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AI in Healthcare:
Unleashing the Power in a
One-Day Workshop
Empowering Healthcare Professionals to
Leverage AI in Practice
7 September 2023
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
– I am not an AI expert,
– nor do I possess coding knowledge specific to the
underlying mechanisms of AI models;
– my expertise lies in the utilisation of these models, such
as ChatGPT,
– based on my extensive experience as a user within the
fields of healthcare, medical education, and related
research, rather than their technical development or
underlying algorithms.
Platforms Covered
• -
• -
• -
• - ChatGPT
• -
• -
• - Night Cafe
• -
Introduction to AI in
Opportunities and
Understanding AI, Generative AI, and ChatGPT
• AI (Artificial Intelligence)
– refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think, learn, and make decisions
– Applications: Includes machine learning, natural language processing,
robotics, computer vision, etc.
• Generative AI
– subset of AI that focuses on creating new data instances that are
similar to a set of training examples.
– Techniques: Examples include Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), etc.
• ChatGPT:
– State-of-the-art language models developed by OpenAI. It utilizes the
Transformer architecture to generate human-like text based on given
– Usage: Widely used in natural language understanding tasks, chatbots,
content creation, and more.
• Rapid multi-disciplinary
stream of authors
researching AI in Medicine
• Skills and data quality
awareness for data-intensive
• Limitations
– Ethics,
– Data governance, and
– Competencies of the
health workforce.
• Focuses on
– Health services
– Predictive medicine
– Patient data and
– Clinical decision-making
Secinaro, S., Calandra, D., Secinaro, A., Muthurangu, V., & Biancone, P. (2021). The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare: A structured
literature review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1), 125.
Healthcare is an
ideal sector for AI
• operational efficiency
• decision-making
• Improving patient
• $200 - $360 billion
• Optimization of Operational Efficiency
– Example: Scheduling algorithms to optimize staff shifts and patient appointments, reducing wait times.
• Predictive Analytics for Resource Allocation
– Example: Predicting hospital bed occupancy based on patient flow and admission trends for better
resource planning.
• Supply Chain Optimization
– Example: Forecasting the need for medical supplies and automating procurement to reduce inventory
• Fraud Detection and Compliance
– Example: Detecting fraudulent billing activities and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.
• Integration of Care across Providers
– Example: Facilitating seamless information sharing among healthcare providers for coordinated care.
• Enhancing Administrative Decision-Making
– Example: Utilizing data analytics to inform strategic decisions, such as facility expansion or service
• Patient Engagement and Communication
– Example: AI-powered chatbots to handle routine inquiries, appointment scheduling, and patient follow-
• Workforce Development and Training
– Example: Using AI to identify training needs and deliver personalized learning paths for healthcare staff.
• Performance Monitoring and Quality Assurance
– Example: Implementing AI-driven analytics to monitor performance metrics, identify areas for
improvement, and ensure quality standards.
• Cost Control and Optimization
– Example: Applying AI to analyze cost drivers, identify inefficiencies, and recommend cost-saving
• Early Disease Detection
– Example: Using AI algorithms to analyze medical imaging for early detection of
cancers, even before symptoms appear.
• Risk Stratification
– Example: Identifying patients at high risk of chronic conditions like heart disease
based on a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and clinical data.
• Personalized Treatment Plans
– Example: Creating tailored treatment regimens by predicting individual responses
to specific drugs or therapies.
• Epidemic Outbreak Prediction
– Example: Analyzing social media, travel patterns, and other data sources to
predict the spread of infectious diseases like flu or COVID-19.
• Hospital Readmission Prediction
– Example: Determining the likelihood of a patient's readmission to the hospital,
allowing for targeted interventions to reduce readmissions.
• Drug Response Prediction
– Example: Predicting how individual patients will respond to certain medications,
minimizing adverse effects, and improving treatment efficacy.
• Genomic Medicine and Genetic Risk Prediction
– Example: Analyzing genetic data to predict susceptibility to genetic disorders and
guide preventive measures.
• Mental Health Outcome Prediction
– Example: Utilizing AI to predict mental health crises or progression of conditions
like depression based on patient behavior and medical history.
• Chronic Disease Management
– Example: Continuous monitoring and prediction of disease progression in chronic
conditions like diabetes, allowing for timely interventions.
data and
• Automated Data Analysis and Interpretation
– Example: Using AI to analyze complex laboratory results, such as genetic sequencing, to identify patterns and
• Real-Time Monitoring and Alerting
– Example: Continuously tracking vital signs and alerting medical staff to potential issues, such as deterioration in a
patient's condition.
• Enhanced Medical Imaging Interpretation
– Example: Applying AI algorithms to interpret radiological images, such as X-rays and MRIs, with increased accuracy
and speed.
• Predictive Analytics for Personalized Care
– Example: Analyzing patient data to predict individual responses to treatments, enabling more personalized and
effective care plans.
• Data Integration and Holistic Patient Views
– Example: Aggregating data from various sources (e.g., EMRs, wearables) to provide a comprehensive view of a
patient's health status.
• Telemedicine and Remote Diagnostics
– Example: Utilizing AI-powered tools to diagnose and manage patients in remote locations, increasing healthcare
• Natural Language Processing for Clinical Notes
– Example: Extracting valuable information from unstructured clinical notes through AI, enhancing data usability.
• Genomic and Precision Medicine
– Example: Integrating genomic data with clinical information to provide precise diagnoses and personalized treatment
• Chronic Condition Management and Monitoring
– Example: Using AI to diagnose and monitor chronic conditions, such as diabetes, through continuous data analysis.
• Ethical and Security Considerations in Data Handling
• Example: Implementing AI-driven security protocols to ensure patient data privacy and compliance with
• Evidence-Based Recommendations
– Example: AI systems can analyze vast medical literature to provide
evidence-based treatment recommendations tailored to individual patient
• Diagnostic Support Tools
– Example: AI algorithms can assist physicians in diagnosing complex
conditions by analyzing clinical data, medical imaging, and laboratory
• Predicting Patient Outcomes
– Example: Using AI to predict patient responses to various treatments,
aiding in selecting the most effective therapy.
