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Presented by:
439. Dip Narayan
441. Laxmi
Subject: Health System Management
Assigned by: Assistant Prof. Narayan Subedi
Date of presentation: 11th Apr 2016
BPH 26th Batch, Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Institute of Medicine, TU, Kathmandu, Nepal
• To know about Nepal Health Sector Implementation Plan-2
• Background
• Review of NHSP-IP I
• Rationale for NHSP-IP II
• Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
• Program and services
• Roles of Non-state actors
• Structure, System, Institution and Governance
• Research, Monitoring and Evaluation
• Health Financing
• Achievements
• Shortcomings
• Strengthening of Health system utilizing principles of Health sector reforms in
areas such as universal coverage , improving health equity ,increasing access and
utilization of quality essential health care ,improving community involvement and
accountability through decentralization was need of the time.
• Ministry level umbrella programme in health, based on SWAp & health sector
• NHSP-IP 1 was of six years while NHSP-IP 2 was of 5 years
REVIEW OF NHSP-IP (2004-2010)
Output 1 Increased Access to and Utilization of
Progressed but disparity/inequity remains
challenge and scope of EHCS was limited
Output 2 Decentralized Management of
Health Facilities
Not much progress particularly in local level
Output 3 Public-Private Partnerships Not convincing despite some progress
Output 4 Sector Management Aid effectiveness has not improved as hoped
Decentralization Forum was established in 2007
Output 5 Sustainable Financing Free health services but sustainability was still problem
Output 6 Sector Physical Assets management
and Procurement of Goods
Seventy-five percent of health and sub-health posts had
stock outs between March 2008 and March 2009
Output 7 Human Resources for Health 76 percent of health personnel posts were filled in
comparison to sanctioned posts (MoHP, 2006)
Output 8 HMIS Improvements Pilot study on HSIS
• Remaining constraints in access and utilization of essential health care services
• Sustainability issues in health financing
• Need of improving health systems and achieving efficiency improvements
NHSP-II was based on the following policy documents
• Interim constitution
• Three-year interim plan
• Health Sector Strategy: an agenda for reform
• National compact: international health partnership plus
• Local self governance act
• Second long-term health plan 1997-2017
• National foreign aid policy (draft)
Vision statement
• To improve the health and nutritional status of the Nepali population and provide
equal opportunity for all to receive quality health care services free of charge or
affordable thereby contributing to poverty alleviation.
Mission statement
• The ministry will promote the health of Nepal's people by facilitating access to and
utilization of essential health care and other health services, emphasizing services
to women, children, poor and excluded, and changing risky life styles and
behaviors of most at-risk populations through behavior change and
communication interventions.
To reduce morbidity and mortality from common health problems by ensuring
accessible, affordable, quality health care services.
The objectives of the ministry of health and population:
Prevent common diseases, disabilities and maintain a healthy population
Improve the health of women and children
Ensure accessible, quality, and efficient health services
Promote healthy lifestyles and behaviours
The ministry believes in
i. Equitable and quality health care services
ii. Patient/client centered health services
iii. Rights-based approach to health planning and programming
iv. Culturally- and conflict-sensitive health services
v. Gender-sensitive and socially inclusive health services
1. Poverty reduction
2. The agenda to achieve the health MDGs by 2015
3. Essential health care services free to patients/clients and protection of families
against catastrophic health care expenditures
4. Gender equality and social inclusion
5. Access to facilities and removal of barriers to access and use
6. Human Resource Development
7. Modern Contraception and safe abortion
8. Disaster Management and Disease Outbreak Control
9. Eradication, elimination, and control of selected vaccine preventable diseases
10. Institutionalizing health sector reform
11. Sector-wide approach: improved aid effectiveness
12. EDP harmonization and International Health Partnership
13. Improved financial management
14. Inter-sectoral coordination, especially with MLD and Education
15. Local Governance: devolution of authority
16. Health systems strengthening, especially monitoring and evaluation
Essential health care services
 Family planning and population
 Safe motherhood
 Adolescent sexual and reproductive health
 Newborn care
 Child health
 Communicable disease control
 Non-communicable diseases
 Health education and communication
 Oral health care
 Environmental health and hygiene
 Curative services
Humanitarian response and emergency and disaster management
Ayurvedic and alternative medicine
Nepal Health Sector Program Implementation Plan II (NHSP-IP2)
• Non-state actors (EDPs, Non-profit organizations, Profit organizations )
• Strategic direction
• Clear policy and strategy formulation
• Quality assurance
• Scaling up of successful practices
• Encourage private sector to establish and expand the specialized credible
services to rural areas
• Multi-sectoral PPP Policy Forum
• Sector organization, management and governance
• Free essential health
• Human resources for health
• Physical facilities, investment and maintenance
• Financial management
• Procurement and distribution
• Governance and accountability
• Strategies and institutional arrangement for GESI
Constraints and challenges of current monitoring system
• Surveys are often conducted to suit special interests rather than serve the SWAP
• HMIS, for local authorities (PHIs), are still viewed as record keeping and reporting system of the DoHS
• HMIS is not directly linked to other information system (HSIS in piloting phase)
Actions during NHSP-2
• Regular supervision and monitoring
• Survey research in health sector (with EDPs)
• Review of HSIS piloting
• Health facility surveys (conduct to collect data on utilization by patient characteristics)
• Annual social audit
• Policy Research
• Conduction of economic analysis
• Challenges to health financing
• Expenditure in health remains low at 5.3% of GDP in 2006.
