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Harriet: News & Community

A literary blog about poetry and related news

Showing 1 to 10 of 15 Blog Posts
  • Open Door
    By Harriet Staff December 22, 2023

    In keeping with our annual tradition, Poetry Foundation staff share a book (or two) that brought them joy or comfort or pleasure this year. *** Holly Amos, Associate Editor American Inmate by Justin Rovillos MonsonRecently,...

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  • Open Door
    By Harriet Staff December 23, 2022

    In keeping with our annual tradition, Poetry Foundation staff share a book (or two, or more) that brought them joy, or comfort, or pleasure this year. *** Janet Cheung, Web Producer I would...

    Illustrated pegasus logo
  • Open Door
    By Harriet Staff December 20, 2021

    In keeping with our annual tradition, Harriet asked Poetry Foundation staff to share a book (or two) that helped them get through another challenging year. *** Evalena Friedman, Library Assistant I was completely entranced by Latitude, the debut collection...

    Illustrated pegasus logo
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff December 11, 2020

    In keeping with our yearly tradition, some members of the Poetry Foundation's staff share their favorite poetry (or poetry-related) books of 2020.

  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff December 11, 2019

    As 2019 winds down, we take a look at a few of the standout books read by the Poetry Foundation's staff this year.

    Illustrated pegasus logo
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff December 19, 2018

    In keeping with our yearly tradition, some members of the Poetry Foundation's staff share a book (or two) they enjoyed most in 2018.

    Stylized Pegasus Logo
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff December 13, 2017

    As we do every year, some members of the Poetry Foundation's staff share a book (or two) they enjoyed most in 2017. *** Beyza Ozer, Events & Logistics Assistant the magic my body...

    Pegasus logo
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff December 15, 2016

    2016 has come to pass... As we do each year, your dutiful Harriet Staff asks employees of the Poetry Foundation to share a book (or two) that helped get them...

  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff December 17, 2015

    We've reached that time-honored tradition as the year winds down when some members of our staff have highlighted a few of their favorite poetry titles of 2015. *** Henry Bienen, President of...

  • From Poetry Magazine
    By Lindsay Garbutt December 16, 2015

    Detail of the December 2015 cover, "All the Small Things" by David M. Cook The Reading List is a feature of Poetry magazine’s Editors’ Blog. This month contributors to the...

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