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Lucas Jellema
Architect & CTO AMIS | Conclusion
Oracle Systems
in a Cloudy
Lucas Jellema
CTO for AMIS | Conclusion
Cloud Solution Architect
27 years of professional Oracle experience
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World | | @lucasjellema | lucas-jellema
Once upon a time
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
A Dutch Company
Their on premises
data center (in
high incident rate
not modern
business critical
custom software
end of scale
little expertise left
on applications and tech stack
no tests, no specs, no docs
expensive: high TCO
high technical debt
no evolution
unattractive technology stack
for young talent
business  IT gap
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Cloud Promises
Latest and Greatest
Rapid Innovation
Pay for use only (no CAPEX)
Super Secure
Fully managed
Limitless scalability
Fine grained cost control
The Moon
Once upon a time is … about now
• They have 25+ years Oracle technology stack and staff expertise
• 100s custom applications (Forms, Reports, APEX, Pro*C, PL/SQL, ODI, SOA Suite)
• dozens of production databases = business critical
• outsourced most of Ops and much of Dev
• flirts with iPaaS, low code, microservices, mobile devices
• Unhappy with IT
• slow, restricting, expensive, old, fragile, not innovative,
customer facing (customer frustrating)
• they associate Oracle with their current IT state of affairs
• They have embarked on a cloud transformation:
• Azure is their preferred IaaS and PaaS cloud
• they expect a hybrid and multi-cloud landscape
with several SaaS offerings, on premises systems and 3rd party PaaS
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Latest infrastructure
Automation: Programmable /
Infrastructure as code
Dynamically Scalable
Distributed (fail over locally
and regionally)
Pay for use
Rapid take-off
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Fully Managed services
Instant ramp-up
Highly Available
Always Latest and greatest
platform functionality
Dynamically scalable
Enterprise grade services for
start ups (pay per use)
Monitoring, logging,
automation, security, audit,
events, … out of the box
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Fully Managed
Fully Functional
Good Practices
Configuration & Data Load,
Integration (SaaS
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Multi Cloud
Public Cloud on Premises
Vendor Lock-in
Network Latency
Data Egress cost
Physical location of cloud
data center (& laws)
Strategic relation cloud
Cloud gives pause
• Rethink
• Reset
• Reject
• Reflect
• Reconsider
• Respect
• Rearchitect
• Remember
• Remind
• Renovate
• Refresh
• Revitalize
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6R - Retire
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Decommission – either
instead of or following
a migration to the
6R – Retain (and Refurbish)
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Not (yet) to cloud. Latency or special
hardware could be a consideration;
also: application life cycle state.
Make sure to do | consider
technical upgrade on prem (of hardware,
OS, platform, libraries, tools)
6R – Rehost (and Refurbish) aka Lift & Shift
or: Move and Improve
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Run systems as-is on cloud
based, automated
infrastructure; no changes in
platform (except upgrade) and
6R – Replatform (aka “Lift, Tinker and Shift”)
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Leverage (more) cloud capabilities
without substantially changing the
code and architecture of applications
– but with some optimizations and
changes in configuration. For
example: fully managed services
6R – Refactor & Rearchitect
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Fundamental changes to
architecture, code base, data model
and technology stack in order to
benefit from cloud to the fullest
(managed services and cloud native)
6R – Repurchase (aka Drop & Shop)
Replace an application (bespoke or
COTS) with a SaaS offering (COTC)
– typically including data migration,
(re)implementation, integration and
custom complements to provide
features lacking in SaaS
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Retain & Refurbish
Considerations when deciding on 6R and migration plan
• Business Roadmap
• Staff (knowledge, experience, ambitions, state of mind)
• Licenses & Support
• Load on systems (patterns & peaks – and flatlines)
• Technical state (of hardware, infrastructure, technical components)
• Accounting and finance - TCO, depreciation, IT budgeting, cost allocation
• Innovation (two-pace IT)
• Network Latency (embedded software, real time equipment control, IoT Edge)
• Security and Regulations & Legislation – what is mandatory and restricted
• Strategic: AWS = Amazon == Retail; AliBaba = China, <many> == US
• Architecture Roadmap and Principles
• Offer (of the day)
• Migration
• cost, effort, time, requirements, impact
• dependencies (access, latency), clustering
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
High level comparison of R-implementation
Effort Risk Agility
& functional)
Retire low low zero very high
Retain (& Refurbish) low medium low low
Rehost medium medium medium medium
Replatform high high medium high
Refactor very high very high very high very high
Repurchase high very high high high
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
• 6R is about applications
• and data, platform components, technical building blocks, tools
(development, test, CI/CD, monitoring, operations), procedures and staff
• Reorganization of applications and components should be considered
• consolidation and splitting off (preferably prior to migration)
• You will not migrate everything at once
• cater for hybrid environments (multi cloud and on prem)
and a prolonged transition period
• The way IT services are charged to the business
and costs are allocated can play an important role
• cloud makes fine grained cost allocation a possibility
(usage based); ideally matched by fine grained
generated value monitoring
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Leave behind!
