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Naeem Ahmed Rasheed
Healthcare System
• Highest life expectancy & lowest
Infant Mortality rates in the world
• Some of the worlds’ best disease
outcome indicators
• Universal access to low cost
health care
• Lowest expenditures on Health amongst OECD countries
Consider these facts:
Healthcare System
Qs which come straight to the mind are:
Healthcare System
• The answeris yes its a good sys but not a perfect one
• It has got some majorflaws
• One majorfactorforthese fantastic figures are the
obsession of the Japanese forhealth life-styles ( health
food; regularexercise)
• Anothermajorfactoris Japan’s excellent and very
effective Public Health sys
Qs which come straight to the mind are:
Healthcare System
Work-place Morning exc
Healthy life Style ( exc, food)
Excellent & effective
Public Health
Healthcare System
Japanese have 75% less chance
of suffering a MI than the
Americans and the French
But if they do they are TWICETWICE as
likely to die from it than the
Americans and the French
Source: Japan's health-care system in crisis
The Economist (US) September 10, 2011
Healthcare System
HCS at a Glance
• Japanese HCS model similar to German HCS
• Universal coverage through Bismarkian sys of
Employees Based Health Insurance with strong Govt fin
con (the self-employed enter the Nat health insuranceNat health insurance)
• Universal health coverage available at low cost
• Individuals on social security exempted from SHIS
HCS at a Glance
• Government tightly regulates all aspects of the HCS to
control prices e.q. consultation, exam, procedure
charges, medicine prices; premium rates etc
• Prices heavily regulated but Not Quality
• Health providers are paid by a nationally uniform
method and rate , negotiated by the stake-holders
• Main source of funding for curative svcs is insurance
while the main source of funding for public health
(promotive /preventive) is by taxes
HCS at a Glance
• Tiers of health care poorly differentiated
• Patients not required to register with a local GP (Free-
Access policy)
• No Gate-keeping (patients can visit spec without
referrals leading to overcrowding in hosp OPDs)
• Dominance of (non profit) private hospitals (80 % pvt‐
HCS at a Glance
• By law all Hosps / clinics to be owned / managed by Drs
• A patient visits a physician 13 times a yr (more than
Double the OECD av)
• Hospitals stays are 3 times as long as OECD av
• 34% admitted patients stay longer than 30 days
• Drs are 30 % lesser than the OECD av
HCS at a Glance
• Emergency and primary care is inadequate
• Hospital have the right to refuse emergency patients
• Japan has the Fastest Growing & the Largest elderly pop
in the world
• Health expenditure 11% of GDP
(Half of US)
HCS at a Glance
• The payments doctors receive for svcs are the same
nationwide, with rates set by the central Government
• There are few incentives for quality improvement and
little competition among providers on quality
HCS at a Glance
% of GDP
OECD 2015OECD 2015
HCS at a Glance
per capita
HCS at a Glance
No ofNo of
per personper person
per yrper yr
HCS at a Glance
Rate of Aging in Japan
Source: Health Care Delivery System in Japan. (Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine,)
Division of Health Sciences 2005
Healthcare Delivery System
• The premise in Japan is simple: healthcare is an
OBLIGATION of the Government, the same as national
defense and picking up the trash
• Health care not considered a privilege but the right of all
• People pay for their health care via Taxes and
Insurance, and the government takes responsibility for
regulating costs
Healthcare Delivery System
• The foundation of Japan’s HCS is its’ Universal Health
Insurance System (SHIS) called “KAIHOKEN"
• Its mandatory to be insured
• Free-access; no gate-keeping
in Hosps
• Patients report to Hosps for minor & chronic issues thus
leading to overcrowding
Healthcare Delivery System
• The Govt thru its Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
(MHLW) is responsible for making health policies
• Govt sets the Public Insurance fee schedule and gives
subsidies to local governments, insurers, and providers
• Every 2 yrs prices of all med svcs and medicines is
reviewed (a balance is sought between reasonable cost
& reasonable profit)
Healthcare Delivery System
• Japan’s 47 prefectures (districts) implement these
regulations and develop own health care plans with their
own budgets and funds allocated by the national
Healthcare Delivery System
