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Programming with Python
    and PostgreSQL
            Peter Eisentraut

            F-Secure Corporation

    PostgreSQL Conference East 2011


   • Part I: Client programming (60 min)
   • Part II: PL/Python (30 min)
Why Python?
Why Python?
   • widely used
   • easy
   • strong typing
   • scripting, interactive use
   • good PostgreSQL support
   • client and server (PL) interfaces
   • open source, community-based
Why Python?
   • widely used
   • easy
   • strong typing
   • scripting, interactive use
   • good PostgreSQL support
   • client and server (PL) interfaces
   • open source, community-based
   • no static syntax checks, must rely on test coverage
   • Python community has varying interest in RDBMS
Part I

Client Programming
 import psycopg2

 dbconn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=dellstore2')
 cursor = dbconn.cursor()
 SELECT firstname, lastname
 FROM customers
 ORDER BY 1, 2
 for row in cursor.fetchall():
     print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])

  Name             License   Platforms     Py Versions
  Psycopg          LGPL      Unix, Win     2.4–3.2
  PyGreSQL         BSD       Unix, Win     2.3–2.6
  ocpgdb           BSD       Unix          2.3–2.6
  py-postgresql    BSD       pure Python   3.0+
  bpgsql (alpha)   LGPL      pure Python   2.3–2.6
  pg8000           BSD       pure Python   2.5–3.0+

   Name             License   Platforms     Py Versions
   Psycopg          LGPL      Unix, Win     2.4–3.2
   PyGreSQL         BSD       Unix, Win     2.3–2.6
   ocpgdb           BSD       Unix          2.3–2.6
   py-postgresql    BSD       pure Python   3.0+
   bpgsql (alpha)   LGPL      pure Python   2.3–2.6
   pg8000           BSD       pure Python   2.5–3.0+
  More details
DB-API 2.0

   • the standard Python database API
   • all mentioned drivers support it
   • defined in PEP 249
   • discussions:
   • very elementary (from a PostgreSQL perspective)
   • outdated relative to Python language development
   • lots of extensions and incompatibilities possible
Higher-Level Interfaces

   • Zope
   • SQLAlchemy
   • Django
Psycopg Facts

   • Main authors: Federico Di Gregorio, Daniele Varrazzo
   • License: LGPLv3+
   • Web site:
        • Documentation:
        • Git, Gitweb
   • Mailing list:
   • Twitter: @psycopg
   • Latest version: 2.4 (February 27, 2011)
Using the Driver

  import psycopg2

  dbconn = psycopg2.connect(...)
Driver Independence?

 import psycopg2

 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(...)   # hardcodes driver name
Driver Independence?

 import psycopg2 as dbdriver

 dbconn = dbdriver.connect(...)
Driver Independence?

 dbtype = 'psycopg2'   # e.g. from config file
 dbdriver = __import__(dbtype,
                       globals(), locals(),
                       [], -1)

 dbconn = dbdriver.connect(...)
 # libpq-like connection string
 dbconn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=dellstore2
     host=localhost port=5432')

 # same
 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='dbname=dellstore2
     host=localhost port=5432')

 # keyword arguments
 # (not all possible libpq options supported)
 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(database='dellstore2',

 DB-API 2.0 says: arguments database dependent

  cursor = dbconn.cursor()

    • not a real database cursor, only an API abstraction
    • think “statement handle”
Server-Side Cursors

  cursor = dbconn.cursor(name='mycursor')

    • a real database cursor
    • use for large result sets
 # queries
 SELECT firstname, lastname
 FROM customers
 ORDER BY 1, 2

 # updates
 cursor.execute("UPDATE customers SET password = NULL")
 print "%d rows updated" % cursor.rowcount

 # or anything else
 cursor.execute("ANALYZE customers")
Fetching Query Results

  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")

Fetching Query Results

  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
Fetching Query Results

  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])

  Note: field access only by number
Fetching Query Results

  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")
  row = cursor.fetchone()
  if row is not None:
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
Fetching Query Results

