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Hybrid Transactional/Analytics Processing
with Spark and In-Memory Data Grids
Copyright © GigaSpaces 2016. All rights reserved.
Ali Hodroj
VP, Products and Strategy
About me
• Vice President, Products and Strategy @ GigaSpaces
• (ex) Director of Solutions Architecture
• Blogging at
• @ahodroj
• Email:
• Slides at
About GigaSpaces
Direct customers
New York, NY
Do we need to bridge
online transaction
processing with real-time
operational intelligence?
Modern applications: the line is blurred between…
Transactional Analytical
Essential to operate the
Turning data into value:
insights, diagnosis, decision
Stories from the real #enterprise
Omni-Channel Retail
Internet of Things
Minimize Latency +
Strong Consistency
Maximize Data-
Analytics Locality
There’s a name for it...
Data Store?
In-Memory Computing 101
Distribute Cache
Partitioned cache
In-Memory Data
Scale-out system
of record
Increased Capacity
No support for write-heavy scenarios
Limited to ID-based reads
Reads are the only part latency path
In-Memory Database
Scale-up system of record
Heavy Read/Write – sharded/partitioned architecture
Horizontally scalable on commodity HW (or cloud)
Serves as system of record with querying & transaction
Requires modifying your application’s data access layer
Distribute Cache
Partitioned cache
In-Memory Data
Scale-out system
of record
In-Memory Database
Scale-up system of record
In-Memory Computing 101
Read/Write Scalability
Drop-in SQL database replacement
Often lacks horizontal scalability (Joins)
Requires replacing your database
Distribute Cache
Partitioned cache
In-Memory Data
Scale-out system
of record
In-Memory Database
Scale-up system of record
In-Memory Computing 101
IMDG Data Models
public class Product
private String name;
private String brand;
private Integer quantity;
// …
IMDG Data Placement – Fixed Hashing
hash(key) % #nodes
IMDG Fixed Hashing - HA
hash(key) % #nodes
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
The database goes
to the background
Partition your data
and store it in
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
Partitioned, co-
located in-memory
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
Business logic, data &
messaging co-located
& partitioned into
processing units
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
Hot backup for each
partition for high
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
Host your web
application on the
XAP infrastructure
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
Auto-scale out & in
based on real-time
performance & load
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
Host Cisco UCS Server
CPU Intel 16core 2.9GHz
Concurrent Threads 2
Throughput 200, 400, 800 ops/sec
● Nope: Your data sources and applications are
often distributed.
● In-Memory or not, these databases aren’t
built for horizontal scale-out
Approach Challenge
Just an IMDB Thing….
Shove it all in one “Big Iron”?
● Not when your apps requires polyglot
● Unless you want to write ML algorithms, MDX
engines…etc from scratch
Approach Challenge
One large In-
Data Grid to
Rule them
What we needed
Low-latency Scale-Out In-
Memory Data Grid
Large-scale distributed
analytics framework
Maximize Data-
Analytics Locality
Application Latency
Our approach to HTAP
Low-latency Scale-Out
In-Memory Data Grid
Large-scale distributed
analytics framework
So why did we bet on
• Unified & Concise API
• Highly Flexible Data Store
• Massive Community and
But Spark is
Spark is caching over <insert your data store>,
not an in-memory system of record
How does
In-Memory Data Grid
In-Memory Store(RAM) Flash, SSD, Off-Heap Store
Spark Spark SQL
Machine Learning
InsightEdge Core
Building out the driver
Transactional Tier
Strong Consistency
Analytics Tier
Data Grid + Spark Deployment Layout
node 1
Spark master
node 2
Spark worker
node 3
Spark worker
• List of parent RDDs – Empty
• An array of partitions that a dataset is divided to – IMDG Distributed Query
to get partitions and their hosts
• A compute function to do a computation on partitions – Iterator over portion
of data
• Optional preferred locations, i.e. hosts for a partition where the data will be
loaded – hosts from Distributed Query
Data Grid RDD: resilient distributed dataset
node 1
Spark executor
Data Grid RDD: one-to-one partition
Partition #1
Simple, but
not enough
for Spark
node 2
Spark executor
Partition #2
node 3
Spark executor
Partition #3
node 1
Spark Executor
Grid Primary #1
Data Grid RDD: with bucketing
Partition #1
1 Spark partition = M grid buckets
1 Grid partition = N Spark partitions
Partition #2
Partition #1
Grid DataFrames: predicates pushdown & columns pruning
Aggregation in
Filtering and
columns pruning
in Data Grid
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM order
WHERE city = ‘NY’ AND year > 2012
Spark SQL architecture:
• Pushing down predicates to Data Grid
• Leveraging indexes
