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September 16, 2015
Jason Huang
Senior Solutions Architect, Qubole Inc.
A little bit about Qubole
Ashish Thusoo
Founder & CEO
Joydeep Sen Sarma
Founder & CTO
Founded in 2011 by the pioneers of “big data” @
Facebook and the creator’s of the Apache Hive Project
Based in Mountain View, CA with offices in Bangalore,
India. Investments by Charles River, LightSpeed, Norwest
World class product and engineering team from:
Company Founding
Qubole founders built the Facebook data platform.
The Facebook model changed the role for data
in an enterprise.
• Needed to turn the data assets into a “utility” to make a viable
– Collaborative: over 30% of employees use the
data directly.
– Accessible: developers, analysts, business analysts or
business users all running queries. Has made the
company more data driven and agile with data
– Scalable: Exabyte's of data moving fast
It took the founders a team of over 30 people to create
this infrastructure and currently the team managing this
infrastructure has more than 100 people.
Work at Facebook inspired the founding of Qubole
Marketing Ops
Sales Ops
Qubole works in:
• Adtech
• Media & Entertainment
• Healthcare
• Retail
• eCommerce
• Manufacturing
Qubole works best when:
• Born in Cloud
• Commitment to Public Cloud
• Data Driven
• Large scale data
• Lack Hadoop Skills
• Analysts & scientist need access
Impediments for an Aspiring Data Driven Enterprise
Where Big
Data falls
• 6-18 month implementation time
• Only 27% of Big Data initiatives are
classified as “Successful” in 2014
Rigid and
Non adaptive
Difficult to
build and
• Only 13% of organizations achieve full-scale production
• 57% of organizations cite skills gap as a major inhibitor
State of the Big Data Industry (n=417)
Hadoop MapReduce Pig Spark Storm Presto Cassandra HBase Hive
• Hive translates SQL queries into multiple stages of MapReduce
– Allows for ad-hoc and batch data processing
– Provides fault-tolerance, intermediate results are written to disk,
automatic job retries in the event of failures (node, connectivity, etc.)
– Able to join tables with billions of rows
• Presto is an in-memory distributed SQL query engine
– Designed for interactive and near real-time SQL querying
– Multi-stage queries can run significantly faster than Hive
– Requires planning and optimizations when joining two large tables (data
must reside in memory)
Hive and Presto
Amazon Kinesis = a scalable and fully managed service for streaming large,
distributed data sets.
• Applications (mobile and wearable devices!) collect more and more data
– Kinesis is becoming the starting point for data ingestion into AWS
• Many solutions can consume Kinesis data streams for processing and
analyzing in various ways to influence business decisions, but none
provides near real-time querying of Kinesis using SQL.
– Qubole provides a Presto connector for Kinesis!
Presto with Kinesis
• Spark Streaming (Streaming Data)
• MLlib (Machine Learning)
• Spark SQL (Data Processing)
• GraphX (Graph Processing)
Spark Libraries
• Streaming Data
– Process streaming data with Spark built-in functions
– Applications such as fraud detection and log processing
– ETL via data ingestion
• Machine Learning
– Helps users run repeated queries and machine learning algorithms on
data sets
– MLlib can work in areas such as clustering, classification, and
dimensionality reduction
– Used for very common big data functions - predictive intelligence,
customer segmentation, and sentiment analysis
Apache Spark
• Interactive Analysis
– MapReduce was built to handle batch processing
– SQL-on-Hadoop engines such as Hive or Pig can be too slow for interactive
– Spark is fast enough to perform exploratory queries without sampling
– Provides multiple language-specific APIs including R, Python, Scala and Java.
• Fog Computing
– The Internet of Things - objects and devices with tiny embedded sensors that
communicate with each other and users, creating a fully interconnected world
– Decentralize data processing and storage and use Spark streaming analytics
and interactive real time queries
Apache Spark
Atlanta Data Science Meetup | Qubole slides
Impediments for an Aspiring Data Driven Enterprise
What you need to work in the cloud:
Governance &
Object Store
Qubole UI via
User Access
AWS Account
Customer’s AWS Account
Ephemeral Hadoop Clusters,
Managed by Qubole
Data Flow within
Customer’s AWS
Other RDS,
Web Tier
Web Servers
RDS – Qubole
User, Account
Amazon S3
No HDFS Load
w/S3 Server Side
Default Hive
Encryption Options:
a)Qubole can encrypt the result cache
b)Qubole supports encryption of the ephemeral drives used for HDFS
c) Qubole supports S3 Server Side Encryption
Custom Hive
Ephemeral Clusters:
• Auto-Scaling - both up and down
• Spot Instances - data management and back-fill
• VMs deployed with awareness of time
Qubole Case Study
Qubole Case Study
• 1 out of 3 employees
leverages Big Data
• Stores 60PB+ of data
• Logs 20TB+ of new data
per day
• Processes 3PB+ per day
over 2,000+ jobs
Qubole Case Study
Qubole Case Study
Why Hive?
