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Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Questions
Software Testing
Qualifications Board
Sample Exam - Questions
ISTQB® Agile Technical Tester (ATT)
Exam ID: A
Version 1.0
International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Release Date: 14 November 2019
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This document may be copied in its entirety, or extracts made, if the source is acknowledged.
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Questions
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© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Copyright © 2019 International Software Testing Qualifications Board (hereinafter called
ISTQB®). All rights reserved.
The authors transfer the copyright to the International Software Testing Qualifications Board
(hereinafter called ISTQB®). The authors (as current copyright holders) and ISTQB® (as the
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Any ISTQB® Member Board may translate this document.
Exam Working Group 2019
Document Responsibility
The ISTQB® Examination Working Group is responsible for this document.
This document was produced by the ISTQB® Exam Working Group (EWG) and the ISTQB®
Advanced Level Working Group (ALWG)
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Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Revision History
Version Date Remarks
0.1 July 10, 2019 Sample Exam – Questions Template used
0.2 August 18, 2019 Typos, same syntax, wording corrected
0.3 September 14, 2019 Changes with respect to finding from Beta Review
1.0 14 November 2019 Release date
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Table of Contents
Legal ........................................................................................................................................................2
Document Responsibility .......................................................................................................................2
Revision History.......................................................................................................................................3
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................5
Purpose of this document......................................................................................................................5
Instructions ............................................................................................................................................5
Question #1 (3 Points) ......................................................................................................................6
Question #2 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................6
Question #3 (3 Points) ......................................................................................................................7
Question #4 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................7
Question #5 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................8
Question #6 (2 Points) ......................................................................................................................8
Question #7 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................9
Question #8 (2 Points) ......................................................................................................................9
Question #9 (3 Points) ....................................................................................................................10
Question #10 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................11
Question #11 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................11
Question #12 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................12
Question #13 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................13
Question #14 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................13
Question #15 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................14
Question #16 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................14
Question #17 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................14
Question #18 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................15
Question #19 (2 Points) ..................................................................................................................15
Question #20 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................16
Question #21 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................16
Question #22 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................17
Question #23 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................17
Question #24 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................18
Question #25 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................18
Question #26 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................19
Question #27 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................19
Question #28 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................20
Question #29 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................20
Question #30 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................21
Question #31 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................21
Question #32 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................21
Question #33 (2 Points) ..................................................................................................................22
Question #34 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................22
Question #35 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................23
Question #36 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................23
Question #37 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................24
Question #38 (2 Points) ..................................................................................................................25
Question #39 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................25
Question #40 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................26
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
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Purpose of this document
The sample questions, answer sets and associated justifications in this document have been created by
a team of Subject Matter Experts and experienced question writers with the aim of assisting ISTQB®
Member Boards and Exam Boards in their question writing activities.
These questions cannot be used as-is in any official examination, but they should serve as guidance for
question writers. Given the wide variety of formats and subjects, these sample questions should offer
many ideas for the individual Member Boards on how to create good questions and appropriate answer
sets for their examinations.
The question and answer sets are organized in the following way:
 Learning Objective and K-level
 Question - including any scenario followed by the question stem (The question is contained in
this document)
 Answer Set (The answer set is contained in a separate document)
 Correct answer – including justification of the answers
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question #1 (3 Points)
As a tester, you are asked to improve the quality of Epics and User stories.
Which TWO of the following requirements engineering techniques would be the most effective for the
given Epic?
“As the leader of the marketing department, I want to have a content management system so that my
employees can edit and provide quality content to the readers”.
Select TWO options.
a) Storyboard
b) Story mapping
c) Personas
d) Diagrams
e) Use Cases
Question #2 (1 Point)
Describe requirements engineering techniques and how they can help testers.
Select TWO options.
a) Each tester can easily see on the teams ‘Storyboard’ which tasks he/she has to do during the
current iteration.
b) A ‘Storyboard’ visualizes groups of user stories, related to a common area of the system
(Themes), which can be considered for inclusion in the same iteration.
c) A ‘Storyboard’ defines which test cases the tester has to execute in an Exploratory Test Session.
d) A ‘Storyboard’ can assist with identifying acceptance criteria for user stories and epics.
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Question #3 (3 Points)
You must review following user story that will be developed and tested during next Sprint:
As a potential conference attendee, I want to be able to register for the conference online, so that
registration is simple and paperless.
The following acceptance criteria are also mentioned:
 Payment can be made via PayPal, Debit or Credit Cards.
 An acknowledgement email is sent to the attendee after submitting the form.
 Protection against spam is working.
 Information from the form is stored in the registrations database.
 User cannot submit a form without filling out all the mandatory fields:
First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Email Address, Position Title, Billing Information.
Within the previous Sprints the database has been developed and the interface to the different payment
methods and also the interface to the spam detection component are ready.
Which one of the following statements is correct according to this situation and the mentioned
acceptance criteria?
Select ONE option.
a) All the mentioned acceptance criteria follow the meaning of INVEST characteristics.
b) The acceptance criteria does not fulfill INVEST criteria and is therefore of bad quality.
c) This user story is more like an Epic and therefore the mentioned acceptance criteria do not fit.
d) As there are no non-functional acceptance criteria mentioned, the team has forgotten to use
quantitative questionnaires.
Question #4 (1 Point)
Which one of the following methodologies is not derived from Test-driven development?
Select ONE option
a) Behavior Driven Development
b) Acceptance Test-driven development
c) Domain-driven design
d) Specification by example
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Question #5 (1 Point)
Summarize the characteristics of unit tests:
Select ONE option.
a) Unit test have to be independent from other unit test to avoid the possibilities of cross
b) Unit test can be derived from the given use cases and existing code of the test object.
c) While refactoring, the redesign of the unit test to adapt to the changed code is crucial.
d) A unit should be written against large and complex code structures to get fast and feedback of
the code quality.
Question #6 (2 Points)
A developer has implemented a class that calculates if a given date is a leap year. The definition for the
leap year is given:
Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by
100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400.
- divisible by 4
- but not by 100
- years divisible by 400 are leap anyway
You have already thought about it and started with the first test class, the test class looks like (pseudo
JavaScript used here):
// LeapYear.spec.js
describe('Leap year calculator', () => {
it('should consider 1996 as leap', () => {
What would now be your next step to proceed as efficient as possible, in order to validate the
correctness of the class above?
