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Graphic elements, generic codes and
conventions and target audience analysis
Graphic elements are strong visual meaning of indicating relationships.
Generic codes and conventions are different systems that can be divided into
two different categories such as technical and symbolic. Technical codes are
the ways in which equipment can be used in order to tell the story in a media
text, for example the camera work within a film. Symbolic codes show and tell
what is beneath the surface of what we are seeing. An example of this would
be a character’s actions. From this they are showing there feelings towards
you the viewer. Conventions are general ways of doing something. They are
general conventions in any medium.
By Kyus Holder
photograph or illustration
that covers the majority of
the page. The image of the
magazine shows towards
the viewer what the
magazine is about and who
mainly it is about.
the text that shows
towards the viewer/reader
and also the main topic of
which the magazine is
going to be about.
colour scheme shows
white, red and black.
Which show bold
actions. The choice of
the white background is
to show a bright and
heavenly aspect
towards the viewer and
because it matches the
MASTHEAD: This is the
logo/title of the
magazine. This
identifies and shows
towards the user who
the makers are of the
The font types used in this
magazine cover are sans-
serif fonts,, which allows
for the viewer to easily see
what the topics are and
because they stand out
towards the
COVER LINES: These are
different topics within
the magazine. However,
there will be other
topics within the
magazine but these will
be the main ones which
will intrigue the reader.
Codes: The colour
of black and red
conveys a masculine
aspect towards the
Conventions: The
singers body is
behind the text and
also over text
allowing for text be
eligible and also so
that the viewer can
see the image fully
Conventions: This
singer is a well known
R&B singer meaning
that the audience
towards this
magazine would be
either male target
audience or R&B
targeted audience.
Code: The colour
white conveys
purity and heavenly
towards the viewer
or reader.
Conventions: The
size of the text is
used to fill out the
depending how
much is written on
the front page.
Target audience
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Age: 16-45
Geo-demographics: USA/UK
Socio-economics: Middle Class
Psychographic profile: Singer
I have stated these reasons from, self-
knowledge and from analysis of the
magazine. As the magazine includes black
artists I feel as if it would be portrayed
towards the black community. Middle class
can purchase the magazine because it is a
cheap magazine therefor affordable.
However, lower class can also purchase the
magazine if they have the money. The
location of which I feel this magazine is
produced towards is USA because of the
artists being there and the UK because they
have access of gathering this magazine.
MAIN IMAGE: This is the
main image that portrays
and illustrates towards the
reader who the main
person of this magazine.
text that shows more in
depth of the main topics
and what they are going to
be about.
colour black and white
are used because of the
colours of which the
artist is wearing and
also because of genre of
music this artists does
MASTHEAD: This is the
logo/title of the
magazine. This allows
for the reader to
identify the maker off
the magazine.
from the main cover
line, these are topics of
which will be explained
and talked about within
the magazine
The font types used in this
magazine cover are serif.
They have done this in
order to allow for the text
to look readable and also
to match the title of the
Codes: The colour
of black and red
again convey a
masculine effect
towards the
magazine showing
that male reader
would more likely
read the magazine
Conventions: The
artists body is
behind the title of
the magazine to
allow for the title to
be visible and bold
towards the
Conventions: This
singer is a well
known singer
meaning that the
targeted audience
would most likely
be male and also
R&B listeners.
Code: The colour
white shows the
again purity and a
heavenly aspect
towards the
magazine. It also
shows a lighten
view on the
magazine as the
colour black ahs
been used a lot.
Conventions: The
size of the text
allows for the
magazine to look
full depending on
how much
text/information is
on the bag. Also the
text has been done
so that the text
doesn’t overlay or
intrude the image
and has been
placed around so
that image is clear
towards the viewer.
