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Supreet Oberoi 
VP Field Engineering, Concurrent Inc
• I am a Data Engineer, not a Data Scientist 
• I help Enterprises develop decisions on building their “Big Data” roadmap and 
technical strategy — use cases, products, technology decisions, employee skills 
• I design Hadoop applications with the intent to operationalize them in Enterprise 
settings — applications on which business depend, and last longer than the 
technologies underneath them… 
• This talk is about learning how to design your BD strategy that leverages best
• Open Language 
• Open Data 
• Open Hardware 
• Open Compute Platform 
• Open Development Platform
• Don’t equate architecture with language; 
develop architecture to support multiple 
• Support SQL and SQL-like languages 
• Encourage development in proven & scalable 
languages as Java 
• Develop architecture to support change of 
programming languages (even for same app) 
• Have common performance-management 
tools across all programming environments
Develop a common operating picture by promoting reuse with open data 
• Prevent exclusive access to data sets 
through proprietary tools 
• Promote a common meta-data repository 
• Forbid storing data in proprietary formats 
• Build seamless integration capabilities
• Get commodity hardware — commodity hardware will 
always cost less than “optimized” specialized 
hardware (note: definition of “specialized” is up for 
• Develop and maintain a cluster that can be reused by 
different applications and technology stacks — avoid 
custom software installations on the cluster, or setting 
up dedicated clusters for given tech stacks 
• Harness the power of collective from the cluster — 
avoid fragmenting the cluster if possible
Make tradeoffs between reliability & speed based on your business context 
• Ensure that moving your application from one 
Hadoop compute platform (e.g. MapReduce) to 
another (e.g., Tez) does not: 
• impact application code 
• impact production-monitoring tools 
• Resist compute platforms that require your 
enterprise to acquire significantly new skills (even 
if it is easy) to become productive 
• Avoid new platforms that partition the cluster 
• Avoid platforms that do not support Open Data
Development platforms improve developer productivity and operational excellence — picking a 
correct platform gives you best practices developed by the community, achieving higher quality 
• Invest in picking the correct development platform 
— open, easy, scalable, popular, tools, … 
• Bet on a sustainable open source platform 
• Measure the vitality of the community: 
• number of downloads, extensions (living 
ecosystem), extensible architecture, consumers of 
the technology, code stability… 
A proven platform provides tools to get your apps to production
Leader in Application Infrastructure for Big Data 
• Building enterprise software to simplify Big Data application 
development and management 
Products and Technology 
Open Source - The most widely used application infrastructure for 
building Big Data apps with over 175,000 downloads each month 
Enterprise data application management for Big Data apps 
Proven — Simple, Reliable, Robust 
• Thousands of enterprises rely on Concurrent to provide their data 
application infrastructure. 
Founded: 2008 
HQ: San Francisco, CA 
CEO: Gary Nakamura 
CTO, Founder: Chris Wensel
“It’s all about the apps” 
There needs to be a comprehensive solution for building, deploying, running 
and managing this new class of enterprise applications. 
