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© 2006 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   1


Applications MEGA Trends
Enterprise Applications
Business Intelligence
MDM/Data Hubs

     © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   2
The Innovation Lifecycle

                                     IT    innovation
                                                                                                      BPM SOFTWARE
ALLOWS MANAGEMENT                                                                                  HELPS CREATE THE NEW
TO FIX AND IMPROVE                                                                                  BUSINESS PROCESSES
                                           The Innovation
                                              Lifecycle                                      IT

                     execution                                               process

                                                    COMPOSITE APPLICATIONS
                                                   ALLOW USERS TO IMPLEMENT
                                                         THE PROCESS

                       © 2007 STKI         moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                  3

               Application MEGA Trends

  The pace of M&A increases
  Large vendors moving downstream (SMBs)
  More integrated solutions (Applistructures)
  From Application-dependency to Platform-dependency
  Processes-oriented, Vertical Solutions
  Everything is becoming SaaS
  Everything is becoming (web) 2.0

                       © 2007 STKI         moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                  4
Applications Technology Radar
                    KM Web
                7     2.0

          2                            Implementing

                             Operational                                  BI
                                       Using                       ERP 2                 MDM/
                       MDM/           ERP 2        ECM                                   Data
                                                  ERP 1
                       Data hubs                                 Operational             hubs
                                   Gateway Portals                   Portals
        CRM                       Operational CRM





               © 2007 STKI      moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74             5

      How does SOA Impact
      Application Choices?

  Monolithic applications are decreasing
  Monolithic platforms are increasing

SOA Survey:
 Only 8% have live SOA deployments
 17% are testing the enabling technology
 36% are evaluating

               © 2007 STKI      moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74             6
Applistructure Vendors
    Source: Butler Group


           © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   7

     Disruptive Changes in the
     Applications Market: 2007 & beyond

Presented a new way of consuming software

 Web 2.0
Presented a new way of producing &
consuming information

           © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   8
      Software as a Service



          © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74    9

      SaaS: WW Market Adoption

  Worldwide SaaS Market:
t30% are already using SaaS
tMost vendors have an on-Demand model
t88% are satisfied (down from 92%)
tCRM SaaS AGR: 35%
tERP SaaS AGR: 45%

          © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   10
CRM and SFA:
        Most Popular Saas Application Type

* Source: Cutter
                   © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   11

         SaaS: Israeli Market Adoption

     Israel SaaS Market:
tMost organizations aren’t aware of this model
tSome are checking it for point-specific needs
tMost vendors aren’t pushing on-Demand (even
 if they have an existing model in place)
           2 Exceptions:

                   © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   12
Application Projects
       User/Vendor Value Chain

  1               2                        3                                4          5
    User                           Value-                                          Vendor-
Responsibility                     Added                                           Managed
                                  Services                                         Services

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           13

      STKI IT Model

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           14

      © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74              15

3 CRM Stages

    Operational CRM:
 Service, Sales, Marketing

(Actionable) Analytical CRM

    Customer Experience
feedback Mng.                 Self-Service                             Click-to-call
      © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74              16
CRM Major Trends

 t Small fragmented projects
 t Legacy replacements
 t Maximizing value from existing installations
 t Operational Analytics: Real time Guidance, Event-
   driven marketing
 t CRM “Applistructures”
 t Creating a “single customer view” by using CDI/MDM
 t Hosted SaaS Model continues to grow
 t Customer Experience Management will be the next
   phase for CRM-oriented organizations
             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   17

        Customer Experience Management:

t Customer Experience Management is picking up
t E-service projects in Israel during 2007 will include:
    tPortals to externalize CRM to clients
    tCustomer Interaction Management
    tImplementing CRM e-Service modules
    tIncluding Click-to-call functionality in websites

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   18
SaaS CRM WW Market

    No. of Employees                                 CRM SaaS Growth
         1-1000                                            36%
       1000-5000                                           31%
          5000                                             42%
    Source: Data Monitor

                                                                        CRM SaaS is
                                                                        entering enterprises

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           19

         Customer Data Integration (CDI)

t Customer Data is growing an average of 50%
  per year
t Companies would like to deliver a consistent
  view of the customer across the entire
t First adopters in Israel for CDI solutions will
  most likely be:
    tFinancial Services Companies (First ones
     being Insurance companies)
    tTelecom companies (due to M&A activity)

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           20
CRM Implementations Recommendations

             tThink Strategy while implementing
              tactical projects
             tDefine Implementation roadmap & Vision
             tConsider CDI
             tUse analytics in first phase
             tThink about the customer experience

                              © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                  21

                    CRM Packages & Integrators in Israel:
                    Mid - High End Market
                   Package                     Rep in Israel                                        Integrators
                     Siebel                             Taldor                                      Taldor, IBM
                                                                                             Yael, Malam-Team,
                    Oracle                              Oracle

                                                                                            ONE1UP, Oracle, EDS
                  Peoplesoft                            Matrix                                        Matrix
             SAP, Express solutions                       Ness                        Ness, IBM, EDS, Advantech
               Amdocs (Clarify)                        Amdocs                                       Amdocs, HP
                    Pivotal                              ONE1                                          ONE1
                                 ONE1                                          ONE1
                                                                                        20 Partners, including:
Mid Tier

                                                                                       Matrix-Effect, Advantech,
                 Microsoft CRM                       Microsoft                         SIT, Team, Malam, Eyron,
                                                                                       We!, Netwise, Bynet SW,
                                                                                             Yael, Avaya….
                 MEGA Center                              Yael                                         Yael
                     Onyx     © 2007 STKI
                                                  IT Navigator
                                            moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74
                                                                                                    IT Navigator   22
Microsoft-Based CRM Solutions
      In Israel

 Company                             Solution                           NEW Clients (2006)
                                 Car Market:
                                                                             Meir, Eldan, Debis,
                               Rental, Leasing,
                                                                              Lubinsky, Dorent
                                                                              Yashir Beit
Effect (Matrix)                 Capital Market
                                                                         Hashkaot, Gaon Gemel
                                  Tele Meeting                                        Psagot Ofek
                                                                            Gaon Beit Hashkaot,
                              Campaign Manager
                                                                             Forum Beer Sheva
    Team                       ‫מוקד בקרה וביטחון‬                                 Bank Hapoalim
    Team                      ‫ניהול אגודות ותרומות‬                            Bnei Zion hospital
    Team                              ‫פניות ציבור‬                          M. Of internal affairs
  Advantech                     Capital Market
     * This List doesn’t include internal IT Help Desk Solutions
               © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 23

      CRM-Related Products:

    Solution                       Description                                    Representing
                             Enterprise Incentives                               Incentives,
  Incentives Pro
                                 Management                                     Matrix-partner
                                Marketing Micro-
      Yadata                                                                            Yadata
                             Segmentation (Ad-hoc)
        Kana                   Collaborative CRM                                        Malam
  Talisma – CIM
 (customer interaction         Collaborative CRM                            Business Solutions

                                 Feedback Mng,
      Cemax                                                                             Cemax
                                Complaints Mng.

               © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 24
CRM Consultants in Israel
          (Partial List)

t Altenative
t Widelink
t Synergy: Campaign Management, Analytical CRM
t Sensecom: Call Centers
t Meteor
t IT solutions
t Deloitte Touche: Strategy, business case
t Accenture
t Several Independent advisors

                 © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   25

          HIGH-END CRM in Israel:
          Price Per Seat

• License:                     $1K - $3K
• Integration:                 2 x license
• Hardware:                    1 x license
• Maintenance:                 0.5 x license (for 3 years)
• Training &
 Change Mng:                   1 x license
• Testing:                     0.25-0.5 x license
• Data Quality:                0.25-0.5 x license
 Total:                         6 x license
                                $6,000 - $18,000 per seat
                 © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   26
Mid-Tier CRM in Israel:
                         Price Per Seat

     • License:                             $500 - $1K
     • Integration:                         1 x license
     • Hardware:                            0.25 x license
     • Maintenance:                         0.5 x license (for 3 years)
     • Implementation                       0.75 x license
            (training, testing,
                data quality)

                Total:                       3 x license
                                             $1,500 - $3,000 per seat
                              © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 27

                         CRM - Israeli Market Positioning

                                                                   Siebel               Peoplesoft
Local Support

                                           Pivotal                                                              Enterprise
                                MEGACenter                                            Salesforce


                                                                        This analysis should be used with its
                                                                        supporting documents

                                            Market Presence
                              © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 28
CRM Selected Wins – 2006/1Q7
          (Partial List)
t Peoplesoft: Telecom client (Field Service), Financial client
t Siebel: Bank Leumi upgrade/expansion
t SAP: Migdal, Excellence
t Oracle: Radware
t Microsoft: Comverse, Isracard, Navy, Ministry of Defense,
  Assuta, Tehila, M. of Tourism
t Salesforce (80 new): Check Point, Aish HaTorah, Creo,
  Edusoft, Tecnomatix Unicam,, Finjan,
  Ceragon, Cyota, TTI telecom, Zend Tech, PowerDsine
t Pivotal: Ernst & Young, Raanana Municipality, Imbar
t Onyx: Tikshuv, OneCall, Celltick, Brightmark, Alladin
  (customer portal), Starhome
                  © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74        29

          Campaign Management
          Package Vendors in Israel

              Product Name                               Israeli Representative
                       Unica                                       Gstat, IBM – Integrator
                    Chordiant                                           IBM - Integrator
                         SAS                                             Mia Computers
              Teradata Analytic CRM                                          Mittwoch
           Siebel Marketing Automation                                         Taldor
         Peoplesoft Marketing Automation                                       Matrix
               Pivotal MarketFirst                                              ONE1
                Clarify Marketing                                             Amdocs
          Oracle Campaign Management                                           Oracle
           SAP Campaign Management                                               Ness
          MEGACenter Marketing Module                                            Yael
           Onyx Marketing Automation                                       IT Navigator
                                    Other CRM vendors…

              Existing Installations
                  © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74        30
Campaign Management
          Selected Wins (2006-1Q07)

t Unica: Visa (integrator - IBM), YES (intergator – Gilon)
t SAS: Bituach Yashir (integrator – Gilon)

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           31

           CRM Project
           User/Vendor Value Chain

   1                  2                        3                                4          5
   User                                Value-                                          Vendor-
Responsibility                         Added                                           Managed
                                      Services                                         Services

