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DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016 SAFER, SMARTER, GREENERDNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
LNG as Ship Fuel in China
Understanding the status of regulations, incentives and
infrastructure for LNG bunkering.
Dan-Hermann Thue
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
 China has 7 of the worlds top 10 trafficked container ports. And handles 30% of
the world’s containers every year
 Needs to improve air quality
 Yangtze River is transporting more cargo than any other river in the world.
 China tightens regulations for air emissions for ships.
– New Emission control areas ECAs
 LNG as ship fuel is one solution to meet and surpass requirements
 Supply stations of LNG for ships needs to be built
– Where and what type
 Regulations need to be simplified
 Government support needed to incentivize change to cleaner solutions including
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Emission Control Areas
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
New Chinese Emission Control Areas
 SOx content in fuel maximum 0.5 %
 In order to meet requirement
– Low sulphur marine diesel oil < 0.5% S
– LNG as fuel
– Scrubber (not feasible for smaller ships)
– Shore to ship Electrification
 11 key ports to start the effect from Jan
2017 (see map)
 Ships need to comply from 1 hour after
docking to one hour before departure.
and Huaye
Suzhou and
and Zhuhai
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Timeline of Implementation of ECA regulations
Implementations in beginning of each year
2016 -
in key ports.
Shanghai only
one so far.
2017 -
in 11 key ports
2018 –
All ports within
ECA affected
2019 –
Sailing within
the whole ECA
sea area also
End of 2019 -
Evaluate ECA
policy. status
quo? Expand
area? 0.1%
Either 2020
or 2025 :
Global Sulfur
Cap of 0.5%
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Strategy for cleaner shipping previous 5yr Plan
 Phasing out and replacing old inefficient vessels
more quickly.
 Improve the regulations to encourage more energy
efficient newbuilt ships.
 Upgrading port infrastructure, and provide green
alternatives such as shore to ship electricity at berth
(Cold Ironing). Electric cranes etc.
 No specific goals for LNG implementation
 Still The Govt. Ministry of Transportation published a
report (2013) with goals to start pilots for LNG
implementation for IWW.
– Goal of 2% (2,000) of vessels on Yangtze
converted to LNG by 2015
– And 10 % (10,000) by 2020
Inland waterways first approach
Support Newbuilds of LNG ships 800 million
RMB annually.
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
LNG fuel emissions savings
Emission type
Pure LNG reduction
potential compared
to MDO 1% S
SOX ~100 % No sulfur in LNG
Particulate matter ~100 % No black carbon
source from LNG
NOx 85-90 % Better combustion
CO2 20 – 25 %
Higher energy
content in fuel per
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Graphical Comparison LNG and MDO 1% S
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Inland Waterway requirements
 Currently 350 ppm Sulphur allowed in fuels for smaller vessels
– Tighten to 50 ppm in 07.2017
– Tighten to 10 ppm in 01.01.2018
 Larger Coasters and Channel ships have requirement of 0.1% Sulphur
– Same as is in force in European and American ECAs today
– HFO is forbidden, but can be used with scrubbers
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Stage 1 IWW emeission requirements from 2017
Category Cylinder Displacement
V 1:1
Vh,z < 0.9 l
5.0 7.5 0.4Pn > 37 kW
V 1:2 0.9 l < Vh,z < 1.2 l 5.0 7.2 0.3
V 1:3 1.2 l < Vh,z < 2.5 l 5.0 7.2 0.2
V 1:4 2.5 l < Vh,z < 5.0 l 5.0 7.2 0.2
V 2:1 5.0 l < Vh,z < 15.0 l 5.0 7.8 0.27
V 2:2
15.0 l < Vh,z < 20.0 l
5.0 8.7 0.5
Pn < 3300 kW
V 3:2
15.0 l < Vh,z < 20.0 l
5.0 9.8 0.5
Pn > 3300 kW
V 2:4 20.0 l < Vh,z < 25.0 l 5.0 9.8 0.5
V 2:5 25.0 l < Vh,z < 30.0 l 5.0 11.0 0.5
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Stage 2 IWW emeission requirements from 2017
Category Cylinder Displacement
Category 1
Vh,z < 0.9 l
5.0 5.8 0.3Pn > 37 kW
0.9 l < Vh,z < 1.2 l 5.0 5.8 0.14
1.2 l < Vh,z < 5.0 l 5.0 5.8 0.12
Category 2
5 l < Vh,z < 15 l
P < 2000 5.0 6.2 0.14
2000<P<3700 5.0 7.8 0.14
P>3700 5.0 7.8 0.27
