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THE                                february 2012
                                                 ISSUE 6


                        INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
                        NEWBUILDING NEWS         3
                        DRILLING & PRODUCTION 4
                        IN & OUT                 5
                        MARKET FORECAST          6
                        THE INSIDE STORY         7

                        THE LAST WORD            8

 Norway’s hopes for further nds
  Results are in the the Pre-defined areas scheme and submissions
  for the 22nd licensing round – with interest at record levels.

Headlines of declining production rates and more expected            licenses it currently acts as operator for. Spring Energy say it is
have long been the unfortunate concensus for oil and gas             focusing on activities in the Norwegian continental shelf and has
production in the North Sea. That is until the latter part of 2011   interests stretching from the North Sea to the Norwegian Sea
when amongst others Statoil announced                    nds of      and up into the Barents Sea.
game-changing signi cance. The renewed con dence was
echoed in the interest expressed in the 60 new production            Next on the agenda for the Norwegian sector is the 22nd
licenses o ered up in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy’s         licensing round which may cover areas of the Barents Sea.
Pre-de ned Areas (APA) Scheme. The success at Johan Sverdrup         Following the initial phase of oil companies being invited to
(former Aldous/Avaldsnes) where vast reserves were announced         propose areas of interest to them commercially, The Ministry of
in an area where much exploration activity had been carried out      Petroleum and Energy said that a record number of 181 blocks
already has spurred on operators to bid in what became the           had been nominated in the Barents Sea area alone. The current
biggest ever award for acreage in mature areas. Unsurprisingly       intention is to announce the 22nd licensing round before the
Statoil emerged at the forefront of the list of companies taking     summer of 2012 with production licenses being nally awarded
on operatorship with 11 licenses awarded – all of which in areas     in the spring of 2013.
classed as ‘mature’.

Other successful applicants include; UK independent Valiant
Petroleum which will take on operatorship in the Norwegian             1000 App users!
sector for the rst time. Statoil’s partner in the Johan Sverdrup
discovery – Lundin Petroleum was awarded ten exploration               The rst and only o shore support
licenses, four of which as operator. ENI Norge will take a further     vessel App for iPhone has just
license in the Barents Sea close to the Goliat eld. Wintershall        reached 1000 users! The success of
secured interests in seven new licenses, four as operator, which       the iPhone version will no doubt
sees the German oil company further climb up the list of               soon be replicated with the launch
important players in the Norwegian sector. Another one to keep         of the version for Android which is
an eye out for is a small Norwegian independent by the name of         being worked on in-house and
Spring Energy which picked up interests in eight licenses              hoped to be launched soon.
including one as operator which will add to the two other
03 newbuilding News
newbuild deliveries    Is there a secret to a successful start?
next six months        With so many newbuild PSVs entering the market the degree of success each individual vessel
                       has met on delivery can vary greatly – we take a look at the reasons behind achieving close to
march 2012             100% utilisation compared to those that sit and wait patiently for the illusive rst job.

Brage Trader
Olympic Energy
Skandi Kvitsøy
Skandi Hawk
Bourbon Clear

april 2012
Viking Prince
OOC Leopard
Skandi Atlantic

may 2012
Bourbon Calm

june 2012
Far Scotsman           The divided market in the North Sea that has been oh so evident over the past couple of
FD Incomparable        years has been played quite e ectively to some owners advantage. While rates available on
Olympic Orion          the UK-side may be lower, chartering activity is higher and owners taking vessels over to
                       Aberdeen have in some cases been able to x that rst job, albeit at a lower rate than what
                       may have been achievable had it been a ‘Norwegian xture’, quickly. Once the rst job is
july 2012              under your belt the hard part is often done – assuming the job is carried out well and all
Bourbon rainbow        parties are satis ed at the end of course. Prime example of this scenario is recently delivered
Island Crusader        Solvik Supplier. The Vestland O shore managed PSV picked up three jobs two UK charterers
Viking Fighter         before securing 45 days work with Total. Similarly the January-delivered Blue Fighter
Simek UT755 TBN        secured her rst job with E-On on the UK side and may be on the brink of announcing a term
Vestland Mistral       requirement shortly afterwards.

august 2012            But the playing eld has changed somewhat in the rst quarter of 2012 as the term activity
Blue Ship Invest TBN   has surpassed the expectations of many, leading to the absorption of much of the new and
                       existing tonnage. It is safe to assume that the challenges faced by owners with new PSVs will
                       have been alleviated slightly as more opportunities present themselves.

