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Jim Peregord, Venu Palvai
Element Fleet Management
Building a Pluggable Analytics Stack with Cassandra as the Foundation
1 Background on Element Fleet Management
2 Key Use Cases Supported
3 Architecture
4 Our Journey
5 Lessons Learned
2© DataStax, All Rights Reserved.
A Little About Us
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Jim Peregord Venu Palvai
VP – Analytics, BI, Data Mgt
Lead Architect
Background on Element Fleet Management
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Full lifecycle of fleet
management services
Data consolidation and
advanced analytics
Maximize customer
ROI on fleet assets via
data and advanced
2,600 employees
1+ million vehicles
$18 billion in total
finance assets
2 billion rows of data
and growing
Greenfield Opportunity to Build Analytics Platform
• Element acquired GE Fleet Management September 1, 2015
• Now the largest publicly held Fleet Management company in world
• Pre-acquisition Element had limited data warehouse and Big Data tech
• Greenfield Opportunity to build next gen BI and Advanced Analytics platform
High-level Options Considered
#1 – Build a separate data warehouse and Big Data/Advanced Analytics platform
#2 – Build a single, unified architecture that supports both
Our Decision
#2 – Build a single, unified platform using DataStax
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Key Use Cases Supported on New Platform
• High availability out of the box
• Linear and elastic scalability
• High concurrency and low latency
• Real-time ingestion of data streams: Vehicle (location, diagnostics), weather, traffic
• Expose data and analytics via RESTful APIs
• Advanced Analytics (Predictive, Prescriptive, Streaming)
• Data warehouse and traditional reporting
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Advanced Analytics Hardware Architecture
• Purpose-Built Hardware for Advanced Analytics
• NUMA/NVME Hardware is not commodity – it is highly specialized for very
high performance. Tens of millions of IOPs.
• Architected to scale 10x or even 100x current capacity – A must for
Telematics and IOT data.
• H/W Specs – 256GB, 4 X 2 TB SSD, dedicated C*/Spark instance per SSD
• Active-Active clustering means very high availability
• C* / Spark / SOLR / FiloDB / DSE Graph + NUMA – High performance
analytics platform
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Cassandra + Spark
32 nodes
Cassandra + SOLR
8 nodes
Analytics Logical Architecture
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Thrift Server
Spark SQL
Job Server
Pluggable Architecture - Overview
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Element’s pluggable Analytics stack gives us the ability to plug into multiple analytics tools
and choose the right tool depending on the questions we are asking. This gives us the
ability to add new analytics capabilities on top of Cassandra as they become available.
Columnar Data,
Fast Reads
SQL, Streaming
Search, Custom
DSE Graph
Future Tools
Pluggable Architecture - FiloDB
• FiloDB uses Cassandra for storage and Spark for computation
• Optimized for:
• Low latency queries and streaming
• Interactive ad-hoc analysis on Big Data
• Complex analytics and machine learning
• Efficient Columnar Storage (20-40X less storage)
• All queries are distributed and run in parallel in Spark
• Integrates with existing BI tools via JDBC/ODBC
• Horizontally scalable, fault tolerant
• Future enhancements include Geo Spatial Analysis
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Fast Reads
Recent blog post by Evan Chan, renowned C* / Spark Expert
Pluggable Architecture – Apache Spark
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SQL, Streaming
• In-memory, fast SQL
• Easily blend data from
multiple sources
• Connect to BI tools
• Ingest streaming data
sources like
telematics, weather,
engine diagnostics,
• Library of machine
learning algorithms for
advanced analytics
Pluggable Architecture – Lucene / SOLR
• Powerful search algorithms
• Geospatial indexing and geo-queries
• Custom dictionaries
• Efficient metric calculations
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Search, Custom
Pluggable Architecture – DSE Enterprise Graph
• Graph databases store data as a network of relationships
• Provides optimized analytics for any data where relationships are most important
• Can improve query/analytics performance 1000X
Example use cases:
• IOT time series on streaming data
• Vehicle routing
• Visualize clusters of well/under performing assets
• Recommend optimal actions
• Fraud detection
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 14
DSE Graph
Graph Data
Pluggable Architecture – Cassandra
• High performance NoSQL database
• Flexible schema allows new data attributes to be easily added
• Peer-to-Peer, distributed architecture results in no single point of failure – different than traditional
• Elastic scalability to add more servers as workload increases
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What our Platform Means to Customers
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• 20x CPU Speed
• 10x Memory
• 70x Disk Performance
Cassandra database