15 l < Vh,z < 20 l
P < 2000 5.0 7.0 0.34
2000<P<3300 5.0 8.7 0.5
P>3300 5.0 9.8 0.5
20 l < Vh,z < 25 l
P<2000 5.0 9.8 0.27
P>2000 5.0 9.8 0.5
25 l < Vh,z < 30 l
P<2000 5.0 11.0 0.27
P>2000 5.0 11.0 0.5
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Incentives and cost for ship owners
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Trend of weighted avg. import price of LNG, product oil China
Fuel LHV
Fuel Density
𝒎 𝟑
𝒎 𝟑
MDO 42.7 900 38.43
LNG 54.7 442 24.18
Ratio MDO/LNG 0.78 2.04 1.59
Ratio LNG/MDO 1.28 0.49 0.63
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 201607 January 2016
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Chinese conversion to dual fuel pilot projects
Vessel name Vessel type Gross
Conversion costs
Changxun NO. 3 Bulk cargo ship 2590 193,000
Hongri NO. 166 Dry cargo ship 1808 85,000
Changneng NO. 12 Bulk cargo ship 3718 89,000
Jiangsu cargo NO. 3001 Bulk cargo ship 2000 66,000
Fuchou NO. 0608 Dry cargo ship 831 61,000
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Stakeholders in Chinese LNG bunker
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Overview of stakeholders LNG China
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
National Oil Companies
•LNG import market
•Leading construction
of LNG newbuilds
•Primary offshore NOC
•Strongest offshore
•Major Petroleum
energy, refining and
end user company.
•Strong influence in
south and east China.
•Biggest Oil/Gas
•Holds the most of the
domestic land gas
resources and pipelines
•Sphere of influence
strongest in north and
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
LNG Infrastructure China
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Import terminals for LNG
 Blue: Operational
 Red: Construction
 Mostly by NOCs
– Mostly CNOOC, then CNPC then Sinopec
 Notably Zhoushan LNG by private company
ENN with PTS bunkering capability
 Yellow: Possible major bunkering sites along
Yangtze River (Chongching, Wuhan, Nanjing,
 LNG transport or fuelled ships may not pass
Three Gorges Dam for safety reasons.
 Needs smaller scale LNG transport ships for
upriver and regional transportation (currently
building 30,000m^3 carriers)
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Bunkering pathways
Truck to ship (TTS)
Flexible but low volume and slow transfer rate.
Proven tech, but higher civilian risk and interaction.
Ship to ship (STS)
Suitable for simultaneous operations
Flexible, no need to dock in port, high
transfer rate
More expensive and more vulnerable to
Port to ship (PTS)
High transfer rate and volume
Well regulated in China, but long
approval processing time.
Needs designated jetty.
Portable LNG Containers
• Lacks in regulation and standards.
• Makes bunkering quicker by switching
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 201622
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Bunkering stations in China coast
and IWW
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
CNPC Plans for bunkering on IWW
LNG value chain assets and plans,
Existing receiving terminals (Red)
Storage facility (Blue) and number of
possible planned river bunker sites
Beijing-Hangzhou Grand canal
Yangtze River system
Pearl River system
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Known LNG bunkering facilities in China, including inland water ways
River Area Province Company Bunkering type LNG Capacity Status / In
service from
Yangtze River
Yidu City
Xilan NG Group Land based
Storage facility
with large
Wuhan Fortune oil Land based (PTS) Storage facility
with large
construction ¬
Chongqing Chongqing Fortune Oil Land based (PTS) 2000 m3 10.2015
Shanghai Shanghai Gangqiang Gas Bunkering
pontoon (STS)
2 x 250 m3 Construction
Nanjing Jiangsu Haiqi Ganghua Bunkering
pontoon (STS)
Wuhu Anhui Sinopec Bunkering
Pontoon (STS)
500 m3 2015
Grand Canal Jiangsu Hongyun
Green Energy
Pearl River Xi River Guangxi ENN Gas Holdings Bunkering barge
200 m3 2015
Coastal Dafeng Port,
Jiangsu Jiangsu Hongyun
Green Energy
Land based
2 x 60 m3
¬ 4.2016
Zhoushan Zhejiang ENN Gas Holdings Regasification,
Storage (PTS)
3 mtpa 2018
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
ENN. Bunkering possibility for ocean faring vessels
 Zhoushan LNG import
and LNG bunkering
 Close to Ningbo.