  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")
  for row in cursor:
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
Fetching Query Results in Batches

  cursor = dbconn.cursor(name='mycursor')
  cursor.arraysize = 500   # default: 1
  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")
  while True:
      batch = cursor.fetchmany()
      break if not batch
      for row in batch:
          print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
Fetching Query Results in Batches

  cursor = dbconn.cursor(name='mycursor')
  cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...")
  cursor.itersize = 2000   # default
  for row in cursor:
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
Getting Query Metadata

 cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT state, zip FROM
 print cursor.description[0].name
 print cursor.description[0].type_code
 print cursor.description[1].name
 print cursor.description[1].type_code

 1043    # == psycopg2.STRING
 23      # == psycopg2.NUMBER
Passing Parameters

 UPDATE customers
     SET password = %s
     WHERE customerid = %s
 """, ["sekret", 37])
Passing Parameters

 Not to be confused with (totally evil):
 UPDATE customers
     SET password = '%s'
     WHERE customerid = %d
 """ % ["sekret", 37])
Passing Parameters

 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)",
                "bar")    # WRONG

 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)",
                ("bar")) # WRONG

 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)",
                ("bar",)) # correct

 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)",
                ["bar"]) # correct

 (from Psycopg documentation)
Passing Parameters

 UPDATE customers
     SET password = %(pw)s
     WHERE customerid = %(id)s
 """, {'id': 37, 'pw': "sekret"})
Passing Many Parameter Sets

 UPDATE customers
     SET password = %s
     WHERE customerid = %s
 """, [["ahTh4oip", 100],
       ["Rexahho7", 101],
       ["Ee1aetui", 102]])
Calling Procedures

  cursor.callproc('pg_start_backup', 'label')
Data Types

 from decimal import Decimal
 from psycopg2 import Date

 INSERT INTO orders (orderdate, customerid,
                     netamount, tax, totalamount)
 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
 [Date(2011, 03, 23), 12345,
  Decimal("899.95"), 8.875, Decimal("979.82")])
  from decimal import Decimal
  from psycopg2 import Date

  INSERT INTO orders (orderdate, customerid,
                      netamount, tax, totalamount)
  VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
  [Date(2011, 03, 23), 12345,
   Decimal("899.95"), 8.875, Decimal("979.82")])

  "nINSERT INTO orders (orderdate, customerid,n
      netamount, tax, totalamount)nVALUES
      ('2011-03-23'::date, 12345, 899.95, 8.875, 979.82)"
Data Types

 SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customerid = 12345

 (12002,, 3, 23), 12345,
     Decimal('899.95'), Decimal('8.88'),

  cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [None])


  cursor.execute("SELECT NULL")


 cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s", [True, False])

 'SELECT true, false'
Binary Data
  Standard way:
  from psycopg2 import Binary
  cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [Binary("foo")])

  "SELECT E'x666f6f'::bytea"
Binary Data
  Standard way:
  from psycopg2 import Binary
  cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [Binary("foo")])

  "SELECT E'x666f6f'::bytea"

  Other ways:
  cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [buffer("foo")])

  "SELECT E'x666f6f'::bytea"

  cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s",

  "SELECT E'xdeadbeef'::bytea"

  There are more. Check the documentation. Check the versions.

 Standard ways:
 from psycopg2 import Date, Time, Timestamp

 cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s",
                [Date(2011, 3, 23),
                 Time(9, 0, 0),
                 Timestamp(2011, 3, 23, 9, 0, 0)])

 "SELECT '2011-03-23'::date, '09:00:00'::time,
 Other ways:
 import datetime

 cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s",
                [, 3, 23),
                 datetime.time(9, 0, 0),
                 datetime.datetime(2011, 3, 23, 9, 0),

 "SELECT '2011-03-23'::date, '09:00:00'::time,
     '2011-03-23T09:00:00'::timestamp, '0 days
     5400.000000 seconds'::interval"

 mx.DateTime   also supported

  foo = [1, 2, 3]
  bar = [datetime.time(9, 0), datetime.time(10, 30)]

  cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s",
                 [foo, bar])

  "SELECT ARRAY[1, 2, 3], ARRAY['09:00:00'::time,

 foo = (1, 2, 3)

 cursor.mogrify("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE
     customerid IN %s",