• Transparent to user
• Enabling support for other languages - Python/R
Implementing DataSource API
Traditional Spark filtering of 7MM records
Grid-side + Spark filtering of 7MM records
Eventually, we productized this as
an open source Spark distribution
Apache 2 License
GigaSpaces InsightEdge
High Performance Spark with OLTP Capabilities
Spark GeoSpatial SQL and Data Frames
• Multi-Spark Replication / Federated Clusters
In-Memory Replication across local or wide area networks
upcoming: Spark RDD/DF native read/save on Off-Heap
(SSD/Flash/Direct Buffers)
In Memory Data Grid
Spark worker Spark worker
• Significant RAM TCO reduction
in Spark clusters
• Direct RDD/DataFrame read
write from SSD/Flash device
• Avoid Filesystem hops and
write amplification
In-Process HTAP
Read any POJO, JSON
Document, or
Transaction as a
DataFrame or RDD
Web services/apps can read
any DataFrame as POJO
True closed-loop analytics data pipeline
public class Product
private String name;
private String brand;
private Integer
// …
In-Memory Data Grid
Realtime Replication
• Scoring models
• Trigger actions
• Events
Transactions Analytics
Point of Decision HTAP XAP + InsightEdge deployed on
different grid clusters with bi-
directional real-time data replication
Case Study: Fleet Geo-analytics
• Stream data from 1,000s of Taxis
• Actively monitor and generate real-time notifications
• Real-time Route Optimization and Geo-Fencing
• Leverage unified in-memory data fabric as middleware for
geo-spatial analytics
• Elastically scale stream processing and transactional apps
• Location-based tracking, Geo-fencing
Edge components
Data Sources

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Hybrid Transactional/Analytics Processing with Spark and IMDGs

  • 1. 1 Hybrid Transactional/Analytics Processing with Spark and In-Memory Data Grids Copyright © GigaSpaces 2016. All rights reserved. Ali Hodroj VP, Products and Strategy
  • 2. 2 About me • Vice President, Products and Strategy @ GigaSpaces • (ex) Director of Solutions Architecture • Blogging at • @ahodroj • Email: • Slides at
  • 4. 4 Do we need to bridge online transaction processing with real-time operational intelligence?
  • 5. 5 Modern applications: the line is blurred between… Transactional Analytical Essential to operate the business Turning data into value: insights, diagnosis, decision making &
  • 6. 6 Stories from the real #enterprise world...
  • 10. 10 Minimize Latency + Strong Consistency Maximize Data- Analytics Locality Goal:
  • 11. 11 There’s a name for it...
  • 12. 12
  • 14. In-Memory Computing 101 Distribute Cache Partitioned cache nodes In-Memory Data Grid Scale-out system of record Increased Capacity No support for write-heavy scenarios Limited to ID-based reads Reads are the only part latency path In-Memory Database Scale-up system of record
  • 15. Heavy Read/Write – sharded/partitioned architecture Horizontally scalable on commodity HW (or cloud) Serves as system of record with querying & transaction semantics Requires modifying your application’s data access layer Distribute Cache Partitioned cache nodes In-Memory Data Grid Scale-out system of record In-Memory Database Scale-up system of record In-Memory Computing 101
  • 16. Read/Write Scalability Drop-in SQL database replacement Often lacks horizontal scalability (Joins) Requires replacing your database Distribute Cache Partitioned cache nodes In-Memory Data Grid Scale-out system of record In-Memory Database Scale-up system of record In-Memory Computing 101
  • 17. IMDG Data Models @SpaceClass public class Product { private String name; private String brand; private Integer quantity; // … }
  • 18. IMDG Data Placement – Fixed Hashing hash(key) % #nodes
  • 19. IMDG Fixed Hashing - HA hash(key) % #nodes
  • 20. 20 In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 21. 21 The database goes to the background Partition your data and store it in memory In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 22. 22 Partitioned, co- located in-memory messaging In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 23. 23 Business logic, data & messaging co-located & partitioned into processing units In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 24. 24 Hot backup for each partition for high availability In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 25. 25 Host your web application on the XAP infrastructure In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 26. 26 Auto-scale out & in based on real-time performance & load In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 27. 27 In-Memory Data Grids: How it works
  • 28. 28 Host Cisco UCS Server CPU Intel 16core 2.9GHz Concurrent Threads 2 Throughput 200, 400, 800 ops/sec
  • 30. 30 ● Nope: Your data sources and applications are often distributed. ● In-Memory or not, these databases aren’t built for horizontal scale-out Approach Challenge Just an IMDB Thing…. Shove it all in one “Big Iron”?
