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MySQL Indexing 
Best Practices for MySQL 5.6 
Peter Zaitsev 
CEO, Percona 
Highload++ 2014, Moscow, Russia 
Nov 1, 2014 
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You’ve Made a Great Choice ! 
Understanding indexing is crucial both for 
Developers and DBAs 
Poor index choices are responsible for large 
portion of production problems 
Indexing is not a rocket science 
MySQL Indexing: Agenda 
Understanding Indexing 
Setting up best indexes for your 
Working around common MySQL 
Indexing in the Nutshell 
• Speed up access in the database 
• Help to enforce constraints 
• Queries can be ran without any 
• But it can take a really long time 
for ?
Types of Indexes you might heard about 
• Majority of indexes you deal in MySQL is 
this type BTREE Indexes 
RTREE Indexes • MyISAM only, for GIS 
FULLTEXT Indexes • MyISAM, Innodb starting 5.6 
Family of BTREE like Indexes 
• Share same properties in what operations 
they can speed up 
• Memory vs Disk is life changer 
A lot of different 
• Data stored in leaf nodes 
B+ Trees are 
typically used for 
Disk storage 
• But physically a lot different 
TokuDB Fractal 
Trees are logically 
B+Tree Example 
Branch/Root Node 
Less than 3 
Data Pointers Leaf Node 
Indexes in MyISAM vs Innodb 
In MyISAM data pointers 
point to physical offset in 
the data file 
• All indexes are 
essentially equivalent 
In Innodb 
• PRIMARY KEY (Explicit 
or Implicit) - stores data 
in the leaf pages of the 
index, not pointer 
• Secondary Indexes – 
store primary key as 
data pointer
What Operations can BTREE Index do ? 
Find all rows with KEY=5 (point lookup) 
Find all rows with KEY>5 (open range) 
Find all rows with 5<KEY<10 (closed range) 
NOT find all rows with last digit of the KEY is Zero 
• This can’t be defined as a “range” operation 
String Indexes 
• Sort order is defined for strings 
• “AAAA” < “AAAB” 
There is no 
• LIKE “ABC%” means 
• LIKE “%ABC” can’t be optimized by use 
of the index 
Prefix LIKE is 
a special type 
of Range 
Multiple Column Indexes 
•(1,2,3) < (1,3,1) 
Sort Order is 
comparing leading 
column, then 
second etc 
•not a separate BTREE 
index for each level 
It is still one BTREE 
Overhead of The Indexing 
Indexes are costly; Do not add more than you 
• In most cases extending index is better than adding new one 
Writes - Updating indexes is often major cost of 
database writes 
Reads - Wasted space on disk and in memory; 
additional overhead during query optimization 
Indexing Innodb Tables 
• Pick PRIMARY KEY what suites you best 
• For comments – (POST_ID,COMMENT_ID) can be 
good PRIMARY KEY storing all comments for 
single post close together 
• Alternatively “pack” to single BIGINT 
Data is 
clustered by 
Primary Key 
• KEY (A) is really KEY (A,ID) internally 
• Useful for sorting, Covering Index. 
is implicitly 
appended to 
all indexes 
How MySQL Uses Indexes 
Data Lookups 
Avoiding reading “data” 
Special Optimizations 
Using Indexes for Data Lookups 
• The classical use of index on 
• Will use index on (DEPT,LAST_NAME) 
Can use Multiple 
column indexes 
It Gets Tricky With Multiple Columns 
Index (A,B,C) •- order of columns matters 
•A=5 AND B>6 
•A=5 AND B=6 AND C=7 
•A=5 AND B IN (2,3) AND C>5 
Will use Index for lookup 
(all listed keyparts) 
•B>5 – Leading column is not referenced 
•B=6 AND C=7 - Leading column is not referenced Will NOT use Index 
•A>5 AND B=2 - range on first column; only use this key part 
•A=5 AND B>6 AND C=2 - range on second column, use 2 parts Will use Part of the index 
The First Rule of MySQL Optimizer 
MySQL will stop using key parts in 
multi part index as soon as it met 
the real range (<,>, BETWEEN), it 
however is able to continue using 
key parts further to the right if 
IN(…) range is used 
Using Index for Sorting 
• Will use index on SCORE column 
• Without index MySQL will do “filesort” 
(external sort) which is very expensive 
• Best served by Index on (COUNTRY,SCORE) 
Combined with 
using Index for 
Multi Column indexes for efficient sorting 
• It becomes even more restricted! 
