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Data Ingest Self-Service and Management
using NiFi and Kafka
Imran Amjad, Principal Engineer
Dave Torok, Principal Architect
June 14, 2017
XFINITY Internet
Digital & OtherOther
*Minority interest and/or non-controlling interest.
Slide is not comprehensive of all Comcast NBCUniversal assets
Updated: December 22, 2015
Introduction and Background
• Customer Experience UI with 30,000 unique internal users per month
• Ingesting about 2 Billion Events / Month
• Typical “Big Data Analytics” Pipeline
• Data ETL, land in a data lake (e.g. HBase)
• API / several channels of consumers / 14 million requests per day
• Grew from a few dozen to 150+ data sources / feeds in about a year
• Pipeline of 5-10 new data feeds per two week sprint
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka3
High Level Architecture
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka4
Streaming Compute Pipeline
Analytics DB
Event Storage
Kafka (Event Bus)
Streaming Compute Pipeline
Analytics DB
Event Storage
Kafka (Event Bus)
High Level Architecture
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka5
Data Ingestion (“ETL”)
Analytics &
UI / Services
Problem Statement and Motivation for Self Service
VP: “I'd like to be able to add a new
event stream in 10 minutes.”
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka6
Manual Processes
Code Deployment
Dimensions of Ingest Variability
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka7
Transport Protocol
CSV / Delimited
[Near] Real-Time
Batch / Periodic
Ingest Control
Pull from Source
Push by Producer
Data Source Onboarding – Before Self-Service
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka8
Data Source Onboarding – Before Self-Service
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka9
Self-Service Architecture Principles
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka10
Data Ingestion,
and Rendering
Driven by
Deployment for
New Data
Portal for Data
Light Data
backed Data,
Monitoring and
Ingestion, Data
Quality, and
Streaming Compute Pipeline
Analytics DB
Event Storage
Metadata +
Kafka (Event Bus)
High Level Architecture with Self-Service
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka11
Data Ingestion (“ETL”)
Analytics &
UI / Services
Streaming Compute Pipeline
Analytics DB
Event Storage
Metadata +
Kafka (Event Bus)
Data Ingestion (“ETL”)
Analytics &
UI / Services
High Level Architecture with Self-Service
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka12
Metadata and Data Governance
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka13
Models and Metadata to enable Self-Service
Self Service Metadata Management
Data Model and Data Dictionary
Lookups, Enrichment,
Aggregation, Expressions
Enrichment and Notification
Templates and Lookups
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka14
Metadata Management – Example “Tags” on individual data fields
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka15
Display Field (true)
Category (“Product”)
Icon File (“x1_tv.svg”)
Icon Color (“green”)
UI Rendering
Sensitivity (none / encrypt)
Encryption KeyId (“SomeKeyId”)
ShortName (“x1view”)
Description (“X1 View Program”)
Format (“json”)
Data Source
Ingest Handling (Ingest /Drop)
Field Name (“viewcode”)
Field JsonPath
Source Field
Target Domain Object (“error”)
Field JsonPath
Target Field
Why Data Governance?
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka16
Validate Types against Schema
Detect Structure Changes
Backwards/Forwards Compatibility
Universally Required Information
Data Quality Data Rationalization
Standard Syntax and Semantics
Domains (“Customer”, “Device”)
Standard Field Names and Types
Message Data Format
Support Integration / Correlation
Data Curation
Metadata Management
Data Source Registry
Schema Repository
Support Lineage Traceability
Additional Properties (e.g. Security)
Lightweight Data Governance
Why JSON Schema over Avro for our use case?