• Treatment Pathway Optimization
– Example: AI can suggest optimal treatment pathways based on patient
characteristics, medical history, and current clinical guidelines.
• Enhancing Multidisciplinary Collaboration
– Example: AI-driven platforms can facilitate collaboration among
specialists, integrating insights from various disciplines for comprehensive
• Ethical Considerations in Decision Making
– Example: Implementing AI algorithms that consider ethical principles, such
as fairness and transparency, in clinical decisions.
• Data
• Trust
• Ethics
• Readiness for change
• Expertise
• Buy-in
• Regulatory strategy
• Scalability
• Evaluation
Golhar, S. P., & Kekapure, S. S. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare—A Review. International Journal of Scientific
Research in Science and Technology, 9(4), 381–387.
Model for AI
S. Reddy, S. Allan, S. Coghlan, and P. Cooper, ‘A governance model for the application of AI in health care’, J. Am. Med. Inform. Assoc., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 491–497,
Mar. 2020, doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocz192
Rahman, N., Thamotharampillai, T., & Rajaratnam, V. (2023). Ethics, guidelines, and policy for technology in healthcare. In Medical Equipment Engineering:
Design, manufacture and applications (pp. 119–147). IET Digital Library.
What is ChatGPT?
• Understanding Language
– Reads and comprehends human-written text.
• Generating Text
– Writes human-like text, from answers to creative content.
• Conversation
– Capable of engaging in text-based conversations with users.
• Applications
– Used in virtual assistants, education, content creation, and
• Not a Human
– Generates text through algorithms, without feelings or
AI for Clinical Decision-Making and Patient Care
How Does
ChatGPT Work?
“Don’t cry ………..”
“ Don’t cry over….”
• Reading Text:
• Takes in words, questions, or sentences as input.
• Understands the language like a human reading a book.
• Processing Information:
• Breaks down the input into smaller parts to understand the meaning.
• Uses a complex mathematical model to analyse the text.
• Generating Response:
• Constructs a response based on what it has "learned" from reading lots of text.
• Tries to make the response sound like something a human would say.
• No Personal Knowledge or Opinions:
• Doesn't have thoughts, feelings, or personal experiences.
• Answers are based on patterns in the data it was trained on, not personal beliefs or opinion
• Learning from Data:
• Trained on a vast amount of text from books, websites, and other written materials.
• Learns the structure of language and how to create sentences that make sense.
• Versatility:
• Can be used for various tasks like answering questions, writing stories, or helping with hom
• Adaptable to different subjects and contexts.
• Not Perfect:
• Can make mistakes or provide incorrect information.
• Needs to be used with caution, especially for critical or sensitive topics
Understanding ChatGPT
• Advanced language
model developed by
• Generates human-like
text based on the
• Quality vs prompt.
Quality of Response ∝ Quality of Prompt × Model Understanding
Quality of Response is the measure of how relevant, accurate, and coherent the response is.
Quality of Prompt represents the clarity, specificity, and relevance of the prompt given to the model.
Model Understanding , model's ability to interpret the prompt, including its training, design, and current context.
ChatGPT : Prompting
refers to the input or question that
you provide to the model. The model
takes this prompt and generates a
response based on the information it
has been trained on.
• Initial Statement or Question
• Context
• Intended Output
• Tone or Formality
• Specificity
• Instructions for Response Format
Crafting a
Clear and
type of
G-AI is directly dependent on the prompt
Prompt Engineering
• Define the Objective:
• Identify the specific information or assistance
• Be Clear and Precise:
• Use clear language and avoid ambiguity.
• Include essential details without over-
complicating the prompt.
• Consider Context:
• Provide relevant background or context to
guide the response.
• Set the Tone and Style:
• Specify the desired tone (formal, casual) or
style (e.g., summary, explanation) if it matters
for your use case.
• Ask Direct Questions:
• If seeking specific information, formulate your
prompt as a direct question.
• Self Reflective
• Avoid Bias and Leading Questions:
• Craft the prompt neutrally to prevent biased
or skewed responses.
• Test and Refine:
• Experiment with different phrasings and
observe how slight changes can affect the
• Refine the prompt
• Consider Ethical and Privacy Concerns:
• Ethical guidelines and does not request or
reveal sensitive or private information.
Response Validation
• Review response - meets your requirements.
• No access to real-time data
• Vaildate Validate Validate.
• Prompt – response -refine - reprompt.
Refinement for
Future Queries
What is the Code
Interpreter in
• The Code Interpreter -
execute Python code
• Powerful for code
Please respond to the following
query with a structured and
academic approach suitable for a
university lecturer. Include bullet-
point answers where applicable,
supported by relevant examples
from scholarly literature. Ensure
that all statements are backed by
credible evidence, and provide
appropriate references and citations
in accordance with standard
academic citation styles (e.g., APA,
MLA, or Chicago). The response
should be clear, concise, and
tailored to an academic audience
engaged in higher education
teaching and research."
How to Use
ChatGPT with
the Code
• Input your code in the
composer area and send it for
• ChatGPT can provide code
suggestions, help debug your
code, and explain complex
code snippets.
• You can also ask ChatGPT to
generate Python code to solve
specific problems or perform
specific tasks.
Return values of functions or expressions
Printed messages
Data visualizations
DataFrames as tables
Error messages
Execution time
Slide Decks
Interactive Diagrams
67-year-old male has
dizziness every time
he sits up from a lying
position, especially in
the morning. Also,
when he suddenly
moves his head, he
notes the dizziness.
What is the diagnosis
Introduction to Hands-on Session
• Objective: To provide participants with practical experience in
utilizing, Chatbots, and ChatGPT in medical contexts.
• Duration: 45-60 minutes
Practical exploration of ChatGPT's applications
• select specific healthcare scenarios
• designing conversational flows that outline how to interact
• interactive exploration and collaborative experimentation,
• Evaluate response and validate
• Reflection
– How might ChatGPT enhance patient engagement and satisfaction?
– What are the potential risks or challenges in implementing ChatGPT?
– How can healthcare professionals ensure the responsible and ethical
use of this technology?
Part 1 - ChatGPT
• Objective: To demonstrate how ChatGPT can assist in medical
documentation and research.
