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Berlin Buzzwords
Alessandro Benedetti, Director @ Sease
Introducing Multi-valued Vector
Fields in Apache Lucene
‣ Born in Tarquinia (ancient Etruscan city in Italy)
‣ R&D Software Engineer
‣ Director
‣ Master degree in Computer Science
‣ PC member for ECIR, SIGIR and Desires
‣ Apache Lucene/Solr PMC member/committer
‣ Elasticsearch/OpenSearch expert
‣ Semantic search, NLP, Machine Learning
technologies passionate
‣ Beach Volleyball player and Snowboarder
‣ Headquarter in London/distributed
‣ Open-source Enthusiasts
‣ Apache Lucene/Solr experts
‣ Elasticsearch/OpenSearch experts
‣ Community Contributors
‣ Active Researchers
‣ Hot Trends : Neural Search,
Natural Language Processing
Learning To Rank,
Document Similarity,
Search Quality Evaluation,
Relevance Tuning
SEArch SErvices
Why Multi-valued?
HNSW and modifications
Index time internals
Challenges of a contribution
Query time internals
What Can you do now?
the text content of a field exceeds the maximum amount of characters accepted by
your inference model (to encode vectors)
Split the content in
paragraphs across
Your unit of
becomes the
When returning the
results you need to
aggregate back to
1Split the content in
paragraphs across
Your unit of
becomes the
When returning the
results you need to
aggregate back to
● Indexing Time: nested
● Indexing Time:
● Query Time: parent-child
join queries?
● Query Time:
● Aggregations: faceting
becomes more
● Stats: aggregating data
and calculating stats is
● This applies for all fields and field types actually
● you may be ok applying those strategies …
● … but for some users may be quite annoying and
● K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm?
● Indexing data structures and approach?
● Query time data structures and approach?
What does it mean to bring multi-valued to vectors?
ANN - Approximate Nearest Neighbor
● Exact Nearest Neighbor is expensive! (1vs1 vector
● it’s fine to lose accuracy to get a massive performance gain
● pre-process the dataset to build index data structures
● Generally vectors are modelled in:
○ Trees
○ Hashes
○ Graphs - HNSW
HNSW - Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs
Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW)
graphs are among the top-performing
index-time data structures for approximate
nearest neighbor search (ANN).
HNSW - How it works in a nutshell
● Proximity graph
● Vertices are vectors, closer vectors are linked
● Hierarchical Layers based on skip lists
○ longer edges in higher layers(fast retrieval)
○ shorter edges in lower layers(accuracy)
● Each layer is a Navigable Small World Graph
○ greedy search for the closest friend(local minimum)
○ higher the degree of vertices(number of connections)
lower the probability of hitting local min (but more
○ move down layer for refining the minimum(closest
HNSW - Skip Lists
● the higher the layer, the more sparse
● descending in layers while searching
● fast to search and insert
HNSW - Small World
rd Graphs
● start from entry point
● greedy search (each time distance is calculated across friends)
● starting from zoom out (low degree) to zoom in(high degree)
● when building the graph, higher average degree improve quality at a cost
image from
HNSW - Index time
● add a vector at the time
● probability to enter layer N
● when added, it goes to all other layers
-> identify the layer(s) of insertion
● topk=1 closest neighbour is identified
● we descend and repeat until
the layer of insertion
● topk=ef_construction to identify neighbours
● M neighbours are linked (easiest is calculate
the exact distance)
image from
- each node is not a document
- multiple vectors per document Id
HNSW - Search time
● Start from layer N (top)
○ longer edges in higher layers(fast retrieval)
○ shorter edges in lower layers(accuracy)
● Each layer is a Navigable Small World Graph
○ greedy search for the closest friend(local minimum)
○ higher the degree of vertices(number of connections)
lower the probability of hitting local min (but more
○ move down layer for refining the minimum(closest
you may add in the top-K results the same