 And not far from
 Land to ship bunkering
 Estimated completion
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
First ENN bunker barge
 Xijiang ENN 01 completed
for Guangxi province
 Bunkering Barge with small
LNG (200 cubic meters)
and diesel bunker capacity.
 First LNG fuel barge
classified by Chinese
Classification Society (CCS)
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
Summary Chinese LNG bunkering infrastructure
 LNG storage tank sizes are usually less than 300 m3 to avoid requirement for individual
locational safety studies which would raise costs.
 The government is still subsidizing usage of marine diesel by tax incentives
– Removing these incentives could lead to stronger case for LNG, but may lead to difficulties
for small size ship owners and family businesses.
 Much of the planned LNG bunker stations on IWW by CNPC and Fortune oil is on hold due to
lack of profitability in recent times.
– Smaller budgets because of reduced profits from selling of Oil products.
– Pilot projects by NOCs will be completed even at a net loss as development projects.
– Regulations from previous pilots are then possible to follow for other companies, this was
seen with small scale LNG carriers orders rising after completion of CNOOC 30,000 m3
demonstration project and approval of the first fuel barges and pontoons.
 Bunkering activities and stations are attractive to combine with LNG satellite facilities upriver
to be used for power production. An approval to build a bunkering station can be exploited to
distribute to other end users as well, such as residential gas. In fact this may be the main
reason to invest.
DNV GL © 2014
07 January 2016
谢谢 !
Dan-Hermann Thue (涂鹤丹) For more Information and a more detailed report send an email request
+86 18521400949

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Lng bunkering china status report January 2016

  • 1. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 SAFER, SMARTER, GREENERDNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 MARITIME LNG as Ship Fuel in China 1 Understanding the status of regulations, incentives and infrastructure for LNG bunkering. Dan-Hermann Thue
  • 2. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Background  China has 7 of the worlds top 10 trafficked container ports. And handles 30% of the world’s containers every year  Needs to improve air quality  Yangtze River is transporting more cargo than any other river in the world.  China tightens regulations for air emissions for ships. – New Emission control areas ECAs  LNG as ship fuel is one solution to meet and surpass requirements  Supply stations of LNG for ships needs to be built – Where and what type  Regulations need to be simplified  Government support needed to incentivize change to cleaner solutions including LNG 2
  • 3. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Emission Control Areas 3
  • 4. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 New Chinese Emission Control Areas  SOx content in fuel maximum 0.5 %  In order to meet requirement – Low sulphur marine diesel oil < 0.5% S – LNG as fuel – Scrubber (not feasible for smaller ships) – Shore to ship Electrification 4  11 key ports to start the effect from Jan 2017 (see map)  Ships need to comply from 1 hour after docking to one hour before departure. Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Tangshan and Huaye Shanghai Ningbo- Zhoushan, Suzhou and Nantong Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai
  • 5. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Timeline of Implementation of ECA regulations Implementations in beginning of each year 5 2016 - Voluntary implementation in key ports. Shanghai only one so far. 2017 - Implementation in 11 key ports 2018 – All ports within ECA affected 2019 – Sailing within the whole ECA sea area also affected End of 2019 - Evaluate ECA policy. status quo? Expand area? 0.1% Sulphur? Either 2020 or 2025 : Global Sulfur Cap of 0.5% Sulphur
  • 6. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Strategy for cleaner shipping previous 5yr Plan  Phasing out and replacing old inefficient vessels more quickly.  Improve the regulations to encourage more energy efficient newbuilt ships.  Upgrading port infrastructure, and provide green alternatives such as shore to ship electricity at berth (Cold Ironing). Electric cranes etc.  No specific goals for LNG implementation mentioned.  Still The Govt. Ministry of Transportation published a report (2013) with goals to start pilots for LNG implementation for IWW. – Goal of 2% (2,000) of vessels on Yangtze converted to LNG by 2015 – And 10 % (10,000) by 2020 6 Inland waterways first approach Support Newbuilds of LNG ships 800 million RMB annually.