• Instructions:
• 1. Navigate to ChatGPT interface.
• 2. Generate patient summaries, research abstracts, or FAQs.
• Discussion Points:
• - Streamlining administrative tasks
• - Accuracy and reliability concerns
Demonstration of AI Tools
Analyse your documents with Generative AI
Add SciSpace Copilot to your browser
AI research assistant that explains the text, math, and tables in
scientific literature like research papers, technical blog posts, or
reports. You can also ask follow-up questions, and it will give
you instant answers.
Post your contributions here
Part 2 -
• Objective: To familiarize participants with for medical literature summarization.
• 1. Navigate to
• 2. Sign in or create a new account.
• 3. Craft a clinical problem that you have encountered and look for evidence for the solutions
• 4. Generate a summary in a tabular format.
Discussion Points:
• - Utility in practice
• - Limitations
Chatbots in Healthcare:
An Overview
• Patient and stakeholder
engagement, appointment
scheduling, and information
• Personalised interactions and
• Potential applications in
diagnostics, telemedicine, and
healthcare education.
Chatbots as
Decision Support
• making informed decisions.
• Analyzes clinical data and
• Efficiency, accuracy, and
consistency in practice
Chatbots as Personal
Tutors in Healthcare
• Provides personalized
learning experiences for
healthcare students.
• Offers real-time support,
feedback, and resources.
• Enhances engagement,
comprehension, and
retention in medical
Part 3 - Chatbots
• Objective: To engage participants in creating simple medical chatbots.
• 1. Navigate to Botpress.
• 2. Create a basic clinical query chatbot.
• 3. Test the chatbot.
Discussion Points:
• - Integration into healthcare
• - Ethical considerations
Creating your First AI Chatbot for Learning
Create Account and Login
Teaching and
AI can significantly enhance
teaching and learning experiences.
This workshop will explore
methods to integrate AI tools in
educational settings for healthcare
professionals and students.
The brain is the organ of the mind just as the lungs are the
organs for respiration
• Cognition
• Ego
• Memory
• Senses & Motor
Stimuli Identification Recall Understand
Life change
•rigid adherence to taught rules or plans"
•no exercise of "discretionary judgment"
•limited "situational perception"
•all aspects of work treated separately with
equal importance
•coping with crowdedness" (multiple activities,
accumulation of information)
•some perception of actions in relation to goals
•deliberate planning
•formulates routines
•holistic view of situation
•prioritizes importance of aspects
•"perceives deviations from the normal pattern"
•employs maxims for guidance, with meanings
that adapt to the
•transcends reliance on rules, guidelines, and maxims
•"intuitive grasp of situations based on deep, tacit understanding"
•has "vision of what is possible"
•uses "analytical approaches" in new situations or in case of problems
Defining Instructional design
“The dynamic structure, process, and system to
facilitate learning and teaching based on cognitive
psychology and neuroscience enabled with technology
incorporating all actors in education and training”
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam 2021
Design (ID)
An instructional design model
provides a mental image of the
theoretical foundations as well
as it gives structure and
meaning to an instructional
designer in visualizing the best
approach to take for effective
Learning Design
An emergent discipline within education that approaches the
creation of learning experiences holistically. While incorporating
elements of instructional design, LD also acknowledges and
integrates considerations like the broader learning context,
individual learner experiences, and the social and collaborative
aspects of learning. The focus is on designing how learners will
interact with the material, each other, and the wider world,
aiming to foster a more immersive and comprehensive learning
Universal Design for Learning
• Multimedia and Multi-sensory.
Multiple Means of
• Learner-centric bespoke strategies to
motivate and challenge
Multiple Means of
• Multimodal demonstration of learning by
Multiple Means of
• Personalised, inclusivity and effectiveness
Overall Impact:
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Understanding of
Demonstrates deep
integrates concepts
Demonstrates good
understanding; minor
confusion in concepts
confusion in
Lack of
significant confusion
in concepts
Application of
Skillfully applies
knowledge; clear
evidence of critical
Applies knowledge
with some skill; some
evidence of thinking
Attempts to apply
knowledge; lacks
critical thinking
Fails to apply
knowledge; no
evidence of critical
Structure &
Logically structured;
clear introduction,
body, conclusion;
smooth transitions
Generally well-
structured; some
issues with transitions
Structure is present
but flawed;
transitions lack
Disorganized; lacks
clear structure or
Writing Mechanics
Error-free; excellent
punctuation, spelling
Minor errors in
punctuation, spelling
Several errors
affecting readability
Numerous errors;
significantly impairs
Use of Evidence &
Comprehensive use of
evidence; citations are
accurate and in
proper format
Good use of evidence;
minor citation errors
Limited or improper
use of evidence;
several citation
Lack of evidence;
incorrect or missing
Relevance to healthcare education
• Adapts to individual student needs
• Creating diverse and engaging educational materials.
Content Creation:
• Interactive learning experiences (Chatbot)
Student Engagement:
• Provides real-time assessment and feedback .
Assessment and
• content accessible to diverse learners
• Facilitates collaboration among students and educators,
bridging geographical and language barriers.
Collaboration and
Personalized Learning
• Tailors educational content
Adaptive Content Delivery:
• Provides instant feedback and real-time assistance
Real-Time Feedback and
• Engages with interactive dialogues and Simulates scenarios.
Interactive Learning
• Analyses - identify strengths and weaknesses for personalized learning.
Data-Driven Insights:
• Adapts content to diverse learners & multiple languages.
Accessibility and Inclusivity:
• Facilitates collaborative learning experiences and peer interactions.
Collaboration and Peer
• Seamlessly integrates with Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Integration with Existing
• Supports lifelong learning and Assists in tracking and maintaining
professional development
Continuous Learning and Skill
• Ensures ethical guidelines and privacy regulations.
Ethical and Privacy
• Aligns personalized learning experiences and Ensures relevance to real-
world medical practice
Alignment with Healthcare
Act like a
patient and
provide me
and history
so that I can
improve my
clinical skills
I have been asked
to create a
module for the
examination of
the abdomen for
organomegaly for
medical students.