Target audience
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Age: 16-45
Geo-demographics: USA/UK
Socio-economics: Middle class and Lower class
Psychographic profile: Singer
I have stated these reasons from
knowledge and from deeply analysing the
magazine. From the artist on the main
page being black I feel as the target
audience would be directed towards a
black targeted audience. I feel that this
would be directed towards a Middle Class
or Lower Class because of the price of the
magazine. Location of which I have stated
are the USA and the UK. The reason for
USA is because that is were the artist
originates from and UK because they are
able to obtain the magazine.
MAIN IMAGE: The main
image illustrates and
shows the artists the main
artists of the magazine
towards the viewer.
the topics of which show
more depth towards the
magazine and allow for
the viewer to see what
the main topics within
the magazine will be.
colour scheme they
used is white, yellow
and black. The reason
for the white and black
is because of the
clothing he is wearing
and the yellow is so that
main words or subject
of the topics stand out
towards the viewer so
they know what they
are reading.
MASTHEAD: This is the
main title of the
magazine and shows
the reader what
magazine they are
COVER LINES: These are
different types of topics
within the magazine
and also the main topics
within the magazine.
FONT TYPES: The font
type that have been used
is serif.
Codes: The
colours used are
different than the
rest of male
magazines. The
reason for the
yellow is because
that is one of the
colours associated
with the male
Conventions: The
artists is body is in
front of the text not
behind it, meaning
that the illustrator
wants to make the
viewers see the
male artists and
recognize who he is.
Code: Within male
magazines the colour
of white and red is
more used to portray
a masculine look
towards the
magazine. However,
this magazine has
stilled used white in
order to portray that
but have used
another colour. The
colour of white
associate with purity
and perfection and
again is used mainly
on male magazines
which suggest power
and waelth
Convention: They
have used a very
well known singer
in order to attract
people towards
the magazine and
make people want
to read the
magazine in order
to find out more
information about
the well known
artist. Meaning
the target
audience would
most likely be R&B
Target audience
Gender: Male
Race: Black or White
Age: 16-45
Geo-demographics: Canada/USA/UK
Socio-economics: Middle Class and Lower class
Psychographic profile: Artist
Conclusions/Justification: I have
justified these reasons from self
knowledge and from knowing of the
artist. Many people from different
ages listen to this singer called drake.
He is very well known within the USA,
Canada and UK. Many people of
different race listen to drake but the
mina supporters of this would be black
because of his ethnic background.
MAIN IMAGE: The image
used has been centred into
the middle of the magazine
in order to show a strong
image of the artist.
are the main topics of
which the viewer/reader
would most likely read
when going through the
colour scheme they
have used for this is
black and pink. Not only
was this used in order
to match colours with
her clothes, but the
colour pink is normally
contrasted towards
magazine includes a
bold masthead in order
to catch the eye of the
from the main
magazine topics these
are sub topics in which
are describing the main
FONT TYPES: The font type
that is been used is serif.
Codes: The colour
of pink is normally
directed towards
females and
feminism. Which
shows that this
magazine is more
directed towards
women than
Conventions: The
artists body is in
front of the header
in order the viewers
to see who the
artist is.
Code: The colour
white has been
used a lot within
the magazine I have
analysed which
makes me realise
that white is
directed towards
wealth, purity and
also heavenly
Convention: They
have used a very
well known singer
in order to attract
people towards
the magazine and
make people want
to read the
magazine in order
to find out more
information about
the well known
artist. Meaning
the target
audience would
most likely be R&B
Target audience
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 16-45
Geo-demographics: USA/UK
Socio-economics: Middle Class and Lower Class
Psychographic profile: Artist
Conclusions/Justification: I have justified
these reasons from again self-knowledge
and from research of the artist. This would
directed towards females of the ages of
16-45 but mainly towards the younger
generation because Katy Perry is classed as
a role model towards the younger and
older generation. She is well known in
both the USA and UK but, is more known
within the USA due to the fact of being
raised there. Both Middle and Lower class
can purchase this magazine because of its
reasonable price. I feel that the White
background would be more directed
towards Katy Perry due to her style of
MAIN IMAGE: The main
image has been centred in
order to portray a bold and
powerful affect towards the
are the main topics the
reader will be reading
within the magazine about
the artist and other gossip.