Select ONE option.
a) Write additional test classes to test also other relevant aspects of the leap year calculation .
b) Start to write code that covers other relevant aspects of the leap year calculation.
c) Start to write code that makes fail this test case.
d) Start to write code that makes pass this test case
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
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Question #7 (1 Point)
A Unit tests should fulfill the quality criteria, which are summarized by the mnemonic ‘FIRST’. This
means a Unit Test should be:
Select ONE option.
a) Fast, Iso-compliant, Responsive, Self-Verifying, Thorough
b) Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-Validating, Thorough
c) Failing, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-Validating, Thorough
d) Fast, Iso-compliant, Repeatable, Self-Verifying, Atomic
Question #8 (2 Points)
You, as a tester in a BDD environment, know that the following user story has to be implemented and
As a Scrum Master
I want to see Lead/Cycle time progress
So that I know whether we are improving our development process or not.
Which one of the following BDD scenarios in Gherkin format is at least partially, but best fitting to this
user story?
Select ONE option.
a) Given Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is DISABLED
When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see Lead Time chart
And chart contains 1 line for stories.
b) Given Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is ENABLED
If I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see Cycle Time
And chart contains 2 lines (for stories and bugs)
Else Error message is popping up.
c) Given Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is DISABLED
When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see the chart
And chart contains information for all stories.
d) When Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is ENABLED
Then I navigate to Report section
And I see Cycle Time with chart containing 2 lines (for stories and bugs).
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Question #9 (3 Points)
You are responsible to define the test strategy for the systems described in above scenario.
The following tables define various risk based mixes of test approaches.
Select the table (see below) which shows the test approaches that fits at best the needs for testing the auto
pilot system within simulated car driving in simulated environments.
This happens in later iterations stage where the system should behave mature and which can generate most
feedback to the development team during each iteration:
Select ONE option.
Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites
High ++ + +
Medium ++ + o
Low + ++ --
Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites
High ++ + ++
Medium + - ++
Low - ++ +
Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites
High O ++ ++
Medium o + +
Low - ++ +
Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites
High ++ o o
Medium + ++ -
Low - ++ -
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Question #10 (3 Points)
You are responsible in a highly regulated med-tech environment where development of the software is
done following agile methods.
The project that you will check next is the replacement of the outdated configuration software for the
bestselling blood analyzer on the market.
Technicians that are installing or maintaining this blood analyzer, will get new notebooks with Windows
10 and therefore it is necessary to replace the configuration software.
Which one of the below mentioned test strategies would be more appropriate?
Select ONE option.
a) Run as well heavily automated tests as also black-box tests and in addition exploratory testing.
b) Run as well heavily automated tests as also black-box tests and in addition non-functional
c) Run heavily exploratory as also black-box tests and in addition automated tests.
d) Run automated tests as also heavily black-box tests and in addition heavily exploratory testing.
Question #11 (1 Point)
Summarize the characteristics of performing exploratory tests with test charters.
Select ONE option.
a) In contradiction to black-box testing, the expected result is documented after a defect is found
and not as part of the test design.
b) Test charters are a useful tool to be used for testing, when a detailed specification to the
system under test is given.
c) The result of performing exploratory testing by using test charters is finding defects and
specification error.
d) Exploratory testing and black-box testing use the same metrics, when it comes to measure the
test coverage.
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Question #12 (1 Point)
Refactoring of test cases is needed in agile because of many reasons. Below is description, reasons
and benefits. Choose the correct list.
Select ONE option.
a) Refactoring of test cases is done in order to match and evolve the test cases due to changing
functionality and changed code. Main benefits include improving the regression test cases,
tests stay aligned with the code base and product functionality.
b) Refactoring of test cases is needed becuase we cannot maintain writing detailed test cases in
short iterations in agile. Main benefits include keeping the pace of testing with development,
creating new test cases fast.
c) In general, in agile world refactoring is a way to clean up test cases, in short iterations, by
making them shorter. Main benefits include keeping pace with writing test cases fast, being
able to test fast (short test cases), and being able to automate them fast.
d) Refactoring of test cases is done a process with the following steps: Identification, Refactor,
Re-run, Identify again. Main benefits include improving the regression test cases, tests stay
aligned with the code base and product functionality.
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Question #13 (3 Points)
You do have to analyze the following Bubble Sort function written in Java:
public static int[] bubblesort(int[] Tosort) {
int temp;
for(int i=1; i<Tosort.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<Tosort.length-i; j++) {
if(Tosort[j]>Tosort[j++]) {
return Tosort;
Analyzation should be done according to the following checklist:
1. All Variables should start with a Capital letter, except they are used only as counting variable
2. If the name of the variable consists of more than one word, all words have to start with Capital
letters (e.g. FirstName)
3. All constants should be written in CAPITAL letters, exept they are only used as start or end
point (e.g. in loops)
Which one of the above mentioned checkpoint items is not fulfilled?
Select ONE option.
a) 2.
b) 1.
c) 3.
d) none.
Question #14 (1 Point)
Which one of the following statements is true in regards test driven development?
Select ONE option.
a) Write a test that describes an unimplemented requirement. Run the test to ensure that it fails.
b) Write production code that satisfies only the requirement described by the test. If it fails, make
the changes necessary to cause all the tests to pass.
c) To TDD you need to extract one or more scenario from each user story and then formulate
them as automated tests.
d) ATDD and TDD are customer focused whereas BDD is developer focused.
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Question #15 (1 Point)
Summarize the characteristics of test automation in relation to development projects.
Select ONE option.
a) Test automation can play an important role in test environment configuration and test release acquisition.
b) In large projects, there is usually one best solution that fits all needs, and so. on dedicated test automation
strategies fits best.
c) Test automation supports the goals of an iteration directly; e.g., by reducing the regression risk associated
with stability of the system.
d) Supportive test automation effort has to be done in the teams of the iteration teams themselves.
Question #16 (1 Point)
An increased proportion of automated test coverage often leads to a greater degree of manual testing
that follows reactive strategies, because:
Select ONE option.
a) many of the tests that can be prepared upfront, will be automated which enables the testers to
spend more time for execution of manual tests.
b) an increase of the proportion of automated test increases test coverage, and the uncovered
areas are to be tested reactively.
c) if the proportion of automated tests increases, manual tests focus on the most risky areas
which are identified reactively.
d) reactive strategies consider the current context and status of the project and the system under
test. To be able to adopt to this current status most flexible a greater degree of manual testing
is necessary.
Question #17 (1 Point)
The challenges described below are of test automation in agile settings or agile projects. Which is the
correctly described one?
