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Modern Android Development
Khiem-Kim Ho Xuan
• Code behind
• Material Design
• Pattern recommended to use
Code behind
• Libraries:
• ButterKnife
• Square Otto Event Bus
• Google Play Services
• Support libraries
• Material design
• Retrofit
• Dagger2
• Picasso
ButterKnife v7.0.1
• Annotate fields with @Bind
• ButterKnife will find the binded ID to the component, layout or resource ids.
• Why?
• Slow reflection. ButterKnife makes sure that the code is generated to perform the view
lookups. Bind delegates to the generated code.
• Resource Binding
• Bind resources. You need to specify the Bind. For example @BindString,
@BindDrawable, @BindColor, @BindDimen
• Non-Activity Binding
• Use @Bind to connect the component or Array. But need to specify @Bind({,….})
• Listener
• Bind listeners for example annotate @OnClick({….}) or @OnItemSelected({…})
• Reset Bind
• Need to clean the bindings when destroying an Activity
or a Fragment using @UnBind.
Square Otto Event Bus v1.3.8
• Decouple parts of the application for communication.
• Acts as a pub-sub.
• Publish
• Tell Subscribers that an action has occured
• Subscribe
• Receive notification that an event has occured
• Annotate method with @Subscribe
• Register to a bus
• Need to call bus.register(this). In order to receive events
24.09.20155 AnswerAvailableEvent(42));
@Subscribe public void answerAvailable(AnswerAvailableEvent event) { //
TODO: React to the event somehow! }
Retrofit v2.0
• Turns HTTP API into a Java interface
• Uses Annotations to describe HTTP request:
• URL parameter replacement and query parameter support
• Object convertsion to request body (JSON, protocol buffer)
• Multipart request body and file upload
• Request Method
• Request Body
• Multipart
• Header
@GET("/group/{id}/users") List<User> groupList(@Path("id") int groupId);
@POST("/users/new") Call<User> createUser(@Body User user);
@Multipart @PUT("/user/photo") Call<User> updateUser(@Part("photo")
RequestBody photo, @Part("description") RequestBody description);
@Headers({ "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json", "User-Agent:
Retrofit-Sample-App" }) @GET("/users/{username}") Call<User>
getUser(@Path("username") String username);
• Dependency Injection making application loosely coupled.
• Annotations:
• @Module: classes whose methods provide dependencies
• @Provides: methods within module classes
• @Inject: request a dependency (a constructor, field or a method)
• @Component: bridge interface between modules and injection
public class VehicleModule {
@Provides @Singleton
Motor provideMotor(){
return new Motor();
@Provides @Singleton
Vehicle provideVehicle(){
return new Vehicle(new Motor());
public Vehicle(Motor motor){
this.motor = motor;
@Component(modules = {VehicleModule.class})
public interface VehicleComponent {
Vehicle provideVehicle();
} // connect @modules with @inject
• When everything is ready
• Obtain instance of the interface and invoke its method.
• Do it inside onCreate method!
• Why Dagger2?
• No reflection: graph validation, configuration and precondition done at compile time.
• Performance gain
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
Vehicle mVehicle;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
VehicleComponent component = Dagger_VehicleComponent.builder().vehicleModule(new VehicleModule()).build();
mVehicle = component.provideVehicle();
Toast.makeText(this, String.valueOf(vehicle.getSpeed()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Picasso v2.5.2
• Load image into a view based on url or from memory
• Picasso handles:
• ImageView recycling and download cancelation in an adapter
• Complex image transformations with minimal memory usage
• Automatic memory and disk caching.
• Has placeholders in case of loading or failed loading image.
Picasso.with(context) .load(url)
.error(R.drawable.user_placeholder_error) .into(imageView);
Material Design
• Make all apps flat as paper,
• responsive animations!
• Right color and shadow depths
• Get inspired!
Material Design
• Use Androids Design library:
• Snackbar!
• Like Toast, but shows a message at the bottom of
the screen
Snackbar.make(mDrawerLayout, "Your message", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
.setAction(getString(R.string.text_undo), this)
Shared Element Transition
• Animate different UI states in an application.
• Built on
• Scene: Defines UI states in an application
• Transition: Defines the animated change between two scenes
• Need to define transition in style.xml and also
<target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" />
<target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" />
<target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" />
<target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" />
Shared Element Transition
<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppTheme.Base">
<item name="android:windowContentTransitions">true</item>
<item name="android:windowAllowEnterTransitionOverlap">true</item>
<item name="android:windowAllowReturnTransitionOverlap">true</item>
<item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>