 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerid IN (1, 2, 3)'

 import psycopg2.extras


 x = {'a': 'foo', 'b': 'bar'}

 cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s",

 "SELECT hstore(ARRAY[E'a', E'b'], ARRAY[E'foo',
Unicode Support

 Cause all result strings to be returned as Unicode strings:
Transaction Control

  Transaction blocks are used by default. Must use

Transaction Control: Autocommit

  import psycopg2.extensions


  cursor = dbconn.cursor()
Transaction Control: Isolation Mode

  import psycopg2.extensions

      ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE) # or other level

  cursor = dbconn.cursor()
Exception Handling

  |__ Warning
  |__ Error
      |__ InterfaceError
      |__ DatabaseError
          |__ DataError
          |__ OperationalError
          |   |__ psycopg2.extensions.QueryCanceledError
          |   |__ psycopg2.extensions.TransactionRollbackError
          |__ IntegrityError
          |__ InternalError
          |__ ProgrammingError
          |__ NotSupportedError
Error Messages

 except Exception, e:
     print e.pgerror
Error Codes

 import psycopg2.errorcodes

 while True:
         cursor.execute("UPDATE something ...")
         cursor.execute("UPDATE otherthing ...")
     except Exception, e:
         if e.pgcode == 
Connection and Cursor Factories

  Want: accessing result columns by name
  dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...')
  cursor = dbconn.cursor()
  SELECT firstname, lastname
  FROM customers
  ORDER BY 1, 2
  LIMIT 10
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])   # stupid :(
Connection and Cursor Factories
  Solution 1: Using DictConnection:
  import psycopg2.extras

  dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...',
  cursor = dbconn.cursor()
  SELECT firstname, lastname
  FROM customers
  ORDER BY 1, 2
  LIMIT 10
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row['firstname'], # or row[0]
                             row['lastname']) # or row[1]
Connection and Cursor Factories
  Solution 2: Using RealDictConnection:
  import psycopg2.extras

  dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...',
  cursor = dbconn.cursor()
  SELECT firstname, lastname
  FROM customers
  ORDER BY 1, 2
  LIMIT 10
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row['firstname'],
Connection and Cursor Factories
  Solution 3: Using NamedTupleConnection:
  import psycopg2.extras

  dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...',
  cursor = dbconn.cursor()
  SELECT firstname, lastname
  FROM customers
  ORDER BY 1, 2
  LIMIT 10
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row.firstname,    # or row[0]
                             row.lastname)     # or row[1]
Connection and Cursor Factories
  Alternative: Using

  import psycopg2.extras

  dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...')
  cursor = dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.
  SELECT firstname, lastname
  FROM customers
  ORDER BY 1, 2
  LIMIT 10
  for row in cursor.fetchall():
      print "Name: %s %s" % (row['firstname'],
      # (resp. row.firstname, row.lastname)
Supporting New Data Types

 Only a finite list of types is supported by default: Date, Binary,
   • map new PostgreSQL data types into Python
   • map new Python data types into PostgreSQL
Mapping New PostgreSQL Types Into
 import psycopg2
 import psycopg2.extensions

 def cast_oidvector(value, _cursor):
     """Convert oidvector to Python array"""
     if value is None:
         return None
     return map(int, value.split(' '))

 OIDVECTOR = psycopg2.extensions.new_type((30,),
     'OIDVECTOR', cast_oidvector)
Mapping New Python Types into
 from psycopg2.extensions import adapt,
     register_adapter, AsIs

 class Point(object):
     def __init__(self, x, y):
         self.x = x
         self.y = y

 def adapt_point(point):
     return AsIs("'(%s, %s)'" % (adapt(point.x),

 register_adapter(Point, adapt_point)

 cur.execute("INSERT INTO atable (apoint) VALUES (%s)",
             (Point(1.23, 4.56),))

 (from Psycopg documentation)
Connection Pooling With Psycopg
 from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool

 pool = SimpleConnectionPool(1, 20, dsn='...')
 dbconn = pool.getconn()
Connection Pooling With Psycopg
 for non-threaded applications:
 from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool

 pool = SimpleConnectionPool(1, 20, dsn='...')
 dbconn = pool.getconn()

 for non-threaded applications:
 from psycopg2.pool import ThreadedConnectionPool

 pool = ThreadedConnectionPool(1, 20, dsn='...')
 dbconn = pool.getconn()
 cursor = dbconn.cursor()
Connection Pooling With DBUtils

  import psycopg2
  from DBUtils.PersistentDB import PersistentDB

  dbconn = PersistentDB(psycopg2, dsn='...')
  cursor = dbconn.cursor()