Select ONE option.
a) Resources availability is a challenge in automating tests in agile settings, as they are needed to
create, maintain and execute the test suite.
b) Unit testing automation is the most critical test automation needed in agile, and covers most of
the testing challenges in agile quality of code, and gives good test coverage.
c) Test deployment time is one of the challenges of agile testing, as deploying slow is not possible
in short iterations.
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d) Test Execution Time is not critical in agile as there are fewer tests written, and they are
designed as checklists or high level tests which reduces the time it takes to execute them.
Question #18 (1 Point)
Which one of the statements listed below is true with regards to key-word “test driven development”?
Select ONE option.
a) Test procedures composed by keywords can be better understood by customers than plain
program language test code.
b) Agile teams can easily scale the necessary test coverage up or down by adding, changing, or
removing entries from the test data table.
c) A limitation is, that changing the behaviour of a defined keyword requires much more effort than
changing the same behaviour across multiple test procedures.
d) To properly manage the set of keywords, the responsibility for managing the keyword
vocabulary should stay in the team.
Question #19 (2 Points)
You are working in a project that develops a product that has reached a stable state and is already in
production in different configurations all over Europe.
To finalize it, the top management has decided to use that project as Proof of Concept for the new CI
approach. This has been implemented and runs smoothly.
Which of one the following actions could you suggest to improve this situation?
Select ONE option.
a) Enable different test configurations in the CI process to be used for the different types of CI
cycles for the target markets.
b) Speed up test execution by decreasing the amount of User Interface (UI) testing to give fast
feedback on the CI approach.
c) Prioritize testing so that the basic and most important tests are always executed to proof the
new CI approach.
d) Select and execute only those test cases affected by the changes (i.e., the use of impact
analysis to select tests).
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Question #20 (1 Point)
Which testing methodology emphasizes on examples rather than on real test scenarios?
I) Test-driven development (TDD)
II) Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
III) acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)
IV) specification by example (SBE)
Select ONE option.
A) I & II
D) I, III & IV
Question #21 (1 Point)
Which of the following is the correct mnemonic for FIRST in TDD?
Select ONE option.
a) Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-validating, Thorough
b) Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, self-checking, Testable
c) Focussed, Isolated, Repeatable, Stand-alone, Testable
d) Fast, Interactive, Repeatable, Small-scope, Test-driven
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Question #22 (3 Points)
Exploratory testing is a well known On-the-fly OR ad-hoc testing approach. Which of the following
statements about it are true?
I. It is a structured and rigorous activity
II. Tester’s mind is not in control as its about freedom and responsibility of individual tester
III. Tester should not have knowledge about the application and its functionality in advance
IV. It is often used as form of usability testing
V. Test charters used should be atomic
VI. Tester does not need to have prior experience in the field of testing as he/she is free to explore
Select ONE option.
a) I, II and IV
b) I and IV
c) III and V
d) II and VI
Question #23 (1 Point)
Which of the following factors contribute to code refactoring?
I. Presence of redundant code or unused variables
II. Over-complicated code design
III. Mostly to improve non-functional attributes of the software
IV. Increased technical debt
Select ONE option.
a) I and IV
b) I, II and IV
c) III and IV
d) All of the above
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Question #24 (3 Points)
How can one avoid technical debt?
I. Future planning
II. Code review and static code analysis
III. Enticement to save time and money
IV. Close collaboration with development team
Select ONE option.
a) II
b) II and IV
c) I, II and IV
d) All of the above
Question #25 (3 Points)
Which of the following testing processes help in achieving continuous integration?
I. Risk based testing approach to test basic and most important changes
II. Cloud testing environment to replicate production environment for quick and real user outputs
III. Service virtualization to simulate the behaviour of a connected system or service
IV. Segregation of test configuration for different types of CI cycles.
Select ONE option.
a) I and III
b) III
c) II and IV
d) All of the above
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Question #26 (1 Point)
A functionality from Swiss Banking system is available in all environments 24 X 7 and it needs service
for different transactions from a 3rd party software component. Does this SUT qualify for Service
I. No, as there is an interface with an external service.
II. Yes, to perform time controlled non-functional testing of SUT.
III. Yes, to lower the cost of test infrastructure set-up as compared to the cost of testing with
real 3rd party service due to the fact that virtual service does not need to include all of the
functionality and test data of the actual external service.
IV. No, as external services have some sort of inherent wait time associated with network
travel time and virtual service can respond instantaneously as it is in the same
network/environment as our SUT.
Select ONE option.
a) I
b) II and III
c) III and IV
d) II, III and IV
Question #27 (1 Point)
The following is a list of Elicitation techniques descriptions. Choose the one which is described
Select ONE option.
a) Qualitative Questionnaires: Having Open-ended questions which are extremely effective way to
add more quality to quantitative research. These type of questions are best used as a follow-
up. The qualitative questionnaire take more time than other techniques, thus fits as an
elicitation technique for small group of stakeholders.
b) Quantitative Questionnaires: is using data taken from open-ended questions in order to make
comparisons between various data points. This will often provide data that can be included in a
conclusion for an acceptance criterion.
c) Qualitative Questionnaires: Yes/No questions are an extremely effective way to add more
quality to quantitative research. They are best used as a follow-up to key questions. This could
generate additional information for which new User Stories have to created or has to be added
to existing ones
d) Qualitative Interview: The qualitative interview is alot less effective than a quantitative query
and is mainly used to acquire information about backgrounds, contexts and causes. It is likely
to return good data, and acceptance criteria can be derived from the responses regarding the
context of a user story.
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Question #28 (1 Point)
Which of the following can be used as an Elicitation technique to identify acceptance criteria?
Select ONE option.
a) Equivalence Partitioning, Decision tables, 6 Thinking Hats, SMART, INVEST, Quanitative
b) Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Statement Coverage, Path Coverage
Analysis, INVEST, Qualitative Questionnaires.
c) Decision tables, Equivalence Partitioning, SMART, Qualitative Interviews, Decision Coverage
analysis, Apprenticing.
d) Apprenticing, Boundary Value Analysis, Path Coverage Analysis, Decision Tables, Equivalence
Question #29 (1 Point)
A ‘Story Map’ can help a tester, because …
Select TWO options.
a) it visualizes the order of priority of each ‘User Story’, which determines the priority of test
b) it maps test cases and test data to User Stories.
c) the ‘User Stories’ contained in a ‘Story Map’ are in decreasing priority from ‘top left’ to "bottom
right”, which can help to define the test priorities of the test cases testing these ‘User Stories’.
d) it visualizes ‘levels’ of implementation (from basic to more sophisticated) which can be used to
derive different corresponding sets of acceptance test cases.