• Data sources / producers generally aren’t using Avro
• Database Storage, UI, REST API is not Avro
• Tolerate data change: Detect, Accept, Notify, Correct (Later)
• Don’t “drop data on the floor” – AVRO ignores unknown fields
• [Some] AWS Services – JSON friendly but not Avro friendly
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka17
AVRO Schema
JSON Schema
JSON + JSON Schema AVRO + AVRO Schema
Validation Validation
JSON Serialization Framework
Optimized for Data Storage
Upfront Data Governance
Lightweight Data Governance
Versioned Data and Schema
• Allow ingestion of multiple versions (particularly from different sources)
Data Quality
• Invalid Data Types
• Non-parseable Payloads
• Missing Required Fields
Data Change Tolerance
• Detect Additional Data / “Unknown Fields”
• Store alongside schema-modeled data
• Allow for display in UI only after updating Schema
Quality Feedback loop to data producers
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka18
Lightweight Data Governance
Reduced schema review and approval process
Generate JSON Schema Artifacts from Field Metadata
Lightweight Metadata Repository
• Considering Apache Atlas and Hortonworks Schema Registry
Pre-defined Core Schema / Domain Objects
• 5-15 (or so) domain object schema to be included in an event schema
• E.g. Customer, Device, Geolocation
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka19
Portal for Data Source Onboarding
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka20
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka21
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka22
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka23
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka24
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka25
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka26
Data Source Onboarding UI
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka27
Platform Automation for Kafka and NiFi
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka28
Data Source Onboarding – With Self-Service
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka29
Create Schema
and Metadata
Register the
Schema to
generate the
Test & Validate
with Sample
Publish & Start
Ingesting Live
Generating NiFi Flows from Metadata
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka30
Finding Data with JsonPath (Example from )
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka31
"id": 0,
"category": {
"id": 0,
"name": “dogs" },
"name": “Fido",
"photoUrls": [ “" ],
"tags": [
{ "id": 0, "name": “friendly" },
{“id”:1, “name” : “housebroken”} ],
"status": "available"
$.id = 0
$ = “dogs”
$.tags[?( == 0)] =
{id = 0, “name =“friendly”}
Example Source Data Payload
"PV": "1.1",
"APP": {
"APP_VER": "X1"
"DEV": {
"ACNT": {
"BILL_ID": " 1234321234 "
"LOC": {
"UTC_OFF": "-05"
"EVT": {
"ETS": 1487880967000,
"NAME": "program",
"VALUE": {
"TYPE": "XRE",
"CODE": "XRE-12345",
"DESCRIPTION": "Customer started a
"PTS": 1468876861829
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka32
Example Target Schema Payload
"schema" : "comcast/xreinfo/jsonschema/1-0-0",
"data" : {
"device" : {
"deviceType" : "Xi3"
"customerAccount" : {
"billingId" : "1234321234",
"accountType" : "residential"
“timeInformation" : {
“utcOffset" : “-5"
"info" : {
"infoCode" : "XRE-12345"
"unknownData" : {
"EVT" : {
“INFO": {
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka33
Simple Jsonpath Transformation
TO $.billingId
TO $.data.customerAccount.billingId)
TO $.data.timestamp
TO $.data.timeInformation.utcOffset
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka34
"schema" : "comcast/xreinfo/jsonschema/1-0-0",
"data" : {
"device" : {
"deviceType" : “Xi3"
"customerAccount" : {
"billingId" : "1234321234"
“timeInformation" : {
“utcOffset" : “-5"
"info" : {
"infoCode" : "XRE-12345"
Advanced JSON Transformation using JOLT
Rich DSL for transforming and manipulating JSON
• Transform Structure (“Shift”)
• Defaults
• Sort
• Remove
• Expressions
Apache 2.0 License
NiFi “JoltTransformJSON” Processor
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka35
JOLT Transformation for X1 Event
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka36
Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor)
INPUT: {"ChangedFields":["JobStateCd","DispatcherStatusCd"]}
“ChangedReason”, “JobStateCd|DispatcherStatusCd||||” }
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka37
Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor)
INPUT: {"ChangedFields":["JobStateCd","DispatcherStatusCd"]}
"spec": { "ChangedFields_0": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),0)",
"ChangedFields_1": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),1)",