The Other Stuff

   • thread safety: can share connections, but not cursors
   • COPY support: cursor.copy_from(), cursor.copy_to()
   • large object support: connection.lobject()
   • 2PC: connection.xid(), connection.tpc_begin(), . . .
   • query cancel: dbconn.cancel()
   • notices: dbconn.notices
   • notifications: dbconn.notifies
   • asynchronous communication
   • coroutine support
   • logging cursor
Part II


   • included with PostgreSQL
        • configure --with-python
        • apt-get/yum install postgresql-plpython
   • CREATE LANGUAGE plpythonu;
   • Python 3: CREATE LANGUAGE plpython3u;
   • “untrusted”, superuser only
Basic Examples
 CREATE FUNCTION add(a int, b int) RETURNS int
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 return a + b

 CREATE FUNCTION longest(a text, b text) RETURNS text
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 if len(a) > len(b):
     return a
 elif len(b) > len(a):
     return b
     return None
Using Modules

 CREATE FUNCTION json_to_array(j text) RETURNS text[]
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 import json

 return json.loads(j)
Database Calls

 CREATE FUNCTION clear_passwords() RETURNS int
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 rv = plpy.execute("UPDATE customers SET password =
 return rv.nrows
Database Calls With Parameters

 CREATE FUNCTION set_password(username text, password
     text) RETURNS boolean
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 plan = plpy.prepare("UPDATE customers SET password = $1
     WHERE username= $2", ['text', 'text'])
 rv = plpy.execute(plan, [username, password])
 return rv.nrows == 1
Avoiding Prepared Statements

 CREATE FUNCTION set_password(username text, password
     text) RETURNS boolean
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 rv = plpy.execute("UPDATE customers SET password = %s
     WHERE username= %s" %
 return rv.nrows == 1

 (available in 9.1-to-be)
Caching Plans

 CREATE FUNCTION set_password2(username text, password
     text) RETURNS boolean
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 if 'myplan' in SD:
     plan = SD['myplan']
     plan = plpy.prepare("UPDATE customers SET password
         = $1 WHERE username= $2", ['text', 'text'])
     SD['myplan'] = plan
 rv = plpy.execute(plan, [username, password])
 return rv.nrows == 1
Processing Query Results

 CREATE FUNCTION get_customer_name(username text)
     RETURNS boolean
 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
 plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT firstname || ' ' ||
     lastname AS ""name"" FROM customers WHERE username =
     $1", ['text'])
 rv = plpy.execute(plan, [username], 1)
 return rv[0]['name']
Compare: PL/Python vs. DB-API

 plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT ...")
 for row in plpy.execute(plan, ...):["fieldname"])

 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(...)
 cursor = dbconn.cursor()
 cursor.execute("SELECT ...")
 for row in cursor.fetchall() do:
     print row[0]
Set-Returning and Table Functions

  CREATE FUNCTION get_customers(id int) RETURNS SETOF
  LANGUAGE plpythonu
  AS $$
  plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE
      customerid = $1", ['int'])
  rv = plpy.execute(plan, [id])
  return rv

  CREATE FUNCTION delete_notifier() RETURNS trigger
  LANGUAGE plpythonu
  AS $$
  if TD['event'] == 'DELETE':
      plpy.notice("one row deleted from table %s" %

  CREATE TRIGGER customers_delete_notifier AFTER DELETE

 LANGUAGE plpythonu
 AS $$
     rv = plpy.execute("SELECT ...")
 except plpy.SPIError, e:
     plpy.notice("something went wrong")

 The transaction is still aborted in < 9.1.
New in PostgreSQL 9.1

   • SPI calls wrapped in subtransactions
   • custom SPI exceptions: subclass per SQLSTATE,
    .sqlstate    attribute
   • plpy.subtransaction() context manager
   • support for OUT parameters
   • quoting functions
   • validator
   • lots of internal improvements
The End

