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Population Health Planning in
Chronic Disease:
Measuring the impact of applying a capitated budget for
people living with multi morbidity in NHS England
CMS Measures Forum
May 19, 2016
Jacquie White
Deputy Director for LTC, Older People
& End of Life Care
NHS England
Claire Cordeaux
Executive Director
SIMUL8 Corporation
The webinar will focus on how the National Health
Service (NHS) in England, UK have been implementing
person-centered care for people with Long Term
Conditions (LTCs) and in particular multi-morbidity.
It will cover:
• The concept and the change programme
• Whole population analysis and identification of target
• Financial instruments to facilitate change
• Models of delivery to support person centred outcomes
• How simulation models have supported decision-making,
and will include a demonstration of simulation models
Who are we? NHS England
• Established 1948 to provide good healthcare to all regardless of wealth.
• Free at the point of delivery
• NHS England serves a population of 53.9 million, seeing 1 million patients
every 36 hours and employs more than 1.3 million people including the
following clinical groups:
• 40,236 primary care physicians
• 351,446 nurses
• 18576 ambulance staff
• 111,963 hospital and community health service, medical and dental staff.
• Funding for the NHS comes directly from taxation. For 2015/16, the
overall NHS budget was around £116.4 billion. NHS England is managing
£101.3 billion
• Reformed in 2013 and underpinned by the Health and Social Care Act
2012, the “Five Year Forward View” is the national strategy for healthcare
in England and sets out the system transformation required to meet the
changing needs of current and future patients. Person-centered care is a
key part of the strategy.
Who are we? SIMUL8 Corporation
• Established 1994
• Business simulation software
• Specialists in health and social care
• Combine healthcare knowledge and software development
to create sector-wide tools
• Close working with NHS since 2008
Setting the Scene: Global Changes
Increasing demand for healthcare
• Rise of long term conditions and multi-morbidity: physical
and mental
• Ageing population
• Increasing expectations: access, treatment, cure not care
Supply pressures
• Dependence on system
• Hospital and medic-centric care models
• Workforce – recruitment & retention, ageing, diversity and
• Fragmentation of care in health and to social care
• Crisis curve – late identification of people needing support
The Patient at the Center?
A man being treated for heart
failure in UK primary care
rejected the offer to attend a
specialist heart failure clinic to
optimise management of his
condition. He stated that in the
previous two years he had made
54 visits to specialist clinics for
consultant appointments,
diagnostic tests, and treatment.
The equivalent of one full day
every two weeks was devoted to
this work.
BMJ 2009;339:b2803
The NHSProgram: the priorities
• Empowering patients and informal caretakers to be full
partners in care
• Whole person focus
• Life course approach to care needs
• Strengthening Primary and Community Care
• Older people with increasingly complex needs including
• New care models moving away from purely medical,
hospital-centric focus
• Strengthen key enablers – IT, Workforce, Technology
• Need for a new purchaser/provider/funding model
The Person at the Center: Changing the
Language Changes Culture
Patient > Person
Chronic Disease > Long Term Conditions
List of Needs > Whole Person
Integrated Care > Coordinated Care
Changing the language helped to reinforce the different behaviours
needed to implement change
Long Term Conditions (LTC):
House of Care
NHS Commissioning:
Planning and Paying for
Services for a Population
Person-centered Outcomes
Better Health for the
• Access
• Clinical outcomes
• Co-ordination
• Transitions of care
• Urgent care response
Better Care for
• Experience of care
• Quality of life and
• “Activation” levels
• Goal achievement
Lower Cost Through
• Acute care
• Residential care
• Shifts in spend
Outcomes and Benefits
• More activated patients have 8% lower costs in the base year and 21%
lower costs in the following year than less activated patients
• Health coaching can yield a 63% cost saving from reduced clinical time,
giving a potential annual saving of £12,438 per FTE from a training cost
of £400
• Coaching and care co-ordination has shown to reduce emergency
admissions by 24%
• Improved medication adherence improves outcomes and yields
efficiencies, for instance in 6000 adults in the UK with Cystic Fibrosis,
could save more than £100 million over 5-years
• Between 20% and 30% of hospital admissions in over 85’s could be
prevented by proactive case finding, frailty assessment, care planning
and use of services outside of hospital
Whole Population Analysis
Identifying the population at risk, predicting
need and services required to maintain
Identifying the Population
Research on People with
• Research shows that of people with chronic disease, a
third have more than one
• On this basis we should be planning for the needs of
the person, rather than focussing on the single disease
• The following slide shows a graph illustrating this
Multi Morbidity is Common
Current impact of people with LTCs on
healthcare resource
Current impact on Healthcare Resource
Risk Stratification:
Selecting the cohort
• There are many techniques that
can be used to segment a
• Different segmentation methods
select different people - the
method used should match the
outcomes required
• IT-based intelligence should be
supplemented with humanistic
• People in the cohort still need to
be assessed to determine
suitability for inclusion and before
a care plan is developed and
services delivered.
