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Big Data Training -
Amazon EMR
About me
• I’m Vishal Periyasamy Rajendran
• Senior Data Engineer
• Focused on architecting and developing big
data solutions at AWS cloud.
• 8x AWS certifications + other certifications on
Azure, Snowflake etc.
• You can find me on
• LinkedIn:
• Medium:
Amazon EMR
• EMR Overview
• EMR Fundamental blocks
• Launch types of EMR
• EMR Storage
• EMR Managed Scaling
• EMR Security
• EMR Pricing
• Hands-on
What is EMR?
Elastic MapReduce
Managed Hadoop framework on EC2 instances.
Includes Spark, HBase, Presto, Hive & more
Several integration points with AWS.
Basic blocks of
• Master node:
The master node manages the cluster
and typically runs master components
of distributed applications.
All the major services like spark-
history server, resource manager, and
node manager runs on the master
Basic blocks of
• Core node:
A node with software components
that run tasks and store data in the
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
on your cluster.
Multi-node clusters have at least one
core node.
Basic blocks of
• Task node:
A node with software components
that only runs tasks, and you can use
task nodes to add power to perform
parallel computation tasks on data,
such as Hadoop MapReduce tasks and
Spark executors.
Task nodes don’t run the Data Node
daemon nor store data in HDFS.
Launch types of
• EMR on EKS cluster.
• EMR serverless (November 2021.)
• EMR on EC2 instances.
• Instance Group
• Instance Fleets
EMR Storage
• Hadoop Distributed File System
• Multiple copies stored across cluster instances
for redundancy
• Files stored as blocks (128MB default size)
• Ephemeral – HDFS data is lost when cluster is
• But, useful for caching intermediate results or
workloads with significant random I/O
• Hadoop tries to process data where it is stored
Local file system:
• Suitable only for temporary data (buffers,
caches, etc)
• Access S3 as if it were HDFS
• Allows persistent storage after cluster
• EMRFS Consistent View – Optional for S3
• Uses DynamoDB to track consistency
• May need to tinker with read/write
capacity on DynamoDB
• New in 2021: S3 is Now Strongly
EMR Scaling
EMR Automatic Scaling :
• The old way of doing it
• Custom scaling rules based on CloudWatch
• Supports instance groups only.
EMR Managed Scaling:
• Support instance groups and instance fleets
• Scales spot, on-demand, and instances in a
Savings Plan within the same cluster
• Available for Spark, Hive, and YARN workloads
Scale-up Strategy
• First, add core nodes, then task nodes,
up to max units specified
Scale-down Strategy
• First removes task nodes, then core
nodes, no further than minimum
Spot nodes always removed before on-demand
• S3 encryption (SSE or CSE) at rest
• TLS in transit between EMR nodes and S3
• S3
• Local disk encryption
• Spark communication between drivers &
executors is encrypted
• Hive communication between Glue Meta store
and EMR uses TLS
• Force HTTPS (TLS) on S3 policies with aws:
Secure Transport.
• IAM roles and policy.
EMR Pricing
• Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2:
• The Amazon EMR price is added to the Amazon EC2 price (the
price for the underlying servers) and Amazon Elastic Block
Store (Amazon EBS) price (if attaching Amazon EBS volumes).
These are also billed per second, with a one-minute minimum.
• Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS:
• The Amazon EMR price is added to the Amazon EKS pricing or
any other services used with EKS. You can run EKS on AWS
using either EC2 or AWS Fargate.
• Amazon EMR Serverless:
• With EMR Serverless, there are no upfront costs, and you pay
for only the resources you use. You pay for vCPU, memory, and
storage resources consumed by your applications.
© Presidio, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
Amazon EMR
EMR Cluster
Hands - on
• EMR portal overview
• EMR cluster creation overview
• SSH into the Cluster.
• Running application
• Spark shell
• Spark submit option
• EMR step
• EMR Notebook
• Logs overview
Spark Deployment
Client Mode
Spark Deployment
Cluster Mode
Spark Memory Allocation
Spark Memory Allocation
• Storage Memory:
• It’s mainly used to store Spark cache data, such as RDD cache, Unroll data, and so on.