Business Strategy Connecting Business and Data 
Data & Technology 
Skill sets, systems integration, 
standard op procedure and 
operational visibility
Enterprise Data Application Infrastructure 
• Need reliable, reusable tooling to quickly build and consistently deliver 
data products 
• Need the degrees of freedom to solve problems ranging from simple to 
complex with existing skill sets 
• Need the flexibility to easily adapt an application to meet business needs 
(latency, scale, SLA), without having to rewrite the application 
• Need operational visibility for entire data application lifecycle 
Cascading Apps 
SQL Clojure Ruby 
New Fabrics 
Tez Storm 
System Integration 
Mainframe DB / DW In-Memory Data Stores Hadoop 
• Standard for enterprise 
data app development 
• Your programming 
language of choice 
• Cascading applications 
that run on MapReduce 
will also run on Apache 
Spark, Storm, and …
String docPath = args[ 0 ]; 
String wcPath = args[ 1 ]; 
Properties properties = new Properties(); 
AppProps.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Main.class ); 
HadoopFlowConnector flowConnector = new HadoopFlowConnector( properties ); 
// create source and sink taps 
Tap docTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), docPath ); 
Tap wcTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), wcPath ); 
// specify a regex to split "document" text lines into token stream 
Fields token = new Fields( "token" ); 
Fields text = new Fields( "text" ); 
RegexSplitGenerator splitter = new RegexSplitGenerator( token, "[ [](),.]" ); 
// only returns "token" 
Pipe docPipe = new Each( "token", text, splitter, Fields.RESULTS ); 
// determine the word counts 
Pipe wcPipe = new Pipe( "wc", docPipe ); 
wcPipe = new GroupBy( wcPipe, token ); 
wcPipe = new Every( wcPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count(), Fields.ALL ); 
// connect the taps, pipes, etc., into a flow definition 
FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef().setName( "wc" ) 
.addSource( docPipe, docTap ) 
.addTailSink( wcPipe, wcTap ); 
// create the Flow 
Flow wcFlow = flowConnector.connect( flowDef ); // <<-- Unit of Work 
wcFlow.complete(); // <<-- Runs jobs on Cluster
• Functions 
• Filters 
• Joins 
‣ Inner / Outer / Mixed 
‣ Asymmetrical / Symmetrical 
• Merge (Union) 
• Grouping 
‣ Secondary Sorting 
‣ Unique (Distinct) 
• Aggregations 
‣ Count, Average, etc 
function filter function 
Split Join 
• Java API 
• Separates business logic from integration 
• Testable at every lifecycle stage 
• Works with any JVM language 
• Many integration adapters 
Processing API Integration API 
Process Planner 
Scheduler API 
Apache Hadoop 
Data Stores 
Scala, Clojure, JRuby, Jython, Groovy Enterprise Java
Build data apps 
that are 
Design principals ensure 
best practices at any scale 
Efficiently test code and 
process local files before 
deploying on a cluster 
Use existing Java,Scala, 
SQL, modeling skill sets 
Write once, then run on 
different computation 
Simple - Package up into 
one jar and hand to 
Hadoop never lives alone. 
Easily integrate to existing 
Proven application development 
framework for building data apps 
Application platform that addresses:
175,000+ downloads / month 
7000+ Deployments
Enterprise IT 
Extract Transform Load 
Log File Analysis 
Systems Integration 
Operations Analysis 
Corporate Apps 
HR Analytics 
Employee Behavioral Analysis 
Customer Support | eCRM 
Business Reporting 
Data processing of Open Data 
Geospatial Indexing 
Consumer Mobile Apps 
Location based services 
Marketing / Retail 
Mobile, Social, Search Analytics 
Funnel Analysis 
Revenue Attribution 
Customer Experiments 
Ad Optimization 
Retail Recommenders 
Consumer / Entertainment 
Music Recommendation 
Comparison Shopping 
Restaurant Rankings 
Real Estate 
Rental Listings 
Travel Search & Forecast 
Fraud and Anomaly Detection 
Fraud Experiments 
Customer Analytics 
Insurance Risk Metric 
Health / Biotech 
Aggregate Metrics For Govt 
Person Biometrics 
Veterinary Diagnostics 
Next-Gen Genomics 
Environmental Maps
• Cascading Java API 
• Data normalization and cleansing of search and click-through logs for 
use by analytics tools, Hive analysts 
• Easy to operationalize heavy lifting of data in one framework 
• Cascalog (Clojure) 
• Weather pattern modeling to protect growers against loss 
• ETL against 20+ datasets daily 
• Machine learning to create models 
• Purchased by Monsanto for $930M US 
• Scalding (Scala) 
• Makes complex analysis of very large data sets simple 
• Machine learning, linear algebra to improve 
• 30,000 jobs a day — this works @ scale 
• Ad quality (matching users and ad effectiveness) 
Hadoop ecosystem supports Cascading
“Write once and deploy on your fabric of choice.” 
