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Make your MVP cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev
Senior Mobile Developer @ Lóhika
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
It’s only responsible for the presentation layer delivery mechanism
Real-world Android app
● Hard to understand
● Hard to maintain
● The business logic is mixed in Activity/Fragment
● High coupled components
● MVC -> Massive View Controllers
● Hard and often impossible to test
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Clean Architecture
● Independent of Frameworks
● Testable
● Independent of Database
● Independent of any external agency
● Independent of UI
The Web is an I/O Device!
-Robert Martin
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
What is VIPER?
● A way of architecting applications which takes heavy inspiration
from the Clean Architecture
● Divides an app’s logical structure into distinct layers of
● Makes it easier to isolate dependencies
● Makes it easier test the interactions at the boundaries between
● Eliminates Massive View Controllers
Main parts of VIPER
● View
● Interactor
● Presenter
● Entity
● Router
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Displays what it is told to by the Presenter and relays user input back
to the Presenter
● Is passive
● Waits for the Presenter to give it content to display
● Never asks the Presenter for data
● Determines how the content is displayed
● Handles user interaction and input
● Simply delegates user’s actions to the Presenter
● Awaits for a response telling it what should be displayed next
internal interface CheeseViewCallbacks {
fun onNewCheese(cheese: Collection<CheeseViewModel>)
fun showError()
fun hideProgress()
fun showProgress()
Example of View
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
class CheeseView : ConstraintLayout, CheeseViewCallbacks {
@Inject internal lateinit var presenter: CheesePresenter
private lateinit var progressDialog : ProgressDialog
private lateinit var adapter : CheeseAdapter
/** ... */
override fun onNewCheese(cheese: Collection<CheeseViewModel>) {
override fun showError() {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
override fun hideProgress() = progressDialog.dismiss()
override fun showProgress() =
Example of View
Contains view logic for preparing content for display (as received from
the Interactor) and for reacting to user inputs (by requesting new data
from the Interactor)
● Knows about the content it maintains and when it should be
● Receives input events coming from the View
● Applies view logic over this data to prepare the content
● Tells the View what to display
● Sends requests to an Interactor
● Works like a bridge between the main parts of a VIPER module
● Receives the data structures coming from the Interactor
● Knows when to navigate to another screen, and which screen to
navigate to
class CheesePresenter(private val getCheeseInteractor: GetCheeseInteractor) {
var view: CheeseViewCallbacks? = null
var router: MainRouter? = null
/** ... */
fun fetchCheese(amount: Int) {
getCheeseInteractor.execute({ cheese -> // onNext
{ // onError
fun onItemClicked(model: CheeseViewModel) = router?.navigateToDetails(model)
Example of Presenter
Contains the business logic as specified by a use case
● Represents use cases
● Regular Java object
● No Android framework dependency
● Encapsulates application specific business rules
class GetCheeseInteractor @Inject constructor(
private val subscribeOn : Scheduler,
private val observeOn : Scheduler,
private val cheeseStorage: CheeseStorage) {
private val subscriptions = CompositeSubscription()
fun execute(subscriber: Subscriber<Collection<Cheese>>,
amount : Int) {
Example of Interactor
Contains basic model objects used by the Interactor
● Encapsulates different types of data
● Model objects manipulated by an Interactor
data class Cheese(
val id : Long,
val name : String,
val price : Long,
val description : String,
val type : String,
val texture : String,
val fatContent : String,
val animalMilk : String,
val regionOfOrigin: String
Example of Entity
Contains navigation logic for describing which screens are shown in
which order
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner
● Responsible for passing data between screens
● Receives input commands from the Presenter
● Responsible for the navigation logic between modules
internal interface MainRouter {
fun navigateToDetails(model: CheeseViewModel)
fun navigateToPreferences()
fun navigateToRegistration()
Example of Router
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), MainRouter {
override fun navigateToDetails(model: CheeseViewModel) {
startActivity(Intent(this, {
with(this) {
putExtra(DetailsActivity.CHECKED, model.isChecked)
override fun navigateToPreferences() {
override fun navigateToRegistration() {
.replace(, LoginFragment())
Example of Router
Why should you use VIPER?
● It’s easier to track issues via crash reports
● The source code will be cleaner, more compact and reusable
● Adding new features is easier
● There are less conflicts with the rest of the development team
● It’s easier to write automated tests
When should you NOT use VIPER?
● It’s an overkill for small projects
● Causes an overhead when starting new projects
● MVP/MVC/MVVM-VIPER mix can cause headaches
● Lots of code all over the project
● Presentation layer
○ Espresso, Robolectric
● Domain layer
○ JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock
● Data layer
○ Robolectric, JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock
Dmytro Zaitsev
Thank you!

