
Company Profile

Curious about who you can meet at PROVADA? No need to wait until June!

With the PROVADA company profile:

Mockup bedrijfsprofiel

  • You will be visible all year round on
  • Your company will be directly linked to the online map, visible on
  • You will have a tool to make your own scholarship program and spearheads known.
  • You can add attention to your company through our newsletter.
  • With your personal login code you can adjust your company profile 24/7



The PROVADA newsletter is sent monthly to more than 25,000 people. Promote your company and place a banner in the newsletter.

Banner to company profile

Increase your brand awareness with the PROVADA network by including a direct link to your company profile in the newsletter.

Banner to corporate website

Increase your brand awareness with the PROVADA network by including a direct link to the corporate website in the newsletter.


For questions or rates, please contact John Schreuter 


Partnion is PROVADA's partner when it comes to trade fair promotion.

More information about Partnion and the products they can offer? Please contact Marc van Riet by email or telephone on +31 (0)35 631 68 85