• The Innovation — Cascading 3.0 will 
allow for data apps to execute on 
existing and emerging fabrics 
through its new customizable query 
• Cascading 3.0 will support — Local 
In-Memory, Apache MapReduce and 
soon thereafter (3.1) Apache Tez, 
Apache Spark and Apache Storm 
Enterprise Data Applications 
Local In-Memory MapReduce 
Computation Fabrics
• Lingual is an extension to Cascading that 
executes ANSI SQL queries as Cascading apps 
• Supports integrating with any data source that can 
be accessed through JDBC — Cascading Tap 
can be created for any source supporting JDBC 
• Great for migration of data, integrating with non- 
Big Data assets — extends life of existing IT 
assets in an organization 
CLI / Shell Enterprise Java 
Provider API JDBC API Lingual API 
Query Planner 
Apache Hadoop 
Data Stores 
• Scalding is a language binding to Cascading for Scala 
• The name Scalding comes from the combining of SCALa and cascaDING 
• Scalding is great for Scala developers; can crisply write constructs for matrix 
• Scalding has very large commercial deployments at: 
• Twitter - Use cases such as the revenue quality team, ad targeting and traffic quality 
• Ebay - Use cases include search analytics and other production data pipelines
• Pattern is an open source project that allows to leverage Predictive Model 
Markup Language (PMML) models and translate them into Cascading 
• PMML is an XML-based popular analytics framework that allows applications to describe data mining and 
machine learning algorithms 
• PMML models from popular analytics frameworks can be reused and 
deployed within Cascading workflows 
• Vendor frameworks - SAS, IBM SPSS, MicroStrategy, Oracle 
• Open source frameworks - R, Weka, KNIME, RapidMiner 
• Pattern is great for migrating your model scoring to Hadoop from your 
decision systems
Step 1: Train your model with industry-leading Tools 
Step 2: Score your models at scale with Pattern 
29 Confidential
Visibility Through All Stages of App Lifecycle 
From Development — Building and Testing 
• Design & Development 
• Debugging 
• Tuning 
To Production — Monitoring and Tracking 
• Maintain Business SLAs 
• Balance & Controls 
• Application and Data Quality 
• Operational Health 
• Real-time Insights 
• Understand the anatomy of your Hive app 
• Track execution of queries as single business process 
• Identify outlier behavior by comparison with historical runs 
• Analyze rich operational meta-data 
• Correlate Hive app behavior with other events on cluster 
• Easily comprehend, debug, and tune 
your data applications 
• Get rich insights on your application 
• Monitor applications in real-time 
• Compare app performance with 
historical (previous) iterations 
Debug and optimize your Hadoop applications more effectively with Driven
• Quickly breakdown how often 
applications execute based on their tags, 
teams, or names 
• Immediately identify if any application is 
monopolizing cluster resources 
• Understand the utilization of your cluster 
with a timeline of all applications running 
Visualize the activity of your applications to help maintain SLAs
• Easily keep track of all your 
applications by segmenting them with 
user-defined tags 
• Segment your applications for 
trending analysis, cluster analysis, 
and developing chargeback models 
• Quickly breakdown how often 
applications execute based on their 
tags, teams, or names 
Segment your applications for greater insights across all your applications
Utilize teams to collaborate and gain visibility over your set of applications 
• Invite others to view and collaborate 
on a specific application 
• Gain visibility to all the apps and their 
owners associated with each team 
• Simply manage your teams and the 
users assigned to them 
Fast, powerful, rich search capabilities enable you to easily find the exact set of 
• Identify problematic apps with their 
owners and teams 
• Search for groups of applications 
segmented by user-defined tags 
• Compare specific applications with their 
previous iterations to ensure that your 
application can meet its SL 
applications that you’re looking for
• Understand the anatomy of your Hive app 
• Track execution of queries as single business process 
• Identify outlier behavior by comparison with historical runs 
• Analyze rich operational meta-data 
• Correlate Hive app behavior with other events on cluster 
• Cascading framework enables developers to intuitively create data applications that scale 
and are robust, future-proof, supporting new execution fabrics without requiring a code rewrite 
• Scalding — a Scala-based extension to Cascading — provides crisp programming 
constructs for algorithm developers and data scientists 
