSC detail ODPi Core release specification and tests 4) TSC and Developer Community create ODPi Core Release
  • 13. 13 Management and Operations Support • Linux Foundation is providing management and operations support for ODPi • Open Source capabilities around Business Operations, Marketing, and IP and Legal practices
  • 14. 14 The Right Ingredients For Success • Diverse and opinionated ecosystem of members driving the process – True momentum and one member / one vote equality • Commercial products based on a common OSS Core – Delivering investment to solve for enterprise requirements • ODPi delivers shared infrastructure and open governance – Accelerating new releases and participation • Planned certification programs to avoid splintering the code – A roadmap beyond one-size-fits-all certification – Solving for future customer challenges today 14
  • 15. 15 Learn More About ODPi • Visit • Review our technical progress at • Become a member and have a have a direct voice into the future of big data ODPi - enabling Big Data solutions to flourish atop a common core platform
  • 16. 16 The open ecosystem of big data.
  • 17. 17 TRADEMARK DISCLAIMER: Apache, Apache Hadoop, Apache Ambari, and Hadoop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. The ASF is not affiliated with ODPi and does not sponsor or endorse ODPi.