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Big Data Warehousing Meetup

Today’s Topic: Exploring Big Data
Analytics Techniques with Datameer

                                     Sponsored By:
  Joe Caserta
  Founder & President, Caserta Concepts
7:00     Networking
         Grab a slice of pizza and a drink...

7:15     Joe Caserta                              Welcome
         President, Caserta Concepts              About the Meetup and about Caserta Concepts
         Author, Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit

7:30     Elliott Cordo                            Pig and Hive
         Principal Consultant, Caserta Concepts   Walkthrough of these powerful native Hadoop tools

7:50     Adam Gugliciello                         Datameer
         Solutions Engineer, Datameer

8:10 -   More Networking
9:00     Tell us what you’re up to…
About BDW Meetup
• Big Data is a complex, rapidly
 changing landscape

• We want to share our stories and
 hear about yours

• Great networking opportunity for like
 minded data nerds

• Opportunities to collaborate on
 exciting projects

• Next BDW Meetup: April 22.
• Topic: Intro to NoSQL Databases
About Caserta Concepts
 Focused                             Industries Served
                                    •   Financial Services
 •   Big Data Analytics             •   Healthcare / Insurance
 •   Data Warehousing               •   Retail / eCommerce
 •   Business Intelligence          •   Digital Media / Marketing
 •   Strategic Data                 •   K-12 / Higher Education

     Founded in 2001

     • President: Joe Caserta, industry thought leader,
       consultant, educator and co-author, The Data
       Warehouse ETL Toolkit (Wiley, 2004)
Client Portfolio
& Insurance

& Manufacturing

& Services
Expertise & Offerings
 Strategic Roadmap/

 Big Data

 Data Warehousing/
 ETL/Data Integration


 Master Data Management
Does this word cloud excite you?

Speak with us about our open positions:

     Joe Caserta
     President & Founder, Caserta Concepts
     P: (855) 755-2246 x227

     Erik Laurence
     VP Marketing, Caserta Concepts
     P: (855) 755-2246 x528         
     E:              1(855) 755-2246
     Elliott Cordo
     Principal Consultant, Caserta Concepts
     P: (855) 755-2246 x267
    Elliott Cordo
    Principal Consultant, Caserta Concepts
Big Data Analysis
• Let’s review some tools for analyzing and processing Big

• We will go over some simple use cases – point out what is
 interesting about them

• Develop a point of view of what each one is well suited for.
Big Data Analysis – Map Reduce?
Distributed programming framework – Divide and Conquer!
  • Master divides work into digestible chunks and distributes to worker nodes
    – > MAP
  • Work from nodes is then collected by the master and combined to form an
    answer -> REDUCE

Powerful tool for to solve interesting computational problems at scale
• We are doing low-level language coding to perform low-
 level operations

• For productivity we need higher level tools!

• We will get help from a few animals!

              N1     N2          N3           N4            N5
                    Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
• The Hadoop “Data Warehouse”

• HiveQL is a SQL-Like interface that allows you to abstract
 “relational-db like” structure on top of non-relational or
 unstructured data
  • Flat Files, JSON, Web logs
  • HBase, Casandra, other NoSQL stores like MongoDB

• Thanks to ODBC/JDBC drivers some conventional BI
 tools can interact with Hive

• Ability to integrate custom programming, mappers,
But don’t get too excited!
• Hive is not a Database, especially in terms of

• SQL is interpreted to Map Reduce Jobs, expect even
 simple queries to be around a minute or more.
                       Start query,
                       go get coffee

• But now that expectations have been set, it’s still a very
 useful tool
HIVE DDL– Create and load a table
hive> create table user_movie_ratings(
  > user_id int,
  > movie_id int,                   Looks like a typical
  > rating int,
  > time_unix_ts string)            table declaration,
  > row format delimited            except we are specify
  > fields terminated by 't'       the ingested file
  > stored as textfile;             format
Time taken: 0.395 seconds

hive> load data inpath '/user/hive/staging/data/' overwrite into table
Loading data to table default.user_movie_ratings
Deleted hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hive/warehouse/user_movie_ratings
Table default.user_movie_ratings stats: [num_partitions: 0, num_files: 1, num_rows: 0,
total_size: 1979173, raw_data_size: 0]
Time taken: 0.474 seconds
HIVE DDL– Create an external table
hive> create external table user (
  > user_id int,
  > age int,
                                                    This time we don’t
  > gender string,                                  want Hive to own this
  > occupation string,                              data’s lifecycle
  > postal_code int )
  > row format delimited fields terminated by '|'
  > location '/user/hive/staging/user';
Time taken: 0.096 seconds
hive> select occupation, count(1)
  > from user_movie_ratings m
  > join user u on u.user_id=m.user_id
  > group by occupation;