Applications and Technology Components [no longer] in use
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Technology Platform
Oracle Database
reports, jobs,
service, API
Data – hot |
lukewarm |
cold; GDPR/
PII status Java EE
SOA Suite
Windows 7
RHEL 5.x
Ce ci
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Ce ci
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Ceci n’est pas
Oracle Database
• Is much more than just a relational store of data
and SQL query engine
• Application Platform
• Stored Java
• MLE (multi language engine)
• Embedded PL/SQL Gateway, ORDS
• Oracle Database features
• Audit
• Virtual Private Database
• Edition Based Redefinition
• Flashback
• Spatial and Graph
• Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning
• …
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6R with Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Retire Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Retain (and Refurbish) Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Clean Out unused, Upgrade (to 19c LTS),
(De) Consolidate, Polish to make Shine
(leverage now free Advanced Analytics,
Spatial, Graph), Data Life Cycle
Rehost Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Run Oracle Database on IaaS
(Bare Metal, VM, Kubernetes);
benefit from (large, flexible)
scale and managed infra.
Refurbish (upgrade to 19c, …)
Replatform Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Same architecture,
same code and
database design –
different RDBMS
Same architecture,
same code and
database design –
different RDBMS
Same architecture,
same code and
database design –
different RDBMS Same Database
platform –
now fully managed
Same Database
platform –
now fully managed,
Refactor (Rearchitect) Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Substantially rethink the design and solution
- redesign data model, leverage PDBs,
introduce non-relational data, apply
architecture concepts (microservices, event
sourcing, CQRS), introduce additional data
stores (NoSQL, lake, blockchain, ..)
Repurchase (Oracle Database)
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Replace an application using an
Oracle Database with a SaaS offering
(that includes its own datastore); data
needs to be migrated into the SaaS
platform, integration and custom
applications are likely needed to fully
enable the SaaS.
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Public cloud on
private premises
6Reinventing Oracle Database
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Cloud Transformation – Architecture Guidelines
• Managed PaaS over IaaS
• and FaaS over CaaS over VM over Bare Metal
• N/N-1 – only latest [long term] supported version
• Standard Building Blocks for Platform Components
• Pay per use, only use what and when is required
• scale down and switch off whenever possible
• Automation and Infrastructure as Code (no hands touch infra)
• provisioning & deployment, monitoring & notification
• Data Compliance (such as GDPR)
• Fine Grained Cost Allocation
• Appropriate availability and disaster recovery
• multi region for mission critical, at least multi availability “unit”
• Each Bare Metal Server | VM | Container | Function has a single purpose
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Decision Tree
• 21c
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Migrate relational
DBaaS Azure
Azure DBaaS
relational (SQL
Database PostgreSQL)
Oracle Database
on Azure IaaS
On Prem Oracle
Azure DBaaS
non relational
(CosmosDB, Redis)
Migrate managed
DBaaS Azure
usage ?