                           newbuild announcements this month
                       Allseas xed up a three new vessels for pipehaul work namely Bourbon front, Ocean Pride and Brage
                       Supplier. The contracts are for 40 days.

                       Brage Viking, the new AHTS for now named Viking Supply Ships has delivered and is prompt in
                       Stavanger awaiting its rst job.

                       Several naming ceremonies were held this month including Olympic Commander, Rem Supporter,
                       Blue Fighter and Ocean Pride’s ceremony will be held start of February.

                       Fosnavåg based World Wide Supply has added a further two Damen PSVs to the current order of four
                       to be built at the Dutch yard Damen Shipyards. The two last PSVs will be delivered in November and
04 drilling & production
On the move in february.....
 • Songa Trym (Statoil)                                                Rig shortage
 • Rowan Norway (ADTI)
 • Deep Sea Bergen (Statoil)
 • Bideford Dolphin (Statoil)
                                                                   throws a spanner
 • Songa Delta (DNO to Suncor)
 • Stena Spey (Warm Stacked to EnQuest)
                                                                        in the works
 • Ocean Nomad (BG)

  Upcoming & ongoing

   Statoil has commenced the 166 day (estimated)         The fundamentals are all looking       As we reported in December’s
 drilling campaign at the King Lear prospect north       so good, major nds reported,           Navigator one company is
 of Eko sk. Jackup Maersk Gallant is drilling the well   increased con dence, majors            choosing to approach the
 in the highly anticipated location for Statoil          increasing      their     spending     problem from a di erent angle –
 described as ‘high impact’.                             budgets but the number of wells        Statoil. In an attempt to curb the
                                                         to be drilled in 2012 will be          increasing challenges brought
   ConocoPhillips has secured the jackup Maersk          hindered by one major factor –         by lack of suitable drilling units
 Resolve for a two well job starting in May on the UK    lack of suitable drilling rigs.        Statoil has started a programme
 sector.                                                 O shore       drilling     in    the   whereby is seeks to build and
                                                         Norwegian sector is heavily            contract units of particular
   Seadrill’s 2000-built drillship West Navigator has    governed, as units seeking to          relevance to the elds it operates
 been extended on its contract with Shell working        drill in Norwegian waters must         and the challenges faced there.
 at Ormen lange. The contract extension is for 18        comply with strict regulation and      In tandem with some of the
 months .                                                achieve      SUT        certi cation   industry’s       main      drilling
                                                         showing the unit meets the             companies, Statoil is redesigning
   Bad weather in the UK sector caused the Ban           required technical and safety          the standard for semis and
 FPSO to lose its anchors this month causing some        standards for drilling. For months     jackups for use in the Norwegian
 damage to risers. As a result the unit had to be        now it has been seen that there is     sector. However his project will
 removed from the eld for a damage assessment            virtually zero available oating        take some time, not least the
 to be carried out.                                      rigs     with      existing     SUT    construction phase which has
                                                         classi cation        that      could   not yet started.
