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Carbon IN TRAnsport
       Launching project scheme
Implementation of LLSC study key findings

                October 4th, 2011

       Cees van der Ben & Michael Tetteroo

           This document and all information contained herein are the property
                    VOPAK, Anthony Veder, Gasunie & Air Liquide
                             and are Strictly Confidential

              It may not be copied or used without the written permission of
                     VOPAK, Anthony Veder, Gasunie & Air Liquide

04-10-11                                                                         2
Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI)
                  city region CO2 reduction targets

                                                        vs 1990
                                                        by 2025

       CCS plays a mayor role in the Dutch national reduction targets in
     general and in the Rotterdam targets in particular.

04-10-11                                                                   3
NW-Europe allows for short links
                      between sources and sinks

           Several depleted gas fields become available and in due time
           incl. future aquifers: 50+ years of storage capacity for Europe.

04-10-11                                                                      4
Driving down costs
                                                                                  Sharing infra structure:
                                                                                  simultaneously handling CO2
                                                                                  from multiple parties

                                                                                  Combining CO2 flows lies in the
                                                                                  nature of CCS:

   Power generation is responsible for 65%* of all green house gas emissions
                       OECD/IEA Ref. Scenario
                                                  2006                     2030
                                                                                                  Majority of sources
                         Total [TWh]             18921            33265 (+76%)                 are comparable
                                     Coal         41%                      44%                 regarding:
                                Nuclear           15%                      10%
                                                                                               • Flow & conditions
                        Renewables                18%                      23%
                                                                                               • Compositions
                                                                                               • Characteristics
                                                                                               • Demands

*): Reference Scenario in 2005 & 2030: resp. 61% & 68 % in CO2 eq. terms
CINTRA logistic concept

    •      Bulk making/breaking for off shore CO2 storage
    •      Intermediate Storage
    •      Combine and link pipeline systems and barging/shipping routes: 4 routes
    •      Provide independent custody transfer metering (for ETS)
    •      Network building block (at rivers and coast lines)
    •      Optimum CO2 : -50 ˚C, 7 bara
04-10-11                                                                             6
CINTRA’s CO2 Hub Partners

                          • Transport from the Emitters via pipelines or
                          • Collection of CO2 to the CO2 Hub
                          • Loading of sea vessels / injection in trunk line
                            for transport to depleted offshore gas fields.

                                                                               • Liquefaction at the Emitter’s
                                                                                 site or at the CO2 Hub
• Temporary Storage of CO2
• Connecting Hub to offshore
  trunk line or transfer to

    • Locking the sea vessel to a floating turret or loading tower
      linked with the sub-sea system of the depleted gas/oil field
    • Injecting the CO2 into the porous rocks (depleted gas or oil
      field or aquifers, at required temp’s and pressures
    • As an alternative, mooring near a platform for discharging
      the CO2 into a depleted field via the platform utilities

04-10-11                                                                                                         7
CO2 Hub Concept Advantages

    • Multiple emitters linked with multiple sinks , increasing reliability of
      CO2 take-away

    • Modular design allows easy volume related ramp up

    • Variable destinations with liquid logistics

    • Cost reduction through EOR

    • Reduced project risk without onshore pipelines and onshore storage

04-10-11                                                                         8
How does it work

    • MOVIE – will be shown during

04-10-11                             9
Hub Concept Organic Growth Model:
                           Asset build up follows the volume build-up
              Source 1                                     Source 2             Source 3              Source 4            Source n

                                                       2              2

1.    Early scheme: single source flow too                                                     3.   Final mature scheme:
      small to justify off shore pipe                                                               multiple sources & sinks, both
2.    Intermediate scheme: two combined                                                             depleted reservoirs and EOR
      flows do allow for an off shore pipe                                                          at production wells
      => ship moves into alternative CO2 or
      LPG service

                                                       2                                   3
                         Ship now could                       ship that
                          become pipe                        used to sail
                            line for 2                        on sink 1                              Sink 3: EOR
     Sink 1                                   Sink 1                        Sink 2                                          Sink n
                             sources                                                                  at oil field

04-10-11                                                                                                                             10
Potential CO2 Sinks

                                                          Other           EOR
                                    300 Mton CO2   K12B                 Projects