Total MapReduce jobs = 2
Launching Job 1 out of 2
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 47 seconds 170 msec

administrator 7479
artist 2308
doctor 540
educator 9442
engineer 8175
entertainment 2095
retired 1609
salesman 856
scientist 2058
student 21957
technician 3506
writer 5536                          Hmmm..
Time taken: 110.331 seconds
• Powerful High Level Programming Language

• SQL-ish, small learning curve for SQL and procedural

• Excellent for data transformation, ETL

• Not meant to be an ad-hoc query tool, happy with doing
 grunt work

• Plenty of supported file formats, databases, ability to
 create custom UDF’s
PIG Example
grunt> lens_users= load '/user/movie_lens/u.user' using PigStorage('|') as
(user_id:int, age:int, gender:chararray, occupation:chararray, postal_code:int);

grunt> lens_data= load '/user/movie_lens/' using PigStorage('t') as
(user_id:int, movie_id:int, rating:int, time_unix_ts:chararray);

grunt> joined = join lens_users by user_id, lens_data by user_id

grunt> grouped = group joined by (occupation);

grunt> results = FOREACH grouped GENERATE COUNT_STAR(joined),*;

grunt> store results into '/user/movie_lens_user_summary'
                                                                 We are doing
                                                                 our aggregate
                                                                 functions after
PIG - Results
                Grouping in PIG is a fair
                deviation from SQL ->
                original elements are
                preserved in a bag
• Helpful for ETL
• Very good for Ad-Hoc Analysis - Not necessarily suited
  for front end users but definitely helpful for data analysts
• Directly leverages SQL expertise!!

• Great for ETL
• Powerful, transformation and processing capabilities
• SQL-like, but different in many ways, will take some time
  to master.
Big Data Warehousing - Meetup

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Big Data Warehousing: Pig vs. Hive Comparison

