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Impala internals
By David Gruzman
Cloudera Impala Internals
by David Gruzman
►Impala is
– Relational Query Engine
– Open source
– Massive parallel processing
Why do we care, about internals?
► SQL is declarative, no need for internals...
► In the same time, even small problems in
engine operation require good understanding of
its work principles to fix...
► It is hardly possible to optimize without
understanding algorithms under the hood.
► It is hard to make decisions about engine
suitability to future needs without knowing
technical limitations.
Engine parts
How to understand engine?
What it is doing?
Main principle of operation
Main building block
Operation sequence
Operation environment
Design decisions
Main problems and fixes
What it is doing
Impala is Relation engine. It executes SQL
Data is append-able only. There is no “Update” or
“Delete” statements.
Principle of operation
Main differentiators are:
Distribution of Query among nodes (MPP)
LLVM and Code generation. Impala is compiler.
Relay on HDFS
Use external metadata – hive metastore.
Parallel query capability (per node, per cluster).
Sequence of operation
Query parsing – translate SQL to AST(Abstract
syntax tree)
Match objects to metadata
Query planning – create physical execution plan.
In case of MPP – divide plan into plan fragments
for nodes.
Distribute plan fragments to nodes
Execute plan fragments.
Main building blocks
Front End. This is Java code which implements a
lot of logic with non-critical performance
- database objects
- execution plan parts :
BackEnd (Be)
Backend is written on C++, and used mostly for
performance critical parts. Specifically:
- Execution of the plan fragments on nodes
- Services implementation
ImpalaD service
Catalog Service
Services - ImpalaD
This is “main” service of impala which runs on
each node. It logically consists of the following
sub-services of our interest.
ImpalaService – service, used to execute query.
Console, JDBC/ODBC connects here.
ImpalaInternalService – service is used to
coordinate work within the impala cluster.
Example of usage – to coordinate the job of
running query fragments on planned impala
What is interesting for us? Each node can serve
Dual role of ImpalaD service
Query coordinator
Fragment executor
Services view
Front End
Impala Internal
ImpalaService – main methods
inherited from beeswax :
Impala specific :
ImpalaInternalService – main
Services - StateStore
In many clusters we have to solve “cluster
synchronization” problem on some or other way.
In impala it is solved by StateStore –
published/subscriber service, similar to
Zookeeper. Why Zookeeper is not used?
It speaks with its clients in terms of topics. Clients
can subscribe to different topics. So to find
“endpoints” - look in the sources for the usage of
StateStore – main topics
attached and detached nodes.
IMPALA_CATALOG_TOPIC – updates about
metadata changes.
in the queue of waiting queries.
Admission control
There is module called AdmissionController.
Via topic impala-request-queue it is know about
queries currently running and their basic
statistics like memory and CPU consumption.
Based on this info it can decide to:
-run query
-queue query
-reject query
Catalog Service
It caches in Java code metadata from hive
It is important since Hive's native partition pruning
is slow especially with large number of
It use C++ code be/src/catalog/
To relay changes (delta's) to other nodes via
Differance with hive
Catalog Service store in memory and operate on
metadata, leaving MetaStore for persistance
Technically it mean that disconnection from
MetaStore is not that complicated.
ImpalaInternalService - details
This is place where the real heavy lifting takes
Before diving in, what we want to understand
Threading model
File System interface
Predicate pushdown
Resource management
Threading model
DiskIoMgr schedules access of all readers to all
disks. It should include predicates.
It can give optimal concurrency. Sounds coherent
to the Intel TBB / Java Executor service
approach: give me small tasks and I will
schedule them.
The rest of operations – like Joins, Group By looks
like single threaded in current version.
IMHO – sort joins and group by are better for
File System interface
Impala is working via LibHDFS – so HDFS (not
DFS) is hard coded.
Impala required and checked that short circuit is
During planning phase names of the block files to
be scanned are determined.
Main “database” algorithm
It is interesting to see, how main operations are
implemented, what options do we have:
Group By,
Order By (Sort),
Join is probably most powerful and performance
critical part of any analytical RDBMS.
Impala implements BroadCastJoin and
node.h). Both are kinds of Hash Join.
Basic idea of GraceHashJoin is to partition data,
and load in memory corresponding partitions of
the tables for the join.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 1 Part 5
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 1 Part 5
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 1 Part 5Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
In-memory hash join
Part 3 Part 4
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Part 5
BroadCast join
Just send small table to all nodes and join with big
It is very similar to Map Side join in Hive.
