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Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Geospatial Processing @ Monsanto
Hadoop Summit 2013
Robert Grailer, Big Data Engineer
Erich Hochmuth, Data & Analytics Architecture Lead
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Our Vision: Sustainable Agriculture
A Strong Vision That Guides All We Do
• Producing More
– We are committed to increasing yields to meet
the growing demand for food, fiber & fuel
• Conserving More
– We are committed to reducing the amount
of land, water and energy needed to
grow our crops
• Improving Lives
– We are committed to improving lives around
the world
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
–300 BU/AC
Doubling Yields by 2030 - Farming in the Future
Will Be Increasingly Information-Driven
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Planting Prescription 2012
(DKC63-84 Brand)
Target Rate (Count)
38.00 (24.75 ac)
37.00 (22.63 ac)
35.00 (16.60 ac)
34.00 ( 8.23 ac)
33.00 ( 6.00 ac)
32.00 ( 2.82 ac)
Integrated Farming Systems – FieldScriptsSM for 2014
• FieldScripts℠ will deliver, by field, a corn hybrid recommendation utilizing variable
rate seeding by FieldScripts management zones to increase yield potential and
reduce risk
• The science of FieldScripts is based on proprietary algorithms that combine data
from the FieldScripts Testing Network and Monsanto generated hybrid response to
plant population research
Precision Planting
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
IL Irrigated, Back 80
Treatment Yield (bu/ac)
Static|34000 196
FieldScripts (35000) 233
Central IL Dry Land, 47-50
Treatment Yield (bu/ac)
Static|34000 139
FieldScripts (33000) 145
MS Irrigated, 21
Treatment Yield (bu/ac)
Static|34000 166
FieldScripts (34700) 181
2012 Field Trials Indicate 5-10 bu/a Average Yield Gain
In the United States Alone:
Corn acres planted in 2013 – 96M
Price of Corn per bushel – $6.93*
Advantage of 5–10 Bu/Ac
*Price reflects CBOT price of corn 1/9/2013
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Integrated Farming SystemsSM Combine Advanced Seed
Genetics, On-farm Agronomic Practices, Software and Hardware
Innovations to Drive Yield
Expansive product by environment
testing makes on-farm
prescriptions possible
Variable rate N, P & K
“Apps” aligned with yield
management zones
Planter hardware
systems enabling
variable rate seeding &
row spacing of
multiple hybrids in a
field by yield
management zone
“Apps” for in-season
custom application of
supplemental late
nitrogen and
Advances in Yield
Monitoring to
deliver higher
resolution data
increases in data
points collected
per year to
increase annual
rate genetic gain
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Use Case
Public Data
Monsanto Data
Grower Data
• Load thousands of files containing spatial data
• Support diverse range of data types
— tabular, vector, raster
• Join & link data spatially
• Generate dense grid covering entire US
— 120 billion polygons
• Generate a set of derived attributes
— Think moving average
• Make data available for other data products such as Field Scripts
High Level Data Flow
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Version 1 Architecture
• In RDBMS spatial
• Multiple patches to DB Engine
• Just 8% of the data!!
– 35+ days to process
• TBs in indexes
• Tradeoffs
– Compressed vs. Uncompressed
– Performance vs. Storage
– Read vs. Write performance
• Options/recommendations
– Limit use of in DB spatial functionality
– Buy more RDBMS
Data Processing Time
Spatial Index
Data Volumes
Raw Data
Spatial Index
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Version 2 Architecture
• Combination of MapReduce & HBase
• Leverage existing Hadoop cluster
• MapReduce
– Parallelize everything!