   Troubles at the YME platform continue with new        undertake additional contractual
 problems adding to the di cult weather                  obligations for the remainder of       In the meantime insistence from
 conditions resulting in serious cost escalations. The   2012 and that is now beginning         NPD’s director Bente Nyland to
 last project completion date of second quarter          to stretch into 2013.                  concentrate e orts on existing
 2012 has now been extended and legal action                                                     elds         where   unrealised
 between suppliers and project partners now looks        2011 saw a total of 52 wells           opportunity may lie, will have to
 on the cards.                                           spudded in the Norwegian               wait as rig capacity at least on
                                                         sector, up from 41 in 2010. But a      the Norwegian side, is stretched
   The search for drilling units in the North Sea        shortage of drilling units             to its limit.
 continues as BP issues a tender for a heavy duty        coupled with increased costs
 jack up to cover work in the central North Sea in       have led many to expect the tally
 2013. In addition RWE-Dea seek a jack up for a six      for 2012 to remain at on last
 well programme commencing April 2013.                   year.
05 in and out
  Vessel             Design       Manager            ENTRY         From
  Island Captain     UT 776 CD    Island Offshore     Mid – Feb     Newbuild – Norway
  Stril Polar        PSV 09L CD   Møkster            Mid – Feb     Newbuild – Norway
  Vessel             Design       Manager            ENTRY         To
  Rem Supplier       PSV          Rem Offshore        Mid – Feb     SPD
  FD Reliable        PSV          Gulf Offshore       End – Feb     Petersons
  Maersk Launcher    AHTS         Maersk Supply      End – Feb     BP
  Havila Commander   PSV          Havila             Start – Feb   MOUK
  Normand Draupne    AHTS         Solstad            End – Feb     Gaz de France
  Stril Orion        PSV          Møkster            End – Feb     Maersk Oil
  Siem Topaz         AHTS         Siem Offshore       Mid – Feb     Statoil
  Northern Wave      PSV          Trico              End – Feb     Providence
  Skandi Emerald     AHTS         DOF                End – Feb     OGX – Brazil
  Vessel             Design       Manager            EXIT          To
  Skandi Skansen     AHTS         DOF                Mid – Feb     Subsea 7
  Siem Sailor        PSV          Siem Offshore       Mid - Feb     Statoil
  Havila Fortress    PSV          Havila             Mid – Feb     ADTI
  Blue Fighter       PSV          Remøy Shipping     Mid – Feb     Apache
  North Stream       PSV          Gulf Offshore       Start – Feb   DNO
  SBS Typhoon        PSV          SBS Marine         Mid – Jan     RWE Dea
  Siem Danis         PSV          Siem Offshore       Mid – Feb     Sold to Nigerian interests
  Edda Freya         PSV          Østensjø           Start – Feb   Allseas
  Ocean Pride        PSV          Sartor             Start – Feb   Allseas
  Bourbon Front      PSV          Bourbon            Start – Feb   Allseas
  Edda Frigg         PSV          Østensjø           Start – Feb   Allseas
  Brage Supplier     PSV          Møkster            Start – Feb   Allseas
  Rem Fortress       PSV          Rem Offshore        End – Feb     ADTI
  Solvik Supplier    PSV          Vestland Offshore   Start – Feb   Total
  Subhadra           AHTS         Varun              Start – Feb   TBA Caspian
  Suchandra          AHTS         Varun              Start – Feb   TBA Caspian
  Rem Fortune        PSV          Rem                Mid – Feb     Sold – Nigerian interests
06 market forecast
Term Activity in the
first quarter
The deliveries of new PSVs continues unabated
but term chartering has soaked up several
more vessels than some thought…