"ChangedFields_2": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),2)",
"ChangedFields_3": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),3)",
"ChangedFields_4": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),4)",
"ChangedFields_5": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),5)" } },
"spec": { "ChangedReason":
5))" }
“ChangedReason”, “JobStateCd|DispatcherStatusCd||||” }
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka38
Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor)
INPUT: {"ChangedFields":["JobStateCd","DispatcherStatusCd"]}
"spec": { "ChangedFields_0": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),0)",
"ChangedFields_1": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),1)",
"ChangedFields_2": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),2)",
"ChangedFields_3": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),3)",
"ChangedFields_4": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),4)",
"ChangedFields_5": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),5)" } },
"spec": { "ChangedReason":
5))" }
“ChangedReason”, “JobStateCd|DispatcherStatusCd||||” }
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka39
Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor)
“Devices” : {
“array” : [
{“fulfillmentID”: “12345”,
“Device”: {“schema.core.Device": {
“model” : { “string”: “AX013ANM” }}}},
{“fulfillmentID”: “23456”,
“Device”: {“schema": {
“model” : { “string” :“PXD01ANI” }}}}]}
"Devices": {
"array": {
"*": { "fulfillmentID": { "string": "events[0].data.fid_&2"},
"device": { “schema.core.Device": { “model": { "string": "events[0].data.model_&4"
“events” : [ {
“data” : {
“fid_0" : “12345",
"model_0" : "AX013ANM ",
"fid_1" : “23456",
“model_1" : "PXD01ANI” } } ]
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka40
NiFi REST API – Create a Process Group
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka41
POST http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/process-groups/root/process-groups
"revision": {
"version" : 0
"component": {
"name" : "x1info Process Group"
NiFi REST API – Create a ConsumeKafka Processor
POST http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/process-groups/{ID}/processors
"revision": {
"version": 0
"component": {
"config": {
"properties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"topic": "raw.mystream.x1info",
"": "nifi-stage-0522",
"auto.offset.reset": "latest“
"name": "ConsumeKafka - x1info",
"type": "org.apache.nifi.processors.kafka.pubsub.ConsumeKafka“
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka42
Generated NiFi Flow
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka43
Monitoring and Metrics
• Dashboard of Data Quality
• Ingestion Rate Monitoring (and possibly alerting with anomaly detection)
• Alerting to producers (Data Quality)
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka44
Ingestion Status Dashboard
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka45
Data Center 1 Data Center 2
Anomaly Detection
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka46
Self-Service Lessons Learned
Design with automation and configuration in mind
Metadata-driven design reduces code deployments and custom solutions
Make Simple things Simple – But allow hard things to be “code” and not UI-driven
Let Data Producers be accountable for Data Quality
NiFi and JOLT = Powerful Toolkit
Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka47
Thank You!
Data Ingest Self Service and Management using Nifi and Kafka

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Data Ingest Self Service and Management using Nifi and Kafka

  • 1. Data Ingest Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka Imran Amjad, Principal Engineer Dave Torok, Principal Architect June 14, 2017
  • 2. XFINITY TV XFINITY Internet XFINITY Voice XFINITY Home Digital & OtherOther *Minority interest and/or non-controlling interest. Slide is not comprehensive of all Comcast NBCUniversal assets Updated: December 22, 2015
  • 3. Introduction and Background • Customer Experience UI with 30,000 unique internal users per month • Ingesting about 2 Billion Events / Month • Typical “Big Data Analytics” Pipeline • Data ETL, land in a data lake (e.g. HBase) • API / several channels of consumers / 14 million requests per day • Grew from a few dozen to 150+ data sources / feeds in about a year • Pipeline of 5-10 new data feeds per two week sprint Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka3
  • 4. High Level Architecture Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka4 Streaming Compute Pipeline UI and Other Consumers HTTP Gateway BATCH Data Sources Analytics DB Event Storage DB Rules Enrich Standardize Detect Aggregate Real Time Data Sources “Pull” Kafka Bridge (NiFi) Store REST API Filestore Apache Flink Apache NiFi Kafka (Event Bus) NiFi Kafka (Event Bus)
