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•Structured Data (Deductive Logic)
• Analysis of defined relationships
• Defined Data Architecture
• SQL Compliant for fast processing with certainty
• Precision, Speed
•Unstructured Data (Inductive Logic)
• Hypothesis testing against unknown relationships
• Unknown (being less than 100% certainty)
• Iterative analysis to a level-of-certainty
• Open standards and tools
• Extremely high rate of change in processing/tooling options
• Volume, Speed
• Defined Data Architecture/Structured Schema
• Data Integrity
• ACID Compliant
• Atomicity - Requires that each transaction is "all or nothing"
• Consistency - Any transaction will bring the database from one valid state
to another
• Isolation - All transactions are consistent as if they were issued serially
• Durability - Once the transaction is committed it persists
• Real-time processing and analysis against known relationships
• Comparatively static data architecture
• Requires defined data architecture for all data stored
• Relatively smaller, defined, more discrete data sets
• Key Value lookup
• Designed for fast single row lookup
• Loose Schema designed for fast lookup
• MySQL NoSQL Interface
• Used to augment Big Data solutions
• Not designed for Analytics
• Does not support 2 – 3 of the V for Big Data
• On its own, NoSQL is not considered Big Data
• High data load with different data formats
• Allows discovery and hypothesis testing against large data sets
• Near Real-time processing and analysis against unknown
• Not ACID compliant
• No transactional consistency
• High latency system
• Not designed for real time lookups
• Limited BI tool integration
•What is Hadoop?
• Fastest growing, commercial Big Data Technology
• Basic Composition:
• Mapper
• Reducer
• Hadoop File System (HDFS)
• Approx 30 tools/subcomponents in the eco-system
• Primarily produced so developers and admin’s do not have to write raw
map/reduce code in Java
•Systems Architecture:
• Linux
• Commodity x86 Servers
• JBOD (standard block size 64-128MB)
• Virtualization not recommended due to high I/O requirements
• Open Source Project:
•Map Reduce Theory Paper:
• Published 2004
• Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat
• Foundation for GFS (Google File System)
• Problem:
• Ingest and search large data sets
• Doug Cutting, Cloudera (Yahoo)
• Lucene (1999) – indexing large files
• Nutch (2004) – search massive amounts of web data
• Hadoop (2007) – first release 2007, started in 2005
•Store everything regardless
• Analyze Now, or analyze Later
•Schema On-Read methodology
• Allows you to store all the data and determine how to use it later
•Low cost, scale out infrastructure
• Low cost hardware and large storage pools
• Allows for more of a load-it and forget-it approach
• Sentiment analysis
• Marketing campaign analysis
• Customer churn modeling
• Fraud detection
• Research and Development
• Risk Modeling
•Programming and execution
•Taken from functional programming
• Map – operate on every element
• Reduce – combine and aggregate results
•Abstracts storage, concurrency,
• Just write two Java functions
• Contrast with MPI
•Based on GFS
•Distributed, fault-tolerant filesystem
•Primarily designed for cost and scale
• Works on commodity hardware
• 20PB / 4000 node cluster at Facebook
•Failures are common
• Massive scale means more failures
• Disks, network, node
•Files are append-only
•Files are large (GBs to TBs)
•Accesses are large and sequential
•Same concepts as the FS on your
• Directory tree
• Create, read, write, delete files
•Filesystems store metadata and data
• Metadata: filename, size, permissions, …
• Data: contents of a file
DataNode DataNode DataNode
•GFS and MR co-design
• Cheap, simple, effective at scale
•Fault-tolerance baked in
• Replicate data 3x
• Incrementally re-execute computation
• Avoid single points of failure
•Held the world sort record
• Performs
bidirectional data
transfers between
Hadoop and
almost any SQL
database with a
JDBC driver
• Streaming data
collection and
• Massive
volumes of data,
such as RPC
services, Log4J,
Syslog, etc.