Create a
curriculum and
include learning
outcomes and the
pedagogy and a
lesson plan
Create an
task and
rubrics for
Creating Images with AI
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
Create account and Login
• Be clear & descriptive
• Specific styles or
• Create a test version
• Evaluate the result
• Refine the prompt
• Iterative process
AI for Video Production
LO to
for video
t script to
AI Video
Write a script for
the introduction
of the anatomy
of the
medical student
module. This will
be a 90 second
video script. Just
provide the
AI generated Instructional Video
Assessment and
• Automated Grading:
• Grading objective assessments (multiple-choice, fill-in-
the-blank, etc.)
• Evaluating subjective assessments (short answers,
essays) with predefined criteria
• Personalized Feedback:
• Providing tailored feedback on strengths and areas for
• Engaging in interactive dialogues to reinforce learning
• Real-time Support:
• Offering instant feedback on performance
• Available 24/7 for flexible learning schedules
• Data-Driven Insights:
• Tracking performance over time for individual and class
• Designing adaptive learning paths based on student
• Enhancing Human Interaction:
• Freeing up educators' time for complex student
• Facilitating structured peer review processes
What are the
antibiotics for
Based on
and answer,
create a
rubrics to
answers to
“the antibiotics used
in leprosy are
rifampicin and
Sometimes you can
use dapsone for
resistant cases.
Rifampicin is the first
line drug” - based on
this answer provide a
grade for it
Teaching with AI
• Tailoring educational materials
• Enhancing teacher collaboration
and efficiency
• Facilitating personalized learning
Enhancing Student
Experience with
• Engaging and interactive
• Support for diverse
learning styles
• Opportunities for self-
paced learning
Create an
task and
rubrics for
Introduction to Hands-on Session on Educational
• Objective: To equip participants with skills to use AI tools for
crafting learning outcomes, lesson plans, instructional
materials, and assessments including video-based content.
• Duration: 60-90 minutes
Part 1 - Crafting Learning Outcomes with AI
• Objective: To use AI-based text generators for creating learning outcomes.
• 1. Navigate to an AI-based text generator (e.g., ChatGPT).
• 2. Input keywords or topic areas.
• 3. Generate learning outcomes.
Discussion Points:
• - Quality of AI-generated outcomes
• - Refinement best practices
Part 2 - Creating Lesson Plans with AI
• Objective: To understand how AI can assist in lesson planning.
• 1. Use ChatGPT as a planning tool
• 2. Input course objectives and learning outcomes.
• 3. Generate a lesson plan.
Discussion Points:
• - Pros and cons of AI in lesson planning
• - Customization options
Part 3 - Crafting Instructional Materials
• Objective: To explore AI tools for creating instructional materials.
• 1. Navigate to Night Cafe and In Video.
• 2. Choose the type of material to create.
• 3. Use the AI tool to generate content.
Discussion Points:
• - Quality and relevance assessment
• - Legal and ethical considerations
Part 4 - Creating Assessments and Videos
• Objective: To utilize AI in creating assessments and videos.
• 1. Use ChatGPT to generate assessment.
• 2. Use an to craft educational videos.
Discussion Points:
• - Effectiveness of AI-generated assessments
• - Quality and utility of AI-crafted videos
Session Summary and Takeaways
• Objective: To summarize the skills and knowledge acquired.
• Discussion Points:
• - Key takeaways
• - Implementation in practice
• - Limitations and future prospects
AI in Healthcare
This segment will focus on
how AI can streamline tasks
such as literature review,
data analytics, and
manuscript development.
AI Tools
• Elicit for Literature Search
• Scholarcy and Typeset for data extraction and summary
• for summarisation and key points highlighting
• Keyword generation with ChatGPT ( targeted prompt
• AI writing tools and their functionalities
• How to use them
• When to use them
– idea generation, drafting, editing, and finalizing
Demonstration of AI Tools
"prompting" refers to the input or
question that you provide to the
model. The model takes this
prompt and generates a response
based on the information it has
been trained on.
• Initial Statement or Question
• Context
• Intended Output
• Tone or Formality
• Specificity
• Instructions for Response Format
Practical Exercise
• Use Elicit to research a question
• Export the bibliography generated
• Export data extraction table as
Excel sheet
• Import bibliography into Scholarch
• Extract relevant data to augment
Excel data extraction table
• Summarise synthesised data( 15K
characters @ a time) with ChatGPT
with appropriate prompts
• Copy response to Word document
• Edit and cite as necessary
Analyse your documents with
Generative AI
Add SciSpace Copilot to your
AI research assistant that explains the text, math, and tables in
scientific literature like research papers, technical blog posts, or
reports. You can also ask follow-up questions, and it will give
you instant answers.
Create Account and Login
Choose PDF file to upload
Add to
n of
and click
ate the
paper as
Input your research topic
for Topic
Inserted in
search box
Abstract to
ADD to
CLICK on a
paper to
as per
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
AI Platform
• Extracting/organising information - Web & PDF
• Generate abstractive summaries
• Queries using advanced natural language
• Analyse keywords in relation to other documents,
Key features
 Extraction of keywords and defining them
 Search within and across documents based on keywords
and queries.
 Summaries of whole documents and parts of those
 Sort documents into sections called “projects”.
 Add comments and highlights to articles.
 Add custom definitions to words and phrases used in the
 Make separate notes.
Create and login in into your account.
Practical Exercise
• Use Elicit to research a question
• Export the bibliography generated
• Export data extraction table as Excel sheet
• Import bibliography into Scholarch
• Extract relevant data to augment Excel data
extraction table
• Summarise synthesised data( 15K characters
@ a time) with ChatGPT with appropriate
• Copy response to Word document
• Edit and cite as necessary
AI-Powered Academic Writing Write Your Research Paper in a Day
AI Chatbot for Prompt Engineering
The Art and Science of Qualitative Research
Introduction to research in healthcare
AICHAT BT FOR R esearch in healthcare

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  • 1. AI in Healthcare: Unleashing the Power in a One-Day Workshop Empowering Healthcare Professionals to Leverage AI in Practice 7 September 2023 Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
  • 2. – I am not an AI expert, – nor do I possess coding knowledge specific to the underlying mechanisms of AI models; – my expertise lies in the utilisation of these models, such as ChatGPT, – based on my extensive experience as a user within the fields of healthcare, medical education, and related research, rather than their technical development or underlying algorithms. Disclaimer
  • 3. Platforms Covered • - • - • - • - ChatGPT • - • - • - Night Cafe • -
  • 4. Introduction to AI in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges
  • 5. Understanding AI, Generative AI, and ChatGPT • AI (Artificial Intelligence) – refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, learn, and make decisions – Applications: Includes machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, computer vision, etc. • Generative AI – subset of AI that focuses on creating new data instances that are similar to a set of training examples. – Techniques: Examples include Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), etc. • ChatGPT: – State-of-the-art language models developed by OpenAI. It utilizes the Transformer architecture to generate human-like text based on given prompts. – Usage: Widely used in natural language understanding tasks, chatbots, content creation, and more.
