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Dynamic DDL
Adding Structure to Streaming Data on the
Hao Zou
Software Engineer
Data Science & Engineering
David Winters
Big Data Architect
Data Science & Engineering
• Background and Business
• GoPro Data Platform Architecture
• Old File-based Pipeline Architecture
• New Dynamic DDL Architecture
• Dynamic DDL Deep Dive
• Using Cloud-Based Services (Optional)
• Questions
Background and
Consumer Devices GoPro Apps &
Product Insight
CRM/Marketing &
• Variety of data - Hardware and Software products
• Software - Mobile and Desktop Apps
• Hardware - Cameras, Drones, Controllers, Accessories,
• External - CRM, ERP, OTT, E-Commerce, Web, Social, etc.
• Variety of data ingestion mechanisms - Lambda Architecture
• Real-time streaming pipeline - GoPro products
• Batch pipeline - External 3rd party systems
• Complex Transformations
• Data often stored in binary to conserve space in cameras
• Heterogeneous data formats (JSON, XML, and packed
• Seamless Data Aggregations
• Blend data between different sources, hardware, and
Data Platform
ETL Cluster
• Aggregations and
• Hive and Spark jobs
• Map/Reduce
• Airflow
Secure Data Mart
• End User Query
• Impala / Sentry
• Parquet
• Kerberos & LDAP
Analytics Apps
Real Time
•Log file streaming
•RESTful service
•Spark Streaming
Batch Induction
• Batch files
• Scheduled downloads
• Pre-processing
• Java App
• Airflow
• Rest API
• FTP downloads
• S3 sync
Pipeline for processing of streaming logs
To ETL Cluster
Hive Metastore
To SDM Cluster
From Realtime Cluster
Hive Metastore
Studio - Staging
SDM Cluster
From ETL Cluster
• Isolation of workloads
• Fast ingest
• Secure
• Fast delivery/queries
• Loosely coupled clusters
• Multiple copies of data
• Tightly coupled storage and compute
• Lack of elasticity
• Operational overhead of multiple clusters
Amazon S3
Real Time
State Ephemeral
Data Mart
Cluster #1
Data Mart
Cluster #2
Data Mart
Cluster #N
• Rest API
• FTP downloads
• S3 sync
Single copy of data
Separate storage from compute
Elastic clusters
Single long running cluster to maintain
Dynamic DDL Deep Dive
Streaming Cluster
Pipeline for processing of streaming logs
Centralized Hive
For each topic, dynamically add the table
structure and create the table or insert
data into the table if already exists
• What is Dynamic DDL?
• Dynamic DDL is adding structure (schema) to the data on the fly whenever the providers of the data are changing
their structure.
• Why is Dynamic DDL needed?
• Providers of data are changing their structure constantly. Without Dynamic DDL, the table schema is hard coded
and has to be manually updated based on the changes of the incoming data.
• All of the aggregation SQL would have to be manually updated due to the schema change.
• Faster turnaround for the data ingestion. Data can be ingested and made available within minutes (sometimes
• How we did this?
• Using Spark SQL/Dataframe
• See example
• Example:
{"_data":{"record":{"id": "1", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Fork", "state": "California", "city": "san Mateo"}, "log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"}}
Fixed schema
Dynamically generated
{"record_key":"city","record_value":"san Mateo","id":"1","log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"}
Flatten the data first
SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'state' THEN record_value ELSE null END) AS data_record_state,
MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'last_name' THEN record_value ELSE null END) As data_record_last_name,
MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'first_name' THEN record_value ELSE null END) As data_record_first_name,
MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'city' THEN record_value ELSE null END) AS data_record_city,
id as data_record_id, log_ts as data_log_ts from test group by id, log_ts
• Code snippet of Dynamic DDL transforming new JSON attributes into relational columns
Add the partition columns
Manually create the table due to a bug in
Add the new columns that exist in the incoming
data frame but do not exist yet in the destination
This syntax is not working anymore after upgrading to spark 2.x
Three temporary way to solve the problem in spark 2.x:
• Launch a hiveserver2 service, then use jdbc call hive to alter the table
• Use spark to directly connect to hivemetastore, then update the
• Update spark source code to support Alter table syntax and
repackage it
Project all columns from the table
Append the data into the destination table
Add the new partition key
• Reprocessing the DDL Table with new partition Key (Tuning tips)
Choose the partition key wisely
Use coalesce if there too many partitions
Use Coalesce to control the job tasksUse filter if Data still too large
Using Cloud-based
• S3 is not a file system.