• Relational
abstraction using
a SQL like dialect
called HiveQL
• Statements are
executed as one
or more Map
Reduce Jobs
s.word, s.freq, k.freq
FROM shakespeare
JOIN ON (s.word=
WHERE s.freq >= 5;
• High-level scripting
language for executing
one or more
MapReduce jobs
• Created to simplify
authoring of
MapReduce jobs
• Can be extended with
user defined functions
emps = LOAD
'people.txt’ AS
rich = FILTER emps BY
salary > 200000;
sorted_rich = ORDER
rich BY salary DESC;
STORE sorted_rich
INTO ’rich_people.txt';
• Low-latency,
columnar key-
value store
• Based on BigTable
• Efficient random
reads/writes on
• Useful for frontend
• Workflow engine
and scheduler
built specifically
for large-scale job
orchestration on a
Hadoop cluster
• Hue is an open source
web-based application for
making it easier to use
Apache Hadoop.
•Hue features
• File Browser for
• Job
Designer/Browser for
• Query editors for
Hive, Pig and
Cloudera Impala
• Oozie
• Zookeeper is a distributed
consensus engine
• Provides well-defined
concurrent access
• Leader election
• Service discovery
• Distributed locking / mutual
• Message board / mailboxes
•Next gen software abstraction layer for
•Create and execute complex data
processing workflows
• Specifically for a Hadoop cluster using any JVM-based language
• Java
• Jruby
• Clojure
•Generally acknowledged as a better
alternative to Hive/Pig
•Big Data covers 4 dimensions
• Volume - 90% of all the data stored in the world has been
produced in the last 2 years
• Velocity – The ability to perform advanced analytics on
Terabytes or Petabytes of data in minutes to hours compared
to days
• Variety – Any data type from structured to unstructured data
including image files, social media, relational database
content, and text data from weblogs or sensors
• Veracity - 1 in 3 business leaders don’t trust the information
they use to make decisions. How do we ensure the results
are accurate and meaning?
• Loading web logs into MySQL
• How do you parse and keep all the Data?
• What about the variability of the Query String Parameters?
• What if the web log format changes?
• Integration of other data sources
• Social Media – Back in the early days even Facebook didn’t keep all
the data. How do we know what is important in the stream?
• Video and Image data – How do we store that type of data so we
can extract the metadata information?
• Sensor Data – Imagine all the different devices producing data and
the different formats of the data.
Web Servers
Order Processing
Operational Data
Enterprise Data
Web Servers
Order Processing
Operational Data
Enterprise Data
• Data captured at source
• Part of ongoing operational processes (Web Log, RDBMS)
• Data transferred from operational systems to Big Data Platform
• Data processed in batch by Map/Reduce
• Data processed by Hadoop Tools (Hive, Pig)
• Can Pre-condition data that is loaded back into RDBMS
• Load back into Operational Systems
• Load into BI Tools and ODS
Sensor Logs
Web Logs
BI Tools
• MySQL as a Data Source
• New NoSQL API’s
• Ingest high volume, high velocity data, with veracity
• ACID guarantees not compromised
• Data Pre-processing or Conditioning
• Run Real-time analytics against new data
• Pre-process or condition data before loading into Hadoop
• For example healthcare records can be anonymized
• Data transferred in batches from MySQL tables to Hadoop using
Apache Sqoop or MySQL Applier
• With Applier, users can also invoke real-time change data
capture processes to stream new data from MySQL to HDFS as
it is committed by the client.
