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to mastering the
art of storytelling
to win hearts
and minds
3 Keys
Carmine Gallo is a master
storyteller and two-time Wall
Street Journal bestselling author
of Talk Like TED and The
Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs. His
techniques and ideas have
transformed leaders of admired
brands such as Pfizer, LinkedIn,
Intel, and Coca Cola, and his
transformational keynotes inspire
the world's most respected
b u s i n e s s l e a d e r s t o c r a f t
compelling stories behind their
own services, products and
brands. Gallo is a columnist for and
and heads Gallo Communications
in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Ideas that catch on
are wrapped in story
and inspire.
Storytelling is the single greatest
skill that will make you more
valuable and more successful
than you’ve ever imagined.
Here’s the best part—
storytelling is already in ourDNA.
storytelling is
who we are.
Storytelling is not
something we do;
-Carmine Gallo
Humans began telling stories around a
campfire about 400,000 years ago.
Stories informed others
about potential threats,
educated them, and ignited
their imaginations.
Stories do the same today.
Entrepreneur Richard
Branson gathers his team
around a campfire at his
home on Necker Island
to share stories.
can be used to
drive change,”
says Branson.
“Telling a story is
one of the best
ways we have
of coming up
with new ideas.”
Branson is one of the 50 entrepreneurs,
business legends and TED speakers featured in
The Storyteller’s Secret.
Richard Branson
Steve Jobs
Sheryl Sandberg
Joel Osteen
Mark Burnett
Amy Cuddy
Howard Schultz
Barbara Corcoran
Elon Musk
Adam Braun
Bill Gates
Kat Cole
Gary Vaynerchuk
Darren Hardy
Martin Luther King Jr.
Giada De Laurentiis
Chris Hadfield
SAPPolly Wiessner
Kevin Gale
Chris Gardner
Carlin Flora
Albert Bandura
Tony Robbins
Peter Guber
Tom Hawker
Colleen McElroy
Oprah Winfrey
J.K. Rowling
John Mackay
Dan Levy
Bryan Stevenson
Adam Levine
Edward Hallowell Melinda Gates
Seth Combs
Kevin Spacey
Ken Robinson
Danny Meyer
Pope Francis
Charles Yim
Rich Guerra Jr. MD
Howard Leonhardt
Oliver Sacks
Kezia Fitzgerald Steve Wynn
Herb Kelleher
Nancy Frates
Winston Churchill
Barack Obama
Greg Abbott
Pooja Sankar
John Lasseter
Each of them
has unlocked the
3 keys to telling a
story that moves
hearts and minds.
the story
you tell
Great storytellers are made, not born.
The pastor Joel Osteen spent 17 years behind the scenes
because he didn’t believe he belonged on stage.
Today he sells out stadiums.
Billionaire Warren Buffett realized that
pitching his ideas was the ticket to success, but
he was terrified of public speaking. He took a
public speaking course and conquered his fear.
Today the course certificate is the only
‘diploma’ which hangs in his office.
Shark Tank investor Barbara Corcoran was
terrified of public speaking. She volunteered
to teach real estate to get over her fear. As
Corcoran’s confidence grew, so did her
business which she started with $1,000.
She later sold The Corcoran Group for
$70 million.
You cannot until you’re inspired
yourself. If you don’t in yourself
and your story, nobody else will.
Embrace and
share your
back story
tell stories of struggle and lessons learned
Harvard researcher
Amy Cuddy lost
confidence in her
abilities when she
sustained a brain
injury and her IQ
dropped 30 points.
The accident inspired Cuddy to
study ‘presence’ and how
confident people overcome self-
doubt. Cuddy shared her
personal story publicly for the
first time at TEDGlobal and
thought she had made a mistake
in doing so. Cuddy’s story,
however, is the second most
viewed TED talk of all time
which inspired her to write her
The New York Times
bestseller, Presence.
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz often tells
the story of growing up in a Brooklyn housing
project and watching as his family struggled
after his father was injured on the job.
They had no health insurance and
found it difficult to make ends
meet. The story underpins Schultz’
initiatives such as offering health
insurance for all employees.
“The more uninspiring
your origins, the more
likely you are to use
your imagination and
invent worlds where
everything seems
-Howard Schultz
If you’ve overcome adversity in your
life, in your career, in your business, it’s
important to share that story because we
are hardwired to love rags-to-riches
stories. And we love them because
we need to hear them. As humans we are
wired to find meaning in struggle.
Dream in
Each of the storytellers
in The Storyteller’s Secret
dream in moonshots.