• S3 is an object store. Similar to a key-value store.
• S3 objects are presented in a hierarchical view but are not stored in that manner.
• S3 objects are stored with a key derived from a “path”.
• The key is used to fan out the objects across shards.
• The path is for display purposes only. Only the first 3 to 4 characters are
used for sharding.
• S3 does not have strong transactional semantics but instead has eventual
• S3 is not appropriate for realtime updates.
• S3 is suited for longer term storage.
• S3 has similar behaviors to HDFS but even more extreme.
• Larger latencies
• Larger files/writes – Think GBs
• Write and read latencies are larger but the bandwidth is much larger with S3.
• Thus throughput can be increased with parallel writers (same latency but
more throughput through parallel operations)
• Partition your RDDs/DataFrames and increase your workers/executors
to optimize the parallelism.
• Each write/read has more overhead due to the web service calls.
• So use larger buffers.
• Match the size of your HDFS buffers/blocks if reading/writing from/to HDFS.
• Collect data for longer durations before writing large buffers in parallel to S3.
• Retry logic – Writes to S3 can and will fail.
• Cannot stream to S3 – Complete files must be uploaded.
• Technically, you can simulate streaming with multipart upload.
• Tips for using S3 with HDFS
• Use the s3a scheme.
• Many optimizations including buffering options (disk-based, on-heap, or
off-heap) and incremental parallel uploads (S3A Fast Upload).
• More here:
• Don’t use rename/move.
• Moves are great for HDFS to support better transactional semantics
when streaming files.
• For S3, moves/renames are copy and delete operations which can be
very slow especially due to the eventual consistency.
• Other advanced S3 techniques:
• Hash object names to better shard the objects in a bucket.
• Use multiple buckets to increase bandwidth.
Q & A

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Dynamic DDL: Adding structure to streaming IoT data on the fly

  • 1. Dynamic DDL Adding Structure to Streaming Data on the Fly
  • 2. OUR SPEAKERS Hao Zou Software Engineer Data Science & Engineering GoPro David Winters Big Data Architect Data Science & Engineering GoPro
  • 3. TOPICS TO COVER • Background and Business • GoPro Data Platform Architecture • Old File-based Pipeline Architecture • New Dynamic DDL Architecture • Dynamic DDL Deep Dive • Using Cloud-Based Services (Optional) • Questions
  • 7. GoPro Data Analytics Platform Consumer Devices GoPro Apps & Cloud E-Commerce Social Media & OTT CRM Product Insight User CRM/Marketing & Personalization ERP Web Mobile
  • 8. DATA CHALLENGES AT GOPRO • Variety of data - Hardware and Software products • Software - Mobile and Desktop Apps • Hardware - Cameras, Drones, Controllers, Accessories, etc. • External - CRM, ERP, OTT, E-Commerce, Web, Social, etc. • Variety of data ingestion mechanisms - Lambda Architecture • Real-time streaming pipeline - GoPro products • Batch pipeline - External 3rd party systems • Complex Transformations • Data often stored in binary to conserve space in cameras • Heterogeneous data formats (JSON, XML, and packed binary) • Seamless Data Aggregations • Blend data between different sources, hardware, and
  • 10. OLD FILE-BASED PIPELINE ARCHITECTURE ETL Cluster • Aggregations and Joins • Hive and Spark jobs • Map/Reduce • Airflow Secure Data Mart Cluster • End User Query • Impala / Sentry • Parquet • Kerberos & LDAP Analytics Apps •Hue •Tableau •Plotly •Python •R Real Time Cluster •Log file streaming •RESTful service •Kafka •Spark Streaming •HBase Batch Induction Framework • Batch files • Scheduled downloads • Pre-processing • Java App • Airflow JSON JSON Parquet DDL • Rest API • FTP downloads • S3 sync Streaming Batch Download
  • 11. STREAMING ENDPOINT ELBHTTP Pipeline for processing of streaming logs To ETL Cluster events events state
  • 13. ETL PIPELINE HDFS Hive Metastore To SDM Cluster From Realtime Cluster Batch Induction Framework state snapshot
  • 15. PROS AND CONS OF OLD SYSTEM • Isolation of workloads • Fast ingest • Secure • Fast delivery/queries • Loosely coupled clusters • Multiple copies of data • Tightly coupled storage and compute • Lack of elasticity • Operational overhead of multiple clusters
  • 16. NEW DYNAMIC DDL ARCHITECTURE Amazon S3 Bucket Real Time Cluster Batch Induction Framework Hive Metastore Ephemeral ETL Cluster Parquet + DDL Aggregates Events + State Ephemeral Data Mart Cluster #1 Ephemeral Data Mart Cluster #2 Ephemeral Data Mart Cluster #N • Rest API • FTP downloads • S3 sync Streaming Batch Download •Notebook s •Tableau •Plotly •Python •R Improvements Single copy of data Separate storage from compute Elastic clusters Single long running cluster to maintain Parquet + DDL Dynamic DDL!