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Question #30 (1 Point)
Select the criteria a successful ‘regression-averse approach’ for test automation should fulfill:
Select TWO options.
a) the set of regression tests grows inline with the growing set of features implemented.
b) automated test cases from the set of regression tests are continuously improved and
c) automated test cases are implemented in a way supporting good maintainability.
d) the number of automated tests is limited by the number of tests given by the projects test
Question #31 (1 Point)
Which one of the following statements is true in regards story mapping?
Select ONE option.
a) Story mapping can be used to identify the order of functionalities to determine test priorities.
b) Identifies integration points, which should be considered during test design.
c) Visualize groups of user stories related to a common area of the system which can be
considered for inclusion in the same iteration.
d) Identifies gaps in user stories by identifying different types of users that may use the system.
Question #32 (3 Points)
As a tester, you are asked to introduce the ATDD methodology in the team.
Which TWO of the following points describe better the ATDD?
Select TWO options.
a) ATDD is customer focused rathen than development.
b) ATDD im development focused rather than customer.
c) ATDD and TDD are both customer focused.
d) ATDD and BDD are customer focused.
e) BDD, ATDD, TDD are for both customer and development focused.
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Question #33 (2 Points)
You are working as test manager in a project and need to check huge amount of data. You think the
approach of data-driven testing could be the correct solution.
You want to prepare a Proof of Concept (PoC) to decide if using DDT technique would help or not.
You have a collection of data to be used for the PoC.
Which is the best option from the list below?
Select ONE option.
a) Ask the test automation team to create several TCs each covering a particular scenario and
perform the PoC.
b) Ask the test automation team to adapt some existing TCs to work with given test data and
perform the PoC.
c) Ask the test automation team to prepare a general TC to read all data and process them, then
perform the PoC.
d) The PoC cannot be executed with the given data, but same TCs can be executed anyway to
give an idea about the process quality.
Question #34 (1 Point)
As part of test automation team, you are involved in definition of a new method to create and maintain
new TCs. Some new methods are being checked and the decision now is to implement a Keyword-
Driven Testing (KDT).
Which of the following points is better describing the method KDT?
Select ONE option.
The main idea of a Keyword-driven Testing is
a) Create a TC or a set of TCs, able to analyze the data, which will act as keyword, e.g. a Boolean
will trigger a True/False path.
b) Write an interpreter and assign to every keyword (pre defined vocabulary) a special application
to be executed.
c) Create a set of TCs, each able to understand one given order (keyword), get the necessary
data from a predefined DB and execute the command itself.
d) Create a set of macro language (keyword), based on them, a dispatcher TC will understand
what/how to proceed.
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
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© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Question #35 (1 Point)
You are responsible for creating a test automation suite for some regression tests at different levels.
Which of the following combination is the correct one?
1. Smoke test
2. Unit test
3. System test
4. User acceptance test
a. Minimum test cases set execution
b. Medium test cases set execution
c. Ad-hoc created TCs
d. Full test cases set execution
Select ONE option.
a) 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
b) 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b
c) 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a
d) 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b
Question #36 (1 Point)
Which is the best definition of continuos testing and continuos delivery?
Continuos testing :
a. the tester will perform test execution (manual,automatic) based on given timing, e.g. once per
day at 7:00 as part of continuos delivery.
b. The system will trigger automatically a sample test execution based on Developer decision (e.g.
after every software replacement in the project library).
c. The test will be executed based on a new version of application, which can happen once a day,
once a week or on demand as part of continuos delivery.
Continuos delivery
1) The developer is asked to replace the code he has modified by end of day or on demand.
2) The developer replaces his module once completed, the continous testing can take place upon
replacement of new software.
3) The developer replaces his module once completed, a new version of app will be created and
the testing can take place upon completion.
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Questions
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© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Select ONE option.
a) a3
b) c2
c) b3
d) b2
Question #37 (1 Point)
Please select the best choice for a definition of service virtualization:
Select ONE option.
a) A virtual machine, which can be setup to accomplish several tasks (services), to be used for
different scopes from several users at same time. It is a closed system managed to reproduce
the real behaviour for performances checks.
b) It is a process which simulates the relevant behaivour, such as performance, data of a real
service. It can be accessed simultaneusly by several users.
c) It is a physical system, which is tailored in different systems (virtual servers), they will then
simulate a virtual service, with some representative performances, as it would be a real service.
d) A virtual service is exactly a one-to-one replication of a physical server, with the difference it
can be addressed by several user simultaneusly, and each of them can address by a unique
name, i.e. each user accesses the system by different names.
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Questions
Software Testing
Qualifications Board
Version 1.0 Page 25 of 26 14 November 2019
© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Question #38 (2 Points)
The Test manager of a testing team is working together with a developer and they plan to have a
continuous integration process established from the next release.
Which of the following elements are NOT part of a continuos integration:
Select TWO options.
a) The test cases to be executed need to be defined and prioritized.
b) Several test configuration should be defined and made available,so that depending on a special
phase, the correct configuration can be used.
c) It is important to have a reduced well defined set of TCs. The system test performed should not
take longer than a predefined time. If the test will take longer, the task to overlap with next cycle
can bring to useless results.
d) Need to speed up the test execution, so that the performed TC, most related to unit test, will
complete in a short time.
e) It is a good rule to execute always the same TC as they are defined, if not the behaviour, e.g.
execution time, will differ from a run to antoher one, which would make the result not relevant.
Question #39 (1 Point)
Refactoring is a process of restructuring computer code without changing its external behavior. Like all
other process it had disadvantages too. Which ones are its disadvantages?
Select TWO options.
a) Regular additional time required for code review and analysis in each iteration
b) Overall time consuming as efforts are required to analyse and fix review comments
c) expensive as it needs regular maintenance
d) Unknown impacted areas impact test planning, specifically for regression tests
Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level
Exam ID: A
Sample Exam – Questions
Software Testing
Qualifications Board
Version 1.0 Page 26 of 26 14 November 2019
© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Question #40 (1 Point)
A ‘Storyboard’ can help a tester, because …
Select TWO options.
a) each tester can easily see on the teams ‘Storyboard’, which tasks he/she has to do during the
current iteration
b) a ‘Storyboard’ visualizes groups of user stories related to a common area of the system
c) a ‘Storyboard’ defines which test cases the tester has to execute in an Exploratory Test
d) a ‘Storyboard’can assist with identifying acceptance criteria for user stories and epics

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ISTQB Agile Technical Tester Sample Question Paper

  • 1. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Sample Exam - Questions ISTQB® Agile Technical Tester (ATT) Exam ID: A Version 1.0 International Software Testing Qualifications Board Release Date: 14 November 2019 Copyright Notice This document may be copied in its entirety, or extracts made, if the source is acknowledged.