                                                          40 Mton CO2
                                    CO2 from
                                    other ports

           •   First targeted sink: Dan Field Danish Continental Shelf, EOR Project Maersk Oil
           •   Hub forms a reliable CO2 source for EOR projects, allowing for a stable off take
           •   More contacts with other sink operators at the North Sea
           •   Potential CO2 from other ports will drive down costs for all participants further

04-10-11                                                                                           11
Rotterdam distance to sinks

                           • Dutch sinks are all within
                             the 400 km range
                           • Rotterdam Ideally located
                             for North Sea distribution
                           • Offshore EOR potential

04-10-11                                                  12
CO2 Hub
                            Legal/Contractual Framework

                                       Providing a One-Stop-Shop
                                             Transfer of CO2 title

                             SH             SH                 SH           SH

       Emitter                             Rotterdam Cintra                          Sink Operator

      sub-contracting   Compression                       Bulk making       Sea
         for other                      Liquefaction
        specialized      & Transport                      and terminal   Transport

                           • CO2 title transfers from Emitter to sink Operator
                           • Transport organized via Service Level Agreements

04-10-11                                                                                             13
CO2 Hub
                Legal/Contractual Framework

    • Emitters as CINTRA’s customers
    • ETS allowances for Emitter
    • CINTRA as multi-customer independent operator
      no title to CO2
    • CINTRA Transportation Agreements: long term take-
      or-pay contracts
    • TA’s and SLA’s based on repeatable formula
    • Impartiality and transparency towards customers
    • CINTRA has one TA per emitter, backed up by one
      SLA per JV partner each

04-10-11                                                  14
Stakeholder Management

     mitigate risks associated with negative public perception for CCS

                                   Type of Risks:
                                   1. Negative image for companies involved
                                   2. Delay in time
                                   3. Extra costs / investments to be made
                                      beyond a first class SHE strategy

           Steps to come to Stakeholder Strategy:
           • Step 1: - Actor and network analysis
           • Step 2: - Inventarization communications and information options
           • Step 3: - Link actual communication option to key stakeholders
           • Step 4: - Execution in line with project development

04-10-11                                                                        15
CO2 Hub Location

04-10-11                      16
Connecting Hinterland
             Barges to CO2 Hub




                         • Liquefaction of CO2 at site
                         • River barges transport liquid CO2
                           over Rhine
                         • Cargoes from several sources can be
                           combined: economies of scale
                         • Capacity on Rhine is abundant vs.
                           pipeline hardly feasible

04-10-11                                                         17
Current project status

    • Launching emitters:
           – Coal fired power plant + post combustion capture 1.1 MTA
           – Hydrogen plant 0.4 MTA
    • Launching sink: Maersk off shore EOR operation
    • Launching scope:
           –   On shore pipeline: 25 km, 40 bar
           –   Terminal: 2.0 MTA liquefaction capacity, 20 kcbm LCO2 storage
           –   Ships: 2 x 12 kcbm with onboard conditioning equipment
           –   Off loading: double buoy system
    • Timing:
           –   LOI’s in place: Q4 2011
           –   FID: Q3 2012
           –   RFO: Q2 2015
           –   Challenge: synchronize timing & permitting

    • Expected 2025 throughput: total 8 MTA of which 15 MTA via barge

04-10-11                                                                       18
Launching Scheme

           Dan Field on the Danish
           sector of the North Sea is
           operated by Maersk Olie
           og Gas AS on behalf DUC
           – Dansk Undergrunds


           • 1.5 MTA of CO2
           • Rotterdam    Denmark
           • EOR


04-10-11                                                             19
                        lessons learned to date
   • Start engineering at the sink
   • Minimize CO2 composition requirements
   • Combining multiple emitters in one network is technically feasible.
   • No metallurgical/corrosion issues found other than water => dry the
     CO2 at the source
   • No items of concern encountered
   • Low vessel collision risk due to high LCO2 density
   • On shore pipeline through busy areas: 40 bar
   • Up to 100 bar: bull gear compressor ; beyond: pump
   • Moderate ambient temperatures: no power consumption difference
     between conventional compression or
   • In dense phase in order to minimize costs
04-10-11                                                                   20
                      lessons learned to date
                         Costs: contract duration

