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Mobile API
                             Design & Techniques.
                             Fred Brunel

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Wednesday, 29 February, 12

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Though for CPU power
                             Though for bandwidth
                             Lazy designed.
                             Too close to database.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
A mobile device is
                             Low powered
                             Low bandwidth
                             Runs on battery!

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
A the network is the
                             weak link.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Network conditions
                             change in real-time.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
We want to keep the
                             best user experience
                             at all time.
                             Nobody wants an
                             unresponsive app.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
The features of an
                             API has a huge
                             impact on

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
An API is a contract
                             that dictates what
                             can or cannot be
                             done (directly).

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
When the API is too
                             lazy, or incomplete;
                             the burden is put on
                             the mobile app.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Any workaround put
                             a stress on the
                             mobile app to use
                             too much network.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
API = User Interface.

                             Should be simple and
                             get the job done. Fast.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Landlord Report.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12

                      Standard   Complete
Wednesday, 29 February, 12

                      Standard                      Complete
           XML-RPC                  Pure REST
Wednesday, 29 February, 12

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Trust the OSI model.
                             Works everywhere.
                             And it’s plenty enough.


Wednesday, 29 February, 12

                             Pure REST is a nice to
                             have but not a goal.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
GET/POST + Action +
                             Params is fine.

                             PUT/DELETE are nice
                             to have.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Twitter is also REST-ish

                             POST statuses/create
                             POST statuses/destroy/:id
                             POST statuses/update

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
REST put an emphasis
                             on actions applied to
                             resources; but the
                             issue is the
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Simplify the life of the
                             Be pragmatic.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
When designing your
                             API payloads, pay
                             attention to
                             consistency and
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Consistency means
                             developer know what
                             to expect.
                             Principle of least
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Completeness means
                             less roundtrips.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
HTTP latency on 3G

                             ~ 1 second.

                             Every request count.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
                             interface to your SQL

                             It’s a facade.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
                             App                        Database

                             Display                     Raw Data

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
The facade answer to
                             high-level questions.

                             Think services, not
                             objects and methods.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
So, how do we start
                             from here?

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Most of the time, a
                             mobile API will be use
                             to get information to
                             be displayed on a
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Reverse Design.

                             Start from the UI
                             Not the data

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
1. Think screens
                             2.Entities to display
                             3.Design entity models
                             4.Design services

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
                             Thumbnail URL

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Then, format the
                             representation to be as
                             efficient as possible.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Each JSON entity
                             should have the same

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
"person": {
                               "id": 1234,
                               "name": "Fred",
                               "lastname": "Brunel",
                               "company": "WhereCloud"

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
"book": {
                               "name": "Steve Jobs",
                               "author": "Walter Isaacson",
                               "lenders" = [{
                                   "person_id": 1234,
                                   "person_name": "Fred",
                                   "person_lastname": "Brunel"
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
"book": {
                               "name": "Steve Jobs",
                               "author": "Walter Isaacson",
                               "lenders" = [{
                                   "id": 1234,
                                   "name": "Fred",
                                   "lastname": "Brunel"
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
                             "user_mentions": [{
                                 "id": 22548447,
                                 "id_str": "22548447",
                                 "screen_name": "rno",
                                 "name": "Arnaud Meunier",
                                 "indices": [0, 4]

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Pick the right


Wednesday, 29 February, 12
"result": {
                               "categories" = [{ "id": 2 }],
                               "images": [{ "id": 317171 }],
                               "tags": [{ "id": 555 }]

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
"result": {
                               "categories": [{
                                 "id": 2
                                 "name" = "food"
                               "images" = [{
                                 "id": 317171
                                 "url": ""
                               }], ...

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Denormalize the most
                             common fields.
                             Avoid unnecessary

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Don’t make the app
                             connects to 10 3rd-
                             party systems.
                             Aggregate on the
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
The backend has the
                             power, bandwidth
                             and knowledge.
                             Use it!

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Make it fast!

                             Some good techniques
                             to be aware of.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
JSON is fast to parse,
                             but still, compress

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Use Cache-Control on
                             every response that
                             can be cached.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Partial Responses &
                             Partial Updates

                             Let the client decides
                             what to get/update.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
PATCH /myfeed/1/1/
                             Content-Type: application/xml

                               <title>New title</title>

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Batch Requests

                             Send multiple
                             operations, get one
Wednesday, 29 February, 12

                             Keep a connection
                             nailed up.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
“If you’re serious
                             about network, you
                             should make your
                             own protocol.”
                             —Fake Alan Kay.

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
The fabric of the
                             Internet is TCP/IP, not

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Make your own
                             Binary Protocol.

                             Lot faster than text +
                             compression. Sorry!
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Message-based API

                             Custom TLV
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
a message

                             TAG         LENGTH                  VALUE
                             16 bits       32 bits               n bits

                                 TLV     TLV      TLV      TLV      TLV

                                 TLV     TLV      TLV      TLV      TLV

                                       messages streaming

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
message Person {
                               required string name = 1;
                               required int32 id = 2;
                               optional string email = 3;

                                 enum PhoneType {
                                   MOBILE = 0;
                                   HOME = 1;
                                   WORK = 2;

                                 message PhoneNumber {
                                   required string number = 1;
                                   optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];

                                 repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Person person;
                             person.set_name("John Doe");
                             fstream output("myfile", ios::out | ios::binary);

                             fstream input("myfile", ios::in | ios::binary);
                             Person person;
                             cout << "Name: " << << endl;
                             cout << "E-mail: " << << endl;

Wednesday, 29 February, 12

                             They are tons of
                             efficient solutions
                             and techniques.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
                             Be pragmatic.
                             Be consistent
                             Be complete.
                             Be fast.
Wednesday, 29 February, 12
Thank you.