Mark Burnett left
Britain and landed
in Los Angeles with
$200 in his pocket
He hung tee shirts
on a fence near the
beach and sold them
for $18 each.
His parlayed his skill for storytelling and his
passion for adventure sports into a reality
show called Survivor. Today mega-producer
Mark Burnett is responsible for some of the
most popular shows on television.
“My best skills have
always been storytelling
and pitching ideas. All
success begins with the
ability to sell something,
whether it’s a shirt or an
– Mark Burnett
Stories of success over adversity ignite our inner fire
because struggle is a part of nature. Pearls, diamonds,
and award-winning wine are all products of struggle,
triumph over the elements. In the same way stories of
triumph over tension, success over adversity, inspire
the rest of us to be our best selves.
Once upon a time…
Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead
and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother
didn't like her one little bit. All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for
her own daughters. Nothing was too good for them - dresses, shoes, delicious
food, soft beds, and every home comfort. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there
was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters’ hand-me-downs. No lovely
dishes, nothing but scraps. No rest and no comfort. She had to work hard all
day. Only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire,
near the cinders. That’s why everybody called her Cinderella.
Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said,
“Miaow“, which really meant, “Cheer up! You have something neither of your
stepsisters has and that is beauty.” It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed
in old rags, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid
and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would
One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at
the palace and the stepsisters were getting ready to go. Cinderella didn't even
dare ask if she could go too. She knew very well what the answer would be:
“You? You're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn
down the beds for your stepsisters.” They will come home tired and very
sleepy. Cinderella sighed, “Oh dear, I'm so unhappy!” and the cat murmured
“Miaow.” Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes.
Whether your goal is to:
pitch an idea
ace a job interview
build a company
improve teamwork
improve teamwork
and employee engagement
give the presentation
of a lifetime
Storytelling is your
ultimate competitive advantage!
Thanks to neuroscience we’ve learned
more about storytelling in the ten
years than we’ve known since humans
began painting on cave walls.
a time…
We now know what brain
chemicals make us pay attention
what causes us
to feel empathy
and what makes
us feel good.
We know exactly which type of
stories trigger these chemicals, why
they work, and we can prove it
Story is everything and
good content making
is not a crap shoot. We
know how this works.
- Kevin Spacey, actor
3-Act Structure
of Hit Movies
Nearly all
successful modern
movies follow the
hero’s journey in a
3-Act structure:
The Set-up,
The Confrontation
The Resolution.
3 Act Structure
of Hit Movies
(The hero’s world before the
adventure starts)
(The hero’s world is turned
upside down)
(Hero’s world is transformed)
Inspiring stories in a
wide range of fields
follow a similar
Steve Jobs Introduces
It is 1958. IBM passes up the chance
to buy a young, fledgling company
that has invented a new technology
called xerography. Two years later
Xerox is born. IBM has been kicking
themselves ever since. It is ten years
later. IBM dismisses the mini-
computer as too small to do serious
mini computing and unimportant to
their business…
(The hero’s world before the adventure starts)
Steve Jobs Introduces
It is now 1984. It appears IBM wants
it all. Apple is perceived to be the only
hope to offer IBM a run for its money.
Dealers fear an IBM dominated and
controlled future. They are
increasingly turning back to Apple as
the only force that can ensure their
future freedom. IBM wants it all and
is aiming its guns to its last obstacle to
industry control. Apple.
(The hero’s world is turned upside down)
Steve Jobs Introduces
(Hero conquers villain, but it’s not enough for
the hero to survive. The hero or the world must
be transformed)
Steve walks to the center of the
stage and unveils the ‘hero,’ the
first Macintosh. He pulls a floppy
disk from his pocket, inserts it into
the computer and let’s Macintosh
‘speak for itself.’ With the
introduction of Macintosh the
world will see why 1984 won’t be
like ‘1984.’
Steve Jobs Introduces
The Macintosh story played itself
out on stage just like a hit movie
complete with heroes, villains,
props, and surprises. Jobs tapped
film director Ridley Scott (who
directed The Martian) to create
the first Macintosh television ad.
Jobs even had a movie score, the
theme song from Chariots of Fire
playing in the background. Steve
Jobs was a great marketer
because he was great storyteller.
Malala Yousafzai
Nobel Prize Speech
In my paradise home, Swat, I
always loved learning and
discovering new things. We had a
thirst for education. We would sit
and learn and read together. We
loved to wear neat and tidy school
uniforms and we would sit there
with big dreams in our eyes.
(The hero’s world before the adventure starts)
Malala Yousafzai
Nobel Prize Speech
But things did not remain the
same. When I was in Swat, which
was a place of tourism and beauty,
suddenly changed into a place of
terrorism. I was just ten when
more than 400 schools were
destroyed. Women were flogged.