• Execution Memory:
• It’s mainly used to store temporary data in the calculation process of Shuffle, Join,
Sort, Aggregation, etc.
• User Memory:
• It’s mainly used to store the data needed for RDD conversion operations, such as the
information for RDD dependency.
• Reserved Memory:
• The memory is reserved for the system and is used to store Spark’s internal object
EMR Bootstrap
• Use a bootstrap action to install additional
software or customize the configuration of
cluster instances
• Bootstrap actions are scripts that run on
the cluster after Amazon EMR launches
the instance using the Amazon Linux
Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
• Bootstrap actions run before Amazon EMR
installs the applications that you specify
when you create the cluster and before
cluster nodes begin processing data.
EMR Spark
• spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled
• spark.executor.memory
• spark.driver.memory
• spark.driver.memoryOverhead
• spark.executor.memoryOverhead
• spark.driver.cores
• spark.executor.instances
• Spark arguments:
• --num-executors
• --executor-memory
• --executor-cores
• --py-files
• --packages
EMR Hands-
Write data to S3 using the EMR spark application.
EMR Hands-
Write data to RDS PostgreSQL using the EMR spark application.
EMR Hands-
Write data to S3 using the EMR spark kinesis streaming application.
• Explore different file formats,
• CSV file format
• JSON file format
• Avro file format
• ORC file format
• Parquet file format.
Explore different compressions,
• Snappy
• Create an S3 bucket and configure lambda as a trigger for every new object creation.
• Lambda should receive an event from S3 and submit a step on the EMR cluster with the required arguments.
• EMR spark application should read the file from S3 and add some additional metadata columns such as load
• After transformation, the output data frame should be stored under a target s3 bucket.
• Create a spark streaming application
with kinesis as input.
• Perform a real-time insert, update, and
delete data on the RDS database.
© Presidio, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.

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EMR Training

  • 1. Big Data Training - Amazon EMR
  • 2. About me • I’m Vishal Periyasamy Rajendran • Senior Data Engineer • Focused on architecting and developing big data solutions at AWS cloud. • 8x AWS certifications + other certifications on Azure, Snowflake etc. • You can find me on • LinkedIn: 2703a9131/ • Medium: 2
  • 4. Agenda • EMR Overview • EMR Fundamental blocks • Launch types of EMR • EMR Storage • EMR Managed Scaling • EMR Security • EMR Pricing • Hands-on 4
  • 5. What is EMR? 5 Elastic MapReduce Managed Hadoop framework on EC2 instances. Includes Spark, HBase, Presto, Hive & more Several integration points with AWS.
  • 6. Basic blocks of EMR • Master node: The master node manages the cluster and typically runs master components of distributed applications. All the major services like spark- history server, resource manager, and node manager runs on the master node. 6
  • 7. Basic blocks of EMR • Core node: A node with software components that run tasks and store data in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) on your cluster. Multi-node clusters have at least one core node. 7
  • 8. Basic blocks of EMR • Task node: A node with software components that only runs tasks, and you can use task nodes to add power to perform parallel computation tasks on data, such as Hadoop MapReduce tasks and Spark executors. Task nodes don’t run the Data Node daemon nor store data in HDFS. 8
  • 9. Launch types of EMR • EMR on EKS cluster. • EMR serverless (November 2021.) • EMR on EC2 instances. • Instance Group • Instance Fleets 9
  • 10. EMR Storage HDFS • Hadoop Distributed File System • Multiple copies stored across cluster instances for redundancy • Files stored as blocks (128MB default size) • Ephemeral – HDFS data is lost when cluster is terminated! • But, useful for caching intermediate results or workloads with significant random I/O • Hadoop tries to process data where it is stored on HDFS Local file system: • Suitable only for temporary data (buffers, caches, etc) 10 EMRFS: • Access S3 as if it were HDFS • Allows persistent storage after cluster termination • EMRFS Consistent View – Optional for S3 consistency • Uses DynamoDB to track consistency • May need to tinker with read/write capacity on DynamoDB • New in 2021: S3 is Now Strongly Consistent!