• Driven — an application visualization product — provides rich insights into how your 
applications executes, improving developer productivity by 10x 
• Cascading 3.0 opens up the query planner — write apps once, run on any fabric 
Concurrent offers training classes for Cascading (DEC 9) & Scalding (NOV 4)
Supreet Oberoi 
650-868-7675 (m) 
Supreet Oberoi
Supreet Oberoi
• Cascading is a general-purpose framework to develop data applications; supports development through the 
entire lifecycle of data - from staging to final data sets 
• Developing with an API is more productive and intuitive than with a UI — incorporate best-practices 
• Can do in three lines of code what takes 20-clicks in an app (fluent API with IDE makes it even simpler) 
• Can test locally and deploy production without code change 
• Because it is based in code: debuggable, extensible, deployable, traceable 
• GUI tools do not help in visualizing the must-have insights 
• Real-time application visualization, application bottlenecks, anatomy of the application, application 
dependencies, cost breakdown of an operation (join), bottlenecks due to code, data, network, cluster
• Hierarchical Clustering 
• K-Means Clustering 
• Linear Regression 
• Logistic Regression 
• Random Forest 
algorithms extended based on customer use cases – 
44 Confidential
• Cascading 3.0 will ease application migration to Spark 
• Enterprises can standardize on one API to meet business challenges and solve a 
variety of business problems ranging from simple to complex, regardless of latency or 
• Third party products, data apps, frameworks and dynamic programming languages 
on Cascading will immediately benefit from this portability 
• Even more operational visibility from development through production with Driven 
• Estimate suicide risk from what people write online 
• Cascading + Cassandra 
• You can do more than optimize add yields 

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Cascading concurrent yahoo lunch_nlearn

  • 2. ABOUT ME 2 • I am a Data Engineer, not a Data Scientist • I help Enterprises develop decisions on building their “Big Data” roadmap and technical strategy — use cases, products, technology decisions, employee skills • I design Hadoop applications with the intent to operationalize them in Enterprise settings — applications on which business depend, and last longer than the technologies underneath them… • This talk is about learning how to design your BD strategy that leverages best
  • 3. BUILDING AN OPEN PLATFORM IS KEY TO PREVENTING LOCK-IN 3 • Open Language • Open Data • Open Hardware • Open Compute Platform • Open Development Platform
  • 4. OPEN LANGUAGES ALLOW YOU TO HARNESS THE TALENT OF YOUR ENTERPRISE 4 • Don’t equate architecture with language; develop architecture to support multiple • Support SQL and SQL-like languages • Encourage development in proven & scalable languages as Java • Develop architecture to support change of programming languages (even for same app) • Have common performance-management tools across all programming environments
  • 5. OPEN DATA ENABLES REUSE OF DATA AND APPS 5 Develop a common operating picture by promoting reuse with open data • Prevent exclusive access to data sets through proprietary tools • Promote a common meta-data repository • Forbid storing data in proprietary formats • Build seamless integration capabilities
  • 6. OPEN HARDWARE PROMOTES REUSE OF INFRASTRUCTURE 6 • Get commodity hardware — commodity hardware will always cost less than “optimized” specialized hardware (note: definition of “specialized” is up for debate) • Develop and maintain a cluster that can be reused by different applications and technology stacks — avoid custom software installations on the cluster, or setting up dedicated clusters for given tech stacks • Harness the power of collective from the cluster — avoid fragmenting the cluster if possible
  • 7. OPEN COMPUTE PLATFORM MAKES YOU SELECT THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE PROBLEM 7 Make tradeoffs between reliability & speed based on your business context • Ensure that moving your application from one Hadoop compute platform (e.g. MapReduce) to another (e.g., Tez) does not: • impact application code • impact production-monitoring tools • Resist compute platforms that require your enterprise to acquire significantly new skills (even if it is easy) to become productive • Avoid new platforms that partition the cluster • Avoid platforms that do not support Open Data