• KEY(A,B) 
• Will use Index for Sorting 
– ORDER BY A - sorting by leading column 
– A=5 ORDER BY B - EQ filtering by 1st and sorting by 2nd 
– ORDER BY A DESC, B DESC - Sorting by 2 columns in same order 
– A>5 ORDER BY A - Range on the column, sorting on the same 
• Will NOT use Index for Sorting 
– ORDER BY B - Sorting by second column in the index 
– A>5 ORDER BY B – Range on first column, sorting by second 
– A IN(1,2) ORDER BY B - In-Range on first column 
– ORDER BY A ASC, B DESC - Sorting in the different order 
MySQL Using Index for Sorting Rules 
You can’t sort in different order by 2 columns 
You can only have Equality comparison (=) 
for columns which are not part of ORDER BY 
• Not even IN() works in this case 
Avoiding Reading The data 
• Applies to index use for specific query, 
not type of index. 
“Covering Index” 
• Index is typically smaller than data Reading Index ONLY and 
not accessing the “data” 
• Access through data pointers is often 
quite “random” 
Access is a lot more 
Min/Max Optimizations 
• Index help MIN()/MAX() aggregate functions 
– But only these 
– Will benefit from (DEPT_ID,SALARY) index 
– “Using index for group-by” 
Indexes and Joins 
• Scan table POSTS finding all posts which have Peter as an Author 
• For every such post go to COMMENTS table to fetch all comments 
MySQL Performs 
Joins as “Nested 
• The index on POSTS.ID is not needed for this query performance 
Index is only needed 
on table which is 
being looked up 
• Re-Design JOIN queries which can’t be well indexed 
Very important to 
have all JOINs 
Using Multiple Indexes for the table 
• “Index Merge” 
MySQL Can use 
More than one 
• Can often use Indexes on (A) and (B) 
• Index on (A,B) is much better 
AND B=6 
• 2 separate indexes is as good as it gets 
• Index (A,B) can’t be used for this query 
OR B=6 
Prefix Indexes 
• Needed to index BLOB/TEXT 
• Can be significantly smaller 
• Can’t be used as covering index 
• Choosing prefix length becomes the 
You can 
build Index 
on the 
prefix of 
the column 
Choosing Prefix Length 
• Prefix should be “Selective enough” 
– Check number of distinct prefixes vs number of 
total distinct values 
mysql> select count(distinct(title)) total, 
count(distinct(left(title,10))) p10, 
count(distinct(left(title,20))) p20 from title; 
| total | p10 | p20 | 
| 998335 | 624949 | 960894 | 
1 row in set (44.19 sec)
Most common Titles Most Common Title Prefixes 
Choosing Prefix Length 
• Check for Outliers 
– Ensure there are not too many rows sharing the 
same prefix 
mysql> select count(*) cnt, title tl 
from title group by tl order by cnt desc 
limit 3; 
| cnt | tl | 
| 136 | The Wedding | 
| 129 | Lost and Found | 
| 112 | Horror Marathon | 
3 rows in set (27.49 sec) 
mysql> select count(*) cnt, left(title,20) tl 
from title group by tl order by cnt desc 
limit 3; 
| cnt | tl | 
| 184 | Wetten, dass..? aus | 
| 136 | The Wedding | 
| 129 | Lost and Found | 
3 rows in set (33.23 sec) 
What is new with MySQL 5.6 ? 