Changes in risk profiling over time
Crisis Curve:
• Selected individuals with the most complex care needs demonstrate a
‘crisis curve’ (cost curve).
• They enter a period where they need more non-elective acute care, and
then their health stabilizes.
Death within 12 months:
• A large proportion of individuals selected with the most complex care
needs die within a year of selection – up to 35% of individuals with risk
scores within the top 0.5%
Both of these factors reduce when using multi-morbidity to select the cohort.
• Risk scores measure historical needs, rather than future needs
• Multi-morbidity appears to select a more stable patient cohort
People with Complex Health and Care
Needs Appear to Demonstrate a ‘Crisis
Current Situation from the Patient and
Carer’s Perspective
People living longer but not always well
The larger the number of co-morbidities a patient
has, the lower their quality of life
Increasing evidence on over-treatment and
Social isolation/loneliness a risk factor for
mortality in people over 75 and should be
supported as a co- morbidity
What if we set a Capitated
Budget to Facilitate Spend on
Individual Needs rather than
Healthcare Organizations?
Selecting the Service Bundle:
Emerging Delivery Models
The service models being developed by our sites are
essentially similar but differ to match local conditions.
Similarities include:
• Single point of access
• Care planning and shared care record
• Supported self management
• Care co-ordination
• Community multi-disciplinary team based around primary care,
• Wider neighborhood support including specialist practitioners, therapists
• Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reablement “services”
• Care navigators and voluntary sector as a key enabler.
Differences include:
• Whole population or selected cohorts
• Formation of new organizations
• New delivery models within and across existing organizations
Capitated Budgets
Overall aim is to include all services and total cost of care for
cohort with the purpose of incentivising providers to work
together to deliver person centred co-ordinated care
The main issue for setting credible capitated budgets is the management
of risk. Financial risk results from:
• Poor data quality – some services might not be included within the capitated budget if
data quality results in poor budget estimates
• Changes in the use of care over time by selected patients – selection method
• Potential for double payment – IT systems and information flows are needed to
support the capitated budget
Changes in the budget need to be managed because:
• The patient cohort will change as individuals die or leave the area and new patients
• The needs of individuals will change as their health and social circumstances change
• The patient cohort may grow as more individuals who may benefit from integrated
care are identified
Contracts are more about relationships than legality.
Currently NHS organisations are constrained to use the NHS
standard contract, but alternative agreements can be used in
parallel with this contract.
There are many contracts being explored and tested by the teams. The
most common are the:
• Alliance contract – requires exceptional relationships between all stakeholder
because all decisions need to be joint decisions
• Prime provider contract – shifts control and management of relationships to
another organisation (who will then need to set up sub-contracts)
• Development of accountable care organisations – organisationally aligning care
Performance monitoring of the contract is based on outcome metrics,
developed by patients, care practitioners and finance with all organisations
accountable for all outcomes.
The Total Health and Social Care Cost is
Strongly Related to Multi-morbidity
The Role of Simulation
Whole System Impact of Change
the Concept
and Reality
How the Simulation Works
How the Simulation Works – The Logic
Results from a Simulation:
What is the Cost of a Patient Each Year?