• More than 1,700 municipalities are responsible for
promotive & preventive aspects of health
• Each prefectural Govt revises its health plans every 5 yrs
based on the national plans
• Prefectures are responsible for annual inspections of
Hosps (sanctions incl reduced imbursement)
Healthcare Delivery System
• On av a doctor sees 100 patients a day i.e. 3 min for
each patient
• No strict differentiation between generalist and specialist
• Hosps have the option to receive payments by the
traditional Fee-for-svc payment or a mix of traditional
and DRG type payment
Healthcare Delivery System
• Emergency svcs are Inadequate & Insufficient as
most Drs prefer to open their own pvt clinics (as
then can work lesser and earn more)
• Clinics much more in Japan than the req no. of
Hosps leading to inadequate emergency svcs (as
A&E svc aval only in Hops)
• Emergency patients REFUSED by 3.4 Hops on av
before being accepted
Healthcare Delivery System
Healthcare Delivery System
HOSPSHOSPS 274274 12781278 121121 57195719 409409 869869 8670
3.2 %3.2 % 14.7 %14.7 % 1.4 %1.4 % 66 %66 % 4.7 %4.7 % 10 %10 %
CLINICSCLINICS 596596 36763676 621621 3596735967 4750347503 1146111461 99824
0.6 %0.6 % 3.7 %3.7 % 0.6 %0.6 % 36 %36 % 47.6 %47.6 % 11.5 %11.5 %
33 285285 1212 1067010670 5708257082 332332 68384
0 %0 % 0.4 %0.4 % 0 %0 % 15.6 %15.6 % 83.5 %83.5 % 0.5 %0.5 %
Healthcare Delivery System
beds perbeds per
Healthcare Delivery System
KDI School of
Public Policy
and Management,
The World Bank,
Tokyo Development
Learning Center 20142014
Hosps usedHosps used
asas NursingNursing
Healthcare Delivery System
KDI School of
Public Policy
and Management,
The World Bank,
Tokyo Development
Learning Center 20142014
Hosps usedHosps used
asas NursingNursing
Healthcare Delivery System
Hosp bedsHosp beds
Healthcare Delivery System
Av lengthAv length
of stayof stay
Healthcare Delivery System
Healthcare Manpower
Healthcare Manpower
Drs perDrs per
Healthcare Manpower
Rate ofRate of
of Drsof Drs
in Japanin Japan
Healthcare Manpower
Health Insurance
Health Care Expenditure %
Health Service Deliver Profile, Japan,
WHO & MLHW-2012
Health Insurance
• Japan's first national policy for health insurance was
introduced in 1923, motivated in part by imperial visions
for a strong and healthy workforce for war
• In 1961 Japan achieved full health insurance coverage
(the 1st non-Western country to do so)
• Called Kaihoken in Japanese
Health Insurance
• Japan has got a very complex insurance system
• There are 8 Health insurance systems & 35,000 insurers
• On an average one pays 30% copayment for medical
treatment and Govt pays the remaining 70%
• Around 3 to 9% of wages are used to pay the premiums
(average $ 280 approx)
• Those on Social Security benefits are exempt
Health Insurance
• There are two types of insurances: Public health
Insurance called Social Health Insurance system (SHIS)
& Private Health Insurance
• Public Insurances are of three types :
o Employees Health Insurance Sys (EHIS)
o National Health Insurance Sys (NHIS)
o Long-Term Care Health Insurance Sys (LTCHIS)
Source ;Health Svc Del Profile Japan 2012
Health Insurance
• Developed historically as a supplement to life insurance
• It plays only a supplementary role as a way to pay
copayments of medical treatment
• Provides additional income in case of sickness, mainly in
the form of lump-sum payments or daily payments
during hospitalization over a defined period
• Majority hold some form of private health insurance
Health Insurance
Employees Health Insurance Sys (EHIS)
• All eligible who are employed by someone (both Govt &
• Half premium paid by the employer and half by the
National Health Insurance Sys (NHIS)
The following are eligible:
o Self-employed
o Unemployed
o Retirees
o Students
Health Insurance
• Premiums based on age & monthly salary
• On av 30% copayment for med treatment; Govt pays the
remaining 70%
• Depending on income and age patients’ copayments
may be reduced:
o Age less than 6yrs------20% copayment
o Age between 65 & 74 yrs --------20% copayment (if high income
then 30%)
o Age 75 and above------10% copayment (if high income then
Health Insurance
• Monthly thresholds are set for each household
(depending on income and age)
• Medical fees exceeding the threshold are
waived or reimbursed by the government
• This is called "Catastrophic Coverage" and was
introduced in Japan in1973
• Management of RTA not covered (need compulsory
Automobile insurance)
Health Insurance
What Is Covered ?