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Programming with Python and PostgreSQL

  • 1. Programming with Python and PostgreSQL Peter Eisentraut F-Secure Corporation PostgreSQL Conference East 2011 CC-BY
  • 2. Partitioning • Part I: Client programming (60 min) • Part II: PL/Python (30 min)
  • 4. Why Python? Pros: • widely used • easy • strong typing • scripting, interactive use • good PostgreSQL support • client and server (PL) interfaces • open source, community-based
  • 5. Why Python? Pros: • widely used • easy • strong typing • scripting, interactive use • good PostgreSQL support • client and server (PL) interfaces • open source, community-based Pros: • no static syntax checks, must rely on test coverage • Python community has varying interest in RDBMS
  • 7. Example import psycopg2 dbconn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=dellstore2') cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1]) cursor.close() db.close()
  • 8. Drivers Name License Platforms Py Versions Psycopg LGPL Unix, Win 2.4–3.2 PyGreSQL BSD Unix, Win 2.3–2.6 ocpgdb BSD Unix 2.3–2.6 py-postgresql BSD pure Python 3.0+ bpgsql (alpha) LGPL pure Python 2.3–2.6 pg8000 BSD pure Python 2.5–3.0+
  • 9. Drivers Name License Platforms Py Versions Psycopg LGPL Unix, Win 2.4–3.2 PyGreSQL BSD Unix, Win 2.3–2.6 ocpgdb BSD Unix 2.3–2.6 py-postgresql BSD pure Python 3.0+ bpgsql (alpha) LGPL pure Python 2.3–2.6 pg8000 BSD pure Python 2.5–3.0+ More details • •
  • 10. DB-API 2.0 • the standard Python database API • all mentioned drivers support it • defined in PEP 249 • discussions: • very elementary (from a PostgreSQL perspective) • outdated relative to Python language development • lots of extensions and incompatibilities possible
  • 11. Higher-Level Interfaces • Zope • SQLAlchemy • Django
  • 12. Psycopg Facts • Main authors: Federico Di Gregorio, Daniele Varrazzo • License: LGPLv3+ • Web site: • Documentation: • Git, Gitweb • Mailing list: • Twitter: @psycopg • Latest version: 2.4 (February 27, 2011)
  • 13. Using the Driver import psycopg2 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(...) ...
  • 14. Driver Independence? import psycopg2 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(...) # hardcodes driver name
  • 15. Driver Independence? import psycopg2 as dbdriver dbconn = dbdriver.connect(...)
  • 16. Driver Independence? dbtype = 'psycopg2' # e.g. from config file dbdriver = __import__(dbtype, globals(), locals(), [], -1) dbconn = dbdriver.connect(...)
  • 17. Connecting # libpq-like connection string dbconn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=dellstore2 host=localhost port=5432') # same dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='dbname=dellstore2 host=localhost port=5432') # keyword arguments # (not all possible libpq options supported) dbconn = psycopg2.connect(database='dellstore2', host='localhost', port='5432') DB-API 2.0 says: arguments database dependent
  • 18. “Cursors” cursor = dbconn.cursor() • not a real database cursor, only an API abstraction • think “statement handle”
  • 19. Server-Side Cursors cursor = dbconn.cursor(name='mycursor') • a real database cursor • use for large result sets
  • 20. Executing # queries cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) # updates cursor.execute("UPDATE customers SET password = NULL") print "%d rows updated" % cursor.rowcount # or anything else cursor.execute("ANALYZE customers")
  • 21. Fetching Query Results cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") cursor.fetchall() [('AABBKO', 'DUTOFRPLOK'), ('AABTSI', 'ZFCKMPRVVJ'), ('AACOHS', 'EECCQPVTIW'), ('AACVVO', 'CLSXSGZYKS'), ('AADVMN', 'MEMQEWYFYE'), ('AADXQD', 'GLEKVVLZFV'), ('AAEBUG', 'YUOIINRJGE')]
  • 22. Fetching Query Results cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
  • 23. Fetching Query Results cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1]) Note: field access only by number
  • 24. Fetching Query Results cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") row = cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
  • 25. Fetching Query Results cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") for row in cursor: print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
  • 26. Fetching Query Results in Batches cursor = dbconn.cursor(name='mycursor') cursor.arraysize = 500 # default: 1 cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") while True: batch = cursor.fetchmany() break if not batch for row in batch: print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