How do Patients Typically use Services,
What is the Cost and what Resource is
Emergency Department Example
Person-Centered Care Example:
Extensivist Care and Enhanced Primary Care
• 1.6% of the population assessed as in need of extensive
• Person-centered model includes:
• All care co-ordinated by a clinician
• Regular contact with a health and wellbeing support worker to
ensure referral to relevant services
• Patient activated
• Reduces hospital emergency and planned visits
• 36% of population receiving Enhanced Primary Care,
managed by Primary Care Physician with lighter touch:
• Health and wellbeing support
• Support for high intensity users
• Care Co-ordination
Return on Investment
Extensivist Care Model only
Using Simulation Results to:
• Discuss with stakeholders across organizational
• Agree a capitated budget for each patient type
• Test the impact of a new model of person-centered
care to:
• Understand the RoI
• Understand financial and resource impact for each
Acute to Rehabilitation
RRR Audits Identify the Point in the
Acute Patient Pathway that Patients are
Medically fit for Discharge
Lesson Learned
Change the payment at the point when the
patient’s needs change –
and not when they change institution.
The Simulation
Simulation Benefits
 Test before implement (no harm to patients)
 Dissemination of practice and sharing of models of
 Supports decisions where no historical data
 Helps to formulate exact models of care and predict
National Roll Out and
National Support and Dissemination
• Virtual facilitation and improvement expertise
• Networking and learning...
• From each other, the early implementer sites
and national experts in various related fields
• Email updates
• Our website
• Facilitated Webinars with specialist input
• National workshops
• Coaching, facilitation and
improvement expertise
• Networking and
learning…From each other,
and national experts in
various related fields
• Programme funding to
support specific
developments e.g. data
analysis, testing delivery
• Simulation – capturing,
sharing and reusing
LTC Resources and Tools
NHS LTC program resources are available here:
Access to Simulations
Simulations and resources linked to the simulation can be
accessed at the following link.
Contact Us
Jacquie White
@jaqwhite1 #A4PCC
Claire Cordeaux

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CMS Measures Forum - Chronic Disease

  • 1. Population Health Planning in Chronic Disease: Measuring the impact of applying a capitated budget for people living with multi morbidity in NHS England CMS Measures Forum May 19, 2016 Jacquie White Deputy Director for LTC, Older People & End of Life Care NHS England Claire Cordeaux Executive Director SIMUL8 Corporation
  • 2. Objectives The webinar will focus on how the National Health Service (NHS) in England, UK have been implementing person-centered care for people with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) and in particular multi-morbidity. It will cover: • The concept and the change programme • Whole population analysis and identification of target populations • Financial instruments to facilitate change • Models of delivery to support person centred outcomes • How simulation models have supported decision-making, and will include a demonstration of simulation models
  • 3. Who are we? NHS England • Established 1948 to provide good healthcare to all regardless of wealth. • Free at the point of delivery • NHS England serves a population of 53.9 million, seeing 1 million patients every 36 hours and employs more than 1.3 million people including the following clinical groups: • 40,236 primary care physicians • 351,446 nurses • 18576 ambulance staff • 111,963 hospital and community health service, medical and dental staff. • Funding for the NHS comes directly from taxation. For 2015/16, the overall NHS budget was around £116.4 billion. NHS England is managing £101.3 billion • Reformed in 2013 and underpinned by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the “Five Year Forward View” is the national strategy for healthcare in England and sets out the system transformation required to meet the changing needs of current and future patients. Person-centered care is a key part of the strategy.