  • 8. OPEN DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM PROVIDES LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY 8 Development platforms improve developer productivity and operational excellence — picking a correct platform gives you best practices developed by the community, achieving higher quality • Invest in picking the correct development platform — open, easy, scalable, popular, tools, … • Bet on a sustainable open source platform • Measure the vitality of the community: • number of downloads, extensions (living ecosystem), extensible architecture, consumers of the technology, code stability… A proven platform provides tools to get your apps to production
  • 9. GET TO KNOW CONCURRENT 9 Leader in Application Infrastructure for Big Data • Building enterprise software to simplify Big Data application development and management Products and Technology • CASCADING Open Source - The most widely used application infrastructure for building Big Data apps with over 175,000 downloads each month • DRIVEN Enterprise data application management for Big Data apps Proven — Simple, Reliable, Robust • Thousands of enterprises rely on Concurrent to provide their data application infrastructure. Founded: 2008 HQ: San Francisco, CA CEO: Gary Nakamura CTO, Founder: Chris Wensel
  • 10. BIG DATA — OPERATIONALIZE YOUR DATA APPS WITH CASCADING 10 “It’s all about the apps” There needs to be a comprehensive solution for building, deploying, running and managing this new class of enterprise applications. Business Strategy Connecting Business and Data Data & Technology Challenges Skill sets, systems integration, standard op procedure and operational visibility
  • 11. DATA APPLICATIONS - ENTERPRISE NEEDS Enterprise Data Application Infrastructure • Need reliable, reusable tooling to quickly build and consistently deliver data products • Need the degrees of freedom to solve problems ranging from simple to complex with existing skill sets • Need the flexibility to easily adapt an application to meet business needs (latency, scale, SLA), without having to rewrite the application • Need operational visibility for entire data application lifecycle 11
  • 12. CASCADING - DE-FACTO FOR DATA APPS Cascading Apps 12 SQL Clojure Ruby New Fabrics Tez Storm System Integration Mainframe DB / DW In-Memory Data Stores Hadoop • Standard for enterprise data app development • Your programming language of choice • Cascading applications that run on MapReduce will also run on Apache Spark, Storm, and …
  • 13. WORD COUNT EXAMPLE WITH CASCADING String docPath = args[ 0 ]; String wcPath = args[ 1 ]; Properties properties = new Properties(); AppProps.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Main.class ); HadoopFlowConnector flowConnector = new HadoopFlowConnector( properties ); 13 configuration integration // create source and sink taps Tap docTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), docPath ); Tap wcTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), wcPath ); processing // specify a regex to split "document" text lines into token stream Fields token = new Fields( "token" ); Fields text = new Fields( "text" ); RegexSplitGenerator splitter = new RegexSplitGenerator( token, "[ [](),.]" ); // only returns "token" Pipe docPipe = new Each( "token", text, splitter, Fields.RESULTS ); // determine the word counts Pipe wcPipe = new Pipe( "wc", docPipe ); wcPipe = new GroupBy( wcPipe, token ); wcPipe = new Every( wcPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count(), Fields.ALL ); scheduling // connect the taps, pipes, etc., into a flow definition FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef().setName( "wc" ) .addSource( docPipe, docTap ) .addTailSink( wcPipe, wcTap ); // create the Flow Flow wcFlow = flowConnector.connect( flowDef ); // <<-- Unit of Work wcFlow.complete(); // <<-- Runs jobs on Cluster
  • 14. SOME COMMON PATTERNS • Functions • Filters • Joins ‣ Inner / Outer / Mixed ‣ Asymmetrical / Symmetrical • Merge (Union) • Grouping ‣ Secondary Sorting ‣ Unique (Distinct) • Aggregations ‣ Count, Average, etc 14 filter filter function function filter function data Pipeline Split Join Merge data Topology
  • 15. CASCADING • Java API • Separates business logic from integration • Testable at every lifecycle stage • Works with any JVM language • Many integration adapters 15 Processing API Integration API Process Planner Scheduler API Scheduler Apache Hadoop Cascading Data Stores Scripting Scala, Clojure, JRuby, Jython, Groovy Enterprise Java
  • 16. THE STANDARD FOR DATA APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 16 Build data apps that are scale-free Design principals ensure best practices at any scale Test-Driven Development Efficiently test code and process local files before deploying on a cluster Staffing Bottleneck Use existing Java,Scala, SQL, modeling skill sets Application Portability Write once, then run on different computation fabrics Operational Complexity Simple - Package up into one jar and hand to operations Systems Integration Hadoop never lives alone. Easily integrate to existing systems Proven application development framework for building data apps Application platform that addresses:
  • 17. STRONG ORGANIC GROWTH 17 175,000+ downloads / month 7000+ Deployments
  • 18. CASCADING DATA APPLICATIONS 18 Enterprise IT Extract Transform Load Log File Analysis Systems Integration Operations Analysis Corporate Apps HR Analytics Employee Behavioral Analysis Customer Support | eCRM Business Reporting Telecom Data processing of Open Data Geospatial Indexing Consumer Mobile Apps Location based services Marketing / Retail Mobile, Social, Search Analytics Funnel Analysis Revenue Attribution Customer Experiments Ad Optimization Retail Recommenders Consumer / Entertainment Music Recommendation Comparison Shopping Restaurant Rankings Real Estate Rental Listings Travel Search & Forecast Finance Fraud and Anomaly Detection Fraud Experiments Customer Analytics Insurance Risk Metric Health / Biotech Aggregate Metrics For Govt Person Biometrics Veterinary Diagnostics Next-Gen Genomics Argonomics Environmental Maps
  • 19. BUSINESSES DEPEND ON US • Cascading Java API • Data normalization and cleansing of search and click-through logs for use by analytics tools, Hive analysts • Easy to operationalize heavy lifting of data in one framework 19
  • 20. BUSINESSES DEPEND ON US • Cascalog (Clojure) • Weather pattern modeling to protect growers against loss • ETL against 20+ datasets daily • Machine learning to create models • Purchased by Monsanto for $930M US 20
  • 21. BUSINESSES DEPEND ON US • Scalding (Scala) • Makes complex analysis of very large data sets simple • Machine learning, linear algebra to improve • 30,000 jobs a day — this works @ scale • Ad quality (matching users and ad effectiveness) 21 TWITTER
  • 23. BROAD SUPPORT 23 Hadoop ecosystem supports Cascading
  • 25. CASCADING 3.0 25 “Write once and deploy on your fabric of choice.” • The Innovation — Cascading 3.0 will allow for data apps to execute on existing and emerging fabrics through its new customizable query planner. • Cascading 3.0 will support — Local In-Memory, Apache MapReduce and soon thereafter (3.1) Apache Tez, Apache Spark and Apache Storm Enterprise Data Applications Local In-Memory MapReduce Other Custom Computation Fabrics
  • 26. USE LINGUAL TO MIGRATE ITERATIVE ETL TASKS TO HADOOP • Lingual is an extension to Cascading that executes ANSI SQL queries as Cascading apps • Supports integrating with any data source that can be accessed through JDBC — Cascading Tap can be created for any source supporting JDBC • Great for migration of data, integrating with non- Big Data assets — extends life of existing IT assets in an organization 26 CLI / Shell Enterprise Java Provider API JDBC API Lingual API Query Planner Cascading Apache Hadoop Lingual Data Stores Catalog
  • 27. SCALDING • Scalding is a language binding to Cascading for Scala 27 • The name Scalding comes from the combining of SCALa and cascaDING • Scalding is great for Scala developers; can crisply write constructs for matrix math… • Scalding has very large commercial deployments at: • Twitter - Use cases such as the revenue quality team, ad targeting and traffic quality • Ebay - Use cases include search analytics and other production data pipelines
  • 28. PATTERN SCORES MODELS AT SCALE 28 • Pattern is an open source project that allows to leverage Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) models and translate them into Cascading apps. • PMML is an XML-based popular analytics framework that allows applications to describe data mining and machine learning algorithms • PMML models from popular analytics frameworks can be reused and deployed within Cascading workflows • Vendor frameworks - SAS, IBM SPSS, MicroStrategy, Oracle • Open source frameworks - R, Weka, KNIME, RapidMiner • Pattern is great for migrating your model scoring to Hadoop from your decision systems
  • 29. PATTERN SCORES MODELS AT SCALE Step 1: Train your model with industry-leading Tools Step 2: Score your models at scale with Pattern 29 Confidential
  • 30. OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE WITH DRIVEN Visibility Through All Stages of App Lifecycle From Development — Building and Testing • Design & Development • Debugging • Tuning To Production — Monitoring and Tracking • Maintain Business SLAs • Balance & Controls • Application and Data Quality • Operational Health • Real-time Insights 30
  • 31. DRIVEN FOR HIVE: OPERATIONAL VISIBILITY FOR YOUR HIVE APPS • Understand the anatomy of your Hive app • Track execution of queries as single business process • Identify outlier behavior by comparison with historical runs • Analyze rich operational meta-data • Correlate Hive app behavior with other events on cluster 31