colour scheme that is
called White, Orange
and Black. The reason
for the orange and
white is due to what
the artist is wearing
and also her hair
colour. The black
colour would be used
to allow for the
visibility of the text to
be sharp and bold
towards the viewer so
they can read.
masthead for this
magazine is bold and a
bright colour in order
to catch the viewers
eye and attention
towards the magazine.
are topics in which
describe the main
topics and allow for a
more information
towards what the
reader maybe
FONT TYPES: serif.
Codes: The
colour of orange
is used a lot
within the cover
of the magazine.
The reason for
this is because
the colour is
well known as it
is also directed
towards this
artist as well as
Code: The colour
white has been
used again but, in a
different way. It
seems as if the
colour of white is
being used to
portray royalty and
class such as from
the crown and
dress she is
Convention: They
have used a very
well known
singer in order to
attract people
towards the
magazine and
make people
want to read the
magazine in order
to find out more
about the well
known artist.
Meaning the
target audience
towards this
magazine would
most likely be
R&B related
because of the
singers style of
Conventions: The
artists body is in
front of the header
in order the
viewers to see who
the artist is.
Target audience
Gender: Female
Race: Black
Age: 16-45
Geo-demographics: USA/UK
Socio-economics: Middle Class and Lower Class
Psychographic profile: Artist
Conclusions/Justification: I have come to this
conclusion due to self-knowledge and from
knowing quite a large amount about this artists.
Females would be attracted more towards this
magazine because Nicki Minaj is more of a female
role model towards the younger generation. She
is very well known within the USA and UK, but
mainly the USA because that’s were she
originated from. Both Middle and Lower class
people can buy this because the price of the
magazine is cheap. I feel that the black
community would be more directed towards this
magazine because of Nicki Minaj herself and her
style of music.

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Magazine analysis

  • 1. Graphic elements, generic codes and conventions and target audience analysis Graphic elements are strong visual meaning of indicating relationships. Generic codes and conventions are different systems that can be divided into two different categories such as technical and symbolic. Technical codes are the ways in which equipment can be used in order to tell the story in a media text, for example the camera work within a film. Symbolic codes show and tell what is beneath the surface of what we are seeing. An example of this would be a character’s actions. From this they are showing there feelings towards you the viewer. Conventions are general ways of doing something. They are general conventions in any medium. By Kyus Holder
  • 2. MAIN IMAGE: The photograph or illustration that covers the majority of the page. The image of the magazine shows towards the viewer what the magazine is about and who mainly it is about. MAIN COVER LINE: This is the text that shows towards the viewer/reader and also the main topic of which the magazine is going to be about. COLOUR SCHEME: The colour scheme shows white, red and black. Which show bold actions. The choice of the white background is to show a bright and heavenly aspect towards the viewer and because it matches the singer. MASTHEAD: This is the logo/title of the magazine. This identifies and shows towards the user who the makers are of the magazine. FONT TYPES The font types used in this magazine cover are sans- serif fonts,, which allows for the viewer to easily see what the topics are and because they stand out towards the reader/viewer. COVER LINES: These are different topics within the magazine. However, there will be other topics within the magazine but these will be the main ones which will intrigue the reader.
  • 3. Codes: The colour of black and red conveys a masculine aspect towards the reader. Conventions: The singers body is behind the text and also over text allowing for text be eligible and also so that the viewer can see the image fully Conventions: This singer is a well known R&B singer meaning that the audience towards this magazine would be either male target audience or R&B targeted audience. Code: The colour white conveys purity and heavenly towards the viewer or reader. Conventions: The size of the text is used to fill out the magazine depending how much is written on the front page.