• The per-capita health expenditure stood low (WHO 2008)
• The share of Government stands at 24% and EDPs (Sustainability concern) contribute 21% (of
total health expenditure)
• Out of Pocket Payment
• Responding to the challenges
• A mixed approach
• Cost recovery modality
• Microcredit
• Community Health Insurance
• Formula based Approach of resource allocation
Financial Resource Envelope
1. ‘Low Case’ Scenario
2. ‘Middle Case’ Scenario
3. ‘High Case’ Scenario
For figures jump to last 3 slides!
• Impressive progress on child survival and maternal health
• Target set for NHSP II for immunization as well as for comprehensive multi-year plan 2011-
2015 has been achieved
• Number of antigens in routine immunization has increased to 11
• Community based interventions has reduced case fatality rate of pneumonia and diarrohea
• TB case detection rate and success rate has improved over the years
• Scale up of HIV/AIDS related services has significantly reduced new infection rate
• Remarkable increase in the number of health facilities providing adolescent-friendly health
services (from 78 in 2011 to 500 in 2013),
• The share of public spending in GDP has increased from 21.8% in 2010 to 23% in 2014
Target vs. Achievements
Goal level Indicators Baseline 2011 (NDHS
2014 (NMICS
Target 2015
Total fertility rate per woman 3 (NHSP 2, 2010) 2.6 2.3 2.5
Under-five Mortality Rate 55 (NHSP 2, 2010) 54 38 38
Infant Mortality Rate 44 (NHSP 2, 2010) 46 33 32
Neonatal Mortality Rate 33 (NDHS 2006) 33 23 16
Maternal Mortality Ratio 250 (NHSP 2, 2010) 281 190 134
% of children U% who are
34 (NHSP 2, 2010) 29 30.1 29
% of low birth weight babies 14.3 (NDHS 2006) 12.4 24.2 12
But despite this remarkable progress, out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP), which is the most unfair and
regressive way of funding health services, still constitute the largest (49%) source of funding in Nepal.
Source: NHSS 2015-2020, Final
• Maternal and child nutrition is still problem in Nepal despite some progress
• Ever rising drug resistant TB in the country is a further challenge to be addressed in
the coming years
• Significant equity gap still continue to persist (Mid-term Review of NHSP II )
• Shifting burden of diseases and health problems is challenge
• Mental health remains a much-neglect areas, despite the fact that mental illnesses
alone count for 18% of the current NCDs burden
• Very little progress has been made in the integrated approach to information
1. Nepal health sector program implementation plan 2, 2010-2015
2. Nepal health sector strategy 2015-2020
3. Joint Annual Review Report, March 2016
4. Report of MICS 2014
5. Nepal Demographic Health Survey 2011
• Improved sector coordination
• Identification of priorities
• High level political commitment to fundamental reforms and changes
• Opportunities for more decentralized planning and delivery
• Sound evidence for decision making and planning and operations
• Wider application of MIS
• Need for a comprehensive health financing strategy
• Importance of human resource management
• Need to have basic but flexible packages of health care services
• Changing burden of disease patterns
• Innovations
• Need for better disaster preparedness
Source: Joint Annual Review Report 2016
Nepal Health Sector Program Implementation Plan II (NHSP-IP2)
Nepal Health Sector Program Implementation Plan II (NHSP-IP2)

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Nepal Health Sector Program Implementation Plan II (NHSP-IP2)

  • 1. Presented by: 439. Dip Narayan 441. Laxmi Assignment Subject: Health System Management Assigned by: Assistant Prof. Narayan Subedi Date of presentation: 11th Apr 2016 BPH 26th Batch, Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Institute of Medicine, TU, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES • To know about Nepal Health Sector Implementation Plan-2
  • 3. PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Background • Review of NHSP-IP I • Rationale for NHSP-IP II • Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives • Program and services • Roles of Non-state actors • Structure, System, Institution and Governance • Research, Monitoring and Evaluation • Health Financing • Achievements • Shortcomings
  • 4. BACKGROUND • Strengthening of Health system utilizing principles of Health sector reforms in areas such as universal coverage , improving health equity ,increasing access and utilization of quality essential health care ,improving community involvement and accountability through decentralization was need of the time. • Ministry level umbrella programme in health, based on SWAp & health sector reform • NHSP-IP 1 was of six years while NHSP-IP 2 was of 5 years