People were killed. And our
beautiful dreams turned into
nightmares. Education went from
being a right to being a crime.
(The hero’s world is turned upside down)
Malala Yousafzai
Nobel Prize Speech
The terrorists tried to stop us and
attacked me and my friends who
are here today, on our school bus
in 2012, but neither their ideas
nor their bullets could win.
We survived. And since that day,
our voices have grown louder and
louder. I tell my story, not because
it is unique, but because it is not.
It is the story of many girls.
(Hero conquers villain, but it’s not enough for
the hero to survive. The hero or the world must
be transformed)
There’s a difference between a story, a good
story and a transformative one that moves
hearts and minds. Tell transformative stories.
to taking a presentation from
good to GREAT
3 Steps
1. Sharpen your presentation skills
Practice makes good storytellers great
Martin Luther King gave
2,500 speeches before his
famous ‘Dream speech’.
Jill Bolte-Taylor practiced her
famous TED talks 200 times.
Ronald Reagan gave hundreds of
speeches over 8 years before he
electrified a national audience at the
Republican convention of 1964.
2. Illustrate your story
Pictures trump words.
Astronaut and TED
speaker Chris Hadfield
delivered a 35 slide
presentation with no
Bill Gates’ TED
presentations contain
more pictures than
“If you can’t explain
something simply you
really don’t understand it.”
- Bill Gates
3. Unleash your best storytellers
Technology giant SAP hired a ‘Chief Storytelling
Officer’ to help unleash the individual stories of its
65,000 salespeople.
“It’s false to say I’m the
only storyteller at SAP.
We’ve created tools to
allow everyone to be
– Julie Roehm,
SVP StrategicRelationships and
Chief Storyteller, SAP
Storytellers influence one another to dream
bigger and move mountains. The end of one
story is the start of another.
The Storyteller's Secret: 3 Keys to Mastering Storytelling to Win Hearts and Minds
Show me an inspiring
leader and I’ll show you a
storyteller who influenced
the way that leader sees
the world.
“Storytellers instill
hope again, and
again, and again.”
– Walt Disney
Storiescan change the world.
Isn’t it time
you shared yours?

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The Storyteller's Secret: 3 Keys to Mastering Storytelling to Win Hearts and Minds

  • 1. to mastering the art of storytelling to win hearts and minds 3 Keys
  • 2. Carmine Gallo is a master storyteller and two-time Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Talk Like TED and The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs. His techniques and ideas have transformed leaders of admired brands such as Pfizer, LinkedIn, Intel, and Coca Cola, and his transformational keynotes inspire the world's most respected b u s i n e s s l e a d e r s t o c r a f t compelling stories behind their own services, products and brands. Gallo is a columnist for and and heads Gallo Communications in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • 3. Ideas that catch on are wrapped in story
  • 5. Storytelling is the single greatest skill that will make you more valuable and more successful than you’ve ever imagined.
  • 6. Here’s the best part— storytelling is already in ourDNA.
  • 7. storytelling is who we are. Storytelling is not something we do; -Carmine Gallo
  • 8. Humans began telling stories around a campfire about 400,000 years ago.
  • 9. Stories informed others about potential threats, educated them, and ignited their imaginations.
  • 10. Stories do the same today.
  • 11. Entrepreneur Richard Branson gathers his team around a campfire at his home on Necker Island to share stories.
  • 12. “Storytelling can be used to drive change,” says Branson.
  • 13. “Telling a story is one of the best ways we have of coming up with new ideas.”
  • 14. Branson is one of the 50 entrepreneurs, business legends and TED speakers featured in The Storyteller’s Secret. Richard Branson Steve Jobs Sheryl Sandberg Joel Osteen Mark Burnett Amy Cuddy Howard Schultz Barbara Corcoran Malala Elon Musk Adam Braun Bill Gates Kat Cole AirBnB Gary Vaynerchuk Darren Hardy Martin Luther King Jr. Giada De Laurentiis Chris Hadfield SAPPolly Wiessner Kevin Gale Chris Gardner Carlin Flora Albert Bandura Sting Tony Robbins Peter Guber Tom Hawker Colleen McElroy Oprah Winfrey J.K. Rowling John Mackay Dan Levy Bryan Stevenson Adam Levine Edward Hallowell Melinda Gates Seth Combs Kevin Spacey Ken Robinson Danny Meyer Pope Francis Charles Yim Rich Guerra Jr. MD Howard Leonhardt Oliver Sacks Kezia Fitzgerald Steve Wynn Herb Kelleher Nancy Frates Winston Churchill Barack Obama Greg Abbott Pooja Sankar Sideways John Lasseter
  • 15. Each of them has unlocked the 3 keys to telling a story that moves hearts and minds.