  • 4. Target audience Gender: Male Race: Black Age: 16-45 Geo-demographics: USA/UK Socio-economics: Middle Class Psychographic profile: Singer Conclusions/Justification I have stated these reasons from, self- knowledge and from analysis of the magazine. As the magazine includes black artists I feel as if it would be portrayed towards the black community. Middle class can purchase the magazine because it is a cheap magazine therefor affordable. However, lower class can also purchase the magazine if they have the money. The location of which I feel this magazine is produced towards is USA because of the artists being there and the UK because they have access of gathering this magazine.
  • 5. MAIN IMAGE: This is the main image that portrays and illustrates towards the reader who the main person of this magazine. MAIN COVER LINE: This is text that shows more in depth of the main topics and what they are going to be about. COLOUR SCHEME: The colour black and white are used because of the colours of which the artist is wearing and also because of genre of music this artists does R&B. MASTHEAD: This is the logo/title of the magazine. This allows for the reader to identify the maker off the magazine. COVER LINES: Aside from the main cover line, these are topics of which will be explained and talked about within the magazine FONT TYPES The font types used in this magazine cover are serif. They have done this in order to allow for the text to look readable and also to match the title of the magazine.
  • 6. Codes: The colour of black and red again convey a masculine effect towards the magazine showing that male reader would more likely read the magazine Conventions: The artists body is behind the title of the magazine to allow for the title to be visible and bold towards the viewer/reader. Conventions: This singer is a well known singer meaning that the targeted audience would most likely be male and also R&B listeners. Code: The colour white shows the again purity and a heavenly aspect towards the magazine. It also shows a lighten view on the magazine as the colour black ahs been used a lot. Conventions: The size of the text allows for the magazine to look full depending on how much text/information is on the bag. Also the text has been done so that the text doesn’t overlay or intrude the image and has been placed around so that image is clear towards the viewer.
  • 7. Target audience Gender: Male Race: Black Age: 16-45 Geo-demographics: USA/UK Socio-economics: Middle class and Lower class Psychographic profile: Singer Conclusions/Justification Conclusions/Justification I have stated these reasons from knowledge and from deeply analysing the magazine. From the artist on the main page being black I feel as the target audience would be directed towards a black targeted audience. I feel that this would be directed towards a Middle Class or Lower Class because of the price of the magazine. Location of which I have stated are the USA and the UK. The reason for USA is because that is were the artist originates from and UK because they are able to obtain the magazine.
  • 8. MAIN IMAGE: The main image illustrates and shows the artists the main artists of the magazine towards the viewer. MAIN COVER LINE: This is the topics of which show more depth towards the magazine and allow for the viewer to see what the main topics within the magazine will be. COLOUR SCHEME: The colour scheme they used is white, yellow and black. The reason for the white and black is because of the clothing he is wearing and the yellow is so that main words or subject of the topics stand out towards the viewer so they know what they are reading. MASTHEAD: This is the main title of the magazine and shows the reader what magazine they are reading. COVER LINES: These are different types of topics within the magazine and also the main topics within the magazine. FONT TYPES: The font type that have been used is serif.
  • 9. Codes: The colours used are different than the rest of male magazines. The reason for the yellow is because that is one of the colours associated with the male artists. Conventions: The artists is body is in front of the text not behind it, meaning that the illustrator wants to make the viewers see the male artists and recognize who he is. Code: Within male magazines the colour of white and red is more used to portray a masculine look towards the magazine. However, this magazine has stilled used white in order to portray that but have used another colour. The colour of white associate with purity and perfection and again is used mainly on male magazines which suggest power and waelth Convention: They have used a very well known singer in order to attract people towards the magazine and make people want to read the magazine in order to find out more information about the well known artist. Meaning the target audience would most likely be R&B related.