 With so many new vessels entering service this year it was di cult to see    some time but draft restrictions for entering the Caspian will exclude
 how all the new tonnage could have been absorbed leading to some             many vessels from being considered for this work. And of course Brazil
 potentially di cult situations for PSV owners. But 2012 has kicked o in      will likely take a handful of vessels although this will rest on the AHTS
 spectacular fashion when it concerns term chartering activity with news      side where little global competition for superior tonnage can be found.
 of arrangements being made for term work either in the North Sea or in       Petrobras et al will likely nd cheaper PSVs readily available elsewhere
 other regions coming in thick and fast these past couple of weeks.           without having to pay the North Sea prices.
 Moreover there are still several outstanding term requirements for
 North Sea work and more announced recently. As one might expect,             More announcements of term xtures is expected through this quarter
 with each vessel secured the availability goes down and the rates paid       and they concern activity in the UK sector, the Faeroe Island and also
 for subsequent xtures creeps up.                                             work in the Norwegian sector for which we believe further term
                                                                              requirements will be issued.

 As Westshore discussed in last month’s edition of the Navigator, pipe       Fixture date   Vessel             Charterer    Work Scope                                  Day rate
 haul has already lead to some signi cant absorption of PSV tonnage as       01.02.2012     E.R.KRISTIANSAN…   Enquest      Supply duties, 9 months firm + 2x3months o… GBP 12000
                                                                             01.02.2012     FD REMARKABLE      Enquest      Supply duties, 9 months firm + 2x3months o… GBP 13000
 Allseas secured no less than ve vessels for a 40-day programme at rates     01.02.2012     STRIL ORION        Marathon N   Supply duties, 6 months firm+2 wells opt.    RNR
 in excess of GBP 20K per day. Notably three out of ve xtures were for       31.01.2012     TROMS CASTOR       MOG          Supply duties.60 days firm + 30x1day         NOK 155000
 vessels less than six months old. More xtures can be expected from this     31.01.2012     ESVAGT CONNECTO…   Statoil      Supply duties, 1 well, Faroe Islands, ca. … RNR
                                                                             31.01.2012     KL BROFJORD        Statoil      Supply duties, 1 well, Faroe Islands, ca. … NOK 165000
 charterer as projects on the cards for 2012 have yet to be allocated        31.01.2012     EDDA FREYA         Noreco       Support Maersk Resolve, 1 well + D/D 14     RNR
 speci c tonnage. What may have started as several oil companies             25.01.2012     REM FORTRESS       ADTI         Supply duties, 1well firm (Est 6 months)     RNR
                                                                             20.01.2012     BOURBON FRONT      Allseas      Pipehaul, ca 40 days                        GBP 23000
 positioning themselves to take advantage of an excess of PSV tonnage        20.01.2012     OCEAN PRIDE        Allseas      Pipehaul, ca. 40 days                       GBP 22750
 has slowly started a trend of higher and higher rates being set for term    20.01.2012     BRAGE SUPPLIER     Allseas      Pipehaul, ca. 40 days                       GBP 22750
                                                                             20.01.2012     EDDA FRIGG         Allseas      Pipehaul, ca. 40 days                       GBP 22750
 work.                                                                       20.01.2012     SOLVIK SUPPLIER    Total E&P    Supply dutiers. 45 days firm + 4x1 week      GBP 15000
                                                                             20.01.2012     EDDA FREYA         Allseas      Pipehaul, ca. 40 days                       GBP 23000
                                                                             18.01.2012     SKANDI WAVENEY     Peterson     Supply duties, 1 year firm + 2 year option   RNR
 Furthering this is the handful of announcements of vessel sales and         09.01.2012     BB TROLL           Saipem       Assist Scarabeo 8, 50 days                  RNR
 vessels leaving the North Sea for work in other regions – most notably      03.01.2012     SOPHIE SIEM        ENI Ghana    Supply duties 180 days                      RNR
                                                                             03.01.2012     SIEM LOUISA        ENI Ghana    Supply duties 100 days                      RNR
 West Africa. In this category we nd the 1000m2 deck Rem Fortune and
 VS 470 Siem Danis which have been sold to parties outside the North
 Sea. Rumors regarding Caspian Sea work have been in the market for          term fixture announcements in 2012. Source: westshore
09 the inside story

 A rising tide lifts all boats?
 Reporting season is quickly approaching for the supply vessel
                                                                                            WRITTEN BY
 owners listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The                 nance
 departments of the eight listed owners will be busying themselves
 for the scrutiny of the presentations given at set dates throughout                       Inger Louise Molver
                                                                                            O shore Analyst
 February, be that by conference call or at the traditional locations
 in Oslo.

After a tough couple of years for support vessel owners the        behind them. An increase in demand for support vessels in
news from the fourth quarter is hoped to show some                 most of the basins around the world is thought to continue
improvement from what has been announced in the previous           despite global economic challenges. This will keep demand for
reports. Havila, Eidesvik, Siem, Farstad, Deep Sea Supply, Rem,    their services high and continue to be the case as the high
Solstad and DOF all report fourth quarter 2011 earnings in         number of orders for new rigs starts to result in delivered units
February with Havila already having come out with preliminary      from 2012 and stepping up signi cantly in 2013.
accounts. On the spot market in the North Sea conditions in the
fourth quarter proved particularly volatile with spectacular       New projects
highs and lows which will impact owners to a greater or lesser     We may start to see indications of new projects on the horizon
extent depending on their spot market exposure. Whilst the         for owners but nancing remains a key factor in prohibiting
accounts may not entirely be out of the red and into the black,    another newbuild cycle, much to the dismay of the shipyards.
an improvement is still widely anticipated for most of the         The balance sheets are in general still very leveraged owing to
owners.                                                            the signi cant growth most of the owners went through over
                                                                   the last two to three years. This, coupled with the ongoing
Outlook                                                            challenges in the nance markets leaves few owners in a good
In addition to the gures reported in the accounts what’s also of   position to be considering further growth. It has been said that
interest is the management comments. What’s expected here is       as soon as owners begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel
a general consensus that the market is improving, the tough        they promptly lengthen the tunnel but this time that
times that owners have gone through as a result of a dip in        temptation may not be an option.
demand and a deluge of new vessel deliveries will be largely be
08 the last word
          Westshore Asks:

                     what will the average spot xture
                     rate for PSVs be for February?