“Qubole has enabled more
users within Pinterest to
get to the data and has
made the data platform lot
more scalable and stable”
Mohammad Shahangian
Lead, Data Science
and Infrastructure
Hive’s metastore serves as the canonical source of truth for all Hadoop jobs
Metadata Data
Qubole Case Study
Qubole Case Study
Sales Ops
Ease of use
for analysts
• Dozens of Data
Scientist and
Analyst users
• Produces double-
digit TBs of data
per day
• Does not have
dedicated staff
to setup and
manage clusters
and Hadoop
Qubole Case Study
Qubole Case Study
Producers Continuous Processing Storage Analytics
Real Time
Kinesis S3 Redshift
Machine LearningStreaming
Customer Data
Why Spark?
“Qubole put our cluster
management, auto-scaling
and ad-hoc queries on
autopilot. Its higher
performance for Big Data
queries translates directly
into faster and more
actionable marketing
intelligence for our
Yekesa Kosuru
VP, Technology
Qubole Case Study
Qubole Case Study
• Designed for
scientists &
• Leveraging
datasets from
public sources
and more…
• Cloud-based
delivered via
Qubole Case Study
Qubole Case Study
"Our customers have varying
needs: clinical researchers
might use GenePool to
examine genomic data from a
single patient, while a major
research institution might use
the platform to perform
analyses over 10,000 patients
at once”
Anish Kejariwal - Senior Director of
Engineering• Unified Metadata
• Auto-Scaling
• Spot Optimized
• Policy Keeper
• Cloud Tuned
• Cluster Lifecycle Management
Analyst Workbench UI Policy, Governance &
Security Center
QDS Unified Control Panel
QDS Data Engines
Why Presto?

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Atlanta Data Science Meetup | Qubole slides

  • 1. September 16, 2015 Jason Huang Senior Solutions Architect, Qubole Inc.
  • 2. A little bit about Qubole Ashish Thusoo Founder & CEO Joydeep Sen Sarma Founder & CTO Founded in 2011 by the pioneers of “big data” @ Facebook and the creator’s of the Apache Hive Project Based in Mountain View, CA with offices in Bangalore, India. Investments by Charles River, LightSpeed, Norwest Ventures. World class product and engineering team from:
  • 3. Company Founding Qubole founders built the Facebook data platform. The Facebook model changed the role for data in an enterprise. • Needed to turn the data assets into a “utility” to make a viable business. – Collaborative: over 30% of employees use the data directly. – Accessible: developers, analysts, business analysts or business users all running queries. Has made the company more data driven and agile with data use. – Scalable: Exabyte's of data moving fast It took the founders a team of over 30 people to create this infrastructure and currently the team managing this infrastructure has more than 100 people. Work at Facebook inspired the founding of Qubole Operations Analyst Marketing Ops Analyst Data Architect Business Users Product Support Customer Support Developer Sales Ops Product Managers Data Infrastructure
  • 4. Qubole works in: • Adtech • Media & Entertainment • Healthcare • Retail • eCommerce • Manufacturing Qubole works best when: • Born in Cloud • Commitment to Public Cloud • Data Driven • Large scale data • Lack Hadoop Skills • Analysts & scientist need access
  • 5. Impediments for an Aspiring Data Driven Enterprise Where Big Data falls short: • 6-18 month implementation time • Only 27% of Big Data initiatives are classified as “Successful” in 2014 Rigid and inflexible infrastructure Non adaptive software services Highly specialized systems Difficult to build and operate • Only 13% of organizations achieve full-scale production • 57% of organizations cite skills gap as a major inhibitor
  • 6. State of the Big Data Industry (n=417) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Hadoop MapReduce Pig Spark Storm Presto Cassandra HBase Hive
  • 7. • Hive translates SQL queries into multiple stages of MapReduce – Allows for ad-hoc and batch data processing – Provides fault-tolerance, intermediate results are written to disk, automatic job retries in the event of failures (node, connectivity, etc.) – Able to join tables with billions of rows • Presto is an in-memory distributed SQL query engine – Designed for interactive and near real-time SQL querying – Multi-stage queries can run significantly faster than Hive – Requires planning and optimizations when joining two large tables (data must reside in memory) Hive and Presto
  • 8. Amazon Kinesis = a scalable and fully managed service for streaming large, distributed data sets. • Applications (mobile and wearable devices!) collect more and more data – Kinesis is becoming the starting point for data ingestion into AWS • Many solutions can consume Kinesis data streams for processing and analyzing in various ways to influence business decisions, but none provides near real-time querying of Kinesis using SQL. – Qubole provides a Presto connector for Kinesis! Presto with Kinesis