  • 18. Great storytellers are made, not born.
  • 19. The pastor Joel Osteen spent 17 years behind the scenes because he didn’t believe he belonged on stage.
  • 20. Today he sells out stadiums.
  • 21. Billionaire Warren Buffett realized that pitching his ideas was the ticket to success, but he was terrified of public speaking. He took a public speaking course and conquered his fear. Today the course certificate is the only ‘diploma’ which hangs in his office.
  • 22. Shark Tank investor Barbara Corcoran was terrified of public speaking. She volunteered to teach real estate to get over her fear. As Corcoran’s confidence grew, so did her business which she started with $1,000. She later sold The Corcoran Group for $70 million.
  • 23. You cannot until you’re inspired yourself. If you don’t in yourself and your story, nobody else will. believe inspire
  • 24. Embrace and share your back story tell stories of struggle and lessons learned
  • 25. Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy lost confidence in her abilities when she sustained a brain injury and her IQ dropped 30 points.
  • 26. The accident inspired Cuddy to study ‘presence’ and how confident people overcome self- doubt. Cuddy shared her personal story publicly for the first time at TEDGlobal and thought she had made a mistake in doing so. Cuddy’s story, however, is the second most viewed TED talk of all time which inspired her to write her The New York Times bestseller, Presence.
  • 27. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz often tells the story of growing up in a Brooklyn housing project and watching as his family struggled after his father was injured on the job.
  • 28. They had no health insurance and found it difficult to make ends meet. The story underpins Schultz’ initiatives such as offering health insurance for all employees.
  • 29. “The more uninspiring your origins, the more likely you are to use your imagination and invent worlds where everything seems possible.” -Howard Schultz
  • 30. If you’ve overcome adversity in your life, in your career, in your business, it’s important to share that story because we are hardwired to love rags-to-riches stories. And we love them because we need to hear them. As humans we are wired to find meaning in struggle.
  • 32. Each of the storytellers in The Storyteller’s Secret dream in moonshots.
  • 33. Mark Burnett left Britain and landed in Los Angeles with $200 in his pocket
  • 34. He hung tee shirts on a fence near the beach and sold them for $18 each.
  • 35. His parlayed his skill for storytelling and his passion for adventure sports into a reality show called Survivor. Today mega-producer Mark Burnett is responsible for some of the most popular shows on television.
  • 36. “My best skills have always been storytelling and pitching ideas. All success begins with the ability to sell something, whether it’s a shirt or an idea.” – Mark Burnett
  • 37. Stories of success over adversity ignite our inner fire because struggle is a part of nature. Pearls, diamonds, and award-winning wine are all products of struggle, triumph over the elements. In the same way stories of triumph over tension, success over adversity, inspire the rest of us to be our best selves.
  • 38. The Story Once upon a time… Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. Nothing was too good for them - dresses, shoes, delicious food, soft beds, and every home comfort. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters’ hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No rest and no comfort. She had to work hard all day. Only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That’s why everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said, “Miaow“, which really meant, “Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters has and that is beauty.” It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in old rags, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be. One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at the palace and the stepsisters were getting ready to go. Cinderella didn't even dare ask if she could go too. She knew very well what the answer would be: “You? You're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters.” They will come home tired and very sleepy. Cinderella sighed, “Oh dear, I'm so unhappy!” and the cat murmured “Miaow.” Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes.
  • 39. Whether your goal is to: pitch an idea
  • 40. ace a job interview
  • 45. Storytelling is your ultimate competitive advantage!
  • 46. Thanks to neuroscience we’ve learned more about storytelling in the ten years than we’ve known since humans began painting on cave walls. Once upon a time…
  • 47. We now know what brain chemicals make us pay attention Cortisol
  • 48. what causes us to feel empathy Oxytocin
  • 49. and what makes us feel good. Dopamine
  • 50. We know exactly which type of stories trigger these chemicals, why they work, and we can prove it scientifically.
  • 51. Story is everything and good content making is not a crap shoot. We know how this works. - Kevin Spacey, actor
  • 52. 3-Act Structure of Hit Movies Nearly all successful modern movies follow the hero’s journey in a 3-Act structure: The Set-up, The Confrontation The Resolution.