And the winner is..                                               alex aapostolou
                                                                  offshore shipbrokers
In last month’s Navigator we asked the panelists what the
average utilisation rate for AHTS vessels would be on the spot
                                                                  answer - GBP 10,500
market – the answer coming in a few points short of 70% overall
not the worst the market has fared so early in the year.

Average xture rate for large AHTS vessels came in at around
GBP 17,000 in January, up from last year’s level of just below
GBP 10,000. In general the spot market has not experienced a
great deal of activity this month – it has really been the term
market that has kept the brokers busy. And of the two             jan lothe
segments it has been the AHTS market that has fared worse         ocean going
than the PSV.
                                                                  answer - GBP 7,700
This month the question we asked our panelists was what will
the average spot xture rate for PSVs be for February? Given
then interest in the term market, the rates on the spot market
will potentially be a ected – but what do our panelists think?
                                                                  john haugstad (on behalf of atle holgersen)
Atle Holgersen came in closest with his answer last month so      simon møkster
gets to stay on to answer in this edition. Joining Atle is Jan
Lothe responsible for the chartering of NSO Fortune and Alex      answer - gbp 9,750
Aapostolou from O shore Shipbrokers in Aberdeen

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Navigator 6

  • 2. 02 HEADLINE News Norway’s hopes for further nds Results are in the the Pre-defined areas scheme and submissions for the 22nd licensing round – with interest at record levels. Headlines of declining production rates and more expected licenses it currently acts as operator for. Spring Energy say it is have long been the unfortunate concensus for oil and gas focusing on activities in the Norwegian continental shelf and has production in the North Sea. That is until the latter part of 2011 interests stretching from the North Sea to the Norwegian Sea when amongst others Statoil announced nds of and up into the Barents Sea. game-changing signi cance. The renewed con dence was echoed in the interest expressed in the 60 new production Next on the agenda for the Norwegian sector is the 22nd licenses o ered up in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy’s licensing round which may cover areas of the Barents Sea. Pre-de ned Areas (APA) Scheme. The success at Johan Sverdrup Following the initial phase of oil companies being invited to (former Aldous/Avaldsnes) where vast reserves were announced propose areas of interest to them commercially, The Ministry of in an area where much exploration activity had been carried out Petroleum and Energy said that a record number of 181 blocks already has spurred on operators to bid in what became the had been nominated in the Barents Sea area alone. The current biggest ever award for acreage in mature areas. Unsurprisingly intention is to announce the 22nd licensing round before the Statoil emerged at the forefront of the list of companies taking summer of 2012 with production licenses being nally awarded on operatorship with 11 licenses awarded – all of which in areas in the spring of 2013. classed as ‘mature’. Other successful applicants include; UK independent Valiant Petroleum which will take on operatorship in the Norwegian 1000 App users! sector for the rst time. Statoil’s partner in the Johan Sverdrup discovery – Lundin Petroleum was awarded ten exploration The rst and only o shore support licenses, four of which as operator. ENI Norge will take a further vessel App for iPhone has just license in the Barents Sea close to the Goliat eld. Wintershall reached 1000 users! The success of secured interests in seven new licenses, four as operator, which the iPhone version will no doubt sees the German oil company further climb up the list of soon be replicated with the launch important players in the Norwegian sector. Another one to keep of the version for Android which is an eye out for is a small Norwegian independent by the name of being worked on in-house and Spring Energy which picked up interests in eight licenses hoped to be launched soon. including one as operator which will add to the two other