<item name="android:windowEnterTransition">@transition/fade</item>
<item name="android:windowExitTransition">@transition/fade</item>

<item name="android:windowSharedElementEnterTransition">
</item><transitionSet xmlns:android="">
<target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" />
<target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" />
<target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" />
<target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" />
<item name="android:windowSharedElementExitTransition">
Floating Action Button
• fabSize: set the size of the button
• Normal: 56dp
• Mini: 40dp
• backgroundTint: set the background color of this instance
• rippleColor set color of the ripple effect when pressed
• src: set the icon displayed within the FAB
app:fabSize=”normal” />
EditText Floating Labels
• Display floating labels above EditText fields.
• Gives focus or hint of float.
• Useful to use while data is being input
• You can also add Error message
Navigation View
• Placed within a DrawerLayout
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
app:menu="@menu/drawer" />
• tabMode: set the layout to fixed or scrollable
• tabGravity: set gravity of the tab, either filled (distributed to all available space
between individual tabs) or centre (position tabs in the center of the TabLayout)
• setText() and setIcon()
• Listeners:
• OnTabSelectedListener
• TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener
• ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener
app:tabGravity="fill" />
ViewPager pager = (ViewPager)
pager.setAdapter(new MyPagerAdapter(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager()));
TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout)
rootView.findViewById(;tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab One"));
tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab Two"));
tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab Three"));
Coordinator Layout
• Super FrameLayout
• Adds transition view basedon motion of other components
• Lets us adapt layouts based on scroll events.
• Set the property layout_scrollFlags
• enterAlways – view will become visible when a downward scroll event occurs
• enterAlwaysCollapsed – if view has minHeight, it will only
enter at a that height and expand fully once the scrolling view
reached the top.
"@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" />
app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|enterAlways" />
/> </>
Support Toolbar
• Use
• Remember to style the toolbar!
android:background=”?attr/colorPrimary” />
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar)
<style name="Theme.MyTheme"

<item name="actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBarStyle</item>

<item name="colorPrimary">@color/my_awesome_red</item>

Pattern recommended to use
• Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
• User interacts with the View.
• There is one-to-one relationship between View and Presenter means one View is mapped to
only one Presenter.
• View has a reference to Presenter but View has not reference to Model.
• Provides two way communication between View and Presenter.
Firmu – The Cinema Locator App
• Google Play Store
• (Later on Windows Store and IOS).
• Highly inspired by Material Design and modern
mobile development.
• Feedback on the app please 
Pitch (Beta version)
• Google Play Store
• (Later on Windows Store and IOS).
• Highly inspired by Material Design and modern
mobile development.
• Feedback on the app please 
23 © Computas AS 24.09.2015
Computas AS Tel +47 67 83 10 00
Lysaker Torg 45, pb 482 Fax +47 67 83 10 01
1327 Lysaker NO 986 352 325 MVA
Khiem-Kim Ho Xuan

