
David Cameron To Introduce National Well-being Measure In The UK

especially compared to all the analysis and reporting that goes into GDP. Diener and Seligman (2004) also ...

Article - Warren Davies - Nov 26 2010 - 4:20pm

Ignore The IQ Test: Your Level Of Intelligence Is Not Fixed For Life

or other interventions. In other words, they say, we are all biologically limited in our intelligence ...

Article - The Conversation - Aug 29 2014 - 11:11am

Opposites Attract? No, Find Someone Like You

a partner that also scores high on that trait as well. It all comes down to partner matching Recent work ...

Article - The Conversation - Feb 13 2015 - 10:00am

Deal With It- Life Is Full Of Uncertainty

“ Catastrophising ”, for instance, is the tendency our minds have to exaggerate all the things that could go wrong. ...

Article - The Conversation - Mar 26 2015 - 11:48pm

Valentine's Day: How To Deal With Love, Romance And Rejection

treat Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate all of your social relationships. Scientific ...

Article - The Conversation - Feb 13 2020 - 3:12pm

Metonymy: Why A Word Like 'Gate' Added Lets People Know It's A Scandal

football scandal. One size fits all? Not content with its domination of English,-gate has also wormed its ...

Article - The Conversation - May 28 2022 - 2:32pm

Facilitated Communication: Bandwagon Endorsements; It All Feels Good

a horrible thing to do, and even at  the risk of doing so, it should be all the more imperative to do ...

Article - Kim Wombles - Apr 5 2011 - 7:08pm

We're All Better Than Average- And Rich College Kids Moreso

in the east. Result; all college students rank themselves above average.  No surprise there, those ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Nov 1 2011 - 1:35pm

Not All Science Is Settled- How Journalists Can Convey Coronavirus Uncertainty Without Losing Trust

skewed science media, all is not lost The "precautionary principle" that cripples European ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Mar 24 2020 - 12:52pm

Not All Self Harm Is Mental Illness

hopes that awareness of self-harm will become as widespread. Even if all young people who self-harm do ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 2 2012 - 9:19am