  • 3. 03 newbuilding News newbuild deliveries Is there a secret to a successful start? next six months With so many newbuild PSVs entering the market the degree of success each individual vessel has met on delivery can vary greatly – we take a look at the reasons behind achieving close to march 2012 100% utilisation compared to those that sit and wait patiently for the illusive rst job. Brage Trader Olympic Energy Skandi Kvitsøy Skandi Hawk Bourbon Clear april 2012 Viking Prince OOC Leopard Skandi Atlantic may 2012 Sjoborg Bourbon Calm june 2012 Far Scotsman The divided market in the North Sea that has been oh so evident over the past couple of FD Incomparable years has been played quite e ectively to some owners advantage. While rates available on Olympic Orion the UK-side may be lower, chartering activity is higher and owners taking vessels over to Aberdeen have in some cases been able to x that rst job, albeit at a lower rate than what may have been achievable had it been a ‘Norwegian xture’, quickly. Once the rst job is july 2012 under your belt the hard part is often done – assuming the job is carried out well and all Bourbon rainbow parties are satis ed at the end of course. Prime example of this scenario is recently delivered Island Crusader Solvik Supplier. The Vestland O shore managed PSV picked up three jobs two UK charterers Viking Fighter before securing 45 days work with Total. Similarly the January-delivered Blue Fighter Simek UT755 TBN secured her rst job with E-On on the UK side and may be on the brink of announcing a term Vestland Mistral requirement shortly afterwards. august 2012 But the playing eld has changed somewhat in the rst quarter of 2012 as the term activity Blue Ship Invest TBN has surpassed the expectations of many, leading to the absorption of much of the new and existing tonnage. It is safe to assume that the challenges faced by owners with new PSVs will have been alleviated slightly as more opportunities present themselves. newbuild announcements this month Allseas xed up a three new vessels for pipehaul work namely Bourbon front, Ocean Pride and Brage Supplier. The contracts are for 40 days. Brage Viking, the new AHTS for now named Viking Supply Ships has delivered and is prompt in Stavanger awaiting its rst job. Several naming ceremonies were held this month including Olympic Commander, Rem Supporter, Blue Fighter and Ocean Pride’s ceremony will be held start of February. Fosnavåg based World Wide Supply has added a further two Damen PSVs to the current order of four to be built at the Dutch yard Damen Shipyards. The two last PSVs will be delivered in November and
  • 4. 04 drilling & production On the move in february..... • Songa Trym (Statoil) Rig shortage • Rowan Norway (ADTI) • Deep Sea Bergen (Statoil) • Bideford Dolphin (Statoil) throws a spanner • Songa Delta (DNO to Suncor) • Stena Spey (Warm Stacked to EnQuest) in the works • Ocean Nomad (BG) Upcoming & ongoing Statoil has commenced the 166 day (estimated) The fundamentals are all looking As we reported in December’s drilling campaign at the King Lear prospect north so good, major nds reported, Navigator one company is of Eko sk. Jackup Maersk Gallant is drilling the well increased con dence, majors choosing to approach the in the highly anticipated location for Statoil increasing their spending problem from a di erent angle – described as ‘high impact’. budgets but the number of wells Statoil. In an attempt to curb the to be drilled in 2012 will be increasing challenges brought ConocoPhillips has secured the jackup Maersk hindered by one major factor – by lack of suitable drilling units Resolve for a two well job starting in May on the UK lack of suitable drilling rigs. Statoil has started a programme sector. O shore drilling in the whereby is seeks to build and Norwegian sector is heavily contract units of particular Seadrill’s 2000-built drillship West Navigator has governed, as units seeking to relevance to the elds it operates been extended on its contract with Shell working drill in Norwegian waters must and the challenges faced there. at Ormen lange. The contract extension is for 18 comply with strict regulation and In tandem with some of the months . achieve SUT certi cation industry’s main drilling showing the unit meets the companies, Statoil is redesigning Bad weather in the UK sector caused the Ban required technical and safety the standard for semis and FPSO to lose its anchors this month causing some standards for drilling. For months jackups for use in the Norwegian damage to risers. As a result the unit had to be now it has been seen that there is sector. However his project will removed from the eld for a damage assessment virtually zero available oating take some time, not least the to be carried out. rigs with existing SUT construction phase which has classi cation that could not yet started. Troubles at the YME platform continue with new undertake additional contractual problems adding to the di cult weather obligations for the remainder of In the meantime insistence from conditions resulting in serious cost escalations. The 2012 and that is now beginning NPD’s director Bente Nyland to last project completion date of second quarter to stretch into 2013. concentrate e orts on existing 2012 has now been extended and legal action elds where unrealised between suppliers and project partners now looks 2011 saw a total of 52 wells opportunity may lie, will have to on the cards. spudded in the Norwegian wait as rig capacity at least on sector, up from 41 in 2010. But a the Norwegian side, is stretched The search for drilling units in the North Sea shortage of drilling units to its limit. continues as BP issues a tender for a heavy duty coupled with increased costs jack up to cover work in the central North Sea in have led many to expect the tally 2013. In addition RWE-Dea seek a jack up for a six for 2012 to remain at on last well programme commencing April 2013. year.