  • 27. Fetching Query Results in Batches cursor = dbconn.cursor(name='mycursor') cursor.execute("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM ...") cursor.itersize = 2000 # default for row in cursor: print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1])
  • 28. Getting Query Metadata cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT state, zip FROM customers") print cursor.description[0].name print cursor.description[0].type_code print cursor.description[1].name print cursor.description[1].type_code state 1043 # == psycopg2.STRING zip 23 # == psycopg2.NUMBER
  • 29. Passing Parameters cursor.execute(""" UPDATE customers SET password = %s WHERE customerid = %s """, ["sekret", 37])
  • 30. Passing Parameters Not to be confused with (totally evil): cursor.execute(""" UPDATE customers SET password = '%s' WHERE customerid = %d """ % ["sekret", 37])
  • 31. Passing Parameters cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", "bar") # WRONG cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", ("bar")) # WRONG cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", ("bar",)) # correct cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s)", ["bar"]) # correct (from Psycopg documentation)
  • 32. Passing Parameters cursor.execute(""" UPDATE customers SET password = %(pw)s WHERE customerid = %(id)s """, {'id': 37, 'pw': "sekret"})
  • 33. Passing Many Parameter Sets cursor.executemany(""" UPDATE customers SET password = %s WHERE customerid = %s """, [["ahTh4oip", 100], ["Rexahho7", 101], ["Ee1aetui", 102]])
  • 34. Calling Procedures cursor.callproc('pg_start_backup', 'label')
  • 35. Data Types from decimal import Decimal from psycopg2 import Date cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO orders (orderdate, customerid, netamount, tax, totalamount) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", [Date(2011, 03, 23), 12345, Decimal("899.95"), 8.875, Decimal("979.82")])
  • 36. Mogrify from decimal import Decimal from psycopg2 import Date cursor.mogrify(""" INSERT INTO orders (orderdate, customerid, netamount, tax, totalamount) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", [Date(2011, 03, 23), 12345, Decimal("899.95"), 8.875, Decimal("979.82")]) Result: "nINSERT INTO orders (orderdate, customerid,n netamount, tax, totalamount)nVALUES ('2011-03-23'::date, 12345, 899.95, 8.875, 979.82)"
  • 37. Data Types cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customerid = 12345 """) Result: (12002,, 3, 23), 12345, Decimal('899.95'), Decimal('8.88'), Decimal('979.82'))
  • 38. Nulls Input: cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [None]) 'SELECT NULL' Output: cursor.execute("SELECT NULL") cursor.fetchone() (None,)
  • 39. Booleans cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s", [True, False]) 'SELECT true, false'
  • 40. Binary Data Standard way: from psycopg2 import Binary cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [Binary("foo")]) "SELECT E'x666f6f'::bytea"
  • 41. Binary Data Standard way: from psycopg2 import Binary cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [Binary("foo")]) "SELECT E'x666f6f'::bytea" Other ways: cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [buffer("foo")]) "SELECT E'x666f6f'::bytea" cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [bytearray.fromhex(u"deadbeef")]) "SELECT E'xdeadbeef'::bytea" There are more. Check the documentation. Check the versions.
  • 42. Date/Time Standard ways: from psycopg2 import Date, Time, Timestamp cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s", [Date(2011, 3, 23), Time(9, 0, 0), Timestamp(2011, 3, 23, 9, 0, 0)]) "SELECT '2011-03-23'::date, '09:00:00'::time, '2011-03-23T09:00:00'::timestamp"
  • 43. Date/Time Other ways: import datetime cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s", [, 3, 23), datetime.time(9, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 3, 23, 9, 0), datetime.timedelta(minutes=90)]) "SELECT '2011-03-23'::date, '09:00:00'::time, '2011-03-23T09:00:00'::timestamp, '0 days 5400.000000 seconds'::interval" mx.DateTime also supported
  • 44. Arrays foo = [1, 2, 3] bar = [datetime.time(9, 0), datetime.time(10, 30)] cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s", [foo, bar]) "SELECT ARRAY[1, 2, 3], ARRAY['09:00:00'::time, '10:30:00'::time]"
  • 45. Tuples foo = (1, 2, 3) cursor.mogrify("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerid IN %s", [foo]) 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerid IN (1, 2, 3)'