– Bulk HBase loads
• HBase
– Spatial data model
– Custom spatial engine
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Data Ingestion
• Bulk load 1,000s of files into HDFS
• Standardize data
– Common usable format
• Storage vs. Compute
• Raster format is easily splitable
• Hadoop Streaming integrated with GDAL
��� Streaming API Lessons Learned
– Lack of documentation
– Counters to track task progress
– Jobs run as mapred user
– HDFS Access outside of MR
Data Ingestion Time
• Raster Images
• Vector Shape Files
• Zip Files
• Text Data
•Convert to Raster
• Re-project
• Raster Files
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Data Processing
• Process raster data
– Dense matrix
• Generic InputFormat & RecordReader for
raster data
• HFiles easily transportable between clusters
• Challenges tuning Jobs
– IO Sort Factor
– Split/Task Size
• Raster Files
Data Processing Time
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Geospatial in HBase
– Dense data set
– Complex computations
– Scalable & cost efficient
– Bulk analytics & random reads
– GeoHash most notable example
• Best suited for sparse data
– Precision of reads
– Alphanumeric key
HBase Considerations
– Key overhead
– Scan vs. Get performance
– Reduce reading unnecessary data
Example Field
Complex Data Interactions
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Global Coordinate System
Latitude-180 180
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Reference System
Latitude-180 180
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Reference System Continued
1 2 3 20
21 22 23
381 382 400399
-180 180
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
HBase Schema Take 1
Spatial Table
• Key: cell_id long
• Column Family: A
– Column: Data Holder
• elevation
• slope: float
• aspect: float
• Each spatial dataset is a separate table
• All attributes for a layer that are read together are stored together
‒ Attributes packed into a single column as an Avro object
• 1 row per record
• 120 billion rows total!
• 1,000s of Get requests per field
• TBs of key overhead – roughly 56% of the data
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Reference System Storage Format
• Data grouped into 100 x 100 super cells
• A super cell of 100 x 100 cells is a single row in HBase
• At most 4 disk reads are required to read all data for one layer for a 150 acre field
• Given a bounding box the super cells and attributed grid cells containing the desired
data can easily be computed
• A generic geospatial data service when given a set of layers will read each layer in
• Overhead of key data reduced from 56% to below 0.1%
Super Grid Cells
Attributed Grid Cells
Spatial Table
• Key: super_cell_id long
• Column Family: A
– Column: Data Holder
• elevation : array float [ values ]
• slope: array float [ values ]
• aspect: array float [ values ]
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
• Significant cost savings in required hardware
• 120 billion unique polygons in total
• 1.5 trillion data points
• Dense grid of the entire U.S.
• Foundational architecture for other spatial data sets
• Fully unit tested implementation
• 4 states only
• 30+ days to load
• 8 months of dev.
• Entire U.S.
• 18 hour load time
• 3 months of dev.
• 100% scalable
• Cloud ready
Total Data Processing Time
RDBMS Hadoop
8% of the
data set
Total Run Time
Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege
Thank You

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Building a geospatial processing pipeline using Hadoop and HBase and how Monsanto is using it to help farmers increase their yield

  • 1. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Geospatial Processing @ Monsanto Hadoop Summit 2013 Robert Grailer, Big Data Engineer Erich Hochmuth, Data & Analytics Architecture Lead
  • 2. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Our Vision: Sustainable Agriculture A Strong Vision That Guides All We Do • Producing More – We are committed to increasing yields to meet the growing demand for food, fiber & fuel • Conserving More – We are committed to reducing the amount of land, water and energy needed to grow our crops • Improving Lives – We are committed to improving lives around the world 2
  • 3. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege  ADVANCED EQUIPMENT  AVERAGE CORN YIELD –300 BU/AC  AUTOMATED WEATHER STATIONS  FIELD SENSORS PROVIDING INFORMATION  ADVANCED IMAGERY TECHNOLOGY Doubling Yields by 2030 - Farming in the Future Will Be Increasingly Information-Driven 3