Selection of join algorithm can be hinted.
Group by
There are two main approaches – using dictionary
or sorting.
Aggregation can be subject to memory problems
with too many groups.
Impala is using Partitioned Hash join which can
spill to disk using BufferedBlockManager.
It is somewhat analogous to join implementation.
User defined functions
Impala supports two kinds of UDF / UDAF
- Native, written in C/C++
- Hive's UDF written in java.
Impala does not cache data by itself.
It delegates it to the new HDFS caching capability.
In a nutshell – HDFS is capable to keep given
directory in memory.
Zero copy access via MMAP is implemented.
Why it is better then buffer cache?
Less task switching
No CRC Check
Spill to Disk
In order to be reliable, especially in face of Data
Skews, some sort of spilling data to disk is
Impala approach this problem with introduction of
It implements mechanism somewhat similar to
virtual memory – pin, unpin blocks, persist them.
It can use many disks to distribute load.
It is used in all places where memory can be not
Why not Virtual Memory?
Some databases offload all buffer management to
the OS Virtual Memory. Most popular example:
Impala create BufferedBlockManager per
It gives control how much memory consumed by
single query on given node.
We can summarize answer as : better resource
BufferedBlockMgr usage
Partitioned join
Buffered Tuple Stream
Partitioned aggregation
Memory Management
Impala BE has its own MemPool class for memory
It is used across the board by runtime primitives
and plan nodes.
Why own Runtime?
Impala has implemented own runtime – memory
management, virtual memory?
IMHO Existing runtime (both Posix, and C++
runtime) are not multi-tenant. It is hard to track
and limit resource usage by different requests in
the same process.
To solve this problem Impala has its own runtime
with tracking and limiting capabilities.
YARN integration
When Impala run as part of the Hadoop stack
resource sharing is important question...
Two main options are
- Just divide resources between Impala and Yarn
using cgroups.
- Use YARN for the resource management.
Yarn Impala Impedance
YARN is built to schedule batch processing.
Impala is aimed to sub-second queries.
Running application master per query does not
sounds “low latency”.
Requesting resources “as execution go” does not
suit pipeline execution of query fragments.
Low Latency Application Master
Long Living Application Master
It enable low latency requests by living longer –
for a whole application lifetime.
How LLAMA works
1. There is single LLAMA daemon to broker
resources between Impala and YARN
2. Impala ask for all resources at once - “gang
3. LLAMA cache resources before return them to
Important point
Impala is capable of:
- Run real time queries In YARN environment
- Ask for more resources (especially memory)
when needed.
Main drawbacks:
Impala implements own resource management among concurrent
queries, thus partially duplicating YARN functionality.
Possible deadlocks between two YARN applications.
Find 10 similarities
What is source of similarity
With all the difference, they solve similar problem:
How to survive in Africa...
O, sorry,
How to run and coordinate number of tasks in the
Hadoop parallels
QueryPlanner – Developer or Hive. Somebody
who create job.
Coordinator, ImpalaServer – Job Tracker
PlanFragment – Task. (map or reduce)
ImpalaInternalService – TaskTracker
oller = Hadoop job Scheduler.
StateStore – Zookeeper.
While being a perfect product Impala is chained to
the hadoop stack
- Management
Why it is a the problem?
HDFS is perfect to store vast amounts of data.
HDFS is built from large inexpensive SATA drives.
For the interactive analytics we want fast storage.
We can not afford FLASH drives for whole big
What is solution
We can create another hadoop cluster on flash
Minus – another namenode to manage, replication
will waste space.
If replication factor is one – any problems should
be manually repaired.
Cache Layer in place of DFS
HDFS/Hadoop cluster
ImpalaToGo cluster
Data caching (LRU)
Auto load
Having cache layer in place of distributed file
system it is much easier to resize cluster.
ImpalaToGo is used consistent hashing for its data
placement – to minimize impact on resize.
Who we are?
Group of like minded developers, working on
making Impala even greater.
Thank you!!!
Please ask questions!

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Cloudera Impala Internals

  • 1. Impala internals By David Gruzman
  • 3. Impala by David Gruzman ►Impala is – Relational Query Engine – Open source – Massive parallel processing
  • 4. Why do we care, about internals? ► SQL is declarative, no need for internals... ► In the same time, even small problems in engine operation require good understanding of its work principles to fix... ► It is hardly possible to optimize without understanding algorithms under the hood. ► It is hard to make decisions about engine suitability to future needs without knowing technical limitations.