- Indoor and outdoor patient care
- Hosp based LTC
- Dental care
- Prescription drugs
- Prosthetics
- Cash benefits for childbirth
- Death
Health Insurance
What Is NOT Covered ?
- Over the counter drugs
- Daily expenses (such as for food) incurred in health
facilities for the elderly
- Some prosthetics such as eyeglasses
- Orthodontic work
- Cosmetic surgery
- Abortions
- Injuries incurred while drunk or fighting
Health Insurance
Long-term Care Insurance
• Since Kaihoken was estb in 1961 the elderly pop has
quadrupled to 23% of the pop (it was 7% previously)
• There was an increasing gap between the health
expenditures and the income by insurance hence, in
2000 Govt introduced a mandatory new insurance the
Long Term Care Health Insurance Sys (LTCHIS)
Health Insurance
Gap bet Health/SocialGap bet Health/Social
and Premium Incomeand Premium Income
Min ofMin of
Health Insurance
Long-term Care Insurance
• Every one has to pay (during their working life) a mandatory
2% of their salaries/income
• This is in addition to SHIS premiums
• 50% of LTC financed by Insurance and
50% by Taxes
• Employer & employee each contribute 50% of the premium
Health Insurance
Long-term Care Insurance
• To become eligible for the benefits of LTCHIS you have to be
aged 65 yrs or above
• LTHCIS is Administered by the municipalities
• Covers only home LTC ( Hosp LTC
covered by SHIS)
Health Insurance
What is Covered
• Home care
• Disability equipment
• Assistive devices
• Home modification expenditures
• Nursing services
Health Insurance
Imp Misc Aspects
Traditional Medicine
• Called Kampo have unique theories and therapeutic
methods (originally based on traditional Chinese
• The underlying idea is that the human body and mind
are inseparable thus a balance between them is
essential for human health
Imp Misc Aspects
Traditional Medicine
• Kampo medicine is widely practiced in Japan, and is fully
integrated into the modern health care system
• 148 different formulations (mainly herbal extracts) are
covered by SHIS
Imp Misc Aspects
Med Edn
• Med edn in Japan is a six-yr course
enrolling high school graduates
• It typically consists of four years of preclinical
education and then two years of clinical education
• A nationwide common achievement test was instituted
in 2005 (students must pass this test to qualify for
preclinical medical education)
• There are 79 medical schools in Japan
Imp Misc Aspects
Med Edn
• Primary care is not recog as an academic discp in Japan
and med schools have no estb dept of primary care
• Many med schools have set up a dept of gen
comprehensive care, where doctors learn to
treat patients from a gen diagnostic pt of view
• PG trg has been poorly dev in Japan (from 2003, two yrs
of PG trg has become mandatory)
Imp Misc Aspects
Quality Assurance
• Prefecture Govts responsible for annual inspections of
Hosps (sanctions incl reduced imbursement)
• Hosp accreditation is done by the Japan Council For
Quality Health Care (JCQHC), a non-profit org
• Hosp accreditation is voluntary
• No disclosure of names of Hosps which fail to get
accredited by JCQHC
Imp Misc Aspects
Quality Assurance
• As of 2015 only 26.7% hops were accredited by the
• The council develops guidelines
for provision of quality health care
but has no regulatory power
to penalize poorly performing Hosps
• Drs and nurses are licensed for life with no requirement
for license renewal, CME or peer review of performance
Military Health Care
• After Japans’ defeat in WW II and is occupation by the
Allied Forces its entire military set up was disbanded
• Its’ constitution stated that Japan will never again
maintain "land, sea, or air forces or other war potential“
• Allied Forces were responsible for Japans’ defence
• In 1952 was allowed to have Self Defence Forces (SDF)
Military Health Care
In 1954 SDF was reorganised as :
• Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF)
(de facto post-war Japanese Army)
• Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF)
(de facto post-war Japanese Navy)
• Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF)
(de facto post-war Japanese Air-Force)
Military Health Care
• Japanese military is still in the process of evolution
• As late as 2006 a proper Ministry of Defence was incl in
the cabinet
• Presently it has 247,150 personnel (2015)
• Military units
o Five armies
o Five maritime districts
o Three air defense forces
Military Health Care
• Health care only covers physical examinations and the
treatment of illness and injury suffered in the course of duty