document Id multiple times
HNSW - MAX/SUM approach
when adding a vector from the
same document, you update the
score with the max
when adding a vector from the
same document, you update the
score summing
Nov 2020 - Apache Lucene 9.0
Dedicated File Format for Navigable Small World Graphs
Jan 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.0
Handle Document Deletions
Feb 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.1
Introduced Hierarchy in HNSW
Mar 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.1
Re-use data structures across HNSW Graph
Mar 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.1
Pre filters with KNN queries
Aug 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.4
8 bits vector quantization
Apache Lucene
Apache Lucene
Pull Request
INDEXING - Auxiliary Data Structures
in a multi-valued scenario multiple vectors may belong to the
same document
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● leverage sparse support
● ordinal (vector Id) to document (document Id) map
● DocsWithVectorsSet to keep track of vectors per documents
● DirectMonotonicWriter to write the map
Write auxiliary data structures
INDEXING - DocsWithVectorsSet
accumulator of documents that have vectors, used by the HnswVectorsWriter when writing data
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● compatible with single valued dense/sparse scenarios
● keep a stack of vectors per document
● able to return a count of vectors for each document
INDEXING - DirectMonotonicWriter
write a sequence of integers monotonically increasing (never decreasing),
in blocks
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● each integer is a document Id
● the same document Id repeated for each vector in the document
● DirectMonotonicReader ordToDoc used then at reading time in the
● public int ordToDoc(int ord) -> the ordinal (vector Id) is the index
to use to access the block and the position within the block to
finally get the document Id
INDEXING - building HNSW Graph
same as the sparse scenario, each node in the graph has an incremental ID
aligned with the vector ID
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● the nodes count in the graph = vector count
● no code changes
QUERY TIME - Exact Search
Vector Scorer
(naive solution) all vectors are iterated, only the ones corresponding
to an accepted doc are scored
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● VectorScorer scores only BitSet acceptedDocs
● all vectors from ByteVectorValues/FloatVectorValues are iterated
● scores are updated MAX/SUM
QUERY TIME - Approximate Search
searching on vectors(graph nodes) and returning
documents(max/sum score)
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● searching on level != 0 -> vectors are added as candidates/results
● searching on level = 0 -> document ID is added to the results
● int docId = vectors.ordToDoc(vectorId);
● results are added to NeighborQueue
QUERY TIME - NeighborQueue
TOP-K DOCUMENTS (NeighborQueue)
data structure used to collect the top-k results
as a long heap
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
Focus on limited KPI’s that
impact business.
Track customers onsite
Behaviors for positive or
negative trends.
● each element is a long
[32 bits][32 bits] ->
[score][~document Id]
QUERY TIME - NeighborQueue
TOP-K DOCUMENTS (NeighborQueue)
data structure used to collect the top-k results
as a long heap
Search + LLMs KPI’s:
Search Session
Improve Search-driven
Business Metrics.
What KPI’s specific to
What Data metrics?
Combine Metric for
● nodeIdToHeapIndex cache is used to
keep track of nodes position
● score is updated for the node
● DOWNHEAP (as the ranking may
have improved)
● to build the first prototype -> 1 year
● super active area -> merging
● Lucene codecs change names and old codec
is moved back to backwards codecs
● 85 classes DIFF!
○ simplified temporarily removing MAX/SUM
○ simplified temporarily removing separate
code branches for single/multivalued
○ down to 25 classes!
○ thanks to Benjamin Trent, Mayya Sharipova, Jim Ferenczi,
Josh Devins for the first reviews
Challenges - side project and merging
Why Multi-valued?