• Most of them will make your queries better 
• join_buffer_size variable has whole new meaning 
• Values if 32MB+ can make sense 
Many Optimizer 
• Most important one: ICP (Index Condition 
Focus on Index 
Design Practices 
for this 
Understanding ICP 
• Think NAME LIKE “%ill%” (will not 
convert to range) 
Push where clause 
“Conditions” for 
Storage engine to filter 
• Plus filtering done on the engine level 
– efficient 
“Much more flexible 
covering Index” 
• All or none. All is resolved through the 
index or “row” is read if within range 
Before MySQL 5.5 
ICP Examples 
• SELECT A … WHERE B=2 AND C LIKE “%ill%’ 
– MySQL 5.5 and below 
• KEY (B) – Traditional. Using index for range only 
• KEY (B,C,A) - Covering. All involved columns included 
– MySQL 5.6 
• KEY(B,C) 
– Range access by B; Filter clause on C only read full row if match 
• More cases 
– SELECT * …WHERE A=5 and C=6 ; KEY (A,B,C) 
• Will scan all index entries with A=5 not all rows
How MySQL Picks which Index to Use ? 
• The constants in query texts 
matter a lot 
Performs dynamic 
picking for every 
query execution 
• by doing “dive” in the table 
Estimates number of 
rows it needs to 
access for given index 
• This is what ANALYZE TABLE 
Uses “Cardinality” 
statistics if impossible 
More on Picking the Index 
• Looking to minimize the “cost” not query performance 
Not Just minimizing 
number of scanned 
•PRIMARY Key is special for Innodb 
•Covering Index benefits 
•Full table scan is faster, all being equal 
•Can we also use index for Sorting 
Lots of other 
heuristics and 
•Verify plan MySQL is actually using 
•Note it can change dynamically based on constants and data Things to know 
• EXPLAIN is a great tool to see how MySQL 
plans to execute the query 
– Remember real execution might be different 
mysql> explain select max(season_nr) from title group by production_year; 
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | 
| 1 | SIMPLE | title | range | NULL | production_year | 5 | NULL | 201 | Using index for group-by | 
1 row in set (0.01 sec) 
Indexing Strategy 
• Look at them together not just one by 
Build indexes for set of 
your performance critical 
• At least most selective parts are 
Best if all WHERE clause 
and JOIN clauses are using 
indexes for lookups 
• There are some exceptions 
Generally extend index if 
you can, instead of 
creating new indexes 
• Revisit Performance of All Queries! 
Validate performance 
impact as you’re doing 
mysql> EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.i = t2.i WHERE t1.j > 1 
AND t2.j < 3; 
| { 
"query_block": { 
"select_id": 1, 
"nested_loop": [ 
"table": { 
"table_name": "t1", 
"access_type": "ALL", 
"rows": 3, 
"filtered": 100, 
"attached_condition": "((`test`.`t1`.`j` > 1) and (`test`.`t1`.`i` is not null))" 
} /* table */ 
Indexing Strategy Example 
• KEY (B,A) Is better for such query mix 
Build Index order 
which benefits more 
• Do not start with this! 
All being equal put 
more selective key 
part first 
• Many indexes slow system down 
Do not add indexes 
for non performance 
critical queries 
Tools ? 
• Percona Toolkit 
– Pt-query-digest 
• Percona Cloud Tools 
Trick #1: Enumerating Ranges 
• Assume we need to stick to 
this order 
KEY (A,B) 
• Will only use first key part of 
the index 
2 AND 4 AND B=5 
• Will use both key parts 
WHERE A IN (2,3,4) 
AND B=5 
Trick #2: Adding Fake Filter 
KEY (GENDER,CITY) • Want to use one index only 
• Will not be able to use the index at all SELECT * FROM PEOPLE 
• Will be able to use the index 
• Gender, Status, Boolean Types etc The trick works best with low 
selectivity columns. 
Trick #3: Unionizing Filesort 
KEY(A,B) • No Other key would work ether 
• Will not be able to use index for 
• Will use the index for Sorting. “filesort” 
will be needed only to sort over 10 rows. 
Thank You ! 
• @percona at Twitter 

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Работа с индексами - лучшие практики для MySQL 5.6, Петр Зайцев (Percona)

  • 1. MySQL Indexing Best Practices for MySQL 5.6 Peter Zaitsev CEO, Percona Highload++ 2014, Moscow, Russia Nov 1, 2014
  • 2. About Percona Open Source Software for MySQL Ecosystem • Percona Server • Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) • Percona Xtrabackup • Percona Toolkit Solutions to succeed with MySQL • Consulting • Support • Managed Services 2
  • 3. You’ve Made a Great Choice ! Understanding indexing is crucial both for Developers and DBAs Poor index choices are responsible for large portion of production problems Indexing is not a rocket science
  • 4. MySQL Indexing: Agenda Understanding Indexing Setting up best indexes for your applications Working around common MySQL limitations
  • 5. Indexing in the Nutshell • Speed up access in the database • Help to enforce constraints (UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY) • Queries can be ran without any indexes • But it can take a really long time What are indexes for ?
