How to use Scimex

For Media Officers

If you're a media officer at an institution that generates scientific research and you don't want to miss out on media coverage, Scimex can help you promote your stories.

  • The Scimex Newsfeed allows you to upload media releases, scientific papers and multimedia, providing a single location from which journalists will be able to access everything they need to write a story. Stories under embargo can also be uploaded here and are only visible to vetted journalists who are logged in. Pricing details for this module are available here.

  • Public talks, conferences and press calls can be uploaded as an event. Upcoming events will be featured on the Scimex front page and in twice-weekly emails to journalists. This module is free for registered media officers and experts to use.

  • Encourage your scientists to sign up to the Scimex Find an Expert database so journalists can access their expertise and you as their media contact

  • We also alert reporters via Scimex Daily, an auto-email of newly uploaded material sent to hundreds of journalists' mailboxes each morning.

Scimex is not a replacement for institutional websites, but a central repository for research from a wide range of institutions. The site allows journalists easy access to content via the Scimex website itself, and through regular email alerts.

The first step is to register on Scimex. Click here to register on Scimex as a media officer.

To access additional resources for media officers, check out our Training and Advice section for affiliated organisations. For more information on pricing or becoming an affiliate (Australian organisations only) click here.

Promoting research through the Newsfeed

Got a media release on some hot new research? Do you want to make sure it isn't missed by the media?

The Scimex Newsfeed allows media officers to upload media releases, scientific papers and multimedia content directly to the site. Resources will be grouped together into stories, allowing reporters easy access to everything they need to write it up. All uploaded materials will be available for them to download directly from the site. Click here for information on pricing.

Further details on content guidelines for contributors can be found via our terms and conditions page here.

Encourage your experts to join our 'Find an Expert' database of media-savvy scientists

Our Find an Expert database helps journalists find the right scientist to comment on a story, and helps ensure your scientists' voices are heard when their subject hits the headlines. Experts can specify what types of media they're comfortable with. After all, live TV isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Experts are encouraged to attach YouTube video clips of themselves to their profile pages, allowing them to showcase their communication skills to journalists.

Events Listing

Any Australian or New Zealand event deemed of interest to the media can be added to the Scimex list of events. Any registered media officer or expert can submit an event for consideration.

Any questions? Contact the Scimex team.