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*Treatment results may vary

Five weeks and still have a Black Eye :(

I am so beyond upset. I dont want to name my dr. but I cannot imagine this is normal. I am sick inside, feeling depressed, cannot join zoom calls for work. Drinking wine every night out of depression. Don't know what to do :(

Is this normal?! :( so bummed. Black eye after injections.

I went to plump up my cheeks last week bc I've lost weight recently. I wanted to look younger for a party this coming weekend at my house in Orange County. I wanted my "baby cheeks" back. My Dr....a very reputable dr I've gone to for years did fillers in my cheeks. He's usually amazing but by some fluke incident, he must have hit something. He had done both my jerks and they looked great. He said there was a touch of filler left and he was going to pitot by my left eye. I could tell once he did it… And the look on his face that something was wrong. I would love a professional opinion… What do you think happened here?