  • 46. Hstore import psycopg2.extras psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(cursor) x = {'a': 'foo', 'b': 'bar'} cursor.mogrify("SELECT %s", [x]) "SELECT hstore(ARRAY[E'a', E'b'], ARRAY[E'foo', E'bar'])"
  • 47. Unicode Support Cause all result strings to be returned as Unicode strings: psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions. UNICODE) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions. UNICODEARRAY)
  • 48. Transaction Control Transaction blocks are used by default. Must use dbconn.commit() or dbconn.rollback()
  • 49. Transaction Control: Autocommit import psycopg2.extensions dbconn.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions. ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute("VACUUM")
  • 50. Transaction Control: Isolation Mode import psycopg2.extensions dbconn.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions. ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE) # or other level cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(...) ... dbconn.commit()
  • 51. Exception Handling StandardError |__ Warning |__ Error |__ InterfaceError |__ DatabaseError |__ DataError |__ OperationalError | |__ psycopg2.extensions.QueryCanceledError | |__ psycopg2.extensions.TransactionRollbackError |__ IntegrityError |__ InternalError |__ ProgrammingError |__ NotSupportedError
  • 52. Error Messages try: cursor.execute("boom") except Exception, e: print e.pgerror
  • 53. Error Codes import psycopg2.errorcodes while True: try: cursor.execute("UPDATE something ...") cursor.execute("UPDATE otherthing ...") break except Exception, e: if e.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.SERIALIZATION_FAILURE: continue else: raise
  • 54. Connection and Cursor Factories Want: accessing result columns by name Recall: dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...') cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row[0], row[1]) # stupid :(
  • 55. Connection and Cursor Factories Solution 1: Using DictConnection: import psycopg2.extras dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...', connection_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictConnection) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row['firstname'], # or row[0] row['lastname']) # or row[1]
  • 56. Connection and Cursor Factories Solution 2: Using RealDictConnection: import psycopg2.extras dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...', connection_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictConnection) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row['firstname'], row['lastname'])
  • 57. Connection and Cursor Factories Solution 3: Using NamedTupleConnection: import psycopg2.extras dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...', connection_factory=psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleConnection) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row.firstname, # or row[0] row.lastname) # or row[1]
  • 58. Connection and Cursor Factories Alternative: Using DictCursor/RealDictCursor/NamedTupleCursor: import psycopg2.extras dbconn = psycopg2.connect(dsn='...') cursor = dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras. DictCursor/RealDictCursor/NameTupleCursor) cursor.execute(""" SELECT firstname, lastname FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 10 """) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print "Name: %s %s" % (row['firstname'], row['lastname']) # (resp. row.firstname, row.lastname)
  • 59. Supporting New Data Types Only a finite list of types is supported by default: Date, Binary, etc. • map new PostgreSQL data types into Python • map new Python data types into PostgreSQL
  • 60. Mapping New PostgreSQL Types Into Python import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extensions def cast_oidvector(value, _cursor): """Convert oidvector to Python array""" if value is None: return None return map(int, value.split(' ')) OIDVECTOR = psycopg2.extensions.new_type((30,), 'OIDVECTOR', cast_oidvector) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(OIDVECTOR)
  • 61. Mapping New Python Types into PostgreSQL from psycopg2.extensions import adapt, register_adapter, AsIs class Point(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def adapt_point(point): return AsIs("'(%s, %s)'" % (adapt(point.x), adapt(point.y))) register_adapter(Point, adapt_point) cur.execute("INSERT INTO atable (apoint) VALUES (%s)", (Point(1.23, 4.56),)) (from Psycopg documentation)
  • 62. Connection Pooling With Psycopg from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool pool = SimpleConnectionPool(1, 20, dsn='...') dbconn = pool.getconn() ... pool.putconn(dbconn) pool.closeall()