application Azure Managed
Replatform logic
Migrate to
App/DB logic
OCI Auto-
OCI auto-
bonus value
Retain Retire
version ==
XMLDB, Text,
HTTP, Application
Context, VPD,
Stored Java, …
Consolidation of
multiple databases;
Split up of database
into multiple
for automated
migration of
because of cost, risk,
duration, fitness for
automated migration
Do the applications
access the database over
Or through stored
procedure calls or with
REST API calls?
No applications
that are not 19c
ready / or use DB
deprecated in 19c?
No direct access to OS,
file system, network; no
dbms_pipe, stored java,
no log miner, WM,
sharding, …
Added value autonomous from much
lower ops costs and admin effort (< 10%
DBA) & dependence on specialist; also
more and earlier features; however
higher cloud-usage-cost, introduction of
OCI and the connect OCI  Azure
Consolidation of
multiple databases;
Split up of database
into mulitple
Consolidation of
multiple databases;
Split up of database
into multiple
Consolidation of
multiple databases;
Split up of database
into multiple
Oracle Database
• Explore the starting point
• Which release (11gR2, 12cR1, 12cR2)
• Which edition (XE, SE2, EE)
• Options?
• Advanced Analytics, Graph and Spatial
• Partitioning, Compression, In Memory, Multitenant, Database Vault,
Advanced Security, Label Security, Real Application Testing, Data
Masking and Subsetting
• RAC, Active Data Guard
• Hardware?
• ODA, Exadata, “regular”
• Interactions from within Database with the environment: OS, File System,
Network, other databases (links, gateways)
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
Using any of these?
• utl_file
• utl_http, utl_tcp, utl_smtp
• database link
• dbms_epg
• dbms_scheduler, dbms_job
• external procedure
• external table
• stored Java
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6R Oracle SOA Suite
• The Dutch company also runs a
number of integration scenarios and
publishes WebServices & APIs
• It uses SOA Suite & OSB
• 11g and 12.1.3
• It has done some work
with Dell Boomi
• What is the 6R verdict on
its Oracle based integrations?
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
6Reinventing SOA Suite
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
SOA Suite VM
image from
OCI Marketplace
on OCI Compute
SOA Suite installed
in VM or bare metal
or on AKS (just like
On Prem)
Oracle Integration Cloud
(with on-prem agent &
SOA Suite connector)
SOA Suite with
Kubernetes Operator on
OCI Kubernetes Engine
Azure Cloud Native
integration (functions, API
Management, connectors,
Logic Apps, Data Factory, …)
SOA Suite – upgrade to (and 14.1.2);
with OIC adapter;
possibly run on K8S
OCI Cloud Native
(Functions, Streaming,
Events, …)
OCI Data Integration for
ETL style data pipelines
Oracle Integration Cloud
(with on-prem agent &
SOA Suite connector)
SOA Suite VM
image from
OCI Marketplace
on OCI Compute
• 6R is triggered by the cloud
• but should be considered periodically regardless of cloud
• Decisions are made per application, data set and per technology component
• and per feature, per data object, per server and per technology instance
• Not deciding to make a move is also making a decision
• that requires arguments and justification
• The 6Roadmap will need continuous refinement
• Knowing the current situation is crucial for planning and decision making
• which technology component for which applications and which data sets used
for which business purposes – that will evolve in which way?
• what is the generated business value and therefore the justifiable TCO
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
• Cloud is not an easy solution for the big problems
• it can quickly help with scale, security, focus on business value, automation,
innovation, TCO, and with starting the right discussions
• it does not add agility to existing business critical applications and teams
• and adopting the cloud is not a trivial operation
• Ce ci n’est pas un database (c’est bien plus qu’un database)
• A hybrid landscape (cloud – multicloud - on prem) is likely to exist for a fairly long time
• Secure, affordable network connections between cloud(s) and on prem
• Some form of data replication is to be expected
• Integration flows - streaming, event-based and batch ETL-style –
are required to tie the environments together
• There is no excuse for not starting your cloud journey right now
• except if you are already on your way
• Have a safe journey!