  • 6. • Rapid multi-disciplinary stream of authors researching AI in Medicine • Skills and data quality awareness for data-intensive analysis • Limitations – Ethics, – Data governance, and – Competencies of the health workforce. • Focuses on – Health services management – Predictive medicine – Patient data and diagnostics – Clinical decision-making Secinaro, S., Calandra, D., Secinaro, A., Muthurangu, V., & Biancone, P. (2021). The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare: A structured literature review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1), 125.
  • 7. Healthcare is an ideal sector for AI integration • operational efficiency • decision-making • Improving patient outcomes • $200 - $360 billion annually
  • 8. Health services managemen t • Optimization of Operational Efficiency – Example: Scheduling algorithms to optimize staff shifts and patient appointments, reducing wait times. • Predictive Analytics for Resource Allocation – Example: Predicting hospital bed occupancy based on patient flow and admission trends for better resource planning. • Supply Chain Optimization – Example: Forecasting the need for medical supplies and automating procurement to reduce inventory costs. • Fraud Detection and Compliance – Example: Detecting fraudulent billing activities and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. • Integration of Care across Providers – Example: Facilitating seamless information sharing among healthcare providers for coordinated care. • Enhancing Administrative Decision-Making – Example: Utilizing data analytics to inform strategic decisions, such as facility expansion or service prioritization. • Patient Engagement and Communication – Example: AI-powered chatbots to handle routine inquiries, appointment scheduling, and patient follow- ups. • Workforce Development and Training – Example: Using AI to identify training needs and deliver personalized learning paths for healthcare staff. • Performance Monitoring and Quality Assurance – Example: Implementing AI-driven analytics to monitor performance metrics, identify areas for improvement, and ensure quality standards. • Cost Control and Optimization – Example: Applying AI to analyze cost drivers, identify inefficiencies, and recommend cost-saving measures.
  • 9. Predictiv e medicine • Early Disease Detection – Example: Using AI algorithms to analyze medical imaging for early detection of cancers, even before symptoms appear. • Risk Stratification – Example: Identifying patients at high risk of chronic conditions like heart disease based on a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and clinical data. • Personalized Treatment Plans – Example: Creating tailored treatment regimens by predicting individual responses to specific drugs or therapies. • Epidemic Outbreak Prediction – Example: Analyzing social media, travel patterns, and other data sources to predict the spread of infectious diseases like flu or COVID-19. • Hospital Readmission Prediction – Example: Determining the likelihood of a patient's readmission to the hospital, allowing for targeted interventions to reduce readmissions. • Drug Response Prediction – Example: Predicting how individual patients will respond to certain medications, minimizing adverse effects, and improving treatment efficacy. • Genomic Medicine and Genetic Risk Prediction – Example: Analyzing genetic data to predict susceptibility to genetic disorders and guide preventive measures. • Mental Health Outcome Prediction – Example: Utilizing AI to predict mental health crises or progression of conditions like depression based on patient behavior and medical history. • Chronic Disease Management – Example: Continuous monitoring and prediction of disease progression in chronic conditions like diabetes, allowing for timely interventions.
  • 10. Patient data and diagnostics • Automated Data Analysis and Interpretation – Example: Using AI to analyze complex laboratory results, such as genetic sequencing, to identify patterns and anomalies. • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerting – Example: Continuously tracking vital signs and alerting medical staff to potential issues, such as deterioration in a patient's condition. • Enhanced Medical Imaging Interpretation – Example: Applying AI algorithms to interpret radiological images, such as X-rays and MRIs, with increased accuracy and speed. • Predictive Analytics for Personalized Care – Example: Analyzing patient data to predict individual responses to treatments, enabling more personalized and effective care plans. • Data Integration and Holistic Patient Views – Example: Aggregating data from various sources (e.g., EMRs, wearables) to provide a comprehensive view of a patient's health status. • Telemedicine and Remote Diagnostics – Example: Utilizing AI-powered tools to diagnose and manage patients in remote locations, increasing healthcare accessibility. • Natural Language Processing for Clinical Notes – Example: Extracting valuable information from unstructured clinical notes through AI, enhancing data usability. • Genomic and Precision Medicine – Example: Integrating genomic data with clinical information to provide precise diagnoses and personalized treatment recommendations. • Chronic Condition Management and Monitoring – Example: Using AI to diagnose and monitor chronic conditions, such as diabetes, through continuous data analysis. • Ethical and Security Considerations in Data Handling • Example: Implementing AI-driven security protocols to ensure patient data privacy and compliance with
  • 11. Clinical decision- making • Evidence-Based Recommendations – Example: AI systems can analyze vast medical literature to provide evidence-based treatment recommendations tailored to individual patient profiles. • Diagnostic Support Tools – Example: AI algorithms can assist physicians in diagnosing complex conditions by analyzing clinical data, medical imaging, and laboratory results. • Predicting Patient Outcomes – Example: Using AI to predict patient responses to various treatments, aiding in selecting the most effective therapy. • Treatment Pathway Optimization – Example: AI can suggest optimal treatment pathways based on patient characteristics, medical history, and current clinical guidelines. • Enhancing Multidisciplinary Collaboration – Example: AI-driven platforms can facilitate collaboration among specialists, integrating insights from various disciplines for comprehensive care. • Ethical Considerations in Decision Making – Example: Implementing AI algorithms that consider ethical principles, such as fairness and transparency, in clinical decisions.