  • 6. Types of Indexes you might heard about • Majority of indexes you deal in MySQL is this type BTREE Indexes RTREE Indexes • MyISAM only, for GIS HASH Indexes • MEMORY, NDB FULLTEXT Indexes • MyISAM, Innodb starting 5.6
  • 7. Family of BTREE like Indexes • Share same properties in what operations they can speed up • Memory vs Disk is life changer A lot of different implementations • Data stored in leaf nodes B+ Trees are typically used for Disk storage • But physically a lot different TokuDB Fractal Trees are logically similar
  • 8. B+Tree Example Branch/Root Node Less than 3 Data Pointers Leaf Node
  • 9. Indexes in MyISAM vs Innodb In MyISAM data pointers point to physical offset in the data file • All indexes are essentially equivalent In Innodb • PRIMARY KEY (Explicit or Implicit) - stores data in the leaf pages of the index, not pointer • Secondary Indexes – store primary key as data pointer
  • 10. What Operations can BTREE Index do ? Find all rows with KEY=5 (point lookup) Find all rows with KEY>5 (open range) Find all rows with 5<KEY<10 (closed range) NOT find all rows with last digit of the KEY is Zero • This can’t be defined as a “range” operation
  • 11. String Indexes • Sort order is defined for strings (collation) • “AAAA” < “AAAB” There is no difference… really • LIKE “ABC%” means • “ABC[LOWEST]”<KEY<“ABC[HIGHEST]” • LIKE “%ABC” can’t be optimized by use of the index Prefix LIKE is a special type of Range
  • 12. Multiple Column Indexes •KEY(col1,col2,col3) •(1,2,3) < (1,3,1) Sort Order is defined, comparing leading column, then second etc •not a separate BTREE index for each level It is still one BTREE Index
  • 13. Overhead of The Indexing Indexes are costly; Do not add more than you need • In most cases extending index is better than adding new one Writes - Updating indexes is often major cost of database writes Reads - Wasted space on disk and in memory; additional overhead during query optimization
  • 14. Indexing Innodb Tables • Pick PRIMARY KEY what suites you best • For comments – (POST_ID,COMMENT_ID) can be good PRIMARY KEY storing all comments for single post close together • Alternatively “pack” to single BIGINT Data is clustered by Primary Key • KEY (A) is really KEY (A,ID) internally • Useful for sorting, Covering Index. PRIMARY KEY is implicitly appended to all indexes
  • 15. How MySQL Uses Indexes Data Lookups Sorting Avoiding reading “data” Special Optimizations
  • 16. Using Indexes for Data Lookups • The classical use of index on (LAST_NAME) SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE LAST_NAME=“Smith” • SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE LAST_NAME=“Smith” AND DEPT=“Accounting” • Will use index on (DEPT,LAST_NAME) Can use Multiple column indexes
  • 17. It Gets Tricky With Multiple Columns Index (A,B,C) •- order of columns matters •A>5 •A=5 AND B>6 •A=5 AND B=6 AND C=7 •A=5 AND B IN (2,3) AND C>5 Will use Index for lookup (all listed keyparts) •B>5 – Leading column is not referenced •B=6 AND C=7 - Leading column is not referenced Will NOT use Index •A>5 AND B=2 - range on first column; only use this key part •A=5 AND B>6 AND C=2 - range on second column, use 2 parts Will use Part of the index
  • 18. The First Rule of MySQL Optimizer MySQL will stop using key parts in multi part index as soon as it met the real range (<,>, BETWEEN), it however is able to continue using key parts further to the right if IN(…) range is used
  • 19. Using Index for Sorting • Will use index on SCORE column • Without index MySQL will do “filesort” (external sort) which is very expensive SELECT * FROM PLAYERS ORDER BY SCORE DESC LIMIT 10 • SELECT * FROM PLAYERS WHERE COUNTRY=“US” ORDER BY SCORE DESC LIMIT 10 • Best served by Index on (COUNTRY,SCORE) Often Combined with using Index for lookup
  • 20. Multi Column indexes for efficient sorting • It becomes even more restricted! • KEY(A,B) • Will use Index for Sorting – ORDER BY A - sorting by leading column – A=5 ORDER BY B - EQ filtering by 1st and sorting by 2nd – ORDER BY A DESC, B DESC - Sorting by 2 columns in same order – A>5 ORDER BY A - Range on the column, sorting on the same • Will NOT use Index for Sorting – ORDER BY B - Sorting by second column in the index – A>5 ORDER BY B – Range on first column, sorting by second – A IN(1,2) ORDER BY B - In-Range on first column – ORDER BY A ASC, B DESC - Sorting in the different order