framework has been
adopted by companies
running some of the world’s
largest and most
sophisticated real-time
Data Insights Action
• Maintenance history
• Fuel purchases
• Miles driven
• GPS location
• Points of Interest
• Weather
• Traffic
• Online repair reviews
• Fuel price geo-indexing
• Predict Operating Costs
• Fraud Detection
• Business Rule Exceptions
• Accident Predictors
• Optimal Replacement
• High risk DTC codes
• Repair sentiment analysis
• Vehicle Replacement
• Fraud actions
• Safe driving interventions
• Non-standard
maintenance schedule
• Recommend fueling and
maintenance facilities
Sifting through the data “noise” must be as fast as possible
in order to create actionable recommendations
Our Journey
Journey to Build a Unified BI and Analytics Platform
• Creating flexible data models that work for both BI and analytics
• Achieving high concurrency and low latency required for enterprise reporting platforms
• Optimizing software installation and configuration for performance
• Workload management
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Dimensional Modeling for BI and Analytics
• BI Tools are designed to work with dimensional models
• Dimensional models are proven and easy to understand
and model
• Dimensional models are flexible, can answer many
• OLAP use cases require slicing and dicing data across
multiple dimensions
• JOIN capability is critical for achieving data models that
can answer various questions
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Dim Dim
Dim Dim
Limitations of Spark SQL
• Cassandra + Spark cluster provides JOIN functionality
• Spark SQL is not able to pass filters applied on one table
to another table if both tables are joined on filtering
• Predicate pushdowns are not working for Outer JOIN
• Pushing predicates to Cassandra/Data source guarantees
better performance
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Sample DAG plan for a JOIN SQL
with 5 tables
SQL Example:
Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name , i.invoice_amount
From customer c,invoice i
Where c.customer_id = i.customer_id
And c.customer_id = 123;
Spark splits above SQL into
Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customer c
Where c.customer_id = 123;
Select i.customer_id, invoice_amount
From invoice i;
Custom Thrift Server to Optimize SQL Statements
• Adds predicates to joining tables based on matching join columns
• Converts IN conditions to = conditions whenever IN List has only one value
• Adds IN predicate on partition column based on the range predicates supplied on non-partition key
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 21
Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name , i.invoice_amount
From customer c,
invoice i
Where c.customer_id = i.customer_id
And c.customer_id IN (123)
Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name , i.invoice_amount
From customer c,
invoice i
Where c.customer_id = i.customer_id
And c.customer_id = 123
And i.customer_id = 123
Thrift Server
Spark thrift
server with
Custom Hive
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
(if needed)
Submit plan
• Cassandra 2.1 has several restrictions on predicate pushdowns
• FiloDB is a true columnar store
• Provides ~20 – 30 times compression over Cassandra
• Very efficient for single and multiple partition scans
• Partial Predicate Pushdown support
• Provides ~20 - 30 times better read performance over straight
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 22
Rows of data
Get converted to compressed
columnar chunks
Cassandra Storage of FiloDB
Dimensional Data Modeling for Cassandra + Spark
• Simple STAR schema models as much as possible (eliminate
snow flakes, outer joins etc)
• De-normalized dimensions, facts (avoid duplicating dimensions
into facts)
• Minimize number of tables involved in joins
• Common partitioning strategy across dimensions and facts (easy
predicate handling)
• Limiting max partition sizes to ~1 GB
• Reduce number of partitions for efficient Spark execution, limit
partition sizes for efficient Cassandra read operations
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 23
C* C*
ODS is truncate/load daily.
ADS is complete replica of the source system. Incremental ETL strategy.
ODS tables are used to load FiloDB table (incremental) using Spark Jobs.
Power BI
Example: ETL Incremental Load Strategy
Results & Opportunities
• Successfully completed 300 concurrent user load test from Business Objects
• <1 second response from thrift servers for 90% of queries
• Average of 50 columns & 50 - 500k rows returned
• Single partition and multi-partition scans, Joins involving 5-10 FiloDB tables per each query
• Limitations on the maximum result size that can be collected using Spark SQL
• Limitations on the total concurrent result size requested from Spark thrift server
• These are tunable limitations
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 25
Lessons Learned
• Limitations of Cassandra for Fast Analytics, may require custom development
• Have a strategy to handle growth of Cassandra partitions
• Throttle read & write work loads for the size of the cluster
• Tombstone management
• Pick right ETL tool for the job.