  • 12. Challenges • Data • Trust • Ethics • Readiness for change • Expertise • Buy-in • Regulatory strategy • Scalability • Evaluation Golhar, S. P., & Kekapure, S. S. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare—A Review. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 9(4), 381–387.
  • 13. Governance Model for AI S. Reddy, S. Allan, S. Coghlan, and P. Cooper, ‘A governance model for the application of AI in health care’, J. Am. Med. Inform. Assoc., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 491–497, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocz192 Rahman, N., Thamotharampillai, T., & Rajaratnam, V. (2023). Ethics, guidelines, and policy for technology in healthcare. In Medical Equipment Engineering: Design, manufacture and applications (pp. 119–147). IET Digital Library.
  • 14. What is ChatGPT? • Understanding Language – Reads and comprehends human-written text. • Generating Text – Writes human-like text, from answers to creative content. • Conversation – Capable of engaging in text-based conversations with users. • Applications – Used in virtual assistants, education, content creation, and more. • Not a Human – Generates text through algorithms, without feelings or consciousness. AI for Clinical Decision-Making and Patient Care
  • 15. How Does ChatGPT Work? “Don’t cry ………..” “ Don’t cry over….” • Reading Text: • Takes in words, questions, or sentences as input. • Understands the language like a human reading a book. • Processing Information: • Breaks down the input into smaller parts to understand the meaning. • Uses a complex mathematical model to analyse the text. • Generating Response: • Constructs a response based on what it has "learned" from reading lots of text. • Tries to make the response sound like something a human would say. • No Personal Knowledge or Opinions: • Doesn't have thoughts, feelings, or personal experiences. • Answers are based on patterns in the data it was trained on, not personal beliefs or opinion • Learning from Data: • Trained on a vast amount of text from books, websites, and other written materials. • Learns the structure of language and how to create sentences that make sense. • Versatility: • Can be used for various tasks like answering questions, writing stories, or helping with hom • Adaptable to different subjects and contexts. • Not Perfect: • Can make mistakes or provide incorrect information. • Needs to be used with caution, especially for critical or sensitive topics
  • 16. Understanding ChatGPT • Advanced language model developed by OpenAI. • Generates human-like text based on the prompts. • Quality vs prompt. Quality of Response ∝ Quality of Prompt × Model Understanding Here: Quality of Response is the measure of how relevant, accurate, and coherent the response is. Quality of Prompt represents the clarity, specificity, and relevance of the prompt given to the model. Model Understanding , model's ability to interpret the prompt, including its training, design, and current context.
  • 17. ChatGPT : Prompting refers to the input or question that you provide to the model. The model takes this prompt and generates a response based on the information it has been trained on. • Initial Statement or Question • Context • Intended Output • Tone or Formality • Specificity • Instructions for Response Format
  • 18. Prompt Generation Review prompt Crafting a good prompt Clear and Specific. Specify type of Response G-AI is directly dependent on the prompt
  • 19. Prompt Engineering • Define the Objective: • Identify the specific information or assistance • Be Clear and Precise: • Use clear language and avoid ambiguity. • Include essential details without over- complicating the prompt. • Consider Context: • Provide relevant background or context to guide the response. • Set the Tone and Style: • Specify the desired tone (formal, casual) or style (e.g., summary, explanation) if it matters for your use case. • Ask Direct Questions: • If seeking specific information, formulate your prompt as a direct question. • Self Reflective • Avoid Bias and Leading Questions: • Craft the prompt neutrally to prevent biased or skewed responses. • Test and Refine: • Experiment with different phrasings and observe how slight changes can affect the response. • Refine the prompt • Consider Ethical and Privacy Concerns: • Ethical guidelines and does not request or reveal sensitive or private information.
  • 20. Response Validation • Review response - meets your requirements. • No access to real-time data • Vaildate Validate Validate. • Prompt – response -refine - reprompt. Relevance Check Accuracy Confirmation Context Consistency Sensitivity Review Refinement for Future Queries
  • 22. What is the Code Interpreter in ChatGPT? • The Code Interpreter - execute Python code • Powerful for code development debugging.
  • 23. Please respond to the following query with a structured and academic approach suitable for a university lecturer. Include bullet- point answers where applicable, supported by relevant examples from scholarly literature. Ensure that all statements are backed by credible evidence, and provide appropriate references and citations in accordance with standard academic citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago). The response should be clear, concise, and tailored to an academic audience engaged in higher education teaching and research."
  • 24. How to Use ChatGPT with the Code Interpreter • Input your code in the composer area and send it for execution. • ChatGPT can provide code suggestions, help debug your code, and explain complex code snippets. • You can also ask ChatGPT to generate Python code to solve specific problems or perform specific tasks. Return values of functions or expressions Printed messages Data visualizations DataFrames as tables Error messages Execution time Slide Decks Diagrams Interactive Diagrams
  • 27. 67-year-old male has dizziness every time he sits up from a lying position, especially in the morning. Also, when he suddenly moves his head, he notes the dizziness. What is the diagnosis
  • 28. Introduction to Hands-on Session • Objective: To provide participants with practical experience in utilizing, Chatbots, and ChatGPT in medical contexts. • Duration: 45-60 minutes
  • 29. Practical exploration of ChatGPT's applications • select specific healthcare scenarios • designing conversational flows that outline how to interact • interactive exploration and collaborative experimentation, • Evaluate response and validate • Reflection – How might ChatGPT enhance patient engagement and satisfaction? – What are the potential risks or challenges in implementing ChatGPT? – How can healthcare professionals ensure the responsible and ethical use of this technology?
  • 30. Part 1 - ChatGPT • Objective: To demonstrate how ChatGPT can assist in medical documentation and research. • Instructions: • 1. Navigate to ChatGPT interface. • 2. Generate patient summaries, research abstracts, or FAQs. • Discussion Points: • - Streamlining administrative tasks • - Accuracy and reliability concerns
  • 32. Using SCISPACE Analyse your documents with Generative AI
  • 33. Add SciSpace Copilot to your browser AI research assistant that explains the text, math, and tables in scientific literature like research papers, technical blog posts, or reports. You can also ask follow-up questions, and it will give you instant answers.
