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Cosmos db
Course Content
Design Azure Cosmos DB
 Brief description about NoSQL
 NoSQL Features and Advantage
 Introduction of Cosmos DB
 Core Feature, Resource Hierarchy and Collection
 Demo – Account, Collection and Document Creation
Horizontal Partitioning
 Cosmos DB Scale
 Horizontal Scale
 Elastic Scale
 Partition Keys
 Choosing the Right Partition Key
 Cross Partition Queries
Globally Distributed Data/DR
 Global Distribution and Replication
 Replication and Consistency
 Consistency Levels and setting
SQL API for a documenting data model
 Document database
 Data modeling : Relational vs Document
 Demo - Importing documents from Sql server
 Partition Keys
 Choosing the Right Partition Key
 Cross Partition Queries
Querying Documents with the SQL API
 Query with SQL
 SQL operators and functions
 Demo - SQL Query
 Demo -Query Operator and built-in Functions
 Demo - Querying Documents in Collection
NoSQL DatabaseIntroduction:
NoSQL database stands for "Not Only SQL" or "Not SQL." NoSQL is a non-relational DMS, that does not require a
fixed schema, avoids joins, and is easy to scale. NoSQL database is used for distributed data stores with
humongous data storage needs. Carl Strozz introduced the NoSQL concept in 1998.
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Features of NoSQL
1. Non-relational
2. Simple API
4. Distributed3. Schema-free
Advantages of NoSQL
• Big Data Capability
• No Single Point of Failure
• Easy Replication
• Can handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data with equal effect
• Object-oriented programming which is easy to use and flexible
• Simple to implement than using RDBMS
• Handles big data which manages data velocity, variety, volume, and complexity
• Support Key Developer Languages and Platforms
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Creating Collection/Container
Creating Collections/Containers using .NET
Creating Documents using Portal
Creating Documents using .NET
Cosmos DB Scale
Azure Cosmos DB, provisioned throughput is represented as request units/second (RU/s or the plural form RUs).
RUs measure the cost of both read and write operations against your Cosmos container.
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
The Partition Key is used to automatically
partition data among multiple servers for
scalability. Choose a JSON property name that
has a wide range of values and is likely to have
evenly distributed access patterns.
Partition Keys
• Collection 1 : The Size is 10 GB, so CosmosDB can place all the documents within the same Logical
Partition (Logical Partition 1)
• Collection 2 : The size is unlimited (greater than 10 GB), so CosmsosDB has to spread the documents
across multiple logical partitions
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Cross Partition Query
FeedOptions.EnableCrossPartitionQuery Property
// Enable cross partition query.
var queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Book>(
collectionLink, new FeedOptions { EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true }).Where(b => b.Price > 1000);
Disaster Recovery(DR)
Ø Global Distribution
Ø Replication
Global Distribution
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Data modeling in Azure Cosmos DB
While schema-free databases, like Azure Cosmos DB, make it super easy to store and query unstructured and
semi-structured data, you should spend some time thinking about your data model to get the most of the service
in terms of performance and scalability and lowest cost.
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Referencing data
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
Hybrid data models
Based on your application's specific usage patterns and workloads there may be cases where mixing embedded
and referenced data makes sense and could lead to simpler application logic with fewer server round trips while
still maintaining a good level of performance.
Author documents:
"id": "a1",
"firstName": “Rahul",
"lastName": “Kumar",
"countOfBooks": 3,
"books": ["b1", "b2", "b3"],
"images": [
{"thumbnail": "https://....png"}
{"profile": "https://....png"}
{"large": "https://....png"}
"id": "a2",
"firstName": “Brijesh",
"lastName": “Kumar",
"countOfBooks": 1,
"books": ["b1"],
"images": [
{"thumbnail": "https://....png"}
Book documents:
"id": "b1",
"name": "Azure Cosmos DB 101",
"authors": [
{"id": "a1", "name": “Brijesh Kumar", "thumbnailUrl": "https://....png"},
{"id": "a2", "name": “Brijesh Kumar", "thumbnailUrl": "https://....png"}
"id": "b2",​
"name": "Azure Cosmos DB for RDBMS Users",​
"authors": [​
{"id": "a1", "name": “Brijesh Kumar", "thumbnailUrl": "https://....png"},​
Migrating from SQL Server to Cosmos db
Quering Documents with the SQL API
Documents Operators
Azure cosmos db, Azure no-SQL database,
SQL(Document ) Query
SQL Query Operators & In-Build Functions
Thank You

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39- Lookup Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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39- Lookup Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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38- Get Metadata Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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37- User Properties in Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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37- User Properties in Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
36- Copy Activity Setting in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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36- Copy Activity Setting in Azure Data Factory.pptx
35- Copy Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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34- Fail Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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33- If Condition Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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32- Validation Activity in Azure Data Factory.pptx
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