  • 63. Connection Pooling With Psycopg for non-threaded applications: from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool pool = SimpleConnectionPool(1, 20, dsn='...') dbconn = pool.getconn() ... pool.putconn(dbconn) pool.closeall() for non-threaded applications: from psycopg2.pool import ThreadedConnectionPool pool = ThreadedConnectionPool(1, 20, dsn='...') dbconn = pool.getconn() cursor = dbconn.cursor() ... pool.putconn(dbconn) pool.closeall()
  • 64. Connection Pooling With DBUtils import psycopg2 from DBUtils.PersistentDB import PersistentDB dbconn = PersistentDB(psycopg2, dsn='...') cursor = dbconn.cursor() ... see
  • 65. The Other Stuff • thread safety: can share connections, but not cursors • COPY support: cursor.copy_from(), cursor.copy_to() • large object support: connection.lobject() • 2PC: connection.xid(), connection.tpc_begin(), . . . • query cancel: dbconn.cancel() • notices: dbconn.notices • notifications: dbconn.notifies • asynchronous communication • coroutine support • logging cursor
  • 67. Setup • included with PostgreSQL • configure --with-python • apt-get/yum install postgresql-plpython • CREATE LANGUAGE plpythonu; • Python 3: CREATE LANGUAGE plpython3u; • “untrusted”, superuser only
  • 68. Basic Examples CREATE FUNCTION add(a int, b int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ return a + b $$; CREATE FUNCTION longest(a text, b text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ if len(a) > len(b): return a elif len(b) > len(a): return b else: return None $$;
  • 69. Using Modules CREATE FUNCTION json_to_array(j text) RETURNS text[] LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ import json return json.loads(j) $$;
  • 70. Database Calls CREATE FUNCTION clear_passwords() RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ rv = plpy.execute("UPDATE customers SET password = NULL") return rv.nrows $$;
  • 71. Database Calls With Parameters CREATE FUNCTION set_password(username text, password text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ plan = plpy.prepare("UPDATE customers SET password = $1 WHERE username= $2", ['text', 'text']) rv = plpy.execute(plan, [username, password]) return rv.nrows == 1 $$;
  • 72. Avoiding Prepared Statements CREATE FUNCTION set_password(username text, password text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ rv = plpy.execute("UPDATE customers SET password = %s WHERE username= %s" % (plpy.quote_nullable(username), plpy.quote_literal(password))) return rv.nrows == 1 $$; (available in 9.1-to-be)
  • 73. Caching Plans CREATE FUNCTION set_password2(username text, password text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ if 'myplan' in SD: plan = SD['myplan'] else: plan = plpy.prepare("UPDATE customers SET password = $1 WHERE username= $2", ['text', 'text']) SD['myplan'] = plan rv = plpy.execute(plan, [username, password]) return rv.nrows == 1 $$;
  • 74. Processing Query Results CREATE FUNCTION get_customer_name(username text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT firstname || ' ' || lastname AS ""name"" FROM customers WHERE username = $1", ['text']) rv = plpy.execute(plan, [username], 1) return rv[0]['name'] $$;
  • 75. Compare: PL/Python vs. DB-API PL/Python: plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT ...") for row in plpy.execute(plan, ...):["fieldname"]) DB-API: dbconn = psycopg2.connect(...) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT ...") for row in cursor.fetchall() do: print row[0]
  • 76. Set-Returning and Table Functions CREATE FUNCTION get_customers(id int) RETURNS SETOF customers LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerid = $1", ['int']) rv = plpy.execute(plan, [id]) return rv $$;
  • 77. Triggers CREATE FUNCTION delete_notifier() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ if TD['event'] == 'DELETE': plpy.notice("one row deleted from table %s" % TD['table_name']) $$; CREATE TRIGGER customers_delete_notifier AFTER DELETE ON customers FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE delete_notifier();
  • 78. Exceptions CREATE FUNCTION test() RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ try: rv = plpy.execute("SELECT ...") except plpy.SPIError, e: plpy.notice("something went wrong") The transaction is still aborted in < 9.1.
  • 79. New in PostgreSQL 9.1 • SPI calls wrapped in subtransactions • custom SPI exceptions: subclass per SQLSTATE, .sqlstate attribute • plpy.subtransaction() context manager • support for OUT parameters • quoting functions • validator • lots of internal improvements