  • 6. How to understand engine? What it is doing? Main principle of operation Main building block Operation sequence Operation environment Efficiency Design decisions Materials Main problems and fixes
  • 7. What it is doing Impala is Relation engine. It executes SQL queries. Data is append-able only. There is no “Update” or “Delete” statements.
  • 8. Principle of operation Main differentiators are: Distribution of Query among nodes (MPP) LLVM and Code generation. Impala is compiler. Relay on HDFS Use external metadata – hive metastore. Parallel query capability (per node, per cluster).
  • 9. Sequence of operation Query parsing – translate SQL to AST(Abstract syntax tree) Match objects to metadata Query planning – create physical execution plan. In case of MPP – divide plan into plan fragments for nodes. Distribute plan fragments to nodes Execute plan fragments.
  • 10. Main building blocks Front End. This is Java code which implements a lot of logic with non-critical performance - database objects fe/src/main/java/com/cloudera/impala/analysis/ - execution plan parts : fe/src/main/java/com/cloudera/impala/planner/
  • 11. BackEnd (Be) Backend is written on C++, and used mostly for performance critical parts. Specifically: - Execution of the plan fragments on nodes - Services implementation ImpalaD service StateStore Catalog Service
  • 12. Services - ImpalaD This is “main” service of impala which runs on each node. It logically consists of the following sub-services of our interest. ImpalaService – service, used to execute query. Console, JDBC/ODBC connects here. ImpalaInternalService – service is used to coordinate work within the impala cluster. Example of usage – to coordinate the job of running query fragments on planned impala nodes. What is interesting for us? Each node can serve
  • 13. Dual role of ImpalaD service Query coordinator Fragment executor
  • 15. ImpalaService – main methods inherited from beeswax : ExecuteAndWait Fetch Explain Impala specific : ResetCatalog GetRuntimeProfile
  • 17. Services - StateStore In many clusters we have to solve “cluster synchronization” problem on some or other way. In impala it is solved by StateStore – published/subscriber service, similar to Zookeeper. Why Zookeeper is not used? It speaks with its clients in terms of topics. Clients can subscribe to different topics. So to find “endpoints” - look in the sources for the usage of “StatestoreSubscriber”
  • 18. StateStore – main topics IMPALA_MEMBERSHIP_TOPIC – updates about attached and detached nodes. IMPALA_CATALOG_TOPIC – updates about metadata changes. IMPALA_REQUEST_QUEUE_TOPIC – updates in the queue of waiting queries.
  • 19. Admission control There is module called AdmissionController. Via topic impala-request-queue it is know about queries currently running and their basic statistics like memory and CPU consumption. Based on this info it can decide to: -run query -queue query -reject query
  • 20. Catalog Service It caches in Java code metadata from hive metastore: /fe/src/main/java/com/cloudera/impala/catalog/ It is important since Hive's native partition pruning is slow especially with large number of partitions. It use C++ code be/src/catalog/ To relay changes (delta's) to other nodes via StateStore.
  • 21. Differance with hive Catalog Service store in memory and operate on metadata, leaving MetaStore for persistance only. Technically it mean that disconnection from MetaStore is not that complicated.
  • 22. ImpalaInternalService - details This is place where the real heavy lifting takes place. Before diving in, what we want to understand here: Threading model File System interface Predicate pushdown Resource management
  • 23. Threading model DiskIoMgr schedules access of all readers to all disks. It should include predicates. It can give optimal concurrency. Sounds coherent to the Intel TBB / Java Executor service approach: give me small tasks and I will schedule them. The rest of operations – like Joins, Group By looks like single threaded in current version. IMHO – sort joins and group by are better for concurrency.
  • 24. File System interface Impala is working via LibHDFS – so HDFS (not DFS) is hard coded. Impala required and checked that short circuit is enabled. During planning phase names of the block files to be scanned are determined.
  • 25. Main “database” algorithm It is interesting to see, how main operations are implemented, what options do we have: Group By, Order By (Sort), Join
  • 26. Join Join is probably most powerful and performance critical part of any analytical RDBMS. Impala implements BroadCastJoin and GraceHashJoin.(be/src/exec/partitioned-hash-join- node.h). Both are kinds of Hash Join. Basic idea of GraceHashJoin is to partition data, and load in memory corresponding partitions of the tables for the join.
