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✓ Need for spark
✓ Introducton to Apache Spark
✓ Spark features
✓ Spark architecture
✓ What is RDDs
✓ Transformations & Actions
✓ Spark execution model
✓ Spark ecosystem
Why spark?
Need for general purpose cluster computing system
➢MapReduce limited to batch processing
➢Storm limited to real time stream processing
➢Impala/Tez limited to interactive processing
➢Neo4J/Giraph limited to graph processing
Need for Spark
• Need for a powerful engine that can process
the data in real time(streaming) as well as in
batch mode
• Need for a powerful engine that can respond in
sub-seconds and perform in-memory analytics
• Apache Spark is a powerful open source engine
that provides real-time(stream), interactive,
graph, in-memory as well as batch processing
with speed, ease of use & sophisticated
What is Apache Spark
Lightning fast and general purpose cluster
computing system
Introduction to Apache Spark
➢Apache Spark is lightning-fast cluster computing
➢General purpose distributed system
➢Up to 100 times faster than MapReduce
➢Written in Scala
➢Provides APIs in Scala, Java and python
➢Integrate with Hadoop and can process existing
• Introduced by UC Berkeley’s in 2009
• Open sourced in 2010
• Donated to the Apache in 2013,beacme top-level
project in 2014
• Became most active project at Apache in 2015
Sort Record
Apache Spark features
• Speed
• Ease of use
• Low latency
• Integration with Hadoop
• Rich set of operators
• Fault tolerant
• Generalized execution model
Spark Architecture
• Works in master and slave fashion
– Master node
– Slave node
Spark Nodes
Master node
• Manager node
• Assign the work to slave nodes
• Management, monitoring, maintenance of
slaves, assign work to them, keep track of
• Master daemon -runs on master node
Slave Nodes
• Worker nodes
• Does the work assigned by master
• Slave daemon-runs on all the slave nodes
Basic Spark Architecture
• User develop the work/application
• Submit work on the master
• Master will divide the work
• And submit it to all the nodes on the cluster
• All the slaves are doing sub-works
– In this manner Spark enjoys Distributed
Computing , parallel processing
Resilient Distributed Dataset
• Basic core abstraction in spark
– Resilient – if data is lost it will be recreated
automatically(fault tolerant )
– Distributed – data is distributedly stored/processed
– Dataset – data can come from different data-stores
• RDD is a simple and immutable collection of
• RDD can contain any type of (Scala, Java,
Python and R)objects
• Each RDD is split-up into different partitions ,
which may be computed on different nodes of
What is RDD?
• RDDs are the fundamental unit of data in Spark
• Core spark abstraction
• Enable parallel processing on dataset
• Immutable, recomputable, fault tolerant
• During spark programming we perform
operations on RDDs
• Transformations and actions are used to process
RDD operations
• Two types of operations
▪ Transformation
- Create a new RDD from the existing one
- Eg : map, filterMap, join ..etc
▪ Action
- Return a result or write it to storage
- Eg: count, collect, save..etc
• Lazy evaluation
– the execution will not start until an action is
Spark context
• Spark context is an object
• Every spark application requires a spark context
• Main entry point for spark application
• Interact with cluster manager
• Specify spark how to access the cluster
• RDDs are created using spark context
Spark execution model
• Developer develops the application/program
• Needs the spark context object, the main
entry point of spark application, which can
interact with cluster manager
• Data nodes, slaves of HDFS
• Worker nodes, slaves of Spark
• Cluster manager will interact with the worker
node and get the resources
• Executer is the distributed agent responsible
for the execution of tasks
The driver program
• The driver program runs the main () function
of the application and is the place where the
Spark Context is created
• The driver program that runs on the master
node of the spark cluster schedules the job
execution and negotiates with the cluster
• Executor is a distributed agent responsible for
the execution of tasks
• Every spark applications has its own executor
• Executor performs all the data processing.
• Reads from and Writes data to external
• Executor stores the computation results data
in-memory, cache or on hard disk drives.
• Interacts with the storage systems.