• Health care is provided at the SDF Central Hospital (Tokyo)
• 14 regional hospitals
• 165 clinics in military facilities
and on board ships
• Medical Battalions
Military Health Care
• SDF has 1 x medical college called the National Defense
Medical College
• It was estb in 1973 and offers a 6 yrs course
• After graduation the graduates are posted to an Officer
Candidate Training School in one of the three forces
• After passing the National Medical Doctor Examination
they take a two-year internship and are posted to Self-
Defense Force hospitals and the battalions
Military Health Care
• SDF has 1 x medical college called the National Defense
Medical College
• It was estb in 1973 and offers a 6 yrs course
• After graduation the graduates are posted to an Officer
Candidate Training School in one of the three forces
• After passing the National Medical Doctor Examination
they take a two-year internship and are posted to Self-
Defense Force hospitals and the battalions
Military Health Care
Military Health Care
• Aging and shrinking pop
• Lack of a distinct 3 tier health del structure
• No preferred family/ General physician (free-access
• No gate-keeping
• Hosps being used for LTC
• Insufficient nursing homes for LTC
• Weak emergency svcs
• Law allowing Hosps to refuse emergency patients
• Deficiency of physicians
• Inadequate quality control in Hops/ clinics
The CabinetThe Cabinet
Home CareHome Care
Social security CouncilSocial security Council
Pharma & MedPharma & Med
Health Science CouncilHealth Science Council
Council forCouncil for
Qlty CareQlty Care
Fair TradeFair Trade
Central Social InsuranceCentral Social Insurance
Med CouncilMed Council
Gen health care
Public health policies
fee schedule
Implementation of fair
competition policy on
Source: R. Matsuda, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2014.
Checking invoices from
of regsPlanning& dev health care del
Funds for developing HCD
Estb of Reg
Also, serving as statutory health insurers
Structure of Japanese HCSStructure of Japanese HCS

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  • 1. JAPANESE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Naeem Ahmed Rasheed 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Healthcare System • Highest life expectancy & lowest Infant Mortality rates in the world • Some of the worlds’ best disease outcome indicators • Universal access to low cost health care • Lowest expenditures on Health amongst OECD countries Consider these facts:
  • 5. Healthcare System • The answeris yes its a good sys but not a perfect one • It has got some majorflaws • One majorfactorforthese fantastic figures are the obsession of the Japanese forhealth life-styles ( health food; regularexercise) • Anothermajorfactoris Japan’s excellent and very effective Public Health sys Qs which come straight to the mind are:
  • 6. Healthcare System Work-place Morning exc Healthy life Style ( exc, food) Excellent & effective Public Health
  • 7. Healthcare System Japanese have 75% less chance of suffering a MI than the Americans and the French But if they do they are TWICETWICE as likely to die from it than the Americans and the French Source: Japan's health-care system in crisis The Economist (US) September 10, 2011
  • 10. HCS at a Glance • Japanese HCS model similar to German HCS • Universal coverage through Bismarkian sys of Employees Based Health Insurance with strong Govt fin con (the self-employed enter the Nat health insuranceNat health insurance) • Universal health coverage available at low cost • Individuals on social security exempted from SHIS
  • 11. HCS at a Glance • Government tightly regulates all aspects of the HCS to control prices e.q. consultation, exam, procedure charges, medicine prices; premium rates etc • Prices heavily regulated but Not Quality • Health providers are paid by a nationally uniform method and rate , negotiated by the stake-holders • Main source of funding for curative svcs is insurance while the main source of funding for public health (promotive /preventive) is by taxes
  • 12. HCS at a Glance • Tiers of health care poorly differentiated • Patients not required to register with a local GP (Free- Access policy) • No Gate-keeping (patients can visit spec without referrals leading to overcrowding in hosp OPDs) • Dominance of (non profit) private hospitals (80 % pvt‐ Hops)
  • 13. HCS at a Glance • By law all Hosps / clinics to be owned / managed by Drs • A patient visits a physician 13 times a yr (more than Double the OECD av) • Hospitals stays are 3 times as long as OECD av • 34% admitted patients stay longer than 30 days • Drs are 30 % lesser than the OECD av