  • 7. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 LNG fuel emissions savings Emission type Pure LNG reduction potential compared to MDO 1% S How SOX ~100 % No sulfur in LNG Particulate matter ~100 % No black carbon source from LNG NOx 85-90 % Better combustion performance CO2 20 – 25 % Higher energy content in fuel per weight 7
  • 8. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Graphical Comparison LNG and MDO 1% S 8
  • 9. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Inland Waterway requirements  Currently 350 ppm Sulphur allowed in fuels for smaller vessels – Tighten to 50 ppm in 07.2017 – Tighten to 10 ppm in 01.01.2018  Larger Coasters and Channel ships have requirement of 0.1% Sulphur – Same as is in force in European and American ECAs today – HFO is forbidden, but can be used with scrubbers 9
  • 10. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Stage 1 IWW emeission requirements from 2017 Category Cylinder Displacement Power CO g/kWh HC + NOX g/kWh PM g/kWh V 1:1 Vh,z < 0.9 l 5.0 7.5 0.4Pn > 37 kW V 1:2 0.9 l < Vh,z < 1.2 l 5.0 7.2 0.3 V 1:3 1.2 l < Vh,z < 2.5 l 5.0 7.2 0.2 V 1:4 2.5 l < Vh,z < 5.0 l 5.0 7.2 0.2 V 2:1 5.0 l < Vh,z < 15.0 l 5.0 7.8 0.27 V 2:2 15.0 l < Vh,z < 20.0 l 5.0 8.7 0.5 Pn < 3300 kW V 3:2 15.0 l < Vh,z < 20.0 l 5.0 9.8 0.5 Pn > 3300 kW V 2:4 20.0 l < Vh,z < 25.0 l 5.0 9.8 0.5 V 2:5 25.0 l < Vh,z < 30.0 l 5.0 11.0 0.5 10
  • 11. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Stage 2 IWW emeission requirements from 2017 Category Cylinder Displacement Power CO g/kWh HC + NOX g/kWh PM g/kWh Category 1 Vh,z < 0.9 l 5.0 5.8 0.3Pn > 37 kW 0.9 l < Vh,z < 1.2 l 5.0 5.8 0.14 1.2 l < Vh,z < 5.0 l 5.0 5.8 0.12 Category 2 5 l < Vh,z < 15 l P < 2000 5.0 6.2 0.14 2000<P<3700 5.0 7.8 0.14 P>3700 5.0 7.8 0.27 15 l < Vh,z < 20 l P < 2000 5.0 7.0 0.34 2000<P<3300 5.0 8.7 0.5 P>3300 5.0 9.8 0.5 20 l < Vh,z < 25 l P<2000 5.0 9.8 0.27 P>2000 5.0 9.8 0.5 25 l < Vh,z < 30 l P<2000 5.0 11.0 0.27 P>2000 5.0 11.0 0.5 11
  • 12. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Incentives and cost for ship owners 12 $? Diesel $ $
  • 13. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Trend of weighted avg. import price of LNG, product oil China 13 Fuel LHV 𝑴𝑱 𝒌𝒈 Fuel Density 𝒌𝒈 𝒎 𝟑 Energy/Volume 𝑴𝑱 𝒎 𝟑 MDO 42.7 900 38.43 LNG 54.7 442 24.18 Ratio MDO/LNG 0.78 2.04 1.59 Ratio LNG/MDO 1.28 0.49 0.63
  • 14. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 201607 January 2016 Ungraded 14
  • 15. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Chinese conversion to dual fuel pilot projects Vessel name Vessel type Gross Tonnage(ton) Conversion costs USD Changxun NO. 3 Bulk cargo ship 2590 193,000 Hongri NO. 166 Dry cargo ship 1808 85,000 Changneng NO. 12 Bulk cargo ship 3718 89,000 Jiangsu cargo NO. 3001 Bulk cargo ship 2000 66,000 Fuchou NO. 0608 Dry cargo ship 831 61,000 15
  • 16. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Stakeholders in Chinese LNG bunker market 16
  • 17. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Overview of stakeholders LNG China 17
  • 18. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 National Oil Companies 18 •LNG import market Pioneer •Leading construction of LNG newbuilds •Primary offshore NOC •Strongest offshore influence. CNOOC •Major Petroleum energy, refining and end user company. •Strong influence in south and east China. Sinopec •Biggest Oil/Gas company •Holds the most of the domestic land gas resources and pipelines •Sphere of influence strongest in north and west Petrochina
  • 19. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 LNG Infrastructure China 19
  • 20. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Import terminals for LNG  Blue: Operational  Red: Construction  Mostly by NOCs – Mostly CNOOC, then CNPC then Sinopec  Notably Zhoushan LNG by private company ENN with PTS bunkering capability  Yellow: Possible major bunkering sites along Yangtze River (Chongching, Wuhan, Nanjing, Nantong)  LNG transport or fuelled ships may not pass Three Gorges Dam for safety reasons.  Needs smaller scale LNG transport ships for upriver and regional transportation (currently building 30,000m^3 carriers) 20
  • 21. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Bunkering pathways 21 Truck to ship (TTS) Flexible but low volume and slow transfer rate. Proven tech, but higher civilian risk and interaction. Ship to ship (STS) Suitable for simultaneous operations (unload) Flexible, no need to dock in port, high transfer rate More expensive and more vulnerable to weather. Port to ship (PTS) High transfer rate and volume Well regulated in China, but long approval processing time. Needs designated jetty. Portable LNG Containers • Lacks in regulation and standards. • Makes bunkering quicker by switching tanks.
