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I won't lie, watching this entire ordeal is a whole lot of fun, and it somehow keeps getting better. Gould demanding that the remarks be stricken from the record (and being shot down)? Trudeau blaming Russian disinformation? At this point I'm waiting for the reanimated corpse of Hitler to shamble into Parliament to a standing ovation.........

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Freeland would be the first on her feet cheering and clapping followed closely by her protege JT.

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Some claim Chyrstia Freeland is descended from a WWII era nazi lineage.

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She absolutely is...her grandpa was a Nazi propagandist newspaper publisher.

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It’s not just that he was her grandfather — he launched her career in journalism, which was the foundation for her career in politics, and she constantly brings him up in her public speeches, lauding him as her role model.

The entire piece is worth reading:


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Matt, do a piece on Freeland. Her name is just so ironic.

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The truth will set you Free(land)!

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A succinct and well-written blog post written by a Toronto journalist in 2017. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-chrystia-freeland-affair/

'Following the Nazi shooting of some 33,000 Jews in Kiev’s Babi Yar ravine, Krakivski Vesti commented that the city was better without its Jewish population. “There is not a single one left in Kiev today, while there were 350,000 under the Bolsheviks,” it reported. The Jews had “got their comeuppance.” Without Jews, Kiev was now “beautiful, glorious.'

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Please put this on Twitter.

Disable Google and YouTube.

The Uk and EU are lost as democracies without Putin firing one shot.

We the citizens have paid for independent media and cancelled legacy media trash. We NEED someone with bucks and smarts to go to court against these private equity demagogues and idealogical midwits. I know it won’t be Elon, but some brooding billionaire might see it. They have legislation to ban Rumble in England- as France has already done. The west dominoes are falling faster than WW2 - which btw Russia as our ally WON.

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Thank you so much for the link. What an eye opener.

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She is a quisling like her grandfather - pretending to represents Canada’s interest while in fact promoting a WEF globalist agenda.

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Yes. Her uncle, John-Paul Himka did the research and credited her for assisting him.

So she can’t blame Russians for this “disinformation”, but she did it anyway 😂 https://www.theprogressreport.ca/blank_spot_why_chrystia_freeland_s_refusal_to_acknowledge_her_grandfather_s_nazi_past_matters_in_2020

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I think Matt has mentioned knowing her when he was in Russia; she was there at the same time. Seems like a post in early 2022. Wish Substack had a better search function....

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"site:taibbi.substack.com freeland" yielded top result:


You are welcome.

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Good memory by the way, Feb 2022!

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Thank you!

Correction: I suck at Substack search.😣

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It’s not a claim, it’s fact.

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Not exactly a claim w/o evidence

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That information is not hard to find if you know how to use a search engine (not Google).


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Thanks for adding this information. I wonder how Freeland has been able to fly under the radar with very little media exposure. Maybe the Canandian MSM mirrors the US.

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pretty much all the western democracies follow the same M.O. they are all wagon-circlers, groveling dogs that defend their masters (without making a bunch of profit too, which is funny to me. it's mostly just getting access, protection, and air time that they sell their souls for. but yeah, they are all the same.

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Freeland was a journalist before her "elevation" inside the Liberal party and has connections in that world, she's also highly connected with the World Economic Forum, even being made a Trustee of the organization and that brings a lot of leverage.

Trudeau's gov't has been subsidizing the Canadian MSM to the tune of $1.2 billion/year since 2016 and the controls the CBC since it's government owned.

The MSM here are completely compromised and many Canadians don't trust it at all, especially after the coverage of the convoy protests.

They very same process which controls US media also controls Canadian media and it's 100x worse because of our smaller population and fewer outlets.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I can't imagine a worse press than the US but it sounds like you are stuck with horrible situation that is more cancerous due to gov't involvement. I throw my hands up in despair.

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She attended a Soros "young leaders" kind of event, he liked her and voila, funding for her foray into politics.