  • 14. HCS at a Glance • Emergency and primary care is inadequate • Hospital have the right to refuse emergency patients • Japan has the Fastest Growing & the Largest elderly pop in the world • Health expenditure 11% of GDP (Half of US)
  • 15. HCS at a Glance • The payments doctors receive for svcs are the same nationwide, with rates set by the central Government • There are few incentives for quality improvement and little competition among providers on quality
  • 16. HCS at a Glance JAPANJAPAN HC Expenditure % of GDP Source:Source: OECD 2015OECD 2015
  • 17. HCS at a Glance JAPANJAPAN OECDOECD Source:Source: 20112011 HC Expenditure per capita
  • 18. HCS at a Glance JAPANJAPAN Source:Source: OECDOECD 20152015 No ofNo of DrDr ConsultationsConsultations per personper person per yrper yr (OECD)(OECD)
  • 19. HCS at a Glance Rate of Aging in Japan Source: Health Care Delivery System in Japan. (Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine,) Division of Health Sciences 2005
  • 20. 20
  • 22. Healthcare Delivery System • The premise in Japan is simple: healthcare is an OBLIGATION of the Government, the same as national defense and picking up the trash • Health care not considered a privilege but the right of all citizens • People pay for their health care via Taxes and Insurance, and the government takes responsibility for regulating costs
  • 23. Healthcare Delivery System • The foundation of Japan’s HCS is its’ Universal Health Insurance System (SHIS) called “KAIHOKEN" • Its mandatory to be insured • Free-access; no gate-keeping in Hosps • Patients report to Hosps for minor & chronic issues thus leading to overcrowding
  • 24. Healthcare Delivery System • The Govt thru its Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) is responsible for making health policies • Govt sets the Public Insurance fee schedule and gives subsidies to local governments, insurers, and providers • Every 2 yrs prices of all med svcs and medicines is reviewed (a balance is sought between reasonable cost & reasonable profit)
  • 25. Healthcare Delivery System • Japan’s 47 prefectures (districts) implement these regulations and develop own health care plans with their own budgets and funds allocated by the national government
  • 26. Healthcare Delivery System • More than 1,700 municipalities are responsible for promotive & preventive aspects of health • Each prefectural Govt revises its health plans every 5 yrs based on the national plans • Prefectures are responsible for annual inspections of Hosps (sanctions incl reduced imbursement)
  • 27. Healthcare Delivery System • On av a doctor sees 100 patients a day i.e. 3 min for each patient • No strict differentiation between generalist and specialist Drs • Hosps have the option to receive payments by the traditional Fee-for-svc payment or a mix of traditional and DRG type payment
  • 28. Healthcare Delivery System • Emergency svcs are Inadequate & Insufficient as most Drs prefer to open their own pvt clinics (as then can work lesser and earn more) • Clinics much more in Japan than the req no. of Hosps leading to inadequate emergency svcs (as A&E svc aval only in Hops) • Emergency patients REFUSED by 3.4 Hops on av before being accepted
  • 30. Healthcare Delivery System HOSP / CLINIC CENTRALCENTRAL GOVTGOVT PUBLICPUBLIC INSTITUTIONINSTITUTION SOCIALSOCIAL HEALTHHEALTH INSURANCEINSURANCE MEDMED CORPORATIONCORPORATION INDIVIDUALINDIVIDUAL OTHEROTHER TOTALTOTAL HOSPSHOSPS 274274 12781278 121121 57195719 409409 869869 8670 3.2 %3.2 % 14.7 %14.7 % 1.4 %1.4 % 66 %66 % 4.7 %4.7 % 10 %10 % CLINICSCLINICS 596596 36763676 621621 3596735967 4750347503 1146111461 99824 0.6 %0.6 % 3.7 %3.7 % 0.6 %0.6 % 36 %36 % 47.6 %47.6 % 11.5 %11.5 % DENTALDENTAL CLINICSCLINICS 33 285285 1212 1067010670 5708257082 332332 68384 0 %0 % 0.4 %0.4 % 0 %0 % 15.6 %15.6 % 83.5 %83.5 % 0.5 %0.5 % HOPS / CLINICS Source:Source: MHLWMHLW 20102010
  • 32. Healthcare Delivery System Source:Source: KDI School of Public Policy and Management, The World Bank, Tokyo Development Learning Center 20142014 Hosps usedHosps used asas NursingNursing HomesHomes
  • 33. Healthcare Delivery System Source:Source: KDI School of Public Policy and Management, The World Bank, Tokyo Development Learning Center 20142014 Hosps usedHosps used asas NursingNursing HomesHomes
  • 43. Health Insurance Health Care Expenditure % Source: Health Service Deliver Profile, Japan, WHO & MLHW-2012