  • 5. 05 in and out Vessel Design Manager ENTRY From Island Captain UT 776 CD Island Offshore Mid – Feb Newbuild – Norway Stril Polar PSV 09L CD Møkster Mid – Feb Newbuild – Norway Vessel Design Manager ENTRY To Rem Supplier PSV Rem Offshore Mid – Feb SPD FD Reliable PSV Gulf Offshore End – Feb Petersons Maersk Launcher AHTS Maersk Supply End – Feb BP Havila Commander PSV Havila Start – Feb MOUK Normand Draupne AHTS Solstad End – Feb Gaz de France Stril Orion PSV Møkster End – Feb Maersk Oil Siem Topaz AHTS Siem Offshore Mid – Feb Statoil Northern Wave PSV Trico End – Feb Providence Skandi Emerald AHTS DOF End – Feb OGX – Brazil Vessel Design Manager EXIT To Skandi Skansen AHTS DOF Mid – Feb Subsea 7 Siem Sailor PSV Siem Offshore Mid - Feb Statoil Havila Fortress PSV Havila Mid – Feb ADTI Blue Fighter PSV Remøy Shipping Mid – Feb Apache North Stream PSV Gulf Offshore Start – Feb DNO SBS Typhoon PSV SBS Marine Mid – Jan RWE Dea Siem Danis PSV Siem Offshore Mid – Feb Sold to Nigerian interests Edda Freya PSV Østensjø Start – Feb Allseas Ocean Pride PSV Sartor Start – Feb Allseas Bourbon Front PSV Bourbon Start – Feb Allseas Edda Frigg PSV Østensjø Start – Feb Allseas Brage Supplier PSV Møkster Start – Feb Allseas Rem Fortress PSV Rem Offshore End – Feb ADTI Solvik Supplier PSV Vestland Offshore Start – Feb Total Subhadra AHTS Varun Start – Feb TBA Caspian Suchandra AHTS Varun Start – Feb TBA Caspian Rem Fortune PSV Rem Mid – Feb Sold – Nigerian interests
  • 6. 06 market forecast Term Activity in the first quarter The deliveries of new PSVs continues unabated but term chartering has soaked up several more vessels than some thought… With so many new vessels entering service this year it was di cult to see some time but draft restrictions for entering the Caspian will exclude how all the new tonnage could have been absorbed leading to some many vessels from being considered for this work. And of course Brazil potentially di cult situations for PSV owners. But 2012 has kicked o in will likely take a handful of vessels although this will rest on the AHTS spectacular fashion when it concerns term chartering activity with news side where little global competition for superior tonnage can be found. of arrangements being made for term work either in the North Sea or in Petrobras et al will likely nd cheaper PSVs readily available elsewhere other regions coming in thick and fast these past couple of weeks. without having to pay the North Sea prices. Moreover there are still several outstanding term requirements for North Sea work and more announced recently. As one might expect, More announcements of term xtures is expected through this quarter with each vessel secured the availability goes down and the rates paid and they concern activity in the UK sector, the Faeroe Island and also for subsequent xtures creeps up. work in the Norwegian sector for which we believe further term requirements will be issued. As Westshore discussed in last month’s edition of the Navigator, pipe Fixture date Vessel Charterer Work Scope Day rate haul has already lead to some signi cant absorption of PSV tonnage as 01.02.2012 E.R.KRISTIANSAN… Enquest Supply duties, 9 months firm + 2x3months o… GBP 12000 01.02.2012 FD REMARKABLE Enquest Supply duties, 9 months firm + 2x3months o… GBP 13000 Allseas secured no less than ve vessels for a 40-day programme at rates 01.02.2012 STRIL ORION Marathon N Supply duties, 6 months firm+2 wells opt. RNR in excess of GBP 20K per day. Notably three out of ve xtures were for 31.01.2012 TROMS CASTOR MOG Supply duties.60 days firm + 30x1day NOK 155000 vessels less than six months old. More xtures can be expected from this 31.01.2012 ESVAGT CONNECTO… Statoil Supply duties, 1 well, Faroe Islands, ca. … RNR 31.01.2012 KL BROFJORD Statoil Supply duties, 1 well, Faroe Islands, ca. … NOK 165000 charterer as projects on the cards for 2012 have yet to be allocated 31.01.2012 EDDA FREYA Noreco Support Maersk Resolve, 1 well + D/D 14 RNR speci c tonnage. What may have started as several oil companies 25.01.2012 REM FORTRESS ADTI Supply duties, 1well firm (Est 6 months) RNR 20.01.2012 BOURBON FRONT Allseas Pipehaul, ca 40 days GBP 23000 positioning themselves to take advantage of an excess of PSV tonnage 20.01.2012 OCEAN PRIDE Allseas Pipehaul, ca. 40 days GBP 22750 has slowly started a trend of higher and higher rates being set for term 20.01.2012 BRAGE SUPPLIER Allseas Pipehaul, ca. 40 days GBP 22750 20.01.2012 EDDA FRIGG Allseas Pipehaul, ca. 40 days GBP 22750 work. 20.01.2012 SOLVIK SUPPLIER Total E&P Supply dutiers. 