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The federal government announced recently their intention to extend the MSM bailout to 2025 (the year of the next federal election). My research shows that in Canada the main bribery of the near bankrupt MSM was the bailouts while in the US it was big pharma and government advertising.

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They are identical

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The Canadian MSM is WORSE than American MSM...if that’s even possible.

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Yes, it does

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Facts claim that.

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She is. Tons of information about this available all over the web.

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Friedland was busted wearing a step in Bandera black and red flag earlier in the fight with Russia and ukraine. Bandera was allied with the Nazis fighting the Soviets as well.

So many levels, so intricate, and all revealing the Canadian Liberal Party to be absolute brain dead morons -- all signal and zero virtue

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Yes! and then there was the time she held a Right Sector (shudder) banner at a Ukrainian event (in her special top) with local Ukranian community reps in Bloor West Village here in Toronto. To her left slightly behind her in the photo is a blue masked former Mayor of Toronto--John Tory. A man who never refused an opportunity for any scheme going. A perfect apparatchik for the ruling class which he thought his family was part of. Oh we Canadians little fish in a huge pond. BTW he was caught stooping a 30yr old (he is 70) assistant and resigned.

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Bandera fought for the independence of Ukraine. he spent WW2 in a German concentration camp.

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To be fair, he was the one who finally killed that bastard Hitler........

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Ah. So it wasn't suicide. (Was Hillary Clinton alive then? Weird.)

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It's something to witness that's for sure. Listening to liberals act as apologists for Nazis in Da House is off the charts wild.

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And contrasting that to some of the trucker-era videos is great fun......HH ACTUALLY means "Heil Hitler", but when we cheer for actual Nazis, it's just an unfortunate occurrence..


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Especially given the fact they played that card during the Truckers Freedom Convoy and then froze peoples bank accounts who gave them money ($10 million raised in less than a week). This story is not over--there is some pretty pissed off Jewish organizations in Montreal and Toronto PLUS Poland is seeking to extradite the 98 yr old Nazi who lined up their relatives, shot them and threw them into ditches. Horrific.

The problem with these idiots who try to "rule us" is they have no clue and no care about generations carrying these stories who still have the "receipts" of the autrocities. Just wait.

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I want to know just how much of a hand Freeland had in this. There's no one I want to see fall harder than her after Justin. They're the Dynamic Duo.

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Even if she does fall she’ll probably just land in a cushy WEF job

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Too well connected.

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You just made me realize- the history books will have no mention of this one day.

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Makes you wonder how much of the stuff we "know" is completely untrue......

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I’m one of those history buffs and I’ve noticed the exact same things.

History for the masses is so warped as to be almost unrecognizable to someone who has actually read the thousand page tomes detailing real history.

NOTHING is as black and white as what is currently passes for history.

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Oh please. You couldn't be more condescending than to excoriate "history for the masses". Perhaps you could refine and define your phrase as not to appear as a leftest buffon

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I’m referring to the sheer idiocy that passes for history in the mass culture, mostly parroted by leftists who were educated in public schools.

If what I wrote sounds condescending, then good.... I meant it to be.

BTW, you spelled buffoon wrong. If you’re going to insult someone then at least make the effort to spell the insult properly.

And, I’m probably a hell of a lot more conservative than you are.....

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You are exactly right. The misspelling of buffoon was a sloppy mistake. Being more (or less) conservative than me is neither here nor there. You had adopted the phrase, used for decades by authoritarian, left-wing nincompoops, and I was referrring to that.

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Everything You Know Is Wrogn!

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I had the vinyl and Firesign hit the nail right between the eyes.

Not from around these parts?

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

I think you misunderstand. You rarely have to censor history. It's easier to let inconvenient details appear only in thick history volumes that only history buffs read while focusing and exaggerating the things that fit your narrative. For example there is a shocking revelation going around right now that *gasp* Pope Pius XII knew about the Holocaust. I guess this means that he and the Catholic Church were horrible Nazi lovers except for you know all that intelligence gathering, assisting German dissidents, rescuing Jews, and assisting in assassination attempts against Hitler that was well documented. That is how you rewrite history without ever rewriting history.