  • 5. Streaming Compute Pipeline UI and Other Consumers HTTP Gateway BATCH Data Sources Analytics DB Event Storage DB Rules Enrich Standardize Detect Aggregate Real Time Data Sources “Pull” Kafka Bridge (NiFi) Store REST API Filestore Apache Flink Apache NiFi Kafka (Event Bus) NiFi Kafka (Event Bus) High Level Architecture Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka5 Data Ingestion (“ETL”) Analytics & Active Decisioning UI / Services
  • 6. Problem Statement and Motivation for Self Service Time-to-market VP: “I'd like to be able to add a new event stream in 10 minutes.” Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka6 Manual Processes Code Deployment
  • 7. Dimensions of Ingest Variability Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka7 Transport Protocol Kafka Kinesis HTTP/S Files (S)FTP Format JSON XML AVRO CSV / Delimited Custom Timing [Near] Real-Time Streaming Batch / Periodic Ingest Control Pull from Source Push by Producer
  • 8. Data Source Onboarding – Before Self-Service Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka8
  • 9. Data Source Onboarding – Before Self-Service Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka9 Manual Process Code
  • 10. Self-Service Architecture Principles Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka10 Metadata Driven Data Ingestion, Processing, and Rendering Driven by Metadata Automation Orchestrated Deployment for New Data Feeds Rapid Onboarding Portal for Data Source Management Light Data Governance Schema- backed Data, Schema Registry Monitoring and Metrics Ingestion, Data Quality, and Operational Status
  • 11. Streaming Compute Pipeline UI and Other Consumers HTTP Gateway BATCH Data Sources Analytics DB Event Storage DB Rules Enrich Standardize Detect Aggregate Real Time Data Sources “Pull” Kafka Bridge (NiFi) Store REST API Self-Serve Metadata + Content Management DB Self Service API Filestore Apache Flink Apache NiFi Kafka (Event Bus) NiFi Self-Service UI Kafka (Event Bus) High Level Architecture with Self-Service Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka11 Data Ingestion (“ETL”) Analytics & Active Decisioning UI / Services Self-Service
  • 12. Streaming Compute Pipeline UI and Other Consumers HTTP Gateway BATCH Data Sources Analytics DB Event Storage DB Rules Enrich Standardize Detect Aggregate Real Time Data Sources “Pull” Kafka Bridge (NiFi) Store REST API Self-Serve Metadata + Content Management DB Self Service API Filestore Apache Flink Apache NiFi Kafka (Event Bus) NiFi Self-Service UI Kafka (Event Bus) Data Ingestion (“ETL”) Analytics & Active Decisioning UI / Services Self-Service High Level Architecture with Self-Service Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka12
  • 13. Metadata and Data Governance Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka13
  • 14. Models and Metadata to enable Self-Service Self Service Metadata Management CORE METADATA Data Model and Data Dictionary INGEST And ETL Metadata PROCESSING Metadata Lookups, Enrichment, Aggregation, Expressions UI / RENDERING METADATA BUSINESS CONTENT Enrichment and Notification Templates and Lookups Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka14
  • 15. Metadata Management – Example “Tags” on individual data fields Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka15 Display Field (true) Category (“Product”) Icon File (“x1_tv.svg”) Icon Color (“green”) UI Rendering Sensitivity (none / encrypt) Encryption KeyId (“SomeKeyId”) Security ShortName (“x1view”) Description (“X1 View Program”) Format (“json”) Data Source Information Ingest Handling (Ingest /Drop) Field Name (“viewcode”) Field JsonPath (“$.EVT.VALUE.CODE”) Source Field Information Target Domain Object (“error”) Field JsonPath (“$.data.error.viewCode) Target Field Information
  • 16. Why Data Governance? Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka16 Validate Types against Schema Detect Structure Changes Backwards/Forwards Compatibility Universally Required Information Data Quality Data Rationalization Standard Syntax and Semantics Domains (“Customer”, “Device”) Standard Field Names and Types Message Data Format Support Integration / Correlation Data Curation Metadata Management Data Source Registry Schema Repository Support Lineage Traceability Additional Properties (e.g. Security)
