Vice President Kamala Harris has experience in the judiciary because she was attorney general in California, she has experience in Congress because she was a U.S. sena…

      Vice President Kamala Harris has experience in the judiciary because she was attorney general in California, she has experience in Congress because she was a U.S. sena…

        Legislature ends one-day special session, ignoring most of governor's crime bills, July 18

          The events of July 13 shocked our divided nation into recognizing Donald Trump as a mortal man. Now, we hope more Democrats in Santa Fe will see Republicans as people,…

          Mark Moores loved Albuquerque when he arrived 36 years ago to play football for UNM. Now, he says, it's too dangerous a city to raise his kids and he's moving to Las Cruces.

          One of the most significant challenges of our land management agencies is to control the exploding populations of wild horses.

          We started working with 27 women and grew into an international business powered by 4,000-plus skilled women artisans, who are leading dignified and fulfilled lives while uplifting their own communities. 

          My View William R. Miller

          Choose hope in our complicated world

          In a world worn down by political conflict, climate change, war, and other perils, it’s easy to despair. The daily media provide ample fuel to fire fear and discourage…

          My View Marian Naranjo and Kathy Sanchez

          Speak out for earth and water this Monday

          On Monday, top officials from the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration and Office of Environmental Management will host a town hall on clean…

            The proposed development of apartments on the old Empire Builders property is inciting much debate. Should the city be approving high-density housing on this commercia…

              North of Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, new asphalt medians recently finished on U.S. Highway 285 are a missed opportunity for the state to use infrastructure to help combat climate change and reduce flooding.

              As a former public servant deeply invested in our nation’s future, I am compelled to advocate for President Joe Biden’s continued candidacy in the upcoming presidentia…

              Donald Trump is far worse than unfit to be president: A second Trump term represents the greatest internal threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

              My View Javier Martínez, Gail Chasey, Reena Szczepanski and Raymundo Lara

              New Mexicans deserve policies that work: Get it right

              Far too many New Mexicans, including our own families, have had their lives impacted by crime. Over the past three years, the Legislature has appropriated more than $8…

                Democrats must win this presidential election. Support Joe Biden with all your might! Do not be manipulated by this corporate media’s “get rid of Biden” malarkey. It’s…

                The Public Service Company of New Mexico is holding our power grid hostage, asking us to pay ransom, and calling it grid modernization. A bold statement perhaps, but t…

                A summer of furry madness has begun. Yes, a phenomenon known as kitten season. This surge in births is a perfect example of how kitten season presents delightful and d…

                New Mexico is facing persistent and severe struggles with mental health and substance abuse. These issues require urgent attention, and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is …

                My View May Sagbakken and Sarah Gettler

                Invest in youth for safer communities

                Investing in after-school programs, summer learning and teen centers is an essential strategy to reduce crime. For decades, law enforcement has known that the hours af…

                  Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s insistence on pushing forced mental health treatment during the special legislative session is alarming and irresponsible. She has tried …

                    Time is running out for the Legislature and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to agree on public safety legislation before the planned special session, scheduled to start Thursday.

                    There have been many variations to panzanella salad over the years, so I thought it would be fun to make a high desert version.

                      A lifeguard certification course is being offered at the Casa Solana pool July 22-29. As Santa Fe swimmers know, we are always in need of more lifeguards. Please visit…

                        Organizers pitch new Waldorf charter school in Santa Fe; some state education board members skeptical, July 10

                          In Will Webber’s recent article (“City must do more to support Fuego,” July 9), it should be noted that the city has done enough to support the Fuego and that the city…

                          If you're interested in submitting a Letter to the Editor or My View, click here.

                          We started working with 27 women and grew into an international business powered by 4,000-plus skilled women artisans, who are leading dignified and fulfilled lives while uplifting their own communities. 

                          My View William R. Miller

                          Choose hope in our complicated world

                          In a world worn down by political conflict, climate change, war, and other perils, it’s easy to despair. The daily media provide ample fuel to…

                          My View Marian Naranjo and Kathy Sanchez

                          Speak out for earth and water this Monday

                          On Monday, top officials from the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration and Office of Environmental Management will …

                          Donald Trump is far worse than unfit to be president: A second Trump term represents the greatest internal threat to our democracy since the C…

                          My View Javier Martínez, Gail Chasey, Reena Szczepanski and Raymundo Lara

                          New Mexicans deserve policies that work: Get it right

                          Far too many New Mexicans, including our own families, have had their lives impacted by crime. Over the past three years, the Legislature has …

                          The Public Service Company of New Mexico is holding our power grid hostage, asking us to pay ransom, and calling it grid modernization. A bold…

                          New Mexico is facing persistent and severe struggles with mental health and substance abuse. These issues require urgent attention, and Gov. M…

                          My View May Sagbakken and Sarah Gettler

                          Invest in youth for safer communities

                          Investing in after-school programs, summer learning and teen centers is an essential strategy to reduce crime. For decades, law enforcement ha…