  • 2. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 2 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Legal Copyright © 2019 International Software Testing Qualifications Board (hereinafter called ISTQB®). All rights reserved. The authors transfer the copyright to the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (hereinafter called ISTQB®). The authors (as current copyright holders) and ISTQB® (as the future copyright holder) have agreed to the following condition of use: Any ISTQB® Member Board may translate this document. Exam Working Group 2019 Document Responsibility The ISTQB® Examination Working Group is responsible for this document. Acknowledgements This document was produced by the ISTQB® Exam Working Group (EWG) and the ISTQB® Advanced Level Working Group (ALWG) This document was formally released by the General Assembly of the ISTQB® on 14.November.2019.
  • 3. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 3 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Revision History Version Date Remarks 0.1 July 10, 2019 Sample Exam – Questions Template used 0.2 August 18, 2019 Typos, same syntax, wording corrected 0.3 September 14, 2019 Changes with respect to finding from Beta Review 1.0 14 November 2019 Release date
  • 4. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 4 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Table of Contents Legal ........................................................................................................................................................2 Document Responsibility .......................................................................................................................2 Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................2 Revision History.......................................................................................................................................3 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................5 Purpose of this document......................................................................................................................5 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................5 Questions.................................................................................................................................................6 Question #1 (3 Points) ......................................................................................................................6 Question #2 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................6 Question #3 (3 Points) ......................................................................................................................7 Question #4 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................7 Question #5 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................8 Question #6 (2 Points) ......................................................................................................................8 Question #7 (1 Point) ........................................................................................................................9 Question #8 (2 Points) ......................................................................................................................9 Question #9 (3 Points) ....................................................................................................................10 Question #10 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................11 Question #11 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................11 Question #12 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................12 Question #13 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................13 Question #14 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................13 Question #15 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................14 Question #16 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................14 Question #17 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................14 Question #18 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................15 Question #19 (2 Points) ..................................................................................................................15 Question #20 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................16 Question #21 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................16 Question #22 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................17 Question #23 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................17 Question #24 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................18 Question #25 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................18 Question #26 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................19 Question #27 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................19 Question #28 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................20 Question #29 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................20 Question #30 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................21 Question #31 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................21 Question #32 (3 Points) ..................................................................................................................21 Question #33 (2 Points) ..................................................................................................................22 Question #34 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................22 Question #35 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................23 Question #36 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................23 Question #37 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................24 Question #38 (2 Points) ..................................................................................................................25 Question #39 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................25 Question #40 (1 Point) ....................................................................................................................26
  • 5. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 5 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Introduction Purpose of this document The sample questions, answer sets and associated justifications in this document have been created by a team of Subject Matter Experts and experienced question writers with the aim of assisting ISTQB® Member Boards and Exam Boards in their question writing activities. These questions cannot be used as-is in any official examination, but they should serve as guidance for question writers. Given the wide variety of formats and subjects, these sample questions should offer many ideas for the individual Member Boards on how to create good questions and appropriate answer sets for their examinations. Instructions The question and answer sets are organized in the following way:  Learning Objective and K-level  Question - including any scenario followed by the question stem (The question is contained in this document)  Answer Set (The answer set is contained in a separate document)  Correct answer – including justification of the answers
  • 6. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 6 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Questions Question #1 (3 Points) As a tester, you are asked to improve the quality of Epics and User stories. Which TWO of the following requirements engineering techniques would be the most effective for the given Epic? “As the leader of the marketing department, I want to have a content management system so that my employees can edit and provide quality content to the readers”. Select TWO options. a) Storyboard b) Story mapping c) Personas d) Diagrams e) Use Cases Question #2 (1 Point) Describe requirements engineering techniques and how they can help testers. Select TWO options. a) Each tester can easily see on the teams ‘Storyboard’ which tasks he/she has to do during the current iteration. b) A ‘Storyboard’ visualizes groups of user stories, related to a common area of the system (Themes), which can be considered for inclusion in the same iteration. c) A ‘Storyboard’ defines which test cases the tester has to execute in an Exploratory Test Session. d) A ‘Storyboard’ can assist with identifying acceptance criteria for user stories and epics.
  • 7. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 7 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #3 (3 Points) You must review following user story that will be developed and tested during next Sprint: As a potential conference attendee, I want to be able to register for the conference online, so that registration is simple and paperless. The following acceptance criteria are also mentioned:  Payment can be made via PayPal, Debit or Credit Cards.  An acknowledgement email is sent to the attendee after submitting the form.  Protection against spam is working.  Information from the form is stored in the registrations database.  User cannot submit a form without filling out all the mandatory fields: First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Email Address, Position Title, Billing Information. Within the previous Sprints the database has been developed and the interface to the different payment methods and also the interface to the spam detection component are ready. Which one of the following statements is correct according to this situation and the mentioned acceptance criteria? Select ONE option. a) All the mentioned acceptance criteria follow the meaning of INVEST characteristics. b) The acceptance criteria does not fulfill INVEST criteria and is therefore of bad quality. c) This user story is more like an Epic and therefore the mentioned acceptance criteria do not fit. d) As there are no non-functional acceptance criteria mentioned, the team has forgotten to use quantitative questionnaires. Question #4 (1 Point) Which one of the following methodologies is not derived from Test-driven development? Select ONE option a) Behavior Driven Development b) Acceptance Test-driven development c) Domain-driven design d) Specification by example
  • 8. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 8 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #5 (1 Point) Summarize the characteristics of unit tests: Select ONE option. a) Unit test have to be independent from other unit test to avoid the possibilities of cross references. b) Unit test can be derived from the given use cases and existing code of the test object. c) While refactoring, the redesign of the unit test to adapt to the changed code is crucial. d) A unit should be written against large and complex code structures to get fast and feedback of the code quality. Question #6 (2 Points) A developer has implemented a class that calculates if a given date is a leap year. The definition for the leap year is given: Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400. - divisible by 4 - but not by 100 - years divisible by 400 are leap anyway You have already thought about it and started with the first test class, the test class looks like (pseudo JavaScript used here): // LeapYear.spec.js describe('Leap year calculator', () => { it('should consider 1996 as leap', () => { expect(LeapYear.isLeap(1996)).toBe(true); }); }); What would now be your next step to proceed as efficient as possible, in order to validate the correctness of the class above? Select ONE option. a) Write additional test classes to test also other relevant aspects of the leap year calculation . b) Start to write code that covers other relevant aspects of the leap year calculation. c) Start to write code that makes fail this test case. d) Start to write code that makes pass this test case
  • 9. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 9 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #7 (1 Point) A Unit tests should fulfill the quality criteria, which are summarized by the mnemonic ‘FIRST’. This means a Unit Test should be: Select ONE option. a) Fast, Iso-compliant, Responsive, Self-Verifying, Thorough b) Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-Validating, Thorough c) Failing, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-Validating, Thorough d) Fast, Iso-compliant, Repeatable, Self-Verifying, Atomic Question #8 (2 Points) You, as a tester in a BDD environment, know that the following user story has to be implemented and tested: As a Scrum Master I want to see Lead/Cycle time progress So that I know whether we are improving our development process or not. Which one of the following BDD scenarios in Gherkin format is at least partially, but best fitting to this user story? Select ONE option. a) Given Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is DISABLED When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report Then I see Lead Time chart And chart contains 1 line for stories. b) Given Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is ENABLED If I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report Then I see Cycle Time And chart contains 2 lines (for stories and bugs) Else Error message is popping up. c) Given Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is DISABLED When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report Then I see the chart And chart contains information for all stories. d) When Reports section in Project area and Bug Tracking practice is ENABLED Then I navigate to Report section And I see Cycle Time with chart containing 2 lines (for stories and bugs).