  • 44. Health Insurance History • Japan's first national policy for health insurance was introduced in 1923, motivated in part by imperial visions for a strong and healthy workforce for war • In 1961 Japan achieved full health insurance coverage (the 1st non-Western country to do so) • Called Kaihoken in Japanese
  • 45. Health Insurance • Japan has got a very complex insurance system • There are 8 Health insurance systems & 35,000 insurers • On an average one pays 30% copayment for medical treatment and Govt pays the remaining 70% • Around 3 to 9% of wages are used to pay the premiums (average $ 280 approx) • Those on Social Security benefits are exempt
  • 46. Health Insurance • There are two types of insurances: Public health Insurance called Social Health Insurance system (SHIS) & Private Health Insurance • Public Insurances are of three types : o Employees Health Insurance Sys (EHIS) o National Health Insurance Sys (NHIS) o Long-Term Care Health Insurance Sys (LTCHIS) Source ;Health Svc Del Profile Japan 2012
  • 47. Health Insurance PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE SYS • Developed historically as a supplement to life insurance • It plays only a supplementary role as a way to pay copayments of medical treatment • Provides additional income in case of sickness, mainly in the form of lump-sum payments or daily payments during hospitalization over a defined period • Majority hold some form of private health insurance
  • 48. Health Insurance Employees Health Insurance Sys (EHIS) • All eligible who are employed by someone (both Govt & pvt) • Half premium paid by the employer and half by the employee National Health Insurance Sys (NHIS) The following are eligible: o Self-employed o Unemployed o Retirees o Students
  • 49. Health Insurance • Premiums based on age & monthly salary • On av 30% copayment for med treatment; Govt pays the remaining 70% • Depending on income and age patients’ copayments may be reduced: o Age less than 6yrs------20% copayment o Age between 65 & 74 yrs --------20% copayment (if high income then 30%) o Age 75 and above------10% copayment (if high income then 30%)
  • 50. Health Insurance • Monthly thresholds are set for each household (depending on income and age) • Medical fees exceeding the threshold are waived or reimbursed by the government • This is called "Catastrophic Coverage" and was introduced in Japan in1973 • Management of RTA not covered (need compulsory Automobile insurance)
  • 51. Health Insurance What Is Covered ? - Indoor and outdoor patient care - Hosp based LTC - Dental care - Prescription drugs - Prosthetics - Cash benefits for childbirth - Death
  • 52. Health Insurance What Is NOT Covered ? - Over the counter drugs - Daily expenses (such as for food) incurred in health facilities for the elderly - Some prosthetics such as eyeglasses - Orthodontic work - Cosmetic surgery - Abortions - Injuries incurred while drunk or fighting
  • 53. Health Insurance Long-term Care Insurance • Since Kaihoken was estb in 1961 the elderly pop has quadrupled to 23% of the pop (it was 7% previously) • There was an increasing gap between the health expenditures and the income by insurance hence, in 2000 Govt introduced a mandatory new insurance the Long Term Care Health Insurance Sys (LTCHIS)
  • 54. Health Insurance Gap bet Health/SocialGap bet Health/Social ExpenditureExpenditure and Premium Incomeand Premium Income Source:Source: Min ofMin of FinanceFinance 20122012
  • 55. Health Insurance Long-term Care Insurance • Every one has to pay (during their working life) a mandatory 2% of their salaries/income • This is in addition to SHIS premiums • 50% of LTC financed by Insurance and 50% by Taxes • Employer & employee each contribute 50% of the premium
  • 56. Health Insurance Long-term Care Insurance • To become eligible for the benefits of LTCHIS you have to be aged 65 yrs or above • LTHCIS is Administered by the municipalities • Covers only home LTC ( Hosp LTC covered by SHIS)
  • 57. Health Insurance What is Covered • Home care • Disability equipment • Assistive devices • Home modification expenditures • Nursing services
  • 60. Imp Misc Aspects Traditional Medicine • Called Kampo have unique theories and therapeutic methods (originally based on traditional Chinese medicine) • The underlying idea is that the human body and mind are inseparable thus a balance between them is essential for human health