  • 53. 3 Act Structure of Hit Movies THE SET UP (The hero’s world before the adventure starts) THE CONFLICT (The hero’s world is turned upside down) THE RESOLUTION (Hero’s world is transformed) Inspiring stories in a wide range of fields follow a similar template.
  • 54. 1984 Steve Jobs Introduces Macintosh It is 1958. IBM passes up the chance to buy a young, fledgling company that has invented a new technology called xerography. Two years later Xerox is born. IBM has been kicking themselves ever since. It is ten years later. IBM dismisses the mini- computer as too small to do serious mini computing and unimportant to their business… ACT ONE: THE SETUP (The hero’s world before the adventure starts)
  • 55. 1984 Steve Jobs Introduces Macintosh It is now 1984. It appears IBM wants it all. Apple is perceived to be the only hope to offer IBM a run for its money. Dealers fear an IBM dominated and controlled future. They are increasingly turning back to Apple as the only force that can ensure their future freedom. IBM wants it all and is aiming its guns to its last obstacle to industry control. Apple. ACT TWO: THE CONFRONTATION (The hero’s world is turned upside down)
  • 56. 1984 Steve Jobs Introduces Macintosh ACT THREE: THE RESOLUTION (Hero conquers villain, but it’s not enough for the hero to survive. The hero or the world must be transformed) Steve walks to the center of the stage and unveils the ‘hero,’ the first Macintosh. He pulls a floppy disk from his pocket, inserts it into the computer and let’s Macintosh ‘speak for itself.’ With the introduction of Macintosh the world will see why 1984 won’t be like ‘1984.’
  • 57. 1984 Steve Jobs Introduces Macintosh The Macintosh story played itself out on stage just like a hit movie complete with heroes, villains, props, and surprises. Jobs tapped film director Ridley Scott (who directed The Martian) to create the first Macintosh television ad. Jobs even had a movie score, the theme song from Chariots of Fire playing in the background. Steve Jobs was a great marketer because he was great storyteller.
  • 58. Malala Yousafzai Nobel Prize Speech In my paradise home, Swat, I always loved learning and discovering new things. We had a thirst for education. We would sit and learn and read together. We loved to wear neat and tidy school uniforms and we would sit there with big dreams in our eyes. ACT ONE: THE SETUP (The hero’s world before the adventure starts)
  • 59. Malala Yousafzai Nobel Prize Speech But things did not remain the same. When I was in Swat, which was a place of tourism and beauty, suddenly changed into a place of terrorism. I was just ten when more than 400 schools were destroyed. Women were flogged. People were killed. And our beautiful dreams turned into nightmares. Education went from being a right to being a crime. ACT TWO: THE CONFRONTATION (The hero’s world is turned upside down)
  • 60. Malala Yousafzai Nobel Prize Speech The terrorists tried to stop us and attacked me and my friends who are here today, on our school bus in 2012, but neither their ideas nor their bullets could win. We survived. And since that day, our voices have grown louder and louder. I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is not. It is the story of many girls. ACT THREE: THE RESOLUTION (Hero conquers villain, but it’s not enough for the hero to survive. The hero or the world must be transformed)
  • 61. There’s a difference between a story, a good story and a transformative one that moves hearts and minds. Tell transformative stories.
  • 63. to taking a presentation from good to GREAT 3 Steps
  • 64. 1. Sharpen your presentation skills
  • 65. Practice makes good storytellers great
  • 66. Martin Luther King gave 2,500 speeches before his famous ‘Dream speech’.
  • 67. Jill Bolte-Taylor practiced her famous TED talks 200 times.
  • 68. Ronald Reagan gave hundreds of speeches over 8 years before he electrified a national audience at the Republican convention of 1964.
  • 71. Astronaut and TED speaker Chris Hadfield delivered a 35 slide presentation with no words.
  • 72. Bill Gates’ TED presentations contain more pictures than words.
  • 73. “If you can’t explain something simply you really don’t understand it.” - Bill Gates
  • 74. 3. Unleash your best storytellers
  • 75. Technology giant SAP hired a ‘Chief Storytelling Officer’ to help unleash the individual stories of its 65,000 salespeople.
  • 76. “It’s false to say I’m the only storyteller at SAP. We’ve created tools to allow everyone to be storytellers.” – Julie Roehm, SVP StrategicRelationships and Chief Storyteller, SAP
  • 77. Storytellers influence one another to dream bigger and move mountains. The end of one story is the start of another.
  • 79. Show me an inspiring leader and I’ll show you a storyteller who influenced the way that leader sees the world.
  • 80. “Storytellers instill hope again, and again, and again.” – Walt Disney
  • 81. Storiescan change the world. Isn’t it time you shared yours?