Cluster manager
• An external service responsible for acquiring
resources on the spark cluster and allocating
them to a spark job
Spark ecosystem
Spark core
• Main spark engine
• Kernel of spark
• it is in charge of essential I/O functionalities
Spark SQL
• Enables users to run sql queries
• Can handle structured or semi-structured data
• One of the most popular sql engine in big data
Spark streaming
• Can handle live streams without any latency
• A powerful interactive and analytical
• Can process near real-time data from multiple
• Internally convert the streams into micro
batches, process the in cluster, pushes to
• Machine Learning Library, scalable
• Used for advanced analytics
• Enable users to handles the graph data processing
• We can represent our data in terms of graph
• Eg:
– in LinkedIn degree of connections, 1st degree, 2nd
degree connections
– In Facebook, friends of friends
Such type of requirements can be handle efficiently by the
Graph engine
Storage system
• Spark is dependent on third party storage
system, like:
– AMAZON S3 and so on
Use cases
Companies using Spark
• No File Management System
• Expensive
• Near Real-time Processing

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An Introduction to Apache Spark

  • 2. ✓ Need for spark ✓ Introducton to Apache Spark ✓ Spark features ✓ Spark architecture ✓ What is RDDs ✓ Transformations & Actions ✓ Spark execution model ✓ Spark ecosystem 2
  • 3. Why spark? Need for general purpose cluster computing system as: ➢MapReduce limited to batch processing ➢Storm limited to real time stream processing ➢Impala/Tez limited to interactive processing ➢Neo4J/Giraph limited to graph processing 3
  • 4. Need for Spark • Need for a powerful engine that can process the data in real time(streaming) as well as in batch mode • Need for a powerful engine that can respond in sub-seconds and perform in-memory analytics • Apache Spark is a powerful open source engine that provides real-time(stream), interactive, graph, in-memory as well as batch processing with speed, ease of use & sophisticated analytics. 4
  • 5. What is Apache Spark Lightning fast and general purpose cluster computing system 5
  • 6. Introduction to Apache Spark ➢Apache Spark is lightning-fast cluster computing tool ➢General purpose distributed system ➢Up to 100 times faster than MapReduce ➢Written in Scala ➢Provides APIs in Scala, Java and python ➢Integrate with Hadoop and can process existing data 6
  • 7. History • Introduced by UC Berkeley’s in 2009 • Open sourced in 2010 • Donated to the Apache in 2013,beacme top-level project in 2014 • Became most active project at Apache in 2015 7
  • 9. Apache Spark features • Speed • Ease of use • Low latency • Integration with Hadoop • Rich set of operators • Fault tolerant • Generalized execution model 9
  • 10. Spark Architecture • Works in master and slave fashion – Master node – Slave node 10
  • 12. Master node • Manager node • Assign the work to slave nodes • Management, monitoring, maintenance of slaves, assign work to them, keep track of work • Master daemon -runs on master node 12
  • 13. Slave Nodes • Worker nodes • Does the work assigned by master • Slave daemon-runs on all the slave nodes 13
  • 15. • User develop the work/application • Submit work on the master • Master will divide the work • And submit it to all the nodes on the cluster • All the slaves are doing sub-works – In this manner Spark enjoys Distributed Computing , parallel processing 15
  • 16. Resilient Distributed Dataset • Basic core abstraction in spark – Resilient – if data is lost it will be recreated automatically(fault tolerant ) – Distributed – data is distributedly stored/processed – Dataset – data can come from different data-stores 16
  • 17. • RDD is a simple and immutable collection of objects • RDD can contain any type of (Scala, Java, Python and R)objects • Each RDD is split-up into different partitions , which may be computed on different nodes of clusters 17
  • 18. What is RDD? • RDDs are the fundamental unit of data in Spark • Core spark abstraction • Enable parallel processing on dataset • Immutable, recomputable, fault tolerant • During spark programming we perform operations on RDDs • Transformations and actions are used to process RDDs 18
  • 19. RDD operations • Two types of operations ▪ Transformation - Create a new RDD from the existing one - Eg : map, filterMap, join ..etc ▪ Action - Return a result or write it to storage - Eg: count, collect, save..etc 19
  • 20. • Lazy evaluation – the execution will not start until an action is triggered 20
  • 21. Spark context • Spark context is an object • Every spark application requires a spark context • Main entry point for spark application • Interact with cluster manager • Specify spark how to access the cluster • RDDs are created using spark context 21
  • 23. • Developer develops the application/program • Needs the spark context object, the main entry point of spark application, which can interact with cluster manager • Data nodes, slaves of HDFS • Worker nodes, slaves of Spark • Cluster manager will interact with the worker node and get the resources • Executer is the distributed agent responsible for the execution of tasks 23
  • 24. The driver program • The driver program runs the main () function of the application and is the place where the Spark Context is created • The driver program that runs on the master node of the spark cluster schedules the job execution and negotiates with the cluster manager 24
  • 25. Executor • Executor is a distributed agent responsible for the execution of tasks • Every spark applications has its own executor process • Executor performs all the data processing. • Reads from and Writes data to external sources. • Executor stores the computation results data in-memory, cache or on hard disk drives. • Interacts with the storage systems. 25
  • 26. Cluster manager • An external service responsible for acquiring resources on the spark cluster and allocating them to a spark job 26
  • 28. Spark core • Main spark engine • Kernel of spark • it is in charge of essential I/O functionalities 28
  • 29. Spark SQL • Enables users to run sql queries • Can handle structured or semi-structured data • One of the most popular sql engine in big data 29
  • 30. Spark streaming • Can handle live streams without any latency • A powerful interactive and analytical application • Can process near real-time data from multiple sources • Internally convert the streams into micro batches, process the in cluster, pushes to data-stores 30
  • 31. MLlib • Machine Learning Library, scalable • Used for advanced analytics 31
  • 32. GraphX • Enable users to handles the graph data processing • We can represent our data in terms of graph • Eg: – in LinkedIn degree of connections, 1st degree, 2nd degree connections – In Facebook, friends of friends Such type of requirements can be handle efficiently by the Graph engine 32
  • 33. Storage system • Spark is dependent on third party storage system, like: – HDFS – HBASE – CASSANDRA – AMAZON S3 and so on 33
  • 36. Disadvantages • No File Management System • Expensive • Near Real-time Processing 36
  • 37. 37