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At our own peril we are willingly continuing to ignore that WWII Nazism, the Holocaust and its attendant horror's was a psychological event not a political one. As was the ideological slaughter of millions perpetrated by Stalin and Mao. In all cases, seed money for the lawlessness that destroyed social order and brought civilian populations under fear and control came from a cabal of self-interested politicians and criminal financiers. How far does any one of us have to look to see the same forces in play today?

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hence the strategy that's all the rage now of "memory holing". they know the truth comes out, but if it comes out weeks or months, or even days, after the hot take, then you're right, you really don't have to worry about it too much. all you gotta do is lie or smokescreen it up front, until it ages a bit. and rinse and repeat.

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Thank you for the much needed perspective.

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"The known knowns....known unknowns....and the unknown unknowns." 🤣🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄 THIS is how we're supposed to REALLY EXCERCISE our critical thinking skills.🤦🏻‍♀️ History. Real time. Go ahead: choose your own adventure!!

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Starting after 1990 - nothing. Older Britannica Editions (and I mean old) are excellent resources.

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Yup -- I am at the end of the baby booming realize everything I have been socialized and narrativized into since birth has been a lie, egs-- nutrition, food pyramid, JFKs murder, how our bodies work and what we should take to help them (tons of drugs and of course those $$$ vaccines), any history taught, etc etc.

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Yup, probably a lot more than most of us think.

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Not sure you are correct.

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Well, how many history books mention that Eisenhower was strongly against dropping the bomb on Japan? How many mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident was fabricated?

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National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) = Nazis. People still struggle to make the connection to modern Neo-Liberals. You take out the "workers" part and substitute unions, and bingo, you have your modern Democrat\Trudeau type. It's all Anti-Freedom, pro-propaganda authoritarian nonsense. They use feelings and money to push people into a box of ignorance. They constantly slip up (and tell the truth) and then you get these fake apologies.

They already put the "bad" people in camps in Australia. They would do the same in Canada and will if this crap continues. The Second Amendment stops that here...for now.

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Very good comment.

The Nazi camps started as "re-education" camps for those not on board with the national socialist ideology. Many (and we are talking non-Jewish here as the camps served a different purpose for them) were released from the camps "reformed" into productive workers and praised the camps for this as they were taught. This kind of mass re-education is definitely where we are headed with the left in the US/Canada. The leftist movements here are using the same propaganda techniques and strong arm tactics particularly corrupting the youth as future shock troops. If you are not onboard with the indoctrination of your kids, you are labeled a terrorist or a Nazi.

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Very insightful and a perfect analogy. I'm a "Matt Taibbi Lefty" for lack of a better term and believe that a government's purpose is to do the most good for the many. Their job is to serve us, but their surveillance/censorship/war agenda enslaves us and murders people who've done nothing wrong. The electorate is barely an afterthought. Instead, they push an insane, LGBTQ, climate crisis, while extolling the absolute necessity of going to war with both East Asia AND Eurasia. They are setting up a crisis whereby anyone not towing the party line will be "Unpersoned" eg, Russell Brand. And the indoctrinated idiots cheer his misery. And as you say, they are particularly targeting the youth, eg, Greta Thuneberg. Well written Aservire.

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A large government apparatus created to "do the most" can often be repurposed to inflict an ideology on the population. Small government isn't simply an economic priority.

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Except for war governments are not fit to do the most and even during war they accomplish their ends in the most inefficient way. It is the people who are aptly suited to do the most good for themselves.

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100% agree. Look at the US Govt. Bloated, wasteful and irreconcilably corrupt.

To see how big govt is good, go to Scandinavia. Say what you will about the high taxation rates, but in general, people are happy & healthy because the government hasn't forgotten who they serve. Granted, they've succumbed, of late to the "Rules Based Order" and gotten woke, censorious and warlike. And Sy Hersh just posted more info on Norway's complicity in the Nordstream bombing.