           Pipeline system tariffs are hurt the most by short term contracts

04-10-11                                                                       21
Transportation Costs: insight evolution

                             LNG                     CO2

                                                           Source: IEA GHG, 2004

           CO2                            CO2

04-10-11                                                                           22
                          lessons learned to date

    • CO2 transportation is to be considered as a regular infra
      structural project: 20+ year contract durations
    • CO2 liquefaction’s energy intensity is relatively low =>
      cost break even distances are
           1. for on shore pipe versus barge: 200 km (and not 1500 km)
           2. for off shore pipe versus ship: 150 km (and not 750 km)
    • Depending on flow and distance the transportation costs
      may vary from 20 to 120 €/ton
    • Combining multiple emitters in one system is paramount
      to make CCS affordable, especially for industrial
      (smaller) emitters

04-10-11                                                                 23
                                  lessons learned to date
    • Biggest remaining uncertainties:
           –   CO2 custody transfer: who, when and to whom
           –   Monitoring requirements in the mean time
    • No CO2 venting/re-liquefaction in transit
    • Barge max. LOA 135 m → 150 m in the future
    • Max barge size Ruhrgebiet → R’dam: 7500 tonnes (Ruhrgebiet →
       Karlsruhe: 6000 tonnes)
    • Required ship sizes: 10,000 - 30,000 m3
    • Ship min. required off loading temperature: 0 ˚C
    •     sea water suffices as heat source for LCO2 “vaporization”
    Ship off loading
    • HP pressure CO2 unmanned off loading: technically feasible at acceptable
       uptimes in deep and shallow water.
    • Depleted reservoir’s existing wells require retubing
    • Ship → sink batch injection technically feasible, multiple wells likely to be
       required flow wise.
    • Tubing: low temperature material of construction.
04-10-11                                                                              24
The offshore scope - shipping

   • Depleted gas field NS                                                                                400

   • Stand alone operation

                                                                          Ship manifold pressure (bara)

   •Stay above hydrate formation bottom hole                                                              300

    temperature: 13 ˚C                                                                                    250

   • Challenges:     all solvable                                                                         200

           Intermittent flow                                                                              150

           Pressure over sink life time:                                                                  100

           150 – 400 bar at well head
                                                                                                                0            2                 4               6                  8            10               12                14           16
                                                                                                                                                                     Time line (years)

                                               Ship transport capacity [mmt/yr]


                                                                                                                                                                                                          30,000 cbm ship

                                                                                                                                                                                                          10,000 cbm ship

                                                                                                                0       50

                                                                                                                • Loading & discharge 2000 t/hr                             Distance [nm]
                                                                                                                • Sailing speed 15 kts
                                                                                                                • Voyage related spare 1 day
04-10-11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25


04-10-11                26

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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Global CCS Institute
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Michael Tetteroo and Cees van der Ben - CCS Projects – Presentation at the Global CCS Institute Members’ Meeting: 2011