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Dmytro Zaitsev Viper: make your mvp cleaner

  • 1. VIPER Make your MVP cleaner Dmytro Zaitsev Senior Mobile Developer @ Lóhika
  • 8. MVP/MVC/MVVM is NOT an Architecture! It’s only responsible for the presentation layer delivery mechanism
  • 9. Real-world Android app ● Hard to understand ● Hard to maintain ● The business logic is mixed in Activity/Fragment ● High coupled components ● MVC -> Massive View Controllers ● Hard and often impossible to test
  • 11. Clean Architecture ● Independent of Frameworks ● Testable ● Independent of Database ● Independent of any external agency ● Independent of UI
  • 12. ““ The Web is an I/O Device! -Robert Martin
  • 15. What is VIPER? ● A way of architecting applications which takes heavy inspiration from the Clean Architecture ● Divides an app’s logical structure into distinct layers of responsibility ● Makes it easier to isolate dependencies ● Makes it easier test the interactions at the boundaries between layers ● Eliminates Massive View Controllers
  • 16. Main parts of VIPER ● View ● Interactor ● Presenter ● Entity ● Router
  • 18. View Displays what it is told to by the Presenter and relays user input back to the Presenter
  • 19. View ● Is passive ● Waits for the Presenter to give it content to display ● Never asks the Presenter for data ● Determines how the content is displayed ● Handles user interaction and input ● Simply delegates user’s actions to the Presenter ● Awaits for a response telling it what should be displayed next
  • 20. internal interface CheeseViewCallbacks { fun onNewCheese(cheese: Collection<CheeseViewModel>) fun showError() fun hideProgress() fun showProgress() } Example of View
  • 22. class CheeseView : ConstraintLayout, CheeseViewCallbacks { @Inject internal lateinit var presenter: CheesePresenter private lateinit var progressDialog : ProgressDialog private lateinit var adapter : CheeseAdapter /** ... */ override fun onNewCheese(cheese: Collection<CheeseViewModel>) { adapter.setModels(cheese) adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } override fun showError() { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } override fun hideProgress() = progressDialog.dismiss() override fun showProgress() = } Example of View
  • 23. Presenter Contains view logic for preparing content for display (as received from the Interactor) and for reacting to user inputs (by requesting new data from the Interactor)
  • 24. Presenter ● Knows about the content it maintains and when it should be displayed ● Receives input events coming from the View ● Applies view logic over this data to prepare the content ● Tells the View what to display ● Sends requests to an Interactor ● Works like a bridge between the main parts of a VIPER module ● Receives the data structures coming from the Interactor ● Knows when to navigate to another screen, and which screen to navigate to
  • 25. class CheesePresenter(private val getCheeseInteractor: GetCheeseInteractor) { var view: CheeseViewCallbacks? = null var router: MainRouter? = null /** ... */ fun fetchCheese(amount: Int) { view?.showProgress() getCheeseInteractor.execute({ cheese -> // onNext view?.onNewCheeses(cheese) view?.hideProgress() }, { // onError view?.showError() view?.hideProgress() }, amount) } fun onItemClicked(model: CheeseViewModel) = router?.navigateToDetails(model) } Example of Presenter
  • 26. Interactor Contains the business logic as specified by a use case
  • 27. Interactor ● Represents use cases ● Regular Java object ● No Android framework dependency ● Encapsulates application specific business rules
  • 28. class GetCheeseInteractor @Inject constructor( private val subscribeOn : Scheduler, private val observeOn : Scheduler, private val cheeseStorage: CheeseStorage) { private val subscriptions = CompositeSubscription() fun execute(subscriber: Subscriber<Collection<Cheese>>, amount : Int) { subscriptions.add(cheeseStorage.getCheese(amount) .subscribeOn(subscribeOn) .observeOn(observeOn) .subscribe(subscriber)) } } Example of Interactor
  • 29. Entity Contains basic model objects used by the Interactor
  • 30. Entity ● POJOs ● Encapsulates different types of data ● Model objects manipulated by an Interactor
  • 31. data class Cheese( val id : Long, val name : String, val price : Long, val description : String, val type : String, val texture : String, val fatContent : String, val animalMilk : String, val regionOfOrigin: String ) Example of Entity
  • 32. Router Contains navigation logic for describing which screens are shown in which order
  • 35. Router ● Responsible for passing data between screens ● Receives input commands from the Presenter ● Responsible for the navigation logic between modules
  • 36. internal interface MainRouter { fun navigateToDetails(model: CheeseViewModel) fun navigateToPreferences() fun navigateToRegistration() } Example of Router
  • 37. class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), MainRouter { override fun navigateToDetails(model: CheeseViewModel) { startActivity(Intent(this, { with(this) { putExtra(DetailsActivity.NAME, putExtra(DetailsActivity.CHECKED, model.isChecked) } }) } override fun navigateToPreferences() { startActivity(Intent(this, } override fun navigateToRegistration() { supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .replace(, LoginFragment()) .commit() } } Example of Router
  • 38. Why should you use VIPER? ● It’s easier to track issues via crash reports ● The source code will be cleaner, more compact and reusable ● Adding new features is easier ● There are less conflicts with the rest of the development team ● It’s easier to write automated tests
  • 39. When should you NOT use VIPER? ● It’s an overkill for small projects ● Causes an overhead when starting new projects ● MVP/MVC/MVVM-VIPER mix can cause headaches ● Lots of code all over the project
  • 40. Testing ● Presentation layer ○ Espresso, Robolectric ● Domain layer ○ JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock ● Data layer ○ Robolectric, JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock
  • 41. References ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
  • 42. Demo