  • 61. Imp Misc Aspects Traditional Medicine • Kampo medicine is widely practiced in Japan, and is fully integrated into the modern health care system • 148 different formulations (mainly herbal extracts) are covered by SHIS
  • 62. Imp Misc Aspects Med Edn • Med edn in Japan is a six-yr course enrolling high school graduates • It typically consists of four years of preclinical education and then two years of clinical education • A nationwide common achievement test was instituted in 2005 (students must pass this test to qualify for preclinical medical education) • There are 79 medical schools in Japan
  • 63. Imp Misc Aspects Med Edn • Primary care is not recog as an academic discp in Japan and med schools have no estb dept of primary care • Many med schools have set up a dept of gen comprehensive care, where doctors learn to treat patients from a gen diagnostic pt of view • PG trg has been poorly dev in Japan (from 2003, two yrs of PG trg has become mandatory)
  • 64. Imp Misc Aspects Quality Assurance • Prefecture Govts responsible for annual inspections of Hosps (sanctions incl reduced imbursement) • Hosp accreditation is done by the Japan Council For Quality Health Care (JCQHC), a non-profit org • Hosp accreditation is voluntary • No disclosure of names of Hosps which fail to get accredited by JCQHC
  • 65. Imp Misc Aspects Quality Assurance • As of 2015 only 26.7% hops were accredited by the council • The council develops guidelines for provision of quality health care but has no regulatory power to penalize poorly performing Hosps • Drs and nurses are licensed for life with no requirement for license renewal, CME or peer review of performance
  • 67. Military Health Care • After Japans’ defeat in WW II and is occupation by the Allied Forces its entire military set up was disbanded • Its’ constitution stated that Japan will never again maintain "land, sea, or air forces or other war potential“ • Allied Forces were responsible for Japans’ defence • In 1952 was allowed to have Self Defence Forces (SDF)
  • 68. Military Health Care In 1954 SDF was reorganised as : • Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) (de facto post-war Japanese Army) • Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) (de facto post-war Japanese Navy) • Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) (de facto post-war Japanese Air-Force)
  • 69. Military Health Care • Japanese military is still in the process of evolution • As late as 2006 a proper Ministry of Defence was incl in the cabinet • Presently it has 247,150 personnel (2015) • Military units o Five armies o Five maritime districts o Three air defense forces
  • 70. Military Health Care • Health care only covers physical examinations and the treatment of illness and injury suffered in the course of duty • Health care is provided at the SDF Central Hospital (Tokyo) • 14 regional hospitals • 165 clinics in military facilities and on board ships • Medical Battalions
  • 71. Military Health Care • SDF has 1 x medical college called the National Defense Medical College • It was estb in 1973 and offers a 6 yrs course • After graduation the graduates are posted to an Officer Candidate Training School in one of the three forces • After passing the National Medical Doctor Examination they take a two-year internship and are posted to Self- Defense Force hospitals and the battalions
  • 72. Military Health Care • SDF has 1 x medical college called the National Defense Medical College • It was estb in 1973 and offers a 6 yrs course • After graduation the graduates are posted to an Officer Candidate Training School in one of the three forces • After passing the National Medical Doctor Examination they take a two-year internship and are posted to Self- Defense Force hospitals and the battalions
  • 76. Challenges • Aging and shrinking pop • Lack of a distinct 3 tier health del structure • No preferred family/ General physician (free-access policy) • No gate-keeping • Hosps being used for LTC
  • 77. Challenges • Insufficient nursing homes for LTC • Weak emergency svcs • Law allowing Hosps to refuse emergency patients • Deficiency of physicians • Inadequate quality control in Hops/ clinics