  • 1. Big Data Warehousing Meetup Today’s Topic: Exploring Big Data Analytics Techniques with Datameer Sponsored By:
  • 2. WELCOME! Joe Caserta Founder & President, Caserta Concepts
  • 3. Agenda 7:00 Networking Grab a slice of pizza and a drink... 7:15 Joe Caserta Welcome President, Caserta Concepts About the Meetup and about Caserta Concepts Author, Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit 7:30 Elliott Cordo Pig and Hive Principal Consultant, Caserta Concepts Walkthrough of these powerful native Hadoop tools 7:50 Adam Gugliciello Datameer Solutions Engineer, Datameer 8:10 - More Networking 9:00 Tell us what you’re up to…
  • 4. About BDW Meetup • Big Data is a complex, rapidly changing landscape • We want to share our stories and hear about yours • Great networking opportunity for like minded data nerds • Opportunities to collaborate on exciting projects • Next BDW Meetup: April 22. • Topic: Intro to NoSQL Databases
  • 5. About Caserta Concepts Focused Industries Served Expertise • Financial Services • Big Data Analytics • Healthcare / Insurance • Data Warehousing • Retail / eCommerce • Business Intelligence • Digital Media / Marketing • Strategic Data • K-12 / Higher Education Ecosystems Founded in 2001 • President: Joe Caserta, industry thought leader, consultant, educator and co-author, The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit (Wiley, 2004)
  • 6. Client Portfolio Finance & Insurance Retail/eCommerce & Manufacturing Education & Services
  • 7. Expertise & Offerings Strategic Roadmap/ Assessment/Consulting Big Data Analytics Data Warehousing/ ETL/Data Integration BI/Visualization/ Analytics Master Data Management
  • 8. Opportunities Does this word cloud excite you? Speak with us about our open positions:
  • 9. Contacts Joe Caserta President & Founder, Caserta Concepts P: (855) 755-2246 x227 E: Erik Laurence VP Marketing, Caserta Concepts P: (855) 755-2246 x528 E: 1(855) 755-2246 Elliott Cordo Principal Consultant, Caserta Concepts P: (855) 755-2246 x267 E:
  • 10. ANALYZING DATA: PIG AND HIVE Elliott Cordo Principal Consultant, Caserta Concepts
  • 11. Big Data Analysis • Let’s review some tools for analyzing and processing Big Data • We will go over some simple use cases – point out what is interesting about them • Develop a point of view of what each one is well suited for.
  • 12. Big Data Analysis – Map Reduce? Distributed programming framework – Divide and Conquer! • Master divides work into digestible chunks and distributes to worker nodes – > MAP • Work from nodes is then collected by the master and combined to form an answer -> REDUCE Powerful tool for to solve interesting computational problems at scale
  • 13. HELP • We are doing low-level language coding to perform low- level operations • For productivity we need higher level tools! • We will get help from a few animals! N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • 14. HIVE • The Hadoop “Data Warehouse” • HiveQL is a SQL-Like interface that allows you to abstract “relational-db like” structure on top of non-relational or unstructured data • Flat Files, JSON, Web logs • HBase, Casandra, other NoSQL stores like MongoDB • Thanks to ODBC/JDBC drivers some conventional BI tools can interact with Hive • Ability to integrate custom programming, mappers, reducers
  • 15. HIVE But don’t get too excited! • Hive is not a Database, especially in terms of optimizations. • SQL is interpreted to Map Reduce Jobs, expect even simple queries to be around a minute or more. Start query, go get coffee • But now that expectations have been set, it’s still a very useful tool
  • 16. HIVE DDL– Create and load a table hive> create table user_movie_ratings( > user_id int, > movie_id int, Looks like a typical > rating int, > time_unix_ts string) table declaration, > row format delimited except we are specify > fields terminated by 't' the ingested file > stored as textfile; format OK Time taken: 0.395 seconds hive> load data inpath '/user/hive/staging/data/' overwrite into table user_movie_ratings; Loading data to table default.user_movie_ratings Deleted hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hive/warehouse/user_movie_ratings Table default.user_movie_ratings stats: [num_partitions: 0, num_files: 1, num_rows: 0, total_size: 1979173, raw_data_size: 0] OK Time taken: 0.474 seconds
  • 17. HIVE DDL– Create an external table hive> create external table user ( > user_id int, > age int, This time we don’t > gender string, want Hive to own this > occupation string, data’s lifecycle > postal_code int ) > row format delimited fields terminated by '|' > location '/user/hive/staging/user'; OK Time taken: 0.096 seconds
  • 18. HIVE – YAY SQL! hive> select occupation, count(1) > from user_movie_ratings m > join user u on u.user_id=m.user_id > group by occupation; Total MapReduce jobs = 2 Launching Job 1 out of 2 ... Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 47 seconds 170 msec OK administrator 7479 artist 2308 doctor 540 educator 9442 engineer 8175 entertainment 2095 …. retired 1609 salesman 856 scientist 2058 student 21957 technician 3506 writer 5536 Hmmm.. Time taken: 110.331 seconds
  • 19. PIG • Powerful High Level Programming Language • SQL-ish, small learning curve for SQL and procedural programmers • Excellent for data transformation, ETL • Not meant to be an ad-hoc query tool, happy with doing grunt work • Plenty of supported file formats, databases, ability to create custom UDF’s
  • 20. PIG Example grunt> lens_users= load '/user/movie_lens/u.user' using PigStorage('|') as (user_id:int, age:int, gender:chararray, occupation:chararray, postal_code:int); grunt> lens_data= load '/user/movie_lens/' using PigStorage('t') as (user_id:int, movie_id:int, rating:int, time_unix_ts:chararray); grunt> joined = join lens_users by user_id, lens_data by user_id grunt> grouped = group joined by (occupation); grunt> results = FOREACH grouped GENERATE COUNT_STAR(joined),*; grunt> store results into '/user/movie_lens_user_summary' Interesting, We are doing our aggregate functions after grouping
  • 21. PIG - Results Grouping in PIG is a fair deviation from SQL -> original elements are preserved in a bag
  • 22. Summary Hive: • Helpful for ETL • Very good for Ad-Hoc Analysis - Not necessarily suited for front end users but definitely helpful for data analysts • Directly leverages SQL expertise!! PIG: • Great for ETL • Powerful, transformation and processing capabilities • SQL-like, but different in many ways, will take some time to master.