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           32

                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   33

        ERP Israeli Trends:
        Enterprise ERP

t Most Large SAP ERP shops are using Netweaver
  ~50% are upgraded/are upgrading to ECC
t Most Oracle ERP shops are planning to use Fusion
  Very high interest in BI EE (aka Siebel Analytics)
t In 2006 SAP focused on Financial Services, Public Sector
  & All-in-one for other verticals
t Oracle focused on Financial Services, Retail & High-Tech
t Oracle & SAP will continue to push more verticals

                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   34
ERP Israeli Trends:
       Mid-market ERP

t Continued verticalization of mid-market ERP solutions
t Vendors are including more WF/BPM & integrated
  analytics in their packages
t More “Bundling” of ERP + CRM

                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74              35

        SaaS ERP WW Market

                                                                                      ERP SaaS is
                                                                                      entering SMBs

    No. of Employees                                  ERP SaaS Growth
         1-1000                                             56%
       1000-5000                                            45%
          5000                                              34%
   Source: Data Monitor

    ERP is just starting to adopt SaaS (SMBs)
   HR and ERP will be the fastest growing SaaS

                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74              36
ERP New Announcements
                 (main impact on Mid-market ERP)

 tOracle announced its Accelerated Edition
  (Preconfigured Verticals) for SMB market
 tSAP announced A1S Saas-friendly package
 tMicrosoft will enter the Israeli ERP market

                       © 2007 STKI          moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74             37

                  ERP Packages & Integrators:

   Package             Rep in Israel                                                   Integrators
                                                              Ness, IBM, Taldor, Advantech, Malam, Team, EDS,
SAP, SAP All-in-One                  Ness
                                                                      Accenture, HP, Aman, SRL, Danshir
                                                               Yael, Malam-Team, ONE1UP, Oracle cons., EDS,
   Oracle Apps             Oracle Israel
                                                                Advantech (Applet + Daemon), Ernst & Young
     E-Tafnit                   Matrix                                                          Matrix
      Priority                  Ashbal                             Ashbel, Tulip, Meidatech, Afek, RAAN, EDS
     MFG/PRO                         SIT                                                            SIT
      Movex                    Intentia                                                        Intentia
Aviv, MARS (retail)                  Aviv                                                           Aviv
     ONE ERP                     ONE1                                                               ONE1
                                                           Xioma,Malam- Team (Etop), RELS, Harel comp Malal,
 SAP Business One       SAP Business One
                                                                Complete, Menahel4U, Todan, Reut-ONE
                          Oracle Special                      Unitask, Afek, Motorola, Malam-Team, ONE1UP,
                             Edition                         Advanteck (Applet + Daemon), Ernst &Young, Yael
   KAV systems                       Kav                                                    Kav, Ardom
FinPro, Logistic Pro             Almog                                                          Almog
Gan Tochnot Heshev               Aman                                                               Aman
    BPCS, Baan                  Matrix
                       © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910                 Afek, IBM (Baan), Tulip (Baan)
                                                                   tel 09 74 444 74             38
ERP - Israeli Market Positioning

                  Enterprise ERP                    Medium - Large ERP                                          SMB ERP
                > 250 (Concurrent) users                     100 - 250 users                                   < 100 users

                              Oracle      SAP                    SAP                 Oracle                                     ONE1
                                                              All in one                                                  SAP
Local Support

                                                                                                                          BO    ERP
                                                                    ONE1 Priority                        Oracle SE
                                                                                                                 MFG/ Tafnit
                                                                   MFG/  Tafnit                                  Pro
                                                            Movex          Aviv                             Movex Aviv

                                                        Market Presence
                                                                                                         This analysis should be used
                                   © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   with its supporting documents

                          ERP - Israeli Market Positioning

                  Enterprise ERP                    Medium - Large ERP                                          SMB ERP
                > 250 (Concurrent) users                     100 - 250 users                                   < 100 users

                              Oracle      SAP                    SAP                 Oracle                                     ONE1
                                                              All in one                                                  SAP
Local Support

                                                                                                                          BO    ERP
                                                                    ONE1 Priority                        Oracle SE
                               e     d                                         e
                                                                            ttl                                   ta es
                                                                                                               ns g
                                                                                                                 MFG/ Tafnit

                        ab                                           Ba
                                                                   MFG/  Tafnit
                                                                                                             Co han

                     St                                      In

                                                                                                               C AvivKav
                                                            Movex                                           Movex

                                                        Market Presence
                                                                                                         This analysis should be used
                                   © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   with its supporting documents
ERP Selected Wins 2006-1Q07
         (Partial List):

t SAP: Bank Beinleumi, Excellence Nesua, Bank Leumi, Tel
  Aviv Municipality, Phishman Holdings, Automatzia, MAAZ
  ECC – Zim, Bank Leumi, Clalit Health Services, Strauss-
  Elite, Shastovitch, Inbal…
t SAP All-in-one (Best Practices): Shastovitz, Widelink,
  Telrad, Conegy, Zoglovek, Yafora Tavori, Diplomat, Dai
  Telecom, Taldor, Nechasim & Binyan, Inbal
t Oracle: Frutarom, Iscor, Tama, Ormat, Radware, RH
t Oracle Special Edition: BTG, Danpal, Polishak, IDT,
  Extricom, GOnetworks, TAAT

               © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   41

         ERP Selected Wins 2006-1Q07
         (Partial List) – cont.:

 t ONE1 ERP: Keren Kayemet, Negev Ceramics, Hachsharat
   Hayeshuv, Mifaley Mazon, Lochamey Getaot, Elisha
   Hospital, Givat Haim
 t Tafnit: Academic Sector: Weissman Institute,Beer Sheva
   College - Sami Shamon; Car Rental: Europcar, Traffic;
   Financial (Factoring): Psagot, Haphoenix Platinum;
   Healthcare: Assuta, Mayney Hayeshua, “computerized
   closet” – Shiba hospital; Protected Tenancy: Mishan,
 t Aviv ERP: MARS (Retail ERP): Royalty Jewelry Chain;
   Classic ERP: Ofakim, WTA; Logistics ERP: 13 hospitals

               © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   42
ERP Project
           User/Vendor Value Chain

   1                  2                        3                                4          5
   User                                Value-                                          Vendor-
Responsibility                         Added                                           Managed
                                      Services                                         Services

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           43

         HR Trends

tTalent Management
tEmployee Performance Management
tManaging Social Networks

       Usually “ERP 2nd Phase” Projects

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           44
ERP Consultants
          (Partial List)

t Deloitte Touche
t Accenture
t Meteor
t Tulip
t Bit-Plus
t Seker
t Ernst & Young
t Several Independent advisors

              © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   45

        Knowledge Management

              © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   46
Web 2.0 Internal Impact:
        The New Age KM

t A Cultural Attitude – user centricity
t A set of technologies – AJAX, RSS
t Best Practices for Collaboration – Blogs, Wikis,
  Tagging, Communities

  The Problems with Web 2.0-oriented KM:
  hard to maintain consistency & quality,
  overflow of information

                   © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                   47

         Collaboration Tools

                                                       Webinars                     Portals


                                                             Shared                       Collaborative
                                                            Workspaces                     Document

                                 Meetings              Wikis


  Source: Butler Group

                   © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                   48
Collaboration Technologies

* Source: CIO Insight

                    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   49

          ECM Trends

  t ECM platforms – OUT
  t ECM Applications – IN
  t Blogs, Wikis, RSS - IN
  t Content Collaboration – IN

                                                               Collective Intelligence

                   New expected applications:
                   Web Analytics, Text Mining

                    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   50
The Information Constraint

  Knowledge Workers = 50% of HR costs

  Today’s Knowledge Worker’s spends ¼ his day
  searching for information

  The Problem:
  Lack of Information
  & Too much information

Organizations are losing 10% of their employees time…
               searching for information

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           51

           ECM Project
           User/Vendor Value Chain

   1                  2                        3                                4          5
   User                                Value-                                          Vendor-
Responsibility                         Added                                           Managed
                                      Services                                         Services

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           52
Internal Enterprise Content Management:
              Providers in Israel

           Product                       Israeli Rep.                 Integrators                    Doc.Mng Archiving
             FileNet                        IFN, IBM                   IFN Solutions                       X     X
          Documentum                          Ness                           Ness                          X     X
           Interwoven                        Xioma                          Xioma                          X     X
        Open Text - IXOS                    Consist                        Consist                               X
        Content Manager                        IBM                IBM, Matrix, Comtec                      X     X
   Open Text – Livelink ECM              Top Solutions                 Top Solutions                       X     X
           Sharedocs                          ELAD                           ELAD                          X
              MOSS                         Microsoft                    Many ISVs…                         X
             Meridio                            HP                            HP                           X     X
                                                                Omnisys, Matan, Yael,
           DocMaster                        Omnisys                                                        X
                                                                 Business Solutions
               D2K                           Matrix                         Matrix                         X     X
           Ada system                         Artis                    Artis, Malam                        X     X
Oracle (Stellent) – Q207 in Israel           Oracle                                                        x     x

                           © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                     53

              External Web Content Management:
              Providers in Israel

                       Product                        Israeli Rep.                       Integrators
                       Interwoven                           Xioma                              Xioma
                  Content Manager                             IBM                    IBM, Matrix, Comtec
                         MOSS                             Microsoft                         Many ISVs…
                     Scepia (WCM)                           Scepia                             Scepia
                       Ezcontent                            Bynet                                  Bynet
                        Vignette                            Matrix                 Matrix, Real Commerce
                       Broadvision                          ONE1                                   ONE1
              Consist Site Management                      Consist                             Consist
                         FileNet                          IFN, IBM                        IFN Solutions
                     Documentum                              Ness                                  Ness
              Open Text – Livelink ECM                 Top Solutions                      Top Solutions
          Oracle (Stellent) – Q207 in Israel                Oracle

                           © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                     54
ECM (Internal Content Management)
                   Selected Wins 2006-1Q07:

            t Documentum: DSPG, Tel Aviv Municipality, BioLine
            t FileNet: Hevra Leautomazia; Madanes agency;
              upgrades – Phoenix, Ayalon;
            t Content Manager: Shlomo Haskart Rechev
            t Hummingbird: PRS Mediterranean
            t Interwoven: Law offices (3), Moriah, Citypass

                         © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 55

                   Enterprise Content Management
                   (ECM) Products in Israel

                                                                          Based Solutions

Local Support

                 Content Manager                                                                          Enterprise

                          Interwoven                                                                      Mid-Low
                                  eDocs DM                                                                End
                                           (formerly Hummingbird)