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Modern android development

  • 2. Agenda • Code behind • Material Design • Pattern recommended to use
  • 3. Code behind • Libraries: • ButterKnife • Square Otto Event Bus • Google Play Services • Support libraries • Material design • Retrofit • Dagger2 • Picasso 24.09.20153
  • 4. ButterKnife v7.0.1 • Annotate fields with @Bind • ButterKnife will find the binded ID to the component, layout or resource ids. • Why? • Slow reflection. ButterKnife makes sure that the code is generated to perform the view lookups. Bind delegates to the generated code. • Resource Binding • Bind resources. You need to specify the Bind. For example @BindString, @BindDrawable, @BindColor, @BindDimen • Non-Activity Binding • Use @Bind to connect the component or Array. But need to specify @Bind({,….}) • Listener • Bind listeners for example annotate @OnClick({….}) or @OnItemSelected({…}) • Reset Bind • Need to clean the bindings when destroying an Activity or a Fragment using @UnBind. 24.09.20154
  • 5. Square Otto Event Bus v1.3.8 • Decouple parts of the application for communication. • Acts as a pub-sub. • Publish • Tell Subscribers that an action has occured • Subscribe • Receive notification that an event has occured • Annotate method with @Subscribe • Register to a bus • Need to call bus.register(this). In order to receive events 24.09.20155 AnswerAvailableEvent(42)); @Subscribe public void answerAvailable(AnswerAvailableEvent event) { // TODO: React to the event somehow! }
  • 6. Retrofit v2.0 • Turns HTTP API into a Java interface • Uses Annotations to describe HTTP request: • URL parameter replacement and query parameter support • Object convertsion to request body (JSON, protocol buffer) • Multipart request body and file upload • Request Method • Request Body • Multipart • Header 24.09.20156 @GET("/group/{id}/users") List<User> groupList(@Path("id") int groupId); @POST("/users/new") Call<User> createUser(@Body User user); @Multipart @PUT("/user/photo") Call<User> updateUser(@Part("photo") RequestBody photo, @Part("description") RequestBody description); @Headers({ "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json", "User-Agent: Retrofit-Sample-App" }) @GET("/users/{username}") Call<User> getUser(@Path("username") String username);
  • 7. Dagger2 24.09.20157 • Dependency Injection making application loosely coupled. • Annotations: • @Module: classes whose methods provide dependencies • @Provides: methods within module classes • @Inject: request a dependency (a constructor, field or a method) • @Component: bridge interface between modules and injection @Module public class VehicleModule { @Provides @Singleton Motor provideMotor(){ return new Motor(); } @Provides @Singleton Vehicle provideVehicle(){ return new Vehicle(new Motor()); } } @Inject public Vehicle(Motor motor){ this.motor = motor; } @Singleton @Component(modules = {VehicleModule.class}) public interface VehicleComponent { Vehicle provideVehicle(); } // connect @modules with @inject
  • 8. Dagger2 24.09.20158 • When everything is ready • Obtain instance of the interface and invoke its method. • Do it inside onCreate method! • Why Dagger2? • No reflection: graph validation, configuration and precondition done at compile time. • Performance gain public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { Vehicle mVehicle; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); VehicleComponent component = Dagger_VehicleComponent.builder().vehicleModule(new VehicleModule()).build(); mVehicle = component.provideVehicle(); Toast.makeText(this, String.valueOf(vehicle.getSpeed()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }
  • 9. Picasso v2.5.2 24.09.20159 • Load image into a view based on url or from memory • Picasso handles: • ImageView recycling and download cancelation in an adapter • Complex image transformations with minimal memory usage • Automatic memory and disk caching. • Has placeholders in case of loading or failed loading image. Picasso.with(context) .load(url) .placeholder(R.drawable.user_placeholder) .error(R.drawable.user_placeholder_error) .into(imageView);
  • 10. Material Design • Make all apps flat as paper, • responsive animations! • Right color and shadow depths • Get inspired! •
  • 11. Material Design • Use Androids Design library: • • Snackbar! • Like Toast, but shows a message at the bottom of the screen Snackbar.make(mDrawerLayout, "Your message", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .setAction(getString(R.string.text_undo), this) .show();
  • 12. Shared Element Transition 24.09.201512 • Animate different UI states in an application. • Built on • Scene: Defines UI states in an application • Transition: Defines the animated change between two scenes • Need to define transition in style.xml and also <transitionSet xmlns:android=""> <changeBounds> <targets> <target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" /> <target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" /> </targets> </changeBounds> <changeImageTransform> <targets> <target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" /> <target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" /> </targets> </changeImageTransform> </transitionSet>