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Thank you for your comment!

I think, in addition to what you said about maximum good for the many (utility), government policies and laws should be as simple as possible. Complexity is just another type of tyranny that obfuscates incompetence, waste, and corruption. The instantiation of various "tribes" and their intersections leads to unworkable, confusing enforcement rules that virtually no one can successfully negotiate. This creates the chaos that the left desires in order to persecute those who oppose the revolution or current regime. Hence you see people getting cancelled, dis-employed, and even imprisoned at the whim of the mob, enforcement arm, and/or the courts. You can see now that enforcement level is completely subjective depending upon the characteristic (race, gender, religion, political leanings, etc.) of the perpetrator of the infraction (as you mention with Brand).

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Any government who’s purpose “is to do the most good for the many” is ideally situated to do the most bad to the many in the wrong hands.

The Founders of this nation expressly rejected the idea that our government should have that kind of power over the lives of it’s citizens....they left the job of ‘doing the most good for the many’ to individuals, the Churches, and society.

Our current problems with an overbearing, bloated, and increasingly authoritarian government have proven the Founding Fathers right again.

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The perps are scared sh!tless. And they're dangerous. The leap in human consciousness and the potential for positive change created by the new tech is so powerful the business as usual grift of criminal politicians and financiers is transparent to reality. "ism's" are dead. Hence the "Orwellian" nightmare marching down on our lives. The American Republic and its Constitution is the last flag flying.

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I had to read that twice but damn if you're not right. The transparency has got them overreaching. Love him or hate him, Trump's indictment today may be an overreach too far. Like in 1914, just before the start of World War One, the elites had put all the pieces for global conflagration in place. Archduke Ferdinand's assassination was the match. The US Govt has 800 military bases globally, and is opposed by about 90% of the world's population. The MIC salivates about all the freedom they'll bring to those 90% when the match is again struck.

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Re-education for those 'hesitant' to hop aboard. After disembarking the gulag train you vill benefit from progressive propaganda & be 'reformed'. It vill be vunderful.

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It is pathological not political. Like Covid (if you believe the "lab leak theory") it is a manufactured disease. "Woke" is the lipstick on a pig called totalitarian finance.

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Damn that was well said.

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Substitute unions in US for private equity

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From my cold dead hands!

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The Republic and the Constitution is the only legitimate frame of reference.

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There's nothing fucking funny about any of this, unless you find 20,000-50,000 Ukrainains who've lost one or more limbs amusing. Here's my last on this sent out friends and family members:

"Canadians unconcerned about Ukrainians losing limbs, really concerned about looking stupid on the world stage. This debacle is so us, utterly sanguine about looking stupid and cruel and indifferent to the 20,000 - 50,000 Ukrainians losing limbs - to date, not to mention the dead, really upset about looking stupid on the world stage. That’s Canadian humanitarianism in 2023.

Worse, we’re now broadcasting our warped priorities and levels of callous indifference to suffering to the world. Canada’s official position is the carnage must continue. We’re really unhappy we look dumb on the world stage by saluting a Nazi in parliament. Supporting endless bloodshed in Ukraine? Not a problem.

Actual humanitarians value life and limb over appearances, it turns out. Who knew?

Check out the world press so far - we’re infamous and for good reason.

Stop sending more Canadian military expertise and cash to Ukrainians nazis bent on purifying Ukraine of all Russian culture now - coz that’s the war crime all Canadians are engaged in right now. Canada officially oppses a cease fire. Canada wants the bloody carnage to continue until we win "final victory." Endless Amputations R US. That's Canada's official position.

Start calling for an immediate cease fire in the Ukraine; start sending prosthetics to Ukraine - 20,000-50,000 limbless need real support now. (Link added: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/ukrainian-non-profit-helps-thousands-of-amputees-injured-in-the-war-get-artificial-limbs)

Let’s forget the farce in parliament and about “looking compassionate.” Let's start focusing on ending the fighting in Ukraine immediately."