  • 21. MySQL Using Index for Sorting Rules You can’t sort in different order by 2 columns You can only have Equality comparison (=) for columns which are not part of ORDER BY • Not even IN() works in this case
  • 22. Avoiding Reading The data • Applies to index use for specific query, not type of index. “Covering Index” • Index is typically smaller than data Reading Index ONLY and not accessing the “data” • KEY(CUSTOMER_ID,STATUS) SELECT STATUS FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMER_ID=123 • Access through data pointers is often quite “random” Access is a lot more sequential
  • 23. Min/Max Optimizations • Index help MIN()/MAX() aggregate functions – But only these • SELECT MAX(ID) FROM TBL; • SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT_ID – Will benefit from (DEPT_ID,SALARY) index – “Using index for group-by”
  • 24. Indexes and Joins • SELECT * FROM POSTS,COMMENTS WHERE AUTHOR=“Peter” AND COMMENTS.POST_ID=POSTS.ID • Scan table POSTS finding all posts which have Peter as an Author • For every such post go to COMMENTS table to fetch all comments MySQL Performs Joins as “Nested Loops” • The index on POSTS.ID is not needed for this query performance Index is only needed on table which is being looked up • Re-Design JOIN queries which can’t be well indexed Very important to have all JOINs Indexed
  • 25. Using Multiple Indexes for the table • “Index Merge” MySQL Can use More than one index • Can often use Indexes on (A) and (B) separately • Index on (A,B) is much better SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A=5 AND B=6 • 2 separate indexes is as good as it gets • Index (A,B) can’t be used for this query SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A=5 OR B=6
  • 26. Prefix Indexes • ALTER TABLE TITLE ADD KEY(TITLE(20)); • Needed to index BLOB/TEXT columns • Can be significantly smaller • Can’t be used as covering index • Choosing prefix length becomes the question You can build Index on the leftmost prefix of the column
  • 27. Choosing Prefix Length • Prefix should be “Selective enough” – Check number of distinct prefixes vs number of total distinct values mysql> select count(distinct(title)) total, count(distinct(left(title,10))) p10, count(distinct(left(title,20))) p20 from title; +--------+--------+--------+ | total | p10 | p20 | +--------+--------+--------+ | 998335 | 624949 | 960894 | +--------+--------+--------+ 1 row in set (44.19 sec)
  • 28. Most common Titles Most Common Title Prefixes Choosing Prefix Length • Check for Outliers – Ensure there are not too many rows sharing the same prefix mysql> select count(*) cnt, title tl from title group by tl order by cnt desc limit 3; +-----+-----------------+ | cnt | tl | +-----+-----------------+ | 136 | The Wedding | | 129 | Lost and Found | | 112 | Horror Marathon | +-----+-----------------+ 3 rows in set (27.49 sec) mysql> select count(*) cnt, left(title,20) tl from title group by tl order by cnt desc limit 3; +-----+----------------------+ | cnt | tl | +-----+----------------------+ | 184 | Wetten, dass..? aus | | 136 | The Wedding | | 129 | Lost and Found | +-----+----------------------+ 3 rows in set (33.23 sec)
  • 29. What is new with MySQL 5.6 ? • Most of them will make your queries better automatically • join_buffer_size variable has whole new meaning • Values if 32MB+ can make sense Many Optimizer improvements • Most important one: ICP (Index Condition Pushdown) Focus on Index Design Practices for this presentation
  • 30. Understanding ICP • Think NAME LIKE “%ill%” (will not convert to range) Push where clause “Conditions” for Storage engine to filter • Plus filtering done on the engine level – efficient “Much more flexible covering Index” • All or none. All is resolved through the index or “row” is read if within range Before MySQL 5.5
