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Cold and Flu

If You Have a Hacking Cough That Won’t Quit, This Remedy Is a Secret Weapon

The old grape-flavored syrup in your medicine cabinet could never.
Souped up

The Best Things to Eat and Drink When You’re Sick and Feel Like Trash

Because you need energy to fight off a cold, the flu, and other gnarly bugs.

Will You Need an Annual COVID-19 Vaccine? Here’s What Experts Predict

It’s still too early to determine the “optimal vaccine policy.”

The CDC Is Investigating A Massive College Campus Flu Outbreak 

Here’s what officials are hoping to find out. 
COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Dr. Fauci Says It’s ‘Quite Possible’ That People Will Keep Wearing Masks Seasonally 

It's not just about COVID-19.
Cold and Flu

What Every Parent Needs to Know About Tamiflu

Because you probably have some questions.

Dabbing Is Actually an Incredible Way to Avoid Spreading Germs

Conquering the flu, one dance move at a time.
Mental Health

Sorry, Kim Kardashian, But Losing Weight From the Flu Is Nothing to Brag About

No, the flu isn't an "amazing diet."

Flu Season Is Going To Be Worse This Year Than Last, The CDC Warns

Here's what you need to do to protect yourself.

Why Cancer Symptoms Can Sometimes Seem Like The Flu

Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas shares his story.

How to Stay Healthy When Literally Everyone Around You Is Sick

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

11 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About the Flu and the Flu Shot

Like, no, you can't get the flu from the vaccine.

Here's Why It's So Important For Pregnant Women To Get A Flu Shot

Unfortunately, very few women do.

Yes, You Can Actually Die From The Flu

Speculation about Prince's cause of death has left people wondering whether the flu can be fatal for otherwise healthy adults.

7 Proven Ways to Avoid Getting Sick This Winter

Stay sniffle-free all season long.

No, Going Out In The Cold Doesn’t Make You Sick

You’ll catch your death out there—except not.
Healthy Habits

Yes, You Need To Get The Flu Vaccine This Year, And Every Year

Four reasons why even the super healthy still need to make that appointment.
Baby Got Germs

How to Flu-Proof Your CrossFit

It's hot in there. Germs love that.

An Immunity-Boosting Creamy Chicken Soup Recipe

It'll do your body good, we promise.
Happy & Healthy

Hug It Out

The best reason to give someone a hug.