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
For more information about this
Session, please contact:
Lucas Jellema
For details about joining RMOUG,
please go to our Join Us Page: Us
or contact:
Tim Mishek, Membership Director |
@lucasjellema | lucas-jellema
6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World

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6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World (RMOUG Trainingdays, February 2022)

  • 1. Lucas Jellema Architect & CTO AMIS | Conclusion 6R-einventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 2. Lucas Jellema CTO for AMIS | Conclusion Cloud Solution Architect 27 years of professional Oracle experience 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World | | @lucasjellema | lucas-jellema
  • 3. Publiek Once upon a time 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World A Dutch Company Their on premises data center (in Germany) high incident rate not modern legacy business critical custom software end of scale little expertise left on applications and tech stack fragile no tests, no specs, no docs expensive: high TCO high technical debt no evolution monolith unattractive technology stack for young talent unsupported inflexible security-challenged business  IT gap old
  • 4. Publiek 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World Cloud Promises Latest and Greatest Rapid Innovation Pay for use only (no CAPEX) Low TCO Super Secure Fully managed Limitless scalability Automation Fine grained cost control The Moon
  • 5. Publiek Once upon a time is … about now • They have 25+ years Oracle technology stack and staff expertise • 100s custom applications (Forms, Reports, APEX, Pro*C, PL/SQL, ODI, SOA Suite) • dozens of production databases = business critical • outsourced most of Ops and much of Dev • flirts with iPaaS, low code, microservices, mobile devices • Unhappy with IT • slow, restricting, expensive, old, fragile, not innovative, customer facing (customer frustrating) • they associate Oracle with their current IT state of affairs • They have embarked on a cloud transformation: • Azure is their preferred IaaS and PaaS cloud • they expect a hybrid and multi-cloud landscape with several SaaS offerings, on premises systems and 3rd party PaaS 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
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  • 8. Publiek 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS PaaS Fully Managed services Instant ramp-up Highly Available Always Latest and greatest platform functionality Dynamically scalable Serverless Enterprise grade services for start ups (pay per use) Monitoring, logging, automation, security, audit, events, … out of the box
  • 9. Publiek 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS SaaS (COTC) Fully Managed Fully Functional Good Practices Configuration & Data Load, Implementation Integration (SaaS Enablement)
  • 10. Publiek 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Cloud Multi Cloud Public Cloud on Premises Vendor Lock-in Network Latency Data Egress cost Physical location of cloud data center (& laws) Strategic relation cloud vendor
  • 11. Publiek Cloud gives pause • Rethink • Reset • Reject • Reflect • Reconsider • Respect • Rearchitect • Remember • Remind • Renovate • Refresh • Revitalize 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 12. Publiek 6R 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS
  • 13. Publiek 6R - Retire 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Decommission – either instead of or following a migration to the cloud
  • 14. Publiek 6R – Retain (and Refurbish) 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Not (yet) to cloud. Latency or special hardware could be a consideration; also: application life cycle state. Make sure to do | consider technical upgrade on prem (of hardware, OS, platform, libraries, tools)
  • 15. Publiek 6R – Rehost (and Refurbish) aka Lift & Shift or: Move and Improve 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Run systems as-is on cloud based, automated infrastructure; no changes in platform (except upgrade) and application
  • 16. Publiek 6R – Replatform (aka “Lift, Tinker and Shift”) 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Leverage (more) cloud capabilities without substantially changing the code and architecture of applications – but with some optimizations and changes in configuration. For example: fully managed services (“autonomous”)
  • 17. Publiek 6R – Refactor & Rearchitect 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Fundamental changes to architecture, code base, data model and technology stack in order to benefit from cloud to the fullest (managed services and cloud native)