  • 34. Post your contributions here
  • 35. Part 2 - • Objective: To familiarize participants with for medical literature summarization. Instructions: • 1. Navigate to • 2. Sign in or create a new account. • 3. Craft a clinical problem that you have encountered and look for evidence for the solutions • 4. Generate a summary in a tabular format. Discussion Points: • - Utility in practice • - Limitations
  • 36. Chatbots in Healthcare: An Overview • Patient and stakeholder engagement, appointment scheduling, and information dissemination. • Personalised interactions and responses. • Potential applications in diagnostics, telemedicine, and healthcare education.
  • 37. Chatbots as Decision Support Systems • making informed decisions. • Analyzes clinical data and evidence-based recommendations. • Efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in practice
  • 38. Chatbots as Personal Tutors in Healthcare Education • Provides personalized learning experiences for healthcare students. • Offers real-time support, feedback, and resources. • Enhances engagement, comprehension, and retention in medical education.
  • 39. Part 3 - Chatbots • Objective: To engage participants in creating simple medical chatbots. Instructions: • 1. Navigate to Botpress. • 2. Create a basic clinical query chatbot. • 3. Test the chatbot. Discussion Points: • - Integration into healthcare • - Ethical considerations
  • 40. Creating your First AI Chatbot for Learning
  • 52. Teaching and Learning AI can significantly enhance teaching and learning experiences. This workshop will explore methods to integrate AI tools in educational settings for healthcare professionals and students.
  • 54. The brain is the organ of the mind just as the lungs are the organs for respiration brain • Cognition • Ego • Memory • Senses & Motor TEMPORO PARIETEAL LOBE HIPPOCAMPUS PREFRONTAL CORTEX DORSOLATERAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX
  • 55. Stimuli Identification Recall Understand Association Knowledge creation WIIFM Affective change Life change
  • 57. •rigid adherence to taught rules or plans" •no exercise of "discretionary judgment" •limited "situational perception" •all aspects of work treated separately with equal importance •coping with crowdedness" (multiple activities, accumulation of information) •some perception of actions in relation to goals •deliberate planning •formulates routines •holistic view of situation •prioritizes importance of aspects •"perceives deviations from the normal pattern" •employs maxims for guidance, with meanings that adapt to the •transcends reliance on rules, guidelines, and maxims •"intuitive grasp of situations based on deep, tacit understanding" •has "vision of what is possible" •uses "analytical approaches" in new situations or in case of problems
  • 58. Defining Instructional design “The dynamic structure, process, and system to facilitate learning and teaching based on cognitive psychology and neuroscience enabled with technology incorporating all actors in education and training” Vaikunthan Rajaratnam 2021
  • 59. Instructional Design (ID) Models An instructional design model provides a mental image of the theoretical foundations as well as it gives structure and meaning to an instructional designer in visualizing the best approach to take for effective learning.
  • 61. Learning Design An emergent discipline within education that approaches the creation of learning experiences holistically. While incorporating elements of instructional design, LD also acknowledges and integrates considerations like the broader learning context, individual learner experiences, and the social and collaborative aspects of learning. The focus is on designing how learners will interact with the material, each other, and the wider world, aiming to foster a more immersive and comprehensive learning experience
  • 62. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) • Multimedia and Multi-sensory. Multiple Means of Representation: • Learner-centric bespoke strategies to motivate and challenge Multiple Means of Engagement: • Multimodal demonstration of learning by students Multiple Means of Expression: • Personalised, inclusivity and effectiveness Overall Impact:
  • 63. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • 64. Rubric Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Understanding of Subject Demonstrates deep understanding; integrates concepts seamlessly Demonstrates good understanding; minor confusion in concepts Some understanding; noticeable confusion in concepts Lack of understanding; significant confusion in concepts Application of Knowledge Skillfully applies knowledge; clear evidence of critical thinking Applies knowledge with some skill; some evidence of thinking Attempts to apply knowledge; lacks critical thinking Fails to apply knowledge; no evidence of critical thinking Structure & Organization Logically structured; clear introduction, body, conclusion; smooth transitions Generally well- structured; some issues with transitions Structure is present but flawed; transitions lack smoothness Disorganized; lacks clear structure or transitions Writing Mechanics Error-free; excellent grammar, punctuation, spelling Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling Several errors affecting readability Numerous errors; significantly impairs readability Use of Evidence & Citations Comprehensive use of evidence; citations are accurate and in proper format Good use of evidence; minor citation errors Limited or improper use of evidence; several citation errors Lack of evidence; incorrect or missing citations
  • 65. Relevance to healthcare education • Adapts to individual student needs Personalized Learning: • Creating diverse and engaging educational materials. Content Creation: • Interactive learning experiences (Chatbot) Student Engagement: • Provides real-time assessment and feedback . Assessment and Feedback: • content accessible to diverse learners Accessibility: • Facilitates collaboration among students and educators, bridging geographical and language barriers. Collaboration and Communication:
  • 66. Personalized Learning • Tailors educational content Adaptive Content Delivery: • Provides instant feedback and real-time assistance Real-Time Feedback and Support: • Engages with interactive dialogues and Simulates scenarios. Interactive Learning Environments: • Analyses - identify strengths and weaknesses for personalized learning. Data-Driven Insights: • Adapts content to diverse learners & multiple languages. Accessibility and Inclusivity: • Facilitates collaborative learning experiences and peer interactions. Collaboration and Peer Interaction: • Seamlessly integrates with Learning Management Systems (LMS) Integration with Existing Platforms: • Supports lifelong learning and Assists in tracking and maintaining professional development Continuous Learning and Skill Development: • Ensures ethical guidelines and privacy regulations. Ethical and Privacy Considerations: • Aligns personalized learning experiences and Ensures relevance to real- world medical practice Alignment with Healthcare Objectives:
  • 67. Act like a virtual patient and provide me symptoms and history so that I can improve my clinical skills