  • 33. DEEPER VISUALIZATION INTO YOUR HADOOP CODE • Easily comprehend, debug, and tune your data applications • Get rich insights on your application performance • Monitor applications in real-time • Compare app performance with historical (previous) iterations 33 Debug and optimize your Hadoop applications more effectively with Driven
  • 34. GET OPERATIONAL INSIGHTS WITH DRIVEN • Quickly breakdown how often applications execute based on their tags, teams, or names • Immediately identify if any application is monopolizing cluster resources • Understand the utilization of your cluster with a timeline of all applications running 34 Visualize the activity of your applications to help maintain SLAs
  • 35. ORGANIZE YOUR APPLICATIONS WITH GREATER FIDELITY • Easily keep track of all your applications by segmenting them with user-defined tags • Segment your applications for trending analysis, cluster analysis, and developing chargeback models • Quickly breakdown how often applications execute based on their tags, teams, or names 35 Segment your applications for greater insights across all your applications
  • 36. COLLABORATE WITH TEAMS Utilize teams to collaborate and gain visibility over your set of applications • Invite others to view and collaborate on a specific application • Gain visibility to all the apps and their owners associated with each team • Simply manage your teams and the users assigned to them 36
  • 37. MANAGE PORTFOLIO OF BIG DATA APPLICATIONS Fast, powerful, rich search capabilities enable you to easily find the exact set of • Identify problematic apps with their owners and teams • Search for groups of applications segmented by user-defined tags • Compare specific applications with their previous iterations to ensure that your application can meet its SL 37 applications that you’re looking for
  • 38. DRIVEN FOR HIVE: OPERATIONAL VISIBILITY FOR YOUR HIVE APPS • Understand the anatomy of your Hive app • Track execution of queries as single business process • Identify outlier behavior by comparison with historical runs • Analyze rich operational meta-data • Correlate Hive app behavior with other events on cluster 38
  • 39. SUMMARY - BUILD ROBUST DATA APPS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME WITH CASCADING • Cascading framework enables developers to intuitively create data applications that scale and are robust, future-proof, supporting new execution fabrics without requiring a code rewrite • Scalding — a Scala-based extension to Cascading — provides crisp programming constructs for algorithm developers and data scientists • Driven — an application visualization product — provides rich insights into how your applications executes, improving developer productivity by 10x • Cascading 3.0 opens up the query planner — write apps once, run on any fabric 39 Concurrent offers training classes for Cascading (DEC 9) & Scalding (NOV 4)
  • 40. CONTACT INFORMATION Supreet Oberoi 650-868-7675 (m) @supreet_online
  • 43. DIFFERENT PHILOSOPHY THAN GUI TOOLS • Cascading is a general-purpose framework to develop data applications; supports development through the entire lifecycle of data - from staging to final data sets • Developing with an API is more productive and intuitive than with a UI — incorporate best-practices 43 • Can do in three lines of code what takes 20-clicks in an app (fluent API with IDE makes it even simpler) • Can test locally and deploy production without code change • Because it is based in code: debuggable, extensible, deployable, traceable • GUI tools do not help in visualizing the must-have insights • Real-time application visualization, application bottlenecks, anatomy of the application, application dependencies, cost breakdown of an operation (join), bottlenecks due to code, data, network, cluster
  • 44. PATTERN: ALGOS IMPLEMENTED • Hierarchical Clustering • K-Means Clustering • Linear Regression • Logistic Regression • Random Forest algorithms extended based on customer use cases – 44 Confidential
  • 45. CASCADING 3.0 IMPACT - DATA APP DEVELOPMENT FOR SPARK ON ROBUST FRAMEWORK • Cascading 3.0 will ease application migration to Spark • Enterprises can standardize on one API to meet business challenges and solve a variety of business problems ranging from simple to complex, regardless of latency or scale • Third party products, data apps, frameworks and dynamic programming languages on Cascading will immediately benefit from this portability • Even more operational visibility from development through production with Driven 45
  • 46. BUSINESSES DEPEND ON US • Estimate suicide risk from what people write online • Cascading + Cassandra • You can do more than optimize add yields • 46