  • 18. NEW DYNAMIC DDL ARCHITECTURE Streaming Cluster ELBHTTP Pipeline for processing of streaming logs S3 HIVE METASTORE transition Centralized Hive MetaStore For each topic, dynamically add the table structure and create the table or insert data into the table if already exists
  • 19. DYNAMIC DDL • What is Dynamic DDL? • Dynamic DDL is adding structure (schema) to the data on the fly whenever the providers of the data are changing their structure. • Why is Dynamic DDL needed? • Providers of data are changing their structure constantly. Without Dynamic DDL, the table schema is hard coded and has to be manually updated based on the changes of the incoming data. • All of the aggregation SQL would have to be manually updated due to the schema change. • Faster turnaround for the data ingestion. Data can be ingested and made available within minutes (sometimes seconds). • How we did this? • Using Spark SQL/Dataframe • See example
  • 20. DYNAMIC DDL • Example: {"_data":{"record":{"id": "1", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Fork", "state": "California", "city": "san Mateo"}, "log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"}} Fixed schema Dynamically generated schema {"record_key":"state","record_value":"California","id":"1","log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"} {"record_key":"last_name","record_value":"Fork","id":"1","log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"} {"record_key":"city","record_value":"san Mateo","id":"1","log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"} {"record_key":"first_name","record_value":"John","id":"1","log_ts":"2016-07-20T00:06:01Z"} Flatten the data first SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'state' THEN record_value ELSE null END) AS data_record_state, MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'last_name' THEN record_value ELSE null END) As data_record_last_name, MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'first_name' THEN record_value ELSE null END) As data_record_first_name, MAX(CASE WHEN record_key = 'city' THEN record_value ELSE null END) AS data_record_city, id as data_record_id, log_ts as data_log_ts from test group by id, log_ts
  • 21. DYNAMIC DDL USING SPARK SQL/DATAFRAME • Code snippet of Dynamic DDL transforming new JSON attributes into relational columns Add the partition columns Manually create the table due to a bug in spark
  • 22. DYNAMIC DDL USING SPARK SQL/DATAFRAME Add the new columns that exist in the incoming data frame but do not exist yet in the destination table This syntax is not working anymore after upgrading to spark 2.x
  • 23. DYNAMIC DDL USING SPARK SQL/DATAFRAME Three temporary way to solve the problem in spark 2.x: • Launch a hiveserver2 service, then use jdbc call hive to alter the table • Use spark to directly connect to hivemetastore, then update the metadata • Update spark source code to support Alter table syntax and repackage it
  • 24. DYNAMIC DDL USING SPARK SQL/DATAFRAME Project all columns from the table Append the data into the destination table
  • 25. DYNAMIC DDL USING SPARK SQL/DATAFRAME Add the new partition key • Reprocessing the DDL Table with new partition Key (Tuning tips) Choose the partition key wisely Use coalesce if there too many partitions Use Coalesce to control the job tasksUse filter if Data still too large
  • 27. USING S3: WHAT IS S3? • S3 is not a file system. • S3 is an object store. Similar to a key-value store. • S3 objects are presented in a hierarchical view but are not stored in that manner. • S3 objects are stored with a key derived from a “path”. • The key is used to fan out the objects across shards. • The path is for display purposes only. Only the first 3 to 4 characters are used for sharding. • S3 does not have strong transactional semantics but instead has eventual consistency. • S3 is not appropriate for realtime updates. • S3 is suited for longer term storage.