• Turn off NUMAD service
• Lack of monitoring tools on Spark
• Spark’s lazy evaluation, makes debugging very difficult
© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 26

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  • 2. 1 Background on Element Fleet Management 2 Key Use Cases Supported 3 Architecture 4 Our Journey 5 Lessons Learned 2© DataStax, All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. A Little About Us © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 3 Jim Peregord Venu Palvai VP – Analytics, BI, Data Mgt Lead Architect
  • 4. Background on Element Fleet Management © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 4 Full lifecycle of fleet management services Data consolidation and advanced analytics services Maximize customer ROI on fleet assets via data and advanced analytics 2,600 employees 1+ million vehicles managed $18 billion in total finance assets 2 billion rows of data and growing
  • 5. Greenfield Opportunity to Build Analytics Platform • Element acquired GE Fleet Management September 1, 2015 • Now the largest publicly held Fleet Management company in world • Pre-acquisition Element had limited data warehouse and Big Data tech • Greenfield Opportunity to build next gen BI and Advanced Analytics platform High-level Options Considered #1 – Build a separate data warehouse and Big Data/Advanced Analytics platform #2 – Build a single, unified architecture that supports both Our Decision #2 – Build a single, unified platform using DataStax © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 5
  • 6. Key Use Cases Supported on New Platform • High availability out of the box • Linear and elastic scalability • High concurrency and low latency • Real-time ingestion of data streams: Vehicle (location, diagnostics), weather, traffic • Expose data and analytics via RESTful APIs • Advanced Analytics (Predictive, Prescriptive, Streaming) • Data warehouse and traditional reporting © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 6
  • 8. Advanced Analytics Hardware Architecture • Purpose-Built Hardware for Advanced Analytics • NUMA/NVME Hardware is not commodity – it is highly specialized for very high performance. Tens of millions of IOPs. • Architected to scale 10x or even 100x current capacity – A must for Telematics and IOT data. • H/W Specs – 256GB, 4 X 2 TB SSD, dedicated C*/Spark instance per SSD • Active-Active clustering means very high availability • C* / Spark / SOLR / FiloDB / DSE Graph + NUMA – High performance analytics platform © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 8 Cassandra + Spark 32 nodes Cassandra + SOLR 8 nodes
  • 9. Analytics Logical Architecture © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 9 Events Streaming Sources Amazon SQS Kafka filoDB Internal Batch Sources External Thrift Server Spark SQL Job Server RESTful Packages (PySpark) MLlib Consumers
  • 10. Pluggable Architecture - Overview © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 10 Element’s pluggable Analytics stack gives us the ability to plug into multiple analytics tools and choose the right tool depending on the questions we are asking. This gives us the ability to add new analytics capabilities on top of Cassandra as they become available. FiloDB Columnar Data, Fast Reads Spark SQL, Streaming Analytics, pySpark Lucene Search, Custom Dictionaries DSE Graph Graph-based Analytics Future Tools TBD
  • 11. Pluggable Architecture - FiloDB • FiloDB uses Cassandra for storage and Spark for computation • Optimized for: • Low latency queries and streaming • Interactive ad-hoc analysis on Big Data • Complex analytics and machine learning • Efficient Columnar Storage (20-40X less storage) • All queries are distributed and run in parallel in Spark • Integrates with existing BI tools via JDBC/ODBC • Horizontally scalable, fault tolerant • Future enhancements include Geo Spatial Analysis © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 11 FiloDB Columnar Data, Fast Reads Recent blog post by Evan Chan, renowned C* / Spark Expert building-a-data-warehouse-using-spark-cassandra-and-filodb
  • 12. Pluggable Architecture – Apache Spark © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 12 Spark SQL, Streaming Analytics Spark SQL • In-memory, fast SQL processing • Easily blend data from multiple sources • Connect to BI tools Spark Streaming • Ingest streaming data sources like telematics, weather, engine diagnostics, etc. Spark MLlib • Library of machine learning algorithms for advanced analytics
  • 13. Pluggable Architecture – Lucene / SOLR • Powerful search algorithms • Geospatial indexing and geo-queries • Custom dictionaries • Efficient metric calculations © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 13 Lucene Search, Custom Dictionaries
  • 14. Pluggable Architecture – DSE Enterprise Graph • Graph databases store data as a network of relationships • Provides optimized analytics for any data where relationships are most important • Can improve query/analytics performance 1000X Example use cases: • IOT time series on streaming data • Vehicle routing • Visualize clusters of well/under performing assets • Recommend optimal actions • Fraud detection © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 14 DSE Graph Graph Data Analytics
  • 15. Pluggable Architecture – Cassandra • High performance NoSQL database • Flexible schema allows new data attributes to be easily added • Peer-to-Peer, distributed architecture results in no single point of failure – different than traditional databases • Elastic scalability to add more servers as workload increases © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 15