  • 5. REVIEW OF NHSP-IP (2004-2010) OUTPUTS Output 1 Increased Access to and Utilization of EHCS Progressed but disparity/inequity remains challenge and scope of EHCS was limited Output 2 Decentralized Management of Health Facilities Not much progress particularly in local level Output 3 Public-Private Partnerships Not convincing despite some progress Output 4 Sector Management Aid effectiveness has not improved as hoped Decentralization Forum was established in 2007 Output 5 Sustainable Financing Free health services but sustainability was still problem Output 6 Sector Physical Assets management and Procurement of Goods Seventy-five percent of health and sub-health posts had stock outs between March 2008 and March 2009 Output 7 Human Resources for Health 76 percent of health personnel posts were filled in comparison to sanctioned posts (MoHP, 2006) Output 8 HMIS Improvements Pilot study on HSIS
  • 6. RATIONALE FOR NHSP-IP 2 • Remaining constraints in access and utilization of essential health care services (disparities) • Sustainability issues in health financing • Need of improving health systems and achieving efficiency improvements
  • 7. POLICY ENVIRONMENT NHSP-II was based on the following policy documents • Interim constitution • Three-year interim plan • Health Sector Strategy: an agenda for reform • National compact: international health partnership plus • Local self governance act • Second long-term health plan 1997-2017 • National foreign aid policy (draft)
  • 8. VISION/MISSION FOR THE HEALTH SECTOR-NHSP-IP2 Vision statement • To improve the health and nutritional status of the Nepali population and provide equal opportunity for all to receive quality health care services free of charge or affordable thereby contributing to poverty alleviation. Mission statement • The ministry will promote the health of Nepal's people by facilitating access to and utilization of essential health care and other health services, emphasizing services to women, children, poor and excluded, and changing risky life styles and behaviors of most at-risk populations through behavior change and communication interventions.
  • 9. GOAL To reduce morbidity and mortality from common health problems by ensuring accessible, affordable, quality health care services. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the ministry of health and population: Prevent common diseases, disabilities and maintain a healthy population Improve the health of women and children Ensure accessible, quality, and efficient health services Promote healthy lifestyles and behaviours
  • 10. VALUE STATEMENT The ministry believes in i. Equitable and quality health care services ii. Patient/client centered health services iii. Rights-based approach to health planning and programming iv. Culturally- and conflict-sensitive health services v. Gender-sensitive and socially inclusive health services
  • 11. STRATEGIES FOR THE HEALTH SECTOR 1. Poverty reduction 2. The agenda to achieve the health MDGs by 2015 3. Essential health care services free to patients/clients and protection of families against catastrophic health care expenditures 4. Gender equality and social inclusion 5. Access to facilities and removal of barriers to access and use 6. Human Resource Development 7. Modern Contraception and safe abortion 8. Disaster Management and Disease Outbreak Control
  • 12. STRATEGIES FOR THE HEALTH SECTOR 9. Eradication, elimination, and control of selected vaccine preventable diseases 10. Institutionalizing health sector reform 11. Sector-wide approach: improved aid effectiveness 12. EDP harmonization and International Health Partnership 13. Improved financial management 14. Inter-sectoral coordination, especially with MLD and Education 15. Local Governance: devolution of authority 16. Health systems strengthening, especially monitoring and evaluation
  • 13. PROGRAM AND SERVICES Essential health care services  Family planning and population  Safe motherhood  Adolescent sexual and reproductive health  Newborn care  Child health  Communicable disease control  Non-communicable diseases  Health education and communication  Oral health care  Environmental health and hygiene  Curative services Humanitarian response and emergency and disaster management Ayurvedic and alternative medicine
  • 15. ROLE OF NON-STATE ACTORS • Non-state actors (EDPs, Non-profit organizations, Profit organizations ) • Strategic direction • Clear policy and strategy formulation • Quality assurance • Scaling up of successful practices • Encourage private sector to establish and expand the specialized credible services to rural areas • Multi-sectoral PPP Policy Forum
  • 16. STRUCTURE, SYSTEMS, INSTITUTIONS AND GOVERNANCE • Sector organization, management and governance • Free essential health • Human resources for health • Physical facilities, investment and maintenance • Financial management • Procurement and distribution • Governance and accountability • Strategies and institutional arrangement for GESI
  • 17. RESEARCH, MONITORING AND EVALUATION Constraints and challenges of current monitoring system • Surveys are often conducted to suit special interests rather than serve the SWAP • HMIS, for local authorities (PHIs), are still viewed as record keeping and reporting system of the DoHS • HMIS is not directly linked to other information system (HSIS in piloting phase) Actions during NHSP-2 • Regular supervision and monitoring • Survey research in health sector (with EDPs) • Review of HSIS piloting • Health facility surveys (conduct to collect data on utilization by patient characteristics) • Annual social audit • Policy Research • Conduction of economic analysis