                                                                  This analysis should be used with its
                                                                  supporting documents

                                       Market Presence
                         © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 56
Special Purpose KM Apps

     Company                   Product                                Examples of Apps
     Advantech                 ActionBase                                ‫מעקב אחר משימות‬
                                                             ,‫ניהול מסמכים, מעקב אחר משימות‬
       Elad                    Sharedocs                    ,‫פניות ציבור, מודול ועדות, ניהול חוזים‬
                                                                  Captaris ‫נהלים, חיבור ל‬
                                                            ‫ניהול לשכה, חוזרים ונהלים, ניהול תיק‬
      Matrix                    D2K-Pro
                                                               ‫עובד, ניהול התקשרויות וחוזים‬
                                                              ,‫ניהול מסמכים וידע, ניהול פרויקטים‬
      Omnisys                  DocMaster
                                                                    ‫ניהול משימות וישיבות‬

         Short, pragmatic, cost effective projects
         Will continue to be very appealing to Israeli clients
                 © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74               57

        Office Management Selected Wins
        (Selected Wins) 2006-1Q07:

t Sharedocs: Document Management: Haphonix, Moaza
  Bitachon Leumi, Ichilov (also tasks), security client, Denia
t D2K: Policies and HOZRIM: Bank Leumi, Bank Beinleumi;
  Offices Management + Employee Records: Clalit

                 © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74               58
Special Purpose KM Apps

   Company                        Product                                Examples of Apps
      Olive                     Olive Software                E-Publishing, Content Intelligence
 Team - Malam                       Kana                                      KnowledgeBase
  (Internative,                 DSKnowledge                                   KnowledgeBase
      Mckit                       Linkware                                    KnowledgeBase
                                                             Management of Archives/ Libraries/
      IDEA                          IDEA
                                                                      info Centers
                                                             Management of Archives/ Libraries/
     Exlibris                      Exlibris
                                                                      info Centers
Business Solutions                 Talisma                                    Knowledgebase

                  © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74          59

      Special Purpose KM Apps

     Company                         Product
   Yael Software                     Shemesh                             CI Platform
   Yael Software                      Tovana                     Text Mining Platform
    ONE1 - Liam                        Kapow                     Web data integration
       G-Wiz                        Intellidesk                          CI Platform
      MindCite                          Citer                      Ontology-based KM
       Svivot                       Contextor                            CI Platform
        Other possible tools: Search engines, Rules Engines

                  © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74          60
Search & Information Retrieval
     Players in Israel

          Product                       Company in Israel
       Verity/Autonomy                            Matrix, Aman
               FAST                                      ONE1
            Convera                                         HP
          MOSS/SPS                                   Microsoft
                XRS                                      2001
            Morphix                                    Melingo

High-End Search is developing into Voice, Video
Low-End Search is growing from the desktop

         © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   61

    Enterprise Search and Retrieval
    Worldwide Positioning (Source: Butler Group)

         © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   62
Enterprise Search and Retrieval

t Autonomy: Yifat (Audio + Video)
t FAST: Partner

            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   63

       Search-enabled BI
       Easy access to structured and unstructured data

       But don’t neglect security considerations!
            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   64
IT KM Consultants
       (Partial List):

t ROM Knowledgeware                                     tNetwise – KM UI
t AKT - e-Learning                                      tAman (Pamam) – KM UI
t IT Solutions                                          tIndependent consultants
t Yael – KM strategy
t Byon - KM strategy
t Elad – KM methodologies
t Gait – document
t Digidoc – Scanning
  processes planning

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   65

      Business Intelligence

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   66
BI spending is on the rise

     Around 15% Increase in Global BI spending
     In Israel: around 30%
          © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   67

     BI: What’s HOT and what’s NOT…

Meta Data                                              Enterprise Reporting
Data Quality                                           Ad-hoc query
Data Cleansing                                         OLAP
Master Data
BI for the masses
BI for IT
Text Mining

          © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   68
New Age BI: Definitions

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   69

        Next Generation BI

The application of BI Technologies to Business Processes =
“smarter processes”
Event-driven BI & BI-driven events
Real time guidance on what users should do (now) to
improve business performance

30% of large organizations are using real time BI apps
(source: Cutter)

    Operational BI = Analytics + BPM/Apps

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   70
BI Trends 2007-8

  Operational Analytics: BI for tactical everyday decisions
  Real Time/Near Real Time
  DW architecture questions (EDW vs. multiple DWs)
  Need to handle security and permissions
  Moving towards User-Managed BI (bringing in experts):
  The BI Competency Center
  BI Portal/Dashboard in almost every BI project

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           71

           BI Project
           User/Vendor Value Chain

   1                  2                        3                                4          5
   User                                Value-                                          Vendor-
Responsibility                         Added                                           Managed
                                      Services                                         Services

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           72
Business Intelligence:
           The Evolution of Needs

                 In the Past…                                                 The future

The user     t Upper     Management                             t The        entire organization
                                                                t Applications/            processes

              t Help in making strategic                             t Automating           Strategic
The target      decisions                                                Decisions

The tools     t OLAP,         Q&R, dashboards                        t Alerts/          Event Mng
              t Enterprise        DW                                 t Process           enablement
                © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                   73

           BI Covering the Entire Organization

  EIS, Dashboards

  OLAP, Q&R                                                Middle
  Data Mining

  Operational BI                                           Employees

                © 2007 STKI     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                   74
Right Time Analytics (vs. Real Time)

                  * Source: DM Review
The Blended Approach:
Analyzing up-to-the-minute data in the context of historic information
so that actions can be initiated automatically

               © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   75

         Which Application Domains are most
         Popular? (Cutter Survey)

               © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   76
The Challenges of Operational BI

Operational BI requires more of a “SOA” architecture,
the old one isn’t suitable
Decentralization vs. one EDW: Threatens the “Single
Version of the Truth”
Requires different skill-sets: Operational + Analytic
Performance issues (high peak of events)
More real time = Less data quality/cleansing

            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   77

      BI Pitfalls


There is not enough awareness in the planning
stage to security issues in BI

BI has become “too useful” and easy to use

The planning/analysis phase is the place where
the problem begins

            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   78
BI General Platforms (Part 1):

      Package                     Rep in Israel                                           Integrators
                                                                                            Ness, IBM, EDS
         SAP BW                             Ness
                                                                           Advantech, Taldor, SRL, Gilon, Team
 Microsoft SQL Server BI                                             Consist, Gilon, SoftCubes ONE1, HighView,
  Solutions, Analytics                 Microsoft Israel             Opisoft, Advantech, Gstat (data mining), SRL,
       Foundation                                                                     Bynet SW
                                                                       Libi, Opisoft, Seven-D, Gilon,Consist,
         Cognos                              Libi                   Advantech, Bynet SW, IBM, Gilon, Data Mine,
                                                                          Mirkam (Energy), Malam-Team
                                                                      SoftCubes (ONE1), Consist, Point of View,
    Business Objects                       Matrix
                                                                     Opisoft, Gilon, Matrix, IBM, Data Cubes, Yael
        Webfocus                            Ness                                                  SRL, Gilon
BI EE (Enterprise Edition –
 mainly Siebel Analytics)                                                Oracle Consulting, Taldor, IBM, ONE1
                                        Oracle Israel
BI SE (Standard Edition –                                            (SoftCubes), Gilon, Advantech, Opisoft, Yael
   mainly discoverer)

                         © 2007 STKI      moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 79

                BI General Platforms (Part 2):

                                               Rep in
            Package                                                                      Integrators
                  SPSS                            Genius                                    Genius, Gstat
                  SAS                       Mia Computers                           Mia, Gilon (+EIS), Pareto
                                                                          Gilon, Consist, HighView, Bynet SW,
                                                                              Data Cube, Integrity, ONE1
              Panorama                         Panorama
                                                                                Ness (Panorama on SAP BW),
                                                                                     Business Solutions
            Microstrategy                       Mittwoch                                          Mittwoch
             EIS (Sigma)                            Gilon                                          Gilon

                         © 2007 STKI      moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 80
BI Specialized/
            Complementary Products:

      Package                                                                       Description
                                                                   Identifying business events (exceptions)
Verix (Business Events)                 Gilon
                                                                        automatically and proactively
          DQA                           Gilon                                            Data Quality
   BI Signal (Hiposoft)                 Gilon                         Operational BI - Alerts & KPIs on SAP
        BI Portal                       Gilon                                     Dashboard, BI Portal
                                                                 Monitoring and Configuration Management
          EQM                         Consist
                                                                            for Business Objects
Gstat Analytical Platform               Gstat                              Next best offer, Supply Chain

                      © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 81

              BI Players Worldwide Positioning
              Source: Butler Group

                      © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 82
BI Suits:
                       Positioning in Israel

                                                                              B.O Microsoft
   Local Support

                                                           SAP BW
                                                  Web Focus


                                                                                      This analysis should be used with
                                           Market Presence                            its supporting documents
This positioning does NOT take into consideration 74 444 74 analysis with these tools
                       © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 the depth of               83

                      BI – Selected Installations 2006-1Q07
                      (Partial List) – Part 1

               t Cognos – Flying Cargo, Kashia, Almondant, Bank
                 Mizrachi, EMC, Johnson & Johnson, Meonot Maccabi,
                 Optir, Mifaley Hamzan, DSP, Sinron, 10 (oil company),
                 T&T, Tikshuv CC; Cognos 8 upgrades: Cellcom, Israel
                 Train, Egged, Yafora Tavori, Bank Poalim, AVNET,
                 Hzorea, Catterpillar, Askopa, Keren Nizkei Teva, M. of
                 Prime Minister, Leumit Health Services, Derech Eretz
               t Business Objects: 888 (Random Logic), Keshet,
                 Menora, Police; BOXI upgrades: Pelephone, Phoenix,
                 IEC, YES, NICE, Mifal Hapais, Comverse, Rafael,
                 KAMAG, Elbit, Mizrachi, ZIM, Tnuva, TAAS

                             © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                         84
BI – Selected Installations 2006-1Q07
            (Partial List) – Part 2

 t Panorama – Tel Aviv Municipality, Neopharm, Bank of
   Jerusalem, Bezeq International, Yes, Lavi Timeteck,
   Stimatzky, Castro, Nice, Amdocs (Scorecard), Mirs,
   Polimer, Dizenhouse, Ralco
 t Web Focus – Basasach, Hachsharat Hayeshuv
 t SAS (BI Server: Reporting) – Mizrachi, Shikun and Binui,
   Investment firm, Bituach Haklai
 t Microsoft BI Solutions/PerformancePoint – Bezeq,
   Mekorot, Clalit Health Services, Comverse…
 t Oracle BI Suite – BI EE – ECI, IDF; Discoverer/DBI -
   Tama, Teva, Mellanox, Audiocodes, Rafael, Air Force,
   Tel Aviv Univ.