  • 28. USING S3: BEHAVIORS • S3 has similar behaviors to HDFS but even more extreme. • Larger latencies • Larger files/writes – Think GBs • Write and read latencies are larger but the bandwidth is much larger with S3. • Thus throughput can be increased with parallel writers (same latency but more throughput through parallel operations) • Partition your RDDs/DataFrames and increase your workers/executors to optimize the parallelism. • Each write/read has more overhead due to the web service calls. • So use larger buffers. • Match the size of your HDFS buffers/blocks if reading/writing from/to HDFS. • Collect data for longer durations before writing large buffers in parallel to S3. • Retry logic – Writes to S3 can and will fail. • Cannot stream to S3 – Complete files must be uploaded. • Technically, you can simulate streaming with multipart upload.
  • 29. USING S3: TIPS • Tips for using S3 with HDFS • Use the s3a scheme. • Many optimizations including buffering options (disk-based, on-heap, or off-heap) and incremental parallel uploads (S3A Fast Upload). • More here: aws/tools/hadoop-aws/index.html#S3A • Don’t use rename/move. • Moves are great for HDFS to support better transactional semantics when streaming files. • For S3, moves/renames are copy and delete operations which can be very slow especially due to the eventual consistency. • Other advanced S3 techniques: • Hash object names to better shard the objects in a bucket. • Use multiple buckets to increase bandwidth.

Editor's Notes

  1. GoPro is the ultimate accessory for active people with smartphones. Products and services include: Core products -- Cameras Advanced Solutions – Karma, stabilization and VR Accessories and Mounts Software suite that ties it all together  GoPro has become the ultimate, end-to-end storytelling solution.
  2. This is what we wanted to build.
  3. These were the challenges to solve.
  4. High Level Architecture of Data Platform Isolation of workloads  3 clusters (ingest, ETL, delivery) Lamdba architecture Input and output data formats Cadence of clusters A word about Data Sources: IoT data Logs from devices, applications (desktop and mobile), external systems and services, ERP, web/email marketing, etc. Some Raw and Gzip, Some Binary and JSON Some streaming and some batch Batch data Web marketing, campaigns Social media ERP CRM Lambda architecture Both batch and stream processing Basic needs/workloads in a Data Platform High throughput ingestion Transformations: joins, aggregations, etc. Fast queries Today, we have 3 clusters to isolate these workloads We started with one cluster, ETL Everything ran there Ingest (Flume) Batch (Framework) ETL (Hive) Analytical (Impala) Lots of resource contention (I/O, memory, cores) To alleviate the resource contention, we opted for 3 clusters to isolate the workloads. Ingest cluster for near real-time streaming Kafka, Spark Streaming (Cloudera Parcels) Input: Logs, Output: JSON Minutes cadence Moving towards more real-time in seconds Induction framework for scheduled batch ingestion ETL cluster for heavy duty aggregation Input: JSON flat files, Output: Aggregated Parquet files Hive (Map/Reduce) Hourly cadence Secure Data Mart Kerberos, LDAP, Active Directory, Apache Sentry (Cloudera committers) Input: Compressed Parquet files Analytical SQL engine for Tableau, ad-hoc queries (Hue), data wrangling (Trifacta), and data science (Jupyter Notebooks and RStudio) With all that said, we will examine the newer technologies that will enable us to simplify our architecture and merge clusters in the future. Kudu is one possible new technology that could help us to consolidate some of the clusters.