• Multi-structured, multi-sourced data consolidated and processed
• Run Map/Reduce Jobs and or Hadoop Tools (Hive, Pig, others)
• Results loaded back to MySQL via Apache Sqoop
• Provide new data for real-time operational processes
• Provide broader, normalized data sets for BI Tool analytics
• Provides real-time replication of events between MySQL and
• MySQL Applier for Hadoop uses an API (libhdfs, precompiled
with Hadoop) to connect to MySQL master
• Reads the binary log and then:
• Fetches the row insert events occurring on the master
• Decodes events, extracts data inserted into each field of the
• Uses content handlers to get it in required format
• Appends it to a text file in HDFS
• Streaming real-time updates from MySQL into Hadoop for
immediate analysis
• Addresses performance issues from bulk loading
• Exploits existing replication protocol
• Provides row-based replication
• Consumable by other tools
• Possibilities for update/delete
• DDL not handled
• Only row inserts
MySQL Applier for Hadoop
Binary Log
Primary Key
• NoSQL interfaces directly to the InnoDB and MySQL Cluster (NDB)
storage engines
• Bypass the SQL layer completely
• Without SQL parsing and optimization, Key-Value data can be written
directly to MySQL tables up to 9x faster, while maintaining ACID
• Key Value Definition/Lookup
• Designed for fast single row lookup
• Loose Schema designed for fast lookup
• Data Pre-processing or Conditioning
• Run Real-time analytics against new data
• Pre-process or condition data before loading into Hadoop
• For example healthcare records can be anonymized
• Ingest high volume, high velocity data, with veracity
• ACID guarantees are not compromised
• Single stack for RDMBS and NoSQL
• High volume KVP processing
• Single-node processing:
• 70k transactions per second
• Clustered processing:
• 650k ACID-compliant writes per sec
• 19.5M writes per sec
• Auto-sharding across distributed clusters of commodity nodes
• Shared-nothing, fault-tolerant architecture for 99.999% uptime
• <specify>
•Scalable machine learning algorithms
•Primary focus:
• Collaborative filtering
• Clustering
• Classification
•In-memory cluster computing
• Allows user programs to load data into a cluster's memory
and query it repeatedly
•Streaming Architecture
•Cluster manager that manages
resources across distributed systems
•Allows finite control over system
• Stateful versus stateless (i.e. traditional virtualization
•Granular role-based access control
to data
•Addresses both data and metadata

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Colorado Springs Open Source Hadoop/MySQL

  • 2. STRUCTURED AND UNSTRUCTURED DATA •Structured Data (Deductive Logic) • Analysis of defined relationships • Defined Data Architecture • SQL Compliant for fast processing with certainty • Precision, Speed •Unstructured Data (Inductive Logic) • Hypothesis testing against unknown relationships • Unknown (being less than 100% certainty) • Iterative analysis to a level-of-certainty • Open standards and tools • Extremely high rate of change in processing/tooling options • Volume, Speed
  • 3. STRUCTURED DATA: RDBMS •Capabilities • Defined Data Architecture/Structured Schema • Data Integrity • ACID Compliant • Atomicity - Requires that each transaction is "all or nothing" • Consistency - Any transaction will bring the database from one valid state to another • Isolation - All transactions are consistent as if they were issued serially • Durability - Once the transaction is committed it persists • Real-time processing and analysis against known relationships •Limitations • Comparatively static data architecture • Requires defined data architecture for all data stored • Relatively smaller, defined, more discrete data sets
  • 4. UNSTRUCTURED DATA: NOSQL •Capabilities • Key Value lookup • Designed for fast single row lookup • Loose Schema designed for fast lookup • MySQL NoSQL Interface • Used to augment Big Data solutions •Limitations • Not designed for Analytics • Does not support 2 – 3 of the V for Big Data • On its own, NoSQL is not considered Big Data
  • 5. UNSTRUCTURED DATA: HADOOP •Capabilities • High data load with different data formats • Allows discovery and hypothesis testing against large data sets • Near Real-time processing and analysis against unknown relationships •Limitations • Not ACID compliant • No transactional consistency • High latency system • Not designed for real time lookups • Limited BI tool integration
  • 6. WHAT IS HADOOP? •What is Hadoop? • Fastest growing, commercial Big Data Technology • Basic Composition: • Mapper • Reducer • Hadoop File System (HDFS) • Approx 30 tools/subcomponents in the eco-system • Primarily produced so developers and admin’s do not have to write raw map/reduce code in Java •Systems Architecture: • Linux • Commodity x86 Servers • JBOD (standard block size 64-128MB) • Virtualization not recommended due to high I/O requirements • Open Source Project: •