  • 78. Govt reps PrefecturesPrefectures MHLWMHLW The CabinetThe Cabinet Home CareHome Care ProvidersProviders LTCLTC ProvidersProviders InsuranceInsurance ClaimsClaims assessmentassessment HospHosp Social security CouncilSocial security Council Pharma & MedPharma & Med DevicesDevices AgencyAgency MunicipalitiesMunicipalities NationalNational GovtGovt PayersPayers RepsReps Health Science CouncilHealth Science Council Council forCouncil for Qlty CareQlty Care Fair TradeFair Trade CommissionCommission Central Social InsuranceCentral Social Insurance Med CouncilMed Council ClinicsClinics MoFinMoFin HealthHealth ProvidersProviders Gen health care policies Public health policies fee schedule Implementation of fair competition policy on providers Source: R. Matsuda, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2014. Checking invoices from providers Implementation of regsPlanning& dev health care del Funds for developing HCD Estb of Reg Also, serving as statutory health insurers Structure of Japanese HCSStructure of Japanese HCS

Editor's Notes

  1. These fact and figs are the envy of the world. facts and figs worth dying for to achieve. First Q which comes to the mind is HOW DO THEY DO IT. And if it is such a perfect sys why dont all countries adopt it. The answer is that these fantastic indicaters are not entirely due to the excellence of the japanese health del sys as a substantial role is played by a culture of healthy living. Balanced nutrnitious diet, culture of reguler exc; and due to great emphasis on public health public health. The japanese health sys
  2. These Incredible facts and figs are the envy of the world. The Qs which come straight to the mind are-------- The answer is that YES its a good sys but not a perfect one (It has many shortcomings about which I’ll be mentioning shortly) Many of these indicators are due to japans CULTURE of healthy life styles most importantly nutritious & balanced diet and regular exc COUPLED WITH regular medical checkups from 30 yrs age onwards AND also due to japans very strong public health sector
  3. These Incredible facts and figs are the envy of the world. The Qs which come straight to the mind are-------- The answer is that YES its a good sys but not a perfect one (It has many shortcomings about which I’ll be mentioning shortly) Many of these indicators are due to japans CULTURE of healthy life styles most importantly nutritious & balanced diet and regular exc COUPLED WITH regular medical checkups from 30 yrs age onwards AND also due to japans very strong public health sector
  4. These Incredible facts and figs are the envy of the world. The Qs which come straight to the mind are-------- The answer is that YES its a good sys but not a perfect one (It has many shortcomings about which I’ll be mentioning shortly) Many of these indicators are due to japans CULTURE of healthy life styles most importantly nutritious & balanced diet and regular exc COUPLED WITH regular medical checkups from 30 yrs age onwards AND also due to japans very strong public health sector
  5. These Incredible facts and figs are the envy of the world. The Qs which come straight to the mind are-------- The answer is that YES its a good sys but not a perfect one (It has many shortcomings about which I’ll be mentioning shortly) Many of these indicators are due to japans CULTURE of healthy life styles most importantly nutritious & balanced diet and regular exc COUPLED WITH regular medical checkups from 30 yrs age onwards AND also due to japans very strong public health sector
  6. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  7. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  8. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  9. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  10. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  11. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  12. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  13. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  14. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  15. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  16. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  17. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  18. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
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  39. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  40. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  41. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  42. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  43. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
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  45. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  46. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too
  47. US sys believe health care is a privilege and in japan it looked upon as a right everyone is entitled too