                     © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74            85

                Financial and Budget Planning

                                    Rep in
     Package                                                                       Integrators
         GEAC                          Ness                                                Opisoft

    Hyperion, HFM                      HMS                                                      HMS
          TM1                         Byconix                            Byconix, Ernst & Young, ONE1
      Oracle EPB                   Oracle Israel                            Ernst & Young, Yael, ONE1
B.O Planning + ABC (ALG)              Matrix                                                   Matrix
        Cognos                          Libi                                      Libi, 7th Dimention
     SAP SEM - BPS                     Ness                                 Ness, IBM, EDS, Advantech
      Power OLAP                   BPMknowledge                                      BPMknowledge
          SAS                      Mia computers                                                Mia

                3/2007: Oracle announced it will acquire Hyperion
                     © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74            86
Financial Planning Wins 2006-1Q07
             (Partial List)

 t Hyperion – Nice (budget planning)
 t SAP SEM – Netafim, Agan-Makhteshim, Zim, Tower
 t Cognos Planning – DSP, Bank Mizrachi
 t BO Planning - Elbit

   Slight Increase in budget planning
            projects in Israel

                       © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                      87

            BPM, Scorecard, Dashboard
            players in Israel
       Package                       Rep in Israel                                       Integrators
    Business Scorecard                                                       Gilon, Consist, SoftCubes ONE1,
                                      Microsoft Israel
      Manager(BSM)                                                                  HighView, Opisoft
Cognos CPM, CMM, Celequest                     Libi                           Opisoft, Gilon, Libi, Data Mine
                                                                            SoftCubes (ONE1), Consist, Gilon,
   Business Objects CPM                      Matrix
                                                                                  Matrix, Point of View
    Excellius (dashboard)                    Matrix                                   Matrix, B.O partners
        Oracle CPM                      Oracle Israel                                  Ernst & Young, Yael
          SAS EIP                     Mia Computers                                            Mia, Gilon
                                                                            Gilon, Consist, Opisoft, HighView,
        Panorama                          Panorama
                                                                                     Softcubes ONE1
         PBViews                      PerfomanceSoft                                         PerfomanceSoft
           Geac                               Ness                                               Opisoft
         Hyperion                              HMS                                                HMS
            TM1                             Byconix                                             Byconix
        iDashboard                           Bynet                                               Bynet
            QPR                       BPMknowledge                                  BPMKnowledge, Consist
            SAP        © 2007 STKI
                                     moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74
                                                                                             SAP integrators    88
Business Intelligence
               Specialists in Israel (Partial List)

•   SoftCubes (ONE1)
•   Gilon – Entered data mining (now includes EIS), BI applications
•   IBM – stood out in campaign management, SAP BW
•   Opisoft – stood out in CPM, Microsoft BI
•   Gstat – stood out in Data Mining
•   Synergy – stood out in campaign management projects
•   Advantech
•   HMS – stood out in financial BI
•   Matrix – stood out in Data Quality
•   Consist – stood out in B.O, Microsoft BI
•   Point of View
•   Aman – Stood out in Data Quality
•   Match
•   HighView
•   Data Cube – BI for Retail

                    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   89


                    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   90
Unmanaged Data:
       The Problem

    Data Silos:
       Legacy data were modeled with vertical
      applications in mind, which led to
      duplication of the same information
      across multiple data sets
    Politics & Organization:
       Organizations with vertically structured
      IT organizations may not be quot;politicallyquot;
      ready for the move toward a centralized
      representation of information

            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   91

       Information Management

    Data & Information are a valuable asset to
    the organization, but…
        Information remains an underutilized
       strategic resource
        More than 50% of business users aren’t
       getting the data when they need it
    Information Management will help companies
    gain a competitive edge
50% of WW organizations have information architectures
        & information management processes
            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   92
Data Integration Problems

* Source: CIO Insight

                        © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   93

              Data Architecture

            * Source: BI Research, DM Review
                        © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   94
Master Data Management (MDM)

  An enterprise’s ability to deliver a consistent set
  of information (about a specific entity) across the
  entire organization
  Operational as well as analytical applications
  Source: Cutter

What impact does the data have on the business’ decision?
                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   95

        The MDM Architecture

        * Source: Cutter
                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   96
Benefits of using MDM

  One common view of key data while Maintaining
  the current structure
  Enforcing “Data Policies” (who can access, who
  can update etc.)
  Reduces duplicate data entry
  Cleaner information
  Ability to execute processes faster (e.g –
  marketing plans)
  Cases in which MDM is almost crucial:

            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 97

       MDM Implementation Methods

  An External List
  Index + Federation (EII style)                                                     Can be a
  ODS/Federation                                                                  combined solution


Offline vs. Online, Static vs. Dynamic

            © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                 98
Implementing MDM: The Challenges

  Change in the way we view data (managing
  data as an asset)
  Takes time, energy & cultural change
  Need for data ARCHITECTURE & management
  Performance issues

           © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74    99

     MDM in Israel

Organizations who are using an ODS will find it
easier to move to MDM
Organizations who are used to data silos will find
it very difficult
Most Israeli organizations don’t have a business
entity that is in charge of Data
Data Manager is the most important thing!
Israeli Verticals most likely to go into MDM:
    Financial Services (mainly Insurance)
     Telecom (due to high rate of M&As)

           © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   100
MDM/ Data Hubs in Israel

                                        Rep in
       Package                                                                        Integrators
     Oracle Data Hubs                 Oracle Israel                                               Matrix

         SAP MDM                           Ness                                                   Ness
IBM WCC (Customer), WPC
                                        IBM Israel                                         IBM, Matrix
 Tibco (CIM Collaboration
                                           Yael                                                   Yael
    Integration Model)
     Attunity Infocus                 Attunity Israel                                        Attunity
   Teradata MDM (+i2)                   Mittwoch                                            Mittwoch

* This list doesn’t include Data Quality/Cleansing

                        © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74            101

              MDM/EII Product Wins

    SAP MDM: Migdal, Ministry of Health
    Oracle Data Hub: Financial Data Hub Sale
    IBM WII: M. of Education, Menora
    Composit (EII) – Libi: Batey Zikuk, Orbotech, IAI,
    Teva, IDF

                        © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74            102

    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   103

The BPM Life Cycle


    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   104
The BPM Life Cycle

Still a Best-of-Breed Market,                                                      Model
ruled by BPA vendors                                       Replan                           Optimize

Using BPA tools has become
a Best-Practice for large-                                 Analyze                          Automate
scale projects (i.e – ERP)
                                                            / Optimization

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                       105

        The BPM Life Cycle


                                                           Replan                           Optimize

                                                           Analyze                          Automate
Mainly used within                                          / Optimization
Application Packages                                                          Monitor

             © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                       106
The BPM Life Cycle

                                                                                                  Get Back to
                                                                                          Model   Innovation

                                                                  Replan                           Optimize

Usually used when real time
monitoring is needed (BAM)
                                                                  Analyze                          Automate
                                                                   / Optimization

                    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                       107

            BPM Adoption

 * Source: CIO Insight

            BPM WW adoption still quite low
                In Israel - even lower

                    © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                       108

BPM Execution: Part of Application packages
BPM Modeling: Best-of-Breed Market
Using BPM tools for planning of large software
projects is becoming a best practice (not only used
by users, also by external integrators)
Microsoft recent BPM announcements (alliances) will
help commoditize BPM
Regulations and Audits are driving BPM projects
More BPM “solutions” (Semi-packaged processes)

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   109

            BPM Recommendations

Use BPM as a tool for innovation: think about
“improved new processes”, don’t automate old ones*
Consider using BPA in every large project
Designate a process owner to each process
Consider the need for ongoing maintenance,
plan for it upfront*
When choosing a BPM technology,
BPEL support is a must

* Source: STKI 2007 BPM Round Table

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   110
BPM enables
           Business Process Innovation

 “If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know

  how to do, we call it productivity.

 If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and

 different, we call it innovation.”
 Peter Drucker

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           111

           BPM Project
           User/Vendor Value Chain

   1                  2                        3                                4          5
   User                                Value-                                          Vendor-
Responsibility                         Added                                           Managed
                                      Services                                         Services

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74           112
BPM Players in Israel – Part 1:

                                                                                              Other Integration
                 Package                                     Rep in Israel
                                                                                            Malam-Team, Advantech,
            Oracle FUSION, BPEL                                    Oracle                    Taldor, and Many other
                                                                                               Potential Partners
                    Aris                                            Seker

 ProcessGene (Business Process Integration)                   ProcessGene

              FileNet, Vflow                                  IFN Solutions                        IBM, Yael
              Provision (BPA)                                  Niram Gitan                      XIOMA, BenefIT
                Tibco BPM                                           Yael
                  IBM PS                                          IBM Israel                        Matrix
Biztalk + WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation)
  And new BPM Alliances with Aris, PNMsoft,                 Microsoft Israel                  Many Partners, ISVs
     Agilepoint, METAstorm, Amberpoint…
                 Sequence                                         PNMsoft                         Matrix, Ness

                      © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                           113

            BPM Players in Israel – Part 2:

                                                                                            Other Integration
             Package                               Rep in Israel
            AgilePoint                                     Ness                                    SRL
             Ultimus                                      Aman
             Captaris                                      Elad
                                                                                      Many Potential Partners – all
           SAP BPM/WF                                      Ness
                                                                                            SAP Integrators
EMC (Documentum + Proactivity BPM)                     EMC, Ness
       BEA (Includes Fuego)                           ONE1-Liam                                   E-wave
          METAStorm, K2                              Team-Malam
              Optio                                         SIT
    QPR (integrated BPA + CPM)                      BPMknowledge                                  Consist