  • 13. Shared Element Transition 24.09.201513 <style name="AppTheme" parent="AppTheme.Base"> <item name="android:windowContentTransitions">true</item> <item name="android:windowAllowEnterTransitionOverlap">true</item> <item name="android:windowAllowReturnTransitionOverlap">true</item> <item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item> <!-- specify enter and exit transitions --> <item name="android:windowEnterTransition">@transition/fade</item> <item name="android:windowExitTransition">@transition/fade</item> <!-- specify shared element transitions --> <item name="android:windowSharedElementEnterTransition"> @transition/change_image_transform </item><transitionSet xmlns:android=""> <changeBounds> <targets> <target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" /> <target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" /> </targets> </changeBounds> <changeImageTransform> <targets> <target android:targetId="@id/ivPosterImage" /> <target android:targetId="@id/detailed_image" /> </targets> </changeImageTransform> </transitionSet> <item name="android:windowSharedElementExitTransition"> @transition/change_image_transform </item> </style>
  • 14. Floating Action Button 24.09.201514 • fabSize: set the size of the button • Normal: 56dp • Mini: 40dp • backgroundTint: set the background color of this instance • rippleColor set color of the ripple effect when pressed • src: set the icon displayed within the FAB < android:id=”@+id/fab_normal” android:layout_width=”wrap_content” android:layout_height=”wrap_content” android:src=”@drawable/ic_plus” app:fabSize=”normal” />
  • 15. EditText Floating Labels • Display floating labels above EditText fields. • Gives focus or hint of float. • Useful to use while data is being input • You can also add Error message 24.09.201515 < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <EditText android:id="@+id/edit_text_email" android:layout_width="match_parent"/> </> setErrorEnabled(true); setError(getString(R.string.text_error_message));
  • 16. Navigation View • Placed within a DrawerLayout 24.09.201516 < xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:id="@+id/drawer_layout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:fitsSystemWindows="true"> <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/main_content_frame" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> < android:id="@+id/navigation_view" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_gravity="start" app:headerLayout="@layout/navigation_header" app:menu="@menu/drawer" /> </>
  • 17. TabLayout • tabMode: set the layout to fixed or scrollable • tabGravity: set gravity of the tab, either filled (distributed to all available space between individual tabs) or centre (position tabs in the center of the TabLayout) • setText() and setIcon() • Listeners: • OnTabSelectedListener • TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener • ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener 24.09.201517 < android:id="@+id/sliding_tabs" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:tabMode="fixed" app:tabGravity="fill" /> ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) rootView.findViewById(; pager.setAdapter(new MyPagerAdapter(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager())); TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) rootView.findViewById(;tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab One")); tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab Two")); tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab Three")); tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(pager);
  • 18. Coordinator Layout • Super FrameLayout • Adds transition view basedon motion of other components • Lets us adapt layouts based on scroll events. • Set the property layout_scrollFlags • enterAlways – view will become visible when a downward scroll event occurs • enterAlwaysCollapsed – if view has minHeight, it will only enter at a that height and expand fully once the scrolling view reached the top. 24.09.201518 < xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:layout_behavior= "@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" /> < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> < app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|enterAlways" /> < /> </> </>
  • 19. Support Toolbar • Use •<versionnumber> • Remember to style the toolbar! 24.09.201519 < android:id=”@+id/my_awesome_toolbar” android:layout_height=”wrap_content” android:layout_width=”match_parent” android:minHeight=”?attr/actionBarSize” android:background=”?attr/colorPrimary” /> @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.blah); Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); } <style name="Theme.MyTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light"> <!-- Set AppCompat’s actionBarStyle --> <item name="actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBarStyle</item> <!-- Set AppCompat’s color theming attrs --> <item name="colorPrimary">@color/my_awesome_red</item> <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/my_awesome_darker_red</item> <!-- The rest of your attributes --> </style>
  • 20. Pattern recommended to use • Model-View-Presenter (MVP) • User interacts with the View. • There is one-to-one relationship between View and Presenter means one View is mapped to only one Presenter. • View has a reference to Presenter but View has not reference to Model. • Provides two way communication between View and Presenter. 24.09.201520
  • 21. Firmu – The Cinema Locator App • Google Play Store • (Later on Windows Store and IOS). • Highly inspired by Material Design and modern mobile development. • Feedback on the app please  24.09.201521
  • 22. Pitch (Beta version) • Google Play Store • (Later on Windows Store and IOS). • Highly inspired by Material Design and modern mobile development. • Feedback on the app please  24.09.201522
  • 23. 23 © Computas AS 24.09.2015 Questions? Computas AS Tel +47 67 83 10 00 Lysaker Torg 45, pb 482 Fax +47 67 83 10 01 1327 Lysaker NO 986 352 325 MVA Norway Khiem-Kim Ho Xuan