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November 15, 2016
The Global CCS Institute
 Improve public understanding and acceptance
 Increase policy support
 Advance commercial opportunities
Our mission: to accelerate the development and deployment of CCS
The Global Status of CCS: 2016
The Institute’s key publication
Summary Report, Key Findings and other
advocacy materials can be found at:
Full report is available online at the Institute’s
Members Portal.
Carbon Capture is at a Crossroads
Essential but not Inevitable
75% of Primary Energy Demand from Fossil Fuel in 2040
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015
Fossil fuel proved reserves:
6 trillion barrels of oil equivalent
Reserves to production ratio:
~75 years
Source: IEA World Energy Outlook, 2015 (New policies scenario)
~ 95
Gt CO2
Gt CO2
Source: IEA, Energy Technology Perspectives (2015).
CCS contributes 13% of cumulative reductions required through 2050 in a 2DS world compared to ‘business as usual’
13% of CO2 Reductions Should Come from CCS
*Percentage increase in total discounted mitigation costs (2015-2100) relative to default technology assumptions – median estimate
+ 7% + 6%
+ 64%
+ 138%
Baseline cost
with all mitigation
options utilized
Source: IPCC Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report, Summary for Policymakers, November 2014.
Cost increase under
limited technology
availability scenarios
Nuclear phase out Limited solar/wind
Limited bioenergy
138% Higher Cost to Stay Below 2C without CCS
Essential but not Inevitable
Data source: IEA 2015 “Tracking Clean Energy Progress”. Bloomberg New Energy Finance “Clean Energy
Investment By the Numbers – End of Year 2015” fact pack.
USD billion since 2006
CCS Total clean energy
38 large-scale CCS facilities -
combined CO2 capture capacity
of approximately 70 Mtpa*:
• 21 facilities in operation or
construction (40.3 Mtpa)
• 6 facilities in advanced
planning (8.4 Mtpa)
• 11 facilities in earlier stages of
planning (21.1 Mtpa)
Almost 4,000 Mtpa of CO2
captured and stored by 2040
(IEA 2DS Scenario)**
40 Mtpa
Global Status of CCS
November 2016
*Mtpa = million tonnes per annum
**Source: IEA, 2016. Energy Technology Perspectives: Towards Sustainable Urban Energy Systems. Paris. OECD/IEA.
Essential but not Inevitable
Carbon Capture Operational Milestones
Boundary Dam
CCS Project
Over one million
tonnes of CO2
captured and used
mainly for
enhanced oil
Petrobras Santos Basin
Pre-Salt Oil Field CCS
Three million tonnes of CO2
injected into producing reservoirs
Over one
million tonnes
of CO2
captured and
stored in a
deep saline
Sleipner CO2
Storage Project
20 years of successful
operations, over 18
millions tonnes of CO2
Jilin Oil Field EOR
Demonstration Project
Over one million tonnes of CO2
Air Products Steam Methane
Reformer EOR Project
Three million tonnes of CO2
captured and used for enhanced
Carbon Capture Project Startups
Illinois Industrial
CCS Project
Nearing operations
Kemper County
Energy Facility
Operations imminent
Petra Nova
Capture Project
Gorgon Carbon Dioxide
Injection Project
Operations anticipated late in the first
half of 2017
Abu Dhabi CCS Project
World’s first operational CCS
project in the iron and steel
Norway Full
Chain CCS
2017 budget supports
full-chain CCS project
Tomakomai CCS
Demonstration Project
Japan’s first fully integrated
CCS Project
New storage site permitting,
confidence for project
progression heightened
Yangchang Integrated CCS
Demonstration Project
Approaching final investment
Capturing CO2
from multiple
industrial sources
for EOR; late
2017 start
Large-Scale CCS Facilities by Region
North America dominates – three of the five facilities in construction soon to be operational,
China has most facilities in planning, facility pipeline needs replenishment.
North America 1 1 5 10 17
Construction Operation Total
China 5 3 - - 8
Europe 2 1 - 2 5
Gulf Cooperation
- - - 2 2
Rest of World* 3 1 1 1 6
Total 11 6 6 15 38
* Includes facilities in Australia, Brazil and South Korea.
The Future of CCS
1. A shift in focus from power generation to industrial
2. From single source/single storage to hub & spoke and trunkline
3. Recognition that fuel switching from coal to natural gas is not
4. From bolt-on to integrated
5. The rise of CO2 utilization
Closing Thoughts
1. CCS is a proven, safe, reliable and cost-effective technology
2. The pace of CCS deployment must be accelerated if we are to
limit climate change
3. Policy parity is integral to the widespread adoption of CCS
The Global Status of CCS: 2016
The Institute’s key publication
Summary Report, Key Findings and other
advocacy materials can be found at:
Full report is available online at the Institute’s
Members Portal.