                      © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                           114
BPM Selected Installations 2006-1Q07
ARIS: ECI (Post ERP maintenance), IAI (SAP), Radware (ERP
Oracle), Agis (ERP and compliance), Diplomat (ERP), Msystems
(Oracle ERP), Paz
ProcessGene: Migdal Group (business process integration), Teva
(global ERP rollout Multi Org Project), Keter Plastic (global SAP
business process integration), 5 projects abroad
Sequense (Panam): Makhteshim, TAMAT, IDF - MAZI, Hilan
K2: DHL, Tower
AgilePoint: Tel Aviv Municipality
Tibco: Partner, Bezeq, Pelephone(Number Portability), KD (+BAM)
Oracle BPEL: Dapei Zaghav, Mamram, Bank Israel
QPR: Pelephone (BPA + CPM)

                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   115


                 © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   116
Business Value of Portals


        From Gateway Portals to09Operational/Process Portals
              © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 74 444 74 117

        Internal Portals
        Current State in Israel

t 1st Generation Gateway Portals are being
  “abandoned” – most aren’t user-oriented
   tRecommendations: use Web 2.0 concepts, pay
    more attention to User Interface (UI)
t Organizations are building more and more
  Process/task-oriented Process Portals
t Need for Portal Governance
t WSRP and JSR still aren’t used
t No inter-Portals integration YET

                © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74      118
Portal Project
            User/Vendor Value Chain

   1                       2                            3                                4                    5
   User                                         Value-                                                    Vendor-
Responsibility                                  Added                                                     Managed
                                               Services                                                   Services

       Organizations want internal governance
                AND external expertise
 Some are building a “Joint” Portal center of excellence

                      © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                     119

           Portals: Players in Israel

    Company                            Product Name                                             Integrators
                                Websphere Portal                                        IBM, Matrix, Risotech,
         IBM                Workplace Services Express                                SPL-Idor, KITS-advantech,
                        NEW – Web 2 Workplace: “Hannover”                                   Midlink, C-soft
                                                                                        Matrix, Team (Malam),
       Microsoft                             SPS/MOSS                                  SRL, SPL, Netwise, Elad,
                                                                                         Ness, Sqlink, Bynet,
                                                                                         Advatech, We!………
        ONE1                            BEA (+Plumtree)                               ONE1, Mckit, HP, e-Wave
                                                                                         Matrix, eWave, Coral,
                                          Oracle Portal                                   Taldor, Advantech,
                                        New: Web Center                                  Unitask, Team-Malam,
                                                                                         Ness, E121, EDS, IBM,
  Ness, SAP Portals                         SAP Portal                                  SRL, Advantech, HP, B2
                                                                                             Tech, Taldor
        Matrix                  Vignette, Peoplesoft Portal                                        Matrix
         Sun                        Java System Portal Server                                       Sun
   Yael Software                           Tibco Portal                                            Yael

                      © 2007 STKI       moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74                     120
Portals Positioning in Israel


                                                                  Sap Portal
Local Support

                                                                Websphere Portal


                                     BEA +

                                                                    This analysis should be used with its
                                                                    supporting documents

                                         Market Presence
                           © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74             121

                     Portals – Selected Installations
                     2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – Part 1

                SPS Portal(Internal): Netwise – Tefen, Phoenix,
                PowerDsine, Amdocs (Sales); Matrix - Random Logic, M.
                of Prime Minister; Bynet SW – Paradigm, El Al
                MOSS migrations: By Netwise: Haphonix, Poalim,
                Mizrachi, Internal Security office, Discount, HOT,
                Amdocs, Nice, IEC, Pelephone; By SRL: Informatics,
                Telmap, Scepia
                MSFT CMS (External): Matrix – Clalit Health Services,
                Leumi-Card, Reshet, M. of Infras., M. of Education;
                Netwise -Stock Excahnge (CMS), El Al (CMS); Elad –
                Inbal, Tel Aviv Municipality…

                           © 2007 STKI    moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74             122
Portals – Selected Installations
     2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – Part 2

IBM Portal: Opal, Harel Hamishmar, Menora, V6 upgrade
- Yad Vashem
Vignette: Keshet Interactive, RAD
Oracle Portal: Zraim Gadera
BEA Portal: Hevra LeAutomazia

           © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   123

 Thank You
 for your assistance in this research
 Einat Shimoni
 Senior Analyst & VP
           © 2007 STKI   moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74   124

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Enterprise Applications Strategies 2007