  • 17. Lightweight Data Governance Why JSON Schema over Avro for our use case? • Data sources / producers generally aren’t using Avro • Database Storage, UI, REST API is not Avro • Tolerate data change: Detect, Accept, Notify, Correct (Later) • Don’t “drop data on the floor” – AVRO ignores unknown fields • [Some] AWS Services – JSON friendly but not Avro friendly Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka17 AVRO Schema vs. JSON Schema JSON + JSON Schema AVRO + AVRO Schema Validation Validation JSON Serialization Framework Optimized for Data Storage Upfront Data Governance
  • 18. Lightweight Data Governance Versioned Data and Schema • Allow ingestion of multiple versions (particularly from different sources) Data Quality • Invalid Data Types • Non-parseable Payloads • Missing Required Fields Data Change Tolerance • Detect Additional Data / “Unknown Fields” • Store alongside schema-modeled data • Allow for display in UI only after updating Schema Quality Feedback loop to data producers Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka18
  • 19. Lightweight Data Governance Reduced schema review and approval process Generate JSON Schema Artifacts from Field Metadata Lightweight Metadata Repository • Considering Apache Atlas and Hortonworks Schema Registry Pre-defined Core Schema / Domain Objects • 5-15 (or so) domain object schema to be included in an event schema • E.g. Customer, Device, Geolocation Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka19
  • 20. Portal for Data Source Onboarding Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka20
  • 21. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka21
  • 22. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka22
  • 23. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka23
  • 24. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka24
  • 25. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka25
  • 26. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka26
  • 27. Data Source Onboarding UI Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka27
  • 28. Platform Automation for Kafka and NiFi Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka28
  • 29. Data Source Onboarding – With Self-Service Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka29 Create Schema and Metadata Register the Schema to generate the artifacts Test & Validate with Sample data Publish & Start Ingesting Live Data Data Producer
  • 30. Generating NiFi Flows from Metadata Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka30
  • 31. Finding Data with JsonPath (Example from ) Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka31 { "id": 0, "category": { "id": 0, "name": “dogs" }, "name": “Fido", "photoUrls": [ “" ], "tags": [ { "id": 0, "name": “friendly" }, {“id”:1, “name” : “housebroken”} ], "status": "available" } $.id = 0 $ = “dogs” $.tags[?( == 0)] = {id = 0, “name =“friendly”}
  • 32. Example Source Data Payload { "PV": "1.1", "APP": { "APP_NAME": "XRE", "APP_VER": "X1" }, "DEV": { "DEVICE_TYPE": "Xi3", }, "ACNT": { "BILL_ID": " 1234321234 " }, "LOC": { "UTC_OFF": "-05" }, "EVT": { "ETS": 1487880967000, "NAME": "program", "VALUE": { "TYPE": "XRE", "CODE": "XRE-12345", "DESCRIPTION": "Customer started a program" } }, "PTS": 1468876861829 } Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka32 $.ACNT.BILL_ID $.LOC.UTC_OFF $.EVT.ETS
  • 33. Example Target Schema Payload { "schema" : "comcast/xreinfo/jsonschema/1-0-0", "billingId":"1234321234", "eventSource":"xre", "eventType":"xreinfo", "timestamp":1487880967000, "data" : { "device" : { "deviceType" : "Xi3" }, "customerAccount" : { "billingId" : "1234321234", "accountType" : "residential" }, “timeInformation" : { “utcOffset" : “-5" }, "info" : { "infoCode" : "XRE-12345" } }, "unknownData" : { "EVT" : { “INFO": { "ABXXY" : “MORE DATA" } } } } Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka33
  • 34. Simple Jsonpath Transformation FROM $.ACNT.BILL_ID TO $.billingId TO $.data.customerAccount.billingId) FROM $.EVT.ETS TO $.data.timestamp FROM $.LOC.UTC_OFF TO $.data.timeInformation.utcOffset Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka34 { "schema" : "comcast/xreinfo/jsonschema/1-0-0", "billingId":"1234321234", "eventSource":"xre", "eventType":"xreinfo", "timestamp":1487880967000, "data" : { "device" : { "deviceType" : “Xi3" }, "customerAccount" : { "billingId" : "1234321234" }, “timeInformation" : { “utcOffset" : “-5" }, "info" : { "infoCode" : "XRE-12345" } },
  • 35. Advanced JSON Transformation using JOLT Rich DSL for transforming and manipulating JSON • Transform Structure (“Shift”) • Defaults • Sort • Remove • Expressions Apache 2.0 License NiFi “JoltTransformJSON” Processor Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka35
  • 36. JOLT Transformation for X1 Event Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka36