HNSW and modifications
Index time internals
Challenges of a contribution
Query time internals
Pull Request
@seaseltd @sease-ltd @seaseltd @sease_ltd 30

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Introducing Multi Valued Vectors Fields in Apache Lucene

  • 1. Berlin Buzzwords 19/06/2023 Alessandro Benedetti, Director @ Sease Introducing Multi-valued Vector Fields in Apache Lucene 1
  • 2. ‣ Born in Tarquinia (ancient Etruscan city in Italy) ‣ R&D Software Engineer ‣ Director ‣ Master degree in Computer Science ‣ PC member for ECIR, SIGIR and Desires ‣ Apache Lucene/Solr PMC member/committer ‣ Elasticsearch/OpenSearch expert ‣ Semantic search, NLP, Machine Learning technologies passionate ‣ Beach Volleyball player and Snowboarder ALESSANDRO BENEDETTI WHO AM I ? 2
  • 3. ‣ Headquarter in London/distributed ‣ Open-source Enthusiasts ‣ Apache Lucene/Solr experts ‣ Elasticsearch/OpenSearch experts ‣ Community Contributors ‣ Active Researchers ‣ Hot Trends : Neural Search, Natural Language Processing Learning To Rank, Document Similarity, Search Quality Evaluation, Relevance Tuning SEArch SErvices 3
  • 4. AGENDA Why Multi-valued? HNSW and modifications Index time internals Challenges of a contribution Query time internals 4
  • 5. 3 2 1 WHY MULTI-VALUED What Can you do now? the text content of a field exceeds the maximum amount of characters accepted by your inference model (to encode vectors) Split the content in paragraphs across multiple documents. Your unit of information becomes the paragraph When returning the results you need to aggregate back to documents 5
  • 6. 3 2 1Split the content in paragraphs across multiple documents. Your unit of information becomes the paragraph When returning the results you need to aggregate back to documents ● Indexing Time: nested documents(slow/expe nsive) ● Indexing Time: flattened documents(redundant data) ● Query Time: parent-child join queries? (slow/expensive) ● Query Time: collapsing/grouping ● Aggregations: faceting becomes more complicated ● Stats: aggregating data and calculating stats is impacted WHY MULTI-VALUED 6
  • 7. ● This applies for all fields and field types actually ● you may be ok applying those strategies … ● … but for some users may be quite annoying and expensive WHY MULTI-VALUED 7
  • 8. ● K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm? ● Indexing data structures and approach? ● Query time data structures and approach? What does it mean to bring multi-valued to vectors? 8
  • 9. ANN - Approximate Nearest Neighbor ● Exact Nearest Neighbor is expensive! (1vs1 vector distance) ● it’s fine to lose accuracy to get a massive performance gain ● pre-process the dataset to build index data structures ● Generally vectors are modelled in: ○ Trees ○ Hashes ○ Graphs - HNSW 9
  • 10. HNSW - Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graphs are among the top-performing index-time data structures for approximate nearest neighbor search (ANN). References 10
  • 11. HNSW - How it works in a nutshell ● Proximity graph ● Vertices are vectors, closer vectors are linked ● Hierarchical Layers based on skip lists ○ longer edges in higher layers(fast retrieval) ○ shorter edges in lower layers(accuracy) ● Each layer is a Navigable Small World Graph ○ greedy search for the closest friend(local minimum) ○ higher the degree of vertices(number of connections) lower the probability of hitting local min (but more expensive ○ move down layer for refining the minimum(closest friend) 11
  • 12. HNSW - Skip Lists ● the higher the layer, the more sparse ● descending in layers while searching ● fast to search and insert 12
  • 13. HNSW - Small World rd Graphs ● start from entry point ● greedy search (each time distance is calculated across friends) ● starting from zoom out (low degree) to zoom in(high degree) ● when building the graph, higher average degree improve quality at a cost image from 13
  • 14. HNSW - Index time ● add a vector at the time ● probability to enter layer N ● when added, it goes to all other layers -> identify the layer(s) of insertion ● topk=1 closest neighbour is identified ● we descend and repeat until the layer of insertion ● topk=ef_construction to identify neighbours candidates ● M neighbours are linked (easiest is calculate the exact distance) image from Multi-Valued - each node is not a document - multiple vectors per document Id 14
  • 15. HNSW - Search time ● Start from layer N (top) ○ longer edges in higher layers(fast retrieval) ○ shorter edges in lower layers(accuracy) ● Each layer is a Navigable Small World Graph ○ greedy search for the closest friend(local minimum) ○ higher the degree of vertices(number of connections) lower the probability of hitting local min (but more expensive ○ move down layer for refining the minimum(closest friend) Multi-Valued you may add in the top-K results the same document Id multiple times 15