  • 18. Publiek 6R – Repurchase (aka Drop & Shop) IaaS PaaS SaaS Replace an application (bespoke or COTS) with a SaaS offering (COTC) – typically including data migration, (re)implementation, integration and custom complements to provide features lacking in SaaS 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 19. Publiek 6R 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Retire Retain & Refurbish Repurchase Refactor Replatform Rehost IaaS PaaS SaaS
  • 20. Publiek Considerations when deciding on 6R and migration plan • Business Roadmap • Staff (knowledge, experience, ambitions, state of mind) • Licenses & Support • Load on systems (patterns & peaks – and flatlines) • Technical state (of hardware, infrastructure, technical components) • Accounting and finance - TCO, depreciation, IT budgeting, cost allocation • Innovation (two-pace IT) • Network Latency (embedded software, real time equipment control, IoT Edge) • Security and Regulations & Legislation – what is mandatory and restricted • Strategic: AWS = Amazon == Retail; AliBaba = China, <many> == US • Architecture Roadmap and Principles • Offer (of the day) • Migration • cost, effort, time, requirements, impact • dependencies (access, latency), clustering 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 21. Publiek High level comparison of R-implementation Effort Risk Agility (non-functional & functional) TCO reduction Retire low low zero very high Retain (& Refurbish) low medium low low Rehost medium medium medium medium Replatform high high medium high Refactor very high very high very high very high Repurchase high very high high high 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 22. Publiek 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World Pharmaceutical
  • 23. Publiek 6Remember • 6R is about applications • and data, platform components, technical building blocks, tools (development, test, CI/CD, monitoring, operations), procedures and staff • Reorganization of applications and components should be considered • consolidation and splitting off (preferably prior to migration) • You will not migrate everything at once • cater for hybrid environments (multi cloud and on prem) and a prolonged transition period • The way IT services are charged to the business and costs are allocated can play an important role • cloud makes fine grained cost allocation a possibility (usage based); ideally matched by fine grained generated value monitoring 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World Leave behind!
  • 24. Publiek Applications and Technology Components [no longer] in use 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World Applications Technology Platform Oracle Database Applications Features pages, reports, jobs, service, API Data – hot | lukewarm | cold; GDPR/ PII status Java EE JMS, JSP/JSF, EJB, JPA, JTA, JAX-WS Oracle WebLogic Oracle SOA Suite Windows 7 RHEL 5.x Oracle Forms Oracle APEX Mendix .NET Oracle Reports Docker Components modules, libraries, packages, tables MySQL ODI
  • 25. Publiek Ce ci 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 26. Publiek Ce ci 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World Ceci n’est pas
  • 27. Publiek Oracle Database • Is much more than just a relational store of data and SQL query engine • Application Platform • PL/SQL • Stored Java • MLE (multi language engine) • Embedded PL/SQL Gateway, ORDS • APEX • Oracle Database features • Audit • Virtual Private Database • Edition Based Redefinition • Flashback • Spatial and Graph • Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning • … 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 28. Publiek 6R with Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS IaaS IaaS PaaS
  • 29. Publiek Retire Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS
  • 30. Publiek Retain (and Refurbish) Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Clean Out unused, Upgrade (to 19c LTS), (De) Consolidate, Polish to make Shine (leverage now free Advanced Analytics, Spatial, Graph), Data Life Cycle Management
  • 31. Publiek Rehost Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Run Oracle Database on IaaS (Bare Metal, VM, Kubernetes); benefit from (large, flexible) scale and managed infra. Refurbish (upgrade to 19c, …)
  • 32. Publiek Replatform Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS PaaS Same architecture, same code and database design – different RDBMS PaaS Same architecture, same code and database design – different RDBMS Same architecture, same code and database design – different RDBMS Same Database platform – now fully managed Same Database platform – now fully managed, serverless
  • 33. Publiek Refactor (Rearchitect) Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Substantially rethink the design and solution - redesign data model, leverage PDBs, introduce non-relational data, apply architecture concepts (microservices, event sourcing, CQRS), introduce additional data stores (NoSQL, lake, blockchain, ..)