  • 37. Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor) INPUT: {"ChangedFields":["JobStateCd","DispatcherStatusCd"]} OUTPUT:{“ChangedFields_0”:“JobStateCd”, “ChangedFields_1”:“DispatcherStatusCd”, “ChangedReason”, “JobStateCd|DispatcherStatusCd||||” } Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka37
  • 38. Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor) INPUT: {"ChangedFields":["JobStateCd","DispatcherStatusCd"]} "spec": { "ChangedFields_0": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),0)", "ChangedFields_1": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),1)", "ChangedFields_2": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),2)", "ChangedFields_3": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),3)", "ChangedFields_4": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),4)", "ChangedFields_5": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),5)" } }, "spec": { "ChangedReason": "=concat(@(1,ChangedFields_0),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_1),'|',@(1,ChangedFields _2),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_3),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_4),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_ 5))" } OUTPUT:{“ChangedFields_0”:“JobStateCd”, “ChangedFields_1”:“DispatcherStatusCd”, “ChangedReason”, “JobStateCd|DispatcherStatusCd||||” } Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka38
  • 39. Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor) INPUT: {"ChangedFields":["JobStateCd","DispatcherStatusCd"]} "spec": { "ChangedFields_0": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),0)", "ChangedFields_1": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),1)", "ChangedFields_2": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),2)", "ChangedFields_3": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),3)", "ChangedFields_4": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),4)", "ChangedFields_5": "=elementAt(@(1,ChangedField),5)" } }, "spec": { "ChangedReason": "=concat(@(1,ChangedFields_0),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_1),'|',@(1,ChangedFields _2),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_3),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_4),'|',@(1,ChangedFields_ 5))" } OUTPUT:{“ChangedFields_0”:“JobStateCd”, “ChangedFields_1”:“DispatcherStatusCd”, “ChangedReason”, “JobStateCd|DispatcherStatusCd||||” } Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka39
  • 40. Advanced Transform Examples (“JOLT” Processor) “Devices” : { “array” : [ {“fulfillmentID”: “12345”, “Device”: {“schema.core.Device": { “model” : { “string”: “AX013ANM” }}}}, {“fulfillmentID”: “23456”, “Device”: {“schema": { “model” : { “string” :“PXD01ANI” }}}}]} "Devices": { "array": { "*": { "fulfillmentID": { "string": "events[0].data.fid_&2"}, "device": { “schema.core.Device": { “model": { "string": "events[0].data.model_&4" “events” : [ { “data” : { “fid_0" : “12345", "model_0" : "AX013ANM ", "fid_1" : “23456", “model_1" : "PXD01ANI” } } ] Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka40
  • 41. NiFi REST API – Create a Process Group Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka41 POST http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/process-groups/root/process-groups { "revision": { "version" : 0 }, "component": { "name" : "x1info Process Group" } }
  • 42. NiFi REST API – Create a ConsumeKafka Processor POST http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/process-groups/{ID}/processors { "revision": { "version": 0 }, "component": { "config": { "properties": { "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092", "topic": "raw.mystream.x1info", "": "nifi-stage-0522", "auto.offset.reset": "latest“ }}, "name": "ConsumeKafka - x1info", "type": "org.apache.nifi.processors.kafka.pubsub.ConsumeKafka“ }} Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka42
  • 43. Generated NiFi Flow Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka43
  • 44. Monitoring and Metrics • Dashboard of Data Quality • Ingestion Rate Monitoring (and possibly alerting with anomaly detection) • Alerting to producers (Data Quality) Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka44
  • 45. Ingestion Status Dashboard Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka45 Data Center 1 Data Center 2 Event_type1 Event_type2 MyEvent WeekendEvent
  • 46. Anomaly Detection Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka46
  • 47. Self-Service Lessons Learned Design with automation and configuration in mind Metadata-driven design reduces code deployments and custom solutions Make Simple things Simple – But allow hard things to be “code” and not UI-driven Let Data Producers be accountable for Data Quality NiFi and JOLT = Powerful Toolkit Data Ingestion Self-Service and Management using NiFi and Kafka47