  • 18. HEALTH FINANCING • Challenges to health financing • Expenditure in health remains low at 5.3% of GDP in 2006. • The per-capita health expenditure stood low (WHO 2008) • The share of Government stands at 24% and EDPs (Sustainability concern) contribute 21% (of total health expenditure) • Out of Pocket Payment • Responding to the challenges • A mixed approach • Cost recovery modality • Microcredit • Community Health Insurance • Formula based Approach of resource allocation
  • 19. HEALTH FINANCING Financial Resource Envelope 1. ‘Low Case’ Scenario 2. ‘Middle Case’ Scenario 3. ‘High Case’ Scenario For figures jump to last 3 slides!
  • 20. ACHIEVEMENTS • Impressive progress on child survival and maternal health • Target set for NHSP II for immunization as well as for comprehensive multi-year plan 2011- 2015 has been achieved • Number of antigens in routine immunization has increased to 11 • Community based interventions has reduced case fatality rate of pneumonia and diarrohea • TB case detection rate and success rate has improved over the years • Scale up of HIV/AIDS related services has significantly reduced new infection rate • Remarkable increase in the number of health facilities providing adolescent-friendly health services (from 78 in 2011 to 500 in 2013), • The share of public spending in GDP has increased from 21.8% in 2010 to 23% in 2014
  • 21. Target vs. Achievements Goal level Indicators Baseline 2011 (NDHS 2011) 2014 (NMICS 2014) Target 2015 Total fertility rate per woman 3 (NHSP 2, 2010) 2.6 2.3 2.5 Under-five Mortality Rate 55 (NHSP 2, 2010) 54 38 38 Infant Mortality Rate 44 (NHSP 2, 2010) 46 33 32 Neonatal Mortality Rate 33 (NDHS 2006) 33 23 16 Maternal Mortality Ratio 250 (NHSP 2, 2010) 281 190 134 % of children U% who are underweight 34 (NHSP 2, 2010) 29 30.1 29 % of low birth weight babies 14.3 (NDHS 2006) 12.4 24.2 12
  • 22. But despite this remarkable progress, out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP), which is the most unfair and regressive way of funding health services, still constitute the largest (49%) source of funding in Nepal. Source: NHSS 2015-2020, Final draft
  • 23. SHORTCOMINGS • Maternal and child nutrition is still problem in Nepal despite some progress • Ever rising drug resistant TB in the country is a further challenge to be addressed in the coming years • Significant equity gap still continue to persist (Mid-term Review of NHSP II ) • Shifting burden of diseases and health problems is challenge • Mental health remains a much-neglect areas, despite the fact that mental illnesses alone count for 18% of the current NCDs burden • Very little progress has been made in the integrated approach to information management
  • 24. SUGGESTED READINGS 1. Nepal health sector program implementation plan 2, 2010-2015 2. Nepal health sector strategy 2015-2020 3. Joint Annual Review Report, March 2016 4. Report of MICS 2014 5. Nepal Demographic Health Survey 2011
  • 25. LESSON LEARNT UNDER NHSP 2 • Improved sector coordination • Identification of priorities • High level political commitment to fundamental reforms and changes • Opportunities for more decentralized planning and delivery • Sound evidence for decision making and planning and operations • Wider application of MIS • Need for a comprehensive health financing strategy • Importance of human resource management • Need to have basic but flexible packages of health care services • Changing burden of disease patterns • Innovations • Need for better disaster preparedness Source: Joint Annual Review Report 2016

Editor's Notes

  1. Review of Nepal Health Sector Program-Implementation Plan 1 Budget and Expenditures (Health budget increased from 5.87% in 2004-5 to 7.16%in 2007-8. But declined in the two subsequent years to 6.33% and 6.24%) But spending with in health sector increased from 70% in 2004/05 to 85% in 2008/09 which was higher than NHSP I target Reduced Mortality and Morbidity
  2. Government will continue to increase domestic financing of health services, but sustaining and building on the achievements of the health sector will require the generous level of support from the EDPs to be sustained and increased
  3. Essential HCS changes over time and spatial distribution and also social distribution. (Provider vs. Consumer perspectives) Essential Health Care Services The three objectives set out in the results framework are: To increase access to and utilization of quality essential health care services To reduce cultural and economic barriers to accessing health care services and harmful cultural practices in partnership with non-state actors To improve the health system to achieve universal coverage of essential health services.