  • 22. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 201622
  • 23. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Bunkering stations in China coast and IWW 23
  • 24. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 CNPC Plans for bunkering on IWW 24 LNG value chain assets and plans, Existing receiving terminals (Red) Storage facility (Blue) and number of possible planned river bunker sites (yellow) Beijing-Hangzhou Grand canal Yangtze River system Pearl River system
  • 25. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Known LNG bunkering facilities in China, including inland water ways River Area Province Company Bunkering type LNG Capacity Status / In service from Yangtze River Yidu City Hubei Xilan NG Group Land based (PTS) Storage facility with large volume 2014 Wuhan Fortune oil Land based (PTS) Storage facility with large volume Under construction ¬ 4.2016 Chongqing Chongqing Fortune Oil Land based (PTS) 2000 m3 10.2015 Shanghai Shanghai Gangqiang Gas Bunkering pontoon (STS) 2 x 250 m3 Construction Nanjing Jiangsu Haiqi Ganghua Bunkering pontoon (STS) 2013 Wuhu Anhui Sinopec Bunkering Pontoon (STS) 500 m3 2015 Grand Canal Jiangsu Hongyun Green Energy Planned Pearl River Xi River Guangxi ENN Gas Holdings Bunkering barge (STS) 200 m3 2015 Coastal Dafeng Port, Yancheng, Jiangsu Jiangsu Hongyun Green Energy Land based (PTS) 2 x 60 m3 Construction ¬ 4.2016 Zhoushan Zhejiang ENN Gas Holdings Regasification, Storage (PTS) 3 mtpa 2018 25
  • 26. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 ENN. Bunkering possibility for ocean faring vessels  Zhoushan LNG import and LNG bunkering facility  Close to Ningbo.  And not far from Shanghai  Land to ship bunkering  Estimated completion 2018 26
  • 27. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 First ENN bunker barge  Xijiang ENN 01 completed for Guangxi province  Bunkering Barge with small LNG (200 cubic meters) and diesel bunker capacity.  First LNG fuel barge classified by Chinese Classification Society (CCS) 27
  • 28. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 Summary Chinese LNG bunkering infrastructure  LNG storage tank sizes are usually less than 300 m3 to avoid requirement for individual locational safety studies which would raise costs.  The government is still subsidizing usage of marine diesel by tax incentives – Removing these incentives could lead to stronger case for LNG, but may lead to difficulties for small size ship owners and family businesses.  Much of the planned LNG bunker stations on IWW by CNPC and Fortune oil is on hold due to lack of profitability in recent times. – Smaller budgets because of reduced profits from selling of Oil products. – Pilot projects by NOCs will be completed even at a net loss as development projects. – Regulations from previous pilots are then possible to follow for other companies, this was seen with small scale LNG carriers orders rising after completion of CNOOC 30,000 m3 demonstration project and approval of the first fuel barges and pontoons.  Bunkering activities and stations are attractive to combine with LNG satellite facilities upriver to be used for power production. An approval to build a bunkering station can be exploited to distribute to other end users as well, such as residential gas. In fact this may be the main reason to invest. 28
  • 29. DNV GL © 2014 Ungraded 07 January 2016 SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER Thanks! 谢谢 ! 29 Dan-Hermann Thue (涂鹤丹) For more Information and a more detailed report send an email request +86 18521400949

Editor's Notes

  1. 7 of the top ten trafficked container ports is in china, and china handles 30% of the worlds containers every year. Recently focus on air emissions from ships have become much more clear. As SOx NOx and particulates from ships at port and river transport contribute a lot to air pollution due to lower requirements. New SOx ECAs in the most trafficked shipping ports will gradually come into effect towards 2020. Yangtze river is the river in the world that transports the most cargo and has more than 100,000 vessels. Totally, China’s inland waterways has around 240,000 vessels LNG is a future oriented solution to meet air emissions requirements New bunker stations needs building, along rivers and bunker supply for ports is needed. Regularions for LNG needs clarification and standardized solutions needed Government is supporting the transition and development of LNG infrastructure to avoid a chicken and egg situation.