  • 4. Who are we? SIMUL8 Corporation • Established 1994 • Business simulation software worldwide • Specialists in health and social care • Combine healthcare knowledge and software development to create sector-wide tools • Close working with NHS since 2008
  • 5. Setting the Scene: Global Changes Increasing demand for healthcare • Rise of long term conditions and multi-morbidity: physical and mental • Ageing population • Increasing expectations: access, treatment, cure not care Supply pressures • Dependence on system • Hospital and medic-centric care models • Workforce – recruitment & retention, ageing, diversity and culture • Fragmentation of care in health and to social care • Crisis curve – late identification of people needing support
  • 6. The Patient at the Center? A man being treated for heart failure in UK primary care rejected the offer to attend a specialist heart failure clinic to optimise management of his condition. He stated that in the previous two years he had made 54 visits to specialist clinics for consultant appointments, diagnostic tests, and treatment. The equivalent of one full day every two weeks was devoted to this work. BMJ 2009;339:b2803
  • 7. The NHSProgram: the priorities • Empowering patients and informal caretakers to be full partners in care • Whole person focus • Life course approach to care needs • Strengthening Primary and Community Care • Older people with increasingly complex needs including frailty • New care models moving away from purely medical, hospital-centric focus • Strengthen key enablers – IT, Workforce, Technology • Need for a new purchaser/provider/funding model
  • 8. The Person at the Center: Changing the Language Changes Culture Patient > Person Chronic Disease > Long Term Conditions List of Needs > Whole Person Integrated Care > Coordinated Care Changing the language helped to reinforce the different behaviours needed to implement change
  • 9. Long Term Conditions (LTC): House of Care NHS Commissioning: Planning and Paying for Services for a Population
  • 10. Person-centered Outcomes Better Health for the Population • Access • Clinical outcomes • Co-ordination • Transitions of care • Urgent care response Better Care for Individuals • Experience of care • Quality of life and death • “Activation” levels • Goal achievement Lower Cost Through Improvement • Acute care • Residential care • Shifts in spend
  • 11. Outcomes and Benefits • More activated patients have 8% lower costs in the base year and 21% lower costs in the following year than less activated patients • Health coaching can yield a 63% cost saving from reduced clinical time, giving a potential annual saving of £12,438 per FTE from a training cost of £400 • Coaching and care co-ordination has shown to reduce emergency admissions by 24% • Improved medication adherence improves outcomes and yields efficiencies, for instance in 6000 adults in the UK with Cystic Fibrosis, could save more than £100 million over 5-years • Between 20% and 30% of hospital admissions in over 85’s could be prevented by proactive case finding, frailty assessment, care planning and use of services outside of hospital
  • 12. Whole Population Analysis Identifying the population at risk, predicting need and services required to maintain independence
  • 14. Research on People with Multi-Morbidity • Research shows that of people with chronic disease, a third have more than one • On this basis we should be planning for the needs of the person, rather than focussing on the single disease • The following slide shows a graph illustrating this
  • 16. Current impact of people with LTCs on healthcare resource
  • 17. Current impact on Healthcare Resource ctd.
  • 18. Risk Stratification: Selecting the cohort • There are many techniques that can be used to segment a population. • Different segmentation methods select different people - the method used should match the outcomes required • IT-based intelligence should be supplemented with humanistic intelligence • People in the cohort still need to be assessed to determine suitability for inclusion and before a care plan is developed and services delivered.
  • 19. Changes in risk profiling over time Crisis Curve: • Selected individuals with the most complex care needs demonstrate a ‘crisis curve’ (cost curve). • They enter a period where they need more non-elective acute care, and then their health stabilizes. Death within 12 months: • A large proportion of individuals selected with the most complex care needs die within a year of selection – up to 35% of individuals with risk scores within the top 0.5% Both of these factors reduce when using multi-morbidity to select the cohort. Conclusion: • Risk scores measure historical needs, rather than future needs • Multi-morbidity appears to select a more stable patient cohort
  • 20. People with Complex Health and Care Needs Appear to Demonstrate a ‘Crisis Curve’
  • 21. Current Situation from the Patient and Carer’s Perspective
  • 22. And… People living longer but not always well The larger the number of co-morbidities a patient has, the lower their quality of life Increasing evidence on over-treatment and harm Social isolation/loneliness a risk factor for mortality in people over 75 and should be supported as a co- morbidity
  • 23. What if we set a Capitated Budget to Facilitate Spend on Individual Needs rather than Healthcare Organizations?