  • 4. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege 4 Planting Prescription 2012 (DKC63-84 Brand) Target Rate (Count) (ksds/ac) 38.00 (24.75 ac) 37.00 (22.63 ac) 35.00 (16.60 ac) 34.00 ( 8.23 ac) 33.00 ( 6.00 ac) 32.00 ( 2.82 ac) Integrated Farming Systems – FieldScriptsSM for 2014 • FieldScripts℠ will deliver, by field, a corn hybrid recommendation utilizing variable rate seeding by FieldScripts management zones to increase yield potential and reduce risk • The science of FieldScripts is based on proprietary algorithms that combine data from the FieldScripts Testing Network and Monsanto generated hybrid response to plant population research Precision Planting
  • 5. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege IL Irrigated, Back 80 Treatment Yield (bu/ac) Static|34000 196 FieldScripts (35000) 233 Central IL Dry Land, 47-50 Treatment Yield (bu/ac) Static|34000 139 FieldScripts (33000) 145 MS Irrigated, 21 Treatment Yield (bu/ac) Static|34000 166 FieldScripts (34700) 181 2012 Field Trials Indicate 5-10 bu/a Average Yield Gain 5 In the United States Alone: Corn acres planted in 2013 – 96M Price of Corn per bushel – $6.93* Advantage of 5–10 Bu/Ac *Price reflects CBOT price of corn 1/9/2013
  • 6. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Integrated Farming SystemsSM Combine Advanced Seed Genetics, On-farm Agronomic Practices, Software and Hardware Innovations to Drive Yield DATABASE BACKBONE Expansive product by environment testing makes on-farm prescriptions possible VARIABLE-RATE FERTILITY Variable rate N, P & K “Apps” aligned with yield management zones PRECISION SEEDING Planter hardware systems enabling variable rate seeding & row spacing of multiple hybrids in a field by yield management zone FERTILITY & DISEASE MANAGEMENT “Apps” for in-season custom application of supplemental late nitrogen and fungicides YIELD MONITOR Advances in Yield Monitoring to deliver higher resolution data BREEDING Significant increases in data points collected per year to increase annual rate genetic gain 6
  • 7. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Use Case 7 Public Data Monsanto Data Grower Data Standardize & Link Algorithms • Load thousands of files containing spatial data • Support diverse range of data types — tabular, vector, raster • Join & link data spatially • Generate dense grid covering entire US — 120 billion polygons • Generate a set of derived attributes — Think moving average • Make data available for other data products such as Field Scripts High Level Data Flow
  • 8. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Version 1 Architecture • In RDBMS spatial • PL/SQL • Multiple patches to DB Engine • Just 8% of the data!! – 35+ days to process • TBs in indexes • Tradeoffs – Compressed vs. Uncompressed – Performance vs. Storage – Read vs. Write performance • Options/recommendations – Limit use of in DB spatial functionality – Buy more RDBMS 8 0 10 20 30 Days Data Processing Time Soil Elevation Spatial Index Processing 0 50 100 TBs Data Volumes Raw Data Uncompressed Compressed Spatial Index
  • 9. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Version 2 Architecture • Combination of MapReduce & HBase • Leverage existing Hadoop cluster • MapReduce – Parallelize everything! – Bulk HBase loads • HBase – Spatial data model – Custom spatial engine 9
  • 10. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Data Ingestion • Bulk load 1,000s of files into HDFS • Standardize data – Common usable format • Storage vs. Compute • Raster format is easily splitable • Hadoop Streaming integrated with GDAL • Streaming API Lessons Learned – Lack of documentation – Counters to track task progress – Jobs run as mapred user – HDFS Access outside of MR 10 0 20 40 60 Hours Data Ingestion Time RDBMS Hadoop NFS • Raster Images • Vector Shape Files • Zip Files • Text Data •Unzip •Convert to Raster • Re-project HDFS Hadoop Streaming • Raster Files Results
  • 11. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Data Processing • Process raster data – Dense matrix • Generic InputFormat & RecordReader for raster data • HFiles easily transportable between clusters • Challenges tuning Jobs – IO Sort Factor – Split/Task Size 11 HDFS HBase Generate Derived Attributes • Raster Files Results Pre-split table Generate HFiles 0 10 20 30 Days Data Processing Time RDBMS Hadoop
  • 12. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege HBASE SCHEMA DESIGN 12
