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As the World Food Programme (WFP) marked its 60th year, our mission of ending hunger had never been more urgent nor more challenging. More than 300 million people faced acute hunger in 2023 because of new and protracted conflicts, the global climate crisis, economic aftershocks of COVID-19, and food and energy price inflation. More than 40 million children, women and men faced starvation and needed life-saving assistance.

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UK to restart funding to UNRWA

In his first statement to MPs, the Foreign Secretary outlined that the UK will release £21 million to support UNRWA's lifesaving work in Gaza and the provision of basic services in the region.

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Decoding Humanitarian Discourse: A Deep Dive into Climate Resilience with the Humanitarian Encyclopedia Dashboard

The Humanitarian Encyclopedia Dashboard is a tool for studying ReliefWeb's collection of humanitarian reports with corpus linguistics. This post explains how the tool can help identify trends in the evolution and emergence of key humanitarian terminology using climate resilience as an example.

Tracking the latest concepts in humanitarian discourse

Effective communication is essential for...