  • 10. Target audience Gender: Male Race: Black or White Age: 16-45 Geo-demographics: Canada/USA/UK Socio-economics: Middle Class and Lower class Psychographic profile: Artist Conclusions/Justification: I have justified these reasons from self knowledge and from knowing of the artist. Many people from different ages listen to this singer called drake. He is very well known within the USA, Canada and UK. Many people of different race listen to drake but the mina supporters of this would be black because of his ethnic background.
  • 11. MAIN IMAGE: The image used has been centred into the middle of the magazine in order to show a strong image of the artist. MAIN COVER LINE: These are the main topics of which the viewer/reader would most likely read when going through the magazine. COLOUR SCHEME: The colour scheme they have used for this is black and pink. Not only was this used in order to match colours with her clothes, but the colour pink is normally contrasted towards females. MASTHEAD: This magazine includes a bold masthead in order to catch the eye of the viewer. COVER LINES: Aside from the main magazine topics these are sub topics in which are describing the main topics. FONT TYPES: The font type that is been used is serif.
  • 12. Codes: The colour of pink is normally directed towards females and feminism. Which shows that this magazine is more directed towards women than males Conventions: The artists body is in front of the header in order the viewers to see who the artist is. Code: The colour white has been used a lot within the magazine I have analysed which makes me realise that white is directed towards wealth, purity and also heavenly Convention: They have used a very well known singer in order to attract people towards the magazine and make people want to read the magazine in order to find out more information about the well known artist. Meaning the target audience would most likely be R&B related.
  • 13. Target audience Gender: Female Race: White Age: 16-45 Geo-demographics: USA/UK Socio-economics: Middle Class and Lower Class Psychographic profile: Artist Conclusions/Justification: I have justified these reasons from again self-knowledge and from research of the artist. This would directed towards females of the ages of 16-45 but mainly towards the younger generation because Katy Perry is classed as a role model towards the younger and older generation. She is well known in both the USA and UK but, is more known within the USA due to the fact of being raised there. Both Middle and Lower class can purchase this magazine because of its reasonable price. I feel that the White background would be more directed towards Katy Perry due to her style of music.
  • 14. MAIN IMAGE: The main image has been centred in order to portray a bold and powerful affect towards the reader. MAIN COVER LINE: These are the main topics the reader will be reading within the magazine about the artist and other gossip. COLOUR SCHEME: The colour scheme that is called White, Orange and Black. The reason for the orange and white is due to what the artist is wearing and also her hair colour. The black colour would be used to allow for the visibility of the text to be sharp and bold towards the viewer so they can read. MASTHEAD: The masthead for this magazine is bold and a bright colour in order to catch the viewers eye and attention towards the magazine. COVER LINES: These are topics in which describe the main topics and allow for a more information towards what the reader maybe reading. FONT TYPES: serif.
  • 15. Codes: The colour of orange is used a lot within the cover of the magazine. The reason for this is because the colour is well known as it is also directed towards this artist as well as pink. Code: The colour white has been used again but, in a different way. It seems as if the colour of white is being used to portray royalty and class such as from the crown and dress she is wearing. Convention: They have used a very well known singer in order to attract people towards the magazine and make people want to read the magazine in order to find out more information about the well known artist. Meaning the target audience towards this magazine would most likely be R&B related because of the singers style of music. Conventions: The artists body is in front of the header in order the viewers to see who the artist is.
  • 16. Target audience Gender: Female Race: Black Age: 16-45 Geo-demographics: USA/UK Socio-economics: Middle Class and Lower Class Psychographic profile: Artist Conclusions/Justification: I have come to this conclusion due to self-knowledge and from knowing quite a large amount about this artists. Females would be attracted more towards this magazine because Nicki Minaj is more of a female role model towards the younger generation. She is very well known within the USA and UK, but mainly the USA because that’s were she originated from. Both Middle and Lower class people can buy this because the price of the magazine is cheap. I feel that the black community would be more directed towards this magazine because of Nicki Minaj herself and her style of music.