  • 34. Publiek Repurchase (Oracle Database) 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS Replace an application using an Oracle Database with a SaaS offering (that includes its own datastore); data needs to be migrated into the SaaS platform, integration and custom applications are likely needed to fully enable the SaaS.
  • 35. Publiek Multicloud 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS IaaS IaaS PaaS Public cloud on private premises PaaS
  • 36. Publiek 6Reinventing Oracle Database 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS PaaS IaaS IaaS
  • 37. Publiek Cloud Transformation – Architecture Guidelines • Managed PaaS over IaaS • and FaaS over CaaS over VM over Bare Metal • N/N-1 – only latest [long term] supported version • Standard Building Blocks for Platform Components • Pay per use, only use what and when is required • scale down and switch off whenever possible • Automation and Infrastructure as Code (no hands touch infra) • provisioning & deployment, monitoring & notification • Data Compliance (such as GDPR) • Fine Grained Cost Allocation • Appropriate availability and disaster recovery • multi region for mission critical, at least multi availability “unit” • Each Bare Metal Server | VM | Container | Function has a single purpose 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 38. Publiek Decision Tree • 21c 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 39. Publiek Rehost Replatform application PL/SQL logic? Migrate relational DBaaS Azure Up grade to 19c Azure DBaaS relational (SQL Database PostgreSQL) Oracle Database on Azure IaaS Oracle Autonomous On Prem Oracle Database Azure DBaaS non relational (CosmosDB, Redis) Migrate managed DBaaS Azure Rela- tional data- usage ? Refactor application Azure Managed PaaS Oracle specific DB- features ? PL/SQL too complex ? Replatform logic Migrate to PostgreSQL SaaS Modify App/DB logic Modify App/ PLSQL Modify DB Logic Reconstruct Application Satisfies conditions for OCI Auto- nomous OCI auto- nomous provides bonus value Repurchase Retain Retire application repurchase retire Applications independent Oracle? version == 19c? Upgrade Possible? Forms, APEX, COTS AQ, EBR, Flashback, XMLDB, Text, HTTP, Application Context, VPD, Stored Java, … Consolidation of multiple databases; Split up of database into multiple Preparation for automated migration of PL/SQL because of cost, risk, duration, fitness for automated migration Do the applications access the database over JDBC/ODBC and SQL? Or through stored procedure calls or with REST API calls? No applications that are not 19c ready / or use DB features deprecated in 19c? No direct access to OS, file system, network; no dbms_pipe, stored java, no log miner, WM, sharding, … Added value autonomous from much lower ops costs and admin effort (< 10% DBA) & dependence on specialist; also more and earlier features; however higher cloud-usage-cost, introduction of OCI and the connect OCI  Azure Consolidation of multiple databases; Split up of database into mulitple Consolidation of multiple databases; Split up of database into multiple Consolidation of multiple databases; Split up of database into multiple
  • 40. Publiek Oracle Database • Explore the starting point • Which release (11gR2, 12cR1, 12cR2) • Which edition (XE, SE2, EE) • Options? • Advanced Analytics, Graph and Spatial • Partitioning, Compression, In Memory, Multitenant, Database Vault, Advanced Security, Label Security, Real Application Testing, Data Masking and Subsetting • RAC, Active Data Guard • Hardware? • ODA, Exadata, “regular” • Interactions from within Database with the environment: OS, File System, Network, other databases (links, gateways) 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 41. Publiek Using any of these? • utl_file • utl_http, utl_tcp, utl_smtp • database link • dbms_epg • dbms_scheduler, dbms_job • external procedure • external table • stored Java • DIRECTORY • LONG and LONG RAW 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 42. Publiek 6R Oracle SOA Suite • The Dutch company also runs a number of integration scenarios and publishes WebServices & APIs • It uses SOA Suite & OSB • 11g and 12.1.3 • It has done some work with Dell Boomi • What is the 6R verdict on its Oracle based integrations? 