  • 10. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 10 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #9 (3 Points) You are responsible to define the test strategy for the systems described in above scenario. The following tables define various risk based mixes of test approaches. Select the table (see below) which shows the test approaches that fits at best the needs for testing the auto pilot system within simulated car driving in simulated environments. This happens in later iterations stage where the system should behave mature and which can generate most feedback to the development team during each iteration: Select ONE option. A) Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites High ++ + + Medium ++ + o Low + ++ -- B) Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites High ++ + ++ Medium + - ++ Low - ++ + C) Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites High O ++ ++ Medium o + + Low - ++ + D) Risk Level Specification based manual Manual Exploratory Testing Automated Test Suites High ++ o o Medium + ++ - Low - ++ -
  • 11. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 11 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #10 (3 Points) You are responsible in a highly regulated med-tech environment where development of the software is done following agile methods. The project that you will check next is the replacement of the outdated configuration software for the bestselling blood analyzer on the market. Technicians that are installing or maintaining this blood analyzer, will get new notebooks with Windows 10 and therefore it is necessary to replace the configuration software. Which one of the below mentioned test strategies would be more appropriate? Select ONE option. a) Run as well heavily automated tests as also black-box tests and in addition exploratory testing. b) Run as well heavily automated tests as also black-box tests and in addition non-functional tests. c) Run heavily exploratory as also black-box tests and in addition automated tests. d) Run automated tests as also heavily black-box tests and in addition heavily exploratory testing. Question #11 (1 Point) Summarize the characteristics of performing exploratory tests with test charters. Select ONE option. a) In contradiction to black-box testing, the expected result is documented after a defect is found and not as part of the test design. b) Test charters are a useful tool to be used for testing, when a detailed specification to the system under test is given. c) The result of performing exploratory testing by using test charters is finding defects and specification error. d) Exploratory testing and black-box testing use the same metrics, when it comes to measure the test coverage.
  • 12. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 12 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #12 (1 Point) Refactoring of test cases is needed in agile because of many reasons. Below is description, reasons and benefits. Choose the correct list. Select ONE option. a) Refactoring of test cases is done in order to match and evolve the test cases due to changing functionality and changed code. Main benefits include improving the regression test cases, tests stay aligned with the code base and product functionality. b) Refactoring of test cases is needed becuase we cannot maintain writing detailed test cases in short iterations in agile. Main benefits include keeping the pace of testing with development, creating new test cases fast. c) In general, in agile world refactoring is a way to clean up test cases, in short iterations, by making them shorter. Main benefits include keeping pace with writing test cases fast, being able to test fast (short test cases), and being able to automate them fast. d) Refactoring of test cases is done a process with the following steps: Identification, Refactor, Re-run, Identify again. Main benefits include improving the regression test cases, tests stay aligned with the code base and product functionality.
  • 13. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 13 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #13 (3 Points) You do have to analyze the following Bubble Sort function written in Java: public static int[] bubblesort(int[] Tosort) { int temp; for(int i=1; i<Tosort.length; i++) { for(int j=0; j<Tosort.length-i; j++) { if(Tosort[j]>Tosort[j++]) { temp=Tosort[j]; Tosort[j]=Tosort[j++]; Tosort[j++]=temp; } } } return Tosort; } Analyzation should be done according to the following checklist: 1. All Variables should start with a Capital letter, except they are used only as counting variable 2. If the name of the variable consists of more than one word, all words have to start with Capital letters (e.g. FirstName) 3. All constants should be written in CAPITAL letters, exept they are only used as start or end point (e.g. in loops) Which one of the above mentioned checkpoint items is not fulfilled? Select ONE option. a) 2. b) 1. c) 3. d) none. Question #14 (1 Point) Which one of the following statements is true in regards test driven development? Select ONE option. a) Write a test that describes an unimplemented requirement. Run the test to ensure that it fails. b) Write production code that satisfies only the requirement described by the test. If it fails, make the changes necessary to cause all the tests to pass. c) To TDD you need to extract one or more scenario from each user story and then formulate them as automated tests. d) ATDD and TDD are customer focused whereas BDD is developer focused.
  • 14. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 14 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #15 (1 Point) Summarize the characteristics of test automation in relation to development projects. Select ONE option. a) Test automation can play an important role in test environment configuration and test release acquisition. b) In large projects, there is usually one best solution that fits all needs, and so. on dedicated test automation strategies fits best. c) Test automation supports the goals of an iteration directly; e.g., by reducing the regression risk associated with stability of the system. d) Supportive test automation effort has to be done in the teams of the iteration teams themselves. Question #16 (1 Point) An increased proportion of automated test coverage often leads to a greater degree of manual testing that follows reactive strategies, because: Select ONE option. a) many of the tests that can be prepared upfront, will be automated which enables the testers to spend more time for execution of manual tests. b) an increase of the proportion of automated test increases test coverage, and the uncovered areas are to be tested reactively. c) if the proportion of automated tests increases, manual tests focus on the most risky areas which are identified reactively. d) reactive strategies consider the current context and status of the project and the system under test. To be able to adopt to this current status most flexible a greater degree of manual testing is necessary. Question #17 (1 Point) The challenges described below are of test automation in agile settings or agile projects. Which is the correctly described one? Select ONE option. a) Resources availability is a challenge in automating tests in agile settings, as they are needed to create, maintain and execute the test suite. b) Unit testing automation is the most critical test automation needed in agile, and covers most of the testing challenges in agile quality of code, and gives good test coverage. c) Test deployment time is one of the challenges of agile testing, as deploying slow is not possible in short iterations.