  • 11. EMR Scaling EMR Automatic Scaling : • The old way of doing it • Custom scaling rules based on CloudWatch metrics • Supports instance groups only. EMR Managed Scaling: • Support instance groups and instance fleets • Scales spot, on-demand, and instances in a Savings Plan within the same cluster • Available for Spark, Hive, and YARN workloads 11 Scale-up Strategy • First, add core nodes, then task nodes, up to max units specified Scale-down Strategy • First removes task nodes, then core nodes, no further than minimum constraints Spot nodes always removed before on-demand instances
  • 12. EMR Security • EMRFS • S3 encryption (SSE or CSE) at rest • TLS in transit between EMR nodes and S3 • S3 • SSE-S3, SSE-KMS • Local disk encryption • Spark communication between drivers & executors is encrypted • Hive communication between Glue Meta store and EMR uses TLS • Force HTTPS (TLS) on S3 policies with aws: Secure Transport. • IAM roles and policy. 12
  • 13. EMR Pricing • Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2: • The Amazon EMR price is added to the Amazon EC2 price (the price for the underlying servers) and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) price (if attaching Amazon EBS volumes). These are also billed per second, with a one-minute minimum. • Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS: • The Amazon EMR price is added to the Amazon EKS pricing or any other services used with EKS. You can run EKS on AWS using either EC2 or AWS Fargate. • Amazon EMR Serverless: • With EMR Serverless, there are no upfront costs, and you pay for only the resources you use. You pay for vCPU, memory, and storage resources consumed by your applications. 13
  • 14. © Presidio, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. Questions 14
  • 16. EMR Cluster Hands - on • EMR portal overview • EMR cluster creation overview • SSH into the Cluster. • Running application • Spark shell • Spark submit option • EMR step • EMR Notebook • Logs overview 16
  • 20. Spark Memory Allocation • Storage Memory: • It’s mainly used to store Spark cache data, such as RDD cache, Unroll data, and so on. • Execution Memory: • It’s mainly used to store temporary data in the calculation process of Shuffle, Join, Sort, Aggregation, etc. • User Memory: • It’s mainly used to store the data needed for RDD conversion operations, such as the information for RDD dependency. • Reserved Memory: • The memory is reserved for the system and is used to store Spark’s internal object 20
  • 21. EMR Bootstrap • Use a bootstrap action to install additional software or customize the configuration of cluster instances • Bootstrap actions are scripts that run on the cluster after Amazon EMR launches the instance using the Amazon Linux Amazon Machine Image (AMI). • Bootstrap actions run before Amazon EMR installs the applications that you specify when you create the cluster and before cluster nodes begin processing data. 21
  • 22. EMR Spark Configuration • spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled • spark.executor.memory • spark.driver.memory • spark.driver.memoryOverhead • spark.executor.memoryOverhead • spark.driver.cores • spark.executor.instances • Spark arguments: • --num-executors • --executor-memory • --executor-cores • --py-files • --packages 22
  • 23. EMR Hands- On Write data to S3 using the EMR spark application. 23
  • 24. EMR Hands- On Write data to RDS PostgreSQL using the EMR spark application. 24
  • 25. EMR Hands- On Write data to S3 using the EMR spark kinesis streaming application. 25
  • 26. EMR Assignments • Explore different file formats, • CSV file format • JSON file format • Avro file format • ORC file format • Parquet file format. • Explore different compressions, • ZIP • GZIP • BZIP • Snappy 26
  • 27. EMR Assignments • Create an S3 bucket and configure lambda as a trigger for every new object creation. • Lambda should receive an event from S3 and submit a step on the EMR cluster with the required arguments. • EMR spark application should read the file from S3 and add some additional metadata columns such as load datetime. • After transformation, the output data frame should be stored under a target s3 bucket. 27
  • 28. EMR Assignments • Create a spark streaming application with kinesis as input. • Perform a real-time insert, update, and delete data on the RDS database. 28
  • 29. © Presidio, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. Feedback 29