  • 16. What our Platform Means to Customers © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 16 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS • 20x CPU Speed • 10x Memory • 70x Disk Performance ALL RUNNING ON Cassandra database framework has been adopted by companies running some of the world’s largest and most sophisticated real-time analytics Data Insights Action • Maintenance history • Fuel purchases • Miles driven • GPS location • Points of Interest • Weather • Traffic • Online repair reviews • Fuel price geo-indexing • Predict Operating Costs • Fraud Detection • Business Rule Exceptions • Accident Predictors • Optimal Replacement • High risk DTC codes • Repair sentiment analysis • Vehicle Replacement Schedule • Fraud actions • Safe driving interventions • Non-standard maintenance schedule • Recommend fueling and maintenance facilities Sifting through the data “noise” must be as fast as possible in order to create actionable recommendations
  • 18. Journey to Build a Unified BI and Analytics Platform • Creating flexible data models that work for both BI and analytics • Achieving high concurrency and low latency required for enterprise reporting platforms • Optimizing software installation and configuration for performance • Workload management © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 18
  • 19. Dimensional Modeling for BI and Analytics • BI Tools are designed to work with dimensional models • Dimensional models are proven and easy to understand and model • Dimensional models are flexible, can answer many questions • OLAP use cases require slicing and dicing data across multiple dimensions • JOIN capability is critical for achieving data models that can answer various questions © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 19 Fact Dim Dim Dim Dim
  • 20. Limitations of Spark SQL • Cassandra + Spark cluster provides JOIN functionality • Spark SQL is not able to pass filters applied on one table to another table if both tables are joined on filtering columns. • Predicate pushdowns are not working for Outer JOIN relationship • Pushing predicates to Cassandra/Data source guarantees better performance © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 20 Sample DAG plan for a JOIN SQL with 5 tables SQL Example: Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name , i.invoice_amount From customer c,invoice i Where c.customer_id = i.customer_id And c.customer_id = 123; Spark splits above SQL into Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customer c Where c.customer_id = 123; Select i.customer_id, invoice_amount From invoice i;
  • 21. Custom Thrift Server to Optimize SQL Statements • Adds predicates to joining tables based on matching join columns • Converts IN conditions to = conditions whenever IN List has only one value • Adds IN predicate on partition column based on the range predicates supplied on non-partition key columns © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 21 Example Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name , i.invoice_amount From customer c, invoice i Where c.customer_id = i.customer_id And c.customer_id IN (123) Select c.customer_id, c.customer_name , i.invoice_amount From customer c, invoice i Where c.customer_id = i.customer_id And c.customer_id = 123 And i.customer_id = 123 Custom Thrift Server Spark thrift server with Custom Hive Context Inspect Logical Plan Modify Logical Plan (if needed) Submit plan for Execution
  • 22. FiloDB • Cassandra 2.1 has several restrictions on predicate pushdowns • FiloDB is a true columnar store • Provides ~20 – 30 times compression over Cassandra • Very efficient for single and multiple partition scans • Partial Predicate Pushdown support • Provides ~20 - 30 times better read performance over straight Cassandra © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 22 Ck1 Ck2 Rows of data Get converted to compressed columnar chunks Cassandra Storage of FiloDB data
  • 23. Dimensional Data Modeling for Cassandra + Spark • Simple STAR schema models as much as possible (eliminate snow flakes, outer joins etc) • De-normalized dimensions, facts (avoid duplicating dimensions into facts) • Minimize number of tables involved in joins • Common partitioning strategy across dimensions and facts (easy predicate handling) • Limiting max partition sizes to ~1 GB • Reduce number of partitions for efficient Spark execution, limit partition sizes for efficient Cassandra read operations © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 23
  • 24. SPIN ODS ADS FILO DB CASSANDRA/SPARK JDBC SPARK C* C* ETL - TALEND RELOAD INCREMENTAL INCREMENTAL THRIFT ODS is truncate/load daily. ADS is complete replica of the source system. Incremental ETL strategy. ODS tables are used to load FiloDB table (incremental) using Spark Jobs. SSRS Power BI Example: ETL Incremental Load Strategy
  • 25. Results & Opportunities • Successfully completed 300 concurrent user load test from Business Objects • <1 second response from thrift servers for 90% of queries • Average of 50 columns & 50 - 500k rows returned • Single partition and multi-partition scans, Joins involving 5-10 FiloDB tables per each query Opportunities • Limitations on the maximum result size that can be collected using Spark SQL • Limitations on the total concurrent result size requested from Spark thrift server • These are tunable limitations © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 25
  • 26. Lessons Learned • Limitations of Cassandra for Fast Analytics, may require custom development • Have a strategy to handle growth of Cassandra partitions • Throttle read & write work loads for the size of the cluster • Tombstone management • Pick right ETL tool for the job. • Turn off NUMAD service • Lack of monitoring tools on Spark • Spark’s lazy evaluation, makes debugging very difficult © DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 26