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Case Story
             Dynamic Log Analysis

Guarded Communication

        “Dynamic Log AnalysisTM enabled us to cost-effectively
             realize large enterprise security benefits.”
                     -- Shane, CIO, Hutton Communications                                      The Customer:
                                                                                               Hutton Communications
Founded in 1969 in Dallas, Texas, Hutton Communications, Inc. is a distributor of              The Environment:
commercial wireless communications infrastructure with 12 offices throughout the               • 40 - NT Servers
United States and Canada. Their value-added services are relied upon by Fortune                • 2 - RS6000 AIX Servers
100 Telecommunication companies that include cellular and radio communications
dealers, wireless communications carriers, and self-maintained end users of                    The Challenge:
communications systems.                                                                        • Limited IT resources
                                                                                               • Internal and external
                                                                                                 security vulnerabilities
   The Challenge                                                                               • Lacked real-time
As a small-to-medium sized business, Hutton Communication’s information                          notification of exploits
technology group is perpetually stretched for dollars, time, and resources. “We are
in a highly competitive business amongst a small group of strong companies”. said              The Solution:
Jerry McDonald, Manger of Technical Services and eBusiness, “If our systems were               • Enhanced IT productivity
compromised due to a security breach, we would lose the confidence of our                      • Closed security
customers which would have a devastating impact on our business. We have                         vulnerabilities
limited budgets and even less time to really get a true grip on our server and                 • Enabled real-time
network vulnerabilities. We’ve recently brought on new customers and are in the                  response to exploitations
process of opening new offices…it seems like security is becoming more complex
day by day.”
Tom Novak, their LAN Administrator stated “Security has been at the top of our list
for a long time, however because I am a jack-of-all-trades, I don’t have the time
to sift through network and firewall logs, nor do I have the security expertise to
identify threats in time to do anything about it. One virus could cause our business
to halt for up to seven days, which would have a devastating impact on our

   The Solution
Clear’s security team performed a penetration test to identify gaps in Hutton’s
security posture and provided recommendations on how to fill those gaps. “Clear’s
security assessment helped us realize how susceptible we were to a major security
breach.” said Shane Hofer, CIO, “I knew we needed to improve our security
strategy moving forward.” Clear’s Dynamic Log Analysis™ solution gave Hutton the                  For more information
security monitoring and alerting capabilities of an enterprise level solution at a small
fraction of the cost. “I saw immediate value in the insight Dynamic Log AnalysisTM                 or call 972.906.7500
provides.” said Hofer, “My team’s productivity has increased exponentially. This
frees them up to focus on other initiatives within our department, and frees me from
adding headcount.”

   About Us
Since 1993, our customers have relied on us to meet their hardware needs. Today, our

customers look to us to increase their organizational effectiveness by providing continuity,
infrastructure, security, and virtualization solutions.


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Dynamic Log Analysis™ Case Story Hutton Communications

  • 1. Case Story Dynamic Log Analysis TM Guarded Communication “Dynamic Log AnalysisTM enabled us to cost-effectively realize large enterprise security benefits.” -- Shane, CIO, Hutton Communications The Customer: Hutton Communications Founded in 1969 in Dallas, Texas, Hutton Communications, Inc. is a distributor of The Environment: commercial wireless communications infrastructure with 12 offices throughout the • 40 - NT Servers United States and Canada. Their value-added services are relied upon by Fortune • 2 - RS6000 AIX Servers 100 Telecommunication companies that include cellular and radio communications dealers, wireless communications carriers, and self-maintained end users of The Challenge: communications systems. • Limited IT resources • Internal and external security vulnerabilities The Challenge • Lacked real-time As a small-to-medium sized business, Hutton Communication’s information notification of exploits technology group is perpetually stretched for dollars, time, and resources. “We are in a highly competitive business amongst a small group of strong companies”. said The Solution: Jerry McDonald, Manger of Technical Services and eBusiness, “If our systems were • Enhanced IT productivity compromised due to a security breach, we would lose the confidence of our • Closed security customers which would have a devastating impact on our business. We have vulnerabilities limited budgets and even less time to really get a true grip on our server and • Enabled real-time network vulnerabilities. We’ve recently brought on new customers and are in the response to exploitations process of opening new offices…it seems like security is becoming more complex day by day.” Tom Novak, their LAN Administrator stated “Security has been at the top of our list for a long time, however because I am a jack-of-all-trades, I don’t have the time to sift through network and firewall logs, nor do I have the security expertise to identify threats in time to do anything about it. One virus could cause our business to halt for up to seven days, which would have a devastating impact on our business.” TM The Solution Clear’s security team performed a penetration test to identify gaps in Hutton’s security posture and provided recommendations on how to fill those gaps. “Clear’s security assessment helped us realize how susceptible we were to a major security breach.” said Shane Hofer, CIO, “I knew we needed to improve our security strategy moving forward.” Clear’s Dynamic Log Analysis™ solution gave Hutton the For more information security monitoring and alerting capabilities of an enterprise level solution at a small fraction of the cost. “I saw immediate value in the insight Dynamic Log AnalysisTM or call 972.906.7500 provides.” said Hofer, “My team’s productivity has increased exponentially. This frees them up to focus on other initiatives within our department, and frees me from adding headcount.” TM About Us Since 1993, our customers have relied on us to meet their hardware needs. Today, our MT customers look to us to increase their organizational effectiveness by providing continuity, infrastructure, security, and virtualization solutions.