  • 31. 31 ● Not when your apps requires polyglot analytics ● Unless you want to write ML algorithms, MDX engines…etc from scratch Approach Challenge One large In- Memory Data Grid to Rule them all?
  • 32. 32 What we needed Low-latency Scale-Out In- Memory Data Grid Large-scale distributed analytics framework Maximize Data- Analytics Locality Minimize Application Latency
  • 33. 33 Our approach to HTAP Low-latency Scale-Out In-Memory Data Grid Large-scale distributed analytics framework +
  • 34. 34 SPARK? So why did we bet on
  • 35. 35 • Unified & Concise API • Highly Flexible Data Store Integration • Massive Community and Adoption
  • 37. 37 Spark is caching over <insert your data store>, not an in-memory system of record
  • 38. 38 APACHE SPARK FIT INTO THIS? How does
  • 39. 39 In-Memory Data Grid In-Memory Store(RAM) Flash, SSD, Off-Heap Store Spark Spark SQL Spark Steaming Machine Learning Highavailability Security&Management InsightEdge Core Building out the driver Transactional Tier ACID-compliant Strong Consistency Analytics Tier
  • 40. 40 Data Grid + Spark Deployment Layout node 1 Spark master Grid master node 2 Spark worker Grid worker node 3 Spark worker Grid worker
  • 41. 41 • List of parent RDDs – Empty • An array of partitions that a dataset is divided to – IMDG Distributed Query to get partitions and their hosts • A compute function to do a computation on partitions – Iterator over portion of data • Optional preferred locations, i.e. hosts for a partition where the data will be loaded – hosts from Distributed Query Data Grid RDD: resilient distributed dataset
  • 42. 42 node 1 Spark executor Data Grid RDD: one-to-one partition Spark Partition #1 Grid Partition #1 Direct connection Simple, but not enough parallelism for Spark node 2 Spark executor Spark Partition #2 Grid Partition #2 node 3 Spark executor Spark Partition #3 Grid Partition #3
  • 43. 43 node 1 Spark Executor Grid Primary #1 Data Grid RDD: with bucketing 0 . . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . Spark Partition #1 1023 1 Spark partition = M grid buckets 1 Grid partition = N Spark partitions Spark Partition #2 Spark Partition #1
  • 44. 44 Grid DataFrames: predicates pushdown & columns pruning Aggregation in Spark Filtering and columns pruning in Data Grid SELECT SUM(amount) FROM order WHERE city = ‘NY’ AND year > 2012 Spark SQL architecture: • Pushing down predicates to Data Grid • Leveraging indexes • Transparent to user • Enabling support for other languages - Python/R Implementing DataSource API
  • 45. 45 Push-down Predicates performance Traditional Spark filtering of 7MM records Grid-side + Spark filtering of 7MM records 31 seconds 1 second vs
  • 46. 46 Eventually, we productized this as an open source Spark distribution
  • 47. @InsightEdgeIO Apache 2 License
  • 50. 50 Spark GeoSpatial SQL and Data Frames
  • 51. 51 • Multi-Spark Replication / Federated Clusters In-Memory Replication across local or wide area networks
  • 52. upcoming: Spark RDD/DF native read/save on Off-Heap (SSD/Flash/Direct Buffers) Application Processi ng Primary instance s Backup instance s Sync Replicati on Storage Array Storage Array In Memory Data Grid Spark worker Spark worker • Significant RAM TCO reduction in Spark clusters • Direct RDD/DataFrame read write from SSD/Flash device • Avoid Filesystem hops and write amplification
  • 54. 5454 In-Process HTAP Read any POJO, JSON Document, or Transaction as a DataFrame or RDD Web services/apps can read any DataFrame as POJO True closed-loop analytics data pipeline @SpaceClass public class Product { private String name; private String brand; private Integer quantity; // … }
  • 55. 5555 In-Memory Data Grid Realtime Replication • Scoring models • Trigger actions • Events Transactions Analytics Point of Decision HTAP XAP + InsightEdge deployed on different grid clusters with bi- directional real-time data replication
  • 56. 5656 Case Study: Fleet Geo-analytics Challenge • Stream data from 1,000s of Taxis • Actively monitor and generate real-time notifications • Real-time Route Optimization and Geo-Fencing Solution • Leverage unified in-memory data fabric as middleware for geo-spatial analytics • Elastically scale stream processing and transactional apps together • Location-based tracking, Geo-fencing Edge components Data Sources