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Just a quick "go fuck yourselves" to any of the armchair warriors bent on making the carnage about me, or anything else. Educate yourselves about the realities: https://bloggingheads.tv/videos/66729?in=29:41 - Quincy Institute scholar meets 19-year old Ukrainians amputees facing a future without hands, or a leg. And your response is: "let the slaughter continue."

Our intervention in Ukraine from 2014 has transformed Ukraine into a one-party, one people, one language, one culture genocidal state, with forced conscription, no freedom of the press, and no freedom of religion - bent on exterminating all "foreign influences", especially Russian from that part of Ukraine where Russians have lived for centuries. And most recently transformed the Azov nazi brigade from marginalized loons in Ukraine into Ukrainian heroes. Empowering Nazis - send them arms and make them heroes? That's your strategy? Genocidal ethnic hatred is alive and well in eastern Europe fueled, in large part, by cynical western interference in regional conflicts. Watch the linked video. Nobody in the Ukraine is "winning" except Putin and the world's arms manufacturers. And the life blood of Ukraine both literally and figuratively is bleeding out.

For you any number of Ukrainians must lose their limbs and lives to "teach Putin" a lesson. You'd have fit in with the pro-war crowd of every stupid war ever fought. People like you scare the shit out me.

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As in Nazi Germany, the current state of affairs is pathological. A psychological event. Not political. We are experiencing ideological utopianism, that is to say, woke/trans/D.E.I./misandrist anti-family feminism, etc. exploited by and in service too the hubris of megalomaniacal narcissism, the DNC/WEF/EU/CCP, etc. Their goal is to create a false narrative and continue to talk over the top of human moral reason while exploiting human lives and natural resources for personal gain and profit. It's not something else. The issue is control of the human future and the world. Their vision is not our vision. Our vision is the American Republic as defined in the Constitution.

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I believe the Russians are the first---and last---people to approach concerning a "cease fire."

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Me thinks you have a horse in this race.

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he is not a Nazi. the war will continue as long as Russia is not defeated. we are not purifying anything, we are fighting a genocidal moloch hellbent on annihilating us -- and then Europe and America. please stop with this russian propaganda bs.

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...and Trudeau shouting, “Dad?”

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George Galloway was hilarious on his MOATS show yesterday, ranting something like, "HELLO, ADOLF! Are you out there? If you really did escape that bunker, and you're still alive, come to Canada!"

If A.H. is alive, he's probably there already, living on some kind of WEF pension...

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I read some terrible book years ago in which the literal reincarnation of Hitler was strategically placed to take over the UN. I rolled my eyes and only finished the book because I didn't have anything else to read.

Now I'm like "Oh yeah, I could totally see that happening."

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Hitler- he's the gift that keeps on giving! It wouldn't surprise me a bit to find that Hollywood had made more money on swastikas than the Germans spent during WWII.

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That is a damning indictment on Hollywood...and I'll bet $100 right now that you're right.

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Not just Hollywood, and not just financial capital- there's political capital to consider as well.

In Washington and all the other capitals of the West, calling an opponent "the New Hitler" or "the Next Hitler" has been a way of generating PC (Political Capital) ever since the 1940's and maybe even the '30's. There's a New Hitler every 15 minutes. It would be an interesting project to research, to compile with an exhaustive list of everyone who has been called "the New Hitler" or "the Next Hitler", fully annotated. It might rival the OED.

As for the $100, PayPal would be fine.

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Sounds a little like Robert Ludlum’s Holcroft Covenant- sonnenkinder poised to take over the world.

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Which book is this...I am now intrigued.....

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It's been so long that I don't even remember, and there's no way I could sort through the search results :/

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No worries...I was going to run a search with the words Hitler, UN book.....not sure what I would get.....

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Nothing useful, I tried!