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Institute’s Americas office launches The Global Status of CCS: 2016 at the Clean energy solutions

  • 1. THE GLOBAL STATUS OF CCS: 2016 November 15, 2016
  • 2. The Global CCS Institute  Improve public understanding and acceptance  Increase policy support  Advance commercial opportunities Our mission: to accelerate the development and deployment of CCS globally
  • 3. The Global Status of CCS: 2016 The Institute’s key publication Summary Report, Key Findings and other advocacy materials can be found at: Full report is available online at the Institute’s Members Portal.
  • 4. Carbon Capture is at a Crossroads Essential but not Inevitable
  • 5. 75% of Primary Energy Demand from Fossil Fuel in 2040 Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015 Fossil fuel proved reserves: 6 trillion barrels of oil equivalent Reserves to production ratio: ~75 years Source: IEA World Energy Outlook, 2015 (New policies scenario)
  • 6. Non- OECD OECD ~ 95 Gt CO2 Power Industry ~95 Gt CO2 Source: IEA, Energy Technology Perspectives (2015). CCS contributes 13% of cumulative reductions required through 2050 in a 2DS world compared to ‘business as usual’ 13% of CO2 Reductions Should Come from CCS
  • 7. *Percentage increase in total discounted mitigation costs (2015-2100) relative to default technology assumptions – median estimate + 7% + 6% + 64% + 138% Baseline cost with all mitigation options utilized Source: IPCC Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report, Summary for Policymakers, November 2014. Cost increase under limited technology availability scenarios 50 100 150 Percentage* Nuclear phase out Limited solar/wind Limited bioenergy No CCS 138% Higher Cost to Stay Below 2C without CCS
  • 8. Essential but not Inevitable Data source: IEA 2015 “Tracking Clean Energy Progress”. Bloomberg New Energy Finance “Clean Energy Investment By the Numbers – End of Year 2015” fact pack. USD billion since 2006 20 2,500 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 CCS Total clean energy
  • 9. 38 large-scale CCS facilities - combined CO2 capture capacity of approximately 70 Mtpa*: • 21 facilities in operation or construction (40.3 Mtpa) • 6 facilities in advanced planning (8.4 Mtpa) • 11 facilities in earlier stages of planning (21.1 Mtpa) OECDNon-OECD Almost 4,000 Mtpa of CO2 captured and stored by 2040 (IEA 2DS Scenario)** 40 Mtpa Global Status of CCS November 2016 *Mtpa = million tonnes per annum **Source: IEA, 2016. Energy Technology Perspectives: Towards Sustainable Urban Energy Systems. Paris. OECD/IEA. Essential but not Inevitable
  • 10. Carbon Capture Operational Milestones Boundary Dam CCS Project Over one million tonnes of CO2 captured and used mainly for enhanced oil recovery Petrobras Santos Basin Pre-Salt Oil Field CCS Project Three million tonnes of CO2 injected into producing reservoirs Quest Over one million tonnes of CO2 captured and stored in a deep saline formation Sleipner CO2 Storage Project 20 years of successful operations, over 18 millions tonnes of CO2 stored Jilin Oil Field EOR Demonstration Project Over one million tonnes of CO2 injected Air Products Steam Methane Reformer EOR Project Three million tonnes of CO2 captured and used for enhanced recovery
  • 11. Carbon Capture Project Startups Illinois Industrial CCS Project Nearing operations Kemper County Energy Facility Operations imminent Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project Operations imminent Gorgon Carbon Dioxide Injection Project Operations anticipated late in the first half of 2017 Abu Dhabi CCS Project World’s first operational CCS project in the iron and steel sector Norway Full Chain CCS Project 2017 budget supports full-chain CCS project Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project Japan’s first fully integrated CCS Project ROAD New storage site permitting, confidence for project progression heightened Yangchang Integrated CCS Demonstration Project Approaching final investment decision ACTL Capturing CO2 from multiple industrial sources for EOR; late 2017 start
  • 12. Large-Scale CCS Facilities by Region North America dominates – three of the five facilities in construction soon to be operational, China has most facilities in planning, facility pipeline needs replenishment. North America 1 1 5 10 17 Early planning Advanced planning Construction Operation Total China 5 3 - - 8 Europe 2 1 - 2 5 Gulf Cooperation Council - - - 2 2 Rest of World* 3 1 1 1 6 Total 11 6 6 15 38 * Includes facilities in Australia, Brazil and South Korea.
  • 13. The Future of CCS 1. A shift in focus from power generation to industrial 2. From single source/single storage to hub & spoke and trunkline approaches 3. Recognition that fuel switching from coal to natural gas is not enough 4. From bolt-on to integrated 5. The rise of CO2 utilization
  • 14. Closing Thoughts 1. CCS is a proven, safe, reliable and cost-effective technology 2. The pace of CCS deployment must be accelerated if we are to limit climate change 3. Policy parity is integral to the widespread adoption of CCS
  • 15. The Global Status of CCS: 2016 The Institute’s key publication Summary Report, Key Findings and other advocacy materials can be found at: Full report is available online at the Institute’s Members Portal.