  • 16. HNSW - MAX/SUM approach MAX when adding a vector from the same document, you update the score with the max SUM when adding a vector from the same document, you update the score summing 16
  • 17. Nov 2020 - Apache Lucene 9.0 Dedicated File Format for Navigable Small World Graphs Jan 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.0 Handle Document Deletions Feb 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.1 Introduced Hierarchy in HNSW Mar 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.1 Re-use data structures across HNSW Graph Mar 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.1 Pre filters with KNN queries Aug 2022 - Apache Lucene 9.4 8 bits vector quantization JIRA ISSUES: 0LUCENE%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20vector-based-se arch GITHUB ISSUES: Apache Lucene 17
  • 19. INDEXING - Auxiliary Data Structures MAP VECTOR IDS TO DOCUMENT IDS in a multi-valued scenario multiple vectors may belong to the same document Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● leverage sparse support ● ordinal (vector Id) to document (document Id) map ● DocsWithVectorsSet to keep track of vectors per documents ● DirectMonotonicWriter to write the map Lucene95HnswVectorsWriter Write auxiliary data structures 19
  • 20. INDEXING - DocsWithVectorsSet DocsWithVectorsSet accumulator of documents that have vectors, used by the HnswVectorsWriter when writing data Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● compatible with single valued dense/sparse scenarios ● keep a stack of vectors per document ● able to return a count of vectors for each document DocsWithVectorsSet 20
  • 21. INDEXING - DirectMonotonicWriter DirectMonotonicWriter write a sequence of integers monotonically increasing (never decreasing), in blocks Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● each integer is a document Id ● the same document Id repeated for each vector in the document ● DirectMonotonicReader ordToDoc used then at reading time in the SparseOffHeapVectorValues ● public int ordToDoc(int ord) -> the ordinal (vector Id) is the index to use to access the block and the position within the block to finally get the document Id 21
  • 22. INDEXING - building HNSW Graph NODE ID is the VECTOR ID same as the sparse scenario, each node in the graph has an incremental ID aligned with the vector ID Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● the nodes count in the graph = vector count ● no code changes 22
  • 23. QUERY TIME - Exact Search Vector Scorer (naive solution) all vectors are iterated, only the ones corresponding to an accepted doc are scored Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● VectorScorer scores only BitSet acceptedDocs ● all vectors from ByteVectorValues/FloatVectorValues are iterated ● scores are updated MAX/SUM AbstractKnnVectorQuery 23
  • 24. QUERY TIME - Approximate Search HNSW SEARCH searching on vectors(graph nodes) and returning documents(max/sum score) Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● searching on level != 0 -> vectors are added as candidates/results ● searching on level = 0 -> document ID is added to the results ● int docId = vectors.ordToDoc(vectorId); ● results are added to NeighborQueue HnswGraphSearcher 24
  • 25. QUERY TIME - NeighborQueue TOP-K DOCUMENTS (NeighborQueue) data structure used to collect the top-k results as a long heap Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? Focus on limited KPI’s that impact business. Track customers onsite Behaviors for positive or negative trends. ● MIN HEAP ● each element is a long [32 bits][32 bits] -> [score][~document Id] NeighborQueue 25
  • 26. QUERY TIME - NeighborQueue TOP-K DOCUMENTS (NeighborQueue) data structure used to collect the top-k results as a long heap Search + LLMs KPI’s: Operational Search Session Improve Search-driven Business Metrics. What KPI’s specific to LLMs? What Data metrics? Combine Metric for Business? ● nodeIdToHeapIndex cache is used to keep track of nodes position ● score is updated for the node (MAX/SUM) ● DOWNHEAP (as the ranking may have improved) NeighborQueue 26
  • 27. ● to build the first prototype -> 1 year ● super active area -> merging ● Lucene codecs change names and old codec is moved back to backwards codecs ● 85 classes DIFF! ○ simplified temporarily removing MAX/SUM ○ simplified temporarily removing separate code branches for single/multivalued ○ down to 25 classes! ○ thanks to Benjamin Trent, Mayya Sharipova, Jim Ferenczi, Josh Devins for the first reviews Challenges - side project and merging 27
  • 28. WRAPPING UP Why Multi-valued? HNSW and modifications Index time internals Challenges of a contribution Query time internals 28
  • 30. THANK YOU! @seaseltd @sease-ltd @seaseltd @sease_ltd 30