  • 1. © 2006 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 1 Agenda Applications MEGA Trends Enterprise Applications CRM ERP KM & ECM Business Intelligence MDM/Data Hubs BPM Portals © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 2
  • 2. The Innovation Lifecycle IT innovation BPM SOFTWARE ALLOWS MANAGEMENT HELPS CREATE THE NEW TO FIX AND IMPROVE BUSINESS PROCESSES ON EXECUTION OF PROCESSES The Innovation Lifecycle IT execution process IT COMPOSITE APPLICATIONS ALLOW USERS TO IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 3 Application MEGA Trends The pace of M&A increases Large vendors moving downstream (SMBs) More integrated solutions (Applistructures) From Application-dependency to Platform-dependency Processes-oriented, Vertical Solutions Everything is becoming SaaS Everything is becoming (web) 2.0 © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 4
  • 3. Applications Technology Radar Interest BPM KM Web 7 2.0 0 20 0 2 Implementing 06 Operational Operational BI BI Using ERP 2 MDM/ BPM MDM/ ERP 2 ECM Data ERP 1 Data hubs Operational hubs Gateway Portals Portals Collaborative CRM Operational CRM BI 20 Analytical 07 CRM 06 20 Analytical CRM © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 5 How does SOA Impact Application Choices? Monolithic applications are decreasing Monolithic platforms are increasing SOA Survey: Only 8% have live SOA deployments 17% are testing the enabling technology 36% are evaluating © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 6
  • 4. Applistructure Vendors Source: Butler Group Plumtree © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 7 Disruptive Changes in the Applications Market: 2007 & beyond SaaS Presented a new way of consuming software Web 2.0 Presented a new way of producing & consuming information © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 8
  • 5. SaaS Software as a Service vs. vs. © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 9 SaaS: WW Market Adoption Worldwide SaaS Market: t30% are already using SaaS tMost vendors have an on-Demand model t88% are satisfied (down from 92%) tCRM SaaS AGR: 35% tERP SaaS AGR: 45% © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 10
  • 6. CRM and SFA: Most Popular Saas Application Type * Source: Cutter © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 11 SaaS: Israeli Market Adoption Israel SaaS Market: tMost organizations aren’t aware of this model tSome are checking it for point-specific needs tMost vendors aren’t pushing on-Demand (even if they have an existing model in place) 2 Exceptions: Salaries/Payroll © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 12
  • 7. Application Projects User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 13 STKI IT Model © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 14
  • 8. CRM © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 15 3 CRM Stages Operational CRM: Service, Sales, Marketing (Actionable) Analytical CRM Customer Experience Management feedback Mng. Self-Service Click-to-call © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 16
  • 9. CRM Major Trends t Small fragmented projects t Legacy replacements t Maximizing value from existing installations t Operational Analytics: Real time Guidance, Event- driven marketing t CRM “Applistructures” t Creating a “single customer view” by using CDI/MDM t Hosted SaaS Model continues to grow t Customer Experience Management will be the next phase for CRM-oriented organizations © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 17 Customer Experience Management: E-service t Customer Experience Management is picking up t E-service projects in Israel during 2007 will include: tPortals to externalize CRM to clients tCustomer Interaction Management tImplementing CRM e-Service modules tIncluding Click-to-call functionality in websites © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 18
  • 10. SaaS CRM WW Market No. of Employees CRM SaaS Growth 1-1000 36% 1000-5000 31% 5000 42% Source: Data Monitor CRM SaaS is entering enterprises © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 19 Customer Data Integration (CDI) t Customer Data is growing an average of 50% per year t Companies would like to deliver a consistent view of the customer across the entire organization t First adopters in Israel for CDI solutions will most likely be: tFinancial Services Companies (First ones being Insurance companies) tTelecom companies (due to M&A activity) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 20
  • 11. CRM Implementations Recommendations tThink Strategy while implementing tactical projects tDefine Implementation roadmap & Vision tConsider CDI tUse analytics in first phase tThink about the customer experience © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 21 CRM Packages & Integrators in Israel: Mid - High End Market Package Rep in Israel Integrators Siebel Taldor Taldor, IBM Yael, Malam-Team, Oracle Oracle Enterprise ONE1UP, Oracle, EDS Peoplesoft Matrix Matrix SAP, Express solutions Ness Ness, IBM, EDS, Advantech Amdocs (Clarify) Amdocs Amdocs, HP Pivotal ONE1 ONE1 ONE1 ONE1 20 Partners, including: Mid Tier Matrix-Effect, Advantech, Microsoft CRM Microsoft SIT, Team, Malam, Eyron, We!, Netwise, Bynet SW, Yael, Avaya…. MEGA Center Yael Yael Onyx © 2007 STKI IT Navigator moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 IT Navigator 22
  • 12. Microsoft-Based CRM Solutions In Israel Company Solution NEW Clients (2006) Car Market: Meir, Eldan, Debis, Rental, Leasing, Lubinsky, Dorent Import Yashir Beit Effect (Matrix) Capital Market Hashkaot, Gaon Gemel Tele Meeting Psagot Ofek Gaon Beit Hashkaot, Campaign Manager Forum Beer Sheva Team ‫מוקד בקרה וביטחון‬ Bank Hapoalim Team ‫ניהול אגודות ותרומות‬ Bnei Zion hospital Team ‫פניות ציבור‬ M. Of internal affairs Advantech Capital Market * This List doesn’t include internal IT Help Desk Solutions © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 23 CRM-Related Products: Developing/ Solution Description Representing Company Enterprise Incentives Incentives, Incentives Pro Management Matrix-partner Marketing Micro- Yadata Yadata Segmentation (Ad-hoc) Kana Collaborative CRM Malam Talisma – CIM (customer interaction Collaborative CRM Business Solutions management) Feedback Mng, Cemax Cemax Complaints Mng. © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 24
  • 13. CRM Consultants in Israel (Partial List) t Altenative t Widelink t Synergy: Campaign Management, Analytical CRM t Sensecom: Call Centers t Meteor t IT solutions t Deloitte Touche: Strategy, business case t Accenture t Several Independent advisors © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 25 HIGH-END CRM in Israel: Price Per Seat • License: $1K - $3K • Integration: 2 x license • Hardware: 1 x license • Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) • Training & Change Mng: 1 x license • Testing: 0.25-0.5 x license • Data Quality: 0.25-0.5 x license Total: 6 x license $6,000 - $18,000 per seat © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 26
  • 14. Mid-Tier CRM in Israel: Price Per Seat • License: $500 - $1K • Integration: 1 x license • Hardware: 0.25 x license • Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) • Implementation 0.75 x license (training, testing, data quality) Total: 3 x license $1,500 - $3,000 per seat © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 27 CRM - Israeli Market Positioning Siebel Peoplesoft Microsoft SAP Local Support Oracle Pivotal Enterprise MEGACenter Salesforce MID-Tier Onyx Clarify This analysis should be used with its supporting documents Market Presence © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 28
  • 15. CRM Selected Wins – 2006/1Q7 (Partial List) t Peoplesoft: Telecom client (Field Service), Financial client t Siebel: Bank Leumi upgrade/expansion t SAP: Migdal, Excellence t Oracle: Radware t Microsoft: Comverse, Isracard, Navy, Ministry of Defense, Assuta, Tehila, M. of Tourism t Salesforce (80 new): Check Point, Aish HaTorah, Creo, Edusoft, Tecnomatix Unicam,, Finjan, Ceragon, Cyota, TTI telecom, Zend Tech, PowerDsine t Pivotal: Ernst & Young, Raanana Municipality, Imbar t Onyx: Tikshuv, OneCall, Celltick, Brightmark, Alladin (customer portal), Starhome © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 29 Campaign Management Package Vendors in Israel Product Name Israeli Representative Unica Gstat, IBM – Integrator Chordiant IBM - Integrator SAS Mia Computers Teradata Analytic CRM Mittwoch Siebel Marketing Automation Taldor Peoplesoft Marketing Automation Matrix Pivotal MarketFirst ONE1 Clarify Marketing Amdocs Oracle Campaign Management Oracle SAP Campaign Management Ness MEGACenter Marketing Module Yael Onyx Marketing Automation IT Navigator Other CRM vendors… Existing Installations © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 30
  • 16. Campaign Management Selected Wins (2006-1Q07) t Unica: Visa (integrator - IBM), YES (intergator – Gilon) t SAS: Bituach Yashir (integrator – Gilon) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 31 CRM Project User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 32
  • 17. ERP © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 33 ERP Israeli Trends: Enterprise ERP t Most Large SAP ERP shops are using Netweaver ~50% are upgraded/are upgrading to ECC t Most Oracle ERP shops are planning to use Fusion Very high interest in BI EE (aka Siebel Analytics) t In 2006 SAP focused on Financial Services, Public Sector & All-in-one for other verticals t Oracle focused on Financial Services, Retail & High-Tech t Oracle & SAP will continue to push more verticals © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 34
  • 18. ERP Israeli Trends: Mid-market ERP t Continued verticalization of mid-market ERP solutions t Vendors are including more WF/BPM & integrated analytics in their packages t More “Bundling” of ERP + CRM © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 35 SaaS ERP WW Market ERP SaaS is entering SMBs No. of Employees ERP SaaS Growth 1-1000 56% 1000-5000 45% 5000 34% Source: Data Monitor ERP is just starting to adopt SaaS (SMBs) HR and ERP will be the fastest growing SaaS © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 36
  • 19. ERP New Announcements (main impact on Mid-market ERP) tOracle announced its Accelerated Edition (Preconfigured Verticals) for SMB market tSAP announced A1S Saas-friendly package tMicrosoft will enter the Israeli ERP market © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 37 ERP Packages & Integrators: Package Rep in Israel Integrators Ness, IBM, Taldor, Advantech, Malam, Team, EDS, SAP, SAP All-in-One Ness Accenture, HP, Aman, SRL, Danshir Yael, Malam-Team, ONE1UP, Oracle cons., EDS, Oracle Apps Oracle Israel Advantech (Applet + Daemon), Ernst & Young E-Tafnit Matrix Matrix Priority Ashbal Ashbel, Tulip, Meidatech, Afek, RAAN, EDS MFG/PRO SIT SIT Movex Intentia Intentia Aviv, MARS (retail) Aviv Aviv ONE ERP ONE1 ONE1 Xioma,Malam- Team (Etop), RELS, Harel comp Malal, SAP Business One SAP Business One Complete, Menahel4U, Todan, Reut-ONE Oracle Special Unitask, Afek, Motorola, Malam-Team, ONE1UP, Oracle Edition Advanteck (Applet + Daemon), Ernst &Young, Yael KAV systems Kav Kav, Ardom FinPro, Logistic Pro Almog Almog Gan Tochnot Heshev Aman Aman BPCS, Baan Matrix © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 Afek, IBM (Baan), Tulip (Baan) tel 09 74 444 74 38
  • 20. ERP - Israeli Market Positioning 2006-1Q07 Enterprise ERP Medium - Large ERP SMB ERP > 250 (Concurrent) users 100 - 250 users < 100 users Priority Oracle SAP SAP Oracle ONE1 All in one SAP Local Support BO ERP ONE1 Priority Oracle SE ERP MFG/ Tafnit MFG/ Tafnit Pro Pro Kav Movex Aviv Movex Aviv Market Presence This analysis should be used © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 with its supporting documents 39 ERP - Israeli Market Positioning 2006-1Q07 Enterprise ERP Medium - Large ERP SMB ERP > 250 (Concurrent) users 100 - 250 users < 100 users Priority Oracle SAP SAP Oracle ONE1 All in one SAP Local Support BO ERP ly nt ONE1 Priority Oracle SE e d e iliz ERP ttl ta es ns g MFG/ Tafnit ab Ba MFG/ Tafnit Co han Pro St In Pro Aviv C AvivKav Movex Movex Market Presence This analysis should be used © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 with its supporting documents 40
  • 21. ERP Selected Wins 2006-1Q07 (Partial List): t SAP: Bank Beinleumi, Excellence Nesua, Bank Leumi, Tel Aviv Municipality, Phishman Holdings, Automatzia, MAAZ ECC – Zim, Bank Leumi, Clalit Health Services, Strauss- Elite, Shastovitch, Inbal… t SAP All-in-one (Best Practices): Shastovitz, Widelink, Telrad, Conegy, Zoglovek, Yafora Tavori, Diplomat, Dai Telecom, Taldor, Nechasim & Binyan, Inbal t Oracle: Frutarom, Iscor, Tama, Ormat, Radware, RH Electronics t Oracle Special Edition: BTG, Danpal, Polishak, IDT, Extricom, GOnetworks, TAAT © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 41 ERP Selected Wins 2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – cont.: t ONE1 ERP: Keren Kayemet, Negev Ceramics, Hachsharat Hayeshuv, Mifaley Mazon, Lochamey Getaot, Elisha Hospital, Givat Haim t Tafnit: Academic Sector: Weissman Institute,Beer Sheva College - Sami Shamon; Car Rental: Europcar, Traffic; Financial (Factoring): Psagot, Haphoenix Platinum; Healthcare: Assuta, Mayney Hayeshua, “computerized closet” – Shiba hospital; Protected Tenancy: Mishan, Shuster t Aviv ERP: MARS (Retail ERP): Royalty Jewelry Chain; Classic ERP: Ofakim, WTA; Logistics ERP: 13 hospitals © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 42
