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Dependency Injection
With Spring
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
 What is Dependency Injection ?
 Dependency Inversion Principle
 Types of Dependency Injection
 Why DI ?
 Understand DI with StudentSystem Example
 DI with Spring Configuration
 Benefits of DI
 DI Using Annotations
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: What it is ?
 Dependency Injection is a software design pattern that allows removing hard
coded dependencies and making it possible to change them at run-time.
 Dependencies are injected into objects by a container.
 Also Known as Inversion Of Control (IoC).
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI Principle
 The dependency inversion principle was postulated by Robert C. Martin
 The principle states:
• Always use abstractions (Interface)
• Objects should define their dependencies only through
 Constructor arguments
 Arguments to a factory method.
 Properties which are set on the object instance
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: Types
 Setter injection - Dependent module exposes a setter method that the framework uses to
inject the dependency.
 Constructor injection - Dependencies are provided through the class constructor.
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: Why ?
 Dependency Injection enables 'POJO programming'
 POJO programming facilitate
- Simplicity
- Effective separation of concerns
- Proper unit testing
 Well-factored and well-tested code
- Tends to be well-designed code
- Evolves well into maintainable systems
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Example: The Student System
 To improve your skills in Java development, you decide to develop a student system.
 You decide to use a file to store student information.
 You create a class FileStudentDAO responsible for writing and reading to the file
 You create a class StudentSystem responsible for performing the logic of the system.
 You’ve learned that it’s a good thing to program to interfaces
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
The DefaultStudentSystem
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Works! Or .. ?
The system is a big success – University of Oslo wants to adopt it!
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Works! Or .. ?
You make a new implementation of the StudentDAO for University of Oslo, a
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Works! Or .. ?
 Won’t work! The FileStudentDAO is hard-coded into the StudentSystem:
 The DefaultStudentSystem implementation is responsible for obtaining a StudentDAO.
 Dependent both on the StudentDAO interface and the implementation
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
public class DefaultStudentSystem implements StudentSystem {
private StudentDAO studentDAO = new FileStudentDAO();
Problems: Student System
How to deploy the StudentSystem at different locations?
 Develop various versions for each location?
• Time consuming
• Confusing and error-prone
• Requires more efforts for versioning
 Use Dependency Injection!
• More specific term derived from the term Inversion of Control
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Traditional Vs DI
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: With Spring
 Bean: A class that is managed by a Spring IoC container
 Setter based DI: Provide a public set-method for the dependency reference.
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: Spring Configuration
 Configuration: How to instantiate, configure, and assemble the objects in your application
• The Spring container accepts many configuration formats
• XML based configuration most common.
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: Spring Configuration
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Injected into
Refers to the
Refers to the
studentDAO attribute in Java
DI: Spring Configuration
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
DI: Benefits
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
 Easier to swap implementations of dependencies
 The system can be re-configured without changing the compiled code
 Easier testing
 Improved re-usability of your classes
 Cleaner code
DI: Using Annotations
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
 Annotation is a meta-tag – applied to classes, methods...
• Associated with program behaviour
 @Component
• Defines a class as a Spring container managed component
 @Autowired
• Tells Spring to inject a component
 Classpath scanning for components
• <context:component-scan base-package="org.example"/>
DI: Using Annotations
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
public class StudentService
StudentDAO studentDAO;
//Getter setter methods
public class StudentDAO
public String toString() {
return "This is StudentDAO";
DI: Using Annotations
<bean id="studentDAO" class="com.mindfire.spring.student.dao.StudentDAO"/>

<bean id="studentService" class="com.mindfire.spring.student.service.StudentService">
<property name="studentDAO" ref="studentDAO" /> 
<constructor-arg ref="studentDAO"> </constructor-arg> 

<context:component-scan base-package="com.mindfire.spring.student" />
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Annotation configuration
XML Configuration
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
 Books
• Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller: Expert One-on-One J2EE
• Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach: Spring in Action
 The Spring reference documentation
Questions ?
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions

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Dependency injection

  • 1. Dependency Injection With Spring Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 2. Agenda  What is Dependency Injection ?  Dependency Inversion Principle  Types of Dependency Injection  Why DI ?  Understand DI with StudentSystem Example  DI with Spring Configuration  Benefits of DI  DI Using Annotations Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 3. DI: What it is ?  Dependency Injection is a software design pattern that allows removing hard coded dependencies and making it possible to change them at run-time.  Dependencies are injected into objects by a container.  Also Known as Inversion Of Control (IoC). Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 4. DI Principle  The dependency inversion principle was postulated by Robert C. Martin  The principle states: • Always use abstractions (Interface) • Objects should define their dependencies only through  Constructor arguments  Arguments to a factory method.  Properties which are set on the object instance Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 5. DI: Types  Setter injection - Dependent module exposes a setter method that the framework uses to inject the dependency.  Constructor injection - Dependencies are provided through the class constructor. Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 6. DI: Why ?  Dependency Injection enables 'POJO programming'  POJO programming facilitate - Simplicity - Effective separation of concerns - Proper unit testing  Well-factored and well-tested code - Tends to be well-designed code - Evolves well into maintainable systems Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 7. Example: The Student System  To improve your skills in Java development, you decide to develop a student system.  You decide to use a file to store student information.  You create a class FileStudentDAO responsible for writing and reading to the file  You create a class StudentSystem responsible for performing the logic of the system.  You’ve learned that it’s a good thing to program to interfaces Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 8. DI: Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 9. The DefaultStudentSystem Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 10. Works! Or .. ? The system is a big success – University of Oslo wants to adopt it! Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 11. Works! Or .. ? You make a new implementation of the StudentDAO for University of Oslo, a MySQLStudentDAO: Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 12. Works! Or .. ?  Won’t work! The FileStudentDAO is hard-coded into the StudentSystem:  The DefaultStudentSystem implementation is responsible for obtaining a StudentDAO.  Dependent both on the StudentDAO interface and the implementation Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions public class DefaultStudentSystem implements StudentSystem { private StudentDAO studentDAO = new FileStudentDAO(); ...
  • 13. Problems: Student System How to deploy the StudentSystem at different locations?  Develop various versions for each location? • Time consuming • Confusing and error-prone • Requires more efforts for versioning Solution:  Use Dependency Injection! • More specific term derived from the term Inversion of Control Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 14. Traditional Vs DI Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 15. DI: With Spring  Bean: A class that is managed by a Spring IoC container  Setter based DI: Provide a public set-method for the dependency reference. Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 16. DI: Spring Configuration  Configuration: How to instantiate, configure, and assemble the objects in your application • The Spring container accepts many configuration formats • XML based configuration most common. Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 17. DI: Spring Configuration Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions studentDAO Injected into studentSystem Refers to the studentDAO bean Refers to the studentDAO attribute in Java class
  • 18. DI: Spring Configuration Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 19. Summary Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 20. DI: Benefits Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions  Easier to swap implementations of dependencies  The system can be re-configured without changing the compiled code  Easier testing  Improved re-usability of your classes  Cleaner code
  • 21. DI: Using Annotations Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions  Annotation is a meta-tag – applied to classes, methods... • Associated with program behaviour  @Component • Defines a class as a Spring container managed component  @Autowired • Tells Spring to inject a component  Classpath scanning for components • <context:component-scan base-package="org.example"/>
  • 22. DI: Using Annotations Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions @Component public class StudentService { @Autowired StudentDAO studentDAO; //constructors //Getter setter methods } @Component public class StudentDAO { @Override public String toString() { return "This is StudentDAO"; } }
  • 23. DI: Using Annotations <bean id="studentDAO" class="com.mindfire.spring.student.dao.StudentDAO"/> <!-- Injecting studentDAO to StudentService via xml configuration --> <bean id="studentService" class="com.mindfire.spring.student.service.StudentService"> <property name="studentDAO" ref="studentDAO" /> <!-- Setter injection --> <constructor-arg ref="studentDAO"> </constructor-arg> <!-- Constructor injection --> </bean> <!-- This is used to auto scanning of beans annotated by @Component. --> <context:component-scan base-package="com.mindfire.spring.student" /> Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions Annotation configuration XML Configuration
  • 24. Resources Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions  Books • Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller: Expert One-on-One J2EE • Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach: Spring in Action  The Spring reference documentation •
  • 25. Questions ? Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions
  • 26. Presenter: Pranav Kumar, Mindfire Solutions