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 43. Publiek 6Reinventing SOA Suite 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World IaaS PaaS SaaS PaaS IaaS IaaS SOA Suite VM image from OCI Marketplace on OCI Compute SOA Suite installed in VM or bare metal or on AKS (just like On Prem) Oracle Integration Cloud (with on-prem agent & SOA Suite connector) SOA Suite with Kubernetes Operator on OCI Kubernetes Engine Azure Cloud Native integration (functions, API Management, connectors, Logic Apps, Data Factory, …) SOA Suite – upgrade to (and 14.1.2); with OIC adapter; possibly run on K8S OCI API Gateway OCI Cloud Native (Functions, Streaming, Events, …) OCI Data Integration for ETL style data pipelines Oracle Integration Cloud (with on-prem agent & SOA Suite connector) SOA Suite VM image from OCI Marketplace on OCI Compute
  • 44. Publiek Conclusion • 6R is triggered by the cloud • but should be considered periodically regardless of cloud • Decisions are made per application, data set and per technology component • and per feature, per data object, per server and per technology instance • Not deciding to make a move is also making a decision • that requires arguments and justification • The 6Roadmap will need continuous refinement • Knowing the current situation is crucial for planning and decision making • which technology component for which applications and which data sets used for which business purposes – that will evolve in which way? • what is the generated business value and therefore the justifiable TCO 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 45. Publiek Conclusion • Cloud is not an easy solution for the big problems • it can quickly help with scale, security, focus on business value, automation, innovation, TCO, and with starting the right discussions • it does not add agility to existing business critical applications and teams • and adopting the cloud is not a trivial operation • Ce ci n’est pas un database (c’est bien plus qu’un database) • A hybrid landscape (cloud – multicloud - on prem) is likely to exist for a fairly long time • Secure, affordable network connections between cloud(s) and on prem • Some form of data replication is to be expected • Integration flows - streaming, event-based and batch ETL-style – are required to tie the environments together • There is no excuse for not starting your cloud journey right now • except if you are already on your way • Have a safe journey! 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World
  • 46. Publiek For more information about this Session, please contact: Lucas Jellema For details about joining RMOUG, please go to our Join Us Page: Us or contact: Tim Mishek, Membership Director | @lucasjellema | lucas-jellema 6Reinventing Oracle Systems in a Cloudy World

Editor's Notes

  1. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  2. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  3. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  4. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  5. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  6. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  7. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  8. retire retain rehost replatform refactor (rearchitect, renovate, cloud natify) repurchase/replace
  9. How can I migrate my existing Oracle Database to Oracle Autonomous Database? Since an ADB database has some restrictions on the object types and Oracle Database Options you need to use a logical migration method rather than a physical one. The main migration tool for migrating to ADB is Data Pump. You can export your schemas and import them into ADB using Data Pump. To sync up the additional/incremental changes on the source database during the export/import process you can use GoldenGate or GoldenGate Cloud Service to replicate those changes to ADB. In the current release you cannot use physical migration methods like backup/restore, Data Guard, database clones, and transportable tablespaces to move your existing database to ADB. Can I import an existing Oracle Database schema into Oracle Autonomous Database? Yes. You can use Data Pump to export the source schema, move the dump files to the object store, and use Data Pump Import to load them into your ADB database. Can I move my on-premises Oracle Database to Oracle Autonomous Database using RMAN backup and restore? No, RMAN restore into ADB is not supported. You need to use one of the supported migration methods outlined above.