  • 25. Emerging Delivery Models The service models being developed by our sites are essentially similar but differ to match local conditions. Similarities include: • Single point of access • Care planning and shared care record • Supported self management • Care co-ordination • Community multi-disciplinary team based around primary care, • Wider neighborhood support including specialist practitioners, therapists • Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reablement “services” • Care navigators and voluntary sector as a key enabler. Differences include: • Whole population or selected cohorts • Formation of new organizations • New delivery models within and across existing organizations
  • 26. Capitated Budgets Overall aim is to include all services and total cost of care for cohort with the purpose of incentivising providers to work together to deliver person centred co-ordinated care The main issue for setting credible capitated budgets is the management of risk. Financial risk results from: • Poor data quality – some services might not be included within the capitated budget if data quality results in poor budget estimates • Changes in the use of care over time by selected patients – selection method important • Potential for double payment – IT systems and information flows are needed to support the capitated budget Changes in the budget need to be managed because: • The patient cohort will change as individuals die or leave the area and new patients join • The needs of individuals will change as their health and social circumstances change • The patient cohort may grow as more individuals who may benefit from integrated care are identified
  • 27. Contracts Contracts are more about relationships than legality. Currently NHS organisations are constrained to use the NHS standard contract, but alternative agreements can be used in parallel with this contract. There are many contracts being explored and tested by the teams. The most common are the: • Alliance contract – requires exceptional relationships between all stakeholder because all decisions need to be joint decisions • Prime provider contract – shifts control and management of relationships to another organisation (who will then need to set up sub-contracts) • Development of accountable care organisations – organisationally aligning care Performance monitoring of the contract is based on outcome metrics, developed by patients, care practitioners and finance with all organisations accountable for all outcomes.
  • 28. The Total Health and Social Care Cost is Strongly Related to Multi-morbidity
  • 29. The Role of Simulation
  • 30. Whole System Impact of Change
  • 34. How the Simulation Works – The Logic
  • 35. Results from a Simulation: What is the Cost of a Patient Each Year?
  • 36. How do Patients Typically use Services, What is the Cost and what Resource is Needed: Emergency Department Example
  • 37. Person-Centered Care Example: Extensivist Care and Enhanced Primary Care • 1.6% of the population assessed as in need of extensive support • Person-centered model includes: • All care co-ordinated by a clinician • Regular contact with a health and wellbeing support worker to ensure referral to relevant services • Patient activated • Reduces hospital emergency and planned visits • 36% of population receiving Enhanced Primary Care, managed by Primary Care Physician with lighter touch: • Health and wellbeing support • Support for high intensity users • Care Co-ordination
  • 40. Using Simulation Results to: • Discuss with stakeholders across organizational boundaries • Agree a capitated budget for each patient type • Test the impact of a new model of person-centered care to: • Understand the RoI • Understand financial and resource impact for each provider
  • 42. RRR Audits Identify the Point in the Acute Patient Pathway that Patients are Medically fit for Discharge
  • 43. Lesson Learned Change the payment at the point when the patient’s needs change – and not when they change institution.
  • 45. Simulation Benefits  Test before implement (no harm to patients)  Dissemination of practice and sharing of models of care  Supports decisions where no historical data  Helps to formulate exact models of care and predict impacts
  • 46. National Roll Out and Resources
  • 47. National Support and Dissemination • Virtual facilitation and improvement expertise • Networking and learning... • From each other, the early implementer sites and national experts in various related fields Through... • Email updates • Our website • Facilitated Webinars with specialist input • National workshops • Coaching, facilitation and improvement expertise • Networking and learning…From each other, and national experts in various related fields • Programme funding to support specific developments e.g. data analysis, testing delivery models • Simulation – capturing, sharing and reusing
  • 48. LTC Resources and Tools NHS LTC program resources are available here: term-conditions-and-integrated-care.aspx
  • 49. Access to Simulations Simulations and resources linked to the simulation can be accessed at the following link.
  • 50. Contact Us Jacquie White Twitter: @jaqwhite1 #A4PCC Email: sources/resources-for- ccgs/out-frwrk/dom-2/ Claire Cordeaux Twitter: @SIMUL8Health Email: http://www.SIMUL8Healthcare .com/chronic_disease