  • 15. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 15 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board d) Test Execution Time is not critical in agile as there are fewer tests written, and they are designed as checklists or high level tests which reduces the time it takes to execute them. Question #18 (1 Point) Which one of the statements listed below is true with regards to key-word “test driven development”? Select ONE option. a) Test procedures composed by keywords can be better understood by customers than plain program language test code. b) Agile teams can easily scale the necessary test coverage up or down by adding, changing, or removing entries from the test data table. c) A limitation is, that changing the behaviour of a defined keyword requires much more effort than changing the same behaviour across multiple test procedures. d) To properly manage the set of keywords, the responsibility for managing the keyword vocabulary should stay in the team. Question #19 (2 Points) You are working in a project that develops a product that has reached a stable state and is already in production in different configurations all over Europe. To finalize it, the top management has decided to use that project as Proof of Concept for the new CI approach. This has been implemented and runs smoothly. Which of one the following actions could you suggest to improve this situation? Select ONE option. a) Enable different test configurations in the CI process to be used for the different types of CI cycles for the target markets. b) Speed up test execution by decreasing the amount of User Interface (UI) testing to give fast feedback on the CI approach. c) Prioritize testing so that the basic and most important tests are always executed to proof the new CI approach. d) Select and execute only those test cases affected by the changes (i.e., the use of impact analysis to select tests).
  • 16. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 16 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #20 (1 Point) Which testing methodology emphasizes on examples rather than on real test scenarios? I) Test-driven development (TDD) II) Behavior Driven Development (BDD) III) acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) IV) specification by example (SBE) Select ONE option. A) I & II B) III C) IV D) I, III & IV Question #21 (1 Point) Which of the following is the correct mnemonic for FIRST in TDD? Select ONE option. a) Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-validating, Thorough b) Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, self-checking, Testable c) Focussed, Isolated, Repeatable, Stand-alone, Testable d) Fast, Interactive, Repeatable, Small-scope, Test-driven
  • 17. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 17 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #22 (3 Points) Exploratory testing is a well known On-the-fly OR ad-hoc testing approach. Which of the following statements about it are true? I. It is a structured and rigorous activity II. Tester’s mind is not in control as its about freedom and responsibility of individual tester III. Tester should not have knowledge about the application and its functionality in advance IV. It is often used as form of usability testing V. Test charters used should be atomic VI. Tester does not need to have prior experience in the field of testing as he/she is free to explore unbounded Select ONE option. a) I, II and IV b) I and IV c) III and V d) II and VI Question #23 (1 Point) Which of the following factors contribute to code refactoring? I. Presence of redundant code or unused variables II. Over-complicated code design III. Mostly to improve non-functional attributes of the software IV. Increased technical debt Select ONE option. a) I and IV b) I, II and IV c) III and IV d) All of the above
  • 18. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 18 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #24 (3 Points) How can one avoid technical debt? I. Future planning II. Code review and static code analysis III. Enticement to save time and money IV. Close collaboration with development team Select ONE option. a) II b) II and IV c) I, II and IV d) All of the above Question #25 (3 Points) Which of the following testing processes help in achieving continuous integration? I. Risk based testing approach to test basic and most important changes II. Cloud testing environment to replicate production environment for quick and real user outputs III. Service virtualization to simulate the behaviour of a connected system or service IV. Segregation of test configuration for different types of CI cycles. Select ONE option. a) I and III b) III c) II and IV d) All of the above
  • 19. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 19 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #26 (1 Point) A functionality from Swiss Banking system is available in all environments 24 X 7 and it needs service for different transactions from a 3rd party software component. Does this SUT qualify for Service virtualization? I. No, as there is an interface with an external service. II. Yes, to perform time controlled non-functional testing of SUT. III. Yes, to lower the cost of test infrastructure set-up as compared to the cost of testing with real 3rd party service due to the fact that virtual service does not need to include all of the functionality and test data of the actual external service. IV. No, as external services have some sort of inherent wait time associated with network travel time and virtual service can respond instantaneously as it is in the same network/environment as our SUT. Select ONE option. a) I b) II and III c) III and IV d) II, III and IV Question #27 (1 Point) The following is a list of Elicitation techniques descriptions. Choose the one which is described correctly. Select ONE option. a) Qualitative Questionnaires: Having Open-ended questions which are extremely effective way to add more quality to quantitative research. These type of questions are best used as a follow- up. The qualitative questionnaire take more time than other techniques, thus fits as an elicitation technique for small group of stakeholders. b) Quantitative Questionnaires: is using data taken from open-ended questions in order to make comparisons between various data points. This will often provide data that can be included in a conclusion for an acceptance criterion. c) Qualitative Questionnaires: Yes/No questions are an extremely effective way to add more quality to quantitative research. They are best used as a follow-up to key questions. This could generate additional information for which new User Stories have to created or has to be added to existing ones d) Qualitative Interview: The qualitative interview is alot less effective than a quantitative query and is mainly used to acquire information about backgrounds, contexts and causes. It is likely to return good data, and acceptance criteria can be derived from the responses regarding the context of a user story.
  • 20. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 20 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #28 (1 Point) Which of the following can be used as an Elicitation technique to identify acceptance criteria? Select ONE option. a) Equivalence Partitioning, Decision tables, 6 Thinking Hats, SMART, INVEST, Quanitative Questionnaires. b) Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Statement Coverage, Path Coverage Analysis, INVEST, Qualitative Questionnaires. c) Decision tables, Equivalence Partitioning, SMART, Qualitative Interviews, Decision Coverage analysis, Apprenticing. d) Apprenticing, Boundary Value Analysis, Path Coverage Analysis, Decision Tables, Equivalence Partitioning. Question #29 (1 Point) A ‘Story Map’ can help a tester, because … Select TWO options. a) it visualizes the order of priority of each ‘User Story’, which determines the priority of test execution. b) it maps test cases and test data to User Stories. c) the ‘User Stories’ contained in a ‘Story Map’ are in decreasing priority from ‘top left’ to "bottom right”, which can help to define the test priorities of the test cases testing these ‘User Stories’. d) it visualizes ‘levels’ of implementation (from basic to more sophisticated) which can be used to derive different corresponding sets of acceptance test cases.