  • 7. HADOOP: QUICK HISTORY •Map Reduce Theory Paper: • Published 2004 • Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat • Foundation for GFS (Google File System) • Problem: • Ingest and search large data sets •Hadoop: • Doug Cutting, Cloudera (Yahoo) • Lucene (1999) – indexing large files • Nutch (2004) – search massive amounts of web data • Hadoop (2007) – first release 2007, started in 2005
  • 8. WHY IS HADOOP SO POPULAR? •Store everything regardless • Analyze Now, or analyze Later •Schema On-Read methodology • Allows you to store all the data and determine how to use it later •Low cost, scale out infrastructure • Low cost hardware and large storage pools • Allows for more of a load-it and forget-it approach •Usage • Sentiment analysis • Marketing campaign analysis • Customer churn modeling • Fraud detection • Research and Development • Risk Modeling
  • 10. MAP/REDUCE •Programming and execution framework •Taken from functional programming • Map – operate on every element • Reduce – combine and aggregate results •Abstracts storage, concurrency, execution • Just write two Java functions • Contrast with MPI
  • 11. HDFS •Based on GFS •Distributed, fault-tolerant filesystem •Primarily designed for cost and scale • Works on commodity hardware • 20PB / 4000 node cluster at Facebook
  • 12. HDFS ASSUMPTIONS •Failures are common • Massive scale means more failures • Disks, network, node •Files are append-only •Files are large (GBs to TBs) •Accesses are large and sequential
  • 13. HDFS PRIMER •Same concepts as the FS on your laptop • Directory tree • Create, read, write, delete files •Filesystems store metadata and data • Metadata: filename, size, permissions, … • Data: contents of a file
  • 15. MAP REDUCE AND HDFS SUMMARY •GFS and MR co-design • Cheap, simple, effective at scale •Fault-tolerance baked in • Replicate data 3x • Incrementally re-execute computation • Avoid single points of failure •Held the world sort record (0.578TB/min)
  • 16. SQOOP • Performs bidirectional data transfers between Hadoop and almost any SQL database with a JDBC driver
  • 17. FLUME • Streaming data collection and aggregation • Massive volumes of data, such as RPC services, Log4J, Syslog, etc. Client Client Client Client Agent Agent Agent
  • 18. HIVE • Relational database abstraction using a SQL like dialect called HiveQL • Statements are executed as one or more Map Reduce Jobs SELECT s.word, s.freq, k.freq FROM shakespeare JOIN ON (s.word= k.word) WHERE s.freq >= 5;
  • 19. PIG • High-level scripting language for executing one or more MapReduce jobs • Created to simplify authoring of MapReduce jobs • Can be extended with user defined functions emps = LOAD 'people.txt’ AS (id,name,salary); rich = FILTER emps BY salary > 200000; sorted_rich = ORDER rich BY salary DESC; STORE sorted_rich INTO ’rich_people.txt';
  • 20. HBASE • Low-latency, distributed, columnar key- value store • Based on BigTable • Efficient random reads/writes on HDFS • Useful for frontend applications
  • 21. OOZIE • Workflow engine and scheduler built specifically for large-scale job orchestration on a Hadoop cluster
  • 22. HUE • Hue is an open source web-based application for making it easier to use Apache Hadoop. •Hue features • File Browser for HDFS • Job Designer/Browser for MapReduce • Query editors for Hive, Pig and Cloudera Impala • Oozie
  • 23. ZOOKEEPER • Zookeeper is a distributed consensus engine • Provides well-defined concurrent access semantics: • Leader election • Service discovery • Distributed locking / mutual exclusion • Message board / mailboxes
  • 24. CASCADING •Next gen software abstraction layer for Map/Reduce •Create and execute complex data processing workflows • Specifically for a Hadoop cluster using any JVM-based language • Java • Jruby • Clojure •Generally acknowledged as a better alternative to Hive/Pig
  • 26. CHARACTERISTICS OF BIG DATA •Big Data covers 4 dimensions • Volume - 90% of all the data stored in the world has been produced in the last 2 years • Velocity – The ability to perform advanced analytics on Terabytes or Petabytes of data in minutes to hours compared to days • Variety – Any data type from structured to unstructured data including image files, social media, relational database content, and text data from weblogs or sensors • Veracity - 1 in 3 business leaders don’t trust the information they use to make decisions. How do we ensure the results are accurate and meaning?
  • 27. BIG DATA CHALLENGES • Loading web logs into MySQL • How do you parse and keep all the Data? • What about the variability of the Query String Parameters? • What if the web log format changes? • Integration of other data sources • Social Media – Back in the early days even Facebook didn’t keep all the data. How do we know what is important in the stream? • Video and Image data – How do we store that type of data so we can extract the metadata information? • Sensor Data – Imagine all the different devices producing data and the different formats of the data.