  4. Say challenges and then say these strategic directions to combat them
  5. Use of routine data at local and district levels is minimal because the focus is aggregation for the central government and surveys are often conducted to suit special interests rather than serve the SWAP Regular supervision and monitoring (Training curricula, guidelines and manuals will be developed to support monitoring and evaluation activities) Health facility surveys currently carried out in each trimester
  6. Challenges to health financing Expenditure in health remains low at 5.3 percent of GDP in 2006. The per-capita health expenditure stood at USD 18.09 compared to USD 65 in Bhutan, USD 44 in Sri Lanka, USD 29 in India and USD 19 in Afghanistan (WHO 2008) The share of Government stands at 24% and EDPs (Sustainability concern) contribute 21% (of total health expenditure) More than 55% through out of pocket expenditure by households at the time of service Responding A mixed approach (lesson from success stories across globe) Cost recovery modality (exemption criteria will be developed for poor clients/patients, and grants to facilities will be provided on the basis of the outputs they provide to patients qualifying for free or subsidized treatment) Budget allocation based on distribution of facilities (Population, accessibility and cost of service in different places to combat inequity) AWPB process to monitor introduction of new programmes and interventions will be assessed based on their contribution to reduce inequality formula-based approach to resource allocation (to adjust per capita allocations to reflect the higher costs of delivering services in Hill and Mountain regions, the disease burden, and the relative poverty of the population) Ensuring formal insurance schemes with mainly better-off recipients recover all of their costs and are not implicitly receiving subsidized access to public-sector facilities microcredit to smooth the burden of unexpected health costs Government have piloted community health insurance schemes for both checking catastrophic spending and other health expenditure
  7. It is much more difficult to predict the trend in aid to the health sector. Some 58% of total EDP spending during NHSP-1 took place in the final two years, reflecting catch-up from earlier low expenditure
  8. U5MR- from 142 per thousand live birth in 1990 to 38 in 2014 infant mortality has also decreased by 67% - from 99 per thousand live births to 33 But Neonatal MR has not reduced proportionately NMR 53 per thousand live births in 1990 to 23 in 2014 (MICS) Though 18% of women fall under the Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5 – a cut-off point, indicating thinness or acute under-nutrition (higher in terai 26%) proportion obese women has increased to 14% (NDHS, 2011) Nepal has achieved Polio Free Status, Measles Mortality Reduction Goal, MNT elimination status, and control of Japanese Encephalitis CB-IMCI and CB-NCP merged to form CB-IMNCI more than 80% of household members continue to have E. coli risk level in their water
  9. U5MR- from 142 per thousand live birth in 1990 to 38 in 2014 infant mortality has also decreased by 67% - from 99 per thousand live births to 33 But Neonatal MR has not reduced proportionately NMR 53 per thousand live births in 1990 to 23 in 2014 (MICS) Though 18% of women fall under the Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5 – a cut-off point, indicating thinness or acute under-nutrition (higher in terai 26%) proportion obese women has increased to 14% (NDHS, 2011) Nepal has achieved Polio Free Status, Measles Mortality Reduction Goal, MNT elimination status, and control of Japanese Encephalitis CB-IMCI and CB-NCP merged to form CB-IMNCI more than 80% of household members continue to have E. coli risk level in their water
  10. NCDs account for “more than 44% of deaths, 80% of outpatient contacts, and 39% of DALYs lost