45 days firm + 4x1 week GBP 15000 20.01.2012 EDDA FREYA Allseas Pipehaul, ca. 40 days GBP 23000 18.01.2012 SKANDI WAVENEY Peterson Supply duties, 1 year firm + 2 year option RNR Furthering this is the handful of announcements of vessel sales and 09.01.2012 BB TROLL Saipem Assist Scarabeo 8, 50 days RNR vessels leaving the North Sea for work in other regions – most notably 03.01.2012 SOPHIE SIEM ENI Ghana Supply duties 180 days RNR 03.01.2012 SIEM LOUISA ENI Ghana Supply duties 100 days RNR West Africa. In this category we nd the 1000m2 deck Rem Fortune and VS 470 Siem Danis which have been sold to parties outside the North Sea. Rumors regarding Caspian Sea work have been in the market for term fixture announcements in 2012. Source: westshore
  • 7. 09 the inside story A rising tide lifts all boats? Reporting season is quickly approaching for the supply vessel WRITTEN BY owners listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The nance departments of the eight listed owners will be busying themselves for the scrutiny of the presentations given at set dates throughout Inger Louise Molver O shore Analyst February, be that by conference call or at the traditional locations in Oslo. After a tough couple of years for support vessel owners the behind them. An increase in demand for support vessels in news from the fourth quarter is hoped to show some most of the basins around the world is thought to continue improvement from what has been announced in the previous despite global economic challenges. This will keep demand for reports. Havila, Eidesvik, Siem, Farstad, Deep Sea Supply, Rem, their services high and continue to be the case as the high Solstad and DOF all report fourth quarter 2011 earnings in number of orders for new rigs starts to result in delivered units February with Havila already having come out with preliminary from 2012 and stepping up signi cantly in 2013. accounts. On the spot market in the North Sea conditions in the fourth quarter proved particularly volatile with spectacular New projects highs and lows which will impact owners to a greater or lesser We may start to see indications of new projects on the horizon extent depending on their spot market exposure. Whilst the for owners but nancing remains a key factor in prohibiting accounts may not entirely be out of the red and into the black, another newbuild cycle, much to the dismay of the shipyards. an improvement is still widely anticipated for most of the The balance sheets are in general still very leveraged owing to owners. the signi cant growth most of the owners went through over the last two to three years. This, coupled with the ongoing Outlook challenges in the nance markets leaves few owners in a good In addition to the gures reported in the accounts what’s also of position to be considering further growth. It has been said that interest is the management comments. What’s expected here is as soon as owners begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel a general consensus that the market is improving, the tough they promptly lengthen the tunnel but this time that times that owners have gone through as a result of a dip in temptation may not be an option. demand and a deluge of new vessel deliveries will be largely be
  • 8. 08 the last word Westshore Asks: what will the average spot xture rate for PSVs be for February? And the winner is.. alex aapostolou offshore shipbrokers In last month’s Navigator we asked the panelists what the average utilisation rate for AHTS vessels would be on the spot answer - GBP 10,500 market – the answer coming in a few points short of 70% overall not the worst the market has fared so early in the year. Average xture rate for large AHTS vessels came in at around GBP 17,000 in January, up from last year’s level of just below GBP 10,000. In general the spot market has not experienced a great deal of activity this month – it has really been the term market that has kept the brokers busy. And of the two jan lothe segments it has been the AHTS market that has fared worse ocean going than the PSV. answer - GBP 7,700 This month the question we asked our panelists was what will the average spot xture rate for PSVs be for February? Given then interest in the term market, the rates on the spot market will potentially be a ected – but what do our panelists think? john haugstad (on behalf of atle holgersen) Atle Holgersen came in closest with his answer last month so simon møkster gets to stay on to answer in this edition. Joining Atle is Jan Lothe responsible for the chartering of NSO Fortune and Alex answer - gbp 9,750 Aapostolou from O shore Shipbrokers in Aberdeen