  • 1. Carbon IN TRAnsport Launching project scheme Implementation of LLSC study key findings Melbourne October 4th, 2011 Cees van der Ben & Michael Tetteroo
  • 2. Note This document and all information contained herein are the property of VOPAK, Anthony Veder, Gasunie & Air Liquide and are Strictly Confidential It may not be copied or used without the written permission of VOPAK, Anthony Veder, Gasunie & Air Liquide 04-10-11 2
  • 3. Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) city region CO2 reduction targets -50% vs 1990 by 2025 CCS plays a mayor role in the Dutch national reduction targets in general and in the Rotterdam targets in particular. 04-10-11 3
  • 4. NW-Europe allows for short links between sources and sinks Several depleted gas fields become available and in due time incl. future aquifers: 50+ years of storage capacity for Europe. 04-10-11 4
  • 5. Driving down costs Sharing infra structure: simultaneously handling CO2 from multiple parties Combining CO2 flows lies in the nature of CCS: Power generation is responsible for 65%* of all green house gas emissions OECD/IEA Ref. Scenario 2006 2030 Majority of sources Total [TWh] 18921 33265 (+76%) are comparable Coal 41% 44% regarding: Nuclear 15% 10% • Flow & conditions Renewables 18% 23% • Compositions • Characteristics • Demands *): Reference Scenario in 2005 & 2030: resp. 61% & 68 % in CO2 eq. terms
  • 6. CINTRA logistic concept • Bulk making/breaking for off shore CO2 storage • Intermediate Storage • Combine and link pipeline systems and barging/shipping routes: 4 routes • Provide independent custody transfer metering (for ETS) • Network building block (at rivers and coast lines) • Optimum CO2 : -50 ˚C, 7 bara 04-10-11 6
  • 7. CINTRA’s CO2 Hub Partners • Transport from the Emitters via pipelines or barges • Collection of CO2 to the CO2 Hub • Loading of sea vessels / injection in trunk line for transport to depleted offshore gas fields. • Liquefaction at the Emitter’s site or at the CO2 Hub • Temporary Storage of CO2 • Connecting Hub to offshore trunk line or transfer to vessel • Locking the sea vessel to a floating turret or loading tower linked with the sub-sea system of the depleted gas/oil field • Injecting the CO2 into the porous rocks (depleted gas or oil field or aquifers, at required temp’s and pressures • As an alternative, mooring near a platform for discharging the CO2 into a depleted field via the platform utilities 04-10-11 7
  • 8. CO2 Hub Concept Advantages • Multiple emitters linked with multiple sinks , increasing reliability of CO2 take-away • Modular design allows easy volume related ramp up • Variable destinations with liquid logistics • Cost reduction through EOR • Reduced project risk without onshore pipelines and onshore storage 04-10-11 8
  • 9. How does it work • MOVIE – will be shown during presentation 04-10-11 9
  • 10. Hub Concept Organic Growth Model: Asset build up follows the volume build-up Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Source n 3 1 2 2 1. Early scheme: single source flow too 3. Final mature scheme: small to justify off shore pipe multiple sources & sinks, both 2. Intermediate scheme: two combined depleted reservoirs and EOR flows do allow for an off shore pipe at production wells => ship moves into alternative CO2 or LPG service 2 3 3 1 2 Potentially Ship now could ship that become pipe used to sail line for 2 on sink 1 Sink 3: EOR Sink 1 Sink 1 Sink 2 Sink n sources at oil field 04-10-11 10
  • 11. Potential CO2 Sinks Other EOR 300 Mton CO2 K12B Projects capacity Taqa 40 Mton CO2 capacity CO2 from other ports • First targeted sink: Dan Field Danish Continental Shelf, EOR Project Maersk Oil • Hub forms a reliable CO2 source for EOR projects, allowing for a stable off take • More contacts with other sink operators at the North Sea • Potential CO2 from other ports will drive down costs for all participants further 04-10-11 11
  • 12. Rotterdam distance to sinks • Dutch sinks are all within the 400 km range • Rotterdam Ideally located for North Sea distribution • Offshore EOR potential significant 04-10-11 12
  • 13. CO2 Hub Legal/Contractual Framework Providing a One-Stop-Shop Transfer of CO2 title SH SH SH SH Emitter Rotterdam Cintra Sink Operator Necessary sub-contracting Compression Bulk making Sea for other Liquefaction specialized & Transport and terminal Transport services • CO2 title transfers from Emitter to sink Operator • Transport organized via Service Level Agreements 04-10-11 13
  • 14. CO2 Hub Legal/Contractual Framework • Emitters as CINTRA’s customers • ETS allowances for Emitter • CINTRA as multi-customer independent operator no title to CO2 • CINTRA Transportation Agreements: long term take- or-pay contracts • TA’s and SLA’s based on repeatable formula • Impartiality and transparency towards customers • CINTRA has one TA per emitter, backed up by one SLA per JV partner each 04-10-11 14