  • 69. I have been asked to create a module for the examination of the abdomen for organomegaly for medical students. Create a curriculum and include learning outcomes and the pedagogy and a lesson plan
  • 74. Creating Images with AI Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
  • 79. • Be clear & descriptive • Specific styles or techniques • Create a test version • Evaluate the result • Refine the prompt • Iterative process
  • 81. AI for Video Production Draft Learning Outcomes LO to Prompt ChatGPT for video script Import/edi t script to AI Video Generator Add personalised media Choose Voiceover type Produce Review and Upload
  • 82. Write a script for the introduction of the anatomy of the organomegaly medical student module. This will be a 90 second video script. Just provide the narration
  • 87. Assessment and Feedback • Automated Grading: • Grading objective assessments (multiple-choice, fill-in- the-blank, etc.) • Evaluating subjective assessments (short answers, essays) with predefined criteria • Personalized Feedback: • Providing tailored feedback on strengths and areas for improvement • Engaging in interactive dialogues to reinforce learning concepts • Real-time Support: • Offering instant feedback on performance • Available 24/7 for flexible learning schedules • Data-Driven Insights: • Tracking performance over time for individual and class insights • Designing adaptive learning paths based on student needs • Enhancing Human Interaction: • Freeing up educators' time for complex student interactions • Facilitating structured peer review processes
  • 88. What are the antibiotics for leprosy treatment
  • 89. Based on this question and answer, create a rubrics to mark answers to the question
  • 90. “the antibiotics used in leprosy are rifampicin and streptomycin. Sometimes you can use dapsone for resistant cases. Rifampicin is the first line drug” - based on this answer provide a grade for it
  • 91. Transforming Teaching with AI • Tailoring educational materials • Enhancing teacher collaboration and efficiency • Facilitating personalized learning paths
  • 92. Enhancing Student Experience with LLMs • Engaging and interactive learning • Support for diverse learning styles • Opportunities for self- paced learning
  • 96. Introduction to Hands-on Session on Educational Materials • Objective: To equip participants with skills to use AI tools for crafting learning outcomes, lesson plans, instructional materials, and assessments including video-based content. • Duration: 60-90 minutes
  • 97. Part 1 - Crafting Learning Outcomes with AI • Objective: To use AI-based text generators for creating learning outcomes. Instructions: • 1. Navigate to an AI-based text generator (e.g., ChatGPT). • 2. Input keywords or topic areas. • 3. Generate learning outcomes. Discussion Points: • - Quality of AI-generated outcomes • - Refinement best practices
  • 98. Part 2 - Creating Lesson Plans with AI • Objective: To understand how AI can assist in lesson planning. Instructions: • 1. Use ChatGPT as a planning tool • 2. Input course objectives and learning outcomes. • 3. Generate a lesson plan. Discussion Points: • - Pros and cons of AI in lesson planning • - Customization options
  • 99. Part 3 - Crafting Instructional Materials • Objective: To explore AI tools for creating instructional materials. Instructions: • 1. Navigate to Night Cafe and In Video. • 2. Choose the type of material to create. • 3. Use the AI tool to generate content. Discussion Points: • - Quality and relevance assessment • - Legal and ethical considerations
  • 100. Part 4 - Creating Assessments and Videos • Objective: To utilize AI in creating assessments and videos. Instructions: • 1. Use ChatGPT to generate assessment. • 2. Use an to craft educational videos. Discussion Points: • - Effectiveness of AI-generated assessments • - Quality and utility of AI-crafted videos
  • 101. Session Summary and Takeaways • Objective: To summarize the skills and knowledge acquired. • Discussion Points: • - Key takeaways • - Implementation in practice • - Limitations and future prospects
  • 102. AI in Healthcare Research This segment will focus on how AI can streamline tasks such as literature review, data analytics, and manuscript development.
  • 103. AI Tools • Elicit for Literature Search • Scholarcy and Typeset for data extraction and summary • for summarisation and key points highlighting • Keyword generation with ChatGPT ( targeted prompt engineering)
  • 104. Goals • AI writing tools and their functionalities • How to use them • When to use them – idea generation, drafting, editing, and finalizing
  • 110. ChatGPT "prompting" refers to the input or question that you provide to the model. The model takes this prompt and generates a response based on the information it has been trained on. • Initial Statement or Question • Context • Intended Output • Tone or Formality • Specificity • Instructions for Response Format
  • 111. Practical Exercise • Use Elicit to research a question • Export the bibliography generated • Export data extraction table as Excel sheet • Import bibliography into Scholarch • Extract relevant data to augment Excel data extraction table • Summarise synthesised data( 15K characters @ a time) with ChatGPT with appropriate prompts • Copy response to Word document • Edit and cite as necessary
  • 112. Using SCISPACE Analyse your documents with Generative AI
  • 113. Add SciSpace Copilot to your browser AI research assistant that explains the text, math, and tables in scientific literature like research papers, technical blog posts, or reports. You can also ask follow-up questions, and it will give you instant answers.
  • 115. Choose PDF file to upload
  • 121. CLICK on a paper to see summaries and Interrogate as per needs
  • 126. AI Platform • Extracting/organising information - Web & PDF • Generate abstractive summaries • Queries using advanced natural language • Analyse keywords in relation to other documents,
  • 127. Key features  Extraction of keywords and defining them  Search within and across documents based on keywords and queries.  Summaries of whole documents and parts of those documents  Sort documents into sections called “projects”.  Add comments and highlights to articles.  Add custom definitions to words and phrases used in the article.  Make separate notes.
  • 128. Create and login in into your account.
  • 141. Practical Exercise • Use Elicit to research a question • Export the bibliography generated • Export data extraction table as Excel sheet • Import bibliography into Scholarch • Extract relevant data to augment Excel data extraction table • Summarise synthesised data( 15K characters @ a time) with ChatGPT with appropriate prompts • Copy response to Word document • Edit and cite as necessary
  • 145. AI-Powered Academic Writing Write Your Research Paper in a Day AI CHAT BOT for AI_POWERED ACADEMIC WRITING AI Chatbot for Prompt Engineering The Art and Science of Qualitative Research Introduction to research in healthcare AICHAT BT FOR R esearch in healthcare

Editor's Notes

  1. This is a very powerful video that reflects the profession we are in. I encourage you to listen in, make some notes and possibly reflect on some of the practices. Will you do some of the same? Especially something in the beginning of the video. Maybe something towards the end too in a different way 