Wednesday, 29 February, 12

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Mobile API Design Techniques

  • 1. Mobile API Design & Techniques. Fred Brunel CTO Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 6. Though for CPU power Though for bandwidth Lazy designed. Too close to database. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 7. A mobile device is Low powered Low bandwidth Runs on battery! Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 8. A the network is the weak link. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 9. Network conditions change in real-time. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 10. We want to keep the best user experience at all time. Nobody wants an unresponsive app. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 11. The features of an API has a huge impact on performances. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 12. An API is a contract that dictates what can or cannot be done (directly). Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 13. When the API is too lazy, or incomplete; the burden is put on the mobile app. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 14. Any workaround put a stress on the mobile app to use too much network. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 15. API = User Interface. Should be simple and get the job done. Fast. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 17. Simple Standard Complete Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 18. Simple SOAP WS-* Standard Complete XML-RPC Pure REST Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 19. Simple Complete Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 20. Trust the OSI model. Works everywhere. And it’s plenty enough. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 21. REST-ish API + JSON Pure REST is a nice to have but not a goal. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 22. GET/POST + Action + Params is fine. PUT/DELETE are nice to have. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 23. Twitter is also REST-ish POST statuses/create POST statuses/destroy/:id POST statuses/update Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 24. REST put an emphasis on actions applied to resources; but the issue is the representation. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 25. Simplify the life of the implementor. Be pragmatic. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 26. When designing your API payloads, pay attention to consistency and completeness. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 27. Consistency means developer know what to expect. Principle of least astonishment. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 28. Completeness means less roundtrips. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 29. HTTP latency on 3G ~ 1 second. Every request count. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 30. API is NOT a CRUD interface to your SQL database. It’s a facade. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 31. Facade App Database API Data Display Raw Data Representation Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 32. The facade answer to high-level questions. Think services, not objects and methods. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 33. So, how do we start from here? Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 34. Most of the time, a mobile API will be use to get information to be displayed on a screen. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 35. Reverse Design. Start from the UI Not the data Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 36. 1. Think screens 2.Entities to display 3.Design entity models 4.Design services Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 38. ID Title Town Country Rating Thumbnail URL Geocode Website Email Description Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 39. Then, format the representation to be as efficient as possible. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 40. Each JSON entity should have the same consistent representation. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 41. "person": { "id": 1234, "name": "Fred", "lastname": "Brunel", "company": "WhereCloud" } Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 42. "book": { "name": "Steve Jobs", "author": "Walter Isaacson", "lenders" = [{ "person_id": 1234, "person_name": "Fred", "person_lastname": "Brunel" }] } BAD Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 43. "book": { "name": "Steve Jobs", "author": "Walter Isaacson", "lenders" = [{ "id": 1234, "name": "Fred", "lastname": "Brunel" }] } GOOD Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 44. ... "user_mentions": [{ "id": 22548447, "id_str": "22548447", "screen_name": "rno", "name": "Arnaud Meunier", "indices": [0, 4] ]} ... Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 45. Pick the right granularity. Denormalize! Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 46. "result": { ... "categories" = [{ "id": 2 }], "images": [{ "id": 317171 }], "tags": [{ "id": 555 }] ... } Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 47. "result": { ... "categories": [{ "id": 2 "name" = "food" }], "images" = [{ "id": 317171 "url": "" }], ... } Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 48. Denormalize the most common fields. Avoid unnecessary roundtrips. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 49. Don’t make the app connects to 10 3rd- party systems. Aggregate on the backend. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 50. The backend has the power, bandwidth and knowledge. Use it! Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 51. Make it fast! Some good techniques to be aware of. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 52. JSON is fast to parse, but still, compress everything. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 53. Use Cache-Control on every response that can be cached. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 54. Partial Responses & Partial Updates Let the client decides what to get/update. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 55. GET feeds/ full?fields=entry(title,gd:when) Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 56. PATCH /myfeed/1/1/ Content-Type: application/xml <entry xmlns='' xmlns:gd='' gd:fields='description'> <title>New title</title> </entry> Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 57. Batch Requests Send multiple operations, get one answer. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 58. Persistent Connections. Keep a connection nailed up. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 59. “If you’re serious about network, you should make your own protocol.” —Fake Alan Kay. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 60. The fabric of the Internet is TCP/IP, not HTTP. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 61. Make your own Binary Protocol. Lot faster than text + compression. Sorry! Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 62. Message-based API Custom TLV MessagePack ProtocolBuffers Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 63. a message TAG LENGTH VALUE 16 bits 32 bits n bits TLV TLV TLV TLV TLV TLV TLV TLV TLV TLV messages streaming Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 64. message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0; HOME = 1; WORK = 2; } message PhoneNumber { required string number = 1; optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME]; } repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4; } Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 65. Person person; person.set_name("John Doe"); person.set_id(1234); person.set_email(""); fstream output("myfile", ios::out | ios::binary); person.SerializeToOstream(&output); fstream input("myfile", ios::in | ios::binary); Person person; person.ParseFromIstream(&input); cout << "Name: " << << endl; cout << "E-mail: " << << endl; Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 66. So. They are tons of efficient solutions and techniques. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 67. Remember. Be pragmatic. Be consistent Be complete. Be fast. Wednesday, 29 February, 12
  • 68. Thank you. Wednesday, 29 February, 12