  • 9. • Spark Streaming (Streaming Data) • MLlib (Machine Learning) • Spark SQL (Data Processing) • GraphX (Graph Processing) Spark Libraries
  • 10. • Streaming Data – Process streaming data with Spark built-in functions – Applications such as fraud detection and log processing – ETL via data ingestion • Machine Learning – Helps users run repeated queries and machine learning algorithms on data sets – MLlib can work in areas such as clustering, classification, and dimensionality reduction – Used for very common big data functions - predictive intelligence, customer segmentation, and sentiment analysis Apache Spark
  • 11. • Interactive Analysis – MapReduce was built to handle batch processing – SQL-on-Hadoop engines such as Hive or Pig can be too slow for interactive analysis – Spark is fast enough to perform exploratory queries without sampling – Provides multiple language-specific APIs including R, Python, Scala and Java. • Fog Computing – The Internet of Things - objects and devices with tiny embedded sensors that communicate with each other and users, creating a fully interconnected world – Decentralize data processing and storage and use Spark streaming analytics and interactive real time queries Apache Spark
  • 13. Impediments for an Aspiring Data Driven Enterprise What you need to work in the cloud: Central Governance & Security Internet Scale Instant Deployment Isolated Multitenancy Elastic Object Store Underpinnings
  • 14. Qubole UI via Browser SDK ODBC User Access Qubole’s AWS Account Customer’s AWS Account REST API (HTTPS) SSH Ephemeral Hadoop Clusters, Managed by Qubole Slave Master Data Flow within Customer’s AWS (optional) Other RDS, Redshift Ephemeral Web Tier Web Servers Encrypted Result Cache Encrypted HDFS Slave Encrypted HDFS RDS – Qubole User, Account Configurations (Encrypted credentials Amazon S3 No HDFS Load w/S3 Server Side Encryption Default Hive Metastore Encryption Options: a)Qubole can encrypt the result cache b)Qubole supports encryption of the ephemeral drives used for HDFS c) Qubole supports S3 Server Side Encryption (c) (b) (a) (optional) Custom Hive Metastore SSH Ephemeral Clusters: • Auto-Scaling - both up and down • Spot Instances - data management and back-fill • VMs deployed with awareness of time
  • 15. Demo
  • 16. Qubole Case Study Qubole Case Study • 1 out of 3 employees leverages Big Data • Stores 60PB+ of data • Logs 20TB+ of new data per day • Processes 3PB+ per day over 2,000+ jobs
  • 17. Qubole Case Study Qubole Case Study Why Hive? “Qubole has enabled more users within Pinterest to get to the data and has made the data platform lot more scalable and stable” Mohammad Shahangian Lead, Data Science and Infrastructure Hive Metastore Pig Cascading Hive HDFS/S3 Hive’s metastore serves as the canonical source of truth for all Hadoop jobs Metadata Data
  • 18. Qubole Case Study Qubole Case Study Operations Analyst Marketing Ops Analyst Data Architect Busines s Users Product Support Customer Support Developer Sales Ops Product Managers Ease of use for analysts • Dozens of Data Scientist and Analyst users • Produces double- digit TBs of data per day • Does not have dedicated staff to setup and manage clusters and Hadoop Distributions
  • 19. 0101 1010 1010 Qubole Case Study Qubole Case Study Producers Continuous Processing Storage Analytics CDN Real Time Bidding Retargeting Platform ETL Kinesis S3 Redshift Machine LearningStreaming Customer Data Why Spark? 0101 1010 1010 0101 1010 1010 0101 1010 1010 “Qubole put our cluster management, auto-scaling and ad-hoc queries on autopilot. Its higher performance for Big Data queries translates directly into faster and more actionable marketing intelligence for our customers.” Yekesa Kosuru VP, Technology
  • 20. Qubole Case Study Qubole Case Study • Designed for scientists & clinicians • Leveraging massive datasets from institutes, public sources and more… • Cloud-based product delivered via web
  • 21. Qubole Case Study Qubole Case Study "Our customers have varying needs: clinical researchers might use GenePool to examine genomic data from a single patient, while a major research institution might use the platform to perform analyses over 10,000 patients at once” Anish Kejariwal - Senior Director of Engineering• Unified Metadata • Auto-Scaling • Spot Optimized • Policy Keeper • Cloud Tuned • Cluster Lifecycle Management Developer Center Analyst Workbench UI Policy, Governance & Security Center QDS Unified Control Panel QDS Data Engines Why Presto?