  5. Let’s take a deeper dive into our streaming ingestion… Logs are streamed from devices and software applications (desktop and mobile) to web service endpoint Endpoint is an elastic pool of Tomcat servers sitting behind ELB in AWS Custom servlet pushes logs into Kafka topics by environment A series of Spark streaming jobs process the logs from Kafka Landing place in ingestion cluster is HDFS with JSON flat files Rationalization of tech stacks… Why Kafka? Unrivaled write throughput for a queue Traditional queue throughput: 100K writes/sec on the biggest box you can buy Kafka throughput: 1M writes/sec on 3-4 commodity servers Strong ordering policy of messages Distributed Fault-tolerant through replication Support synchronous and asynchronous writes Pairs nicely with Spark Streaming for simpler scaling out (Kafka topic partitions map directly to Spark RDD partitions/tasks) Why Spark Streaming? Strong transactional semantics - "exactly once" processing Leverage Spark technology for both data ingest and analytics Horizontally scalable - High throughput for micro-batching Large open source community
  6. Keyword: Impedance mismatch As previously stated, logs are streamed from devices and software applications (desktop and mobile) to web service endpoint Logs are diverse: gzipped, raw, binary, JSON, batched events, streamed single events Vary significantly in size from < 1 KB to > 1 MB Logs are redirected based on data category and routed to appropriate Kafka topic and respective Spark Streaming job Logs move from Kafka topic to Kafka topic with each Kafka topic having a Spark Streaming job that consumes the log, processes the log, and writes the log to another topic Tree like structure of jobs with more generic logic towards the root of the tree and more specialized logic moving towards the leaf nodes There are generic jobs/services and specialized jobs/services Generic services include PII removal and hashing, IP to Geo lookups, and batched writing to HDFS We perform batched HDFS writing since Kafka likes small messages (1 KB ideal) and HDFS likes large files (100+ MB) Specialized services contain business logic Finally, the logs are written into HDFS as JSON flat files (which are sometimes compressed depending on the type of data) Scheduled ETL jobs perform a distributed copy (distcp) to move the data to the ETL cluster for further heavier aggregations
  7. A few things… Two flows of data: streaming and batch Join data sources Aggregate data sources Convert to compressed columnar format (gzipped Parquet fies) On the ETL cluster… Here’s where we do our heavy lifting. Almost entirely all Hive Map Reduce jobs Some Impala to make the really big narly aggregations more performant Previously, had a custom Java Map Reduce job for sessionization of events This has been replaced with a Spark Streaming job on the ingestion cluster In the future, want to push as much of the ETL processing back into the ingestion cluster for more real-time processing We also have a custom Java Induction framework which ingests data from external services that only make data available on slower schedules (daily, twice daily, etc.) The output from the ETL cluster is Parquet files that are added to partitioned managed tables in the Hive metastore. The Parquet files are then copied via distcp to the Secure Data Mart.
  8. Parquet files are copied from the ETL cluster and added to partitioned managed tables in the Hive Metastore of the Secure Data Mart. The Secure Data Mart is protected with Apache Sentry. Kerberos is used for authentication.  Corporate Standard Active Directory stores the groups.  Corporate Standard Access control is role based and the roles are assigned with Sentry. Hue has a Sentry UI app to manage authorization.
  9. Store data in one place  Data (S3) + Structure (Hive Metastore) Separate compute nodes from storage nodes Elasticity  size of clusters and number of clusters Lower operational overhead of maintaining HDFS storage nodes Redirect batch ingest into stream ingest (Pump batch data into Kafka)  RESULT: One codebase for both stream and batch ingestion
  10. Even thought the fixed schema resolves the problem of data provider changing the data structure frequently. It becomes really difficult for the analysts and data scientists to analyze the data. would they know these two rows are coming from one event? 2.has to use id to associate  these two rows
  11. /* * The table does not exist, so create it.  We create it manually due to a bug in Spark where its metadata * gets out of synch with Hive's metadata if we let Spark automatically create the table .  So we create the table first and  later alter * the table and add columns to it.  See below for more details: * * */
  12. /* * The table does not exist, so create it. We create it manually due to a bug in Spark where its metadata * gets out of synch with Hive's metadata if we let Spark automatically create the table and we later alter * the table and add columns to it. See below for more details: * * */
  13. /* * The table does not exist, so create it. We create it manually due to a bug in Spark where its metadata * gets out of synch with Hive's metadata if we let Spark automatically create the table and we later alter * the table and add columns to it. See below for more details: * * */
  14. /* * The table does not exist, so create it. We create it manually due to a bug in Spark where its metadata * gets out of synch with Hive's metadata if we let Spark automatically create the table and we later alter * the table and add columns to it. See below for more details: * * */