Resolve to Save Lives is a global public health initiative with one mission: To save lives


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Graphic of Ethopian health care worker

Ethiopia’s first national infection prevention and control budget

Our team recently supported the passage of Ethiopia’s first national infection prevention and control budget in partnership with the nation’s Ministries of Health and Finance. This strategic investment by national…

Pile of ultra-processed foods like burgers and pizza containing trans fat.

New oped on global progress eliminating trans fat

The world has made encouraging progress to eliminate trans fat, but more than 4 billion people remain at risk. In a new oped published in BMJ and Al Jazeera, Dr.…

Yellow and gray cover page with image of world map in varying shades of brown. Depicts the new WHO report on 5-years of progress eliminating harmful trans fat globally

New milestone report on global trans fat elimination

World Health Organization’s (WHO) new milestone report summarizes progress over the past 5 years towards the global elimination of industrially produced trans-fatty acids (TFA). In 2018, WHO set the ambitious…