  • 22. ERP Project User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 43 HR Trends tTalent Management tEmployee Performance Management tManaging Social Networks Usually “ERP 2nd Phase” Projects © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 44
  • 23. ERP Consultants (Partial List) t Deloitte Touche t Accenture t Meteor t Tulip t Bit-Plus t Seker t HMS t Ernst & Young t OIC t Several Independent advisors © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 45 Knowledge Management © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 46
  • 24. Web 2.0 Internal Impact: The New Age KM t A Cultural Attitude – user centricity t A set of technologies – AJAX, RSS t Best Practices for Collaboration – Blogs, Wikis, Tagging, Communities The Problems with Web 2.0-oriented KM: hard to maintain consistency & quality, overflow of information © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 47 Collaboration Tools Webinars Portals E-Mail Shared Collaborative Workspaces Document Calendar Management Net Meetings Wikis Instant Messaging Blogs Source: Butler Group © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 48
  • 25. Collaboration Technologies * Source: CIO Insight © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 49 ECM Trends t ECM platforms – OUT t ECM Applications – IN t Blogs, Wikis, RSS - IN t Content Collaboration – IN Collective Intelligence New expected applications: Web Analytics, Text Mining © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 50
  • 26. The Information Constraint Knowledge Workers = 50% of HR costs Today’s Knowledge Worker’s spends ¼ his day searching for information The Problem: Lack of Information & Too much information Organizations are losing 10% of their employees time… searching for information © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 51 ECM Project User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 52
  • 27. Internal Enterprise Content Management: Providers in Israel Product Israeli Rep. Integrators Doc.Mng Archiving FileNet IFN, IBM IFN Solutions X X Documentum Ness Ness X X Interwoven Xioma Xioma X X Open Text - IXOS Consist Consist X Content Manager IBM IBM, Matrix, Comtec X X Open Text – Livelink ECM Top Solutions Top Solutions X X Sharedocs ELAD ELAD X MOSS Microsoft Many ISVs… X Meridio HP HP X X Omnisys, Matan, Yael, DocMaster Omnisys X Business Solutions D2K Matrix Matrix X X Ada system Artis Artis, Malam X X Oracle (Stellent) – Q207 in Israel Oracle x x © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 53 External Web Content Management: Providers in Israel Product Israeli Rep. Integrators Interwoven Xioma Xioma Content Manager IBM IBM, Matrix, Comtec MOSS Microsoft Many ISVs… Scepia (WCM) Scepia Scepia Ezcontent Bynet Bynet Vignette Matrix Matrix, Real Commerce Broadvision ONE1 ONE1 Consist Site Management Consist Consist FileNet IFN, IBM IFN Solutions Documentum Ness Ness Open Text – Livelink ECM Top Solutions Top Solutions Oracle (Stellent) – Q207 in Israel Oracle © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 54
  • 28. ECM (Internal Content Management) Selected Wins 2006-1Q07: t Documentum: DSPG, Tel Aviv Municipality, BioLine t FileNet: Hevra Leautomazia; Madanes agency; upgrades – Phoenix, Ayalon; t Content Manager: Shlomo Haskart Rechev t Hummingbird: PRS Mediterranean t Interwoven: Law offices (3), Moriah, Citypass © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 55 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Products in Israel MOSS/Microsoft Based Solutions Documentum Local Support FileNet Content Manager Enterprise Interwoven Mid-Low eDocs DM End (formerly Hummingbird) Meridio This analysis should be used with its supporting documents Market Presence © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 56
  • 29. Special Purpose KM Apps Company Product Examples of Apps Advantech ActionBase ‫מעקב אחר משימות‬ ,‫ניהול מסמכים, מעקב אחר משימות‬ Elad Sharedocs ,‫פניות ציבור, מודול ועדות, ניהול חוזים‬ Captaris ‫נהלים, חיבור ל‬ ‫ניהול לשכה, חוזרים ונהלים, ניהול תיק‬ Matrix D2K-Pro ‫עובד, ניהול התקשרויות וחוזים‬ ,‫ניהול מסמכים וידע, ניהול פרויקטים‬ Omnisys DocMaster ‫ניהול משימות וישיבות‬ Short, pragmatic, cost effective projects Will continue to be very appealing to Israeli clients © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 57 Office Management Selected Wins (Selected Wins) 2006-1Q07: t Sharedocs: Document Management: Haphonix, Moaza Bitachon Leumi, Ichilov (also tasks), security client, Denia Sibus t D2K: Policies and HOZRIM: Bank Leumi, Bank Beinleumi; Offices Management + Employee Records: Clalit Hospitals © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 58
  • 30. Special Purpose KM Apps Company Product Examples of Apps Olive Olive Software E-Publishing, Content Intelligence Team - Malam Kana KnowledgeBase Danshir (Internative, DSKnowledge KnowledgeBase Berale) Mckit Linkware KnowledgeBase Management of Archives/ Libraries/ IDEA IDEA info Centers Management of Archives/ Libraries/ Exlibris Exlibris info Centers Business Solutions Talisma Knowledgebase © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 59 Special Purpose KM Apps Product Company Product Description: Yael Software Shemesh CI Platform Yael Software Tovana Text Mining Platform ONE1 - Liam Kapow Web data integration G-Wiz Intellidesk CI Platform MindCite Citer Ontology-based KM Svivot Contextor CI Platform Other possible tools: Search engines, Rules Engines © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 60
  • 31. Search & Information Retrieval Players in Israel Product Company in Israel Verity/Autonomy Matrix, Aman FAST ONE1 Convera HP MOSS/SPS Microsoft XRS 2001 Morphix Melingo High-End Search is developing into Voice, Video Low-End Search is growing from the desktop © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 61 Enterprise Search and Retrieval Worldwide Positioning (Source: Butler Group) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 62
  • 32. Enterprise Search and Retrieval 2006-1Q07: t Autonomy: Yifat (Audio + Video) t FAST: Partner © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 63 Search-enabled BI Easy access to structured and unstructured data But don’t neglect security considerations! © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 64
  • 33. IT KM Consultants (Partial List): t ROM Knowledgeware tNetwise – KM UI t AKT - e-Learning tAman (Pamam) – KM UI t IT Solutions tIndependent consultants t Yael – KM strategy t Byon - KM strategy t Elad – KM methodologies t Gait – document management t Digidoc – Scanning processes planning © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 65 Business Intelligence © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 66
  • 34. BI spending is on the rise Around 15% Increase in Global BI spending In Israel: around 30% © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 67 BI: What’s HOT and what’s NOT… Meta Data Enterprise Reporting Data Quality Ad-hoc query Data Cleansing OLAP Master Data Management EII BI for the masses BI for IT Text Mining © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 68
  • 35. New Age BI: Definitions © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 69 Next Generation BI The application of BI Technologies to Business Processes = “smarter processes” Event-driven BI & BI-driven events Real time guidance on what users should do (now) to improve business performance 30% of large organizations are using real time BI apps (source: Cutter) Operational BI = Analytics + BPM/Apps © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 70
  • 36. BI Trends 2007-8 Operational Analytics: BI for tactical everyday decisions Real Time/Near Real Time DW architecture questions (EDW vs. multiple DWs) Need to handle security and permissions Moving towards User-Managed BI (bringing in experts): The BI Competency Center BI Portal/Dashboard in almost every BI project © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 71 BI Project User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 72
  • 37. Business Intelligence: The Evolution of Needs In the Past… The future The user t Upper Management t The entire organization t Applications/ processes t Help in making strategic t Automating Strategic The target decisions Decisions The tools t OLAP, Q&R, dashboards t Alerts/ Event Mng t Enterprise DW t Process enablement © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 73 BI Covering the Entire Organization EIS, Dashboards Top Management KPIs OLAP, Q&R Middle Management Data Mining Operational BI Employees © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 74
  • 38. Right Time Analytics (vs. Real Time) * Source: DM Review The Blended Approach: Analyzing up-to-the-minute data in the context of historic information so that actions can be initiated automatically © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 75 Which Application Domains are most Popular? (Cutter Survey) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 76
  • 39. The Challenges of Operational BI Operational BI requires more of a “SOA” architecture, the old one isn’t suitable Decentralization vs. one EDW: Threatens the “Single Version of the Truth” Requires different skill-sets: Operational + Analytic Performance issues (high peak of events) More real time = Less data quality/cleansing © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 77 BI Pitfalls Security: There is not enough awareness in the planning stage to security issues in BI BI has become “too useful” and easy to use The planning/analysis phase is the place where the problem begins © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 78
  • 40. BI General Platforms (Part 1): Package Rep in Israel Integrators Ness, IBM, EDS SAP BW Ness Advantech, Taldor, SRL, Gilon, Team Microsoft SQL Server BI Consist, Gilon, SoftCubes ONE1, HighView, Solutions, Analytics Microsoft Israel Opisoft, Advantech, Gstat (data mining), SRL, Foundation Bynet SW Libi, Opisoft, Seven-D, Gilon,Consist, Cognos Libi Advantech, Bynet SW, IBM, Gilon, Data Mine, Mirkam (Energy), Malam-Team SoftCubes (ONE1), Consist, Point of View, Business Objects Matrix Opisoft, Gilon, Matrix, IBM, Data Cubes, Yael Webfocus Ness SRL, Gilon BI EE (Enterprise Edition – mainly Siebel Analytics) Oracle Consulting, Taldor, IBM, ONE1 Oracle Israel BI SE (Standard Edition – (SoftCubes), Gilon, Advantech, Opisoft, Yael mainly discoverer) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 79 BI General Platforms (Part 2): Rep in Package Integrators Israel SPSS Genius Genius, Gstat SAS Mia Computers Mia, Gilon (+EIS), Pareto Gilon, Consist, HighView, Bynet SW, Data Cube, Integrity, ONE1 Panorama Panorama Ness (Panorama on SAP BW), Business Solutions Microstrategy Mittwoch Mittwoch EIS (Sigma) Gilon Gilon © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 80
  • 41. BI Specialized/ Complementary Products: Marketing Package Description Company Identifying business events (exceptions) Verix (Business Events) Gilon automatically and proactively DQA Gilon Data Quality BI Signal (Hiposoft) Gilon Operational BI - Alerts & KPIs on SAP BI Portal Gilon Dashboard, BI Portal Monitoring and Configuration Management EQM Consist for Business Objects Gstat Analytical Platform Gstat Next best offer, Supply Chain © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 81 BI Players Worldwide Positioning Source: Butler Group © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 82
  • 42. BI Suits: Positioning in Israel B.O Microsoft Cognos Panorama Local Support SAP BW Oracle Web Focus SAS This analysis should be used with Market Presence its supporting documents This positioning does NOT take into consideration 74 444 74 analysis with these tools © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 the depth of 83 BI – Selected Installations 2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – Part 1 t Cognos – Flying Cargo, Kashia, Almondant, Bank Mizrachi, EMC, Johnson & Johnson, Meonot Maccabi, Optir, Mifaley Hamzan, DSP, Sinron, 10 (oil company), T&T, Tikshuv CC; Cognos 8 upgrades: Cellcom, Israel Train, Egged, Yafora Tavori, Bank Poalim, AVNET, Hzorea, Catterpillar, Askopa, Keren Nizkei Teva, M. of Prime Minister, Leumit Health Services, Derech Eretz t Business Objects: 888 (Random Logic), Keshet, Menora, Police; BOXI upgrades: Pelephone, Phoenix, IEC, YES, NICE, Mifal Hapais, Comverse, Rafael, KAMAG, Elbit, Mizrachi, ZIM, Tnuva, TAAS © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 84