  • 13. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Geospatial in HBase Need – Dense data set – Complex computations – Scalable & cost efficient – Bulk analytics & random reads HBase – GeoHash most notable example • Best suited for sparse data – Precision of reads – Alphanumeric key HBase Considerations – Key overhead – Scan vs. Get performance – Reduce reading unnecessary data Example Field Complex Data Interactions
  • 14. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Global Coordinate System Longitude Latitude-180 180 -90 90
  • 15. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Reference System Longitude Latitude-180 180 -90 90
  • 16. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Reference System Continued Longitude Latitude 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 19 381 382 400399 190 -180 180 -90 90 4
  • 17. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege HBase Schema Take 1 Spatial Table • Key: cell_id long • Column Family: A – Column: Data Holder • elevation • slope: float • aspect: float 17 • Each spatial dataset is a separate table • All attributes for a layer that are read together are stored together ‒ Attributes packed into a single column as an Avro object • 1 row per record • 120 billion rows total! • 1,000s of Get requests per field • TBs of key overhead – roughly 56% of the data
  • 18. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Reference System Storage Format • Data grouped into 100 x 100 super cells • A super cell of 100 x 100 cells is a single row in HBase • At most 4 disk reads are required to read all data for one layer for a 150 acre field • Given a bounding box the super cells and attributed grid cells containing the desired data can easily be computed • A generic geospatial data service when given a set of layers will read each layer in parallel • Overhead of key data reduced from 56% to below 0.1% Super Grid Cells Attributed Grid Cells Spatial Table • Key: super_cell_id long • Column Family: A – Column: Data Holder • elevation : array float [ values ] • slope: array float [ values ] • aspect: array float [ values ]
  • 19. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Results • Significant cost savings in required hardware • 120 billion unique polygons in total • 1.5 trillion data points • Dense grid of the entire U.S. • Foundational architecture for other spatial data sets • Fully unit tested implementation RDBMS • 4 states only • 30+ days to load • 8 months of dev. Hadoop • Entire U.S. • 18 hour load time • 3 months of dev. • 100% scalable • Cloud ready 0 10 20 30 Days Total Data Processing Time RDBMS Hadoop 8% of the data Full data set Total Run Time
  • 20. Monsanto Company Confidential - Attorney Client Privilege Thank You 20

Editor's Notes

  1. big agricultural farms getting smaller due to fast growing population, we need some compact and efficient tools of farming to balance structured agriculture with nature to ensure a healthy ecosystem around us. Offering a solution, the “Agria” by Julia Kaisinger, Katharina Unger and Stefan Riegbauer is an autonomous farm robot for sowing and plant protection in small farms. Featuring infrared and UV light to control bugs, fungi and pests, the modular machine examines the soil and plants regularly to allow specific treatment. Placing seeds and fertilizer in the right place and proportion, the Agria works with an intelligent network of fields and machines, supplied by a local station, which can be controlled through a computer or smartphone, so you may store and share data with experts for better analysis.
  2. Agriculture is going through transition via adoption of breakthrough technologies in seed genetics, farm equipment hardware and software, and farm practices – akin to the advances in computer technology ushering in the modern information technology era;Growers are getting increasingly swamped by information – much of it needing further thoughtful analysis leading to extraction and integration of actionable information.  Monsanto is gearing up to do that;Anyone interested in developing improved agronomic practices or information apps that contribute to increasing yield or improving life on the farm should get in touch with us (leave contact information at the Monsanto booth).
  3. General data flow
  4. Split and Task sizes were a challenge because of number of files to be processed and metadata needed to process each task. Data generation for only the United States so only 15% of all SuperCells covering the world were used. Presplit of table to even hfiles.