  • 30. LIFE CYCLE OF BIG DATA •Acquire • Data captured at source • Part of ongoing operational processes (Web Log, RDBMS) •Organize • Data transferred from operational systems to Big Data Platform •Analyze • Data processed in batch by Map/Reduce • Data processed by Hadoop Tools (Hive, Pig) • Can Pre-condition data that is loaded back into RDBMS •Decide • Load back into Operational Systems • Load into BI Tools and ODS
  • 32. LIFE CYCLE OF BIG DATA: MYSQL •Acquire • MySQL as a Data Source • MySQL’s NoSQL • New NoSQL API’s • Ingest high volume, high velocity data, with veracity • ACID guarantees not compromised • Data Pre-processing or Conditioning • Run Real-time analytics against new data • Pre-process or condition data before loading into Hadoop • For example healthcare records can be anonymized
  • 33. LIFE CYCLE OF BIG DATA: MYSQL •Organize • Data transferred in batches from MySQL tables to Hadoop using Apache Sqoop or MySQL Applier • With Applier, users can also invoke real-time change data capture processes to stream new data from MySQL to HDFS as it is committed by the client. •Analyze • Multi-structured, multi-sourced data consolidated and processed • Run Map/Reduce Jobs and or Hadoop Tools (Hive, Pig, others) •Decide • Results loaded back to MySQL via Apache Sqoop • Provide new data for real-time operational processes • Provide broader, normalized data sets for BI Tool analytics
  • 34. TOOLS: MYSQL APPLIER •Overview • Provides real-time replication of events between MySQL and Hadoop •Usage • MySQL Applier for Hadoop uses an API (libhdfs, precompiled with Hadoop) to connect to MySQL master • Reads the binary log and then: • Fetches the row insert events occurring on the master • Decodes events, extracts data inserted into each field of the row • Uses content handlers to get it in required format • Appends it to a text file in HDFS
  • 35. TOOLS: MYSQL APPLIER •Capabilities • Streaming real-time updates from MySQL into Hadoop for immediate analysis • Addresses performance issues from bulk loading • Exploits existing replication protocol • Provides row-based replication • Consumable by other tools • Possibilities for update/delete •Limitations • DDL not handled • Only row inserts
  • 36. TOOLS: MYSQL APPLIER Events HDFS MySQL Applier for Hadoop Binlog API libhdfs Binary Log Decode Row Timestamp Primary Key Data
  • 37. TOOLS: MYSQL NOSQL •Overview • NoSQL interfaces directly to the InnoDB and MySQL Cluster (NDB) storage engines • Bypass the SQL layer completely • Without SQL parsing and optimization, Key-Value data can be written directly to MySQL tables up to 9x faster, while maintaining ACID guarantees. •Usage • Key Value Definition/Lookup • Designed for fast single row lookup • Loose Schema designed for fast lookup • Data Pre-processing or Conditioning • Run Real-time analytics against new data • Pre-process or condition data before loading into Hadoop • For example healthcare records can be anonymized
  • 38. TOOLS: MYSQL NOSQL •Capabilities • Ingest high volume, high velocity data, with veracity • ACID guarantees are not compromised • Single stack for RDMBS and NoSQL • High volume KVP processing • Single-node processing: • 70k transactions per second • Clustered processing: • 650k ACID-compliant writes per sec • 19.5M writes per sec • Auto-sharding across distributed clusters of commodity nodes • Shared-nothing, fault-tolerant architecture for 99.999% uptime •Limitations • <specify>
  • 40. MAHOUT •Scalable machine learning algorithms •Primary focus: • Collaborative filtering • Clustering • Classification
  • 41. SPARK •In-memory cluster computing • Allows user programs to load data into a cluster's memory and query it repeatedly •Streaming Architecture
  • 42. MESOS •Cluster manager that manages resources across distributed systems •Allows finite control over system resources • Stateful versus stateless (i.e. traditional virtualization architecture)
  • 43. SENTRY •Granular role-based access control to data •Addresses both data and metadata