  • 31. ICP Examples • SELECT A … WHERE B=2 AND C LIKE “%ill%’ – MySQL 5.5 and below • KEY (B) – Traditional. Using index for range only • KEY (B,C,A) - Covering. All involved columns included – MySQL 5.6 • KEY(B,C) – Range access by B; Filter clause on C only read full row if match • More cases – SELECT * …WHERE A=5 and C=6 ; KEY (A,B,C) • Will scan all index entries with A=5 not all rows
  • 32. How MySQL Picks which Index to Use ? • The constants in query texts matter a lot Performs dynamic picking for every query execution • by doing “dive” in the table Estimates number of rows it needs to access for given index • This is what ANALYZE TABLE updates Uses “Cardinality” statistics if impossible
  • 33. More on Picking the Index • Looking to minimize the “cost” not query performance Not Just minimizing number of scanned rows •PRIMARY Key is special for Innodb •Covering Index benefits •Full table scan is faster, all being equal •Can we also use index for Sorting Lots of other heuristics and hacks •Verify plan MySQL is actually using •Note it can change dynamically based on constants and data Things to know
  • 34. Use EXPLAIN • EXPLAIN is a great tool to see how MySQL plans to execute the query – html – Remember real execution might be different mysql> explain select max(season_nr) from title group by production_year; +----+-------------+-------+-------+---------------+-----------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+-------+---------------+-----------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | title | range | NULL | production_year | 5 | NULL | 201 | Using index for group-by | +----+-------------+-------+-------+---------------+-----------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • 35. Indexing Strategy • Look at them together not just one by one Build indexes for set of your performance critical queries • At least most selective parts are Best if all WHERE clause and JOIN clauses are using indexes for lookups • There are some exceptions Generally extend index if you can, instead of creating new indexes • Revisit Performance of All Queries! Validate performance impact as you’re doing changes
  • 36. MySQL 5.6 JSON EXPLAIN FORMAT mysql> EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.i = t2.i WHERE t1.j > 1 AND t2.j < 3; | { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows": 3, "filtered": 100, "attached_condition": "((`test`.`t1`.`j` > 1) and (`test`.`t1`.`i` is not null))" } /* table */ }, ….
  • 37. Indexing Strategy Example • SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A=5 AND B=6 • SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A>5 AND B=6 • KEY (B,A) Is better for such query mix Build Index order which benefits more queries • Do not start with this! All being equal put more selective key part first • Many indexes slow system down Do not add indexes for non performance critical queries
  • 38. Tools ? • Percona Toolkit – Pt-query-digest • Percona Cloud Tools –
  • 39. Trick #1: Enumerating Ranges • Assume we need to stick to this order KEY (A,B) • Will only use first key part of the index SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A BETWEEN 2 AND 4 AND B=5 • Will use both key parts SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A IN (2,3,4) AND B=5
  • 40. Trick #2: Adding Fake Filter KEY (GENDER,CITY) • Want to use one index only • Will not be able to use the index at all SELECT * FROM PEOPLE WHERE CITY=“NEW YORK” • Will be able to use the index SELECT * FROM PEOPLE WHERE GENDER IN (“M”,”F”) AND CITY=“NEW YORK” • Gender, Status, Boolean Types etc The trick works best with low selectivity columns.
  • 41. Trick #3: Unionizing Filesort KEY(A,B) • No Other key would work ether • Will not be able to use index for SORTING SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A IN (1,2) ORDER BY B LIMIT 5; • Will use the index for Sorting. “filesort” will be needed only to sort over 10 rows. (SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A=1 ORDER BY B LIMIT 5) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE A=2 ORDER BY B LIMIT 5) ORDER BY B LIMIT 5;
  • 42. Thank You ! • • • @percona at Twitter •