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All Property Records in One Place
Rather than searching through government websites and complicated data systems, RealtyHop combines all property records into the same organized platform.
Search dozens of different types of data including transactions, ownership information, building and unit level stats, detailed photos, descriptions, and map locations. You can even search by individual, organization name, or property address.
Comprehensive Information for Every Search
Discover great investment opportunities with RealtyHop. Our property records database includes dozens of data points to help residential and commercial property investors make the most informed decisions. Our real-time database also calculates cap rates and other market statistics so you can make the best possible investment.
Copy Property Level Maps
Ownership Information
Property History by Address
Custom Listing Information including Cap Rates
City Government Data
Assessment Data
Estimated Home Values Via Proprietary Data
For Home Buyers
Discover great investment opportunities with RealtyHop. Our property records database includes dozens of data points to help residential and commercial property investors make the most informed decisions. Our real-time database also calculates cap rates and other market statistics so you can make the best possible investment.
Assessment data
City government data
Property listing statistics
Tax information
Proprietary listing statistics
For Brokers and Agents
Brokers and agents can use RealtyHop to check residential neighborhood comparable, or floor-plan by floor-plan comps within buildings. Other features include the ability to explore comps across agents and brokers, and the discount or premium that a listing sold for given its original list price.
Detailed property characteristics
Investment opportunity statistics
How prices have changed across neighborhoods or even city blocks over time
Recent sales transactions by name, organization or address
Property tax records