  • 15. Stakeholder Management Purpose: mitigate risks associated with negative public perception for CCS Type of Risks: 1. Negative image for companies involved 2. Delay in time 3. Extra costs / investments to be made beyond a first class SHE strategy Steps to come to Stakeholder Strategy: • Step 1: - Actor and network analysis • Step 2: - Inventarization communications and information options • Step 3: - Link actual communication option to key stakeholders • Step 4: - Execution in line with project development 04-10-11 15
  • 17. Connecting Hinterland Barges to CO2 Hub Hub Emitter Emitter • Liquefaction of CO2 at site • River barges transport liquid CO2 over Rhine • Cargoes from several sources can be combined: economies of scale Emitter • Capacity on Rhine is abundant vs. pipeline hardly feasible 04-10-11 17
  • 18. Current project status • Launching emitters: – Coal fired power plant + post combustion capture 1.1 MTA – Hydrogen plant 0.4 MTA • Launching sink: Maersk off shore EOR operation • Launching scope: – On shore pipeline: 25 km, 40 bar – Terminal: 2.0 MTA liquefaction capacity, 20 kcbm LCO2 storage – Ships: 2 x 12 kcbm with onboard conditioning equipment – Off loading: double buoy system • Timing: – LOI’s in place: Q4 2011 – FID: Q3 2012 – RFO: Q2 2015 – Challenge: synchronize timing & permitting • Expected 2025 throughput: total 8 MTA of which 15 MTA via barge 04-10-11 18
  • 19. Launching Scheme Dan Field on the Danish sector of the North Sea is operated by Maersk Olie og Gas AS on behalf DUC – Dansk Undergrunds Consortium. Dan • 1.5 MTA of CO2 • Rotterdam Denmark • EOR CINTRA 04-10-11 19
  • 20. GCCSI LLSC study lessons learned to date General • Start engineering at the sink • Minimize CO2 composition requirements • Combining multiple emitters in one network is technically feasible. • No metallurgical/corrosion issues found other than water => dry the CO2 at the source SHE • No items of concern encountered • Low vessel collision risk due to high LCO2 density • On shore pipeline through busy areas: 40 bar Compression • Up to 100 bar: bull gear compressor ; beyond: pump • Moderate ambient temperatures: no power consumption difference between conventional compression or compression/liquefaction/pumping. Pipeline • In dense phase in order to minimize costs 04-10-11 20
  • 21. GCCSI LLSC study lessons learned to date Costs: contract duration Pipeline system tariffs are hurt the most by short term contracts 04-10-11 21
  • 22. Transportation Costs: insight evolution LNG CO2 Source: IEA GHG, 2004 CO2 CO2 04-10-11 22
  • 23. GCCSI LLSC study lessons learned to date Costs • CO2 transportation is to be considered as a regular infra structural project: 20+ year contract durations • CO2 liquefaction’s energy intensity is relatively low => cost break even distances are 1. for on shore pipe versus barge: 200 km (and not 1500 km) 2. for off shore pipe versus ship: 150 km (and not 750 km) • Depending on flow and distance the transportation costs may vary from 20 to 120 €/ton • Combining multiple emitters in one system is paramount to make CCS affordable, especially for industrial (smaller) emitters 04-10-11 23
  • 24. GCCSI LLSC study lessons learned to date Legislation • Biggest remaining uncertainties: – CO2 custody transfer: who, when and to whom – Monitoring requirements in the mean time Barging/shipping • No CO2 venting/re-liquefaction in transit • Barge max. LOA 135 m → 150 m in the future • Max barge size Ruhrgebiet → R’dam: 7500 tonnes (Ruhrgebiet → Karlsruhe: 6000 tonnes) • Required ship sizes: 10,000 - 30,000 m3 • Ship min. required off loading temperature: 0 ˚C • sea water suffices as heat source for LCO2 “vaporization” Ship off loading • HP pressure CO2 unmanned off loading: technically feasible at acceptable uptimes in deep and shallow water. • Depleted reservoir’s existing wells require retubing • Ship → sink batch injection technically feasible, multiple wells likely to be required flow wise. • Tubing: low temperature material of construction. 04-10-11 24
  • 25. The offshore scope - shipping 450 • Depleted gas field NS 400 • Stand alone operation Ship manifold pressure (bara) 350 •Stay above hydrate formation bottom hole 300 temperature: 13 ˚C 250 • Challenges: all solvable 200 Intermittent flow 150 Pressure over sink life time: 100 50 150 – 400 bar at well head 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Time line (years) 3.5 Ship transport capacity [mmt/yr] 3 2.5 2 30,000 cbm ship 1.5 1 10,000 cbm ship 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 0 • Loading & discharge 2000 t/hr Distance [nm] • Sailing speed 15 kts • Voyage related spare 1 day 25 04-10-11 25
  • 26. THANK YOU QUESTIONS? 04-10-11 26