  • 27. DiskMemory Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 1 Part 5 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 1 Part 5 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 1 Part 5Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 In-memory hash join DiskMemory Part 3 Part 4 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 5
  • 28. BroadCast join Just send small table to all nodes and join with big one. It is very similar to Map Side join in Hive. Selection of join algorithm can be hinted.
  • 29. Group by There are two main approaches – using dictionary or sorting. Aggregation can be subject to memory problems with too many groups. Impala is using Partitioned Hash join which can spill to disk using BufferedBlockManager. It is somewhat analogous to join implementation.
  • 30. User defined functions Impala supports two kinds of UDF / UDAF - Native, written in C/C++ - Hive's UDF written in java.
  • 31. Caching Impala does not cache data by itself. It delegates it to the new HDFS caching capability. In a nutshell – HDFS is capable to keep given directory in memory. Zero copy access via MMAP is implemented. Why it is better then buffer cache? Less task switching No CRC Check
  • 32. Spill to Disk In order to be reliable, especially in face of Data Skews, some sort of spilling data to disk is needed. Impala approach this problem with introduction of BufferedBlockMgr It implements mechanism somewhat similar to virtual memory – pin, unpin blocks, persist them. It can use many disks to distribute load. It is used in all places where memory can be not sufficient
  • 33. Why not Virtual Memory? Some databases offload all buffer management to the OS Virtual Memory. Most popular example: MongoDB. Impala create BufferedBlockManager per PlanFragment. It gives control how much memory consumed by single query on given node. We can summarize answer as : better resource management.
  • 34. BufferedBlockMgr usage Partitioned join Sorting Buffered Tuple Stream Partitioned aggregation
  • 35. Memory Management Impala BE has its own MemPool class for memory allocation. It is used across the board by runtime primitives and plan nodes.
  • 36. Why own Runtime? Impala has implemented own runtime – memory management, virtual memory? IMHO Existing runtime (both Posix, and C++ runtime) are not multi-tenant. It is hard to track and limit resource usage by different requests in the same process. To solve this problem Impala has its own runtime with tracking and limiting capabilities.
  • 37. YARN integration When Impala run as part of the Hadoop stack resource sharing is important question... Two main options are - Just divide resources between Impala and Yarn using cgroups. - Use YARN for the resource management.
  • 38. Yarn Impala Impedance YARN is built to schedule batch processing. Impala is aimed to sub-second queries. Running application master per query does not sounds “low latency”. Requesting resources “as execution go” does not suit pipeline execution of query fragments.
  • 40. LLAMA Low Latency Application Master Or Long Living Application Master It enable low latency requests by living longer – for a whole application lifetime.
  • 41. How LLAMA works 1. There is single LLAMA daemon to broker resources between Impala and YARN 2. Impala ask for all resources at once - “gang scheduling” 3. LLAMA cache resources before return them to YARN.
  • 42. Important point Impala is capable of: - Run real time queries In YARN environment - Ask for more resources (especially memory) when needed. Main drawbacks: Impala implements own resource management among concurrent queries, thus partially duplicating YARN functionality. Possible deadlocks between two YARN applications.
  • 44. What is source of similarity With all the difference, they solve similar problem: How to survive in Africa... O, sorry, How to run and coordinate number of tasks in the cluster.
  • 45. Hadoop parallels QueryPlanner – Developer or Hive. Somebody who create job. Coordinator, ImpalaServer – Job Tracker PlanFragment – Task. (map or reduce) ImpalaInternalService – TaskTracker RequestPoolService+Scheduler+AdmissionContr oller = Hadoop job Scheduler. StateStore – Zookeeper.
  • 46. ImpalaToGo While being a perfect product Impala is chained to the hadoop stack - HDFS - Management
  • 47. Why it is a the problem? HDFS is perfect to store vast amounts of data. HDFS is built from large inexpensive SATA drives. For the interactive analytics we want fast storage. We can not afford FLASH drives for whole big data.
  • 48. What is solution We can create another hadoop cluster on flash storage. Minus – another namenode to manage, replication will waste space. If replication factor is one – any problems should be manually repaired.
  • 49. Cache Layer in place of DFS HDFS/Hadoop cluster ImpalaToGo cluster Data caching (LRU) Auto load
  • 50. Elasticity Having cache layer in place of distributed file system it is much easier to resize cluster. ImpalaToGo is used consistent hashing for its data placement – to minimize impact on resize.
  • 51. Who we are? Group of like minded developers, working on making Impala even greater.