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Clive Cussler wrote a book about Nazi DNA being used in an apocalyptic scenario to take over the world. I found his writing atrocious, but his trope of a very advanced pre-historical people visiting the earth pretty mind blowing. Graeme Hancock produces fascinating videos on the same topic, minus the Nazis.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Dare I recommend "They Saved Hitler's Brain?" Great use of the "disembodied head floating in a jar of bubbling fluid" concept, way before "Futurama" ran with it.

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Left Behind?

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Nah this was way less mainstream.

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That made me laugh out loud! George Galloway is a force of nature. He's the greatest living orator I've ever seen. He was summoned to the US congress to be grilled about some alleged dodgy oil deals Galloway did in Iraq. Congress thought they were going to scare Galloway, maybe charge him with something. Uh uh. Galloway handed the entire panel their asses and COMPLETELY embarrassed them. He verbally pimp slapped them. It was like 12 guys jumping Jet Li. It never ends well for the 12 guys and it did not end well for the US congress. I think it's still on the internet. Viva George Galloway! (You know he will be found to have had some "Russell-Brandesque" improper contact some day soon!)

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Galloway’s testimony--especially his opening statement--put the inquiry panel on their heels like nothing I’ve seen before in my 64 years. Clarence Thomas’s closing remarks to the Senate judiciary committee runs a close second. Many thanks go out to both of them for exposing what rank amateurs we have operating in the realm of officialdom in the US. George took command early, refuting every lie the scheming committee put forth and blasted them for their ideological hypocrisy. He is a blessing.

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I will always love George if for no other reason than that one heroic performance. He wiped the floor with those hypocrites.

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Well is Hitler pro or Anti Putin? I don't know what to think about him until you tell me.

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I don't think he has any opinion regarding Putin, but his feelings toward Russia in general were pretty clear...

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As an example not a sermon, Christianity represented such a leap in human consciousness that ultimately, what was left of the Roman Empire had to recognize and incorporate it into the body politic. Before that, because it threatened the personal fortunes of the wealthy and the political elite, Rome slaughtered and blamed the problems of the day on every Christian they could get its hands on.

I've heard historians say that the printing press, another leap in consciousness, set off such war and conflict among the nobility and elite finance that it created decades of war and political mayhem. The "NET" is a repeat.

This is a fight (I'm going to shout now)over WHO WILL CONTROL THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE HUMAN FUTURE. That's why free speech, thought and American social and political infrastructure is being dismantled before our eyes. The WEF/DNC/EU/CCP needs uneducated throwaway labor and access to the world's natural resources for exploitation without consequence. The European, Canadian and Australian peoples may not recover their freedom. THE ONLY TRUE POLITIC IS THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC, THE CITIZEN AND THE CONSTITUTION. The rest is psyop and pathology.

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I applaud your ability to find this funny, after watching it. I used to think I had the darkest sense of humor possible. I was wrong. I cannot watch any of it anymore. Reading the summations of Matt and others is as far as I can get now. I really am happy that some people who find it as repulsive as I do can watch, appreciate the black to the tenth power comedy, and report on it.

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It helps when you watch the other videos first, so you get the full effect. "Honk Honk REALLY means Heil Hitler!" The solemn condemnation of ANYBODY who sides with those who wave Nazi flags......

Compared to "oopsie we did a poopsie"

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Good stuff, man! Thanks! You brought me out of my disgust! I wonder if the realize how foolish they look?

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Best comment ever!

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Trudeau with this comment on the Truckers: “Why do we tolerate these people? They’re taking up space. They’re racists, misogynists, who don’t believe in science ...”

He paraphrased HITLER: “Why do we tolerate these people. They’re taking up space. We need a final solution ...”. Trudeau should have been eviscerated by the MSM, his Liberal party and every MP in Parliament for that. Instead, crickets.

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I haven't stopped laughing

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Seriously 😐 you obviously play with dolls and what grade did you pass?

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Best comment ever!

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