  • 43. BI – Selected Installations 2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – Part 2 t Panorama – Tel Aviv Municipality, Neopharm, Bank of Jerusalem, Bezeq International, Yes, Lavi Timeteck, Stimatzky, Castro, Nice, Amdocs (Scorecard), Mirs, Polimer, Dizenhouse, Ralco t Web Focus – Basasach, Hachsharat Hayeshuv t SAS (BI Server: Reporting) – Mizrachi, Shikun and Binui, Investment firm, Bituach Haklai t Microsoft BI Solutions/PerformancePoint – Bezeq, Mekorot, Clalit Health Services, Comverse… t Oracle BI Suite – BI EE – ECI, IDF; Discoverer/DBI - Tama, Teva, Mellanox, Audiocodes, Rafael, Air Force, Tel Aviv Univ. © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 85 Financial and Budget Planning Packages Rep in Package Integrators Israel GEAC Ness Opisoft Hyperion, HFM HMS HMS TM1 Byconix Byconix, Ernst & Young, ONE1 Oracle EPB Oracle Israel Ernst & Young, Yael, ONE1 B.O Planning + ABC (ALG) Matrix Matrix Cognos Libi Libi, 7th Dimention SAP SEM - BPS Ness Ness, IBM, EDS, Advantech Power OLAP BPMknowledge BPMknowledge SAS Mia computers Mia 3/2007: Oracle announced it will acquire Hyperion © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 86
  • 44. Financial Planning Wins 2006-1Q07 (Partial List) t Hyperion – Nice (budget planning) t SAP SEM – Netafim, Agan-Makhteshim, Zim, Tower t Cognos Planning – DSP, Bank Mizrachi t BO Planning - Elbit Slight Increase in budget planning projects in Israel © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 87 BPM, Scorecard, Dashboard players in Israel Package Rep in Israel Integrators Business Scorecard Gilon, Consist, SoftCubes ONE1, Microsoft Israel Manager(BSM) HighView, Opisoft Cognos CPM, CMM, Celequest Libi Opisoft, Gilon, Libi, Data Mine SoftCubes (ONE1), Consist, Gilon, Business Objects CPM Matrix Matrix, Point of View Excellius (dashboard) Matrix Matrix, B.O partners Oracle CPM Oracle Israel Ernst & Young, Yael SAS EIP Mia Computers Mia, Gilon Gilon, Consist, Opisoft, HighView, Panorama Panorama Softcubes ONE1 PBViews PerfomanceSoft PerfomanceSoft Geac Ness Opisoft Hyperion HMS HMS TM1 Byconix Byconix iDashboard Bynet Bynet QPR BPMknowledge BPMKnowledge, Consist SAP © 2007 STKI Ness moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 SAP integrators 88
  • 45. Business Intelligence Specialists in Israel (Partial List) • SoftCubes (ONE1) • Gilon – Entered data mining (now includes EIS), BI applications • IBM – stood out in campaign management, SAP BW • Opisoft – stood out in CPM, Microsoft BI • Gstat – stood out in Data Mining • Synergy – stood out in campaign management projects • Advantech • HMS – stood out in financial BI • Matrix – stood out in Data Quality • Consist – stood out in B.O, Microsoft BI • Point of View • Aman – Stood out in Data Quality • Match • HighView • Data Cube – BI for Retail © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 89 Data © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 90
  • 46. Unmanaged Data: The Problem Data Silos: Legacy data were modeled with vertical applications in mind, which led to duplication of the same information across multiple data sets Politics & Organization: Organizations with vertically structured IT organizations may not be quot;politicallyquot; ready for the move toward a centralized representation of information © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 91 Information Management Data & Information are a valuable asset to the organization, but… Information remains an underutilized strategic resource More than 50% of business users aren’t getting the data when they need it Information Management will help companies gain a competitive edge 50% of WW organizations have information architectures & information management processes © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 92
  • 47. Data Integration Problems * Source: CIO Insight © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 93 Data Architecture * Source: BI Research, DM Review © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 94
  • 48. Master Data Management (MDM) An enterprise’s ability to deliver a consistent set of information (about a specific entity) across the entire organization Operational as well as analytical applications Source: Cutter What impact does the data have on the business’ decision? © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 95 The MDM Architecture * Source: Cutter © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 96
  • 49. Benefits of using MDM One common view of key data while Maintaining the current structure Enforcing “Data Policies” (who can access, who can update etc.) Reduces duplicate data entry Cleaner information Ability to execute processes faster (e.g – marketing plans) Cases in which MDM is almost crucial: M&A Compliance © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 97 MDM Implementation Methods An External List Index + Federation (EII style) Can be a ODS/Federation combined solution Coexistence Offline vs. Online, Static vs. Dynamic © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 98
  • 50. Implementing MDM: The Challenges Change in the way we view data (managing data as an asset) Takes time, energy & cultural change Need for data ARCHITECTURE & management Performance issues © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 99 MDM in Israel Organizations who are using an ODS will find it easier to move to MDM Organizations who are used to data silos will find it very difficult Most Israeli organizations don’t have a business entity that is in charge of Data Data Manager is the most important thing! Israeli Verticals most likely to go into MDM: Financial Services (mainly Insurance) Telecom (due to high rate of M&As) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 100
  • 51. MDM/ Data Hubs in Israel Rep in Package Integrators Israel Oracle Data Hubs Oracle Israel Matrix SAP MDM Ness Ness IBM WCC (Customer), WPC IBM Israel IBM, Matrix (Product) Tibco (CIM Collaboration Yael Yael Integration Model) Attunity Infocus Attunity Israel Attunity Teradata MDM (+i2) Mittwoch Mittwoch * This list doesn’t include Data Quality/Cleansing © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 101 MDM/EII Product Wins 2006-1Q2007 SAP MDM: Migdal, Ministry of Health Oracle Data Hub: Financial Data Hub Sale IBM WII: M. of Education, Menora Composit (EII) – Libi: Batey Zikuk, Orbotech, IAI, Teva, IDF © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 102
  • 52. BPM © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 103 The BPM Life Cycle Monitor © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 104
  • 53. The BPM Life Cycle Innovation Still a Best-of-Breed Market, Model ruled by BPA vendors Replan Optimize Using BPA tools has become a Best-Practice for large- Analyze Automate scale projects (i.e – ERP) Monitor / Optimization Monitor © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 105 The BPM Life Cycle Model Replan Optimize Analyze Automate Mainly used within / Optimization Application Packages Monitor Monitor Processes © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 106
  • 54. The BPM Life Cycle Get Back to Model Innovation Replan Optimize Usually used when real time monitoring is needed (BAM) Analyze Automate / Optimization Monitor © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 107 BPM Adoption * Source: CIO Insight BPM WW adoption still quite low In Israel - even lower © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 108
  • 55. BPM MEGA Trends BPM Execution: Part of Application packages BPM Modeling: Best-of-Breed Market Using BPM tools for planning of large software projects is becoming a best practice (not only used by users, also by external integrators) Microsoft recent BPM announcements (alliances) will help commoditize BPM Regulations and Audits are driving BPM projects More BPM “solutions” (Semi-packaged processes) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 109 BPM Recommendations Use BPM as a tool for innovation: think about “improved new processes”, don’t automate old ones* Consider using BPA in every large project Designate a process owner to each process Consider the need for ongoing maintenance, plan for it upfront* When choosing a BPM technology, BPEL support is a must * Source: STKI 2007 BPM Round Table © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 110
  • 56. BPM enables Business Process Innovation “If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know how to do, we call it productivity. productivity If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different, we call it innovation.” innovation Peter Drucker © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 111 BPM Project User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 112
  • 57. BPM Players in Israel – Part 1: Other Integration Package Rep in Israel Partners Malam-Team, Advantech, Oracle FUSION, BPEL Oracle Taldor, and Many other Potential Partners Aris Seker ProcessGene (Business Process Integration) ProcessGene FileNet, Vflow IFN Solutions IBM, Yael Provision (BPA) Niram Gitan XIOMA, BenefIT Tibco BPM Yael IBM PS IBM Israel Matrix Biztalk + WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation) And new BPM Alliances with Aris, PNMsoft, Microsoft Israel Many Partners, ISVs Agilepoint, METAstorm, Amberpoint… Sequence PNMsoft Matrix, Ness © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 113 BPM Players in Israel – Part 2: Other Integration Package Rep in Israel Partners AgilePoint Ness SRL Ultimus Aman Captaris Elad Many Potential Partners – all SAP BPM/WF Ness SAP Integrators EMC (Documentum + Proactivity BPM) EMC, Ness BEA (Includes Fuego) ONE1-Liam E-wave METAStorm, K2 Team-Malam Optio SIT QPR (integrated BPA + CPM) BPMknowledge Consist © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 114
  • 58. BPM Selected Installations 2006-1Q07 ARIS: ECI (Post ERP maintenance), IAI (SAP), Radware (ERP Oracle), Agis (ERP and compliance), Diplomat (ERP), Msystems (Oracle ERP), Paz ProcessGene: Migdal Group (business process integration), Teva (global ERP rollout Multi Org Project), Keter Plastic (global SAP business process integration), 5 projects abroad Sequense (Panam): Makhteshim, TAMAT, IDF - MAZI, Hilan K2: DHL, Tower AgilePoint: Tel Aviv Municipality Tibco: Partner, Bezeq, Pelephone(Number Portability), KD (+BAM) Oracle BPEL: Dapei Zaghav, Mamram, Bank Israel QPR: Pelephone (BPA + CPM) © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 115 Portals © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 116
  • 59. Business Value of Portals Process Portals Gateway Portals From Gateway Portals to09Operational/Process Portals © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 74 444 74 117 Internal Portals Current State in Israel t 1st Generation Gateway Portals are being “abandoned” – most aren’t user-oriented tRecommendations: use Web 2.0 concepts, pay more attention to User Interface (UI) t Organizations are building more and more Process/task-oriented Process Portals t Need for Portal Governance t WSRP and JSR still aren’t used t No inter-Portals integration YET © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 118
  • 60. Portal Project User/Vendor Value Chain 1 2 3 4 5 User Value- Vendor- Responsibility Added Managed Services Services Organizations want internal governance AND external expertise Some are building a “Joint” Portal center of excellence © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 119 Portals: Players in Israel Company Product Name Integrators Websphere Portal IBM, Matrix, Risotech, IBM Workplace Services Express SPL-Idor, KITS-advantech, NEW – Web 2 Workplace: “Hannover” Midlink, C-soft Matrix, Team (Malam), Microsoft SPS/MOSS SRL, SPL, Netwise, Elad, Ness, Sqlink, Bynet, Advatech, We!……… ONE1 BEA (+Plumtree) ONE1, Mckit, HP, e-Wave Matrix, eWave, Coral, Oracle Portal Taldor, Advantech, Oracle New: Web Center Unitask, Team-Malam, Qesem Ness, E121, EDS, IBM, Ness, SAP Portals SAP Portal SRL, Advantech, HP, B2 Tech, Taldor Matrix Vignette, Peoplesoft Portal Matrix Sun Java System Portal Server Sun Yael Software Tibco Portal Yael © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 120
  • 61. Portals Positioning in Israel SPS/MOSS Sap Portal IBM Local Support Websphere Portal Oracle BEA + Plumtree This analysis should be used with its supporting documents Market Presence © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 121 Portals – Selected Installations 2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – Part 1 SPS Portal(Internal): Netwise – Tefen, Phoenix, PowerDsine, Amdocs (Sales); Matrix - Random Logic, M. of Prime Minister; Bynet SW – Paradigm, El Al MOSS migrations: By Netwise: Haphonix, Poalim, Mizrachi, Internal Security office, Discount, HOT, Amdocs, Nice, IEC, Pelephone; By SRL: Informatics, Telmap, Scepia MSFT CMS (External): Matrix – Clalit Health Services, Leumi-Card, Reshet, M. of Infras., M. of Education; Netwise -Stock Excahnge (CMS), El Al (CMS); Elad – Inbal, Tel Aviv Municipality… © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 122
  • 62. Portals – Selected Installations 2006-1Q07 (Partial List) – Part 2 IBM Portal: Opal, Harel Hamishmar, Menora, V6 upgrade - Yad Vashem Vignette: Keshet Interactive, RAD Oracle Portal: Zraim Gadera BEA Portal: Hevra LeAutomazia © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 123 Thank You for your assistance in this research Einat Shimoni Senior Analyst & VP © 2007 STKI moshav bnei zion 60910 tel 09 74 444 74 124