  2. These goals concerns retrofit and were very ambitious and show commitment. However, the goal of 2000 converted LNG vessels by end of 2015 was not met. Time was needed for new ship designs and the lowered fuel oil cost in 2014 and 2015 also made the incentives to switch to LNG fuel less in the short term. The development in the cheap oil price continues to threaten LNG solutions and MDO with sulphur content < 0.5% will be the easiest measure to stay within the current SOx requirements for now
  3. Sulphur emissions and comes from the Sulphur found in the fuel. LNG has no sulfur in it because it must be removed from the natural gas before it is liquefied to LNG. HFO and oil based fuels contains black incombustible particles that may escape the exhaust as particulate matter. LNG turns into clean gas and adds no PM from combustion. Nox emissions come from high peak temperatures during combustion. A more uniform combustion with good mixture of air and fuel helps to reduce the peak temperatures. LNG has a higher “Heating Value” than fuel oils and refined oils. This is due to more C-H connections per C atom. As the energy comes from breaking those bonds and making H2O and CO2.
  4. It should also be stated that methane, the largest component of natural gas, is itself a potent greenhouse gas, and procedures to reduce methane slip to the atmosphere should also be done. Methane emissions from LNG ships may come from unburnt fuel in exhaust or vented trace amounts purged to the atmosphere during refuelling. Boil of gas (BOG) from LNG carriers or land stations are re-liquefied or used for propulsion in today’s best practices.
  5. Nanjing is the divide on Yangtze between River and Coast. Giving the port strategic importance. The content of Sulphur is less than 350 ppm or 0.0350 % which is 100 times stricter than current, ocean going vessel requirement of 3.5% Sulphur. These requirements are planned to be made gradually stricter. From 01.07.2017 it is planned maximum 50 ppm sulphur fuel cap and less than 10 ppm sulphur from 01.01.2018. Larger river vessels such as coasters and channel ships are allowed different requirement of less than 1000 ppm sulphur content (0.1% sulphur similar to European ECA). In addition marine residual fuel is forbidden, HFO etc. This prohibition can be circumvented if one uses exhaust gas cleaning technology such as Scrubbers, and the SOx removal efficiency is equal to reduction from fuel requirement. Of course LNG will also be a possible solution to eliminate PM and SOx emission from the fuel, as no SOx is present in LNG.
  6. Stage 1 emission requirements will take effect from January 1st 2017. This are the same rules which were already put in effect in the EU zone in the 2000’nds and corresponds to the stage 2 (Tier 2) of the US-EPA Final Rule for inland marine vessels. HC and NOx are grouped together because the emissions of these two pollutants are oppositely related. At higher combustion temperatures there is more NOX and less HC and vice versa.
  7. The challenge for using LNG propulsion is the higher investment costs. A return on investment depends on ships size, fuel consumption, maintenance cost and relative bunker price of LNG to Refined oil. If the ship is affected by emission control requirements and often sails in ECAs, LNG may be a key solution. So far the switch to LNG is reliant on government support to be economically viable in China.