  10. How can I migrate my existing Oracle Database to Oracle Autonomous Database? Since an ADB database has some restrictions on the object types and Oracle Database Options you need to use a logical migration method rather than a physical one. The main migration tool for migrating to ADB is Data Pump. You can export your schemas and import them into ADB using Data Pump. To sync up the additional/incremental changes on the source database during the export/import process you can use GoldenGate or GoldenGate Cloud Service to replicate those changes to ADB. In the current release you cannot use physical migration methods like backup/restore, Data Guard, database clones, and transportable tablespaces to move your existing database to ADB. Can I import an existing Oracle Database schema into Oracle Autonomous Database? Yes. You can use Data Pump to export the source schema, move the dump files to the object store, and use Data Pump Import to load them into your ADB database. Can I move my on-premises Oracle Database to Oracle Autonomous Database using RMAN backup and restore? No, RMAN restore into ADB is not supported. You need to use one of the supported migration methods outlined above.
  11. * Applicatie onafhankelijk van Oracle: APEX, Forms, Oracle Reports, andere database via DB link => afhankelijk van Oracle DB. Daartegenover: standaardapplicatie die zowel tegen Oracle DB als SQL Server is gecertificeerd is onafhankelijk van Oracle. NB: applicaties die Oracle specifiek SQL uitvoeren of PL/SQL objecten aanroepen kunnen (waarschijnlijk) niet zonder aanpassing naar een andere relationele database gaan praten * Oracle DB specifieke features – zoals supplied packages, VPD, fine grained auditing, Flashback, Advanced Analytics, Edition Based Redefinition, XMLDB, Oracle Text, HTTP-verkeer in/uit, Stored Java, in memory database, virtual columns, application context, spatial; ook database links * PL/SQL té complex – uiteindelijk ter beoordeling van Ahold – op basis van kosten, risico, doorlooptijd, geschiktheid voor automatische migratie. Aspecten (vaststellen door steekproef, interview en onderzoek data dictionary) - veel regels code (absoluut, per program unit) - complexe mechanismen gebruikt (UTL_FILE, UTL_TCP, APEX) - beschikbaarheid functionele specificaties - inspanning om opnieuw te bouwen - testbaar (beschikbaar automatische  - leesbaar/onderhoudbare code (cyclomatische complexiteit, SonarQube score , …) Relationeel Datagebruik – praat de applicatie via JDBC/ODBC in termen van SQL tegen de database? of wellicht stored procedure calls? Of in REST API calls? Maakt de onderliggende (opslag)structuur veel uit voor de applicatie? * Upgrade mogelijk? Het is mogelijk dat de applicaties die de database gebruiken een upgrade in de weg staan
  12. features not supported on Autonomous Database: Oracle Real Application Testing Oracle Real Application Security Administration Console (RASADM) Oracle OLAP Oracle R capabilities of Oracle Advanced Analytics Oracle Industry Data Models Oracle Tuning Pack Oracle Database Lifecycle Management Pack Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting Pack Oracle Cloud Management Pack for Oracle Database Oracle Multimedia Java in DB Oracle Workspace Manager
  14. How can I migrate my existing Oracle Database to Oracle Autonomous Database? Since an ADB database has some restrictions on the object types and Oracle Database Options you need to use a logical migration method rather than a physical one. The main migration tool for migrating to ADB is Data Pump. You can export your schemas and import them into ADB using Data Pump. To sync up the additional/incremental changes on the source database during the export/import process you can use GoldenGate or GoldenGate Cloud Service to replicate those changes to ADB. In the current release you cannot use physical migration methods like backup/restore, Data Guard, database clones, and transportable tablespaces to move your existing database to ADB. Can I import an existing Oracle Database schema into Oracle Autonomous Database? Yes. You can use Data Pump to export the source schema, move the dump files to the object store, and use Data Pump Import to load them into your ADB database. Can I move my on-premises Oracle Database to Oracle Autonomous Database using RMAN backup and restore? No, RMAN restore into ADB is not supported. You need to use one of the supported migration methods outlined above.