  • 21. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 21 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #30 (1 Point) Select the criteria a successful ‘regression-averse approach’ for test automation should fulfill: Select TWO options. a) the set of regression tests grows inline with the growing set of features implemented. b) automated test cases from the set of regression tests are continuously improved and refactored. c) automated test cases are implemented in a way supporting good maintainability. d) the number of automated tests is limited by the number of tests given by the projects test pyramid. Question #31 (1 Point) Which one of the following statements is true in regards story mapping? Select ONE option. a) Story mapping can be used to identify the order of functionalities to determine test priorities. b) Identifies integration points, which should be considered during test design. c) Visualize groups of user stories related to a common area of the system which can be considered for inclusion in the same iteration. d) Identifies gaps in user stories by identifying different types of users that may use the system. Question #32 (3 Points) As a tester, you are asked to introduce the ATDD methodology in the team. Which TWO of the following points describe better the ATDD? Select TWO options. a) ATDD is customer focused rathen than development. b) ATDD im development focused rather than customer. c) ATDD and TDD are both customer focused. d) ATDD and BDD are customer focused. e) BDD, ATDD, TDD are for both customer and development focused.
  • 22. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 22 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #33 (2 Points) You are working as test manager in a project and need to check huge amount of data. You think the approach of data-driven testing could be the correct solution. You want to prepare a Proof of Concept (PoC) to decide if using DDT technique would help or not. You have a collection of data to be used for the PoC. Which is the best option from the list below? Select ONE option. a) Ask the test automation team to create several TCs each covering a particular scenario and perform the PoC. b) Ask the test automation team to adapt some existing TCs to work with given test data and perform the PoC. c) Ask the test automation team to prepare a general TC to read all data and process them, then perform the PoC. d) The PoC cannot be executed with the given data, but same TCs can be executed anyway to give an idea about the process quality. Question #34 (1 Point) As part of test automation team, you are involved in definition of a new method to create and maintain new TCs. Some new methods are being checked and the decision now is to implement a Keyword- Driven Testing (KDT). Which of the following points is better describing the method KDT? Select ONE option. The main idea of a Keyword-driven Testing is a) Create a TC or a set of TCs, able to analyze the data, which will act as keyword, e.g. a Boolean will trigger a True/False path. b) Write an interpreter and assign to every keyword (pre defined vocabulary) a special application to be executed. c) Create a set of TCs, each able to understand one given order (keyword), get the necessary data from a predefined DB and execute the command itself. d) Create a set of macro language (keyword), based on them, a dispatcher TC will understand what/how to proceed.
  • 23. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 23 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #35 (1 Point) You are responsible for creating a test automation suite for some regression tests at different levels. Which of the following combination is the correct one? 1. Smoke test 2. Unit test 3. System test 4. User acceptance test a. Minimum test cases set execution b. Medium test cases set execution c. Ad-hoc created TCs d. Full test cases set execution Select ONE option. a) 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b b) 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b c) 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a d) 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b Question #36 (1 Point) Which is the best definition of continuos testing and continuos delivery? Continuos testing : a. the tester will perform test execution (manual,automatic) based on given timing, e.g. once per day at 7:00 as part of continuos delivery. b. The system will trigger automatically a sample test execution based on Developer decision (e.g. after every software replacement in the project library). c. The test will be executed based on a new version of application, which can happen once a day, once a week or on demand as part of continuos delivery. Continuos delivery 1) The developer is asked to replace the code he has modified by end of day or on demand. 2) The developer replaces his module once completed, the continous testing can take place upon replacement of new software. 3) The developer replaces his module once completed, a new version of app will be created and the testing can take place upon completion.
  • 24. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 24 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Select ONE option. a) a3 b) c2 c) b3 d) b2 Question #37 (1 Point) Please select the best choice for a definition of service virtualization: Select ONE option. a) A virtual machine, which can be setup to accomplish several tasks (services), to be used for different scopes from several users at same time. It is a closed system managed to reproduce the real behaviour for performances checks. b) It is a process which simulates the relevant behaivour, such as performance, data of a real service. It can be accessed simultaneusly by several users. c) It is a physical system, which is tailored in different systems (virtual servers), they will then simulate a virtual service, with some representative performances, as it would be a real service. d) A virtual service is exactly a one-to-one replication of a physical server, with the difference it can be addressed by several user simultaneusly, and each of them can address by a unique name, i.e. each user accesses the system by different names.
  • 25. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 25 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #38 (2 Points) The Test manager of a testing team is working together with a developer and they plan to have a continuous integration process established from the next release. Which of the following elements are NOT part of a continuos integration: Select TWO options. a) The test cases to be executed need to be defined and prioritized. b) Several test configuration should be defined and made available,so that depending on a special phase, the correct configuration can be used. c) It is important to have a reduced well defined set of TCs. The system test performed should not take longer than a predefined time. If the test will take longer, the task to overlap with next cycle can bring to useless results. d) Need to speed up the test execution, so that the performed TC, most related to unit test, will complete in a short time. e) It is a good rule to execute always the same TC as they are defined, if not the behaviour, e.g. execution time, will differ from a run to antoher one, which would make the result not relevant. Question #39 (1 Point) Refactoring is a process of restructuring computer code without changing its external behavior. Like all other process it had disadvantages too. Which ones are its disadvantages? Select TWO options. a) Regular additional time required for code review and analysis in each iteration b) Overall time consuming as efforts are required to analyse and fix review comments c) expensive as it needs regular maintenance d) Unknown impacted areas impact test planning, specifically for regression tests
  • 26. Agile Technical Tester, Advanced Level Exam ID: A Sample Exam – Questions International Software Testing Qualifications Board Version 1.0 Page 26 of 26 14 November 2019 © International Software Testing Qualifications Board Question #40 (1 Point) A ‘Storyboard’ can help a tester, because … Select TWO options. a) each tester can easily see on the teams ‘Storyboard’, which tasks he/she has to do during the current iteration b) a ‘Storyboard’ visualizes groups of user stories related to a common area of the system c) a ‘Storyboard’ defines which test cases the tester has to execute in an Exploratory Test Session d) a ‘Storyboard’can assist with identifying acceptance criteria for user stories and epics