  8. 28 % more energy per ton with LNG compared to MDO However, the density of LNG is just half of that of MDO The result of this is more storage space required for storing the same amount of Energy if you switch to LNG And also that for every ton of LNG bought you can theoretically travel 28% longer.
  9. The challenge for using LNG propulsion is the higher investment costs. A return on investment depends on ships size, fuel consumption, maintenance cost and relative bunker price of LNG to Refined oil. If the ship is affected by emission control requirements and often sails in ECAs, LNG may be a key solution. So far the switch to LNG is reliant on government support to be economically viable in China. Chinese government have supported new construction of ships with LNG propulsion with around 800 RMB in 2015. Engine and fuel system for LNG propulsion can be 10-20% of total vessel cost. In the current tight economic environment for the maritime industry and unfavourable prices of LNG compared to oil it will be less likely to see a spike in implementation and conversion in the short term in China.
  10. For a detailed cost benefit analysis and considerations of LNG for ship fuel for larger container vessels see Germanischer Lloyd report “Cost and Benefits of LNG as Ship Fuel for Container Vessels” from 2011
  11. As of the beginning of 2015, LNG enters the Country through 12 major terminals and a small peaking facility, with 8 under construction and several other facilities in various stages of planning CNOOC is the pioneer Chinese NOC to run LNG import and regasification terminals in China and is currently involved or owner of 7 operational LNG receiving and regasification terminals. Chinas first floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) was put in operation in Tianjin at the end of 2013. Their newest 4 mtpa receiving terminal in Shenzhen-Diefu was scheduled to be completed during 2015, construction was slowed due to lowered profitability and competition with inland sources. New terminals under construction in Yuedong/Jieyang and Fujian with scheduled online dates in 2017 and 2016 respectively. CNPC is the second largest national player in LNG receiving terminals. They have 3 operational terminals with planned expansion of capacity, and one newbuild under construction. Sinopec entered China’s LNG market by starting up their LNG import in Qingdao in 2014 and is also represented in Guangxi province, and has a planned terminal in Tianjin.
  12. The cost of the LNG fuel will be higher than LNG import price due to need of building new infrastructure for bunkering or truck loading and handling of smaller volumes. Truck to ship option has been used extensively in china already, Port to ship is also available, but usually needs a long processing time for verification. And few vessels are in need of the sort of high volume transfer, so most are small scale tanks. Then the recent step has been to develop the bunkering barge concept. A pilot project has been finished and regulations made. Thus more bunkering barges and pontoons of similar structure can rapidly be built.  
  13. Bunkering of Imported LNG   -Bunkering close to import site from land station, pipes (PTS). -Trucks or barges bunkering from import site (TTS). -FSRU or land based terminals are available sources. -Imported LNG could be filled into smaller river LNG carriers that may be used for bunkering other vessels (STS). Bunkering of Domestic LNG Source   -From existing satellite LNG liquefaction site from pipe feed gas (PTS). -Distributed with trucks to remote bunkering facility (TTS). -From central LNG liquefaction plant and transported with trucks directly to ship or local station (TTS).
  14. Initial plans presented by CNPC, most of construction and plans now put on hold, Loosing money on investment after construction as the prices have fallen steeply on LNG and ships continue to use Oil based fuels. Few of the planned bunker stations (yellow flag) have been built.
  15. The government is encouraging LNG investments by private companies and providing subsidies to NOC investment. Currently private Chinese energy companies such as ENN energy holdings limited, ChangBai Group and GuangHui Energy are investing in LNG infrastructure. ENN is building natural gas supply chains in China and bunkering stations for LNG. ENN was the first Chinese private company to operate an LNG terminal. Close to Ningbo, on Zhoushan Island ENN is currently building a land based LNG import terminal with bunkering facilities planned to import 3 mtpa in by 2018. Changbai is planning to construct a LNG facility west of Shanghai in Jiangyin. Guanghui plans to invest 2 billion yuan in a LNG distribution station in Nantong Port, upriver from the Yangtze delta [14]. Due to lack of regulation and complexity of approval of land based bunker stations for LGN, the floating LNG pontoon solution has become popular. The tanks of LNG are in most cases less than 300 m3 in volume due to special requirements for larger tanks. Larger tanks will need special safety studies and will thus become a more expensive and complicated project. Wuhan is seen as a potential future hub for LNG distribution as Wuhan port is in the middle of China and on the Yangtze River.